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Why consumers rely on Trustpilot


reviews in total written across +980,000 domains.


Two-thirds (65%) of Australian consumers agree that a good Trustpilot score makes them more likely to trust a brand, compared to only 7% who disagree.


reviews were written on Trustpilot in 2022.

Salesforce integration

Seamlessly integrate Salesforce with Trustpilot and turn your CRM into a reliable hub for trusted review data.

Trustpilot joins the Coalition of Trust

Trustpilot, Amazon,, Expedia Group, Glassdoor and Tripadvisor have formed the Coalition for Trusted Reviews. A shared commitment to protecting the integrity of online consumer reviews worldwide.

Find the right Pricing plan for your business

Whether you’re a new business or a household name, we have a range of plans to help you reach more customers than ever before.

Trustpilot’s Marketing widgets

73.6% of Trustpilot visitors say they are more likely to make a purchase from a website that's displaying Trustpilot reviews on-site.

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