Jira navbar incorrect way showong for external users

Artūrs August 25, 2022


In the Jira Software data center, I have a problem with the Jira transition navbar for external users. All Jira external users nav bar see not in group Jira navbar incorrect way, but internal users nav bar works fine with dropdown. Any suggestions on how to fix problems for external users to show the dropdown menu as internal users?



2 answers

1 vote
ChristopherChilds August 25, 2022

I am assuming that the external users are seeing the first image; they do not see all the transitions available.

I would look at your workflow conditions. If you do not have access, you will need to ask your Instance Administrators.

For reference, here is a similar issue:


0 votes
Artūrs August 26, 2022



Thanks for the answer, I check the WF condition and the user needs to be added in the external group. Now works fine, thanks!! 

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