LinkedIn 领英中国

LinkedIn 领英中国


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LinkedIn(领英)作为一家全球领先的职场社交平台,创建于 2003 年,总部位于美国硅谷。领英的愿景是为全球30亿劳动力中的每一位创造经济机会,进而绘制世界首个经济图谱。截止2022年4月29日,领英全球会员总数已超过8.3亿,覆盖200多个国家和地区,其中,中国会员总数已逾5,600万。领英于2014年正式宣布进入中国,并持续为个人会员和企业客户提供优质的本地化产品和服务。2021年12月,领英在中国内地正式发布全新产品——“领英职场”,持续发力中国市场。“领英职场”将沿用领英求职与招聘功能,继续帮助用户连接职业机会,协助雇主找到理想的候选人。同时,领英将继续通过人才解决方案和营销解决方案为企业和组织带来价值,在人才和品牌双方面助力中国企业的国际化发展,从而更好地连接全球商业机会。

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LinkedIn 领英中国员工


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    After ten years of honing, LinkedIn has shone brightly in the China market! 🎉 Do you remember the spring of 2014? LinkedIn, or "LING YING" as it's known in China, arrived in the market like a refreshing spring breeze, carrying the meaning in Chinese of "the voice of neighbors and friends" and symbolizing the idea that "even though we are far away, our hearts are close." Over the past decade, we have continuously explored, experimented, and transformed, finally finding our own path to success - assisting Chinese enterprises in their #goglobal efforts! 🌍 Today, we gather together to celebrate LinkedIn's 10th anniversary in China, filled with emotion! We will continue to uphold the philosophy of "connecting to opportunity" and provide more support and assistance to Chinese enterprises as they embark on their journey towards #goglobal!🚀 #LinkedIn10thAnniversaryinChina# #GoGlobal# 🎈🎊

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    We are excited to share that the 2024 Female Leadership Forum, hosted by China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and Global Women Connect (GWC) will be held on June 1st. This flagship event aims to inspire, connect, and empower women leaders in business and society, with the theme of "Redefining Strength" this year. Our country manager Nancy Wang will join the panel to share her insights on leading large and cross-cultural teams, as well as the challenges and opportunities of effective cross-cultural communication and upskilling. At LinkedIn, we believe that diversity and inclusion are essential for creating a more equitable and prosperous world, and we are committed to supporting and advancing every woman in the workforce. We are proud to celebrate and empower more women leaders in China and beyond. We look forward to seeing you there! #GWCEvent #LearningOpportunities #GenderEquality

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    AI人才和AI技能正在以“惊人”的速度向各个行业领域蔓延,据微软和领英联合发布的《2024年全球职场趋势报告:AI化工作变革》显示,全球有75%的知识型工作者已经在工作中使用了AI工具,而在中国这一数字达到了91%。过去六个月间,领英平台上在职业档案中添加AI技能的用户数量暴增了142倍,使用领英学习来提升AI技能的非技术专业人士数量飙升了160%。 随着企业的全球化竞争愈加激烈,企业管理者们也将面临着新一轮的全球人才流动和争夺。能为员工提供足够的AI工具和定制化AI技能学习机会的企业将在这一轮人才比拼中抢占先机。具备前瞻性的全球化企业都已经在采取行动,2024年领英Top Company榜单中的很多企业都在为其团队提供AI技能学习机会。 得益于微软与领英前沿技术的进一步融合,以及领英经济图谱的生成式AI模型,领英不断创新完善领英人才解决方案领英学习解决方案,帮助企业进行人才规划、人才招聘到人才培养,全面赋能中国企业实现全球化发展。#WorkTrendIndex #FutureOfWork #GoGlobal

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    自ChatGPT横空出世以来,业界讨论的焦点主要集中在大模型研发领域,然而进入2024年,AI已经突破了技术范畴的讨论,开始以惊人的速度逐步渗透到工作中的方方面面。近日,微软和领英在全球联合发布了一份重磅研究——《2024年全球职场趋势报告:AI化工作变革》,报告显示,过去半年内,全球在工作中使用生成式AI的人数几乎翻了一倍,在领英个人职业档案中添加AI技能的人数暴涨了142倍。在企业需求端,过去八年内,全球企业通过领英平台招聘的AI技术人才数量增长了323%;过去五年中,全球拥有AI主管职位的企业数量也增加了两倍。这些变化或许正揭示着一场“AI化工作变革”已经到来,企业组织的转型也随之来到了最关键的时刻。了解更多趋势洞察,欢迎下载完整报告。#WorkTrendIndex #FutureOfWork #GoGlobal

    AI at Work Is Here. Now Comes the Hard Part

    AI at Work Is Here. Now Comes the Hard Part

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    🌟 #职场新动态 🌟 你是否曾在“四世同堂”的职场环境中,感觉与不同代际的同事沟通存在困难?🤔 📊 根据领英的调研,我们发现不到三分之一的员工能够跨越年龄界限,与同事实现顺畅的交流。这凸显了职场中一个普遍存在的问题——代际隔阂。 🔄 代际隔阂不仅影响团队的协作效率,还可能对企业的创新和竞争力造成阻碍。特别是Z世代与50岁员工之间的沟通频率,更是低得令人咋舌!😱 💬 这种现象的根源何在?沟通方式的差异、利益诉求的不同,以及数字化和混合办公模式的兴起,都是造成代际隔阂的重要因素。 🎯 对于Z世代职场新人而言,如何与前辈建立有效的沟通机制是一大挑战。人脉资源有限、实践经验不足等问题,往往使他们在职场中感到孤立。 💡 领英为你带来解决之道: 1️⃣ 个性化培训:帮助员工更好地适应职场环境,促进代际间的知识共享。 2️⃣ 跨代际互动:通过组织线上论坛、团队建设等活动,增进员工间的了解和信任。 3️⃣ 双向导师制:无论经验多少,员工之间都能相互学习,共同成长。 🚀 作为全球领先的职场社交平台,领英不仅致力于连接全球人才,还通过校招解决方案助力中国企业实现“校招全球化”。我们陪伴中国出海企业春招、秋招,全面展示领英全球校招节对出海归国学生的重要性。让我们携手努力,跨越代际鸿沟,共创一个更加包容、开放的职场文化!🤝💼🚀 👇 你认为还有哪些方法能够有效弥合代际鸿沟?欢迎在评论区分享你的想法和建议!👇 💡 LinkedIn brings you solutions to effectively bridge the generational gap. 1️⃣ Personalized Training: This can help employees adapt better to the workplace environment and promote knowledge sharing between generations. 2️⃣ Cross-generational Interaction: Organizing online forums, team-building activities, and more can enhance mutual understanding and trust among employees. 3️⃣ Dual Mentorship System: This system allows employees to learn from each other and grow together, regardless of their level of experience. As a leading global professional network, LinkedIn is committed to connecting talented individuals worldwide and assisting Chinese enterprises in achieving "global campus recruitment" through our campus recruitment solutions. We accompany Chinese enterprises during spring and fall recruitment as they expand overseas, showcasing the importance of LinkedIn's Global Recruitment Festival for returning overseas students. Let's work together to bridge the generational gap and create a more inclusive and open workplace culture! 🤝💼🚀 👇 What other ways do you think can effectively bridge the generational gap? Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment! 👇 #GoGlobal #CampusRecruitmentFestival #GlobalTalentCompetition #ReturneeTalent #LinkedInCampusRecruitment

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    🤖 AI时代,职场新篇章已开启 💼 随着AI技术的迅猛发展,职场生态正在经历前所未有的变革。你是否也感受到了这股浪潮带来的冲击? 🌟 职场技能新趋势:AI技术的融入是否正在改变你所需的职业技能?你正在学习或希望掌握哪些新的技能来应对职场的新挑战? 🚀 AI助力生产力:你是否有过这样的体验,AI技术帮你完成了繁琐的工作,让你有更多时间去专注于创新和战略思考?AI如何在你的工作中发挥关键作用? 🏢 企业AI应用:你所在的企业是如何利用AI技术来优化运营、提升效率的?有哪些成功的案例让你印象深刻? 💬 让我们在评论区展开一场关于AI与职场的讨论,分享你的观点、经验和故事。无论你是职场新人还是资深管理者,你的声音都至关重要! With the rapid development of AI technology, the workplace ecosystem is undergoing unprecedented changes. Have you also felt the impact of this wave? Is the integration of AI technology changing the professional skills you need? What new skills are you learning or hoping to master to meet the new challenges in the workplace? Have you ever experienced AI technology helping you complete tedious tasks, allowing you to focus more on innovation and strategic thinking? How does AI play a crucial role in your work? How does your company utilize AI technology to optimize operations and enhance efficiency? Are there any successful cases that have left a deep impression on you? Do share your opinions, experiences, and stories in the comment! #AI职场 #职场新趋势 #技能提升 #WorkTrendIndex #FutureOfWork #GoGlobal

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    随着中国在全球留学舞台上的角色日益凸显,出国留学人数持续攀升。而与此同时,国际形势的深刻变革、中国经济的蓬勃增长以及国际地位的日益提升,正吸引着越来越多的海外留学生选择回国发展。这一趋势不仅凸显了中国留学生对家乡和祖国的深厚情感,更体现了他们对国内发展机遇的认同与期待。🏠💖 据领英最新发布的数据显示,超过八成的中国留学生在毕业后首选回国发展,其中八成选择直接就业,而仅有1%的留学生计划创业。这一数据直观反映了当前留学生归国后的创业意愿普遍较低,且呈现出下降趋势。📊💼 留学生的归国决定主要受家庭因素、生活与文化环境等因素驱动,他们更看重在国内的稳定生活和发展机会。👨👩👧👦🏙️ 在这个快速变化的时代,无论是留学生还是企业,都需要不断适应和调整,以抓住机遇,实现更好的发展。🚀🌈 As China's role in the global education landscape continues to grow, more and more students are pursuing overseas studies. However, according to the latest data released by LinkedIn, over 80% of Chinese students overseas prefer to return to China for development after graduation, with 80% choosing direct employment and only 1% planning to start their own businesses. This trend not only highlights the profound affection of Chinese students towards their hometown and motherland, but also reflects their recognition and expectation of domestic development opportunities. LinkedIn China's Country Manager Nancy Wang stated, "This data reflects the pragmatic attitude of current Chinese students towards career development. With the booming domestic economy and the increasingly mature job market, more and more overseas students are choosing to return to China for further development and seek stable career paths. At the same time, it also reminds us that companies need to pay more attention to the job seeking needs and expectations of returning students during the recruitment process to formulate more precise recruitment strategies." #ChineseStudents #ReturneesTrend #PhDReturnees #CareerPlanning #GoGlobal

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    🌎 世界经济论坛 World Economic Forum 与领英数据显示,至2025年,Z世代将占据全球劳动力的25%以上。这一代人,带着全球化的视野和多元化的思维,正逐步成为职场的新力量。在当前全球经济和企业招聘市场“持续低迷”的背景下,毕业生求职的供需比失衡愈发明显。传统的海外学历优势正在淡化,而实习项目经验及专业技能+软技能的实际运用能力,正成为企业雇主考察的重点。作为领英增长最快的群体,Z世代正积极刻画自己的职业轨迹。调研显示,54%的Z世代考虑跳槽,且跳槽数量的年增长率高达80%。他们渴望寻求更好的职业机会和发展空间。海归留学生具备前沿的AI知识和能力,是中国全球化企业急需的后备人才。企业管理者需灵活调整招聘和管理模式,打造具备国际化视野的“青年人才体系”,从而激活Z世代的巨大潜力。 🔍 According to data from the World Economic Forum (WEF) and LinkedIn, Generation Z will account for over 25% of the global workforce by 2025. This generation, armed with a global perspective and diverse thinking, is gradually emerging as a new force in the workplace. 🌪️ Even for those who successfully enter the workplace, the beginning of Generation Z's career journey is filled with turbulence and confusion. They are labeled as "unreliable," but behind this label lies a strong pursuit of "freedom" and "values," as well as the confusion and insecurity brought by the times. 🏠 According to LinkedIn's "2023 Insight Report on Chinese Students Returning Home for Jobs," 84% of Chinese students prefer to return to China for career development. Nearly half of them have already begun searching for job opportunities in China before graduation. However, over 70% of these returnees had no overseas living or work experience before studying abroad, making internship experience particularly crucial. 🚀 As the fastest-growing group on LinkedIn, Generation Z is actively shaping their own career trajectories. Research shows that 54% of Generation Z is considering switching jobs, with an annual growth rate of job hopping reaching 80%. They are eager to seek better career opportunities and development spaces. 💡 Overseas returnees possess cutting-edge AI knowledge and capabilities, making them urgently needed backup talents for China's globalized enterprises. Business managers need to flexibly adjust their recruitment and management models to create a "youth talent system" with an international perspective, thus activating the tremendous potential of Generation Z. #GenerationZ #OverseasReturnees #InternshipExperience #JobHoppingTrends #GoGlobal

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    绿色雇主企业是ESG(环境、社会和治理)理念的重要践行者和引领者,不仅关注环境保护和企业经济效益,更从“人”的维度出发,将机会平等、员工福祉、性别平等、社会责任等一系列商业和职场议题纳入其核心战略,积极营造绿色、平等、包容的职场环境,使每一位员工都能找到归属感和成就感。 👨🏭 👩💻 👨💼 👩🔬 👩🏭 👨🔧 👷♀️ 👨💻 👩💼 👨🏭 领英期待更多的企业分享他们的#绿色雇主 之道,共同推动创造一个绿色、多元、包容的工作环境,为员工提供平等的发展机会,释放个人的潜能,为企业的可持续发展注入动力。在全球化的进程中,开展跨文化的交流沟通,打造符合本土市场文化的雇主品牌,实现ESG的社会和治理目标。 #GreenIN #GoGlobalGoGreen #ESG #多元人才 #跨文化交流 #平等机会 #多文化融合 #员工福利 #社区公益 #GreenEmployers are not just important practitioners and leaders of the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, they are the embodiment of these principles. They go beyond focusing on environmental protection and corporate economic benefits, they place ‘people’ at the heart of their development. By deeply integrating a broad spectrum of issues such as equal opportunities, employee welfare, gender equality, and responsibility into their corporate management, Green Employers actively foster a sustainable, inclusive, and equitable workplace environment. This ensures that every employee can find a sense of belonging and accomplishment. We anticipate more companies sharing their #GreenEmployer practices. Together, we can advocate for the creation of a green, diverse, and inclusive work environment, provide employees with equal development opportunities, and unleash individual potential. This collective effort will significantly contribute to the sustainable development of companies. As we navigate the process of overseas development, let’s engage in cross-cultural communication, build employer brands that resonate with local market cultures, and achieve the social and governance goals of ESG. #GreenIN #GoGlobalGoGreen #ESG #GreenEmployer #CorporateResponsibility #TalentDiversity #EqualOpportunity #EmployeeWelfare #InterculturalCommunication #CulturalIntegration #CommunityCSR Guangzhou Zhou Surname Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. UniRFID IOT Tech Co.,LTD Stepshao International Limited CHINA ENERGY AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO.,LTD Xiamen Jiree Plastic Products Co., Ltd. Otennlux Lighting Technology Co.,LTD Moore Automation Sunrise Silicone Hose Co., Limited Shenzhen GemSign Technology Co., Ltd. Dongguan Kinshun Packing Material Co., Ltd WINTOP OPTICS LENS MANUFACTURER Shenzhen Yucera Dental Materials Co., Ltd. DOCOD PRECISION GROUP LIMITED 杭州别样价值科技有限公司 Susino Umbrella Limited Company Ulifefoods Yangzhou Lecuso New Energy Co., Ltd. LUMISPOT TECH  Jiangsu Soho International Group Yangzhou Co., Ltd. (Hotel Amenities) RIFENG Suzhou CAI Machine Group Co.,Ltd 苏州全彩机械设备有限公司  Autobio Diagnostics Suzhou Carman Haas Laser Technology Co., Ltd  JIANGSU MAAT OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD CLM Group QUICK LASER  Sino Composite Kolo Medical Projoy Electric Co., Ltd.

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    #GreenEmployers are not just important practitioners and leaders of the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, they are the embodiment of these principles. They go beyond focusing on environmental protection and corporate economic benefits, they place ‘people’ at the heart of their development. By deeply integrating a broad spectrum of issues such as equal opportunities, employee welfare, gender equality, and responsibility into their corporate management, Green Employers actively foster a sustainable, inclusive, and equitable workplace environment. This ensures that every employee can find a sense of belonging and accomplishment.👨🏭 👩💻 👨💼 👩🔬 👩🏭 👨🔧 👷♀️ 👨💻 👩💼 👨🏭 We anticipate more companies sharing their #GreenEmployer practices. Together, we can advocate for the creation of a green, diverse, and inclusive work environment, provide employees with equal development opportunities, and unleash individual potential. This collective effort will significantly contribute to the sustainable development of companies. As we navigate the process of overseas development, let’s engage in cross-cultural communication, build employer brands that resonate with local market cultures, and achieve the social and governance goals of ESG. 绿色雇主企业是ESG(环境、社会和治理)理念的重要践行者和引领者,不仅关注环境保护和企业经济效益,更从“人”的维度出发,将机会平等、员工福祉、性别平等、社会责任等一系列商业和职场议题纳入其核心战略,积极营造绿色、平等、包容的职场环境,使每一位员工都能找到归属感和成就感。 领英期待更多的企业分享他们的#绿色雇主 之道,共同推动创造一个绿色、多元、包容的工作环境,为员工提供平等的发展机会,释放个人的潜能,为企业的可持续发展注入动力。在全球化的进程中,开展跨文化的交流沟通,打造符合本土市场文化的雇主品牌,实现ESG的社会和治理目标。 HiTHIUM Energy Storage DMEGC Solar Lead Intelligent Equipment Hopewind SUPCON MGI Growatt New Energy SANY Group Sinoboom KSTAR Smart Energy Hanshow BlueSword Shanghai Himmers Promotion Berrymmed Suzhou Senmu Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Changshu Yongdeli Spunlaced Non-woven Fabric Co., Ltd. Yangzhou Xintong Transport Equipment Group Co., Ltd. BLO Machinery Equipment  Suzhou Quanhua Biomaterial Co.,Ltd.  JIANGSU OCEAN SOLAR CO., LTDJILONG optical communication  Dear-Railway Container Transport  Super Hot Co., Ltd. Shenzhen DFW PCB Electronic Co.,Ltd FUJIAN EAST XINWEI TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD Xiamen Xunsheng Automation Co., Ltd. Hellovein #GreenIN #GoGlobalGoGreen #ESG #GreenEmployer #CorporateResponsibility #TalentDiversity #EqualOpportunity #EmployeeWelfare #InterculturalCommunication #CulturalIntegration #CommunityCSR

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