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How many workspaces are allowed in a premium bitbucket cloud plan?

Michael Ortiz April 3, 2024

I am working on migrating from bitbucket server to bitbucket cloud. One challenge I'm facing is that we have many duplicate repository names across different projects and bitbucket cloud requires repository names to be unique within a workspace. To address this I was considering using a multi-workspace setup so that projects with repository name collisions could be placed in different workspaces. So I would like to know the following:

  1. How many workspaces are allowed in a premium plan?
    1. Is there an extra cost for using more than one workspace?
  2. What are the ramifications of using a multi-workspace setup?
  3. Is a multi-workspace setup recommended or is a single workspace the generally preferred setup?

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Atlassian Team
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April 3, 2024

G'day, @Michael Ortiz 

Welcome to the community!

Bitbucket allows you to create unlimited workspaces, but it's important to remember that each workspace has individual billing.

To illustrate, if you create three workspaces and invite five users to each, you'll be billed for a five-user license for each workspace.

We recommended utilizing a single workspace and dividing users into groups and projects. This way, you only need to pay for one workspace and can manage permissions through grouped and projects.


Michael Ortiz April 4, 2024

Thank you for the clarification.

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