tips and tricks for uploading API proxy in Proxy Bundle

Hello All,

I am trying to upload the sample projects in the Zip formats to my workspace. Sometimes I am able to import sometimes not.

Can anyone please me help with some basics of this Zip files , like

  • what is the folder tree structure
  • what should be there as a must and minimum to get uploaded.
  • what should not be there.
  • if we have all the policies and proxy default files. how can we Zip them to upload them using Proxy Bundle Import functionality



1 3 2,354

yes I can help

Here is an example ZIP showing the structure :

  Length  Date         Time      File
--------  -----------  --------  ---------------------------------------------
       0   9-Nov-2018  16:32:12  apiproxy/
     368   9-Nov-2018  16:32:12  apiproxy/logging-example-1.xml
       0   9-Nov-2018  16:53:48  apiproxy/policies/
     744   9-Nov-2018  16:37:46  apiproxy/policies/AM-1.xml
     878   9-Nov-2018  16:39:24  apiproxy/policies/AM-2.xml
     263   9-Nov-2018  16:38:00  apiproxy/policies/AM-Response-1.xml
     421  30-May-2017  08:45:20  apiproxy/policies/RF-UnknownRequest.xml
     273   9-Nov-2018  16:38:18  apiproxy/policies/AM-Response-2.xml
     167   6-Dec-2017  08:53:32  apiproxy/policies/AM-CleanResponseHeaders.xml
       0  11-Dec-2018  16:58:10  apiproxy/proxies/
    1509  11-Dec-2018  16:58:10  apiproxy/proxies/endpoint1.xml
    1581  11-Dec-2018  16:56:28
--------  -----------  --------  ---------------------------------------------
    6204                         12 files

Extraneous entries at the toplevel are ignored. Extraneous entries in other directories will often (but not always) lead to problems.

A good way to generate a basic "bare minimum" ZIP bundle is to use the Apigee Admin UI to generate a passthrough proxy, then click "download" to get the zip.

I keep my proxies stored "unzipped" on my filesystem, and zip them only to import them. I use macos, and here is the command I use to zip a proxy bundle:

zip -r apiproxy -x \*.\*~  

The -x option there omits backup files from the bundle - these are files named with a twiddle (~) that get auto-generated by my text editor.

If you are interested, there are scripts and tools that zip up bundles for you, and can import and deploy too.

For example

hello Dino,

I am downloaded bundle from opdk 4.19.06 and tried to upload the same on apigee-hybrid1.2. But it is giving me bundle contains error.

Can you please help to solve this. I can't share the bundle but it is valid as I can reimport it on opdk.

Below is a line from the logs I can see is relevant other stuff is not at all helpful.

status: {code: 3 message: "bundle contains errors"


I'm sorry that error message is not very clear or helpful.

Yes. I can help a bit.

First, This seems like a new question. I know it's related to bundle structure, but it's not the same question as asked originally here, in 2019. Please in the future, click the green "Ask a Question" button instead of posting a question as a comment to an existing answer.

There are some features that are supported in OPDK, which are not supported in Apigee hybrid. View the comparison table here. An example of a difference for OPDK and hybrid, the LDAP policy is supported only in OPDK, as far as I know.

To get further information and assistance diagnosing the problem, try posting a new question with "hybrid" in the title.