Receiver App ID help_outline
Use the default receiver application ID provided (CC1AD845) or enter your own application ID. Scroll down for logs.
This feature requires a Chrome Browser of version 87 or higher. In order to be able to use this feature, please update your Chrome browser or download Google Canary
Current Chrome Version:
Launch Options help_outline
Enable Cast Connect by checking the Android TV box below before establishing a session with your ATV device. Additionally, you can set Launch Credentials for your Cast Connect session. Please note, Launch Credentials can only be set before a session is established.
Receiver Debug Overlay help_outline
Show, hide or clear the debug overlay on the receiver during an ongoing session. This should not interrupt the session and show the messages being received on the receiver end.
Resume Session (Optional) help_outline
To join an existing cast session, enter the session ID and click on Resume session.
Log Message Controls help_outline
Controls to either insert a custom message, download(as .txt file) or clear logs as needed.
Load Request Fields help_outline
Select which type of Load Request you'd like to send to your receiver. Hover over the radio buttons to learn more about each request type.
Send a Media.LoadRequest object. Requires at least one of Content ID, Content URL or Entity URL fields to be populated in order to send out the request.
Send a Load By Entity Request. Content URL and Content ID fields are not included for this request type.
Select Request Type:
Custom Load Request help_outline
Use this field to define your own load request JSON object to be sent over the CAC namespace. No entries from the other view will be attached to this object hence, make sure the object is complete and follows JSON syntax. Use TAB for indentation, if required.
Send a Media.LoadRequest object. Requires at least one of Content ID, Content URL or Entity URL fields to be populated in order to send out the request.
Send a Load By Entity Request. Content URL and Content ID fields are not included for this request type.
Select Request Type:
Playback Controls help_outline
Playback controls are issued on the media namespace and shall trigger respective commands similar to those sent by a cast sender device.
Repeat One
Repeat all
Repeat Off
Play Again
Seek Into Media help_outline
Seeks can be relative or absolute. Enter a time in seconds here (>= 0). E.g., enter a value of 0 and click 'absolute seek to 'x' sec' to seek to the beginning of the content.
Captions help_outline
Toggle Captions ON/OFF. Choose a Captions language and also choose if it is to be signaled as a suggested language - something not explicitly chosen by the user, but instead inferred from the user's spoken language.
Alternated Audio help_outline
(New) command to test switching to an anternate audio language track in the currently playing media. Please make sure you test with a stream that has two or more audio tracks. Choose the alternate audio track language to change to. Also, choose if it is to be signaled as a suggested language - something not explicitely chosen by the user, but instead inferred from the user's spoken language.
User Actions help_outline
User actions are issued in the Command & Control namespace. These will be available in the userAction callback in your receiver application. User actions also have an optional context that you could receive. E.g.: track, album etc. Please refer to the documentation for additonal details.
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Checking for Media Status help_outline
(Media Status messages are sent from the receiver to update senders on current receiver status and are usually in response to commands on the media namespace. E.g. Play, Pause etc. If you use the Cast receiver SDK provided Media Manager to handle incoming media messages in your receiver application, this should work automatically (unless you have explicitely overriden the behavior). If you are managing messages on the media namespace without the Cast SDK provided Media Manager, please make sure that you send out media status messages for all incoming commands in the media namespace.

Once you have issued a few media commands, please scroll to the Logs section to see if you received Media Status messages from your receiver application. These messages look like "Received MediaStatus update on media namespace"
What's Playing help_outline
Command to check what is being played right now. Once a media is playing, please check the Logs section to see the title provided in the metadata of the media.
Play String help_outline
A playString call is issued from your receiver application. This button triggers the 'STREAM_HIJACKED' playstring by simulating the scenario as part of a load request. Please refer to the documentation for more details.
Display Status help_outline
Applicable when casting to devices with a screen. When users ask for the currently playing media, applications will need to display status information of the currently playing media on the TV screen.
Focus State help_outline
This message is sent to your application if the platform is ducking your application's volume due to assistant activity such as listening to talk, talking back, alarms, etc. A state change event is sent when activity is started with NOT_IN_FOCUS state, and when activity ends with IN_FOCUS state.
Note that this is only available in device software version 1.26 and ahead.
Custom Tags:
Media Info

Media Status
