Mon Jul 1 2024 02:18:07 PDT
  • Product: Core
  • Component: Web Audio
  • Updated: (is greater than or equal to) -6m
  • Resolution: (changed to) FIXED
  • Resolution: (changed after) -6m

17 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1871838 stack-buffer-overflow webaudio/AudioEventTimeline.cpp:510 in AudioEventTimeline::GetValuesAtTimeHelperInternal Core Web Audio karlt RESO FIXE 2024-05-30
1636121 audioWorklet.addModule aborts with Error: Module resolve hook not set Core Web Audio nobody RESO FIXE 2024-01-11
1872391 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 43824 - WebAudio: remove unused and incorrect resource Core Web Audio wptsync RESO FIXE 2024-01-10
1874486 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 43978 - Update rendering state of automatic pull nodes before graph rendering Core Web Audio wptsync RESO FIXE 2024-01-15
1881824 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 44753 - Activate output connection to AudioParam in AudioWorkletProcessor Core Web Audio wptsync RESO FIXE 2024-03-02
1882027 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 44783 - WebAudio: remove unused and incorrect resource Core Web Audio wptsync RESO FIXE 2024-03-02
1887036 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 45278 - [webaudio] Fix AudioDestinationNode asserting numberOfOutputs = 1 Core Web Audio wptsync RESO FIXE 2024-04-08
1897107 [wpt-sync] Sync PR 46302 - Add @chrisguttandin to `webaudio/` reviewers Core Web Audio wptsync RESO FIXE 2024-05-23
1874547 Perma [tier 2] /webaudio/the-audio-api/<something> | <something> Core Web Audio karlt RESO FIXE 2024-02-08
1882685 Some tests try to test HRTF panning but don't Core Web Audio karlt RESO FIXE 2024-03-06
1887843 Assertion: sFFVPXLib.av_tx_init && sFFVPXLib.av_tx_uninit on ios when using web audio Core Web Audio mh+mozilla RESO FIXE 2024-05-01
1891667 Crash on e.g. on OSX Core Web Audio mh+mozilla RESO FIXE 2024-04-17
1871567 Update Web Audio Peers Core Web Audio padenot RESO FIXE 2024-05-15
1872670 Update xsimd to new version 3216c13f180e671d61b8bf7ecb96168f78592100 from 2024-01-02 07:57:02 Core Web Audio padenot RESO FIXE 2024-01-08
1879873 Always use ffmpeg's FFT code for the Web Audio API FFT needs Core Web Audio padenot RESO FIXE 2024-05-15
1882711 fatal error: FFVPXRuntimeLinker.h: No such file or directory Core Web Audio padenot RESO FIXE 2024-03-07
1882980 Crash in [@ @0x0 | set_alt_signal_stack_and_start] Core Web Audio padenot RESO FIXE 2024-03-28
17 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product