Automation that reviews if multiple fields are empty and adds comment indicating specific fields

Tyler Flores
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June 18, 2024

I want to write a JPD automation that checks if multiple fields are empty; and then adds a comment indicating such. 



  • Field 1: Dummy data
  • Field 2: "Empty"
  • Field 3: "Empty"
  • Field 4: Dummy data


In this instance, the comment should indicate that Fields 2 & 3 are empty and need to be populated. I know I can add automations for each field and have separate comments for each one but wanted to see if it was possible to consolidate into a single comment. 


2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
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June 18, 2024

Hi @Tyler Flores -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Yes, that is possible, although there is no single "walk over all fields to look for empty" technique that I am aware of.

You could do this inline as the comment is created, testing each field of interest.  Or, use conditions and created variables to build-up what you want to post in the comment later in the rule.

As with many things automation-related, the details are important.  Different field types require different techniques to detect "empty", so experimentation may be required.

Kind regards,

Tyler Flores
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June 20, 2024

These fields are custom basic single-select dropdown so I don't think the detection part is too difficult. 


What I don't know how to do is "You could do this inline as the comment is created, testing each field of interest.  Or, use conditions and created variables to build-up what you want to post in the comment later in the rule."


What is the syntax to do this within the Action of Adding a Comment? Or would creating the variable be a better solution? 

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Aaron Pavez _ServiceRocket_
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June 18, 2024

Hi @Tyler Flores 

The automation with the comment is doable.

When : For example lets use manual trigger for now

IF -Issue fields condition: custom field is empty

Then: add comment issue

use: smart value {{}} -> but this one doesn't work at all in Jira cloud.

I was trying to do this, but it seems none of these works to get the custom field name:

  • {{issue.fields.customfield_xxxxx}}
  • {{}}
  • {{ custom field}}
  • {{ custom}}

@Bill Sheboy Do you know how can get the name of the field?


Bill Sheboy
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June 18, 2024

Hi @Aaron Pavez _ServiceRocket_ 

I recall seeing another post about getting custom field names in rules, and my experiments showed:

The {{}} does not return the name for Jira Cloud, even though the docs indicate it does:

I was able to get the name using a Send Web Request action calling the REST API with the expand=names parameter and then parsing the value from the names attribute:

Kind regards,

Aaron Pavez _ServiceRocket_
Rising Star
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June 19, 2024


Yeah, I came to the same conclusion. Only the API call will get me the name.

Thanks for the confirmation!



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Tyler Flores
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June 20, 2024

Hi Aaron, from what you're proposing - it sounds like it would add a new comment for each empty field correct? Is there a way to consolidate? 

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