The Jardin des voix, baroque academy

How to train tomorrow's talents? This is the question for the Jardin des Voix, the academy for young baroque singers of the Arts Florissants...

2021-Les-Arts-Florissants-JDV-2021-Julien-Gazeau-0405Les Arts Florissants

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Why an academy ?

Share and teach is above all a passion for William Christie, the founding conductor of the Arts Florissants. It was with passion that he decided, in 2002, to embark on the creation of a biennial academy for young baroque singers: Le Jardin des Voix...

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The Beginnings of the Adventure: The First Edition (2002)

For the first edition, Les Arts Florissants embarked on a monstrous programme of auditions, which culminated in the selection of 9 singers from all over the world. Among them, artists now accustomed to the opera stages: Christophe Dumaux, Marc Mauillon...

Very quickly, over the years, the Jardin des Voix became a true career accelerator. But soon also as a star-revealer–especially when in 2007, William Christie “discovers” a young soprano of Bulgarian origin: a certain Sonya Yoncheva...

After participating in the Jardin des Voix, many become regular collaborators of Arts Florissants. For example, sopranos Elodie Fonnard and Rachel Redmond, or tenor Reinoud Van Mechelen, who took part in the 5th edition in 2011.

In contact with William Christie and Paul Agnew, now co-directors of the Jardin des Voix, but also with soprano and director Sophie Daneman, the Jardin des Voix laureates benefit from the experience of professionals versed in the practice of music and the stage. This is what tells French soprano Emmanuelle de Negri, laureate of the 4th edition of the academy in 2009...

#ArtsFloTuto : Trouver sa voix (par Paul Agnew)Les Arts Florissants

What does it take to be a baroque singer?

Paul Agnew, co-director of the Jardin des Voix, has himself sung as a tenor on the biggest stages around the world. He shares some of his experiences with young singers.

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Revealing oneself

For the laureates, this accompaniment is a tremendous accelerator for their careers, but it is also a human, personal and collective experience, as expressed here by the young French mezzo-soprano Lea Desandre, winner of the 7th edition of the Academy in 2014.

The "Arts Flo family"

Thanks to the Jardin des Voix, it’s also the whole “Arts Flo family” that keeps growing, getting richer. . . in a word, flourishing!

William Christie, l'art de donner - extraitLes Arts Florissants

The art of giving

2021-Festival-Jardins-William-Christie-DSC05214-2-Jay-QinLes Arts Florissants

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Who will be the voices of baroque tomorrow?

For William Christie, there is no doubt that the future of the Baroque is in the hands of young artists...

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