1534 posts tagged autistic
  • Anonymous
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would you say there are key symptoms that you need to experience in order to have Autism? I’ve found that I relate to and experience almost all of the Autistic criteria besides meltdowns, non-verbal episodes (maybe? Sort of?? Depends???), the loss of control over body during shutdowns, difficulty with empathy, and somewhat social cues (I get some of them- but that’s because I sort of “learned” them over time. I wouldn’t have understood them as a kid- maybe- idkkkk)

I’m having a crisis cksnncnsbcnsbfb

honestly, i wondered the same thing when i first was questioning if i was autistic or not, and it’s what kept me from pursing a diagnosis for so long

the main thing i learned that every autistic has to learn soon or a later, is that masking is everything

you could have had non-verbal shutdowns, meltdowns, missed social cues, have difficulties with empathy, and subconsciously blocked it all out over the years

my advice is to focus most on unmasking (which is extremely difficult and may take decades, so just look at what masking is for you) because this is how you find out more about yourself, truly unwrapping the gift that is yourself

regardless, every autistic is different from not just allistics (non-autistics), but other autistic people

don’t pay too much attention to the “requirements” and just focus on learning more about yourself :)

  • Anonymous
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i love how you (if it was you, if not then whoever it was lol) added the kawaii pink cheeks onto the autism creature. i honestly love it hahah /g

btw a potentionally silly question, but i see it both ways? /g does mean genuine too, right? because i also see /gen and that surely means genuine? im totally new to these tone indicators.

and do we need to use tone indicators with you? asking just incase, thats why i added the /g (if g doesnt mean genuine then i mean gen) i am probably making this more complicated than it is oof


so sorry for taking so long to respond but no, i sadly didn’t make the cute autistic creature pic, i should try to find the credits for it soon so thank you for letting me now that <3

also, /g and /gen mean the same thing, both meaning genuine

and it’s not a silly question at all, there’s a lot to learn when you’re getting more into the community and tone indicators can be complicated

personally, i don’t force anybody to use tone indictators with me, but it definitely makes conversations much easier and more genuine as i know the other person’s intentions right off the bat 😊😊

  • Anonymous
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maybe its just me, but i dont think i realized how important representation is until i learned i had autism. i constantly look for people “like me” in the media and makes me feel more accepted / normal. i actually remember when i was younger seeing a headcannon of a character for autism and being annoyed that they couldnt just be a weird kid or something. but now, i guess i find comfort in it. its funny how your perspective shifts when you experience the other side.

very true !!

before i found out i was autistic, i was so terrified of offending autistic people because i felt like i didn’t understand them at all lmao

turns out i am autistic (very surprised on my part) but having representation that not only is similar to you, but describes why, is super important

otherwise you’re left like you said, confused and sometimes annoyed as to why someone you align with doesn’t align with the current description you have of yourself