California Privacy Rights Requests

What is the California Privacy Rights Act?

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (collectively, the "CCPA”), has certain guidelines businesses must follow and allows a California resident to have more control of how their personal information is used. This includes making certain privacy requests (CCPA requests”).

However, the CCPA doesn't apply to all businesses. Personal information used by financial services firms may be covered under certain exemptions described in the CCPA, and because of this, the CCPA typically doesn't apply to Fidelity customers.

What should I know before making a CCPA request?

What's your relationship with Fidelity?

Choose the description that best fits your relationship to Fidelity, and we'll direct you to the right form(s) for your CCPA request.

Please note, if you have multiple relationships with Fidelity, you must submit a separate request for each relationship.

To authorize a third party to make a privacy request on your behalf
If you would like to designate an authorized agent (i.e., person or business entity), to submit a privacy request on your behalf, you must complete and sign this designation form, opens in new window. You will then need to complete the appropriate form(s) above, based on your relationship(s) with Fidelity, and attach the signed designation form to the request.