Modified PXU Photoset Script

modified by @bychloethemes

In my recent theme I used the Pixel Union extended photoset plug-in with large gutters. Unfortunately with large gutters it became extremely obvious how it didn’t crop images properly (if you want to know, it adds a margin left to the images and crops the overflow instead of decreasing the width of all images). I modified the script to resize properly and thought I’d share. It’s now compatible with any gutter width. Please note that I had to delete the built in caption and exif data capabilities of the original plug-in to upload as a tumblr static, so if you need that info, please refer to gukthemes and cathms tutorial which fixes this by using fixed 4px gutters.

The above example is using 30px gutters to make the cropping obvious.

Instructions below the cut.

Firstly, make sure you have the original script installed. If you don’t know how you can follow shythemes’ tutorial (do not use gukthemes/cathms tutorial).

Next, replace the pxuphotoset.min.js link with the following:

<script src=""></script>

Finally, ensure that your settings do not mention the exif or caption options. If you followed @shythemes‘ tutorial this won’t be a problem.

This plug-in is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to report any issues.

Post featured in example can be found here.

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