Why Can't I Add Free Tier Jira Product Discovery to Our Atlassian Organization?

Jack McCormick
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June 19, 2024

Hello Community,

I am encountering an issue while trying to add the Jira Product Discovery to our organization. Despite being the org admin and operating under the free tier for both Jira and Confluence, I am unable to successfully add Jira Product Discovery. I select our site when prompted under "Add Jira Product Discovery to a Site" and click "Continue". Next, I am presented with a message that says "Your on a Free Plan", with a "Get started" button. When I click the "Get started" button, I am then presented with an error message (shown below).

Error Description:

  • Action Taken: Attempted to add Jira Product Discovery to the site.
  • Error Received: A generic error page stating "We were unable to load this page for you" without additional error codes.
  • Attempts: This issue has persisted across three separate attempts, each showing the same error after refreshing.
  • Screenshot: See below.

I've checked the main requirements and permissions and couldn't find anything that could lead to this issue. Before reaching out here, I've also explored various resources about the roles of creators and contributors within Jira Product Discovery, yet all the guides assume one has initial access, which I currently lack.

Is there a specific setting or preliminary step that I might be missing to access Jira Product Discovery? Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help!





Add Jira Product Discovery to a site

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Nicolas Grossi
Rising Star
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June 19, 2024

@Jack McCormick Welcome! That seems like a bug for me. I hope anyone from atlassian should see this post and help.



Jack McCormick
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 19, 2024

Thanks @Nicolas Grossi! That helps narrow things down for me quite a bit.

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