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All Good things…

That’s a wrap on our #Tumblr Writing Workshop with Betts! Thank you to all the writers who have joined us on this journey. We hope you’ve enjoyed writing your prompt fills as much as we’ve enjoyed reading them! For anybody who missed it or didn’t have time to write these past weeks, here’s a recap of all the workshop posts and prompts for you to return to at your leisure.

Intro post

Week 1: Show & Tell

Week 2: Paying Attention

Week 3: Stories of a Place

Week 4: A Narrative Imperative

Featured Writing

Thank you to @bettsfic for running this workshop! Read on below the cut for some closing words and info on how to continue this writing journey.


From @bettsfic:

If you’ve filled any of the prompts these past four weeks, I would love to know what your biggest takeaways have been. What new insights have you gained about your own writing? Have any of your perspectives or goals changed as a writer? Feel free to sit on this one for a while; I know that it takes a long time for me to reflect on the things I’ve learned. So I welcome you to send me an ask or tag me in a post at any point in the future. My favorite thing is when writers update me on their progress and growth.

In parting, I want to share my lowkey writing-related newsletter, in which I write about craft and process as well as offer a roundup of all the writing advice asks I answer on my Tumblr. I also provide updates on the Fanauthor Workshop (currently accepting applications!) and OFIC Magazine. If you’re pleased with any of your prompt fills from our workshop, you’re welcome to submit them (or any other original work) to OFIC. Submissions for Issue #8 open September 1st. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in one-on-one guidance and feedback on your writing, I’m a full-time writing coach. I help writers at all levels reach their goals, whether that’s completing a novel, querying agents, or applying to creative writing graduate programs. Here are some testimonials from current clients

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