I want to see reopened issues that was fixed by specific developer

Rahul Wattamwar June 19, 2024

I have 15 reopened issues. But i want to know that, by which developer those were fixed?

Right now, those bugs assginrd to QA person

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Tuncay Senturk
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June 20, 2024

Hello @Rahul Wattamwar 

If you are free to use an app for this purpose, I'd recommend Enhancer Plugin for Jira.

You can create a resolution user custom field to track who resolved the ticket.

Also, you can use the Reopened Counter field to track the number of times an issue has been resolved.

You can use both fields in your JQL and view the results in the issue navigator.

An alternative is to redesign your workflow and set some fields in your transition post functions. However, this will not show results for issues that are already resolved and reopened.

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