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Setting the record straight about Trello user profile data

Hey Trello Community,


We are aware of claims made by a threat actor about Trello user profile data. We completed an exhaustive investigation and did not find evidence to support that this data was gathered by unauthorized access. A threat actor, who was in possession of a pre-existing list of email addresses, used those email addresses to lookup public Trello user profiles. The email addresses and the public Trello user profile data were combined to create the final data set.

We want to reassure you that the threat actor only obtained Trello user profile information that was already publicly available and combined this information with email addresses that the threat actor had obtained from another source.

There is no action you need to take related to your Trello account, however, please review your Trello privacy settings to ensure anything in a public field is something you don’t mind being public. To view your public profile, log into Trello and go to

Moreover, here are some general best practices to keep your account secure:

  • Enable two-factor authentication on your Trello account.

  • Use a strong unique password mixing letter, numbers, and special characters.

  • You can also use a password manager such as LastPass or Bitwarden to generate and manage your account’s password.

We have more details on these practices to increase the protection of your account here: Protect your Atlassian account | Atlassian Support.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to our Trello Support team here.


Lee Henderson
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January 24, 2024

The linked profile page link does not work and redirects to the home page. I can understand why it would be disabled now, but please provide complete information on what data about a user was previously available there. This would constitute a fuller disclosure. 

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Brittany Joiner
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January 24, 2024

@Lee Henderson are you logged in? You might need to log in and then you can click that. Took me straight to my profile page when I clicked it

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Brittany Joiner
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January 24, 2024

@Erika Storli thanks for the transparency and update here!

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Awephton January 25, 2024

I received the notice that the Trello board was scaped and the information will be sold. What measurement need to be made? As I trusted it was safe and used Atlassian to further enhance the security, there are a lot of info that could hert my company badly if leaked.

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Awephton January 25, 2024

" Trello: In January 2024, data was scraped from Trello and posted for sale on a popular hacking forum. Containing over 15M email addresses, names and usernames, the data was obtained by enumerating a publicly accessible resource using email addresses from previous breach corpuses. Trello advised that no unauthorised access had occurred.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Usernames"

Eliane Oliveira
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January 25, 2024

Bom Dia.

Entrei agora no meu perfil do Trello e 2 áreas de trabalho da minha conta estão zeradas(sem informações) que eu tinha cadastrado de clientes. Como faço para recuperar?



Alex _ Trello
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 30, 2024

@Awephton - Only information that was already publicly available on your Trello account may have been viewed. To view your public profile, log into Trello and go to The information displayed here is publicly available.

We have more details about what kind of information is available publicly here:

Alex _ Trello
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 30, 2024

@Eliane Oliveira - it sounds like the issue you're facing is not related to this thread. If you're still experiencing an issue, please create a Community question describing the issue you're facing at and our Community will be able to assist you. 


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