AlloyDB Omni pricing

This page contains information about pricing for AlloyDB Omni, a downloadable edition of AlloyDB, designed to run anywhere—in your data center, on your laptop, at the edge, and in any cloud. Pricing for AlloyDB Omni is simple, affordable, easy to manage, and easy to scale as workloads grow.

AlloyDB Omni subscriptions are designed to fit your workloads. You can purchase a combination or multiple increments to customize your time frames and permissible vCPUs. The vCPUs you purchase can be deployed across multiple servers or virtual machines according to your workload needs. Any available discount programs will be automatically applied to your AlloyDB Omni purchase.

The free AlloyDB Omni Developer edition can be used to evaluate, prototype, test, develop, and demonstrate your application, prior to production.

The Starter subscription can be used for production workloads, and includes 16 vCPUs:
$80.94/mo per vCPU, renews monthly ($1,295/mo)

You can add standard 100-vCPU subscriptions to scale up. Standard subscriptions are intended for scaling production workloads, and you can add more as needed.

$69.95/mo per vCPU, renews monthly ($6,995/mo)

1-year (15% off)
$59.56/mo per vCPU, renews annually ($5,945.75/mo)

3-year (30% off)
$48.97/mo per vCPU, renews every 3 years ($4,896.50/mo)

For enterprise subscriptions, contact sales directly.

Request a custom quote

With Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for the services you use. Connect with our sales team to get a custom quote for your organization.
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