Can I automate to clone a task from one project to another and create subtask at the same time?

Md_ Abrarul Huda June 19, 2024

I have an automation running to clone a task from one project to another when status is changed. Can I also create a sub-task for the clone in the same process?

2 answers

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 19, 2024

Hello @Md_ Abrarul Huda 

 I believe that you can.

After the Clone Issue step add a Branch -for each Related issues / most recently created issue. That should shift the context to the issue created by the Clone action. Then you can add a Create Subtasks action inside that branch.

Md_ Abrarul Huda June 19, 2024

I can't seem to do it after cloning between 2 different projects. If I add a transition inside one project, it works perfectly. But after I have moved to a different project I got "Issues with this Issue Type must be created in the same project as the parent. (project)" error.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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June 19, 2024

Please paste screen images showing the current state of your rule, and all the details from the Audit Log for execution of the rule.

Also on the Rule Details page what have you set as the Scope of your rule?

0 votes
Clara Belin-Brosseau
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 21, 2024

Hello @Md_ Abrarul Huda 

 If you're seeking for an easier way to clone an issue on a status change with their sub-tasks, you can try our app Elements Copy & Sync that allows you to clone and sync issues with all their content (summary, description, custom fields, comments, attachments, etc.) and their child issues.


You can check our guide here.


You can try the app for free during 30 days (and it stays free under 10 users).

Kind regards,


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