Tue Jul 2 2024 06:46:05 PDT
  • Component: Storage: Quota Manager
  • Product: Core

288 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1569433 Firefox shows warning about local storage usage when using WebTorrent Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1395705 Figure out what storage can be moved to 'Local' path on Windows and what can remain in 'Roaming' Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-17
1703612 Keeping the profile folder on a small sized drive break some websites. Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2021-04-20
1717073 Ancestry.com is failing when trying to type text into the message field of their messaging system Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-26
1746773 Opening comment threads for a youtube playlist causes quotamanager crashes, when 2 extensions are installed Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2023-05-19
1852425 Units error on Privacy & Security tab Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-14
1670393 Storage directory contains thousands of files and subdirectories Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-25
1676155 Limiting size of 'storage' in the profile folder Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2020-11-16
1892994 Quota for Origin Private File System much too small on Firefox Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-24
1482662 [meta] The War on Storage Initialization Failures Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-04
1875995 [meta] Enable background origin initialization on Nightly Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga NEW --- 2024-01-23
1903985 Add some information about pending ClearRequestBase operations to quota manager shutdown crash annotation Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga NEW --- Wed 11:18
1905068 Use a cached list of all available temporary origins for pattern-based clearing of origins Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga NEW --- Thu 05:54
1382598 Mochitest coverage for the storage functionality - review Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1395133 Write tests for non-ASCII profile directories Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1403441 Make storage api support history.pushState() Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1414751 Intermittent test-verify browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_siteData.js | Should list sites using quota usage or appcache - Got 1, expected 2 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-29
1487779 Consider tracking the broken origin directory on Beta or Release Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1512750 Having a marker file before removing files in QuotaManager Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-06-27
1522464 Enhance the OriginParser for obsolete origins Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1576132 QM: Add telemetry for quota caching Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1591011 QM: Remove unused .metadata files during a major or minor storage upgrade Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1591050 QM: Remove empty origin directories during a major or minor storage upgrade Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1591123 [meta] QM: Add a new major or minor storage upgrade Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-05-24
1592404 Assertion failure: StringBeginsWith(path, directoryPath), at dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:4617 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-07
1595445 Handle unknown files for GetLastModifiedTime Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-12
1595447 Remove IsOSMetadata and IsDotFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1595448 Origin and client directories can't be initialized if there's a file with the same name Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1609640 Add telemetry for Connection::GetQuotaObjects failures Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1609641 Ensure that Connection::GetQuotaObjects does not fail Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1617842 QM: Rework verifyStorage() to support diff like definition of expected changes Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-07
1619891 QM: Improve Storage initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619893 QM: Improve TemporaryStorage initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619895 QM: Improve PersistentOrigin initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619896 QM: Improve TemporaryOrigin initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619898 QM: Improve TemporaryRepository initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619899 QM: Improve DefaultRepository initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619900 QM: Improve UpgradeStorageFrom0_0To1_0 initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619901 QM: Improve UpgradeStorageFrom1_0To2_0 initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619902 QM: Improve UpgradeStorageFrom2_0To2_1 initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619903 QM: Improve UpgradeStorageFrom2_1To2_2 initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1619904 QM: Improve UpgradeStorageFrom2_2To2_3 initialization success rate Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1620272 Cleanup related to OriginParser and GetDirectoryMetadata2WithRestore Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-07-05
1620277 QM: Improve testing infrastructure and add more tests Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-07
1621920 Ignore unknown directories in client directories during temporary storage initialization Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-13
1665080 Make use of QM_TRY in loops with special error handling involving RECORD_IN_NIGHTLY and CONTINUE_IN_NIGHTLY_RETURN_IN_OTHERS macros Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-07-05
1666208 Analyze storage initialization (excluding temporary storage initialization) impact on application startup Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-09-23
1666211 Analyze temporary storage initialization (excluding storage initialization) impact on first page load Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-09-23
1666489 Add more telemetry for quota info loading Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-10-06
1702421 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:GetBinaryInputStream | dom/quota/StreamUtils.cpp:GetBinaryInputStream Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:12
1702595 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp:RemoveNsIFileRecursively Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1702598 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaClient::GetUsageForOriginInternal Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-02-16
1703269 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:InvalidateCache Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1703271 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:ExistsAsFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:11
1703797 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp:RemoveNsIFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1703801 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.h:CollectEachFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:12
1704085 Add more prefs for temporary storage limits calculation Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-02
1704437 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:MaybeUpdateGroupForOrigin Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-11-10
1704444 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::MaybeCreateOrUpgradeStorage Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-06-19
1708119 [QM_TRY] Warnings in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:LoadUsageFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1712052 QM: Implement storage maintenance Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-02-20
1714963 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::LoadFullOriginMetadata Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-23
1720082 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:MaybeCreateOrUpgradeCache Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-09-22
1762908 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::quota::OriginInfo::LockedDecreaseUsage] Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-05-25
1778472 Firefox startup extremely slow after reboot (24 seconds wait in Web Extensions process from mozilla::dom::LSObject::EnsureDatabase) Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1854904 Compare performance of moving origin directories versus deleting origin directories during shutdown Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-25
1855352 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::LoadQuota Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-26
1871215 Add a mechanism to nsIQuotaManagerService to wedge threads until a promise is resolved to create edge cases related to IPC timing Core Storage: Quota Manag aiunusov NEW --- 2024-01-09
1797098 QM: CheckTemporaryStorageLimits may block shutdown (Follow up to 1588522) Core Storage: Quota Manag hsingh NEW --- 2022-10-26
1859558 QuotaManager to own the set of CipherKeyManagers for all quota clients. Core Storage: Quota Manag hsingh NEW --- 2023-10-17
1900310 Add a new module for QuotaManager to reflect governance post of May 2024 Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga NEW --- 2024-06-03
1859316 Update dom/quota/script/fetch_fn_names.sh to reflect changes in `rust-code-analysis-cli` Core Storage: Quota Manag mvanstraten NEW --- 2023-11-20
1870868 Map `ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT` to `NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED` not `NS_ERROR_FILE_FS_CORRUPTED` Core Storage: Quota Manag mvanstraten NEW --- 2024-03-21
1305665 Consider removing origin groups for storage usage Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-21
1309177 Cancel quotaExceed flag in QuotaClients after calling persist() Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1342415 Not able to completely clear origin when file is still open in windows 7 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1343576 Get rid of old metadata files Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1348705 Netflix error 32660 (.metadata file blocks) Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1370849 Create helper functions to delete file in dom/quota and use it to all quota clients Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1374970 navigator.storage.estimate() returns the group's usage instead of the origin's usage Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1385936 The notification bar dissapear if click "Learn More" button from the same tab Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-16
1453587 Add a QuotaManagerService::clearDefault method Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1493002 QuotaManager needs a way to wipe origins based on protocol scheme in support of libdweb Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1493006 Make QuotaManager OriginParser understand WebExtension protocol_handlers schemes in support of libdweb Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1548221 Allow creation of new origin directories from threads other than QuotaManager I/O thread Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1548744 listInitializedOrigins can return duplicate origins Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1565716 Implement: StorageEstimage.usageDetails Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1588510 QM: Add IsShuttingDown checks to storage upgrade functions Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-12
1588519 QM: CreateLocalStorageArchiveConnectionFromWebAppsStore may block shutdown Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1593365 QuotaManager storage v4 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-21
1594075 Ignore unknown directories in repositories and origin directories during temporary storage initialization Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-13
1595002 QM: Speedup getUsage and listOrigins by getting necessary information from a database Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1598609 Memory leak in RequestResolver::GetStorageEstimate after calling QueryInterface Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
1619598 Consolidate method names in nsIQuotaManagerService and related C++ counterparts Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1624896 Have static analysis that ensures QM_NewLocalFile usage is kept in dom/quota/ Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1626261 Add a subtest (gtest) to verify the behaviors of changing `useDOSDevicePathSyntax` Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1638831 QM: Directory traversals prematurely finish if a directory entry is modified and then deleted Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-13
1641505 QM: Add ability to define multiple subtests Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-05-28
1643313 Consider having separate subclasses for DirectoryLockImpl to differentiate whether mOpenListener is used Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-06-04
1645312 Have a permanent telemetry for tracking initialization success rate of client Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-25
1659458 Have nsIQuotaManagerService expose a variable that conveys whether QuotaManager is broken or not Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-08-17
1661711 Handle the remaining cases that if the origin stored in the metadata file mismatches the origin directory name Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-25
1674325 When the site usage is near its quota, IDBObjectStore.delete() sometimes fails with NS_ERROR_FILE_NO_DEVICE_SPACE Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-07
1674326 When the site usage is near its quota, Cache.delete() sometimes fails with a quota error Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-07
1679504 Assertion failure: !hasUsage, at dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:7359 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-11-27
1687478 Simplify QuotaManager::DirectoryLockTable Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-19
1690520 Fix remaining tests that trigger QuotaManager::GetOrCreate with no profile path Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-02-04
1697172 Prevent accidental uses of QM_TRY_INSPECT Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-03-09
1699070 QM: Add "DETAIL" to internal macro names Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1704433 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::EnsureStorageIsInitializedInternal Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1704434 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateDirectoryMetadata2 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1704438 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::InitializeRepository Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-07-20
1704439 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.cpp:GetDirEntryKind Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1704440 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::CopyLocalStorageArchiveFromWebAppsStore Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1704442 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.cpp:ExecuteSingleStep Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:12
1704443 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:UpdateUsageFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1705013 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/StreamUtils.cpp:GetOutputStream Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1705383 [QM_TRY] Ensure intended error reporting in telemetry for OkIf Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-04-15
1706006 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:EnsureDirectory Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:11
1706012 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:StorageOperationBase::GetDirectoryMetadata Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-06-21
1706013 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateDirectoryMetadata Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-09-22
1708126 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/DBSchema.cpp:CreateOrMigrateSchema Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:11
1708127 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp:DirectoryPaddingDeleteFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-03-26
1708130 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:FileManager::GetUsage Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-06-07
1708131 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::UpgradeStorageFrom2_2To2_3 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-06-07
1708132 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:DeleteFilesNoQuota Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-06
1708134 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:InitializeLocalStorageArchive Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-12-16
1708138 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaClient::InitOrigin Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-20
1708139 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:RestoreDirectoryMetadata2Helper::RestoreMetadata2File Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1708141 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateStorageConnection Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:13
1709060 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateWebAppsStoreConnection Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-07-26
1709777 Add in-tree documentation for QM_TRY describing current situation and future plans Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-05-06
1711660 Use MOZ_LOG's LogLevel instead of own Severity enum class in QM_TRY macros Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-05-18
1711661 QM: Add MOZ_LOG support to LogError Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-05-18
1711686 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.h:ReduceEachFileAtomicCancelable Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-11
1711693 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/DBSchema.cpp:InitializeConnection Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:11
1714967 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::EnsureTemporaryStorageIsInitialized Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-04-03
1714971 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::CreateLocalStorageArchiveConnection Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-04-03
1714972 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateStorageConnection Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-01-15
1720083 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.h:CollectWhileHasResult Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-01-30
1720087 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateShadowStorageConnection Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:12
1722267 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:AttachArchiveDatabase Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-10-25
1724874 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:GetLastModifiedTime Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-07-28
1729686 Mixed slashes from __FILE__ macro lead to substitution error Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-10-28
1729711 Incorrect relative header path debug information when object directory is under source directory Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-31
1732453 [meta] Convert more code to use QMResult instead of nsresult Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-31
1732721 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:DeleteFile Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-12-12
1733101 Unable to initialize extension storage when profile on UNC path (ExtensionStorageIDB.jsm) Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-02-20
1748861 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:RepositoryOperationBase::ProcessRepository Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-01-11
1757062 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp:DirectoryPaddingWrite Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-01-15
1760014 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:OpenDatabase Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-12-08
1770915 Implement QuotaClient::ForceKillActors everywhere Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-05-24
1778496 QM: Use cached information about origins even when build id changes Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-18
1778506 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::UpgradeStorage Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-07-11
1781220 QM: Simplify shutdown by relying on directory locks only Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-07-26
1788686 Remove obsolete QuotaManager upgrade logic for disk schemas prior to v57 and QM v3/v2.3 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-12-16
1795705 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/indexedDB/ActorsParent.cpp:DeleteFileManagerDirectory Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-09
1796643 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.cpp:CreateAndExecuteSingleStepStatement Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-07-24
1804401 Verify that CachingDatabaseConnection needs no owning event target asserts Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-12-07
1804823 10-20s High CPU at startup Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-07-11
1815289 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateTables Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-02-14
1819637 Shutdown hanging at principals-quota-manager Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-08
1834951 Investigate which tasks should be done during next storage upgrade Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-05-24
1839577 Add a complementary function for OkIf Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-06-21
1850942 Use vanilla JS module imports in quota client tests Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-08-31
1854882 Remove MOZ_CRASH_UNLESS_FUZZING in IPC handling methods Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-09-24
1860530 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/QuotaParent.cpp:Quota::RecvClearStoragesForOrigin Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1860532 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:StorageOperationBase::ProcessOriginDirectories Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1861004 Expand exact error stack propagation in Quota Manager Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861113 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861114 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/CachingDatabaseConnection.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861115 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/CanonicalQuotaObject.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861116 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/Client.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861117 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/ClientUsageArray.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861118 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/DecryptingInputStream.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861119 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/DecryptingInputStream_impl.h Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861120 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/EncryptingOutputStream.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861121 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/FileStreams.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861122 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/InitializationTypes.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861123 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/NSSCipherStrategy.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861124 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/OriginInfo.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861125 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/OriginOperationBase.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861126 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/OriginOperations.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861127 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/PersistenceType.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861128 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/PersistenceType.h Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861129 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861130 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/QuotaCommon.h Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861131 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/QuotaManagerService.cppdom/quota/QuotaRequests.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861132 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/QuotaResults.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861133 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/RemoteQuotaObjectParent.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861134 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/RemoteQuotaObjectParentTracker.h Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861135 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/SanitizationUtils.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861136 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/SanitizationUtils.h Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861137 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/StorageHelpers.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861138 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/StorageManager.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861139 Expand exact error stack propagation in dom/quota/nsIndexedDBProtocolHandler.cpp Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1861236 Verify error propagation using QM_TRY macros Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-11
1899093 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/QuotaClient.cpp:GetTotalDiskUsageFromDB Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1900545 [meta] Convert operations sequentially running on multiple threads to use MozPromise Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1903530 Frequent long janks on Android on loading certain pages Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-24
1904349 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:CreateStorageConnectionWithRecovery Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-25
1890293 Investigate snappy's compression levels Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
942542 Easier implementation of new QuotaManager clients Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-24
1594740 Implement support for storage buckets Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-10-24
1839213 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/LSSnapshot.cpp:LSSnapshot::SetItem Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1896813 Intermittent browser/components/backup/tests/marionette/test_backup.py | single tracking bug Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1814580 Consider moving the directory remove logic back to QuotaManager (QuotaManager::ShutdownStorageInternal) Core Storage: Quota Manag krosylight NEW --- 2023-04-17
1711703 [QM_TRY] Monitor frequent warnings on nightly Core Storage: Quota Manag mvanstraten NEW --- Mon 07:11
1891020 [meta] Error propagation tracing proposals Core Storage: Quota Manag mvanstraten NEW --- 2024-04-11
960707 Add support to quota manager to report localstorage usage. Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1157287 Clear QuotaManager storage when clearing data from sanitize.js Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1652461 Introduce DirectoryLock::ReportCorruption to trigger clearing of the storage bucket via nsIClearDataService on dynamic corruption Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-10-12
1661675 Automatically convert explicitly specified error value to GenericErrorResult in QM_TRY/... macros Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-09-08
1665074 Introduce QM_REPORTING preprocessor define Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-09-15
1670897 After moving to C++20, support propagating errors from cleanup functions with QM_TRY Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-05-08
1672893 Expand QM_TRY_INSPECT documentation to include brief description of the magic of const references to temporary objects in C++ Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-10-23
1672950 Refine error handling Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-10-23
1672963 Introduce and use helpers throughout QM/QM clients that checks if a path exists & is a directory/file Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-10-23
1683629 Stop blocking other QM operations when directory removal in ClearRequestBase::DeleteFiles needs retry Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2020-12-21
1686223 Replace runtime check by assertion in GroupInfo::LockedRemoveOriginInfo Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-12
1686224 Iterate directory locks in regular order in QuotaManager::CreateDirectoryLock Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-12
1686656 Remove OriginProps::eInvalid Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-14
1686697 A missing origin directory should not fail LoadQuotaFromCache completely Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-14
1686733 Add unit tests for QuotaManager::ParseOrigin Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-01-14
1690549 [meta] New minor storage version 2.4 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-02-03
1691070 Make MaybeCreateOrUpgradeCache fail if the cache is deemed unusable Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-02-05
1703840 [QM_TRY] Automatically update bugzilla failure bugs Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-04-08
1703844 [QM_TRY] Track nested error propagation Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-05-13
1705304 [QM_TRY] Add propagation path for FATAL errors Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-05-06
1706872 Introduce an idempotent create directory variant Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-04-22
1711711 [QM_TRY] Investigate if frequent NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND warnings in DirectoryPaddingDeleteFile are just ok Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-07-19
1712582 [QM_TRY] Replace generic NS_ERROR_FAILURE errors with more specific codes. Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1719195 Add native deleteByBaseDomain/host methods for QuotaManager Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2021-07-06
1740893 Investigate "QuotaManager::Observer::Observe profile-before-change-qm" parent process shutdown hangs Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-02-17
1741408 [meta] Support exact error propagation stacks for QM_TRY everywhere Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-11
1759536 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:SetDefaultPragmas Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-03-09
1769219 [QM_TRY] Use process_id, stack_id and frame_id to determine propagation stacks Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-05-13
1769244 [QM_TRY] Cumulate error propagation stacks before sending them Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2022-05-13
1781277 Do not base storage estimate on user's disk when RFP is enabled Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1813999 Add a telemetry about whether the QM cleanup by the background task timed out? Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-01-31
1817416 Move the handling of the gShutdown flag out of the QM instance's code to the static entry functions. Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-02-17
1828609 Reenable background task on macOS Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-06-28
1831926 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:MaybeUpdateLastAccessTimeForOrigin Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:12
1832861 Intermittent PROCESS-CRASH | Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManager::Shutdown::<lambda_0>::operator()] Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-03-24
1864435 Test Bug for Automated Monitor and fix QM_TRY failures Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2023-11-13
1869547 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/DBSchema.cpp:MigrateFrom28To29 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Mon 07:12
1869549 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/FileUtils.cpp:GetBodyDiskSize Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-01-15
1878542 Pressing the "History->Clear Recent History" button takes a few seconds for the user window to open (time spent in QuotaManger IO) Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1881060 QM: Track file sizes in memory Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-02-20
1887609 Investigate Windows disk IO hangs Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-06-25
1887978 Add support to QuotaManager to allow chrome-privileged and WebExtension IndexedDB databases to be backed up Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- 2024-04-10
1889347 Add OpenTelemetry C++ based solution for exact tracing of failures Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody NEW --- Wed 07:03
1870154 Add threadsafety annotations for IndexDB/LocalStorage/Quota Core Storage: Quota Manag rjesup NEW --- 2023-12-14
1671932 Asynchronous non-blocking temporary storage initialization tolerating broken origins Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Wed 11:35
1808294 Improve testing of usage tracking and origin initialization including all the necessary refactorings and new testing infrastructrue Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Thu 01:36
1866217 Cover temporary storage initialization in OpenStorageDirectory and OpenClientDirectory Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2024-06-17
1866402 Cover origin initialization in OpenStorageDirectory and OpenClientDirectory Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2024-01-23
1867997 Initialize origins in the background (disabled by default) Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Thu 05:54
1562669 Expose quota-manager APIs in PrivateBrowsing Core Storage: Quota Manag amarchesini ASSI --- 2022-10-11
1588498 [meta] Remaining issues that may cause QuotaManager shutdown hangs Core Storage: Quota Manag jstutte ASSI --- Thu 05:54
1810411 Stop using MozURL for getting origin and base domain off the main thread Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2023-03-24
1888895 Remove unaccessed origins (instead of archiving them) Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2024-04-01
1890727 Add nsIQuotaManagerService::BackupStoragesForClient Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2024-05-31
1902432 Investigate if it's really needed to clear data for "userContextIdInternal.thumbnail" identity during shutdown Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2024-06-18
1903186 Improve testing of usage tracking and origin initialization including all the necessary refactorings and new testing infrastructrue: Episode II Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Wed 22:40
1904562 Refactor directory lock implementation to eliminate virtual methods and multiple inheritance Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Wed 06:57
1904674 Split DirectoryLockImpl::Acquire into a preparation phase and actual acquisition Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Wed 11:35
1904941 Use DirectoryLockImpl::Prepare in quota manager initialization methods Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Wed 21:43
1905011 Replace counting of pending clear/shutdown storage operations with evaluation of existing directory locks Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 05:38:45
1905445 Provide a safer alternative for some CheckedUnsafePtr use cases Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- Mon 03:49
1869452 Assertion failure: IsOnWorkerThread(), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp:5820 Core Storage: Quota Manag bugmail ASSI --- 2023-12-14
1677736 Have a about page for dom storage for troubleshooting Core Storage: Quota Manag hsingh ASSI --- 2023-05-24
1829185 Ensure storagemanager persist, persisted and estimate work as expected in private browsing mode. Core Storage: Quota Manag hsingh ASSI --- 2024-06-02
1843872 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp:QuotaManager::GetInfoFromValidatedPrincipalInfo Core Storage: Quota Manag hsingh ASSI --- 2023-11-06
1862242 Improve QM_TRY macros Core Storage: Quota Manag jjalkanen ASSI --- 2023-10-31
1624802 Run all tests under QM and its clients with a long file name on Windows Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2023-12-03
1685691 Improve testing and documentation for DirectoryLockImpl::MaybeUnblock Core Storage: Quota Manag jvarga ASSI --- 2023-12-03
1886743 Distinguish between `NS_ERROR_FILE_FS_CORRUPTED` and `NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED` Core Storage: Quota Manag mvanstraten ASSI --- 2024-03-21
1682326 Chrome IndexedDB operations seem to be potentially started after shutdown started Core Storage: Quota Manag jstutte ASSI --- 2022-11-06
1760302 ClearRequestBase::DeleteFiles must not retry deletion unconditionally. Core Storage: Quota Manag jstutte ASSI --- 2024-03-25
1770451 [QM shutdown] Investigate hangs in shutdownAndJoinIOThread Core Storage: Quota Manag jstutte ASSI --- 2023-05-19
1858123 Missing gitignore and hgingore in /dom/quota/scripts Core Storage: Quota Manag mvanstraten ASSI --- 2023-11-06
1703266 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/QuotaClient.cpp:ReduceUsageInfo Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody REOP --- 2023-06-26
1706009 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/cache/QuotaClient.cpp:CacheQuotaClient::InitOrigin Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody REOP --- 2023-11-06
1748260 [QM_TRY] Failures in dom/localstorage/ActorsParent.cpp:UpgradeSchemaFrom4_0To5_0 Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody REOP --- Mon 07:13
1823202 Intermittent dom/quota/test/browser/browser_permissionsPromptDeny.js | single tracking bug Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody REOP --- 2024-06-23
1841277 Intermittent SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/mozilla/dom/quota/CheckedUnsafePtr.h:419:31 in NotifyCheckFailure Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody REOP --- 2024-06-16
1702411 [meta] Monitor and fix QM_TRY failures Core Storage: Quota Manag nobody REOP --- Mon 07:10
288 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Core" product