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Automation for Reopening Support Tickets Based on Linked Development Ticket Status

Robin Specht
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June 18, 2024



Hello Jira Community,

I'm new to the forum and have limited experience with Jira. Over the past few weeks, I've been learning through resources like Google and Chat-GPT, but I need some additional help.

I need assistance with creating an automation for the following scenario:

I have two team-managed projects: a Kanban project used for support and a Scrum project for development. Sometimes, a support ticket requires development work, so we create a linked development ticket and initially close the support ticket, as there is no active action needed from the support team until the development is completed.

Here's what I need the automation to do:

  • When the linked development ticket reaches the status "Development Completed" or "Cancelled," the corresponding support ticket should automatically change its status from "Hypotheses Backlog" to "In Progress."

Any guidance on how to set up this automation would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,


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Mauricio Heberle
Rising Star
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June 18, 2024

Trigger: Issue transitioned from any status to "Development Completed" or "Cancelled"

Branch for Linked issues. Choose the link type you are using when linking both tickets.
   Condition: check if status is not one of "Hypotheses Backlog" to "In Progress"
   Action: change status to "Hypotheses Backlog" to "In Progress".


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