Getting triggerissue watchers added to newly created Jira tickets

Marcel Rossouw May 7, 2024

@Bill Sheboy Hi Bill, please can you assist me.
I'm receiving a successful audit log of what i'm trying to do although it isn't doing what I need it to.

I'm creating a manual trigger to auto create new tickets (child of) from another issue type - what i'm trying to do however is transfer or 'copy over' all the watchers of the main ticket to all the newly created tickets so that they can keep an eye on all of the deliverables.

I watch the watchers eye icon flicker for a second on the newly created tickets but it adds no new watcher to them - it seems to add the watchers for a split second then remove them (without a trace as watchers don't appear in the history) but I receive no error in the audit log. Here is the screenshot of the automation and the audit log showing 'successful'.

I added the refetch issue afterwards due to a few steps undertaken in the 'create issue' action in case too many requests are happening simultaneously.

The create ation is merely filling the description, some custom paragraph/text fields, copying required fields from the trigger issue, completing a parent etc. There is no specific field to target to add watchers from the trigger issue in the action.

I've only blurred out our project name, watchers for the tickets created (trigger ticket and the newly created ticket) in the screenshot of the audit log.

This one action is an example of one ticket, I need about 12 of these created one after the other (so for testing, i'm only creating one to get it to work first).

This test is in a company managed project but I need it to work in a team managed project for now. 

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 08.51.49.pngScreenshot 2024-05-07 at 08.54.32.png

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Bill Sheboy
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May 7, 2024

Hi @Marcel Rossouw 

Your rule needs one adjustment to work as you asked: add a branch to the most recently created issue.

  • trigger: manually created
  • action: create issue
  • branch: to most recently created issue
    • action: add watchers

Rule actions, conditions, branches are based on context of what is the "current issue" at a specific location in the rule.  We need to add the branch so the watcher action is based on the new issue.

Also, you may remove that Re-fetch Issue action; it is not needed for this scenario.

Kind regards,

Marcel Rossouw May 8, 2024

Works perfectly, thanks Bill!

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