Virtual tour of Tours opera house

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PéristyleOpéra De Tours

The Péristyle

"peri-" (around) and "-style" (columns) indicate a "place surrounded by columns". Today it’s the main entrance of the theater. Three colours dominate: gold, red and white. The circular shape favours eye contact in order to "see and be seen"!

EscalierOpéra De Tours

The Stairwell

The marble staircase enables the access to the orchestra or the balcony. The higher level (galleries) are accessible with a different staircase made of wood.  Two lamps, the "tragedy" and the "comedy", overhang the stairwell.

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The public foyer

The spectators can meet here during the intervals. Three mirrors take up the main wall and bring luminosity. Chamber music concerts and conferences also take place in this great room. 

Plafond du Foyer du PublicOpéra De Tours

Foyer Painting

The artwork on the ceiling was painted by Georges Clairin. It represents the Touraine region with his cultural heritage including Chenonceau castle. The dynamism of the Touraine is also put forward with the train station built by Victor Laloux, architect of Orsay Station.

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The Great Hall of an Italian-style theater

With its 960 seats, the Grande Salle is "horseshoe-shaped", providing excellent acoustics and visibility. This specific shape, which first appeared in Italy in the 17th century, allows the singers' performance and the interpretation of musical works to be perceived with finesse.

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The third gallery, the chicken coop or paradise!

The Great Hall has four levels: the Orchestra, the Balcony, the second and third gallery. The latter is called "the chicken coop" or "paradise".

Fauteuil de la Grande SalleOpéra De Tours

Why the chicken coop?

A French music critic wrote in 1885: «it was given [the name] of chicken coop no doubt because, the number of places being not limited, the spectators of this space were crowded like chickens in a chicken coop»

LustreOpéra De Tours

The Dome of the Great Hall

Painted by Georges Clairin, the dome represents an allegory of Apollo (Greek God of music and song) surrounded by Dance, Comedy, Music and Tragedy. The chandelier that adorns the room is a typical element of the Opera of Tours.

Photo Credits: Marie Pétry, Ingrid Pico-Heide and Gérard Proust

Credits: Story

Communication Department of the Opera of Tours

Credits: All media
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