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can I please kiss you?


Kissing discreetly - Requested by @sparkles-oflight


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Jan and Nace had to go to an event. Well, not only them, but the whole band.

Not that the event was about them by any means, but being one of the most popular bands in the country at the moment sometimes brought moments like that.

And, for the most part, they were happy to have been invited. Except for the small detail that they would have to act like they were just friends.

Of course it wouldn't be the first time, but when it came to the concerts and backstage they still could fool around a bit, feed those "conspiracy theories". But when it was a national event, surrounded by cameras broadcasting across the whole country, they couldn't risk it. No one wants to be outed on national television.

They were about two hours into the event when Jan grabbed Nace's hand and dragged him into a secluded corner where there weren't as many people.

“What... Jan, what happened?” Nace asked in confusion. 

Jan looked around before answering.

“Can I please kiss you?” Oh, so this is what it was all about, Nace thought and chuckled, but Jan continued talking before he could answer. “I've been wanting to kiss you so bad since we got here but I can't and... and you look so fucking gorgeous and that suit looks so fucking good on you and-”

Nace quickly glanced both ways, making sure there were no curious eyes (or cameras) on them, and kissed the corner of his mouth.

It was a very short kiss – too short, if you ask Jan. But they shouldn't risk any further.

As soon as their mouths parted, Nace leaned close to the guitarist's ear. “You also look breathtaking in that suit,” he whispered. “I bet you look a lot better without it. We'll have to wait for that though. Can you be a good boy until we're back home?”

Jan nodded eagerly, making the bassist huff out a laugh.

“Let's go then,” Nace winked at him and turned his back, walking into the crowd.

Oh, this was going to be a long night.


You can also find me on tumblr <3

Series this work belongs to: