Bug 1718011 Comment 7 Edit History

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I've verified this problem on Windows and Linux, but it appears that the doorhanger already appears in the correct place on macOS.

The underlying problem seems to be a 4 pixel margin that the doorhanger is given that pushes it below the bottom of the chrome. I believe that the 4 pixels are needed to display a shadow "under" the doorhanger. But it looks like that wasn't done on macOS, for some reason.

I should have a patch up for this shortly.
I've verified this problem on Windows and Linux, but it looks like the doorhanger already appears in the correct place on macOS.

The underlying problem seems to be a 4 pixel margin that the doorhanger is given that pushes it below the bottom of the chrome. I believe that the 4 pixels are needed to display a shadow "under" the doorhanger. But it looks like that wasn't done on macOS, for some reason.

I should have a patch up for this shortly.

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