Debian Bug report logs: Bugs in source package chromium

Maintainers for chromium are Debian Chromium Team <[email protected]>.

You may want to refer to the following individual bug pages: chromium-common, chromium-driver, chromium-l10n, chromium-sandbox, chromium-shell.

You might like to refer to the chromium package page, or to the Package Tracking System.

If you find a bug not listed here, please report it.

Outstanding bugs -- Important bugs; Unclassified (8 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (15 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Minor bugs; Patch Available (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Minor bugs; Unclassified (5 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Minor bugs; More information needed (1 bug)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Patch Available (2 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Unclassified (8 bugs)

Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; More information needed (3 bugs)

Forwarded bugs -- Important bugs (5 bugs)

Forwarded bugs -- Normal bugs (1 bug)

Forwarded bugs -- Minor bugs (22 bugs)

Forwarded bugs -- Wishlist items (1 bug)

Resolved bugs -- Serious (policy violations or makes package unfit for release) (2 bugs)

Resolved bugs -- Important bugs (1 bug)

Resolved bugs -- Normal bugs (2 bugs)



Select bugs

The same search fields are ORed, different fields are ANDed.

Valid severities are critical, grave, serious, important, normal, minor, wishlist, fixed

Valid tags are patch, wontfix, moreinfo, unreproducible, help, security, upstream, pending, confirmed, ipv6, lfs, d-i, l10n, newcomer, a11y, ftbfs, fixed-upstream, fixed, fixed-in-experimental, sid, experimental, potato, woody, sarge, sarge-ignore, etch, etch-ignore, lenny, lenny-ignore, squeeze, squeeze-ignore, wheezy, wheezy-ignore, jessie, jessie-ignore, stretch, stretch-ignore, buster, buster-ignore, bullseye, bullseye-ignore, bookworm, bookworm-ignore, trixie, trixie-ignore, forky, forky-ignore

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Exclude Bugs

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Repeat Merged
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Reverse Pending
Reverse Severity
No Bugs which affect packages

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Debian bug tracking system administrator <[email protected]>. Last modified: Fri Jun 14 14:38:07 2024; Machine Name: bembo

Debian Bug tracking system

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