

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Zürich, Zurich 11.273 Follower:innen

And your digital business works


Das Schweizer Software-Unternehmen Adnovum unterstützt Kunden bei der schnellen und sicheren Digitalisierung von Geschäftsprozessen von der Beratung und Konzeption über die Implementierung bis hin zum Betrieb. Zu Adnovums Kernkompetenzen gehören weiter Identity and Access Management sowie Security-Lösungen und Security-Beratung. Im Fokus stehen Kunden, die sich über innovative Digitalisierungslösungen differenzieren wollen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Banken, Versicherungen und Behörden. Adnovum wurde 1988 gegründet. Heute arbeiten am Hauptsitz in Zürich und in den Büros in Bern, Lausanne, Budapest, Lissabon, Ho Chi Minh City und Singapur 600 Mitarbeitende.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Zürich, Zurich
Application development and integration, security engineering, IT consulting, mobile enterprise, Nevis product suite, identity management, cloud enabling, compliance, collaboration, Software solutions, Cyber Security und custom applications


Beschäftigte von Adnovum


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    🚗Another Client Success Story in the books 🚗 This one is about the Mobility Genossenschaft Car-Sharing App. And this is how it goes: Not too long ago, we were tasked to create a new app with a fresh look and feel for the Mobility Genossenschaft. The aim was to live up to today’s user expectations to keep existing customers engaged and attract new ones, especially among the younger generation. So we created a new app with great #UX and a virtual map at the ❤️ of the app. We also introduced new features such as a a cost calculator to make sure cost transparency and high performance are guaranteed. And there’s so much more to it! But we don’t want to steal too much of your time. So if you’re curious to know more, you’ll find the whole story here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

    11.273 Follower:innen

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has calculated that more than 1.3 billion people worldwide live with a disability. This corresponds to around 16% of the world's population.🌍 Or in other words: 1 in 5 people globally. Looking at these numbers it's no surprise that accessible solutions are a benefit for everyone! For this reason, we are holding a live #accessibility webinar on June 26, in which we will explain how you can make your digital services and apps more accessible. Make sure to register right away:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Just as with any software system, AI-driven applications have unique security challenges.💻⚡ Here are 4️⃣ threats worth mentioning: 1- Data poisoning With data poisoning, an attacker manipulates training data to misguide AI algorithms. As a result, AI-driven apps may make wrong predictions or conclusions, negatively impacting decision-making processes and potentially leading to serious consequences. 2- Adversarial attacks Adversarial attacks are designed to deceive AI algorithms through subtly modified input data. Even slight modifications, invisible to the human eye, can trick AI systems into misclassifying information. 3- Model leeching Model leeching enables an attacker to copy chunks of data of large language models (LLM) and to use the information gained to launch targeted attacks. 4- Model privacy With a model privacy attack, a hacker tries to obtain information about the training data of the model itself. Is AI thus too much of a risk to take advantage of it? 🤔 Find out in this blog:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    UX design is like art. Everybody follows their intuition until it just feels right. 💣 WRONG 💣 Good UX design not only makes digital solutions accessible and user-friendly, it can also be measured and tested. The very same goes for the implementation of accessible websites and apps. Learn how to make your digital offering accessible and why it is key for your business offering in our upcoming Live Webinar on June 26 👉 #accessibility

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Datenschutz ist für die Viscom Engineering AG eine Selbstverständlichkeit. 👌💯 Deshalb haben sie – unter der Leitung von Denis Bochud – uns vor kurzem beauftragt, ihre Systeme und Prozesse auf den letzten Stand zu bringen. Lesen Sie hier wie wir vorgegangen sind, was für Features der Viscom echten Mehrwert bringen und wie die Lösung konkret ausschaut 👉 #dataprotection #datasecurity #cybersecurity

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Die neust IFZ-Studie «Digital Insurance Experience» ist frei zugänglich auf unserer Webseite: 📩 Untersucht wurde das digitale Angebot von 46 Schweizer Versicherern anhand von insgesamt 300 Kriterien, aufgeteilt in 11 verschiedene Dimensionen. Dabei wurden traditionelle Versicherungen und Neoversicherungen aus allen Sparten unter die Lupe genommen. Die Studie wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der HSLU Hochschule Luzern, dem Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug IFZ, Finnoconsult und Adnovum realisiert. 👉 Die Ergebnisse der Studie sind ein Must-have für alle Entscheidungsträger:innen bei Versicherungen und natürlich auch für all diejenigen, die sich für die Performance der Schweizer Versicherer interessieren.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Are your digital services accessible? 🌍Or are you still reaching only 4 out of 5 people worldwide? 🌍 #Accessibility comes with many benefits for everyone. Some of them are: 👩🦯You reach more customers 💰You improve your cost efficiency 🖤 You create a positive brand image Get informed and make your products digitally accessible, too. Your next chance to do so will be our upcoming live webinar on June 26. Sign up now:

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    Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

    11.273 Follower:innen

    Have you ever thought about how a visually impaired person shops in a store? Either way, you'll see in this movie 🎬, that #accessibility is a serious game changer for any online or offline offering. And this is what we will be talking about in our upcoming Live Accessibility Webinar on June 26! 👉 Join us to learn how to make a website or application accessible! 

  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

    11.273 Follower:innen

    Ensuring #security and #dataprivacy during #AI adoption is key for any business – but also full of challenges.⚡ Some of the challenges are: 1️⃣ AI systems are «data hungry», which means they need extensive data to become accurate and effective. Balancing this demand with individual privacy rights is a key task. 2️⃣ And then, there's the issue of AI explainability – or the lack thereof. When client data becomes a part of this «AI black box», questions about data usage, transparency, and consent arise. 3️⃣ There's a technical challenge. AI systems often involve complex infrastructure, incorporating cloud repositories, IoT devices, and other network endpoints. Protecting all components of this wide-reaching surface from cyber threats calls for advanced security strategies. Swipe to learn which strategies will help you around the challenges or have a look at our blog, too:

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