
it's always high camp when you get into a new piece of media and you're like "ok, even though this character is seemingly designed to make me froth at the mouth, i will resist, i will stay strong, i won't become a parody of myself" and then you watch the character for about five seconds and you imprint on them


(flight intercom) this is the pilot speaking. yeah we expect todays flight to be normal. um if you look out your window you shouldnt see the skull


(wizard intercom) good evening passengers. this is the wizard speaking. boy do i have a treat for you


Posts that make you drop everything you're doing and open Audacity


What if at some point xie lian starts smelling like hua cheng? He always made the effort to keep himself clean, obviously, but it wasn’t easy when he was homeless or living in a run down shack he found, he often didn’t have access to soap.

Hua cheng uses fragrant soaps and expensive hair oils, so after getting married xie lian starts using hua cheng’s products as well.