BigQuery ML Interest Form - Next 2022
We are glad you are interested in trying out some of the powerful capabilities of BigQuery ML that we announced at Next 2022. Please complete this interest form and we'll be in touch with you as they are launched. Some of the features are already available while the rest will launch very soon.

We look forward to working with you and supporting your machine learning journey! 
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Which BigQuery ML capabilities are you interested in? *
Which types of unstructured data are you interested to work with that can help generate value for your business?
Which Cloud AI services are you mostly interested in using directly inside BigQuery?
What is your company's name? *
What is your current role at your company? *
What is your full name?
What is your email?  *
Please share the project_id if you are interested in Multivariate Time Series Forecasting.
Please share the project_id if you are interested in Advanced Feature Engineering functions.
Please share the project_id if you are interested in Inference on Imported Models - TFLite & XGBoost.
Please share the project_id if you are interested in Inference on Remote Models - Vertex AI & Cloud Functions.
Do you have any feedback that you'd like to share with the BigQuery ML team? 
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