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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’m not sure how much it can be done but we will see.

I was thinking February’s buddy read could be An Heir Comes to Rise series to celebrate the publication of the third book which will drop on 22.02. And since it is at the last week of the month, I though we could do a binge reading of the first 2 books before that. You know, refreshing memories, preparing and catching up to the story.

So the timeline would be something like:

  • feb 1- feb 11 An Heir Comes to Rise
  • feb 12 - feb 21 A Queen Comes to Power
  • feb 22 - feb 28 A Throne From the Ashes

I want to leave plenty of time for everyone to finish the books before diving into the next book in the series. Again, it’s not a race, we don’t give out rewards for finishing first. The point is to enjoy and theorize.

Logically, this months tags would be:

  • AHCTR buddy read
  • AQCTP buddy read
  • ATFTA buddy read

You don’t have to participate in all of these, you can drop out or pick up wherever you want. If you only want to join the ATFTA read, you’re more than welcome!

If you’re not familiar with the series but considering participating in it, you can find more info about the books here!



reading room buddy read reading group booklr An Heir Comes to Rise C. C. Peñaranda ya fantasy fantasy books february buddy read