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by the same author 







Mao Tsetung and 
the Chinese Revolution 


Han Suyin 


MALCOLM MacDonald 




(g) 1972 BY HAN SUYIN 


ISBN O 224 00793 9 

The author is grateful to Lois Wheeler Snow and Victor 
Gollancz Ltd for permission to include excerpts from the 
first revised and enlarged edition of Red Star Over Cbitia 
by Edgar Snow. Copyright 1938, 1944 by Random House, 
Inc. Copyright © 1968 by Edgar Snow. Copyright © 

1961 by John K. Fairbank 



author’s note 




1 childhood 

2 Youth and School Years 

3 First Trip to Peking 

4 The First Cultural Revolution: May 4, 1919 

5 Dedication 

6 The First United Front 

7 The Ways Divide 

8 The Betrayal 

9 The First Red Base : The First ‘Left’ Line 

10 Mao Tsetung and Li Li-san: The Second ‘Left’ Line 

11 Mao Tsetung and Wang Ming: The Third ‘Left’ Line 

12 The Long March 























The Yenan Period: The Second United Front 
Profile of Yenan 

Mao Tsetung: The Man and the Teacher in Yenan 

The Rectification Movement, 1941-1944 

The Seventh Congress, April 1945 

The Conquest of Power: Prelude 

The Conquest of Power : The Civil War and Liberation, 


Mao Tsetung and Stalin 
The Korean War 

note on sources 














Between pages 12S and 129 

1 Mao Tsetung 

2 Shaoshan, birthplace of Mao Tsetung 

3 The Boxer Uprising; the Chien Men Gate, and United 

States Marines in Peking, 1900 

4 Mao Tsetung at college, and with his family at Shaoshan 

5 Sun Yatsen and Madame Sun 

6 Mikhail Borodin, Russian adviser to the Kuomintang 

Between pages 160 and 161 

7 The 1927 massacres 

8 Mao Tsetung in 1937 

9 Leaders of the Autumn Harvest Uprising 

10 The author with a Red Army guide 

11 The Long March; Loushan pass 

12 The Long March: crossing the Snow Mountains 

13 The Long March: Luting bridge 

Between pages 256 and 257 

14 Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang 

15 Mao Tsetung with Chang Kuo-tao 

16 Kuomintang troops fighting the Communists 

17 Communist troops moving out against the Japanese, and in 

action, 1937 

18 The Japanese take Shanghai: a celebration by occupying 

troops, and a ruined suburb 

Betiueen pages 288 and 289 

19 Japanese troops in Northwest China 

20 Chu Teh with Mao Tsetung 

21 Liu Shao-chi 

22 A Japanese tank advance 

23 Mao Tsetung speaking in Yenan 


24 The Japanese destruction of Hankow 

25 Mao Tsetung and Madame Mao 

26 Chou En-lai with Mao Tsetung at the Seventh Congress, 



Between pages 384 and 385 

27 The United States Dixie Mission in Yenan, 1944: a theatre 

for the troops, and members of the mission with Chou 

Members of the Dixie Mission with Mao Tsetung and Chu 

Teh, and at a uniform factory in Nanniwan 

Mao Tsetung with United States Ambassador Patrick Hurley 
in Chungking, 1945 

Mao Tsetung and Chiang Kai-shek during negotiations in 

Mao Tsetung leading the Northwest campaign, 1947 
The People s Liberation Army entering Peking, 1949 





Between pages 416 and 417 

33 Last days of the Kuomintang: a street in Nanking, and a 

bank rush in Shanghai 

34 Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China, Peking. 

October i, 1949 

35 The People’s Liberation Army in Nanking 

36 United Sutes troops at the Yalu river, Korea, 1950 

37 Mao Tsetung with Bulganin and Stalin 

38 Peoples Republic of China delegates at United Nations 

session on Korea, November 1950 


1 Central and South China, with routes of the Autumn 

Harvest Uprising and establishment of bases at 
Chingkangshan andjuichin 

2 Red bases in China, 1930-1934 

3 The Long March, October 1934-October 1935 

4 Communist areas of North China, 1944-1945 





Picture Credits 

By courtesy of Han Suyin: i, lo, ii, 25, 26, 31 

@ Rene Burri, Magnum, New York: 2, 4 

Robert Capa, Magnum, New York: 24 

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Magnum, New York: 33, 35 

United Press International Photos, New York: 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 29, 38 

Wide World Photos, New York: 5, 21 

Eastfoto, New York: 9, 12, 13, 20, 23, 34 

Ullstein, West Berlin: 16, 17, 18, 22 

Bildarchiv Bucher, Lucerne: 19, 32 

By courtesy of Colonel David D. Barrett, from his monograph Dixie 
Mission: The United States Army Group in Yenan, (China 

Research Monograph No. 6, published by the Center for Chinese 
Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Calif 94720. Copy- 
right © 1970 by David D. Barrett): 27, 28 

Jack Wilkes, Life Magazine, © Time Inc., New York: 30 
Hank Walker, Life Magazine, © Time Inc., New York: 36 
Tass from Sovfoto, New York: 37 

The life of Chairman Mao is in essence the history of 
new China. Rare are instances when an individual 
makes such a profound impact on a nation’s history. 


in Peking, 
October 6, 1971 

Author’s Note 

For this book I am indebted to an extent which cannot be repaid, 

first to the memory of the millions of peasants and workers of 

China who died for the Revolution, and whose children today 

walk as men in full dignity towards the building of their own 

future. I am also indebted to many, many friends, both in China 

and elsewhere, in particular to the late Edgar Snow, who gave 

me so much time and also allowed me to read and to utilize so 

much of his material. There are also many American writers, 

scrupulously fair, to whom I am greatly indebted for their 
contribution to truth. 

1 am also grateful to and wish to thank Madame Teng Ying-chao 
the wife of His Excellency Premier Chou En-lai, for having fired 
iny imagination with a single sentence, and thus planted the seed 
ot this book, almost sixteen years ago. In a talk with her in Tune 
1956. she compared the people of China to a great ocean, and the 
leaders (such as herself) to the white froth on the wavetops, bom 
of them, carried by them, forever renascent, but non-existent 
without the ocean This image I never forgot. I thought then of 
Chairman Mao as both the child and the leader of the Revolution 
the nation-man and also the man-ocean, the student of his people 
as well as their teacher; the one who represents and artkulates 
thar genim and also is most indebted to that genius; the builder of 

New Chma and the destroyer of that worst of all Chinese 
traditions : submission and obedience to the ruler. 



Mao Tse-txmg is probably the most important figure to have 
appeared in the twentieth century. Many significant changes have 
occureed in world affairs during the last seventy years, such as the 
f solution of the empires of the Western powers, the emergence 
of the United States of America and the Soviet Union as the two 
super-states, the transformation of Britain’s colonial empire into a 
multiracial Commonwealth, the creation first of the League of 
Nations and later of the United Nations, and the founding and 
now impendmg enlargement of the European Community. As 
important as any of these, and perhaps more important, is the 
rebrth of a strong China -a China that is partly Mao’s creation. 

Une of the fascinating questions frequently provoked by 
bjoric developments is this: to what extent do remarkable 
individual leaders exert a decisive influence on the course of 
pat human events, and to what extent is that course determined 
by natural -more or less inevitable - economic, social and other 
movements regardless of the thoughts and deeds of even the 
most pperfhl personages? The story of contemporary China 

Sat k h rii ^ suggests -rightly, 7 :hink- 

contnbutions to the turns of history. At the beginning of this 
en ury a weak China was moving towards a possible revival of 

inm llTachl ’ P°-bility 

say^i ST" Pew in number- 

be L wori^S necessarily 

800 oSo 00^^ to abom 

populatir N ^ T I " '^t^tld’s total 

qualuy .1,0 „ ,..,p„„iv=. They are a. able, Lrgedc and cicldve 




as any people round the globe. Their revival as a united, self- 

confident nation therefore promises to be a titanic event. Only a 

break-up of their unity, or a serious decline of their present zeal 

after Mao’s disappearance from the scene, might destroy that 

Mao’s achievement is astonishing in several ways. One is that, 
in spite of periodic and formidable opposition from inside as well 
as outside the Communist Party, he gradually asserted his now 
universally acclaimed authority over that immense multitude of 
robust, intelligent and instinctively individualist, though cus- 
tomarily well-disciplined, people. His unquestioned authority is 
attributable primarily to another of his and his government’s 
achievements: the progressive development of the national 
economy on a scale which has raised the whole populace’s standard 
of living to a point which, though still modest, far exceeds 
anything that those masses would have believed possible twenty 
years ago. It was Mao who not only adapted Marxist-Leninist 
philosophy to Chinese circumstances, but also devised the 
political and military strategy and tactics which made the Com- 
munist Revolution attainable. This has been followed by another 
amazing achievement. During recent years the entire population 
fiom primary school children upwards has been instructed (or 
mdoctimated, or whatever description is appropriate) in the 
Thoughts of Mao with such success that virtually the whole 
nation believes his teachings to be the embodiment of Truth. Nor 
IS Aat all. His Thoughts not only determine the political ideology 
which governs China’s national affairs; they also propound 
prmciples of collecuve social conduct and individual moral 
behaviour which are accepted and practised by the hundreds of 
nullions of adults and teenagers throughout the land. This has 
resulted in sweeping social reforms and an admirable Puritanism 
in personal conduct which together have changed many age-old 
Chinese traditions almost beyond recognition. 

This IS not the place to expatiate on the deep significance of 
Aese Jvelopments. I need only express the view that, because of 
Mao Tse-tung s ideas, China will in certain ways never be the 
same as before. Nor, perhaps, will the rest of the world. No doubt 



the influence of Mao’s Thoughts will be modified by notions 
which in future years reach China from elsewhere in this in- 
creasingly close-knit world; but some of his Thoughts will 
likewise alter ideas and practices in other lands. 

Of course, Mao did not transform China single-handed. As is 
usually the case, he has been just one member -though the most 
important one of a team. Several of his colleagues have made 
distinct contributions to the success of the Chinese Revolution. In 
particular Chou En-lai has been, and still is, an indispensable 
leader in the work. Indeed, without the close partnership tlirough- 
out more than forty years between the revolutionary genius Mao 
and the administrative and diplomatic genius Chou, success 
could probably not have been maintained. Perhaps this goes to 
prove that one outstanding individual is not enough, and that a 
group of remarkable individuals led by a great chief is required 
at critical moments in history to shift the course of human affairs. 
The hour must produce not just the man, but the men. 

Some of Mao’s achievements referred to above are not described 
in Han Suyin’s present book, which is only the first volume of her 
story of Mao and the Chinese Revolution. This volume covers 
the period up to the Communist accession to power and the 
flight of Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan in October 1949. The 
portrait of Mao in these pages describes fascinatingly his per- 
sonality , his tribulations, the gradual development of his ideas, 
and his actions throughout his first fifty-five years, all against the 
background of changing moods and events in China. It reveals 
his pragmatism, originality and tenacity, among other striking 
qualities. It also corrects some misjudgments made by earlier 
authors and brings out aspects of this vital episode in contem- 
porary history which may surprise many readers. No writer is 
etter ^ahfied than Han Suyin to relate the facts and to interpret 
hem. Her knowledge of modern China, understanding of the 
Chinese people, and friendships with many of their present leaders 
make her a wise authority. And her gifts as a writer have pro- 
uced a book which is a gem of literature as well as of historical 



When Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia visited the People’s 
Republic of China in October 1971, he had this to say: ‘Today no 
one refers to China without mentioning its great leader, Chairman 
Mao Tsetung. The life history of Chairman Mao is in essence the 
history of New China, Rare are instances when an individual 
makes such a profound impact on a nation’s history.’ 

It is essentially in this spirit that The Morning Deluge has been 
written. It is not meant to be the biography of a single hero, a 
genius, a Caesar in absolute authority, a superman above the 
crowd, manipulating people and events. It is to give, through 
episodes of Chairman Mao’s life and especially through his de- 
velopment as a revolutionary and as a thinker, the story of the 
Chinese Revolution. 

This book is not an officially sponsored book. It is entirely the 
author s responsibility. No approval has been sought, but I am 
grateful to the Chinese government for allowing me numerous 
interviews with people who went through the Revolution, who 
made the Long March, who lived these events. Ordinary people 

whose testimony is precious. / r r • 

The heroic view of an individual fashioning history at will 
wreaking his fancies upon helpless millions, exacting absolute 

Ma^ guided many a so-called biography of Chairman 

ao Nothing could be further from the truth. Many historical 
events have been described according to the testimony of Com- 

unist Party renegades of Kuomintang sources. I have examined 

nsTn U '^ith other sources, and in many 

nstances have found them fanciful. There are also many so-called 

ecret documents, procured by means which are not explained 

a d purporting to represent official pronouncements. These have 

also been examined; only in certain cases, when certain sentences 




used were also heard in China, have these been mentioned, with 
due caution. 

The Chinese Revolution brought forth its leader in Mao 
Tsetung; Mao Tsetung shaped the Chinese Revolution. This 
dialectical link, symbiosis between a man’s life and the Revolution 
to which he has given his life, makes it impossible to write of the 
one without the other. Mao Tsetung has embodied the aspira- 
tions, needs, and desires of his nation and of his people; their will 
to revolt, to end exploitation, misery, injustice; to free themselves 
and become masters of their own destiny. Not for a single day has 
Mao Tsetung departed from this goal, and he has always gone 
back to the peasants and workers, the downtrodden of his land, 
to learn from them, with magnificent humility. The source of his 
creative power, as he will say himself, is the boundless creative 
power of the masses, who topple empires and transform the earth. 
He found his own people with limitless enthusiasm for revolution, 
and unhesitatingly gave all of himself to it, and hence became their 
leader, the nation-man. 

Because the development of a man is the process by which his 

ideas are formed, it is also impossible to describe the Chinese 

Revolution without studying the thinking of Chairman Mao. 

Mao Tsetung Thought was developed in this great forward 

movement, this overwhelming tide which has brought, with a 

speed unparalleled in history, one quarter of humanity into the 

modern age and into its own future. Not only did he formulate 

and develop the ideas which would make action possible, but he 

has also documented them, and this scientific study of the relation 

between theory and practice, between idea and action, makes his 
thinking of world importance today. 

Mao Tsetung s grasp of the future, his vision of man’s true role 
on , as given him a place as a world figure. His creative 
genius as come rom this constant return to the people, resisting 
aU attempts to elevate himself above them. Much has been said 
a out t e personality cult ; I have seen true, genuine love and 
a miration from the ordinary people of China for Mao Tsetung. 
The personality cult evolved round him by city bureaucrats he 
has done his best to put down, withdrawing himself as a person. 



giving to the people all homage for the Revolution. Only the 
people are the heroes of history; only they make it. It is in this 
spirit, not elevating Mao as a genius, but showing him as a man, 
in a constant search for truth, for reality, that this book has been 

Chairman Mao was born when China was crumbling, in misery 
and degradation and despair, halfway in that span of one hundred 
and nine years known as China’s semi-feudal, semi-colonial period. 
Since 1840, the time of the first Opium War made upon China by 
Great Britain to force the drug upon the Chinese People, China’s 
story had been one of swift ruin. The ruin was not only material, 
with the Western colonial powers exploiting China at the point of 
the gun, forcing upon her unequal treaties, burning the palaces 
of Peking, massacring inhabitants at will, exacting huge sums of 
indemnity for wars made upon her; it was also spiritual. None 
of the old values and traditions could stem this tide of destruction, 
and when Mao Tsetung was born China’s revolution had already 
begun. Great peasant revolts had taken place; his childhood was 
pinpointed with famines and devastation and revolts. Already 
that great and noble revolutionary of the early twentieth century, 
Dr Sun Yatsen, had begun to lead those who, in the first surge of 
revolt, sought to make the Chinese people free. 

Although far removed from the centres of revolt, in the deep 
countryside, a farmer s child, Mao Tsetung was plunged into the 
turmoil of his generation. So swift were the changes that took 
place that Mao s life is a recapitulation of what his generation says, 
that they have lived through many ages in their country’s history. 
In these changes Mao Tsetung participated, and when others gave 
^P» gsve in, gave way to despair, he went on, undaunted, un- 
faltering, Perhaps his greatest moment was in 1927, when all 
seemed lost, and when Mao rallied, persuaded, exhorted a band of 
heroic peasants and workers to continue, and with them ascended 
his eagle s nest, a forbidding mountain, there to forge a new 

Army, a new Party, and to nurse back to life the Revolution 
which seemed drowned in blood. 

This enormous faith in the future was not an abstract belief; it 
was a staunch confidence in the strength and power of people, in 



their heroism and their courage. As the artist sees beyond the 
surface and seeks the essence of truth in all things, Mao Tsetung is 
the artist of the revolution, seeing hope and joy and power where 
others only saw weakness, ignorance, slavery. Because he had the 
eyes of love, because he is bone of the bone, flesh of the flesh of the 
Chinese peasants and workers, he had that true greatness which is 
humility; and humility led him to a total faith in the millions. 
Revolution is made with passion and guts and vision and every- 
thing that one has or is, and so is artistic creation. If this book is 
said to be pro-Mao Tsetung, the answer is that it is. For there 
cannot be a true attempt to picture the story of a revolution if one 
does not also describe the faith and the steadfastness, beyond all 
practical considerations, which animate it. 

Of Mao Tsetung can be said what Thomas Traherne wrote: 

Strange is the vigour in a brave man’s soul. His courage fits him 

for all attempts, makes him the bulwark and defence of his being 

and of his country. But Mao Tsetung’s repose and security was 

not in himself, but always in the hearts of ks countrymen, from 

whom he strove to cast out fear, from whom he called forth 
boldness and initiative. 

And because Mao Tsetung gave the Chinese people that 

liberation of the mind which is true liberty, there is far greater 

hope in the world that all the peoples on earth may achieve true 

Part I 


Mao Tsetung was bom on December 26, 1893, in the village of 

Shaoshan Chung, one of a scattered group of clan villages in the 

fertile valley of Shaoshan, Hunan province. The nearest town, 

twenty-two miles away, is the district town of Hsiangtan, so 

named because of the beautiful, winding Hsiang river, which 

flows from southwest China through three provinces into the 

spongy meander of lakes and tributaries which forms the middle 

basm of the Yangtze river. The Hsiang connects the district with 

Changsha, the turbulent, steamy capital of Hunan province ; with 

Wuhan, the triple metropohs* upon the Yangtze ; and with the 

ocean port of Shanghai. Cargo boats of three to five thousand 

tons ply Its waters bringing pork and bristle, rice and salt; the 

old imperial highway from the southernmost city of Canton, 

now called Kuangchow,t through the district to Peking 

bearmg tribute and couriers and silk; in the early 1900s a railway 
would be built along the road. 

The district where Mao was bom was therefore a natural cross- 
rpads for commerce, and a wealthy agricultural area. It was also a 
strategic region, for no travel either in peace or in war could avoid 
this heart province of China; east to west, south to north, the 
province commanded the roads and the rivers. The Hunan people 
were renowned for their agumen, enterprise and energy; their 
peasant traders sustained far-reaching commercial links through- 

^ nineteenth and early twentieth 

ntunes Himan was also a centre of intellectual accomplishment, 

d hence of diss^idence and revolt; it fostered the best scholars in 





China, it also boasted a plethora of militarists. Both the generals 
who helped the crumbling Manchu dynasty and the revolution- 
aries who brought it down found their recruits in Hunan. 
Throughout the nineteenth century Hunan had been on the high- 
way of internecine warfare. The great Taiping peasant uprising 
(1850 to 1864) had found here its millions of valorous warriors; 
for despite the fertility of the province and the unrelenting labour 
of its inhabitants, it was a region of peasants impoverished by 
landlords and exorbitant taxation. The T aiping revolt was put down 
with enormous slaughter; the peasantry went back to squalid 
oppression. But the memory of rebellion was strong in the villages 
of Hunan, and the 1911 revolution to come was already in embryo 
in the schools of the capital city, Changsha, when Mao was born. 

Today Shaoshan Chung, Mao’s birthplace, is a medium-sized 
brigade,* part of a commune, with 708 families. The majority of 
the families are still named Mao.j* The clan house remains, now 
turned into a museum. Shaoshan today receives a million visitors 
annually. In 1963, 30,000 people visited it; in 1964, 70,000; in 
1 965 , 205 ,000. In 1 966, the mid-year had already seen over 3 1 0,000 
pilgrims. On a day in July 1966, I saw delegations of peasants, 
some from far-offTibet and Singkiang, walking up the pathways, 
holding banners and portraits of Chairman Mao Tsetung. In 1971, 
up to 10,000 visitors a day streamed in orderly files to visit the 
house where he was born. Today the clay brick farmhouse with 
its two wings, one roofed with tile and one with rice stalk thatch, 
with its pathway winding between lotus ponds, is as familiar to 
800 million Chinese as their own homes. 

The farmhouse grew from an original mud-walled shack with a 
low-pitched thatch roof, which Mao Tsetung’s grandfather, a 
poor peasant crushed by debt, erected in 1878. Mao Tsetung’s 
father, Mao Jen-shen, was then a wiry cight-y ear-old boy, hard- 
working ill the fields. He had very little schooling, for at sixteen 
he enrolled in the imperial army as a soldier to pay off his father’s 
debts. After seven years, and incredible self-denial, he had saved 

* A brigade is a section of a commune, and consists of several production teams. 

t Among the families living there, eight are of revolutionary martyrs, 123 of 
army men and Communist cadres. 



enough from his soldier’s pittance to buy back the small piece of 
land (about half an acre) which the elder Mao had lost to a 
landlord. Mao Jen-shen gradually improved the farmhouse, 
chiefly after 1903, when he acquired another one and a half acres 
and thus became, in the classification established later by his son, a 
lower middle peasant. 

Two families* lived in this house, one in each wing, connected 

by a central hall in which, facing the entrance, was recessed a 

wooden ancestors shelf. As Mao Jen-shen grew from poor to 

middle peasant he added rooms to his wing, and two years before 

his death in January 1920 was able to afford a tile roof, though the 

floor remained of beaten earth. The other family could not afford 

a tile roof. The present communist government has maintained 
the house exactly as it was. 

Mao Jen-shen was inordinately hard-working, frugal and tena- 
cious. His bitter youth stunted him physically; the photographs 
show him early emaciated ; he died at fifty of typhoid fever. To 
accomplish what he did, buy back the land his father had lost 
establish a family, and reach comparative comfort, he worked 
unceasingly, never sparing himself nor his sons. An urge to better 
himself drove him relentlessly; he was harsh towards his family 
and his eldest son, who early opposed him. He put his children to 
labour in the fields as soon as they were out of the toddling stage. 

e ecame the kind of man who lies sleepless worrying over 
the harvest, and forever reproved his family for waste and 
idleness Mao Tsetung was not brought up as a rich peasant’s son 
but as the son of a poor peasant driven by the memory of hmiger 

and want. At sixteen, Mao only ate one egg a month, and he saw 
meat three or four times a year. 

Biographers have made much of the father-son relationship in 
ao s ife. This is because, in the only record we have which is 
Mao s own about his childhood,! he starts on this aspect of family 

t»u family who moved into the house, but the ownership changed hands four 
and (Gollancz. London. 1937; first revised 



life and goes on about it at length. He makes no attempt to hide his 
feelings of revulsion against his father. This relationship has there- 
fore been described as abnormal, based on hatred, an Oedipus 
complex; Mao’s achievements have been explained away as 
founded on this childhood frustration. 

But the father-son relationship in Mao’s family was not ab- 
normal. On the contrary, it was a prevailing and prevalent feature 
of the times, as any scanning of the novels and literature of that 
period will reveal. This resentment, this generation ditch, is found 
in the lives of almost every one of the revolutionaries whose 
childhood fell within the 1890s to 1920s period. It was not a 
private but a public feature, a defmite social phenomenon, just as 
today in the United States the generation gap cannot be ex- 
plained in terms of Freudian psychology or of family relation- 
ships alone. Mao’s contemporaries, and the generation to 
follow his, looked upon family rebellion as the first step in a 
general revolt against society, against Confucian tradition; it 

was a part of the search for new values, for a new order in the 

In Mao s case, it was not trivial quarrels about food, or work, or 

study which would motivate his disagreements with his father. It 

would be something more basic: his identification with his 

downtrodden mother, with the labourer his father hired, with 

his siblings, against authoritarianism and absolute patriarchal 

Mao Jen-shen was not a wicked man, but he belonged to his 
own generation; he had laboured and toiled to bring his family a 
modicum of security, and he did not understand why his eldest 
son should want to thwart his wishes. All he wanted was that he 
should be thrifty, hard-working, obedient, raise a family and the 
family status, in traditional style. All he knew was that the child 
was headstrong, almost impossibly self-willed, a dreamer; and 
yet It was he who had to give in, more often than not, and he did 
not know what strange power his son had. In his harsh manner, 
he not only loved his son, he was also nonplussed and unwillingly 
fascinated. This love of his, however, could only be expressed in 
roughness, in scolding, because that was the way the older 



generation treated the young ones in those days, when to dis- 
g^age one’s children and wife was a part of traditional courtesy. 

There is no autobiography’ of Mao save what he told Edgar Snow 
in Other biographies by Chinese or Westerners (egregious 
admirers or vjfulent haters) are trashes based on hearsay. Today, 
with time and reverence, it is almost impossible to get a non- 
i^giogr^phic account of Mao s childhood days. Childhood tales 
niay endear, but do not inform. His own spontaneous descrip- 
tions show that he belonged to the rebellious generation which 
would effect the long overdue changes for which China was ripe, 
^^o s rebellion was always an explicit one, a lucid, conscious 
affirmation, linking his acts of revolt to a general, and genera- 
tional, social context. He carried his young rage of change with 
him wherever he went. 

Physically, Mao grew tall and strong, taller and more robust 
t an most boys of his age. His passion for water, an original trait, 
developed early. He taught himself to swim when he was six 
years old. Outside the farmhouse were two ponds where the 
children splashed in the hot summer; in them lotuses were grown, 
for food. Swimming became for him not only a physical ex- 
perience but an exhilarating mental release. There is a connection 
in Mao between this addiction to swimming and the decisive 
movements of his mind. Sixty years later, on July i 6. iq66. Mao 
Isetung would swim the Yangtze river at Wuhan the day before 
returning to Peking to lead the Great Prole tarian Cultural 

*^^--The act was symbolic; f^ the Cifftural Revolution 
be a flood, sweeping away many accepted symbols, 
enewing the freshness of revolution, renewing his own youthful 
exploits through yet another generation of rebels. 

1962, one summer day in Peking, Mao Tsetung went swim- 
ng m the newly built reservoirs of the Ming tombs* together 
witn Lm Shao-chi, at that time President of the Republic. The 

Lil!!- ^ between the two as to the policy to follow in 
rlacl ^ c Chinese state had already begun; they would soon 
^ 1 in enmity. Besides being fellow Hunanese, for Liu was born 

Built by student volunteers in 1958-1959. 



in a village not far from Mao’s own, in 1898, Liu was regarded as 
Mao’s successor and his intimate friend. When they emerged to 
dry themselves in the sun, young swimmers crowded around 
Mao, who spoke with them, but Liu did not say a word. 

In September 1959, Mao Tsetung went to inspect the large 

Miyun reservoir and its hydro-electric plants, thirty-seven miles 

from Peking. He then had a swim, lasting forty minutes, in the 

hill-surrounded man-made lake. One is tempted to associate 

Mao s swim in that cold autumn to the problems then facing 

China. For at the time Mao was in a minority, power taken from 

him; before him loomed the Sino-Soviet conflict, the abrupt 

tearing up of the agreements made between the USSR and China 

by Khrushchev. Khrushchev was at Camp David conferring with 

Eisenhower; the USSR was backing the Indian side of the Sino- 

Indian border dispute. All this spelled danger to the Revolution. 

Mao swam in the ice-cold water for forty minutes and came out 
smiling, his mind made up. 

Again, on July 16, 1971, anniversary of Mao’s swim in the 
Yangtze* which started the Cultural Revolution, when all over 
China millions were plunging in lakes and rivers and the sea in 
commemoration, China would announce another Mao decision. 
President Nixon had asked to come to China, and he had been 
invited. Why was this date chosen? Coincidence perhaps. 

From the childhood lotus pond to the tidal bore of the Revolu- 
tion there is, in Mao s language, the vivid imagery of water in its 
sweetness and its strength, in its life-giving passion and its irresis- 
tible forward movement. He has reshaped the Chinese language in 
terms of tides,^ waves, crests, seas, water, the flood. ‘That man ... 
he s an ocean, said Edgar Snow to me in January 1971 after his 
last interview with Mao. Unrelenting as flood, as water, the 
Revolution is Mao’s whole being, thought and action. He merges 
with the moving tide within the ocean body of the Cliinese 
Revolution. It is impossible to separate them. The one is the other. 

*From the age of sixty-three to seventy-three (1956-1966), Mao Tsetung 

swyn the Yangtze river eight times at its widest point -about four miles back 
and fortli. 



The valley of Shaoshan is called Hibiscus Land, because of its 
beauty. From the fields which once belonged to Mao Tsetung’s 
father (dispersed patches, not one larger than a quarter-acre) a hill 
range is seen, and one prominence is striking — a cone 1,700 feet 
high with a small Buddhist monastery atop. Mao’s mother used to 
go there, climbing the stone paths on her bound feet. The young 

boy went with her, to stare without reverence at the dim smoke- 
wreathed figures of gilded clay. 

At the age of six, Mao Tsetung, up before dawn, worked in the 
fields. As the night mists withdrew, he would see the first rays of 
the sun fingering the blue hills, inching above them; the light 
would dazzle him and the rice-heavy plain around him. Feet in 
the mud, head wrapped in sunlight, the little boy who would one 
day be called the great Red Sun felt his soul widen, and he would 

Among those 

hills he had lost himself once for three days, running away from a 
teacher who beat him. Hills, mountains would become his 

strength in years to come, cradle his growing thoughts. 
The highlands of his mind were reached in strain and suffering 
among the mountains of his country. 

In times past the legendary emperor Shun came to Shaoshan, 
an pleased with the green prolific plain, sparkling its water 
meanders, he climbed the hills, sat on a pleasant crest and began to 
sing. A musical instrument was devised by him here to partner his 
singing, hence the name Shao music, peculiar to the region ; and 
^haoshan, musical mountain. The birds of the air, enthralled by 
uns melody, flocked here, among them phoenixes; they 
s aye , paired and nested. Hence Shaoshan is known as the birth- 
P ace ot phoenixes ; great men doing great deeds.’ Every child in 
me district knows the legend, and Phoenix Hill is the name of the 

height Mao climbed so often.* 

da-m Tsemng, a small boy bending over the rice shoots in the 

land ’ *he sun rise, heard echoes of Shun’s music as the 

the firird" stirred into life. And every day was marvel, 
iirst day of the world. 

‘lie revolutionary committee of 



So deep the night, so slow to break the crimson dawn; 

Demons and ghouls held sway so many centuries, 

Like desert sand, our hapless downtrodden people. 

Then the cock crowed. 

And suddenly all under heaven clear in the light 
And from Khotan to ocean sounds of music. 

Setting the poet*s mind aglow with dreams ... * 

The young Mao would go up, up, climbing the hills, walking 
for hours. He would in years to come climb higher mountains and 
feel the sky just ‘three-foot-three above me’. He would sing: 

How beautiful your mountains and rivers, O my country.’ But 

in the vulnerable years of childhood it was a beauty spoiled, 

wracked by misery and want, tyranny and exploitation. Of this 

he was conscious very early. The peasants of Hunan, of China, 

had a long tradition of revolt, and Mao was born a rebel, in a 
rebellious land. 

The work Mao did as a child was not light; he laboured long 
hours weeding, watering the buffalo and currying it, gathering 
wood for charcoal and manure from the pigsties, picking beans, 
atter the paddy harvest going over the field for spare stalks. He 
grew tall and thin, his father grumbled at his ravenous appetite. 
At seven he was sent to the village primary school of Nam An, 
run by an old-type teacher, well thought of because he beat his 
pupils mercilessly. No teacher was reckoned worthy unless he 
showed severity to the children in his care. Each child, to recite 
his lessons, would leave his desk, stand in front of the teacher’s 
desk, then promptly turn his back to him and recite. Mao refused 
to stand up If you can hear me weU and sit, why should I stand 
up to recite, he said. And clung to his desk and stool. The teacher 
was pa e wit ury. Never in a thousand years had this custom 
been challenged. He ordered the seven-year-old to stand before 
his desk, but Mao dragged his stool with him and sat himself next 
to the teacher The teacher then tried to heave him upright. Mao 
got up and left the school, and lost himself for three days in the 

* Poem by Mao Tsetung. 


hills. His distraught parents were overjoyed when he was founa 

and after that he was not beaten in school. ‘The result of my act of 

protest impressed me ... It was a successful “strike”.’ From this 

^isode Mao would go on; in each school he would attend Mao 

would lead student revolts, to reform teachers whose conduct he 

thought unbecoimng. Why should not one go to sleep durmg a 

bonng lecture? Mao would say in 1967, to the delight of another 
generation of young rebels. 

a, he could 

read toleraby. His best-loved books were romances, stories of 
me™ adventure. He did no, Ifc the d.»ea. though he 

cov”'LT.h*"” I “ “'■“I. 

work L? ‘ *' spells of 


his room Mao^r^v " “ sphe of the edicts. In 

justice an""”" * ^^-^^tjes as a child were a pa^Jn for 

stubbo’rnnesnjh^^h 7 t 7 '^'v'^ unequalled 

n^edieva?efv l oTn^eL r ' ^“^fic -common in"a 

ment ‘Kno 1 T ’, , ^ accepted values untried by experi- 

Knowledge .s the beginning of action and actiLT the 

pTaS 5Si" - 



accomplishment of knowledge/ the philosopher Wang Yang- 
ming had proclaimed, and thus Mao acted. In Mao’s mind the 
heroes of romantic tales were real people he longed to equilai^, 
not dead images to be smothered in incense and forgotten. He 
was willing to endure unpleasantness to help others if he thought 
their cause was right, and this ‘righting of wrongs’ instinct, so 
deep in him, would give him throughout his life a kind of 
candour and innocence almost naive. Thus he would save some 
old woman’s crop from a storm before saving his own family’s 
grain, and explain that it was the only thing to do, since she 
needed the grain more than his father did; he would give his warm 
gown to a poor student and go home shivering. For all these 
things he was scolded and punished. But his mother understood 
him well, for she too was generous of spirit, ever ready to share 
what she had. 

‘She pitied the poor and often gave them rice when they came 
to ask for it during famines. But she could not do so when my 
father was present ... We had many quarrels in my home over 
this question. There were two “parties” in the family. One was 
my father, the Ruling Power. The Opposition was made up of 
myself, my mother, my brother, and sometimes even the 
labourer . . . The dialectical struggle in our family was constantly 
developing. Thus Mao described the family scene, and the 
mother whom he venerated. Mao’s mother. Wen Chi-mei, came 
from Hsiang Hsiang, a county sixteen miles from Shaoshan. As is 
the custom in peasant China among the poor, she was older than 
his father when they were married. She died of tuberculous 
lymphadenitis in October 1918. Mao Tsetung loved her very 
deeply; he also wrote about her and spoke of her with deep 
emotion, even decades after her death. 

Beside Mao Tsetung, Wen Chi-mei bore two other sons, Mao 
Tse-min, born in 1896, and Mao Tse-tan, born in 1905. Both of 
them seem to have been passionately devoted to their elder 
brother and followed him during all the years of their lives. So 
did his adopted sister, Mao Tse-chien, born in 1905 in another 
family of the Mao clan. ‘After the death of the Chairman’s 
parents the family became far more revolutionary,’ the director of 



the Shaoshati museum said to me in 1966, indicating the restraint 
imposed upon the young by the parents. It seems certain that in 
the necessary process of asserting his personality, Mao earned the 
admiration of many of the young in his village. Later, in the 
192OS, it was there he would found his furst peasant Communist 
Party branch, drawing upon his own kin. They followed him 
and laid down their lives for the Revolution. 

This early training in contradiction within a family, this 
‘dialectical struggle’ which lay beneath the ‘harmony and unity’ 
vermihon paper slogans, the facade of valedictory eulogies of 
family filial piety, pasted at New Year on both sides of the shelf 
upon which stood the ancestors’ tablets, Mao would see as the 
start of his own revolt against society. His knowledge of the 
classics, quick-witted use of sententious phrases and quotations, 
became ‘a powerful argument of my own for debating with my 
father on his own ground’. Thus, by using the hypocritical lore of 
the revered ancients, he bolstered his sense of outrage against the 
hypocrisy of tradition. Daring to argue was in itself a break 
against filial piety. No son was supposed ever to talk back to his 
father;* but Mao Tsetung spoke with such fire, raged with such 
logic, persisted with such eloquence, that the peasants of Hunan, 
always a good audience, were delighted and impressed, and 
Would go round repeating the young boy’s catchy phrases. Even 
his father, torn between anger and grudging admiration and pride, 
would nearly always give in. 

The times were of change. In peasant Shaoshan, ensconced in its 
green valley, seemingly sleepy, the incipient revolution disturbed 
the elders. The 1900 uprising of the Righteous Fists against massive 
foreign exploitation was essentially a peasant revolt.f It had 
opened a new era of resistance, although this was not noticeable 
at the time. It had dealt a death blow to the odious and idiotic 

* Even today in India, young people in their twenties complain that they are 
never allowed to ‘talk back*. This happens even in well-educated families. 

t Also known as the Boxer Rebellion, it was at first an anti-dynastic movement, 
but was turned by the Manchu dynasty into an anti-foreign movement. See 
Victor W. Purcell, The Boxer Uprising (Cambridge University Press, 1963). 



tyranny of the Manchu dynasty, already bankrupt under the 
burden of foreign debt imposed by the Western powers and 

Japan. It was a violent demonstration against their pillage of 
China. This revolt was a landmark in China’s contemporary 
history, precursor of the revolutions to come, but it was put down 
by the combined forces of the Et^ropean powers and Japan.* 
When Mao was ten years old there were foreign garrisons in 
every main city, including Changsha, the capital of Hunan 

province; gunboats (British and American) patrolled the lakes 
and waterways of Middle China, sailed down the Hsiang river, or 
rode the high waters of the Yangtze up to Szechuan, deep in the 

interior. Foreign power protected and supported the captive 
Manchu imperial government, now become the main safeguard 
of foreign interests against seething popular revolt. Mao Tsetung’s 
grandfather, who lived till 1908, was incensed at the thought of a 
British garrison in Changsha, was aware of the humiliating 
indemnities and concessions imposed upon Cliina by the victorious 
Western powers. The old man was no revolutionary, but he was a 


Educational reforms were proclaimed in 1901 and 1902, and in 
1906 a programme of ‘new’ primary schools and modern in- 
stitutions of higher learning was drawn up by the Manchu 
imperial dynasty, but little was done. However, schools of ‘new 
learning’! organized, and subsidized chiefly by merchants’ 
guilds, overseas Chinese, and landlords. Mercantile society wanted 
reforms in education for its children. The Chinese have always 
excelled at promoting schemes for the self-interest of a guild, clan 
or other association based on local or provincial membership, and 
now clans, guilds and societies took over when the Manchu 
empire crumbled. Though the schools were ostensibly govern- 
ment-supported, most were run on private contribution. This 
practice was prevalent in Hunan, Hupei and the coastal provinces, 
where the influence of the merchant class and intellectuals ‘newly I 

* Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, United States, Russia, I 


t ‘New learning* meant learning history, geography, mathematics and the i 
natural sciences, instead of learning only the classics. But the teaching of the 
classics continued as part of Chinese language teaching 




returned’ from abroad, especially Japan,* was strong. Thus, very 
quickly, institutions grew up which became training grounds for 
dissent and rebellion. Hunan’s capital, Changsha, was such a focus. 

Some of these new schools were set up in temples, and the clay 
gods were boarded up, to turn the prayer halls into classrooms. 
Mao Tsetung, like Sim Yatsen before him, was naturally irreverent 
towards clay deities, and his Buddhist mother could not convince 
him of their superhuman attributes. This agnosticism was of his 
age and his generation, for Sun Yatsen, too, had battled against 
images of veneration. 

In 1906 occurred an event which was to mark Mao Tsetung 
deeply. Famine, one of the great recurrent famines of China, due 
to floods, stalked the provinces of Hupei and Hunan, coincident 
with the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905), which was fought on 
Chinese soil, in Manchuria. The' war helped to fire patriotism 
among Chinese students in Japan. It was due to the designs both 
the czarist and Nippon empires had on Manchuria, and it was the 
first time Mao’s generation saw a white and predatory power 
beaten by an Asian one, similarly predatory. At the same time as 
the war and famine. Sun Yatsen, the revolutionary of those 
decades, launched yet another insurrection to overthrow the 
Manchus and establish a republic in China. Seven such attempts 
were made by Sun Yatsen between 1906 and 1908. They all 
failed; nevertheless they sustained and inspired a generation of 
intellectuals with the necessity for revolt. The unquenchable 
Sun Yatsen, to whom Mao renders full praise, was never dis- 
l^artened by defeat. ‘Let’s try again’ was his constant retort to 
those who were disheartened. The revolution of 1911, the over- 
throw of the Manchu dynasty in China, and the establishment of a 
republic were all due to this indomitable leader from Kwangtung 
province), who devoted his life to trying to restore to China her 
independence and her sovereignty, whose dream was to establish 
in China a system of parliamentary democracy as in the West.f 

* The practice of sending Chinese students abroad also started in the 1800s but 
accelerated after the defeat of the Boxer uprising in 1901. 

Londrn^i''^)^^ (Heinemann, 



Today his portrait, facing Mao Tsetung’s, hangs in the great 
Red Square of Peking on October i, anniversary of the triumph 
of the Revolution. And in 1906 it was, indirectly, because of him 
that the boy Mao got his first sharp memory of revolt beyond the 
confines of the family circle. 

The Hunan insurrection of 1906 was launched by Huang Hsing, 
a Hunanese, member of Sun Yatsen’s revolutionary organization 
the Tung Meng Hui (then sited in Japan). Its particular feature was 
that the uprising began in the coal mines of Pinghsiang and in 
Liuyang, where the famine was particularly severely felt. The 
leaders of the peasant secret societies* co-operated with Sun 
Yatsen’s revolutionaries, and a march on Changsha, the pro- 
vincial capital, was organized in which thousands of miners, 
peasants, and the local soldiery took part. On the way the hungry 
marchers raided the grain stores of the landlords. Again the old 
Taipingf cry went up: ‘Share the land!’ This uprising created so 
much excitement that many Chinese students in Japan came home 
to join the Hunan insurrection. The people of Changsha, who 
were starving, sent a delegation to beg for relief to the governor 
of the province, but he replied, ‘Why haven’t you got any grain? 
I always have enough!’ The citizens then rioted, attacked the 
governor’s official quarters, and raided the rice barns of hoarders. 
Both in city and countryside the revolt spread. Six thousand 
miners at the Anyuan coal mines (where later Mao Tsetung was 
to establish the first Communist Party cell of Hunan) picketed the 
administrative offices of the mines; they were joined by the local 
peasants, waving banners inscribed ‘Share the land’. The whole 
province became involved; a movement so widespread was 
already more than an anti-dynastic uprising, it threatened social 
revolution. Seriously alarmed, the military governor sent three 
provincial armies to cut down the unarmed peasants and miners. 
Members of Sun Yatsen s party were caught and executed. The 

* Secret societies at first emanated from peasant revolts against Manchu rule, 

though later many degenerated into Chinese mafias. In Hunan. S7echuan. the 

scCTet societies were particularly strong among boatmen, pedlars, petty craftsmen 
and the peasantry. 

t The Taiping peasant uprising (1850-1864), most famous of all China’s many 
peasant upnsmgs, was also put down with the help of foreign powers. 



heads of the slaughtered adorned the city gates and remained 
exhibited till the New Year. 

Mao Tsetung heard of this event from some bean merchants 
fleeing from Changsha, who came through Shaoshan and told the 
story to the head of the Mao clan; the children crowded round, 
shoving each other to catch a word. While the elders com- 
miserated with the merchants, the young at school discussed it; 
but their sympathies were for Huang Hsing and his colleagues, 
who became heroes for Mao Tsetung, then a vulnerable twelve 
years old. This event shows that already, even without knowing 
why, the young were opposed to their parents* opinions and 
reactions. ‘Most of the other students sympathized with the 
“insurrectionists**,* Mao notes, ‘but from an observer’s point of 
view. They did not understand that it had any relation to their 
own lives ... I never forgot it.’ And this was the essential difference. 
Thirty years later Mao was to look upon this incident as part of his 
life as a revolutionary. ‘I felt that there with the rebels were 
ordinary people like my own family and I deeply resented the 
injustice of the treatment given to them.’ 

The child Mao Tsetung thus spanned a world in turmoil, 
between the crumbling tyranny of an old feudal empire and an 
unknown future which could only be brought to birth by the 
mass uprisings of the exploited against their exploiters. Little did 
he then know how much he would give of himself in shaping that 
, future, but all his generation, like him, were sensitized to injustice 
and exploitation. They already reacted to events in diametrically 
opposite ways to their parents’. 

In that same year the fledgling rebel was told by his father that 
he had studied enough, and must work on the land and keep his 
father s account books. Mao Jen-shen now had 15 mous of land* 
and needed the extra labour of his son. Later, he would acquire 
yet another 7 mous of land and would need a hired ‘labour- 
hand to till the additional crops. The field labourer was paid one 
Chinese dollarj- a month, which under conditions at that time in 
China was almost generous. Mao received no money from his 

* Six mous equal an acre. 

t At that time worth 25 to 30 cents. 



father for his work, and at thirteen he was doing man’s work in 
the fields and also keeping accounts for his father’s small grain 
trade. Another incident then occurred, in Shaoshan itself, which 
would mark him for life. 

One of the local landlords came into conflict with some of his 
peasant tenants over rent payments. The peasants were members 
of the Kelao, the Elder Brother secret society, the most widespread 
among the peasantry in Hunan, Szechuan and Hupei. Sun Yatsen’s 
organization relied much on this particular Kelao society for 
armed insurrection and for the smuggling of weapons. In various 
popular movements, such as the railway dispute in Szechuan,* the 
Kelao would play a prominent part, and thus participate in China’s 
Revolution of 1911. 

The landlord won the lawsuit against his tenants by the usual 
bribery of the magistrate; his tenants rioted, but were then 
hunted down by the military governor’s troops and fled to a local 
mountain, the Liu Shan. This withdrawal to a mountain strong- 
hold was a traditional feature of peasant uprisings, celebrated in 
historical romances. The ‘bandits’, as they were now called, were 
captured and their leader, Pang the Millstone Maker, beheaded. 
Once again Mao felt that heroic deeds of the past had been re- 
enacted in actual, solid events affecting his own county, his own 
village. Once again he saw the incident not as something apart 
from himself, but as an intimate personal concern. Injustice! 
Injustice! Would no one rise against this monstrous betrayal of 
virtue? History then began to appear to him as a grand tradition of 
righteousness, of rebellion in a just cause against tyrants and 
exploiters. From that time dates Mlao s almost compulsory sense 
of identification with the downtrodden, the persecuted. 

The Chinese are traditionally history-minded, Chinese memory 
being both specific and historical. Even in these childhood years 
Mao’s conception of events and his relation to them is historical; 
it is not abstract, self-centred, alienated. This historicity he was to 
develop through the years, but it is inherent in his make-up. For 

* See Han Suyin, The Crippled Tree (Cape, London, 1965), for an account of 

the railway movement in Szechuan, one of the factors that sparked the 1911 



him no breach could exist between past and present, only a 
continuity. And he also had, like so many Chinese peasants, an 
excellent memory. Most Chinese can recall the names of at least 
several hundred personages, dating from 800 b.c. through Chinese 
history; not only names, but their relationships, deeds and words. 
Chinese fiction is fictionalized history, with no attempt to disguise 
the fact. Tales of strategy and tactics, of how battles are won and 
political schemes concocted, are the backbone of the romances 
which Mao and millions of other Chinese little boys loved and 
continue to love. But where Mao would be different would be in 
his identification with revolt, especially with peasant acts of 
rebellion. His mind was scientific. It reasoned naturally from 
cause to effect, and it reasoned that if such evil things happened, 
then there was something wrong with the system which allowed 

There was at the time a ‘radical’ teacher at a local school whose 
talk greatly influenced Mao; also, a political pamphlet fell in his 
hands opening with the sentence : ‘Alas, China -will be subjugated !’ 
‘After I read this I . . . began to realize that it was the duty of all the 
people to help save it’ (the country), said Mao. And so, his 
imagination nourished by the sporadic revolts around him, com- 
mitted to be more than an observer by the intensity of his 
feelings, he now made the leap from individual to nationwide 

injustice. Already he felt himself part of his country’s history, 
history a part of himself 

Very soon after, once again famine came to the district. The 
winter rice was exhausted, and the poor farmers asked help of the 
well-to-do and began a movement, ‘Let’s eat at the Big House,’ 
meaning the landlords’ granaries. But the rich were exportmg 
their rice to the city. One consignment belonging to Mao 
Tset^g s father, who was now running a grain trade, was seized 
by the^poor villagers. Mao sided with them against his father, 
whose ‘wrath was boundless’. At the same time Mao felt that the 
method used by the peasantry, of raiding the grain, was wrong, 
b^ause it did not solve the fundamental poverty and exploitation 
of the poor. He spent hours, weeks, months turning all this over 
m his mind. Knowing his father wrong, at the same time aware 



that the poor, in the end, would still be punished, he lay awake, 

tossing in his bed, wondering where was truth, and justice, and 

what was the meaning of all the misery, the beastliness, the 

And so Mao Tsetung irritated his father, not only because of his 

reading habits, but because he was dreamy, withdrawn, and 

demanded to go to school again. He was a hefty fiftecn-year-old, 

as tall and big as a man, carrying on his shoulders two heavy 

manure baskets, doing the work of one man and a half*. He must 

be married, thought Mao Jen-shen. Marriage was the cure for 

intractability, dreaminess, moodiness. Marriage, children would 
sober Mao Tsetung. 

But Mao, his work done, would take his two books (IVater 

Margin and Three Kingdoms) to a place under a tree, behind an 

andent grave. Frequently he arrived at a state bordering ecstasy 

as he followed the lives and adventures, the scheming and the 

strategies of his favourite heroes.’ writes Siao Yu, one of his 

hostile bmgraphers.* Mao strenuously objected to being married 

against his will. But Mao Jen-shen arranged the ceremony, which 

was performed in 1908. Mao refused to have anything to do with 

t e girl. Such was the scandal and the shame (for the bride’s 

family) of Mao’s refusal to consummate the marriage that to this 

day no one in Shaoshan will reveal the name of the bride’s clan. 

All we know is that she was older than he by the customary four 
or five years, and ‘comely’. 

This experience, and Mao’s devotion to his mother, probably 
started him on his lifelong campaign for the liberation of women; 
his indignation at the shameful treatment of women in China was 
to become an integral part of his resolve to change the world. 
Mao Tsetung’s mother was a very good-looking woman with 
the same stubborn streak, a great power of self-control, and 
wholly illiterate as her son tells us. He looks astonishingly like 
her, so much so that in his youth, photographs of Mao Tsetung, 
especially when his hair was long (and he seldom had enough 
money for a haircut), are almost feminine, with the same large 
dreamy eyes, the high forehead and great shock of hair, the 

* Siao Yu, Atou Tselrmf, and I Were Beggars (Syracuse Uuiversity Press, 1959). 


sensitive firm mouth, the attractive smile. Mao Tsetuiig grew to 
be six feet, and very handsome. Madame Liu Ying* tells of seeing 
him often when he was in Changsha. ‘He was so tall and so good- 
looking, people stopped talking to watch him. And he was always 
so calm.’ The likeness to his mother is still visible today, especially 
when he smiles or talks, looking very much like the photograph 
of her, round-faced and large-eyed, taken in 1906 or 1907, and 
hanging on the wall of his parents’ bedroom in the Shaoshan home. 

Mao Tsetung seems to have entertained good relations with his 
mother s family, who helped him once or twice with small loans. 
Perhaps it is in memory of his mother that Mao Tsetung coined 
this beautiful sentence: ‘Woman carries half of Heaven upon her 
shoulders’ (half the responsibility of the world is hers). 

The years 1908 to 191 1 were turbulent. Everywhere widespread 
fierce rebellions erupted. Sun Yatsen s revolutionary movement 
was now followed all over China. Armed insurrection became 
increasingly frequent; students now became radical teachers, 
taught in the schools of ‘new learning’ and spread the sentiment 
of national independence to the student body. They denounced 
the Manchu dynasty, denounced traditions ; the pupils imbibed 
revolt as part of the curriculum. The writings of Confucius were 
attacked; and as in every age of revolt, the incomprehension 
between the generations grew. The young knew that no adult 
could tell what the future would be; they were thrown upon 
themselves, the future theirs to fashion ; but how? No classics, no 
ancient wisdom could guide them any longer. Only dissent, only 
revolt was a signpost to becoming. A total revolt against feudal 
society was in the making, though it appeared impossible at the 

time that 2 500 years of feudal tradition and the social system it 
had engendered would so swiftly succumb. 

Carrying his baskets of manure, digging furrows, planting rice, 
giving away his clothes to needy strangers, Mao Tsetung was 
tormented by a need to participate in his half-sensed cataclysm 
and resurrection in which his father’s world would disappear 
and a new world would emerge. ’ 

* Interviewed by the author. Madame Liu was an 
rang Kai-hui. whom he was to marry in 1921. 

acquaintance of Mao’s wife 



Shortly after his marriage (possibly spurred by resentment at 
the coercion thus imposed on him) Mao Tsetung left Shaoshan 
to stay with a friend, an unemployed law student, in Hsiangtan. 
He walked to Hsiangtan, with some rice packed in a small 
pouch, and stayed there, reading, arguing, meeting radicals; 
perhaps his mother helped, secretly, with a httle money. Then as 
usual his father called him back and Mao Tsetung returned home. 
But he returned more rooted in revolt than ever, more dedicated 
to a search for truth, more determined to ‘learn from all sources’. 
In his life he would make many friends, seek out many teachers. 
Ideas were always to excite him; he would pounce on them, 
grow tremendously excited. Then he would start to re-examine, 
to test the idea by doing; this would reveal a flaw and Mao 
Tsetung would once again search, listen, learn, read, try. In this 
quest he would go through many a metamorphosis, but his 
purpose would remain a search for truth, for reality, for valid 
principles to be translated into action. ‘I began to realize that it was 
the duty of all the people to help to save ... my country.’ Many 
years later he would say: National liberation, a consciousness 
of national independence, is always the first step in any revolu- 
tion; it is the first emotion in any revolutionary.’ It was this 

emotion which possessed him now, fired him with the desire to 

The full-fledged rebel develops by fits and starts. All the 
ingredients for the questioning of every tradition, tenet, value 
were present when Mao Tsetung passed from childhood to 
adolescence to young manhood. The age bred revolutionaries. 
A total involvement and concern with national affairs was 
considered ‘normal* by the young students and teenagers then — 
though not by their elders. Already students had led great de- 
monstrations against the shameful treaty of Shimonoseki of 1893, 
marking the end of the war withjapan, and China’s defeat. In 1905 
Chinese students had organized a boycott and protested against 
American immigration policies, discriminatory against Chinese. 
The young Mao Tsetung was brought, during his stay at Hsiang- 
tan, in contact with problems not only of local interest but of 
national dimensions. He noticed that in all the books he had read 



there was nothing about the ‘peasantry’, while around him 
peasants rose in revolt, assaulted rice hoarders, and demanded land 
for the landless. The savagery of the repressions against the peasants 
was accepted by teachers and the intelligentsia. They were con- 
cerned but not personally involved. Why did they not feel 
personally involved? Mao was to struggle with this problem of 
personal involvement for many a year. It was to remain for him 
the touchstone of revolutionary advance: total identification 
with the exploited. 

But Mao took longer to make up his mind than others because 
of a thoroughness, a perfectionism which marked even his labour 
in the fields. He progressed slowly, but he went further than his 
contemporaries. The story is told of Mao and another child 
picking beans. His father berated him when the other child had 
finished his rows long before Mao Tsetung, who still plodded 
with half his rows unfinished— until his father looked at Mao’s 
basket, which was as full as the other. He had left no bean un- 
plucked. And so it would be with his career as a revolutionary. 

When Mao Tsetung returned home from Hsiangtan once more 
to plough and to plant and to reap in his father’s fields and to do 
book-keeping for his father’s grain trade accounts, Mao Jen-shen 
suggested his son be apprenticed at Hsiangtan to a rice dealer, a 
business partner of his. Hsiangtan being a ‘radical’ place, Mao 
thought at first that he could study in his spare time, reading at 
night as he did at home, while being an apprentice by day. But 
the choice, finally, was another school. Which to Mao meant 
political involvement, knowledge and action. 

Mao had heard through relatives of his mother’s of a ‘modem 

education school’ in Hsiang Hsiang, where his mother’s relatives 

lived. ‘My father finally agreed to let me enter, after friends had 

argued to him that this “advanced” education would increase my 

earning powers.’ Thus Mao said, wryly, of the consent he finally 

wrung from the older man. The year was 1910, and he was 
sixteen years old. 

Youth and School Years 

Mao Tsetung’s arrival at the Tungshan Higher Primary School in 
Hsiang Hsiang is described by two childhood acquaintances, the 
brothers Siao Emi and Siao Yu, who later published their con- 
tradictory reminiscences of their schoolmate * He had set forth 
at dawn, carrying a pole on his shoulder, his belongings suspended 
at one end and his two books. Three Kingdoms and Water Margin, 
balancing them at the other. After reaching Hsiang Hsiang, he 
walked a mile to two more to reach the school. The road wound 
between fields and farms; he crossed a small river by ferry, and 
climbed up a hill with a gravel path leading to what appeared to 
him enormous as a fortress, surrounded by a moat and a high 
brick wall. It was the Tungshan Higher Primary School. Mao 
crossed the stone bridge over the moat and saw before him the 
black lacquer doors, with children playing in the courtyard. 

If Mao was afraid, he did not show it. Yet as soon as he entered 

the school, it was obvious he was a poor peasant. The Tungshan 

Higher Primary School of Hsiang Hsiang was a school for the 

sons of landlords and rich peasants, and the difference was striking. 

Mao Tsetung had worked as a poor peasant’s son, and continued 

to look what he was, a hardy, thrifty young labourer without the 

air, the clothes, the habits of rich boys. He was not accompanied 

by a private servant to carry his luggage. He came on foot. He 

had only one pair of cloth shoes, and very few clothes at the end 

of his pole. At that time, anything smacking of manual labour, 

such as carrying one’s luggage, even carrying a parcel, was 
regarded as demeaning. 

Mao entered the black lacquered doors flanked by tall pedestal 
stones representing crouching lions. The height of the carved 

*Lr* Tsetung and I Were Beggars (op. dt.). Siao Emi, Mao Tsetung: 

Hts Chtldhood and Youth (People’s Publishing House, Bombay, 1953). 




symbolic beasts denoted the ^rank* of the board of landlords who 
had had the school built for their children and whose donations 
kept it up. These landlords of Hsiang Hsiang were wealthy; some 
owned islands on Lake Tungting and as much as 20,000 mous of 
land; they owned boats that plied on the Hsiang river as far as 
Shanghai; they were interested in industry, their money was 
invested in the Japanese- and British-owned factories of Changsha, 
the German-Japanese-owned coal mines of Anyuan and Pingh- 
siang. The school was beautiful, completely cut off from the 
misery of the countryside. 

The children of the wealthy or the comparatively wealthy, 
handsome, clean, carefree and proud, stared at the ‘labourer 
carrying his pole who now walked in. The gateman, as haughty 
as the ‘yomig masters’ who studied inside, would not let Mao enter. 
Mao said to him, putting down his pole: ‘I have come to study at 
this school.’ The gateman started shouting, the children swarmed 
to the commotion; they laughed. ‘Look at the labourer trying to 
come to school.’ Mao refused to budge; he stood there saying: 
‘Call the headmaster.’ The tumult brought out the headmaster, 
armed with a long pipe with a copper bowl. There is something 
extremely mandarin-like in the headmaster’s weaponing himself 
with his pipe, which would not cause lethal damage but would 
bring enough ‘loss of face’, should he have to use it, to make the 
stubborn ‘bandit’ (as the porter apparently called Mao) withdraw 
in confusion. 

The headmaster saw a tall young man, thin and badly dressed, 
with a cloth pack and a bamboo pole, like a pedlar. Mao 

turned to him: ‘Please sir, allow me to study here in your 

Even then, Mao Tsetung’s personality, his extraordinary pre- 
sence, seem to have wrought a change in the headmaster. ‘Bring 
him to my office,’ he said. He could not believe that this adolescent, 
^ head taller and at least three years older than any other school 
cliild, should now be arguing with him. He would have refused 
Mao s request, but another teacher named Hu intervened. Were 
there not, in Chinese tradition, stories of poor scholars who, like 
Mao, had pleaded for entrance to schools, and had turned out so 


brilliant as to bring lustre to the establishment? Besides, Mao had a 
clan cousin, on his mother’s side, at the school. 

Mao was accepted on a temporary basis. The teacher who 

intervened for him offered to coach him. All his life this would 

happen with Mao Tsetung. People would be bowled over or 

violently repelled by his strength and purpose, fervour and 

directness, the silence and the withering flow of words, the 

magnetic power. No one remained indifferent. Mao paid 1,400 

coppers (possibly money saved by his mother) for five months’ 

board and lodging, and the books and material needed for 

Within a few days, Mao Tsetung was the focus of attention; 
the whole school spoke of him. At first he was taunted for his 
poor peasant clothes and his accent (the Shaoshan and not the 
Hsiang Hsiang accent). The students stole his clothes, his books, 
accounted ‘bad’, but later, ashamed, returned them to him. He 
put up with taunts and insults; in five months he won not only 
respect, but praise. And yet he was a difficult student, arguing 
with his teachers, something which was not done at this ‘rich’ 
school. He was reputed bad-tempered because everything 
mattered to him; there was no room left for hypocrisy. 

Mao Tsetung himself has told how much reading he did while 

at that school, but for him there was never enough, and he would 

sit long hours in the classroom after the others had gone, reading till 

he could no longer see, melting down candle ends to make new 

candles. He could read twice or three times faster than other 

His teachers have left personal notes* on his ability, his singular 
excellence. But he was irritated by their acceptance of the obvious. 
The teachers liked me ... because I wrote good essays in the 
classical manner. But my mind was not on the classics.’ He was 
reading two books by the reformists Kang Yu-wei and Liang 
Chi-chao. I read and re-read them until I knew them by heart.’ 
Mao has left us a word picture of ‘one of the teachers ... a re- 
turned student from Japan [who] wore a false queue’. He was 

* On cxliibit in museums. These notes date back to the years 1910 and igii • 
they arc not, theretorc, products of hindsight. ’ 



called the False Foreign Devil, and talked a great deal about 
Japan. Thirty years later Mao still remembered the Japanese 
poem the teacher quoted, a poem commemorating the victory of 
Japan over Russia in the war of 1904-1905* 1 knew and felt the 
beauty of Japan, and felt something of her pride and might ... I 
did not think there was also a barbarous Japan ... Mao took 
everything seriously, and his allegiance to truth, or rather reality, 
drove him to enthusiastic (but temporary) devotion to many 
heroes. He ‘worshipped’ Kang Yu-wei and Liang Chi-chao. 
Later he read of America and Washington, of Napoleon and 
Catherine the Great (in a book. Great Heroes of the World), He 
imbibed learning like a sponge and yearned for more ; his progress 
was swift, too swift ; at the end, the students disliked him because 
he did not belong. ‘I felt spiritually very depressed.’ All they 
were interested in was factional snobbishness; there were three 
sets, upper, lower, and middle, divided according to their districts. 
Mao refused to take sides. ‘Consequently all three factions des- 
pised me.’ 

During the winter vacation (the Chinese New Year) Mao went 
back to Shaoshan; his father sent him to collect money from 
debtors, as was the custom, before the festival. Once again there 
was famine in the province, so much so that the governor had 
been sacked in the belief (partly correct) that this would appease 
the angry population. Again there were uprisings. Rice was sent 
to Changsha, starving peasants trekked to the cities to sell their 
children, to beg. Mao Tsetung, instead of collecting the debts, 
remitted them and went home empty-handed; and on the way 
back he gave his own long robe to a needy student. The reception 
at home, not surprisingly, must have been unpleasant. Mao 
does not speak of it. 

He was now, at seventeen, convinced that strong men were 
needed to build up the nation, and in this was no different from 
thousands of other young students. But he had no set theory, only 
an indignation against foreign exploitation, the heritage of his 
generation. He admired all nation-builders — Napoleon or 
Washington, Han Wu-ti or Peter the Great. There was no way 
for him to distinguish between them at the time. To take up stray 



sentences wliich he then said - ‘I admire Bismarck’ or ‘Napoleon 
was a truly great man’ -in order to prove that Mao is ‘authori- 
tarian’ by nature is not to describe his development. To lay stress 
on the ‘military’ turn of his mind because he spoke of war and 
strategy is to ignore the social context of his time : a time of armed 
rebellion. Western history is littered with martial examples to 
admire; Mao Tsetung deduced that military matters were as 
important^in the West as in China. He dreamed of a way to ‘save 
the nation . The students who adhered in increasing numbers to 
Sun Yatsen’s revolutionary Tung Meng Hui engaged in bomb- 
making and gun practice and dreamed no less. Young boys 
gravely discussed insurrection as they took walks in the wooded 

hills classics under their arms. They smuggled weapons and 
books; they risked decapitation. 

Siao Emi, the schoolmate who loaned Mao Tsetung the book 

Great Heroes of the World, recalls how Mao marked passages with 

circles and dots, in the Chinese manner,* and said : ‘We ought to 

study these men, find out how to make China rich and strong 
avoid becoming like India, Korea ... ’f 

In the summer of 1911 Mao had ended a year at the Tungshan 
Higher Primary School and was becoming restless. He had learned 
a good deal, but now felt he was stagnating. ‘I am not progressing, 
nor really learning what I want to learn.’ He wanted to travel ; the 
courses in history and geography had stimulated this desire ; 
already he had started wandering on foot round his own district 
and the Hsiang Hsiang district. ‘I hear Changsha is a magnificent 
place, he told bs friends, and only 120 lis [about 36 miles] from 
my home. At home he spoke of travel. His father spoke of the 
expense. When will you end your smdies and become a scholar, 
and get honour for your ancestors?' he asked 

Mao’s mother stood by him. At night when he read, she left 
warm food for him in the kitchen, mended his clothes, made him 
new cloth shoes. When he spoke of going to Changsha she looked 

^ wish to 

t The subjugation of India by 
had a deeper effect on Chinese 

Great Britain through the East India Company 
minds than is usually recognized by Western 



at him, proud of him and loving him. She had saved a little more 
money and gave it to him. 

Before leaving the Tungshan Higher Primary School, Mao sat 
for the entrance examination for its Middle School, located in the 
city of Changsha and catering to students who had attended the 
Higher Primary School. This Middle School was also built and 
kept in funds by wealthy Hunan landlords, and by the provincial 
government. Mao asked one of the teachers at the Higher Primary 
School to write him a letter of introduction; he was not sure he 
would be admitted. But he was, without difficulties, which 
‘astonished’ him. He had expected greater obstruction in the big 
city than in the small town; he found less. This was due to the 
radical atmosphere in the city of Changsha, and to his own re- 
putation for brilliance, which had preceded him. 

After the summer vacation of 1911 Mao Tsetung walked the 
forty miles to Changsha, and entered his first city. 

Changsha, capital of Hunan province, lies on the Hsiang river in 
a magnificent setting of hills growing to mountains, of lush fields 
and dense woods. It was, like all Chinese cities, a maze of small 
dark houses and twisted mud lanes, yet it held fme temples and 
residences, parks, and great schools. It was, in the early 1900s, 
more than a provincial capital, a centre for intellectual radicalism. 
Hunan was famous for its scholars. In 1865, out of eight viceroys 
five were from Hunan; all had been educated at Changsha. The 
endowment of schools by guilds of merchants made Changsha a 
scholastic’ city. ‘Subversive’ material — books, pamphlets, as well 
as weapons — were smuggled into Changsha by Sun Yatsen’s 
adherents. Revolutionary associations under various names were 
formed by teachers and students. Each school in that year was a 
small time bomb with a short fuse; and the hunger and misery 
of the countryside, despite the fertile soil, filled even ‘the scholars’ 
street with beggars and the corpses of those who had died of 


Institutes of physical culture and ‘self-strengthening’ were the 
fashion, actually they were political platforms for expression of 
dissent. A movement against opium smoking among the young 



Hunanese in the schools was part of the rejection of traditional 
values and customs, also of anti-imperiahsm * Mao’s interest in 
health, in physical culture, dates from his days in Changsha 
when exercise, fitness, clean living, were acts of revolt by the 
young generation against the social degeneracy of their elders. 

Mao Tsetung arrived at Changsha in September, a month 
before the Revolution of 1911. He began his school life by reading 
a newspaper, Min Li Pao^ published by Sun Yatsen’s organization 
the Tung Meng Hui. The Tung Meng Hui was still in Japan, 
where most of its members were exiles, but their publication 
circulated secretly throughout China. In this paper Mao read of 
an uprising which had taken place in April in Kuangchow, of the 
deaths of 72 of the insurgents. They had been led by the same 
Hunanese, Huang Hsing, whom he had admired for leading the 
insurrection of 1906 in Hunan. Mao now discovered that the 
reformists Kang Yu-wei and Liang Chi-chao, whose ideas he 
admired a few brief weeks before, were now considered 'old- 
fashioned , outdated by the tempestuous course of the national 
revolution in the making, and vigorously attacked. Exalted by his 
new discovery, he wrote an article which he posted on the school 
wall; this was Mao Tsetung s first ta tze paOy or wall newspaper — 
my first expression of a political opinion, and it was somewhat 
muddled . The second ta tze pao we know of was written by him 
in 1966, fifty-five years later.*}* 

The ta tze pao or wall newspaper stems from an ancient Chinese 

tradition dating from the lepndary times of the Yellow Emperor 

(1300 B.C.). Scholars, literati and officials, when protesting against 

injustice, would write an ‘open letter’ and affix it in a public 

spot. In China’s continuing revolution the ta tze pao has become a 

current form of expression, utilized abundantly to voice popular 

The 1911 Revolution began with a mistimed dynamite blast in 
Wuhan on October 10. Within days the Manchu empire had 

*Since opium had been introduced into China in vast quantities after the first 
Opium War (1840). 

t In his first ta tze pao, Mao advocated what Edgar Snow called ‘an absurd 
coalition between Sun Yatsen and Kang and Liang, 



collapsed and a republic had taken its place. Such was the speed of 
change that to many it seemed hardly credible, yet the change 

was irreversible. 

Martial law was declared throughout the province of Hunan. 

A member of Sun Yatsen’s Tung Meng Hui, a young teacher, 
came to Mao’s Middle School in Changsha and made a stirring 
speech, explaining the aims of the Tung Meng Hui. Not a word 
[from the audience] was heard as he spoke, said Mao Tsetung. 

Five days later Mao Tsetung left for A^uhan to join the Repub- 
lican Army, to become a soldier of the Revolution. He cut off his 
pigtail, then he and another student forcibly assaulted and cut off 
the pigtails of ten of their schoolmates who had promised to 
relieve themselves of these badges of slavery* but had then 
changed their minds. He collected money from classmates for his 
journey, and with other volunteers left for the ‘front’, which 
meant Wuhan. They walked out of the city of Changsha on a 
fme late October day. Already autumn was upon the trees, and 
the hills glowed scarlet as the young recruit reached the city’s 
outskirts, where he went to borrow some galoshes from a friend, 
a fellow student already in the Republican Army, because he had 
been told ‘the streets of Hankowj" were very wet’. 

‘I was stopped by the garrison guards . . . the soldiers had for 
the first time been furnished with bullets, and they were pouring 
into the streets.’ A big battle was on outside the city walls, and 
Mao Tsetung then saw the soldiers of the Republican Army cap- 
turing the strongpoints within the city from its Manchu garrisons. 
He also saw the city gates, which had been closed, stormed and 
taken by Chinese labourers, boatmen and coolies, who had risen 
to overthrow the Manchus. 

He thus absorbed a lesson in the art of war he would never 
forget. Fascinated, he could not leave. ‘I re-entered the city, stood 
on a high place and watched the battle.’ He then saw the revolu- 
tionary flag (a white banner with the character HanJ upon it) 

* It was the Manchu dynastic rule which imposed the pigtail upon Chinese men. 
Cutting it off meant revolt, and tlie penalty had been decapitation 

t Hankow, one of the three cities of Wuhan. 

% Han is the name the Chinese give to themselves. 



raised over the official palace. He then returned to the Middle 
School, since the war had now come home to him. On October 
23, a new government was organized in Changsha, ostensibly 
representing ‘the Chinese people’. But the landlords’ and mer- 
chants’ representatives in the government clashed with the repre- 
sentatives of the poor peasants and the workers and murdered 
them. This was Mao Tsetung’s first direct knowledge of civil war, 
of class struggle, of how the fruits of victory were wrested from 
the labourers and coolies. ‘Not many days later ... I saw their 
corpses lying in the streets.’ 

Levies of the Republican ‘New Army’ were organized in each 
province to fight against the remaining dynastic Manchu armies. 
Students were enrolled in special battalions. Instead ofjoining the 
student battalions Mao chose to become a common soldier: ‘I 
did not like the student army.’ It was organized by the landlords 
and militarists. I considered the basis [of the student army] too 
confused. * This refusal was related to the massacres he had 
witnessed of the peasants and workers’ representatives, and to 
other episodes of brutality against the poor, so common in those 
days. Mao was already revolted by the illogic of those proclaim- 
ing freedom yet continuing to ill-treat the exploited. ‘I decided 
to join the regular army instead and help complete the revolution.’ 

But he was nevertheless a student, a cut above the rest of the 
soldiery , for he could read and write. He was treated with 
deference by his companions, wrote their letters for them, read 
newspapers to them (he spent most of his seven dollars a month 
soldier’s wage buying newspapers, and two dollars on food). 
He became more conscious of ‘class’ differences, felt a beginning 
isolation which cut him off, by virtue of a year’s schooling, from 
the self he had been when he carried manure to the fields. Where 
food was concerned he ate as the soldiers did, but was reluctant 
to fetch and carry his own water, and was surprised at himself. 
Why had he changed, and so swiftly? Why did he now think it 

* Later he was to recall that among the students joining the student battalions 

was Tang Shcng-chih, who was to become a warlord of Hunan; they were to meet 

again sixteen years later, when Tang Sheng-chih became governor of Hunan 

(192(5-1927), and again in 1949, when a repentant Tang Slicng-chili joined 
Mao s government in Peking. 



humiliating to carry his own hot water? What was it that had 
made this change, so that the others also knew he was not like 
them, hard though he tried? Thus he studied himself, and later* 
was to write might mention the changes in my own feelings ... 
I began as a student, acquired the habits of a student, surrounded 
by students who could neither fetch nor carry. I then used to feel it 
undignified to do even a little manual labour, such as carrying my 
own luggage.* This transformation of feeling was a revelation to 
him, but he had no explanation for it until he became a Marxist. 
Introspection, self-criticism, became to him more than a habit, 
a compulsion in his long search for truth. ‘After iJbecame a 
revolutionary and lived with workers and peasants and with 
soldiers, it was then, and only then, that I fundamentally changed 
the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois feelings implanted in me in 
the bourgeois schools ../'This is what is meant by a change of 
feelings, a change from one class to another.* Because he observed 
this transformation in himself, Mao would endeavour, fifty years 
later, to obtain the same transformation in yet another generation 
of young people. 

The complexities of Mao’s adolescence— an adolescence re- 
tarded, as it is often among the peasantry, because of its exhausting 
physical labour — are not documented, for he kept no diary. But 
the extent of his preoccupation with events, this inner fury which 
drove him, was caused by and fed on the social turmoil in which 
he was plunged. He knew himself not one, but many ; a sum of 
contradictions, more accented, more violent and highly charged 
than those of other young men round him. Everything for him 
became high-pitched, immense, intense, serious, important. He 
was both violent and gentle, aggressive and shy, enormously 
sensitive and thick-skinned, humble and proud, blistering the 
tnvolous among his fellow students, patient, considerate with the 
poorest peasants, and with women. A great fear of mental and 

'niiity years later, in Yenan, 1942 (see page 456). See Talks at Yenan Forum 
on iterature and Art (May 1942), Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, vol. m (English 

Languages Press, Peking, 1961-65, 4 vols.). This English edition 
^ works, from which all quotations are taken, is hereafter cited as Selected 



physical degradation kept him strenuously active. But there was 
more to him than indignation and revolt. It was a prodigious fever 
he suffered from, as he fasliioned for himself ways of thinking 
and behaving, spuming self-indulgence, an ascetic figure. And 
in this he was part of his generation, but always with that little 
bit more, that longer time period, that deeper intensity, which 
would make him continue where others gave up. 

Because he was ten before he read the Chinese classics, thirteen 
when two revolts and one uprising marked him deeply, sixteen 
when he went back to school, and at seventeen a soldier for five 
months (October 1911 to February 1912), he could watch with 
amazement his own metamorphoses, remember distinctly how 
events changed him. What was truth? At the time Mao liked 
best of all the old classical scholar Han Yu for his wild wit and 
furious scorn, couched in the most orthodox language. He knew 
the Great Doubt in the old classics, the savage and subde innuendo 
—and he was voracious for vocabulary, copying and then re- 
fashioning felicitous phrases, wondering at the power of the word. 
Always he would be thrown back upon his search for coherence, 
a vision, a logic. Always he related himself not to the ‘elite’ bu 
to the common people. What was their place in this new world 
growing out of the fester of the old? Was man’s fate really 
Heaven-determined? Or was it man himself who could fashion 
his own destiny? 

Decades later, in the Cultural Revolution, the transformation of 
the ‘world outlook’ of the student, the intellectual, by living, 
eating, labouring, identifying with the workers, peasants and 
soldiers was to be Mao’s answer to his own youthful experience. 
This was a ‘long and painful struggle’ and he was to repeat it 
many times: ‘It takes a very long time’ — to remould one’s world 

Thus it was that while soldiering in tliis confused and doomed 
Revolution of 1911, Mao came across the term ‘socialist’ for the 
first time in a newspaper, the Hsiang River Daily News. ‘I also 
discussed socialism with other students and soldiers. I read some 
pamphlets . . , about socialism ... I wrote enthusiastically to several 
of my classmates on this subject, but only one of them responded in 



agreement.’ ‘No one I have ever known’, Siao Emi was to say 
about Mao, ‘hungered for so much knowledge on so many 
diflferent levels.’ He also hungered for communication. 

The 1911 Revolution swiftly sank into the morass of a power 
struggle. Sim Yatsen relinquished power to Yuan Shih-kai, a 
circumspect, double-crossing militarist* who at one time served 
the Manchu dynasty but was now commander-in-chief of the 
New Republican Army. The hopes of the people ran high, but 
lassitude, disillusion, cynicism, and intrigue were disrupting the 
great plans of reform among the intelligentsia. Thinking the 
revolution over, I resigned from the army and decided to return 
to my books.’ Mao Tsetung found himself in March 1912 once 
again in need of a school, penniless, with no great endeavour 
except to find a way to go on studying. But he was not built for 
personal enterprise alone. ‘I say : the concept is reality , the finite 
is the infinite, the temporal is the intemporal, imagination is 
thought, I am the universe ... the substance is the words, that 
which is changing is eternal,’ he wrote, but did not quite believe 
what he wrote. His whole nature was against this Taoist quietness 
and inward turning. But he had not yet discovered himself. 

He had no idea that he was uncommonly gifted. 

Now he sought ‘a road’ and found others saying to him. 

Well now, what do you want to be? 

To be? To become? What did these words mean? Everyone 
had an idea what he wanted to be, a fatuous lavish self-portrait, 
softened with complacency, modest satisfaction with one s own 
accomplishments. Mao had no such image of himself. He did not 
know what he wanted, and he was eighteen years old. Listening 
to well-meaning advice, he scanned advertisements in the news- 
papers and registered for many and various schools — a soap- 
making school, a police school, a law school, a commercial 
school, each time paying a registration fee. I did not know 
exactly what I wanted to do.’ Those around him proclaimed the 

* The term militarist is more or less interchangeable with the term warlord. In 
the break-up of the Manchu dynasty, military governors and commanders, with 
their own armies and territories, were for decades to carry on exhausting warlord 



‘revolution’ over ; it had succeeded, they said. Had not the Manchus 
been overthrown? In a little while every problem would be 
solved. Mao felt puzzled and lost. Friends persuaded him to 
‘make a career*. The time for talents to be used for the salvation 
of China had come, and experts confirmed the virtues of soap- 
making (cleanliness and health), the advantages of becoming a 
la-wyer, an official, an economist, a policeman, a trader; all these 
pursuits to save the nation. Mao’s witty description of his trying 
out various schools makes fun of himself 

He sat for the examinations for the First Provincial Middle 
School in Changsha and passed at the head of the list of candidates. 
But after entering the school (and being loaned Chronicles with 
Imperial Commentaries by a helpful teacher, for his literary style 
had attracted this teacher’s attention) he did not like it; ‘its 
curriculum was limited and its regulation objectionable*. After 
six months I left the school and arranged a schedule of education 
of my own which consisted in reading every day in the Hunan 
Provincial Library*. Apparently reading the loaned Chronicles 
had helped him to decide that ‘it would be better for me to read 
and study alone*. 

In that spring of 1913 the Hunan Provincial Library in Changsha 
saw a tall, thin young man with a great mop of hair pacing out- 
side its gates early in the morning, before the library opened, 
leaving only when the library doors closed at night. Mao sat 
stolidly and read the books on the shelves, one book after another, 
stopping only to eat two rice cakes for lunch. Thus he went on 
half a year. His father, however, was incensed and refused to 
support him unless he entered a real school. He faced his son with 
the despair of a parent before a hopeless offspring. Why did his 
son spend all day reading? The older Mao would have been 
pleased had his son entered a commercial school, or become a 
lawyer or an official ... But to waste time just reading! 

In these six months Mao laid down the foundations of an 
education more ample than many. He studied world geography 
and world history. There for the first time I saw and studied with 
great interest a map of the world.’ He remembered everything 
he read and he read prodigiously fast. He read through the works 



of Rousseau, Spencer’s logic, Montesquieu, Adam Smith and 
Darwin; poetry, economics, tales of ancient Greece. The world 
lay within his mind’s grasp, and what an intricate, marvellous 
universe, all there for him to swallow! From then on, he would 
never be without books, nor spend a day without trying to learn 
something new. Even on the Long March he carried books with 
him. Even today he lives in a sprawl of books, annotating, com- 
paring, studying. 

He also read newspapers from all over China, while at the same 
time reading the histories of other nations. The French Revolution 
impressed him; he would speak of it to Couve de Murville in 
1970 and surprise the French statesman with his knowledge. The 
mind could only be limbered by debate, contact with other minds; 
synthesis, cohesion came from arrangement of knowledge in 
categories; but which system was foolproof? Where did correct 
ideas come from? One’s ideas changed as one’s knowledge 
amplified; as Mao watched his own transformation, certainties 
laid low, new doubts arising, he realized that ‘knowledge is 
inexhaustible’. There could be no end to the search, but how 
exciting this pilgrim’s progress towards a new cosmos of wisdom, 
beauty and truth! All that happened, all situations and events were 
teaching material ; life was a Long March to the discovery of the 
infinite. In the Changsha library Mao became a dialectician; years 
later Marxism would give him the answers he looked for; 
dialectical materialism would supply the philosophical foundation 
upon which he would found his vision of the world. But he 
would always, because of this beginning, resist dogmatism. 
Although we are determined by nature, we are also part of nature. 
Hence, if nature has the power to determine us, we also have the 
power to determine nature.’ A seminal thought, key to the pro- 
cess of voluntary, self-willed direction which alone can conceive 
of a Cultural Revolution as a conscious act of change, not only 
of nature, but of man’s very soul. 

After his six months’ reading in the library, Mao was destitute. 
The guild house where he had stayed, very cheaply, during that 
half-year was awash with brawls between soldiers, semi-vagrants, 
and poor students. One night some soldiers attacked the students. 



‘I escaped by fleeing to the toilet, where I hid till the fight was 
over.’ Mao began to scan the newspaper advertisements again, 
and was attracted by that of the Hunan First Normal College, or 
Teachers College, ‘because tuition was so cheap’. He might be 
suited for the career of teacher; te^hing would mean access to 
books, constant learning as well as teaching. Teaching meant 
being a perpetual student as well as opening the minds of others . . . 
Today Mao Tsetung says that all he wants to be known as is a 
teacher. But he adds that teachers must also learn from their 

Mao was accepted at the First Normal (Teachers) College after 
having written an entrance examination essay. He also wrote two 
for friends intent on entering the same school. ‘I did not then think 
my act an immoral one, it was a matter of friendship’; but he 
pondered over this later, and decided it was wrong. 

Hunan First Normal College in Changsha is a large and hand- 
some building with pillars and rounded arches; it was copied 
from a Japanese building, in turn inspired by British colonial 
architecture. Nothing can be more different from the Chinese 
style than these paved courtyards, pillared halls and galleries. 
In 1913 it had 400 students; attached to it was a primary and 
middle school. It was partly burned in 1938 in a big fire,* but has 
been rebuilt since. It boasted a large auditorium holding 2,000 
people, which today is exhibited to visitors because Mao held 
meetings there. 

The entrance to the Normal College has an inscription by one 
of the teachers, Hsu Te-li. Hsu was to become Mao Tsetung’s 
friend and a follower of his illustrious pupil: ‘Seek truth from 
facts,’ Hsu wrote; and this remains the motto of the college. 

Mao Tsetung remained five years at the Changsha Normal 
College, from the autumn of 1913 to the spring of 1918. In these 
five years his political ideas took shape. He became a leader of the 
students, a dissenter, a ‘troublemaker’ for some, a righter of 
wrongs for others, an incipient political and social force, and he 
left no one indifferent. He moved against many regulations at the 

* The fire was started by Chiang Kai-shek*s orders to prevent a Japanese 
invasion of the city, which never took place (October 1938). 



college which he disagreed with. He went on campaigns to 

change things, fighting tradition and red tape, was nearly thrown 

out, reinstated on the pleas of students and professors, some of 

whom he had fought against. All he did was subordinate to this 

passion for getting things ‘clarified’. ‘He never gave anyone face’ 

was the complaint frequently heard of him. ‘Face’, an antiquated 

concept, preserving a surface respect, destroyed efficiency and 

justice; Mao Tsetung hated its hypocrisies. He would exclaim: 

^ ^ about people behind their backs, say what you have to 

say in front of them’— a statement now embedded in his Selected 

Works as part ofThe working style desirable in a Communist 
Party member. 

In 1917, four hundred of his schoolmates chose him as a model 
for ethical conduct, self-control, personal courage, and ability in 
speaking and writing. Even his opponents, those who quarrelled 
with him. finally gave him their respect; they even pleaded for 
Mao when he was threatened with expulsion after he took on the 
headmaster, Chang Kan, in May 1915 and tried to get him re- 
moved from his post by writing to the provincial governor. 
This was connected with the headmaster’s refusal to allow student 
demonstrations against the Japanese ultimatum to China, the 
aggressive Twenty-one Demands.* 

Mao’s best friends at the college were Tsai Ho-sen (1890-1931), 
a young quiet Hunanese, outstanding as a scholar and like Mao 
ready to die for truth, and Hsu Te-li, then teacher at the Normal 
College and eighteen years older than Mao. Hsu Te-li (1877- 
1968) was of the old breed of Chinese scholar revolutionaries; his 
life would span three revolutions; the reformist movement of 
1898— suppressed by the Manchu Empress Dowager Tze Hsi 
with terrible cruelty, the 1911 Revolution of Sun Yatsen, and the 
Communist Revolution of 1949. He took part in all three and 
became his pupil’s devoted follower, a Communist, in 1927. He 
took part in the Long March. In 1910 he had petitioned for a 

Demands, or Tairaka Memorial, of 1915 was actually an 

PorTcTes ‘J® clauses, the total subjugation of ChLa’s 

P ts, ernes, railroads and waterways to Japanese control under the name of 



across the province for years, and ruined the countryside, which 
lost half its pig population in ten years. Yuan replaced the 
governor, Tan Yen-kai, who was pro-Sun Yatsen,* by his own 
appointee and massed troops in Hunan, since it was the key 
control area for all communications to South China. 

When the First World War started in Europe in August 1914, 
China was temporarily vacated’ by the Western powers. Japan 
thus seized the opportunity to present to Yuan in early 1915 the 
notorious Twenty-one Demands which substantially made of 
China a Japanese colony. Yuan’s Western protectors were unable 
to counter Japan’s bid for supreme power in China. Yuan, 
enchanted with the idea of becoming emperor, cast caution aside; 
the proclamation of the new dynasty in December 1915 brought 
uprisings in southwest China. In April 1916 Hunan and Szechuan 
declared their independence, and Yuan Shih-kai, abandoned by 
his own military, died of a heart attack in June 1916. 

But Yuan s death did not stop the centrifugal forces at work in 
the land. No less than seven warlords were now fighting each 
other in Hunan, where Yuan’s protege was driven out and Tan 
Yen-kai came back as governor in August 1916. 

Sun Yatsen returned from Japan and set up his headquarters in 
Kuangchow, and by July 1917 there were two governments in 
China: the warlord Tuan Chi-jui in Peking, successor to the late 
Yuan, head of an uneasy northern warlord coalition; and Sun 
Yatsen, heading an unstable coalition of southern warlords in 
Kuangchow. The struggle for the domination of Hunan, the 
heart province, crossroads of the country, became particularly 
acute. China is falling into chaos’ was the verdict of most 
observers, and it looked as if partition was imminent, Tibet and 
Mongolia were infiltrated by Russian, British and Japanese agents. 
Manchuria and Shantung province were openly claimed by 
Japan as her ‘sphere of influence’. Only the continuing World 
War in Europe prevented military intervention in China by the 

* The ease and bewildering rapidity with which governors. mUitarists, warlords. 

etc., changed sides need not alarm the reader. It will be happening all through this 

book. Tan Yen-kai had been pro-Manchu. became pro-Sun Yatsen. then switched 
against Sun. 


Western powers. Japan felt her hour had come. China was now 
flooded with Japanese goods. 

Warlord armies were quartered in temples and schools all over 
Hunan. Pillage was common, hoarding of goods and grain made 
money worthless, the peasants starved and the townpeople rioted; 
students plunged into mass protest. Thus took shape another 
revolution, through a swift maturing of consciousness among the 
young. The students organized self-defence corps, trained for 
physical fitness (regarded as ‘political consciousness’ at that time) 
and self-defence, which meant mihtary drill. Every school had 
its ‘volunteer corps’, and the Changsha Normal College was no 
exception. From the start Mao Tsetung took an active and swiftly a 
leading position in all the political activities of the student body, 
and that included military drill. 

In 1915 he became secretary of the Students’ Society at the 
Normal College, and created the Association for Student Self- 
Government, for ‘collective resistance’ against ‘unreasonable’ 
demands by the headmaster. This Association for Student Self- 
Government later served as a nucleus for the students’ organiza- 
tions of the May 4, 1919, movement in Hunan province. As he 
had fought against the teacher’s tyranny when a child of seven, 
he battled now against ‘many regulations ... I agreed with very 
few of them . , . Most of all I hated a compulsory course in still-life 
drawing. I thought it was extremely stupid.’ 

The student association under Mao took up political causes, 
demonstrations against Yuan Shih-kai, against the warlords! 
against the Japanese Twenty-one Demands. Mao led street 
demonstrations by the students against the Japanese and on May 
7 , 1915, wrote: ‘To revenge this extraordinary humiliation 
[imposition of the Japanese ultimatum] will be up to our genera- 
tion. He also organized a research department, for ‘social in- 
vestigation , and organized student teams to visit and investigate 
conditions in Changsha’s factories. He laid plans for haison with 
other schools to promote an All-China Student Federation. And 
when the self-defence corps against the warlords was established, 
Mao became head of the college battalion in the spring of 1917. 
Just then scattered bands of warlord Fu Liang-tso’s troops 



occupied the buildings of the Normal College. With some fellow 
students, Mao obtained a few real and some dummy rifles from a 
nearby police station, where he had made friends by going and 
talking to the policemen during street demonstrations he had led. 
At night he and his followers rushed the occupied college build- 
ings, meanwhile raising a great shout: ‘Fu Liang-tso has run 
away! Kwangsi troops are her e! Surrender! Surrender!’ The 
conftised troops surrendered, were disarmed, and the student 
self-defence corps obtained more weapons. This was Mao’s first 
experience of a typical surprise guerilla attack; he now studied 
intensively the science of war. 

For war was a normal, daily occurrence in warlord China, and 
Mao’s generation saw all life as war. They had been born between 
two wars, had seen a revolution, and now the whole country 
festered with warlords. 

The influence of Sun Tze’s classic book The Art of War^ written 
two thousand years before, extends throughout Chinese history, 
and also influenced Mao’s generation. The book is regarded as a 
treatise not only on the conduct of war but also on the conduct of 
all affairs where rivalry occurs, negotiations with an enemy or a 
potential enemy, tactics and strategy in war or in peace. Chinese 
encyclopedias contain extensive sections devoted to the literature 
of war. The concept of war and peace as alternate facets of the 
same application of power is as old as Chinese history. Mao 
Tsetung studied Sun Tze, and it is not surprising that he incor- 
porated and developed in his creative writings on war the ideas of 
the old master. 

The notion of struggle could be applied to all situations, 
whether wresting a rice crop from a field, building a factory under 
hardship conditions, or crossing a mountain. Struggle against 
nature, obstacles, the elements; and the greatest, the most ob- 
stinate struggle of all, against self. This concept became embedded 
in the consciousness and the vocabulary of Mao s generation. 

‘The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon 
which enables it to strike and destroy its victim, wrote Sun Tze. 
‘./^ack the enemy where he is unprepared. Appear where you are 
not expected.’ Mao remembered and applied these dicta in the 


great campaigns he would conduct; meanwhile he devised small 

ones as head of the student corps. 

He taught the students devices utilized by guerillas of the 

Taiping* days in the Hunan countryside — to cut the young 

bamboo in such a way as to leave a sharp point which would 

pierce the attacker’s feet or hands; to scream and shout from one 

spot while attacking in silence from another. Thus guerilla war, 

peasant war, was brought into the classrooms of the Normal 

College by Mao Tsetung. He took charge ... his orders, even to 

the senior professors, were instantly obeyed.’*|* 

Mao now read everything concerning the campaigns then 

takmg place in World War I in Europe. He followed Hinden- 

burg s marches in Russia, and would mention several times in the 

next thirty years the commandeering of taxicabs to prevent Paris 

being taken. He lectured and wrote articles on strategy and 

tactics. But above all he took notes. He took notes of everything, 

and wrote his own reaction to what he noted down. A volume 

of Paulsen s book on logic, with 12,000 words of notes and 

criticism by Mao, is still on exhibit at the college today. Altogether 

Mao is reckoned to have written more than one million words of 

notes, criticism and remarks on books he read during those five 
y c&irs* 

But his restless energy pushed him into many other activities It 
was he who started, in 1917. together with Hsu Te-li. evening 
classes for workers and shop assistants. A buildbg near the colleg! 

y e facsimile copy of a poster written by Mao Tsetung 

rw j t ct" '» » colt fe of 

oonorf.* V f comtry, the situation is that most people have no 

litewrv r ^ ^‘^‘^cation,’ wrote Mao. He railed against the 

l>terary language employed by the officials, and advocated mLg 

Hunan prasltsTnMaofyi*' *^^“8 ^“>8 by the 

mIo r?v“s°ed‘*edL^n°‘’Ab ^ ^ 

London, 1962). edition. Abelard-Schuman, New York and 

t Seen by author in Changsha museum in 1966. igyr. 



the vernacular in these classes. ‘When one lectures in the literary 
language nobody can understand the lecture; when one writes in 
it, no one can read it ... it is also impossible to do sums in it ... 
We are not wood or stone, we are men ... so come quickly and 
register ... do come and listen to some plain speech.’ The poster 
added: ‘You can wear any clothes you want’, and ‘Copybooks 
and other material supplied free’. About one hundred workers 
from Changsha’s sweatshop factories applied. The courses were 
from seven to nine at night. Mao taught history and also ‘current 
affairs’, read the newspapers to the workers, and made them 
discuss what was happening. It was through this experience that 
Mao Tsetung acquired his basic grounding in education techniques. 

And yet Mao himself could write a beautiful, elegant literary 
language, as his poems prove. His essays were described as ‘models 
of style and content’. But his habit of dating his work (setting the 
date on the end page, at the bottom) annoyed one of his teachers, 
Yuan Li-chin, nicknamed Yuan the Big Beard. Big Beard con- 
sidered it arrogant that a mere pupil should 
work; essays were ephemeral pieces, subject to correction. He also 
disliked Mao’s style, calling it ‘the work of a journalist . But for 
Mao each essay was a piece of his mind, ideas set in the writing, 
landmarks of his understanding and social action. He was keeping 
track not only of his own evolution but of Chinese history in the 
making; to date his pieces helped him to sec the road he travelled. 
One day, overcome with anger. Big Beard tore out the last page 
of Mao’s essay while the other students looked on. Mao Tsetung 
rose, seized the professor by the arm, pushed him firmly to the 
headmaster’s room, and argued out the case. Yuan not only bore 
Mao no grudge, but later lent him books, gave him judicious 
advice on style, and pleaded for him when he was threatened with 
expulsion, and Mao recognized Yuan’s good advice. ‘Thanks to 
Yuan the Big Beard, I can today still turn out a passable classical 
essay, if required.’ 

The Normal College had a fairly extensive library where Mao 
gorged on books; he could be seen late at night in the classrooms, 
still at work. Among the essays he then wrote, one on Energy of the 
Mind was much praised by Yang Chang-chi, a professor of ethics 

place dates upon his 



and philosophy, also a pioneer in women’s education, champion- 
rights for women. Yang Chang-chi, who had spent ten years 
abroad in Britain and Japan, was a man of high moral character. 
He had published an article on the reform of the family and 
advocated the remarriage of widows, all of which was offensive 
to Chinese conservatism, a complete upset of the feudal-patriar- 
chal system. Mao attributed the writing of his essay to Yang’s 
influence. I was then an idealist,’ he confesses. He also wrestled 
with the problem of relations in the old family system. How could 
there be change, revolutionary or otherwise, unless family 
relations were also altered? With Yang Chang-chi he would 
discuss these problems, centred on paternal authoritarianism in the 
family. Mao s essay was his first attempt at tracing consciousness, 
the theme of relation between mind and body, concept and 
material force. He would refer to it again and again throughout 
his life, but as a materiahst his approach to mind totally changed. 

Mao Tsetung’s work for women’s liberation is little known ; yet 
Changsha was fertile ground for such a movement, as it boasted 
the best girls’ school in China, the Chounan Girls Middle School, 
which was to produce many women revolutionaries. The 
participation of girl students from the schools of Changsha in 
the organizations that Mao would create, and subsequently in the 
CHnese Revolution, are of great importance to the history of the 
Chinese woman s liberation. One of the earliest recruits of Mao 

Ho-sen s sister Tsai Chang ; a vivacious, beautiful girl, 
still today a vigorous and active revolutionary, member of the 
Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. 

One should not stop one’s pursuit of the truth until the aim is 

achieved . . . Ten years without an understanding of the truth are 

ten years without ambition’; thus wrote Mao. But only action 

could prove the sincerity of one’s thinking, and it is action that 

characterizes Mao’s years in Changsha. ‘Here I acquired my first 
experiences in social action.’ 

int and tall, almost 
looks or his poor 
eyes, the high fore- 
working, reading, 

He is remembered then as uncommonly ga 
emaciated, completely unaware of his good 
c ot es. The photos show the large, prominent 
head, a calm face. He spent days and nights 



training, demonstrating, debating, organizing workers’ schools, 
and students’ associations. ‘Ten thousand years are too long, seize 
the day, the hour!’ He had already begun, even if he did not know 
it, to prepare himself physically and mentally for extreme effort. 
‘There are so many things to know; so many things to do.’ But he 
also listened, intently, patiently; listened and let others speak, and 
he had a genius for getting people round him involved with him 
in his activities. When he listened he appeared quiet and mild, 
eyes fixed on the floor in intense concentration. 

‘Tradition can stifle what is new ... and the ability to adapt to a 
new age will be ended for China.’ But where was the defect in 
China’s history? And how could it be ended? ‘Understanding 
must precede decision.’ ‘We must develop our physical and 
mental capacities to the fullest extent ... that is why our country’s 
three bonds, prince and subject, father and son, husband and wife, 
must go, and constitute, with religion, capitalists, and autocracy 
the evil demons of the empire.’ 

An essay Mao wrote in 1916 on physical culture was printed in 
the magazine New Youth* In it Mao made no distinction between 
physical fitness and military training, and no one of his generation 
would have done so either. Around him he could see the ravages 
of ill health. Many of the students complained of nervous debility, 
headache, backache, eye ache; quite a few gambled and fre- 
quented brothels. Tuberculosis and venereal disease were com- 
mon. Mao’s concern with health never left him. The well in the 
college courtyard is shown to visitors; here he used to sluice 
himself with a pail of cold water, summer or winter. This 
physical radicalism (for it went against all accepted ideas) was a 
function of his political radicalism, against the traditions of ‘the 
scholar’, weak, and afraid of physical exertion. 

Many of the young Mao’s ideas on how to keep fit were to be 
incorporated by an older Mao into the way of life promoted in 
today’s China. Mao asserted that external causes were to be 
distinguished from internal causes of physical deterioration; 
physical fitness must also be based on a change of mind, of 
subjective attitude; people must want to be healthy before they 

* A very famous radical publication started in 1915. 


can be. External force, the compulsory application of sport 
programmes, will not work. ‘Strength depends on discipline, 
which depends on self-awareness,’ he wrote. Mao would apply this 
‘self-awareness’, and the distinction between internal and external 
causes, to revolution. Revolutions arose from internal causes; 
external pressures or forces could not in themselves make revolu- 
tion. The second idea Mao promoted was that ‘physical education 
complements education in virtue and knowledge’. Exactly the 
same idea, in almost the same words, was to be repeated during the 
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution fifty years later. 

It is due to Mao’s early and sustained enthusiasm that sports and 
swimming has become an essential part of the training of every 
person in China. The bad habits of a beaten nation — fear of water, 
of air, of fatigue, fear of ghosts, of physical exertion, the use of 
opium, prostitution -all this Mao fought; hence his article on 
physical culture is a political article, and remains so in the Chinese 

Since a good mind in a good body was an act of will, it was will 
which Mao strove to cultivate, and will drove him to uncommon 
prowess. ‘Energy’ was in nature; one was energized by contact 
with her. Long walks in the hills for days, barefoot, bare-breasted 
to imbibe the sun, the rain. Cold swims in the rivers, the ponds. 
On each holiday, with or without companions, Mao would walk 
the land from village to village. A copy of a newspaper loaned to 
Mao by a teacher told a story about two students travelling across 
China on foot and reaching Tibet. Mao read it and was much 
interested; he wanted to walk ‘all over China’; little did he then 
know his wish would be fulfilled, and how. 

In the summer of 1917 Mao set out across Hunan province on 
foot, journeying through many counties, accompanied by one of 
the Siao brothers.* In the farmhouses where they rested, receiv- 
ing hospitality from the peasants, Mao inquired of conditions, of 
crops and rain, of rent and landlords, a peasant talking to other 
peasants, but also a budding social scientist and researcher. Mao 

ept notes of what he had been told and remembered the peasants’ 
names. He walked over three hundred miles on this trip. 

* Siao Yu, author oi Mao Tsetimg and I Were Beggars, op. cit. 



Then in the autumn of that year of 1917 Mao Tsetung founded 
with a friend, Ho Shu-heng,* the Hsin Min Hsueh Hui, or New 
People’s Study Society. The significance for the Chinese Revolu- 
tion to come of this society cannot be overestimated, nor what it 
represented as training in leadership for Mao. For about a year he 
had entertained the idea of organizing a society in which people 
would debate new ideas and create for themselves a ‘new’ 
personality by discussion, debate, self-analysis and action. The idea 
of becoming changed by argument and debate, by contact with 
‘reality’ and by personal experience, he was later to expand, refine, 
and apply to the making of revolutionaries. ‘Feeling expansive 
and the need for a few intimate companions,’ he inserted an 
advertisement in a newspaper, signed with the pseudonym under 
which he wrote his articles. Twenty-eight Strokes.f In this 

for the organization of a 
society of young men, active, resolute and patriotic. ‘I specified 
youths who were hardened and determined and ready to make 
sacrifices for their country.’ 

Mao’s New People’s Study Society was only one of the many 
such student groups, but it grew into something else, the core of a 
political party. From the start it stipulated action as well as debate. 
It would not only talk revolution, but practise it, first of all 
revolutionizing its own members, turning them into ‘new men’. 
Even if it had no political label, nor any stated aim but the pursuit 
of truth and knowledge and their translation into deeds, ‘the 
nucleus was formed of what later was to become a society that was 
to have a widespread influence on the affairs and destiny of China.’ 

Already in creating the New People’s Study Society, Mao 
Tsetung held the germ of the idea which would come to full 
blossoming at the Cultural Revolution : ‘the conscious remould- 
ing of man and his outlook, which in turn transforms the world’. 
Because the society was not for dilettantes, Mao made his own 
selections. Fifty years later, in a letter to the Red Guards during the 

* Ho Shu-heng was to be also a founder of the Chinese Communist Party. He 
was executed in 1935 by Chiang Kai-shek. 

t The three ideograms of his name, Mao Tsetung, are written with twenty- 
eight strokes of the brush. 

advertisement he explained his project 



Cultural Revolution, Mao Tsetung wrote of the necessity for 
^‘continuously and without pause re volut ionizing oneself, chang- 
ing oneself, criticizing oneself, seeking for one’s weaknesses and 
correcting them^ Mao had already embarked on this programme 
for himself in 1917. 

The response to his advertisement was discouraging; he 
received ‘three and a half replies’: one from a young man who 
‘was to join the Communist Party and afterwards betray it’; two 
others from individuals who later became ultra-reactionaries. 
‘The half reply came from a noncommittal youth named Li 
Li-san,’ with whom Mao would have an ambiguous relationship 
for the next fifty years. ‘Li listened to all I had to say and then 
went away without making any definite proposals himself, and 
our friendship never developed.’ Later Li Li-san was to become, 
in the Chinese Communist Party, an outspoken opponent of 
Mao’s thinking and policies.* 

Tsai Ho-sen, Mao Tsetung’s best friend, and his sister Tsai 
Chang, immediately joined Mao’s society. At the age of ten Tsai 
Chang had fled to Changsha when her father had tried to betroth 
her against her will. With her brother’s help she entered the 
Chounan school and was a brilliant student. She was slim and 
tall, with wonderful hair; she studied physical education, a 
revolutionary action for a girl then.f Most of the thirteen mem- 
bers who made up the nucleus of Mao’s society when it was 
formally inaugurated in 1918 had similar stories of revolt against 
family tradition. The society took up among other problems the 
oppression of women in the traditional marriage system. Its 
members engaged in neither flirtation nor romance. ‘They had 
no time for love or romance and considered the times too critical 
and the need for knowledge too urgent to discuss women or 
personal matters. I was not interested in women,’ said Mao, who 
was then twenty-five years old. The programme of debate, 
Study, and social action (running night schools for workers, 
visiting factories, demonstrating against Japanese imperialism] 

* See chapter 10. 

t In China where women had bound feet and were not supposed to leave the 
nouse, to smdy physical education was extremely progressive. 



writing articles, championing new ideas and the use of the 
vernacular) was strenuous. The manifesto of the society opposed 
opium smoking, gambling, drinking, concubinage, prostitution, 
corruption; it advocated ‘the reform of China and the world', 
Mao Tsetung said that women should be ‘independent persons’; 
man could not be free unless woman was also liberated. A new 
society must instil in woman a consciousness of her social and 
political role, equal to man’s; she too must be ‘new*. On this 
point, too, Mao has never wavered. Tsai Chang under Mao’s and 
her brother’s encouragement organized a Women’s Work and 
Study Society in 1919, to send women students abroad.* 

In later years all thirteen of the original members of the society 
were to join the Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1921. By 
1919 there were eighty members, of whom over forty were to 
join the Party. 

All these activities of Mao Tsetung’s would acquire their his- 
torical significance in the massive involvement of the student 
population of China in the May 4. 1919, movement. Mao was 
already influential before the May 1919 explosion, with a con- 
siderable following not only among the intelligentsia but also 
among the factory workers of the city of Changsha. 

Mao became involved in 1918 in a Hunan branch of the Society 
for Work and Study in France. Started in 1903 by two Chinese 
scholars, one of them a French-educated biologist, by 1908 it had 
branches in several cities. After 1913, dismayed by the debacle of 
Sun Yatsen’s revolution, many students and teachers went off to 
France under the society’s auspices. Hsu Te-li started a branch of 
the society in Changsha and asked Mao to help him. Mao and 
Tsai Ho-sen helped select students to be sent to France, but Mao 
wanted recruiting standards changed and engaged in a combative 
correspondence with the headquarters of the society in Peking. 
Mao did not feel that aptitude for languages alone should qualify 
for recruitment. He urged assessment of conduct, ideals, and 
especially ‘willingness to serve the country . 

* The author had the pleasure of an interview with Madame Tsai Chang in 



It was Mao who suggested that women should also be recruited, 
because, he said, ‘women are very dependable and responsible ’ 
‘More women should go away and study, thus more will be 
saved.* ‘As many women as men are capable, and they have a 
tremendous influence on building up a society.’ It was through 
Mao’s active sponsorship that Tsai Chang’s Work and Study 
Society to send women students to France took shape. Fourteen 
Hunanese girls, including Tsai Chang herself and Hsiang Ching- 
yu, another indomitable Hunan girl who married Tsai Chang’s 
brother Tsai Ho-sen, thus went off to France in 1919. 

Mao’s insistence that women were also human beings inspired 
him to write lengthy articles championing their cause, notably 
The JVomen^s Revolutionary Army, in the Hsiang Chiang Review, 
which he was to found in Changsha. Its first issue was on July 14, 
1919. In the third issue he appealed to women to abolish feudal 
morality, advocated women’s suffrage, railed against the unequal 

demand for women s chastity — ‘Where are the arches of chastity 
to men?’* 

It was as a social revolutionary if not a Marxist, a fighter against 
traditional oppression, a challenger of abuses, the unpaid teacher of 
workers and small clerks, a speaker, a debater, a writer of articles, a 
champion of women’s rights, an ascetic athlete and a patriot that 
Mao Tsetung, in those five years at the Normal College, exercised 
a growing influence upon his contemporaries. 

Throughout all these activities Mao would swim in the Hsiang 
river, climb the beautiful hills, walk shirtless in wind and rain, 
write poetry, eat very little and that of the coarsest, depriving 
himself of food and clothing to pay for books. But he still had 
time for friendships. A number of picnics are recorded, gatherings 
in scenic spots, jaunts along the banks of the beautiful Hsiang 
river. In autumn when the orange groves glowed with heavy 
fruit, in summer with the smell of cassia in the air, Mao Tsetung 
would climb a high spot and gaze far out; at other times he 
would walk right round the city wall. He kept up a voluminous 

* It was the ^tom to erect an arch to a virtuous widow who had remained 
chaste al her life; also to a young girl who, once betrothed, remained unwed and 
virgm^till her own death if her husband-to-be died before the wedding. 




correspondence with hosts of friends. To save a schoolmate from 
an arranged marriage he exerted himself, visiting the respective 
families, arguing against compulsion. Much of the early poetry 
he then wrote has disappeared, only the printed articles remain. 
An enormous amount of material — speeches, debates, discussions, 
letters, and basketfuls of notes — has been lost. But in Changsha 
can still be found the letters written at the time by Mao’s teachers 
and contemporaries. 

On the evening of the autumn festival in 1917, a picnic was 
held by some of the college students at a famous spot on the out- 
skirts of Changsha. As usual their conversation turned on ‘saving 
the country’. Which was the best way to save the country? 

‘To build a large army,’ said one student. 

‘To learn science, build railways and factories,’ said another. 

‘To become a politician and sweep away corruption,’ said 
someone else. 

Mao Tsetung was silent, his eyes fixed on the ground. He 
appeared to dream. Someone turned to him. ‘What do you 

‘It takes money and influence to become a politician,’ Mao 
Tsetung replied. ‘As to learning science or becoming a teacher, 
that also requires money and influence and time. To build an 
army ... what kind of an army that would not oppress the people 
could one build ... unless one does like the heroes of Liang 
Shan-po ... ’ * 

At this the others laughed, and the talk turned to heroes of old. 

The heroes of Liang Shan-po are the heroes of the Chinese 
people. In Water Margin, Mao’s favourite book, 108 rebels, called 
‘bandits’ by the ruling power, gather in a mountain fortress to 
fight for justice against tyranny. By referring to them, Mao 
showed that he thought in terms of revolt— or fighting against the 
corruption and oppression around him, not joining it to reform 
the system. To choose, deliberately, the part of the rebel and 
the outcast was what he offered his friends at the picnic that 

In his last year at the Teachers College, in March 1918, Mao 

* Siao Yu, Mao Tsetung and I Were Beggars, op. cit. 



Tsetung’s mother came to Changsha. Much worn, with a 
swollen face and a purulent cheek, she sought medical treatment. 
She was carried in a sedan chair all the way by a hired labourer 
and her second son, Mao Tse-min. In that year Mao Tse-tan, 
Mao’s third brother, was studying at the primary school attached 
to the Teachers College. Treatment was of no avail; Mao’s 
mother died in October. ‘More than ever’ Mao lost interest in 
returning to his father’s house; he was, however, to return briefly 
and to be photographed, standing by his father and wearing a 
black armband. 

In April 1918 Mao graduated from the college. He decided to 
go to Peking with a group of thirty Hunanese being sent to 
France by the Work and Study Society. Before leaving China 
they would study French at the language school in Peking. Both 
Tsai Ho-sen and Hsu Te-li had applied to go. Hsu Te-li, though 
over forty, went with the younger men as a student worker. 
Many of those chosen were members of the New People’s Study 
Society. It would have been easy for Mao Tsetung to travel to 
France. He was certainly expected to do so. What decided him 
not to leave? 

According to some biographers Mao was reluctant to learn a 
foreign language ; his pronounced Hunan accent made him afraid 
of being laughed at. But what we know of Mao’s character and 
ability makes this assertion hardly tenable. Mao was not self- 
conscious about clothes, appearance or accent. He went round in 
the same clothes month in and out; he had no other. His patched 
shoes never deterred him from calling on provincial governors or 
headmasters, and no one laughed at his Hunan accent. 

But to sail to France was for Mao to cut himself off from the 
warm, exalting life, the nourishing sap he felt rise within him 
when he was with his people, walking in the mountains and 
valleys of Hunan, or going to the factories and teaching the 
workers at evening school. This was his strength, a strength and 
power undefined as yet, but real to him. He was spellbound, 
enthralled, unable to tear himself away from his own coimtry. 
Something now told him not to go, although he himself would 
not be able to formulate it clearly. Later he would say that it was 



the needs and the exploitation of his people that had propelled 
him into revolution. The revolution made Mao Tsetung as much 
as Mao Tsetung made the revolution. But the choice was his. 

We must, therefore, accept his own explanation for his staying 
behind. ‘I felt I did not know enough about my own country.’ In 
the spring of 1919 he stood on the quay in Shanghai, tall and tliin 
in his threadbare, wind-blown cotton go-wn, and watched his 
friends, Tsai Ho-sen among them, waving at him from the deck of 
their French steamer. He waved back at them, then turned and 
walked away, to return to his own countryside, his own province 
of Hunan. 

First Trip to Peking 

Mao Tsetung had spent only i6o Chinese dollars (this sum in- 
cluded his numerous registration fees) during his five years at the 
Changsha Normal College, one third on newspapers and journals. 
He did not ask for money from his father to go to Peking, but 
borrowed from friends. He went much of the way on foot, and 
managed to walk round Lake Tungting— at low level a cir- 
cumference of 155 miles. On this trip he also did social investiga- 
tion and research, for he stopped in farmhouses, earning food and 
lodging by lending a hand in the labour, or writing calligraphic 
slogans of good omen, to paste on doors at festivals. The shores of 
Lake Tungting belong to eleven counties; there landlords con- 
gregate, taking the fertile alluvial islands left by the sift of waters, 
and renting them out for rice planting to poor peasants. Of the 
land there, 71 per cent was owned by 1-8 per cent of the popula- 
tion, and each landlord had armed retainers. All this Mao was to 
note and store in his memory as he trekked onward to Peking. 

When Mao arrived in Peking there were a good many Hunan- 
ese intellectuals already there. Soon he was calling on Professor 
Yang Chang-chi, who was overjoyed to see him. Yang had left 
the Changsha Normal College in 1917, having been appointed 
to the staff of Peking University. The Changsha schools and 
colleges were known for their Idgh standards, their professors 
were among the best in China, and Yang was personally famous, 
popular as well as erudite. He had settled well in Peking, and 
introduced Mao Tsetung to Li Ta-chao, then university librarian 
at Peking University. Mao was penniless and needed a job; 
Yang Chang-chi asked Li Ta-chao to help him. 

Mao Tsetung admired Li Ta-chao, whose articles in New Youth 
e had read; but Li Ta-chao seems at first to have paid little 
attention to him. A job was provided, however, that of assistant 




in the University library, at eight dollars a month. Could Li 
Ta-chao have done better for Mao? We do not know. Mao had 
no money; he had to live. He took the job. Anyway, a library 
was what he liked best. There he could read to his soul’s content. 

Li Ta-chao, eminent, brilliant, mercurial, was the first intel- 
lectual in China to praise the Russian Revolution of October 
1917; he is described as having been the first to introduce Marxist 
thought to China’s intelligentsia. Although young— Li Ta-chao 
was thirty when Mao was twenty-five— he had a great reputation 
for progressive ideas and personal courage. He believed that a 
renaissance could be achieved only by discarding the suffocating 
moralities and values of the past. He likened the hampering of 
thought which the classics imposed upon the minds of students to 
bound-foot women . At first attracted by the Western liberal 
democratic system, he had turned away from it because of the 
contradiction between the pious homilies of Western democracy 
and its ruthless exploitation of China. He denounced the economic 
stranglehold of Western finance; was one of the first to write and 
lecture about Lenin and to translate Lenin into Chinese. He was 
especially impressed by Lenin’s The State and Revolution. Like 
Lenin, Li Ta-chao stressed the need for arousal or ‘awareness’ in 
the masses. Education of the masses’ was essential for revolution- 
ary results of a lasting kind. Li Ta-chao wrote and talked about 
this a great deal, and Mao Tsetung had certainly been influenced 
by Li s ideas, and through Li, by Lenin to a greater extent than 
by any other philosopher of Communism. 

It was through Li Ta-chao that Mao began to read Lenin, in Li’s 
translations. Mao s dictum,\.The people, the people alone are the 
motor force, the creator of univers^ Kistory,’ is the essence of 
Leninism. Li predicted that the Chinese revolution would be 
essentially a peasant revolution . Lenin had stated that revolution 
in colonial and semi-colonial countries could not be successful 
without the arousal and the participation of the peasantry, the 
‘infantry’ of the revolutionary process. ‘Go to them, educate them, 
make them understand that they should demand their own 
liberation, speak of the oppression which they have suffered, 
demand their release from ignorance and misery and to be 



masters of their own destiny/ wrote Li Tj-c^o'v This outlines the 
method by which the leadership of an agrarian revolution is 
acquired, though it cannot be interpreted as the demand that the 
leadership of the revolution be agrarian. The peasantry is the 
main force’ of the revolution; but ‘leadership’ is something else. 
Whether Li Ta-chao saw this as clearly as Mao Tsetung was to 
see it we do not know. Li Ta-chao was killed in 1927,* possibly 
unaware that the diffident young Hunanese man who had come 
to him for a job would be the leader of the revolution Li Ta-chao 
ardently desired and died for. 

The job of assistant librarian procured for Mao was a semi-job, 
but unemployment among the intelligentsia was rampant. ‘My 
own living conditions in Peking were quite miserable/ and ‘in 
contrast the beauty of the old capital was a vivid and living 
compensation , I stayed in a little room which held seven other 
people. When we were all packed fast on the kang'^ bed there was 
scarcely room enough for any of us to breathe. I used to have to 
warn people on each side of me when I wanted to turn over. But 
in the parks and the old palace grounds I saw the early northern 
spring. I saw the white plum blossom flower wliile the ice still 
held solid over the North Sea park. I saw the willows over the 
lake with the ice crystals hanging from them.’ Enraptured by the 
beauty of Peking, the poet Mao Tsetung walked for hours, ex- 
ploring the enchanted city. The social investigator Mao Tsetung 
went to the small craftsmen s shops, to the railway workers’ 
yard, walked to the Great ^^^all, round the city walls, to the 

Western Hills, the Marco Polo bridge, learning the city with his 
feet and his senses. 

In the library of Peking University Mao’s job consisted in 
fetching books required, checking the titles, writing down the 
names of borrowers and those who came to read newspapers or 
magazines. ‘My office was so low that people avoided me; to 
most of them I did not exist as a human being.’ It was menial 

* He was strangled in the wave of massacres of Communists that swept over 
Chma m that year; see chapter 8. ^ 

NOTS"chinV'°”^ underneath to keep it wann. Used throughout 



work, just a little above that of a domestic. Seldom did any of the 
great or not so great who came there glance at his face, or talk to 
him. Peking University was a very highbrow, snobbish place; its 
intellectuals the highest intelligentsia with the greatest arrogance 
of all in the land. Among those who came to read I recognized 
the names of famous leaders of the renaissance movement.* I 
tried to begin conversation with them on political and cultural 
subjects, but they were very busy men.’ 

This job provided Mao with insight into the vanity and egotism 
of the intellectual who talked of humanism and socialism yet cut 
himself oif from the wretched masses of the poor. Abstract 
terminology the intelligentsia dealt with skilfully, but they would 
never have dreamed of investigating the beggars’ hovels in the 
filth and garbage just outside the city walls, where Mao went. 
Years later, when the Revolution was successful, the problem of 
intellectuals, of how to teach them the reality of China, would be 
one of the most knotty problems of all for Mao. The Chinese 
Revolution needed intellectuals, but they were also dangerous to 
it, for they would always tend to ride high above the heads of the 
people and to demand personal privileges as their due. 

During those weeks in the library of Peking University, Mao 
listened to the famous and revered discourse of ways to save the 
country; and wondered. Sarcasm, not personal rancour, would 
later appraise these talking machines’ at their true worth. The 
fates of the brilliant ones who later gave up, gave in, became 
turncoats, he would describe sparingly. He was thought of as a 
slow-witted peasant, shouted at and ordered about; and he 
realized that they [the important intelligentsia] had no time to 
listen to an assistant librarian speaking a southern dialect^. 

But I was not discouraged. I joined the society of philosophy 

and the journalism society.’ These gave him the right to sit in on 

courses at the back of the lecture rooms, coming in quietly after 
all the others. 

Mao thus met Chen Kung-po, a fellow student then, who 

The name given then to a literary movement in existence since 1907, when Lu 
Hsun, China’s most famous revolutionary writer, was in Japan. This movement 
was to merge with the political and social upheavals of May 4, 1919; see chapter 4. 



became a Communist but reneged and became a Chiang Kai-shek 
supporter; Tan Ping-shan, who became a Communist and later 
a member of a ‘third party’; Shao Piao-ping, very earnest, very 
excitable, somewhat anarchistic (but in those early days this 
tendency was easily acquired), who helped Mao greatly and was 
killed in 1926; Chang Kuo-tao, who became a Communist, 
bitterly opposed Mao during the Long March, later defected to 
the Kuomintang, and is now in Canada; Kang Pei-chen, who 
joined the Ku Klux Klan in California; Tuan Hsi-peng, later to 
become vice-minister of education in Chiang Kai-shek’s govern- 
ment. Once Mao tried to talk to the famous Dr Hu Shih, but the 
latter ignored him. And he met Chen Tu-hsiu, the prestigious 
editor o(New Youth, the magazine which had radicalized a whole 
generation, the magazine Mao Tsetung read from cover to cover 
and for which he had already written articles under his usual 
pseudonym, the twenty-eight-stroke man. 

Many years later, in an interview, Hu Shih would say to some 
American friends: ‘Mao Tsetung was quite remarkable ... All the 
young people then were members of a Young China Study 
Society;* they were all interested in politics. Mao Tsetung was 
one of them. When I was at Peking University, he asked to be 
allowed to sit in on classes. As a prose writer, Mao was superb. 
No one could equal him.’ 

Mao Tsetung read all that Li Ta-chao wrote on Marxism and 
joined the Marxist Study Group, founded by Li, towards the end 
of 1918. Under Li Ta-chao, I developed rapidly towards 
Marxism.’ He also acknowledged his debt to Chen Tu-hsiu, who 
was then thirty-nine years old. He influenced me perhaps more 
than anyone else.’ For a long time Mao Tsetung thought Chen 
Tu-hsiu an outstanding revolutionary. Chen was to be the first, 
but not the last, of Mao s disappointing experiences with ‘bour- 
geois radicals , revolutionaries and friends he would look up to 
and trust, and find to be unscrupulous opportunists. 

Mao’s personal life was changed in Peking. The puritan, the 
ascetic, fell in love with Yang Kai-hui, daughter of Professor Yang 
Chang-chi. Mao often went to visit Yang, for the old professor 

* A society founded by Li Ta-chao, to which Mao adhered. 



kept open house for the students. ‘He was a genuine friend 
to me in Peking.’ Yang gave him books to read, helped him to 
enroll in courses, and treated him with dignity, telling everyone 
of Mao’s talents. He met Yang Kai-hui at her father’s house and 
^ also at the University, where she attended courses in journalism. 
Yang Kai-hui, bom in 1901, was beautiful, very much like Mao’s 
mother in looks, but above all a noble and courageous girl, well 
read, sensitive, and profoundly devoted to ideas. 

This was for both of them first love. In the New People’s Study 
Society, ‘everything we did or said must have a purpose ... We 
had not time for love or romance, considered the times too critical 
and the need for knowledge too urgent to discuss women or 
personal matters. I was not interested in women.’ But this now 
changed, although My interest in politics continued to increase’. 

The love of Yang Kai-hui and Mao Tsetung in Peking was 
‘new’ love, where the partners chose each other, then a daring 
and uncommon innovation. It remained unspoken for a good 
many months, since Professor Yang himself seemed unaware of it 
for some time. The two young people were both shy, and they 
had the problem which confronted many yoiuig people then. 
Could they, was it permissible, to enjoy love and romance when 
the country needed all their energy? This stress between duty and 
private affection was a deeply serious one in those days of early 
revolution, when high-minded young couples often voluntarily 
sacrificed their love for what they considered their duty. Hence 
they decided to wait, to be sure of themselves. 

Mao also began a series of social investigations among workers 
on the Peking-Hankow railway. Mao visited them, going as far 
as Chang Hsin Tien railway station, 93 miles south. Today in one 
of Peking’s important machine plants, the February 7 plant, there 
are still old workers who recall how Mao Tsetung came to see 
them. Some of these workers became Communist trade unionists 
and took part in the Communist-led railway strikes of the 1920s. 
Some were sent to France by Mao on the work and study 
programme in 1921. 

After about six months in Peking— from November 1918 to 
April 1919 — Mao’s Hunanese friends were ready to sail from 


Shanghai to France. They had studied French in Peking at the 
French Institute.* Mao borrowed the fare to go to Shanghai to see 
them off; he had only enough money to get as far as Tientsin, but 
borrowed ten dollars to continue the journey. On the way to 
Shanghai he visited (on foot) temples, scenic spots, the grave of 
Confucius, and climbed Mount Tai. Not far from Shanghai, at 
Pukou, again he was ‘without a copper’ and without a ticket; 
then a thief stole his only pair of shoes. But he was again lucky, 
meeting outside the railway station a friend from Hunan who 
lent him money for a pair of new shoes and for the remaining trip 
to Shanghai. Having seen his friends off on their French steamer, 
Mao returned to Changsha. It was then April 1919. 

* Also known as the Auguste Comte Institute. 

The First Cultural Revolution: May 4, 1919 

The first cultural revolution of China’s twentieth century began 
with the May 4, I 9 i 9 » niovement. It has been described as a 
literary renaissance , especially in the United States, where the 
influence of the late Dr Hu Shih denied its fundamentally political 
nature. But the changes which affected Chinese literature cannot 
be dissociated from the politico-social upsurges of the period. The 
literary revolution was part of the political process. This first 
cultural revolution was a precursor of the Communist Revolu- 
tion, in which Mao Tsetung was to play such a leading role, and 
his political radicalization was hastened by it. 

It was in 1915, and because of the Japanese threat,* that many 
radical patriotic magazines, among them New Youth, began 
publication. In the summer of 1917 Dr Hu Shih, returned from 
the United States and fresh from John Dewey’s lectures, spoke 
and wrote of a literary revolution’ in China, but as an isolated 
phenomenon, to accompany a gradual reform’ and *W^esterniza- 
tion of Chinese social and political structures. At the time, the 
question of utilizing the vernacular and abolishing the literary 
language was ardently debated, and Hu Shih approved of lectur- 
ing and writing in the vernacular rather than in the classical style, 
as this would broaden education’. But Hu Shih failed to com- 
prehend that the fundamental question was not a change of style 
but a change of content and of system, a political and social 
revolution rather than a literary revolution alone. The debates 
then current concerning language and literature were symptoms 
of a great upheaval. Hu Shih condemned all Violence’ and 
excesses and argued that ‘students must study and not concern 
themselves ... with political affairs’. But there is no traditional 

* The Twenty-one Demands (Tanaka Memorial) of 1915. 



separation of the ‘literary’ from the ‘political’ in China;* this was 
a purely Westernized viewpoint which Hu Shih, unconsciously 
perhaps, imported into a Chinese situation. He was thus out of the 
historical movement before it had begun, as his acrimonious 
correspondence with several university student associations two 
years before the May 4, 1919, movement testifies. 

The origins of the May 4th movement are traceable to the 
Twenty-one Demands made by Japan upon China. During the 
First World War Japan sought to replace all other colonial 
powers in China. The Twenty-one Demands crystallized patriotic 
indignation among the students and the intelligentsia into a lucid, 
definite anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement. The literary, 
political and social aspects of the movement became merged into 
impetuous national protest. After October 1917, the success of the 
Russian Revolution led to the spread of Marxism, in which Li 
Ta-chao was a leading figure. A nationwide boycott of Japanese 
imports began. Within this context the literary revolution also 
took place. Informing the people became an imperative duty 
which could only be performed by a radicalized intelligentsia 
using the vernacular, expressing political and social events in 
language intelligible to ordinary people. Already in 1917 Mao in 
Changsha was using the vernacular in his workers’ evening classes. 

National humiliation days,f anti-Japanese meetings, were held 
in these effervescent years from 1915 to 1919. Student orators 
stood on improvised platforms at street corners and explained 
Japanese imperialism to the crowds— and British, French, and 
other imperialism. Protest sheets covered the walls, pamphlets 
circulated by hand. No one was interested in merely writing 
poems in the vernacular, as Hu Shih recommended. 

Lu Hsun. the great Chinese writer, had begun a magazine 
called New Life in Japan in 1906 to urge language reform; it had 
not prospered because Lu Hsun’s enterprise was too early; only 
when he returned to China and participated in the anti-imperialist 

* The whole of Chinese history is evidence of the close relationship between 

politics and literary production, to a far greater extent than in any Western 

t In both Cliina and Japan, days of ‘humiliation’, to commemorate defeats, 

were observed. 



movement did Lu Hsun come into the mastery of his own craft 
and give language reform its definite place in tL literary revolu- 
tion : the propagation of political and social ideas which would 
unite the people against tyranny; literature not for the elite but 
for the masses . From then on the revolution in literature became 
part of the Chinese revolutionary process. Hence the Com- 
munists regard Lu Hsun as the originator of the literary and 
language reform, as they regard May 4, 1919, as the watershed 
between the old established form of literary-political dissent, with 
its emphasis on maintaining through reform the structures of the 
Chinese traditional system, and the new one, with its emphasis 
on the total abolition of the old. 

The literary revolution became a nationwide complex of 
manifestoes, demonstrations and militant action. New political 
terms were coined and stirred awareness of the new literature. 
Satirical essays constructed a new style. Repression could do little 
against this radicalization, which was proceeding so fast that by 
1918 New Youth was by no means the only vanguard magazine, 
nor the most left-wing. ‘A tide of new thinking’ became em- 
bodied in the New Tide Society, its members and its publications. 
Li Ta-chao s essays on Marxism, begun in the spring of 1912, and 
his translations of Lenin and Marx had set the trend of radical 
thought. Student societies (among them the New People’s Study 
Society founded by Mao Tsetung) organized centres for the 
production and dissemination of Marxist literature. These 
revolutionary groups fostered a large contingent of young 
intellectuals for the h4ay 4th movement. 

Mao Tsetung, twenty years later, was to identify the literary 
revo ution with the political one, and call it China’s first ‘cultural 
revolution . This cultural revolution’ remained for him a vital 
experience until the time came for yet another tide of renewal, 

ty years later, initiated by him. No study of Mao Tsetung’s 

evelopment can be complete without some knowledge of the 

May 4th movement, Mao’s role in it, and his analysis and under- 

standing of the event which shaped China’s future more definitely 
than anything else at that time. 


Undeterred by student agitation, Japan in 1917 and 1918 gave 
loans of about 150 million Japanese yen to Tuan Chi-jui, then 
president of a coalition of warlords and militarists forming the 
Peking government. Tuan agreed to secret pacts and military 
conventions which turned North China into a Japanese satellite. 

The students learned of these deals through the Soviet Union 
press, and demonstrations against Tuan’s government occurred in 
May 1918. Several thousand students in Peking assembled in 
front of the presidential palace, demanding to know the contents 
of the ‘Sino-Japanese military mutual assistance conventions’ and 
other pacts. The merchant guilds denounced Tuan Chi-jui, asked 
for a stop to the civil wars then raging in various provinces 
between warlords, and for resistance to Japanese encroachment 
upon China. In the summer of 1918 a Student Society for 
National Salvation was founded on an all-China basis, linking 
provincial student associations into united action. A section of 
industrialists and merchants supported the students. 

In November 1918, the end of the First World War, the 
establishment of the League of Nations, and the declarations of 
Woodrow Wilson were received with great rejoicing. ‘The 
Chinese people were jubilant,’ writes Chow Tse-tsung.* They 
hoped the shameful unequal treaties imposed by the Western 
powers and Japan ever since 1842 (the first Opium War) would 
be abrogated in an equitable settlement in the peace treaty. 
Promises and assurances had been made to China in 1917, to 
obtain her entry into the war on the side of the Allies; 200,000 
Chinese workers had been exported to man the depleted factories 
in France and to dig trenches at the front. Many intellectuals 
believed that the victory of the Allies was a victory of democracy 
over tyranny, of the rule of law over militarism, of the common 
people over oppressors. They thought the declared peace aims 
of the governments of the Allies, and Woodrow Wilson’s 
Fourteen Points, would be translated into action. A victory 
parade of 60,000 took place in Peking, fireworks were exploded, 
and there was great hope among those who admired the Western 

nu The May Fourth Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern 

^hma (Oxford University Press, London, i960). 



forms of democracy that China would at last be treated fairly, 
and the rights she had been deprived of would be restored to her. 

But when the Paris Peace Conference opened on January i8, 
ipipj h became evident that promises were merely vague assur- 
ances, unsubstantial words which would never see performance. 
The Chinese delegation, representative of the Japanese-bribed 
Peking government, was later reinforced, much against its will, 

by a Southern delegation, sent by Sun Yatsen (who in 1918 once 

again briefly returned to power in Kuangchow as head of a 
coalition of Southern militarists). The Southern delegation inclu- 
ded the brilliant Dr Eugene Chen,* an overseas Chinese from a 
wealthy family in Trinidad, who managed to get a copy of the 
secret Lansing-Ishii agreement made between the United States 
and Japan m 1917. This agreement showed that the United 
States had already come to an understanding with Japan concern- 
ing respective ‘spheres of influence’ in China. 

The publication of the Lansing-Ishii agreement in Chinese 
student newspapers revealed the duplicity of China’s allies. By 
March 1919, rumours that the Chinese case was ‘hopeless’ came 
to Peking. President Wilson, on whom the hopes of the Chinese 
were pinned, apparently gave in to combined European 
manoeuvres, and China s demands for abrogation of the unequal 
treaties were brmquely rejected. China was to remain, as much as 
before the war, everyone s colony, no one’s responsibility’. 

j. these weeks of hope and expectation and shattering 

disillusion, merchants, shopkeepers, businessmen, students, pro- 
essors kept on forming groups and associations ‘to obtain justice’. 
Student organizations from all the cities sent hundreds of tele- 
grams to the delegations in Paris. The chambers of commerce 
flooded the delegates with cabled exhortations. The Chinese 
students in France sent representatives to call upon the delegates 
and in the end were to picket them and prevent them from 
signing the treaty and ‘selling out’ Chinese rights. 

On May 3, students in Peking learned that the Paris Peace 
Conference granted none of the Chinese demands. On the 

I ^ information concerning Dr Eugene Chen was obtained from his sons, 

Jack and Percy Chen, by the author. 


contrary, Shantung province, Germany’s previous ‘sphere of 
influence*, was now given to Japan. 

‘We at once awoke to the fact that foreign nations were still 
selfish and militaristic, and that they were all great liars.* *We 
concluded that a greater world war would come,* ‘We must 

Thus spoke the students. 

It was decided to hold a mass demonstration on May 7, 
National Humiliation Day, the anniversary of Japan’s ultimatum 
of 1915. But the demonstration started earlier. On May 4 in 
Peking 3,000 students representing thirteen academic institutions 
circulated a manifesto written in the vernacular and marched to 
the house of a pro-Japanese official; the police and army, who 
were mobilized, arrested some and proclaimed martial law. 
Within the next twenty-four hours the students turned to rallying 
and organizing all those they could reach. Since the whole nation 
was shocked and indignant, a great alliance of merchants, workers, 
petty shopkeepers, craftsmen was formed very swiftly. And thus 
a massive united front was created, not only against imperialism, 
but against the Chinese warlords who had ‘sold out’ the Chinese 
people. The newspapers and magazines printed articles in support 
of the students. On May 10 began a general strike in all the schools 
and academic institutions. On June 2, 3 and 4, arrests of teachers 
and students occurred. This prompted strikes and demonstrations 

on June 5, in which girls participated as well as boys, even from 
primary schools. 

National indignation found itself through student organiza- 
tions. Mobile groups of ten teamed to carry out street propa- 
ganda, put up posters, direct strikes, demonstrations, and the 
burning of Japanese goods found in stores. Teachers and university 
professors joined in the student demonstrations. On the morning 
of June 6, all the business firms and factories in Shanghai went on 
strike. The strike spread like a prairie fire. By noon it covered the 
whole city and the suburbs. Textile plants, railways, public 
utility enterprises — more than one hundred companies and 
actories, involving about 90,000 workers, including many 
women workers, shut down. Even the restaurants, the brothels 
and singsong girls’ houses of Shanghai closed. In the streets, the 



only activities were meetings — hundreds of students speaking to 

listening crowds around them -and protest marches, banners 

flying, on the main roads. Even police units had gone on sympathy 

Up and down the Yangtze, river transport stopped. Labour 
unions, until then proscribed, suddenly blossomed. On June 28, 
the date of the signature of the peace treaty at Versailles, Chinese 
students, workers, and overseas Chinese in Paris surrounded the 
Lutetia Hotel, where the delegation from Peking resided, and 
prevented the delegates from leaving the hotel ; thus the Chinese 
government did not sign the Versailles Peace Treaty. The demand 
for abrogation of unequal treaties went on through the next 
three decades; only in 1949, thirty years later, when Mao led the 
Chinese Revolution to its all-China victory, were the aims of the 
May 4th movement achieved at last. 

The May 1919 movement was not isolated from world events; 

what went on in the USSR as well as what went on at the Paris 

Peace Conference directly affected the Chinese youth revolt. In 

March 1919 the Third International had held its First Congress in 

Moscow, an event given much publicity in Chinese Marxist study 

groups in Peking, Shanghai, and later (April) in Changsha. The 

First Congress had condemned the peace conference and called for 
a world revolution. 

The praise of Marxism which characterized the May 4th 
movement, as well as its anti-Confucianism, its demands for 
democracy’ and ‘science’, marked it as a turning point in the 
history of China. And truly nothing was the same afterwards. 
Attacks on all superstition, all tradition, went on throughout 
1919. Intellectuals launched campaigns for social service; girls 
cut their hair short; free marriage was advocated; opium smoking, 
foot binding were denounced even in remote provinces. Progres- 
sive publications underwent a great expansion; more than 400 
began during that spring and summer. They voiced the temper 
and the tone of those days: Warm Tide, New Learning, New 
Voice, Awakening, New Culture, Mass Education, Upward, Strife, 
Neiv Woman, Women’s Bell, New China, names evocative of this 


great upsurge, in which millions were becoming politicized. New 
books and translations, of Marxist and socialist content, were 
published in far larger quantities than ever before ; no fewer than 
fifty publishers now printed translations, and translating was done 
at a feverish pace. All papers and magazines shifted to the ver- 
nacular, and old-type publications radically changed their 
editorial policies. And all this happened so swiftly, it seemed 
almost overnight. Everything had changed, but for years no one 
would be aware of the fundamental, qualitative change which 
had taken place. 

In that April of 1919 Mao Tsetung had returned to Changsha, 
after seeing off his friends in Shanghai leaving for France, and 
immediately plunged into political agitation. He obtained a job 
as a lowly teacher at the Hsiu Yeh Primary School, attached to the 
Normal College and built within its precincts. His salary barely 
kept him alive. He lived on one meal of rice and broad beans a 
day. All through his life as a student, and now as a teacher, he 
saved on food to pay for books and newspapers. Political agitation 
left him no time for the extra coaching of wealthy students 
which usually formed a teacher’s chief source of revenue. His 
greatest worry was shoes, he could not afford them. In summer 
he wore straw sandals as the peasants did. He had returned to 
Changsha with two articles by Li Ta-chao, Victory of the Common 
People and The Triumph of Bolshevism, and gave a lecture on 
Marxism and the Revolution’ under the aegis of his New People’s 
Study Society. Mao Tsetung’s popularity had grown with his 
return from prestigious Peking and the political excitement of the 
times. The students, teachers, shopkeepers, the workers of 
Changsha, who in 1918 already had demonstrated against Japan 
and carried on a very effective boycott of Japanese goods, now 
crowded to listen to Mao Tsetung. Mao’s speech was a great 
success. It ended with the assertion that only by studying Marxism 
could the Chinese people save themselves. In April 1919 the first 
Marxist study group in Hunan province was founded in Changsha. 

Mao was already convinced that only a Marxist revolution 
comd save China, although he was not yet a fully confirmed 



Marxist. The New People’s Study Society, the Work and Study 
Society, the New Tide Society (Hunan branch) all turned to the 
study of Marxism. It is no exaggeration to state that Mao brought 
Marxism to Hunan, and did all the preparatory work prior to 
establishment of a Communist Party branch there. 

In the following weeks, Mao’s influence in Changsha expanded 
with the anti-Japanese and anti-warlord struggle in the schools. 
‘Hunan is the most radical province,’ the newspapers claimed. Mao 
was blacklisted by the provincial governor, Chang Ching-yao, a 
pro-Japanese nominee of the Peking government. Chang tried to 
suppress anti-Japanese activity, but the students took to the streets 
to lecture about ‘national betrayal’, and such was the sway of 
public opinion that Chang Ching-yao dared not arrest them. Mao 
formed the United Students’ Association of Hunan in June 1919, 
to link student activities to the All-China Federation of Students. 
While in Peking his attendance at mass meetings against the 
warlords in November 1918, and the student conference against 
Japanese encroachment in January 1919, had provided him with 
many interprovincial contacts. He also maintained correspon- 
dence with Hunan students in France— Tsai Ho-sen, Tsai Chang 
and Hsiang Ching-yu; and knew of the revolutionary groups 
forming there * 

Twenty years later Mao would explain the concept of the 
‘cultural revolution’, epitomized in the May 4th movement. The 
cultural revolution was a continuing phenomenon, the May 4th 
movement its beginning — ‘so great and so thorough a cultural 
revolution that it was unprecedented in Chinese history’. But it 
was going on; it would continue as long as the Chinese Revolu- 
tion itself. Thus Mao would introduce Lenin’s concept of 
‘cultural revolution’ as an inseparable component of the Chinese 

* On New Democracy (January 1940); see Selected Works, vol. II. See, too. The 
May 4th Movematt and The Orientation of the Youth Movement, also in Selected 
Works, vol. II. It is incorrect to aver, as some scholars do, that Mao was ‘awakened’ 
or ‘came out of obscurity’ because of the May 4th movement, or that he started 
his career with it. His career had already started. He had been the author of one 
ofthe first anti-Japanese denunciations, on May 7, 1915, the very day the Twenty- 
one Demands were published. 


On June 3, the United Students’ Association of Hunan issued a 
proclamation demanding punishment of pro-Japanesc politicians. 
Strikes of merchants, shopkeepers and workers, in which the 
miners of Pinghsiang and Anyuan participated, took place. The 
boycott spread through the schools and their faculties to country- 
side small towns; even young schoolchildren took part. In 
Changsha, teams of girls inspected and searched stores for 

Japanese products. When these were found, they were publicly 

Groups of three, five or more young people would get together, 
pass a resolution, and go out lecturing, teaching, 'arousing and 
awakening the people. Mao urged them to get organized* : 
‘Arouse the people, give them their initiative.’ He was beginning 
to learn what ‘the masses’ meant. His style as a revolutionary was 
shaped then; a widespread stirring up, a multiplication of groups, 
societies, teams; a seeming chaos, out of which grow new ways of 
thought and behaviour. ‘If we want a great union to oppose the 
mighty who do evil, it is necessary to have many small unions of 
all kinds as a base. All Mao-inspired movements have the ten- 
dency to look wildly undirected’ at the beginning, precisely 
because Mao feels that directions from above’ will not do; it is 
the people themselves who must educate themselves in doing, 
practising revolution, shaping their own rules of conduct and a 
new order; but the leadership must keep an initiative of theoretical 
guidance, of ideas. The end is new cohesion and effectiveness. 
This IS the key to the understanding of Mao’s style, to ‘trust the 
people’, and it began during the first cultural revolution. 

Under the slogan ‘Use national products, resist Japanese goods,’ 
Mao ad^dressed a rally of merchants and guilds in Changsha in 
July and urged them to form a committee to enforce the boycott. 
A unity of all circles’ association, in which workers, shopkeepers, 
small craftsmen and intellectuals participated, was set up He 
wrote numerous articles, addressed dozens of societies, com- 
imttees’ organizations ; and began the Hsiang River Review 
[Hsiang Cluang Pm Lun), a weekly whose importance exceeded its 
s ort life. Founded on July 14, 1919, the weekly’s manifesto was 
written by Mao; a week later (July 21) the first part of his article. 



The Great Union of the Masses of the People, which ran into three 
instalments, appeared. 

The Great Union of the Masses of the People contains the Mao 
Tsetung style and way of thinking; it proceeds methodically from 
the abstract theme of the power of ‘unity of the masses’ to con- 
crete proposals for the Chinese situation. The article urges the 
‘union of the oppressed’, union of the peasantry, of women, as 
well as of workers and students. The classification of the oppressed 
is a ‘united front’ one, rather than one based upon orthodox 
Marxist class analysis. Today the appeal remains substantially the 
same; all those who want to fight imperialism and social im- 
perialism, the ‘broad masses’, should form a great world common 
front to overthrow them. The Great Union of the Masses is 
regarded as a forerunner to the united front concept, an essential 
feature of Mao’s revolutionary strategy. 

The part played by will, option, individual consciousness, 
‘arousal’ and ‘awareness’, which must lead to action, is expounded, 
but the article goes beyond individual motivation. ‘The greatest 
force is that of the union of the popular masses ... We are 
awakened, the world is ours, the nation is ours, society is ours ... * 
‘We should not fear heaven, nor ghosts, nor the dead, nor bureau- 
crats, nor the militarists, nor the capitalists ... we must fear 
nothing, but go forward together. The great union of the masses 
is a deluge ... nothing can stop it, the whole world shaken by 
it ... heaven and earth are aroused ... the traitors and the wicked 

Mao Tsetung the Marxist would reiterate the basic theme of 
‘the masses’ throughout his life. The masses can do anything; 
when the masses grasp the correct idea, they transform it into an 
immense material force which can make heaven and earth change 
places. ‘Of all things in the world, people are the most precious . . . 
as long as there are people, any kind of miracle can be performed 
under the leadership of the Communist Party.’ In 1919 he wrote: 
‘The Chinese people is not only famous for endurance and 
industry; it also is a people with a rich revolutionary tradition and 
love of freedom ... they would never submit to a rule of the dark 
forces.’ And in 1958: ‘There is no difficulty in the world that they 


cannot overcome. I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the 
masses, on this foundation it is possible to accomplish any great 
task whatsoever.’ 

Mao Tsetung’s Hsiang River Review became the Hunan 
students’ favourite weekly. From the beginning it ‘had a great 
influence on the student movement in South China’.* It was 
quoted in the universities in Peking, in Shanghai, in Kuangchow; 
schoolboys volunteered to sell copies in the streets of Changsha. 
The articles by Mao Tsetimg were popular for their vividness. 
He attacked every vice and evil custom in society, including the 
oppression of women. His style was then fervid, grandiloquent; 
the spirit of the times was epic exaltation. 

If the peasants are not liberated, then the nation will not be 
liberated,’ Li Ta-chao had written. Marx had stated that move- 
ments of national liberation in colonial countries had their place 
in the socialist revolutions to come. So had Lenin.f These ideas 
Mao propagated in his articles. The national, patriotic features of 
the May 4th movement he would later incorporate in his revolu- 
tionary strategy. ‘Can a Communist, who is an internationalist, 
at the same time be a patriot? We hold that he not only can be 
but must be. The specific content of patriotism is determined by 
historical conditions ... In wars of national liberation, patriotism 
is applied internationalism.’t In 1919, it was patriotism, on a 
national liberation surge, which led to the ‘great unity’ of the 
masses; it was on this basis that Marxism progressed in China. 

The greater the oppression, the greater the resistance.’ This 
phrase, now current as a Mao quotation, is already found in 1919 in 
an article of Mao Tsetung in the Hsiang River Review. Mao spoke 
and wrote of the need for a ‘cultural revolution’ to change society 
- the only way to emancipate millions of people and their energy 
and to carry forward the ultimate aim of liberating the country 
tom imperialism and all capitalists’. Mao introduced to the public, 

y his writings on the Russian Revolution, the upheavals in 

* Edgar Snow, Red Star Over China, op. cit. 

+ p (*■ Tempests in the Far East (Peking, 1967) 

SelctefwiLl vlT 



Hungary and other parts of Europe then taking place, the pos- 
sibility of the same happening in China. He gave an international 
dimension to the May 4th movement, an identification with all 
that was revolutionary in the world. And indeed the generation 
of May 4th did link events in China to revolution elsewhere. 

Beyond the scope of local events they felt the forceful, irresistible 
drive of history. 

Mao pointed this out when he wrote and spoke against the 
views expounded by Bertrand Russell and John Dewey in their 
visit to China. Between 1919 Rnd 1921, these two eminent men 
were invited by the more conservative groups in the Chinese 
universities to lecture and to present view points to counteract the 
incipient Bolshevik influence. Russell and Dewey toured and 
lectured. They made an impression on so-called ^middle of the 
road liberals, especially Russell, who denounced the arbitrariness 
of Soviet Russian methods. (He had visited Soviet Russia and was 
horrified by what he had seen.) But however acclaimed they were, 
they could not stop the urgent march of history. John Dewey’s 
influence persisted in some circles, promoted by Hu Shih and 
other intellectuals. But these moderating influences had nothing 
to do with the irrepressible revolution. Revolution had begun 
but these men refused to see it. ‘The soft non-violent kind of 
communism Russell preaches is good for capitalism, it can never 
achieve socialism,* said Mao Tsetung, refuting Russell at a public 

meeting held in the auditorium of the Teachers College in 
December 1919. 

As 1919 moved into 1920, splits, cliques, factions developed. 
They led to a dropping off in agitation. But subsidence did not 
mean a return to a previous situation. China was changed forever. 
‘This kind of new culture movement reflects an unprecedented 
change among the intellectuals of China today ... The success of 
the revolution carried on by our party depends on a change of 
thought in China, just as the ancient book on strategy by Sun Tze 
says that to attack the mind is more effective than to attack a city, 
and as the old saying has it that a renovation of the mind is pre- 
requisite to a revolution.* Thus wrote Sun Yatsen at the time. 
The movement, he said, ‘has brought us a good east wind to 


move our boat forward’. ‘This is the deluge,’ wrote Tsai Yuan-pei, 
then president of Peking University, in an article entitled: The 
Deluge and the Beasts. He likened the warlords, militarists and 
reactionaries to beasts swept away by this deluge (the May 4th 
cultural revolution) now carving new channels, a new destiny 
for China. 

Besides being involved with the May 4th movement, Mao 

Tsetung continued to select students for the work and study 

programme in France. But instead of selection by intellectual 

ability, he recruited on the basis of ideas, enthusiasm, radicalism. 

He urged the formation of investigation teams among the 

students, to go among the people and report on actual conditions. 

And he began a revolt against Chang Ching-yao, the provincial 

governor, who seems to have been an extremely corrupt and evil 

An article penned by Mao On Radicalisntj calling for revolution 
as the only way out, made him many followers but also many 
enemies. The article was prompted by Bertrand Russell’s lecture in 
Changsha in October 1919, which helped the formation of right- 
wing groups advocating ‘orderly reform’. Mao stated in this 
article that armed struggle was the only way a revolution could 
succeed. Among the enthusiasts who wrote approvingly to Mao 
when this article appeared was a young man named Jen Pi-shih. 
Born in 1904, a modest, clever, dedicated student, Jen Pi-shih 
would become in later years one of Mao’s staunchest adherents. 
On Radicalism caused Chang Ching-yao to ban Mao’s weekly in 
October 1919, and to disband the Student Union. Mao then led a 
emonstration against Chang Ching-yao, calling him a pro- 
Japanese traitor. He contributed articles to another student paper, 
New HunaHy which started that spring, to the newspaper Ta Kuug 
to magazines. He continued his fiery denunciations of ‘all 
Warlords and traitors’, including of course Chang Ching-yao. 
Hunan was suppressed in December 1919. 

In the Hsiang Chiang Review, New Hunan, and other papers, 
s articles covered the whole spectrum of change, of revolt 
against tradition and the breakthrough of a generation into a new, 



wide, modem world. He covered international and national 
events, literature, the ‘reorganization of thinking’, vice, prosti- 
tution, arranged marriage. He proposed revolutionary solutions 
in a vigorous, exciting, if somewhat florid prose. The first issue 
of the Hsiang River Review contained his article The Women^s 
Revolutionary Army, which evoked a tremendous response from 
the girls’ schools and led to the establishment of ‘an alliance of 
women students’ to ‘fight imperialism, militarism and capitalism, 
and all superstition*. Mao called upon women to ‘sweep away all 
the goblins that destroy physical and spiritual freedom’. Teng 
Chung-hsia, another Mao devotee at Peking University, re- 
published an article of Mao’s in which he urged that all problems 
be investigated before they came up for discussion or belief 
‘Without investigation no right to speak,** a basic tenet of Mao’s, 
is endlessly dinned into every individual in China today. Mao 
wrote and published nine articles in Ta Kung Pao from the i6th 
to the 28th of November, against arranged marriage and the 
double standard of chastity. The suicide of a young girl, Miss 
Chao, who killed herself rather than be forced into an arranged 
marriage, horrified him. In Advice to Boys and Girls on Marriage 
Problems, he wrote: ‘This tragic event in the blood-filled city of 
Changsha should stir them to the very depths of their soul, and 
make them totally aware.’ (The word ‘aware’, or its American 
counterpart ‘consciousness-raising* recurs often in Mao’s writings 
of that time.) 

Mao was never to forget that women ‘who have more oppres- 
sion on their backs than men, for whereas men have three moun- 
tains of exploitation, women have four, for man also exploits 
her’ are ‘a tremendous potential revolutionary force*. He had 
seen what girl students could do; had watched the lightning 
speed of their change; he would make of woman’s emancipation 
a revolutionary goal. At the time of the Great Leap Forward in 
1958, and again during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1969* 
the reprints of his early articles on women’s liberation circulated 

* This phrase was coined by Mao in 1930. See Oppose Book Worship, Selected 
Readings from the Works of Mao Tsettmg, English edition (Foreign Languages Press, 

Peking, 1967). 


again; the role of woman in revolutionizing society would form 
the subject of many articles in 1970. Mao believes that man 
cannot be liberated unless woman is also liberated; today, un- 
tiringly, he still continues to back woman’s liberation, through the 
continuing Revolution of China. 

On May 4, 1939, Mao was to say: ‘On this very day, twenty 
years ago, a movement of great historical significance was begun 
in China, the May 4th movement in which the students participa- 
ted. What role have the Chinese youth played since the May 4th 
movement? They have played the role of vanguard ... [that is] 
to take the lead, to stand at the head of revolutionary ranks . . . 
But this is not enough because it is not yet the main force. Who 
then constitutes the main force? None other than the broad 
masses of workers and peasants ... The young intellectuals and 
students of China must go into the midst of the masses and 
workers and peasants who constitute 90 per cent of the population 
... It is only if the young students and the young workers and 
peasants unite that they can become a powerful youth movement 
... The ultimate line of demarcation between the revolutionary intel- 
lectuals on the one hand and the non-revolutionary and counter- 
revolutionary intellectuals on the other lies in whether they are willing 
to, and actually do, unite with and integrate with the masses of workers 
and peasants. And today, more than fifty years later, ‘integration 
with the masses’ is the ultimate test for all intellectuals and 

students in the restructuring of education which is taking place in 

But in that October 1919, the irate Hunan provincial governor 
called a meeting of all student representatives, some sixty of them. 
Mao Tsetung went with them, although he was a teacher. 
Governor Chang Ching-yao started by hurling abuse at the 
students. How dare they take up politics! Instead of studying! 
He also shouted at the women student representatives, threatening 
to cut off their heads’. One of the girls began to weep. Mao 
Tsetung said, loud enough to be heard: ‘Do not be afraid; what 
he says is not worth a dog’s bark.’ (Laughter.) 

In December 1919 Chang Ching-yao sent soldiers to disperse 



students making a bonfire of Japanese goods. Mao then wrote a 
manifesto calling for Chang Ching-yao^s overthrow; 13,000 
students signed it. He organized a march on the provincial 
government; wrote to Sun Yatsen in Kuangchow and to the 
Student Union in Peking urging denunciation of Chang Ching- 
yao; organized a strike of all the students in the schools of 

Chang Ching-yao, who now hated Mao so much he could 
neither sleep nor eat, decided to have him murdered, probably by 
hired thugs. The New People’s Study Society had now organized 
an ‘anti-militarist League for the Reconstruction of Hunan 
Province’, demanding autonomy— separation of Hunan from the 
Peking pro-Japanese government— and the ousting of the gover- 
nor. Mao sponsored himself to go to Peking to denounce Chang 
Ching-yao, travelling as a journalist for Hunan newspapers and 
magazines. He arrived in Wulian in January 1920. There he issued 
a statement calling for the overthrow of Chang. Reaching Peking 
in February, he renewed his ties with Li Ta-chao, with Professor 
Yang Chang-chi, with other friends. He stayed about two months 
in Peking, trying to get people interested in the Hunan autonomy 
movement. But provincial preoccupations were very secondary 
in Peking. By then, the May 4th movement had gone under- 
ground, was giving birth to something far more radical. 

Mao’s new Job as a journalist kept him in funds, gave him 
enough to live. His friends, among them Teng Chung-hsia, with 
whom he had been corresponding since he left Peking, gathered 
round him in the room he rented in North Avenue, to the north 
of the city. It was a poor district, far from the University, but it 
was better than the accommodation he had had on his first visit. 
Mao continued to visit factories, the railway yards, where he 
discussed Marxism with the workers. He continued reading in 
the library of Peking University. He now read the Communist 
Manifesto, Engels, Kautsky, Kirkup’s History of Socialism. He saw 
again Yang Kai-hui and it was at that time that they decided to 
become engaged. Yang Kai-hui was also studying Marxism. She 
too had taken part in political agitation. 

During Mao’s absence from Changsha, however, the New 


People’s Study Society began to split; Mao wrote to the society 
advising his friends to organize into small Marxist study groups; 
he was himself going through a time of decision and felt he could 
not immediately return. 

Li Ta-chao now looked at the erstwhile assistant librarian with 
new respect. He asked Mao Tsetung to help him; Marxist study 
groups were not enough, there must be more. The idea of 
establishing a Chinese Communist Party was already in the air. 
Li knew that Mao Tsetung was an excellent organizer and had 
great influence on the students. 

Mao spent these weeks in Peking making up his mind. It was a 

big decision he was about to take, and he studied the problem 

very seriously and solemnly. He read, he walked, he thought; it 

was not something to be undertaken without total dedication. 

‘Once I had accepted Marxism as the correct interpretation of 

history, I did not afterwards waver.’ He would not change, once 

Ins mind was made up; and in this decision he was helped by the 

love of Yang Kai-hui, also to become a Party member. Together 

they discussed his dedication and hers. And in that bitter winter, 

they thought of a new spring for the world. As they pledged 

themselves to each other, they also pledged themselves to the 

It was clear to both of them that their lives should be together. 

But they also realized what this political decision they were both 

to make would mean: little time to love; never able to forget 

everything for love alone; a lifetime of hard work, revolutionary 

action, sacrifice, separation, possibly early and painful death. The 

beautiful Yang Kai-hui was just twenty years old. And then in 

February, after a brief illness, her father Yang Chang-chi died of 

pneumonia, and Yang Kai-hui and her mother left Peking to 
return to Changsha. 

Mao Tsetung, too, now left Peking, but to go to Shanghai to 
see Chen Tu-hsiu, to confer with him on the organization of a 
Chinese Communist Party. He sold his winter clothes to pay for 
the train fare, arrived in Shanghai about mid-March, and there 
met Chen Tu-hsiu for the second time. 


Tsetung has left us no account of his impressions of Shanghai, 
the biggest city in China, the one where foreign domination was 
only too grimly obvious through its squalid factories, its terrible 
slums, the poverty which surrounded those oases of luxury and 
wealth where foreigners lived. We can imagine his difficulty in 
understanding the sibilant Shanghai dialect, the anger he felt at 
the Sikh policemen beating up Chinese coolies, the rancour of 
being treated as inferior in his own country. In later years he was 
to refer with searing bitterness to the conditions which were con- 
sidered normal at the time. He himself now became a ‘labourer*, 
subject to gruelling exploitation. He worked in a laundry 

to support himself, washing, ironing and delivering linen and 

There is no record of where Mao lived during these four 
months, but he knew the overcrowded tenements; the miseries 
of the overworked and hunger-driven workers were his, as he 
sweated in the hot steam of wooden tubs for twelve to fourteen 
hours a day. He delivered the clothes, bed sheets, household linen 
washed and ironed overnight, wrapped in white cloth to keep 
them clean. The houses and hotels the laundry worked for were 
far from the slums where the actual work was done, and a coolie 
was expected to pay his own transport, or else to walk. Some of 
the laundry workers walked over ten miles a day, dragging a 
handcart or staggering under piles of sheets. ‘The difficult part of 
my job is not washing but delivery ... Tram tickets are so 
expensive and most of my earnings have to be spent on them.’ 
Of the twelve to fifteen dollars a month he received as pay 
for this monstrous expenditure of physical energy, about 
eight dollars went into tram fares. He grew spectral thin; 
yet he continued to meet small groups, to attend secret meetings 




at night with Chen Tu-hsiu and other Shanghai Marxists. 

In May 1920 a pre-Communist nucleus was organized in 
Shanghai, as well as a youth section known as the Socialist Youth 
Corps. The recruitment among workers was fairly successful. 
Mao’s correspondence with Tsai Ho-sen, still in France, refers to 
the need for a nucleus organization. 

We do not know to what extent he discussed his ideas with the 
then prestigious scholar and radical Chen Tu-hsiu, According to 
some biographers, his sole purpose in going to Shanghai to meet 
Chen was to get his support to oust the Hunan governor Chang 
Ching-yao and enlist Chen in the cause of autonomy for Hunan 
province. We do not know whether he still had some lingering 
idea of achieving this aim as well; but the lack of interest in this 
provincial cause both in Peking and in Shanghai must have shown 
him its futility. 

Chen Tu-hsiu, famous then, later infamous in Communist 
Party annals, was the typical radical intellectual of those days of 
turmoil. Imprisoned for 83 days for distributing handbills on the 
street in June 1919, he came out of jail in September a national 
hero for the youth generation, declaring he had not changed his 
ideas. By then, the intelligentsia was splitting up into three main 
factions, and each of these fragmented into small groups, all of 
which claimed to be the answer to China’s salvation. There was a 
very large, so-called moderate group, which represented a 
certain liberalism but was afraid of decisive action. A right-wing 
group, definitely abjuring Marxism, pledged itself to orderly 
reform , without changing anything. There remained what 
looked like a discouraged minority of ‘hotheads’ and ‘radicals’ ; 
among them Chen Tu-hsiu. But this was only the pellicle lidding 
reality — the reality of a whole generation of the young who had 
changed, and the change affected boys and girls of twelve to 
fifteen as well, a source of revolutionaries-to-be. 

In Wuhan, for instance, there was Tung Pi-wu, the veteran of 
three revolutions. He, like Hsu Te-li, ‘lived through many ages 
in the life of China .* Born in 1886, he had become a classics 

* Said by Tung Pi-wu himself to Nym Wales (Helen Foster Snow) in 1936; see 
her Red Dust (Oxford University Press» London » 1952)* 



scholar, had since 1911 spent every day of his life in revolutionary 
work, first in Sun Yatsen’s organization, and later, influenced by 
the Russian Revolution, he also began to study Marxism. He was 
only one of many, older or younger, affected by these so seemingly 
impersonal yet so profoundly soul-moving events in which they 
were participating. There were also Lin Po-cheng, the Szechuancse 
one-eyed general, and Lin Piao, later to become a traitor. There 
were others all over China— the names are thousands — and so 
many were to die, some others to betray. Looking further north, 
there was Chou En-lai, born in 1898. As students in Nankai Uni- 
versity near Tientsin, Chou En-lai and his wife to be, Teng Ying- 
chao, had formed an Awakening Society, a May 4th radical group, 
in September 1919* The Awakening Society bore a marked re- 
semblance to Mao’s New People’s Study Society. Chou En-lai 
wrote and published and did political work, for which he was 
jailed in 1920, just when Mao was going to Shanghai. In far-off 
Szechuan there were Chu Teh and Chen Yi. Unknown to each 
other, they too were ‘looking for a road*, as Mao was. Chu Tch 
seemed most unlikely material for a Communist. He was born in 
1886, had received some education, and enrolled in a ‘new learn- 
ing’ military academy in Yunnan in 1909. He had taken part in the 
1911 Revolution. In the subsequent period of chaos, when 
militarists of all shades and descriptions rampaged in confused 
civil wars, he had become a minor militarist. Caught ‘in a net of 
warlordism’, he was yet searching for truth. A friend gave him 
revolutionary literature to read, and Chu, by 1922, set off to study 
abroad and ‘find truth*. This was to bring him to Germany, and 
to Communism. Chen Yi’s road to the Party was similarly 
wayward. Of a scholar’s family, he had left for France under the 
work and study programme, and earned his living as dishwasher 
while studying there. 

According to present-day writings, Mao Tsetung is the 
founder of the Chinese Communist Party. No one else is men- 
tioned in the exhibition halls through which daily trail thousands 
of workers, peasants, soldiers, schoolchildren in all China’s main 
cities. Russian and other Western sources dwell heavily on this 
birth as a Russian-engendered one. Which is the correct version? 



The CCP was a Chinese creation, but Russian encouragement 
cannot be denied. ‘The salvoes of the October Revolution ... 
brought as Marxism-Leninism,’ wrote Mao Tsetung. 

Two weeks after the October Revolution (1917), Lenin had 
published a declaration to all countries of Asia, relinquishing 
unjustified privileges and territorial gains which czarist invasions 
had acquired. This, where China was concerned, represented a 
considerable amount of territory, more than i*i million square 
miles wrested by czarist expansionism in the eighteenth and 
nineteenth centuries. In early 1918 Chinese officials of the Peking 
government held talks in Moscow with the Soviet government 
regarding their common frontiers and previous czarist occupation 
of Chinese territory. These talks were suspended under pressure 
by the Western powers upon the Northern warlord coalition. 
The coalition of Southern warlords, which supported Sun Yatsen, 
was also approached by Lenin’s government. Russian foreign 
commissar Chicherin, a brilliant, able diplomat who had met Sun 
in Europe in 1916 during one of Sun’s travels abroad to raise 
funds for the Tung Meng Hui, wrote to Sun Yatsen in 1918. In 
July 1919 the Soviet government issued a declaration on China 
(the Karakhan Manifesto) declaring that ‘the Soviet Government 
has renounced the conquests made by the Czarist government 
which deprived China of Manchuria and other areas’. Abolition 
of all privileges conferred by the unequal treaties and an offer of 
assistance to fight imperialist domination were embodied in this 
document.* The Karakhan declaration was ignored by the 
Northern warlord coalition government in Peking, but was 
published by Sun Yatsen’s Southern government in Kuangchow. 
It had a deep effect upon the students in China. The popularity of 
Marxism during the May 4th movement was also due to this 
timely publication. 

In April 1920 three members of the Communist Party of the 
Soviet Union arrived in Peking, where they held talks with Li 
Ta-chao. Their names were Voitinsky, Yang Ming-chai, and 
Sneevliet, alias Maring (Ma-lin), They were all three members of 

* Allen Whiting, Soviet Policies in China (Oxford University Press, 

London, 1968). 



the Comintern.* They then proceeded to Shanghai to meet Chen 
Tu-hsiu and other Shanghai intellectuals. It was Chen who, in 
May, summoned a conference and organized a ‘nucleus’ or pre- 
Communist Party group. In May and again in September, the 
Soviet government again attempted to hold talks with the Peking 
government. But a China allied to the Soviet Union was intensely 
alarming to the colonial powers; the warlords were encouraged 
to expand their armies and to practise repression against ‘Bolshev- 
ism’. The talks failed. 

Mao Tsetung must have known of these Russian initiatives, of 

the contacts with Li Ta-chao and Chen Tu-hsiu. But there is no 

record of his having personally met the Russian delegation at any 

time, either in Peking or in Shanghai, though he was in Peking 

in February and in Shanghai in April and May. The odds are, 

however, that he did attend the May conference in Shanghai, and 

he seems also to have returned briefly to Shanghai in September 

to attend another, together with Tung Pi-wu. ‘By the summer of 

1920 , said Mao, I had become in theory and to some extent in 

action a Marxist. And from this time I considered myself a 

In July the governor of Hunan, Chang Ching-yao, was expelled 
in yet another warlord war, and Mao Tsetung returned to his 
province. He was for a short while at home, and began recruiting 
for his own province s pre-Communist group among his own 
family, starting with his two brothers and his adopted sister. He 
then went back to Changsha to continue recruiting. 

Because Mao was acquainted with the new headmaster of the 
Changsha Normal College, he obtained the post of director of the 
Hsiu Yeh Primary School, and also taught one class at the college. 
This advancement, after so many years of dire poverty, provided a 
salary more adequate than the previous pittance. Mao Tsetung 
rented a small isolated cottage outside the city, among vegetable 
fields, called Clear Water Pool House. The house cost twelve 
dollars a month rent. It was an ideal venue for secret meetings. 
Yang Kai-hui and her mother were now in Changsha, and that 

* The Third Communist International, founded in 1919, known for short as 



winter Mao Tsetung married Yang Kai-hui. They lived here 
during the year and a half that Mao was director of the Hsiu 
Yeh Primary School. 

Once again Mao became gaunt with work, but he also knew for 
the first time domestic happiness with Yang Kai-hui. Those who 
saw Yang Kai-hui still speak of her quiet beauty, her intelligence, 
her devotion; she and Mao Tsetung were regarded as an ‘ideal’ 
pair. She became a Communist Party member in 1922, and a 
leader of a youth movement in self-education. Often she left 
home, going on unrecorded missions to Shanghai and elsewhere 
for the Party. There were two sons of the marriage. One of them, 
Mao An-ying, born in 1929, died in November 1950 in Korea, a 
volunteer in the Korean war. The other, Mao An-ching, is today 
an accountant in a commune. Mao does not believe in promoting 
his relatives, and the scarcity of information, even about Yang 
Kai-hui, though understandable because of the dangerous secret 
work Party members did, is deliberate. Yang Kai-hui was arrested 
in the Clear Water Pool House in 1930, during the White Terror 
of Chiang Kai-shek, tortured and executed for refusing to 
denounce her husband and abjure her principles. 

Among Chinese students abroad the need for a Communist Party 
was as evident as it was in China. Mao kept in touch with the pre- 
cursor group now started in France. The French precursor 
Communist Party group was created by ChouEn-lai. Tsai Ho-sen, 
his wife Hsiang Ching-yu, his sister Tsai Chang, her husband 
Li Fu-chun, and Chen Yi joined the French group; so did Li 
Li-san, the non-committal Hunanese, and other worker-students. 
In Russia a pre-Communist group was formed that year by 
Chinese students, and another was created in Germany, to which 
Chu Teh, the ex-warlord from Szechuan, would adhere. 

By October 1920 Mao had set up a Russian affairs study group 
and a work and study programme for students to go to Russia, as 
well as a Marxist (pre-Communist) group in Changsha. Tung 
Pi-wu established a Marxist group in Wuhan in 1921, to which 
Lin Piao adhered. Others were formed in Kuangchow and Tsinan 
in November 1920, By April 1921 there were nine such Chinese 



groups: Shanghai, Peking, Changsha, Wuhan, Kuangchow,- 
Tsinan, Paris, Berlin and Moscow, and one in Japan, 

In December 1920 Mao established a Hunan branch of the 
Socialist Youth Corps, and by 1922 it was the largest such group 
in China, with 2,000 members. One of the members was Liu 
Shao-chi, who had also attended Changsha Normal College, and 
joined the New People’s Study Society in 1919. It was through 
this connection that Liu Shao-chi was selected for the work and 
study programme set up by Mao Tsetung for students to go to 
Russia. In the winter of 1920 he left for Vladivostok, from there 
to reach Moscow, where he would study, and join the Moscow 
precursor group of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. 

During his tenure of office the Hunan governor Chang Ching- 
yao had levied extortionate taxes, sold all the copper cash of the 
provmce to Japan, and issued paper money instead. Rapid 
inflation had resulted, and great misery for the average family. 
The movement for the autonomy of Hunan province was not 
dead; in July 1920 Mao Tsetung and Ho Shu-heng published a 
statement in the name of the League for the Reconstruction of 
Hunan Province demanding abolition of the post of military 
governor, the disarming and disbanding of warlords and their 
armies, and the establishment of a ‘democratic, autonomous 

provincial government, with elections and a constitution*. The 
petition was signed by 377 people. 

Freed of Chang Ching-yao, Mao was able to extend his 
activities. He was beginning to show his flair for rallying, on a 
very broad base, a large number of people by involvement with 
all kinds of issues, apparently unrelated, but actually all spelling 
concern with social and political change. At the end of November 
1920 a new governor, Chao Heng-ti, the appointee of the new 
warlord in power (Tan Yen-kai, who once had been ousted as 
governor by Yuan Shih-kai),* assembled the heads of all Changsha 
schools and promised a liberal and generous policy. He swore to 
clean up corruption and to reform the currency. Mao Tsetung 
published articles in Ta Kung Pao urging the people of Hunan to 
take part in politics and make their will known. ‘Power comes 

* See page 62, and note. 



from the people, and should be in their hands.’ Whether this 
pleased the new governor is not known; very soon Chao was to 
hate Mao as bitterly as his predecessor Chang had done. 

Mao’s most important work now was recruiting potential 
members for a Communist Party. In all the societies and associa- 
tions he had formed since May 1919, there were members of his 
previous New People’s Study Society, men and women he had 
worked with and trusted. ‘We must choose very carefully, reliable 
people, sincere comrades,’ wrote Mao to Tsai Ho-sen in Paris. 
He had been able to persuade Tan Yen-kai to preside at the 
opening ceremony of the Cultural Bookstore which he, with 
several other radicals, started in Changsha, and to dedicate a 
calligraphic signboard for the store. Like most Chinese militarists, 
Tan Yen-kai was proud of his calligraphy and pleased with the 
opportunity to show his erudition and ‘progressive’ character. 
Because of this patronage, funds became available for the book- 
store and it was held above suspicion for a while. (This illustrates 
another facet of Mao’s character, the knack of utilizing people, 
all kinds of people, even the most unlikely, in pursuit of his aims. 
It was the same with his choice of the Clear Water Pool House — 
a good house, a landlord s house, hence also above suspicion.) 
Through the Cultural Bookstore a network passing Marxist 
literature throughout China’s southern cities was established. By 
the end of the year it had half a dozen branches in Hunan besides 
contact with the Social Benefit Bookstore in Hupei. It acted for 
years as a clandestine post office and liaison centre. ‘Education is 
self-education, we must provide books to stimulate self-awareness,’ 
Mao wrote. The bookstore fulfilled this aim. 

Mao Tsetung and Yang Kai-hui then set on foot an education 
movement, starting with evening schools for labourers, crafts- 
men, stonemasons. Once again the scope went beyond education; 
the mass education movement they would propagate in 1922 
would be based on labour unions throughout the province, with 
workers clubs and night schools. Organization depended on 
education, education was also organization, Mao told his friends. 
The work of a revolutionary was also that of a teacher; all events 
were lessons given by life, and analysis must be applied to all 



situations to elevate one’s own understanding. Mao’s gift of 

persuading and rallying others to work with him was now 

developing. He could delegate authority and not be niggardly in 

doing so, but always he would keep his aim in mind. His enemies 

would accuse him of making use of other people and discarding 

them. But for Mao Tsetung what counted was the final goal of 

the Revolution, and if he used others, he also used himself 

The mass education movement was an attempt at forming a 
broad united front, a grand alliance of the masses; it involved 
uniting a number of small associations and groups, guilds of 
stonemasons, printers, even workers in the government mint. 
The tenacious Mao had friends everywhere, even in government 
offices, and through these personal contacts he promoted political 
indoctrination. He wrote new educational textbooks, starting 
lessons with words used by miners, stonecutters, in their work. 
The first lesson taught the words labourt worker, exploitation. 
Arithmetic problems were based on the daily living experiences 
of the workers. Reading texts utilized the *one thousand word’ 
scheme devised during the May 4, 1919, cultural revolution to 
teach people to read rapidly. 

By 1922 there were 30,000 to 40,000 workers and small artisans 

in this movement. A weekly. Labour World, which in turn gave 

birth to a small monthly called Communist Monthly, started 

publication on November 7, 1920, the day Mao organized a 

celebration for the third anniversary of the October Revolution. 

From this time on, I became more and more convinced that 

only mass political power, secured through mass action, could 

guarantee the realization of dynamic reforms.’ The weekly 

Labour World was suppressed after four issues. Nevertheless, a 

spate of Marxist publications and translations were appearing; 

all were on sale at the Cultural Bookstore. It is significant 

that Lenin s The State and Revolution, admired by Li Ta-chao 

and also by Mao, was carried in Labour World. The Cultural 

Bookstore would usually sell 5»ooo copies a week of such 

periodicals. Communist Monthly was also very popular while it 



Mao was again in conflict with authority, this time with the 
‘liberar governor Chao Heng-ti. In 1921, workers of a cotton 
mill in Changsha went on strike because of the inhuman working 
conditions then prevalent. They struck for a ten-hour day and a 
day's holiday a month. Chao Heng-ti suppressed the strike; the 
workers were beaten up by soldiers. Chao Heng-ti then banned 
the student organizations and labour unions. ‘As soon as he got 
power’, said Mao, ‘he suppressed the democratic movement with 
great energy.’ Mao Tsetung led a demonstration against the 
governor and the provincial parliament, ‘landlords and gentry 
appointed by the militarists’. ‘This struggle ended in our pulling 
down the scrolls and banners erected in compliment to Chao, 
full of nonsensical and extravagant phrases.’ 

But all Mao’s activities were governed by the project which would 
claim his whole life, the creation of the Communist Party of 
China. They were the proving ground, the experimental 
theatre for what would become the decisive political grouping 
in China’s history. 

One night in May 1921 Mao Tsetung and his friend Ho Shu- 
heng left Changsha secretly for Shanghai. They travelled in- 
cognito and in disguise, going as traders. The precautions they 
took, the secrecy surrounding their departure, were not overdone. 
They were the earliest to arrive of the several delegates entrusted 
with the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. 

Those who came later, to meet in that simmering hot summer 
for the same purpose, were mostly young; their average age was 
twenty-six. Some had experience of organization, like Mao; 
others nothing more than a vague smattering of Marxism. 
Among them would be opportunists and traitors, but at that 
time it looked as if a single dedication animated them. They had 
yet to fight their first battles as Communists, and chiefly against 

themselves. No one could then predict the outcome, either of 
their purpose or of their own lives. 

A few days after Mao, Tung Pi-wu arrived from Wuhan. 
Both Li Ta-chao and Chen Tu-hsiu also seem to have paid visits 
to the Shanghai organizing group during May and June, but 



neither was present when the Congress formally opened on the 
night of June 30, to start its work on July i, 1921. 

Each province where Marxist study groups had been organized 
sent two delegates to this First Congress. The Chinese students in 
Japan sent one young student, Chou Fu-hai, who was later to 
betray the Communist Party and join the Japanese during the 
Sino-Japanese war. Hupei province sent Chen Tan-chiu and 
Tung Pi-wu from the city of W^ulian; Shanghai delegates were 
Li Han-chun and Li Ta; while Chen Kung-po and Pao Hui-seng 
came from Kuangchow. Shantung sent Teng En-ming and 
Wang Chun-mei. Both Teng and Wang were slaughtered in 

Chang Kuo-tao, whom Mao said he had met in 
Peking University, and Liu Jen-chung represented Peking, and 
therefore the province of Hopei. The delegates from Hunan, Mao 
Tsetung and Ho Shu-heng, stayed all through the proceedings. 
If we look through the origins of these delegates, we find that 

Mao and Ho alone had a rural background; the others were city- 

Two delegates from the Comintern are said to have attended 
the opening of the First Congress on June 30. One was Sneevliet, 
alias Maring, or Ma-lin* in Chinese. The other was Lizouski, a 
Soviet worker. Since no official history of the Chinese Revolution 
has yet been approved and promulgated by the Chinese Com- 
munist Party, they are not mentioned in the explanations given 
today; but then these explanations are regarded as non-definitive 
and non-official. Even if two Russian delegates were present at 
the opening ceremony, they did not attend all of the subsequent 
meetings, especially when in the middle of the proceedings the 
venue had to be changed. 

It was originally intended that Chen Tu-hsiu should be chair- 
man of the congress; but he remained in Kuangchow and sent 
messages through his representative Li Han-chun. The minutes 
of the First Congress have been lost. Much of what happened is 
obscure. An account was given by Tung Pi-wu to Nym Walesf 

* For an account of Sneevliet in China, see Dov Bing, ‘Sneevliet and the Early 
Years of the CCP’, China Quarterlyy no. 48 (October/December 1971). 

t Nym Wales, Red Dust, op. cit. 



in 1936, when both she and Edgar Snow were visiting the Chinese 
Communists in Yenan. 

The congress opened at the Po-Ai Girls School, situated in the 
French Concession and at that date, in the summer holiday, empty 
save for a cook-watchman. The delegates met on the second floor 
of the two-storey building. The cook-watchman bought food 
and prepared meals for the guests. The cook noticed, however, 
that they spoke different dialects, some of which he could not 
understand. It was not possible to keep the goings and comings 
secret in spite of the precautions taken; very swiftly the secret 
police were alerted. 

The congress lasted four days in Shanghai,* according to Chen 
Tan-chiu, writing his reminiscences in the October 1936 issue of 
the Comintern publication. He recalled that ‘serious disagreement 
arose between ‘various tendencies*; in fact, the Chinese Com- 
munist Party from its inception was far from monolithic; its 
delegates fell roughly into three groups representing three dif- 
ferent tendencies as to policies and methods. 

One tendency, subsequently labelled the ‘right* wing, headed 
by Li Han-chun, who spoke for Chen Tu-hsiu, considered the 
Chinese working class ‘too young’, ‘not ready’, ‘too backward 
and stupid’ to organize a ‘vanguard of the proletariat’ Communist 
Party. Li transmitted Chen Tu-hsiu’s marked aversion to the 
phrase ‘dictatorship of the proletariat*. Chen’s view was that it 
was best to organize a Marxist club for debate, and to advocate 
reform. Li Ta and Chen Kung-po upheld this line and voted for 
It. Li Ta, who seems to have withdrawn early from the Party, 
died of illness in Shanghai in 1968 ; Chen Kung-po was to become 

one of Chiang Kai-shek’s adherents and to distinguish himself as 
a rabid anti-Communist. 

The extreme ‘left’ line, which would plague the young Party 
for years, was represented by Liu Jen-chung and Chang Kuo-tao. 
They had gobbled theory at the expense of common sense and 
realism, considered the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ the im- 
mediate aim of the organization, opposed all legal forms of 

Four days in Shanghai, but several days more were spent in a boat on the 
bouth Lake near Shanghai. 



Struggle. They advocated a ‘closed door policy’; that is, no 
united front with any other party, the creation of a sectarian, 
rigid, dogmatic small group relying entirely on ‘the Chinese 
proletariat’ and rejecting everyone else. They denounced Sun 
Yatsen and his party, now renamed the Kuomintang or Nationalist 
Party, as ‘criminar and ‘counter-revolutionary’, Pao Hui-seng 
also supported these views. 

It is a pity that no true record of the wrangling that went on 
exists; and secret police documents subsequently utilized by 
scholars, as well as Chang Kuo-tao’s own memoirs, must be 
sifted with caution. No record of what Mao really said then has 
come down to us. All we know for certain is that he supported 
neither of these two lines, was inclined to a united front policy, 
and from the start earned the animosity of Chang Kuo-tao. 

On the fourth day, as some of the delegates gathered at Li 
Han-chun s lodging for a group discussion, a suspicious person 
in a long gown appeared in a neighbouring room. He said he 
had come to look for the Association of Social Organizations and 
its chairman, named Wan. There was no chairman by that 
name, and the association was three doors away. The delegates 
quickly left the lodging, and a few minutes later the police and 
nine plain-clothes men arrived. They ransacked Li Han-chun’s 
room, but all documents had been removed. The delegates did 
not dare return to the Po-Ai school. They had to flee, but de- 
cided to continue the work elsewhere. How could this be done? 
Someone had a bright idea. They would hire a holiday boat on 
the South Lake, about eighty miles from Shanghai, close to the 
town of Chia Hsing. This was a favourite beauty spot, with soft 
hills and willows, a scene of great beauty where scholars often 
went for picnics and to sample the famous Chia Hsing wine. A 
summer holiday picnic was a normal pastime. To South Lake, 
by separate routes, the delegates went. 

And there, after another several days of dispute, the extreme 
left line predicated by Chang Kuo-tao gained the upper hand. 
The resolution adopted was against collaboration with Sun 
Yatsen s Kuomintang and for a closed door policy, to keep 
membership secret and pure . Yet the Comintern, in its Second 



Congress in 1920, had stated that alliance between Communist 
parties and ‘revolutionary bourgeois parties’ (a term under which 
Sun’s party figured) in a common front against imperialism was 
the keynote of the struggle to come. This was Lenin’s thesis, 
repeated at the Third Congress of the Comintern in June-July 
1921. At this Third Congress a thirty-seven-member Chinese 
delegation, including both incipient Communists and Kuomin- 
tang representatives, was present; a ‘temporary and vigilant’ 
alliance with the Chinese bourgeoisie had been suggested; 
Lenin’s words of 1912 calling Sun Yatsen’s party ‘revolutionary 
although a bourgeois party’ were recalled. But the young Chinese 
Communist Party in its First Congress voted against it, though 
the vote was not overwhelming. 

Mao cast a contrary vote. He opposed the ‘erroneous, extreme 
left viewpoint, hostile to accepting intellectuals in the Party’ 
which Chang Kuo-tao proposed. The term ‘yellow intellectual 
class* was then coined by Chang Kuo-tao.* This extreme left 
line made it difficult to extend membership in the first two years 
of the CCP. Mao, it is reported, also spoke against the right-wing 
adherents of Chen Tu-hsiu who advocated that no party should be 
constituted, only a debating club. In line with his article The 
Great Union of the Masses of the People, fresh from brushes in 
Hunan, seasoned with organizing experience, he advocated 
following the Leninist line, but was in the minority. Chang 
Kuo-tao carried the day. 

The First Congress of the CCP, though it refused co-operation 
with Sun Yatsen’s party, the Kuomintang, decided to make 
monthly reports to the Comintern and to send delegates to its 
congresses. Another resolution taken at the First Congress was to 
create a secretariat of the All-China Labour League in charge of 
labour. But a secretariat in charge of the peasantry was not set up 
till some years later, in spite of Mao’s suggestion that this should 
forthwith be done. The goal set by the young immature Party 
was to overthrow the capitalist classes with the revolutionary 

T l- of the Peoples of the Orient, held in November 1921 in 

Irkutsk, then in Leningrad in January 1922, which Chang Kuo-tao attended. There 
a common front and alliance with the Kuomintang were again proposed. 



leadership of the proletariat’. The ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ 
was to be immediately adopted. ‘Our party should stand up on 
behalf of the proletariat, and should allow no relationship with 
other parties or groups,’ said Chang Kuo-tao. At that time there 
were in the whole of China fifty-seven Marxists. The largest 
single group was in Hunan, where there were sixteen. 

Today, of that First Congress, only Mao Tsetung and Tung 
Pi-wu remain. Ho Shu-heng, Wang Chun-mei, Li Han-chun, 
Teng En-ming were slaughtered during the long, bloody 
decades of the Chinese Revolution; Li Ta died in 1968. The others 
became renegades to the Party they had helped to set up in such 
dramatic circumstances in July 1921. 

The Central Committee elected at the First Congress was 

headed by Chen Tu-hsiu as secretary-general with Chang Kuo- 

tao and Li Ta to assist him. This was the embryonic Politburo. 

The central headquarters of the Party would remain in Shanghai 

and in the French Concession for some years. The provincial 

Party organizations would receive directives from the Central 

Mao Tsetung returned to Hunan at the end of July 1921. By 
August he had set up the first Communist trade union for workers. 
In October he became secretary of the Hunan Party branch. In 
1922 he was made chairman of the Hunan branch of the All- 
China Labour Federation, which was created that year, with 
headquarters also in Shanghai. His own immediate family — 
two brothers, adopted sister, wife — swiftly followed him into the 
Party. All would lose their lives for their cause. 

There has been a strange reticence among some biographers to 
describe Mao as a labour organizer and trade union leader. His 
years of political agitation among workers from 1921 to 1925, the 
schools for workers he organized, have been disregarded; the 
picture of a peasant leader, organizer of rural bases and of peasant 
guerillas, is the one promoted instead. Perhaps the obscurity 
surrounding this phase of his activities was deliberate, as is now 
being said in China. An attempt by those in opposition to him, 
especially Liu Shao-chi, to present themselves as leaders of the 
proletariat in contradistinction to Mao the *peasant organizer’ was 



very evident during the early 1960s. Why Western biographers 
also maintain this singular omission is less comprehensible. 

To build the first workers’ Party cell in Hunan, Mao Tsetung 
went to the coal mines of Anyuan in southern Hunan, thus 
following the line of ‘the Party as the vanguard of the working 
class . The most famous painting in China today is of Mao Tsetung 
as a young man going to Anyuan. This picture was commis- 
sioned by Chiang Ching, the present wife of Chairman Mao, and 
is based on the recollections of the Anyuan miners themselves. 

A facsimile was even hung (by mistake) in the Vatican as ‘a young 
Chinese missionary’ ! 

The Anyuan coal mines were opened in 1898 by combined 
German and Japanese capital. In 1 899 the Germans invested 400,000 
marks to expand the coal mines; in 1913 Japanese capital led to 
further development. The living conditions of the workers at the 
Anyuan and Pinghsiang mines were typical of the exploitation of 
the Chinese working class. They toiled fourteen to fifteen hours 
a day. for which they received 26 coppers (about eight cents). 
Not surprisingly, the first workers’ strikes in China occurred here, 
in April 1905 and again during the Great Hunan Famine in 1906^ 
when three million people died. In May 1913 and October 1915 
Jere were more strikes, also during the May 4, 1919, movement. 
Ihe production of coal at Anyuan was 806,330 tons in 1920; 
in 1925, after the big strikes, it fell to 386.230 tons. There were 
twenty-four churches, of various denominations, within a radius 
of four miles of the mines, but only one small clinic for the 

6 000 workers. Anyuan, with its appalling conditions, was an 
ideal base for Communist propaganda. 

To Anyuan Mao went on his first visit in 1921, dressed as an 
intellectual in a long gown, as the painting shows; but he did not 
keep the gown. He lodged with a worker’s family at No. 44 in 
Eight Comer Well Lane, and as usual took copious notes on the 
intimate, heart-searching, unhurried long talks which later became 
the technique of Communist Party political workers. For cen- 
uries the scholar had lived in a world of abstractions. Mao was 
he tirst to go down a coal mine and live the reality of a worker’s 
ife, go down the pits, walk the coal shafts, experience physically 



what life was like. He calculated that per month each worker 
produced $70 worth of coal but received only $5 in wages. 

In December 1921 Mao returned again to Anyuan -with his 
brother Mao Tse-min, whom he was training in Party work, and 
they lodged in a small eating house. The first Anyuan Party cell 
was organized in a warehouse in January 1922 in Five Happiness 
Lane with seven miners, five of whom would be killed before 

1931. In that same January 1922 Mao went to the city of Heng- 
yang in south Hunan and organized a Party cell there at the Third 

Normal School, which had affiliations with the Normal College 
in Changsha. The railway workers on the Kuangchow-Hankow 
Railway at Hengyang and at Changsha also were organized into 
Party cells and Communist trade unions. All together, 12,000 
workers were thus enrolled. 

The establishment of workers’ co-operatives at Anyuan in 1922 
was an initiative taken by Mao’s brother Mao Tse-min, who 
seems to have had a financial talent. One of the hardships in- 
flicted upon the miners was the debt load they carried when 
purchasing in ordinary shops and the usurious terms of loans 
(30 to 50 per cent per month). The co-operative idea was meant 
to relieve this situation, to provide shops at the mine where 
workers could get food on credit, and even to institute a small 
bank with easy terms for loans. Mao Tse-min ran the co-opera- 
tive, but it was difficult to maintain, as there was no capital and 
a total hostility from the administration. 

Mao Tsetung then set up a school for Anyuan workers, as he 
had done in Changsha. The miners were at first reticent. What 
was the use of a school when they spent their lives in the pits? 
He then conceived the idea of a day school for the children of the 
miners. This had a magic effect— the miners all wanted education 
for their children, and there were no schools for them. Mao 

brought a weekly paper from the Cultural Bookstore, through 
the medium of this school circulated it among the miners, and 
established a branch bookstore. He then tried to get the men to 
learn reading and writing; urged them to write their own articles 
in their own newspaper— a suggestion which stunned the hard- 
driven illiterates who worked naked and had almost come to 



accept their half-beast condition. But the suggestion caught on, 
and some of the survivors are today’s most brilliant high-level 
officials and ambassadors. 

Old miners still remember how Mao talked to them, how 
incredible it all seemed that an ‘educated’ young man should go 
down in the pits, blacken his hands, crawl through the narrow 
tunnels where stunted waifs of ten or twelve pushed the coal 
carts, sit in their hovels, take notes of what they said, then tell 
them to take their fate in their own hands, to become masters of 
their destiny.* Mao made them recall how they had risen with 
the peasants, in the previous famines, against Japanese imperia- 
lism in 1915. ‘History is in your hands,’ said Mao Tsetung. 
History is yours to make.’ After Mao had left, his brother 

remained. In May 1922 a workers’ club was established in 

Mao Tsetung’s activity among the Anyuan miners was based 
on a concept to be given nationwide propagation in the Great 
Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Revolutionization oj^the proletariat 
by itself, through awareness, political education, action, organization. 
Hence his action in Anyuan is a model. Both there and in Ping- 
hsiang the workers were to become a source of future Party cadres. 
Mao Tsetung’s stature as a leader of the proletariat, not of the 
peasantry alone, rests upon the work he began with the coal 
miners, which received no publicity in China until 1967. 

The workers club, founded to give the workers education in 

the form of lectures, reading newspapers, and so on, was in late 

summer to be put under the direction of Li Li-san, appointed by 

the Politbmo in Shanghai. Mao’s work was commended as of 

great value’, and Li Li-san was sent, as was later Liu Shao-chi, to 

reinforce this working-class nucleus of potential Communist 

Li Li-san was the young Hunanese student who some years 
before had come to see Mao when he advertised for recruits for 
hs New People s Study Society, and of whom Mao said: ‘Our 
tnendship never developed.’ Li was born in the county of Liling, 
m Hunan, in 1899; after studying in Changsha, in 1918 he had 

* Personal interviews with Anyuan miners. 1970. 



joined classes organized in Peking by the work and study group 
preparing to go to France. While Mao Tsetung had elected not to 
leave China, Li Li-san went to France and remained till 1921, thus 
missing the May 4th movement. In France he adhered to the 
Socialist Study Group, promoted by Chou En-lai, Tsai Ho-sen 
and Tsai Chang. In early 1922 he returned to Shanghai and was 
appointed to work in the All-China Labour Federation secre- 
tariat. His work in Anyuan was to co-operate with Mao. 

Communists are supposed to have a dedication to a cause above 

private feelings. This is not always the case, for it seems that some 

of the intellectuals who joined the CCP never got rid of private 

inclinations and personal resentment. Jealousy plays a role in the 

emergence or attrition of personalities. Li Li-san’s hostility to 

Mao, already in bud in 1917, developed as time went on. Perhaps 

Anyuan was a turning point in this respect, both for him and for 

Liu Shao-chi. Both were to follow policies radically different 
from Mao’s. 

Mao sent Chiang Hsien-yun, one of his recruits and a member 
of the Socialist Youth Corps of Hunan, to help in Anyuan when 
the membership of the club swelled from a few hundred to over 
60 per cent of the total number of workers. Mao was busy with 
the mass education movement, with organizing a club of railway 
workers at Changsha, at Hengyang. Railway workers’ unions, 
Communist-controlled, were being set up in the north to south 
railways between Peking and Wuhan, and between Wuhan and 
Kuangchow. Mao journeyed to Liling and Pinghsiang, both 
mining areas, ostensibly to inspect schools (was he not a director 
of a school?) but actually to set up labour unions and to organize 
Party cells. Thus he spun a web of Party cells throughout the 
province in all the key industrial enterprises. 

In July 1922 the Second Congress of the CCP was held in 
Hangchow, near Shanghai. Mao went to Shanghai, forgot the 
name of the place where it was to be held, could not find anyone 
who knew it, and thus missed the congress. He returned to 
Hunan and continued his work. There were then 123 Communist 
Party members in Hunan, but the labour union of Anyuan 
miners had just been disbanded by order of Governor Chao 



Heng-ti, who also put a ban on railway labour unions and 
workers’ clubs. The famous railway workers’ strike was about to 
begin, to be followed by a strike of the Anyuan miners. 

Because these strikes were Communist-inspired, great attention 
was paid to them at the Shanghai headquarters of the Com- 
munist Party, Liu Shao-chi was sent by the All-China Labour 
Federation in Shanghai, where he worked with Chang Kuo-tao, 
to reinforce and to direct the strike at Anyuan. Liu Shao-chi, who 
as we have seen had gone to Moscow in December 1920 via 
Vladivostok, enrolled at the Communist University for Eastern 
Toilers in 1921, and joined the CCP Moscow branch in the 
Winter of 1921. In early 1922 he travelled back to China via 
Japan and became secretary of the All-China Labour Federation. 
He had no direct experience of labour organization before this 
first immersion in a full-blown strike at Anyuan. But due to the 
enormous prestige of the Soviet Union, ‘returned students from 
Russia were held in great reverence, a reverence almost Confucian 
in attitude, based on the concept of a knowledge elite. This 
attitude would bedevil the CCP for some years. 

Liu arrived in Anyuan on September 1 1 , three days before the 
strike exploded on September 14. Mao Tsetung, who had begun 
the agitation, had drawn up thirteen articles or demands for the 
workers, and was now proceeding to stimulate a general strike all 
over Hunan in sympathy with the miners and railway workers. 
By November more than twenty unions had formed themselves 
into an association of labour unions with Mao as chairman. This 

was a very strong movement, which Mao would lead 

All-Hunan Federation of Labour. 

luwaiub ail 

Today, at such a distance, it is difficult to tell what really hap- 
pened, but obviously Liu’s idea of the goals of the strike were 
wi ely different from Mao’s. Liu saw it as a temporary, limited 
protest, useful for acquiring an improved standard of living and 
social benefits for a circumscribed number of coal miners. Mao 

saw It as a political spearhead to form a powerful base organiza- 
tion upon which to build the Hunan CCP branch. Nothing could 

e more different than the basic views of the two men as regards 
this single event. 



Liu dismissed Mao s deputy, Chiang Hsien-yun. He and Li 
Li-san proceeded to lead the strike towards a negotiated agree- 
ment with the mine management. Clippings from newspapers of 
that time relate that Liu issued guarantees that the strike would be 
peaceful . Talks with the managers resulted in a compromise 
agreement; Liu told the workers to give up their demands - 
formulated under Mao’s advice -as ‘too drastic’. The Anyuan 
episode looms large in the struggle— between ‘the two lines’ or 
two policies, between Mao’s and Liu’s vision of the world - 

which was to form the focus of the Great Proletarian Cultural 
Revolution, forty-odd years later. 

Repression continued, however, both in the mines and on the 
railways after the strike had terminated on September i8. Wage 
increases were granted to the Anyuan miners, but after some 
minor and partial concessions they were rescinded and the strike 
leaders were expelled. However, for many years Liu Shao-chi 
was to base his reputation as a labour leader on the successful 
Anyuan strike, and a film was made in the early 1960s to extol 
his role as a ‘leader of the proletariat’. 

On February 7, 1923, a railway workers’ strike at Chengchow 

on the Peking-Hankow railway was put down bloodily by the 

warlord Wu Pei-fu, who had also once been hailed as ‘liberal and 

progressive until this slaughter revealed him as of the same stuff 

as any other tyrant. Over a hundred workers were killed or 

injured. In early 1923 Mao Tsetung returned to Anyuan to warn 

the workers that they must prepare for protracted struggle. ‘The 

bent bow must wait to be released is the way he phrased it at the 

In August 1923, and again in 1924, Liu was to argue that ‘in 
China’s present situation, with such a cliildish proletariat, it will 
be a long time before any revolution happens, so let us not discuss 
It’. He spoke against ‘this infantile disease, blind struggle ... strikes 
at every occasion ... adventurist impulses’. In 1924, in his article 
Save the Han Yeptng Company, Liu appealed to the workers to 
keep order and not to disrupt anything during strikes. He also 
dismissed 140 workers from the Anyuan workers’ club for 
‘indiscipline’. Liu ‘only talked to the bosses ... did not go down 



the pits ... wrote rules and regulations for us\* This is the gist of 
what old Anyuan workers say of Liu Shao-chi. Without trying to 
assess whether the strike, handled otherwise, would have led to a 
greater upsurge and benefited the revolution, we may still pass a 
qualified judgment: that Liu was the kind of functionary who 
likes order and regulations, whose tendency is to compromise, 
and who feels that social benefits dispensed to the working class, 
rather than violent seizure of power, is the ideal to be achieved. 
Liu may have been a social reformist, but he was not a 

In 1923 Mao Tsetung organized the first worker-peasant union 
at Yuehpei in Hunan; his adopted sister, Mao Tse-chien, was to 
work there for over two years, as also did his wife Yang Kai-hui. 
He recruited Anyuan workers in 1925 and sent them to train in 
Kuangchow at the Peasant Institute, and again in 1926.*}' He was 
to pay more visits to the Anyuan mines in September 1927, 
before the Autumn Harvest Uprising, when he recruited one 
thousand soldiers and cadres from the miners. Again in 1930, 
when a great wave of pessimism swept across the land in the ebb 
of the terrible massacres unleashed upon the Communists by the 
Kuomintang, he went to Anyuan.:!: ‘The future is bright,’ he said. 
This put courage and patience into us. All was not lost; Chairman 
Mao was continuing the Revolution. So we waited and trusted.’ 

The Self-Education College, founded in August 1922 in Changsha 
by Mao Tsetung, and in which Yang Kai-hui took an active part, 
inaugurated ‘a revolution in education*. The teaching was directed 
towards arousing awareness’ or personal initiative. There were 
no formal classes, but many debates and seminars, with emphasis 
on current problems. Mao insisted on a course in hygiene — had 
he not even tried to do so in the Anyuan mines, lecturing the 
workers on the nefariousness of gambling and dirt, and on 
keeping latrines clean? The college advertised for students who 

* Interviews with Anyuan miners, 1968. 

t See further chapters. 

t Some say that Lin Piao accompanied Mao in 1930. But this ‘evidence’ was 
produced by Red Guards, and may be incorrect. 



wish to study but have no resources and are against the school 
regulations in other schools . At its peak it had two hundred 
students; one of them was Mao Tse-tan, Mao’s younger brother. 
The whole purpose of the college actually was recruitment and 
training of cadres for the Communist Party; the names of the 
teachers are a rollcall of early Hunan Communists. 

Chinese, English, mathematics, history and geography were 
taught. However, the standard proved too high for the mixed lot 
of factory workers, masons, carpenters, and shop salesmen as well 
as ordinary students. In September 1922 a preparatory class was 
added for students ofjunior middle school level. In April 1923 the 
college began the publication of a Marxist monthly, New Age. 
Mao wrote several articles, Marxism and China, Against Idealism, 
and Foreign Power, Warlordism, and Revolution. The last was an 
analysis of the Cliinese situation; it predicted an ‘inevitable’ 
Marxist revolution and advocated the unity of all progressive 
people . Manifestly Mao was thinking in terms of a united front, 
although this had been rejected by the Party leadership. The 
Self-Education College was dissolved in November 1923 by the 
Hunan governor as a heresy, disturbing law and order’. It was 

reborn two months later under the innocuous name of the Hsiang 
Chiang Middle School. 

By the end of 1922, Mao Tsetung had founded labour unions 
and led strikes throughout the industrial sites of Hunan, had 
organized workers schools and Party cells, had set on foot a 
mass education movement. Chao Heng-ti, the governor, had 
gradually worked himself into a state of apoplectic fury whenever 
Mao Tsetung was mentioned. On the iith and 12th December 
1922, Mao Tsetung as chairman of the twenty-odd Hunan labour 
unions called in person at the governor’s office, accompanied by 
some of the heads of individual labour unions. He saw Chao 
Heng-ti on the 13 th. The interview was a marvel of courteous 
acerbity. Mao Tsetung reminded Chao Heng-ti of his promise 
to protect the workers as his own children’. He quoted the classics 
and the provincial constitution, drawn up by Chao Heng-ti him- 
self. He demanded that the ban on trade unionism be lifted, and 

official mediator to act as liaison and to settle disputes. 



The classic elegance of Mao’s discourse left Chao Hcng-ti with 
no recourse but to protest his good intentions; he wanted to 
protect the workers from evil influence. After the interview it is 
reported that Chao Heng-ti said ; ‘This Mao is too clever ... he is 
dangerous ... there is not enough place in Hunan for both of us.’ 
And in April 1923 Chao ordered Mao’s arrest as a ‘radical ... 
anarchist ... Communist’. Mao Tsetung disappeared in the 
countryside, losing himself among the peasants, to reappear, two 
weeks later, in Shanghai, 


The First United Front 

Mao Tsetung’s departure for Shanghai in 1923 coincided with the 
momentous decision taken by the CCP Political Bureau for an 
alliance -a united front -with the Kuomintang Party of Dr Sun 

Yatsen. This was confirmed in a resolution at its Third Congress 
that year. 

The background of the decision can be briefly retraced. 

In his first visit to China in 1920, Sneevliet (alias Maring or Ma- 
lin), later said to have been present at the CCP First Congress, had 
suggested to Chen Tu-hsiu a ‘grand anti-imperialist alliance to 
take in all classes based on the ‘bloc of four classes’ urged by Lenin. 
Trotsky had opposed Lenin on this point; Chang Kuo-tao at the 
First Congress also opposed a united front. 

Sun Yatsen, sounded out by Chicherin and other Russian 
envoys,* was at first obdurate. He would have no alliance with 
Communism. But according to Dr Percy Chen, the eminent 
lawyer now resident in Hongkong, it was his father. Dr Eugene 
Chen, together with the eminent and respected scholar Dr Liao 
Chung-kai, Sun Yatsen s most trusted friend, who successfully 
persuaded Sun Yatsen to agree to such an alliance. Sun’s dis- 
heartening experiences with various warlords helped him to take 
tliis decision; since 1911 Sun had been several times at the mercy 
of militarists; Yuan Shih-kai among others. They would help 
him to power, but topple him when he did not serve their 
mercenary purposes. They were out for personal gain ; Sun was 
an idealist and a revolutionary. 

In 1920, when Sun Yatsen was again briefly in power in 
Kuangchow, Eugene Chen, by now a minister in Sun’s govern- 
ment, made several trips to Peking to conduct negotiations with 
the Russian ambassador Karakhan. Direct talks then took place 

* Comintern envoys also contacted the powerful warlord Pei-fu and 
even Chao Heng-ti, the reactionary governor of Hunan. 




between Sun Yatsen and Joffe, Lenin’s envoy, in Shanghai in 
1922. ‘Other negotiations, with the leaders of the Chinese 
Communist Party, were conducted by Dr Liao Chung-kai. Thus 
a political alliance between Sun Yatsen’s party and the Com- 
munist Party of China came into being.’* 

Sun Yatsen’s aversion to alliance with the Russians was due to his 
patriotic resentment of Czarist expansionism at China’s expense. 
Czarist Russia had invaded and occupied large tracts of Chinese 
territory for two centuries, and participated in all the unequal 
treaties. ‘I don’t believe the leopard can change his spots,’ said 
Sun; he claimed that the Russian Revolution had not altered 
Russian aims in Asia, despite Lenin’s declaration that all unequal 
treaties were null and void, and that territory wrested by Czarist 
aggression would be returned. 

Czarist Russian control of Manchurian territory and of the 
Chinese Eastern Railway which ran through it (which it treated as 
an extension of the Trans-Siberian Railway) made Manchuria a 
Russian protectorate. Sun declared outspokenly that encroach- 
ments by Czarist Russia in Sinkiang as well as Russian influence 
over Outer Mongolia created a vast sphere of Russian influence 
over ‘42 per cent of Chinese territory’. 

But Sun Yatsen now realized the Russians needed a friendly 
China, as China needed allies in her struggle against domination 
by the Western powers and Japan. It was with him that the Soviet 
government finally decided that co-operation would be most 
fruitful; overtures to various warlords had proved futile. Lenin 
had spoken favourably of Sun Yatsen’s party in 1912; Sun had 
cabled Lenin, hailing the October Revolution of 1917. Though 
mistrustful of Communism, Sun was now disgusted with 
Western democracy. And after May 4, 1919, Sun Yatsen’s 
opinions began to change. He began to read the works of Marx 
and Lenin. The combined persuasion of Dr Liao Chung-kai and of 
Sun s own wife, the brilliant and courageous Soong Ching-ling,*!* 

* Interview with Percy Chen. 

t See the Selected Works of Madame Soong Ching-ling (in Chinese). The book 

1 ^ 7 Soong Sisters^ does not do justice to the greatest and noblest 

o t sisters. Another sister, Soong Mei-ling, is the present wife of Chiang 



fuially convinced Sun of the usefulitess of an alliance. He 
started to write down his political credo, the ‘Three People’s 
Principles’, now incorporating socialism in his third principle. 
People s livelihood . Nationalism, democracy, and socialism’ 
became his new formula for the three principles which at various 
times he had enunciated, but which had remained vague in 
content until now, revised and redefined, they began to look like a 
definite programme. It was not until 1923, however, that this 
identification with socialism occurred; it was 1924 when he 
clearly opted for socialism. 

Mao, in his historical appraisal of Sun Yatsen in 1940, was to 

emarcate Sun s three principles before this change of mind 
(ca ed the old three principles) from their last version, or the new 
three principles. The last were the only ones the CCP would 
admit as the ‘Three Principles of Dr Sun Yatsen’. 

The three principles ... as re-explained by Sun Wen* in the 

opening speech of the first national Congress of the Kuomintang 

(1924) ... [are] the only real three principles ... the others are 

not ... This is not a rumour spread by the Communist Party, 

myself and many other members of the Kuomintang, we were 
present at this proclamation.’ 

Sun Yatsen encountered great opposition in his own party to 
this leftward switch. ‘If Communism is a good ally, why do 
members of the Kuomintang oppose the Communist Party? The 
reason may be that members of the Communist Party do not 
themselves understand what is Communism; and thus they have 
spoken against the Three People s Principles.’ Sun was obviously 
referring to the unflattering comments made about him and his 
party at the First Congress of the CCP in July 1921. ‘We cannot 
use the actions of some individuals for opposing a whole group ... 
t len why has this trouble arisen among our Kuomintang com- 
rades? Because they do not realize that my third principle is a 
form of Communism.’ 

This forthright endorsement, made 

in 1923, opened the door 

* Sun Wen is the formal name of Sun Yatsen. Most Chinese had at least two, if 
not more, names. This custom is now in abeyance, but many CCP members used 
aliases to escape identification from 1921 to 1949. 

I. Mu» Tj;otuiip 

l.iu- I'l M.u> in Shaosh.iii. 1 luii.iii 

one ul the lotiii ponds where he learned 

9 ^ - 









4 • 



3 . Peking, 1900, after the Righteous Fists (Roxer) Uprising was put down by foreign 
troops. Above, the partially destroyed Chien Men Gate: below. U.S. Marines mart h'in 

4. Above Mao Tsetung (fourth from left) with Tsai Ho-sen (next, with fur collar) anJ 
ot icr students at the First Hunan Normal College, about 1917. Below, in Shaoshan 
after h.s mother s death with (from left) his brother Mao Tse-min, his father and a 

clan relative 

5 - President Sun Yatsen 
with M.idainc Sun (Soong 

6 . Mikhail I 5 i>rodin, 
Russian adviser to the 
Kuomintang, speaking in 
Hankow, March 192? 



for the admission of Communist Party members into the Kuo- 

mintang, and for a Communist-Kuomintang alliance, which 

would last till 1927 and be known as the First United Front. 

Sun Yatsen recalled China’s grisly treatment by ‘Western 

democracy . Despite reservations about Russian ambitions, he 

was convinced of China s ultimate strength and power; he told 

his colleagues that the Chinese people will not become satellitic 
to Russia’. 

Great revolutionary pioneer ... our forerunner,’ Mao has 
defined Sun Yatsen s historic role. The memory of Sun Yatsen, 
who made the bourgeois democratic’ Revolution of 1911, con- 
tinues to be honoured in China by the Communists, who 
utiucrstand Kis place in the history of the Revolution. 

Sun Yatsen’s widow, the beautiful, fearless, and noble Soong 

Ching-ling, is today Vice-Chairman of the People’s Republic of 

China, and her life of dedication fits into the framework of 

history as a symbol of the transition from one stage of political 

development to the next. In this continuing process the alliance 

between Sun Yatsen s party, the Kuomintang,* and the CCP 

affords the most fascinating illustration of what was to become a 

basic strategy of the Chinese Communist Party under Mao 
Tsetung: the united front. 

At the Second Congress of the CCP in 1922, which Mao had 
missed ( I forgot the name of the place where it was to be held 
could not find any comrade, and missed it’), alliance and co- 
operation with the Kuomintang had again been discussed, but the 
majority of th^e delegates still remained opposed to united front 
strategy. But from the autumn of 1922, and throughout the next 
year, the violent suppression of fomented strikes, and the mas- 
sacres of the railway workers on February 4, 1923, by Wu Pei-fu, 
ad forced rethinking. The tiny Communist Party could not 

a!S growing fast, except in Hunan. Many 

activists were already being slaughtered. ^ 

of the Second Congress already stated: ‘The 

^nese Communist Party must, in the interest of the workers and 

Also known under its usual abbreviation KMT. 



the poor peasants, support the national democratic revolution, 
and forge a democratic united front of workers, poor peasants, 
and the petty bourgeoisie/ But no united front policy was spelled 
out till the Third Congress, held in June 1923 in Kuangchow. 

Coming via Shanghai to Kuangchow, Mao attended the Third 
Congress, where he gave a detailed report on the workers’ move- 
ment in Hunan. ‘There must be a great revolutionary union. One 
cannot fight alone,’ Mao is reputed to have stated. At this Third 
Congress, however, the right wing of the CCP headed by Chen 
Tu-hsiu advocated virtual dissolution of the CCP. Frightened by 
repression, Chen suggested that the KMT make its own bourgeois 
revolution first, and that the CCP begin its proletarian revolution 
‘after the historic period’ of KMT rule. Chen Tu-hsiu, possessed 
by discouragement, told his friends that he hated ‘violence’. The 
ultra-left wing, with Chang Kuo-tao, maintained that the Com- 
munist Party should be free from bourgeois entanglements, and 
again castigated the KMT. 

Mao Tsetung, together with his friend Ho Shu-heng and a 
young intellectual called Chu Chiu-pai,* opted for the united 
front, but with the Communist Party keeping its own autonomy. 
Mao and Chu were elected members of the Central Committee, 
and a majority voted for Mao’s proposal. The Chen Tu-hsiu 
‘right’-wing and Chang Kuo-tao ‘left’-wing theses were both 

Some historians say this was due to Russian pressure. At the 
Comintern in Moscow, Karl Radek has scolded the Chinese 
delegation for its opposition to a united front. They were too 
theoretical, and just as the old Chinese scholars studied Confucius 
behind closed doors and pretended to know the world merely by 
reading books, they were reading Marxism but did not know how 
to apply it. This observation was pertinent, but it must be noted 
that Mao Tsetung had already indicated his option for a united 
front in 1922, as his articles indicate. However, he stressed that 
the CCP must keep its independence of action and the leadership 

* Chu Chiu-pai had joined the Moscow precursor group of the CCP in 1921. 
See T. A. Hsia, ‘Chu Chiu-pai’s Autobiographical Writings’ China QuaTterly, 
January-March, 1966. 



of the working class and the peasantry in its hands. Leadership of 
the Revolution could not be handed over to the Kuomintang. 
He made this point forcefully. It agreed -with the Leninist thesis 
on a united front. And Mao was already a Leninist. 

A ‘united front of workers, peasants, and petty bourgeois’ was 
the description worked out, the KMT now being identified with 
the petty bourgeoisie. In the petty bourgeoisie, as Mao Tsetung 
at the time understood it, were included merchants and traders. 
The policies of Mao towards merchants and traders would be to 
consider them useful to the revolution ; this was based on a realistic 
appraisal of the Chinese social context, ‘because of the historical 
necessity and current tendencies, the work of the merchants in the 
national revolution is more important and more urgent than the 
work that the rest [those other components of the petty bour- 
geoisie participating in the national democratic revolution] do’.* 

They were also far more progressive than other elements of the 
middle class. 

At the time of the Third Congress, there were only 342 
Communist Party members in the whole of China. 

An agreement between the CCP and the KMT was concluded 
at the end of 1923. In that autumn Michael Borodin, a Comintern 
agent, arrived in China with other Russian personnel to advise 
Sun Yatsen s Kuangchow government in shaping policies and 
institutions. The organization of a nationalist army, under officers 
and cadres trained by the KMT, was a top priority. The goal was 
to fight the warlords and to unite China. Sun Yatsen was con- 
vinced that without an army to implement the national policies 

of the KMT the Revolution would always be at the mercy of 
sundry warlords. 

This development gave a great impetus to the KMT. A new 
hope animated its ranks, and new personages were to come into 
the limelight, among them Chiang Kai-shek, known at the time 
^ a iscip e of Sun Yatsen. Chiang made a good impression on 

orodin, and was sent to Russia in the autumn of 1923 to study 
Russian military methods. He stayed in Russia five months. By 

* Translated from reported article 
author’s possession. 

in Min Pao magazine. Document in 



June 1924 thirty Soviet instructors were attached to the newly 
built military academy, known as the Whangpoo Military 
Academy, and Chiang Kai-shek had returned from Moscow to 
head it as director. Once again the prestige of the ‘Russian- 
returned student’ label resulted in promotion to a position of 
influence and command. 

The admission of Communists to the KMT was formally 
blessed by Sun himself at the First Congress of the KMT in 
January 1924. Li Ta-chao, China’s first Marxist, was personally 
inducted by Sun Yatsen into the KMT. Sun insisted that Com- 
munists should be admitted without any curtailment of their 
activities as Communists and no one dared to contradict him 

Through the years, and Sun’s many shifts of fortune, in and out 
of power, the Kuomintang had become a motley assembly of 
various cliques and factions, save for a handful of staunch patriots 
like Liao Chung-kai and his wife Ho Hsiang-ning.* Its re- 
organization was imperative, but was never accomplished. 

One of the Communists who became a member of both parties 
was Mao Tsetung, who was given the task of liaison between the 
CCP and the KMT. To be entrusted with this important and 
delicate work was a tribute to his merit as organizer, recruiter, 
persuader, orator, and his staunch advocacy of the alliance. But 
due to the composition of the Kuomintang it was an almost 
impossible responsibility, and it became ever more difficult as the 
contradictions between the two parties became intractable. J 

The CCP resolution on the united front was defined as co- 
operation — but without merging into it— with the Kuomintang; 
autonomy within the Kuomintang while sustaining a united front 

* Interviewed by the author in 1966 in Peking, where Madame Ho headed the 
Overseas Chinese Department for many years. Her son Liao Chen-chih is a 
prominent diplomat and expert in the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry. See 
Nym Wales, Red Dtist^ op. cit., for his biography. 

4 A note on the Kuomintang: From 1895 to 1905 Sun Yatsen’s organization was 
known as the Hsin Chung-hui; it was after 1905 and in Japan that it was renamed 
the Tung Meng Hui. It became the Kuomintang (national party) in 1912, on the 
eve of the first elections to China’s first 'parliament*, the National Assembly. 
Until 1911 it was an anti-Manchu, anti-d>Tiastic alliance, vaguely democratic and 
republican but without a very definite programme. 



policy to attain the reunification of China as a federal republic and 
elimination of imperialism. Other resolutions agreed on the 
fundamental rights of voting, freedom of expression and reunion; 
an eight-hour day for workers, labour legislation, reform of 
education, and tax reforms. 

In later years Mao would analyse what was wrong with this 
first united front. The strategy of a united front had been correct, 
but the CCP had failed to recognize that leadership must never 
be relinquished. ‘The Party ... was in its infancy ... inexperienced 
in the three basic problems of the united front, armed struggle 
and Party building, a party without much knowledge of China’s 
historical and social conditions.’* No other Communist Party 
member at the time seems to have given so much serious thought 
to Sun Yatsen’s own programme, and to the structure of the 
Kuomintang Party, as well as to the study of Lenin’s united front 
techniques, as Mao did. 

The resolutions of the First KMT Congress of 1924, calling for 
co-operation with Russia, co-operation with the CCP, and help 
and support to workers and peasants, the identification with 
‘socialism’, gave the KMT a much more widely based popular 
appeal, a refurbished, progressive, national image. Three Com- 
munists were among the twenty-four members of the Central 
Executive Committee of the Kuomintang— Li Ta-chao, Tan 
Ping-shan and Yu Shu-te— and six Communists among the 
alternate members, one of them Mao Tsetung. Students from the 
work and study programmes, Communist Party members 
returning from France, Germany and Russia, also entered the 
Kuomintang as members, among them Chou En-lai in mid-1924. 
Chou became secretary of the military commission in the CCP 
Kuangchow branch, in charge of the Training Department, and 
late in 1924 deputy director of the Political Department in 
Whangpoo Military Academy, where he lectured on military 
affairs. He was then twenty-six years old. 

In February Mao returned to Shanghai, to become secretary 
of the Organizing Department (Propaganda) of the Shanghai 

* Introducing The Communist (October 4, 1939); also 0 « New Democracy 
(January 1940); both in Selected Works, vol. II. 



branch of the KMT, in charge of liaison. In daily contact with 
politicians, Mao endured from them a treatment as arrogant as 
that he had been subject to when assistant librarian in Peking, and 
sarcasm from his own comrades because he tried to do his work 
well under the ‘revolutionary’ elder Hu Han-min, a great 
personage in the KMT. Hu Han-min had taken part in the 1911 
Revolution. He was one of the editors of the Min Li Pao, which 
Mao Tsetung had read in Changsha in 1911, and which had made 
him discard his early enthusiasm for the reformists and discover 
Sun Yatsen. With age Hu had become increasingly reactionary. 
He scorned ‘the peasant’ Mao, who worked three months under 
him. Wang Ching-wei, the brilliant and ambitious opportunist, 
also appears to have looked down on Mao. Mao learned bitter 
lessons on the ambivalence of ‘radicals’. Meanwhile, left-wingers 
in the CCP called him ‘Hu Han-min ’s secretary’. But Mao 
subordinated his temper to his dedication, and went on as if he 
were completely insensitive. He was involved in a multiplicity of 
details and they drained his mind and his strength. He was 
appointed one of the three Communists to serve on the com- 
mittee to examine and draw up the new Kuomintang Party 
constitution. Painstaking, he drew up a scheme for the re- 
organization of the Kuomintang Party structure, showing a 
shrewd grasp of its weaknesses. 

‘There are too many high-level functionaries sitting in posts in 
Kuangchow and doing little, whereas there are too few outside of 
the capital city.’ Where was the strength of the national move- 
ment? Among the masses; but the decisive organizations, which 
gave the leadership to the members, were in the cities, or at 
county town level, and the latter were much too remote. There 
was no contact between the people and the high bureaucrats 
who put orders on paper, orders ‘empty of significance*. The 
people were enthusiastic and patriotic, but they got no real 
directives from the KMT. Mao even went into financial details of 
the organization, showing a sound knowledge of accounting and 
book-keeping, possibly helped in this by his early training at home 
and by his brother Mao Tse-min. He tackled the work of con- 
solidation and of training of cadres, insisted on the importance of 



recruiting and training cadres to work among the peasantry. It 
was on Mao’s proposal that the Kuomintang established a Peasant 
Department in its Central Executive Committee. The scheme was 
submitted in February 1924, and by the summer the institute for 
training peasant cadres was working. From its inception the 
institute would be in Communist hands. 

That Mao should be the only one out of that galaxy of intel- 
lectuals to work out a complete KMT reorganization plan is 
puzzling. No one else really seemed to want to do the arduous 
groundwork involved in such an overhaul. Liao Chung-kai 
praised Mao Tsetung and his ‘extraordinary talent’ and recom- 
mended his report to Sun Yatsen. But the Kuomintang was too 
full of dissension and venality to be able to reform itself By April 
1924 already the first attacks against ‘Communist orientation’ 
were becoming vocal. The accusation of ‘creating a bloc within 
the KMT’ was launched; the alliance with Russia was not 

attacked, only the alliance with local Communists. 

By the summer of 1924 Mao Tsetung was already overwrought 
and overworked and seems to have had attacks of despondency 
and sleeplessness. He was getting exhausted with frustration; his 
work, which consisted essentially of making ‘fire and water’ 

coexist, was a never-ending cycle of pettiness. As the year wore 
on, it also became obvious that Sun Yatsen was seriously ill, and 
round him began the intrigues of various cliques jockeying for the 
succession. Mao is said to have remarked casually to a friend that 
the Communists were very vulnerable because they had no army, 
a surprising thing to say when hopes were high, when in the 
Whangpoo Military Academy the Russian advisers were treated 
with great honour, and Chou En-lai was doing his utmost to 
radicalize the officer cadets and appeared very successful at it. 

Borodin, the Russian adviser, seems to have understood very 
little of the intrigues around Sun. He was almost hypnotized by 
Chiang Kai-shek s fluency and left-wing jargon. Chen Tu-hsiu as 
secretary-general of the CCP was hypnotized with ‘co-operation’ 
and ‘unity’. This self-willed intellectual, shrinking from the gross- 
ness of actual political work, afraid to displease, was not built to 
lead a revolutionary party in the complicated tactics of united 



front struggle. From Chen’s point of view, was it not more 
reasonable to suppose these polished (if unscrupulous) gentlemen 
of the KMT more capable of progress’ and ‘enlightenment’ than 
illiterate workers and peasants? Many of the Russian advisers at 
the Military Academy were fooled for a long time by Chinese 
courtesy, and the ability to mask thoughts and feelings under a 
bland, peaceful demeanour. Borodin was apt to blame the CCP 
members, and especially Chou En-lai, for ‘pushing too hard’ when- 
ever some complaints from the Kuomintang came to him. ‘Unity 
above all’ was Borodin’s motto, as it was Chen Tu-hsiu’s, and in 
the process both did forgo the essential component of leadership. 

It was on the matter of policies towards the peasantry that Mao, 
it is said, called on Borodin in Kuangchow in 1924. Borodin 
spoke no Chinese, Mao no Russian or English; if they con- 
versed it was through an interpreter. It is possible that Borodin 
did not understand or appreciate Mao Tsetung. As for Mao, he 
was not impressed by Borodin. ‘Borodin stood just a little to the 
right of Chen Tu-hsiu, and was ready to do everything to please 
the bourgeoisie, even to the disarming of the workers, which 
he finally ordered.’ 

Hence 1924 was a year of great mental and physical strain for 
Mao. He found men of repute, men whom he had revered and 
respected, utterly disillusioning at close range. The admired 
radical Wang Ching-wei, who had thrown a bomb at the Manchu 
regent in 1906, and been at one time the idol of progressive 
students, would turn out to be an intriguer, an opportunist, a 
weak man with a big mouth. Hu Han-min, who also had the 
reputation of a revolutionary, was weak, vain and corrupt. And 
then there was Chen Tu-hsiu, perhaps the greatest disillusionment 
of all. Mao had thought highly of him, acknowledging how much 
Chen had influenced him, both in personal meetings and through 
his New Youth magazine. Mao had looked up to him with all the 
ardour of a young man seeking a model to emulate. But affection, 
respect, could not blind him, as increasingly he saw Chen Tu-hsiu 
evade, compromise, prevaricate. To those whose dedication is 
revolution, there are bound to be such traumatic experiences. For 
them everything is measured by that supreme and rigorous 



passion which takes all of a man’s life, the sinews of his body and 
the strength of his spirit, and wrings him dry and wrecks him 
often. All other relationships, emotions, passions, are removed 
from the soul’s centre; all must inevitably be sifted and weighed 
in the pitiless measure of sacrifice. For such a revolutionary there 
can be no loyalty, no love, except that ‘based on principle’, 
which means revolution. 

When Mao began to doubt Chen as a Communist, then he had 
to oppose him, however much it cost him in personal anguish. By 
the end of 1924, Mao was seeing another Chen Tu-hsiu, no longer 
a tower of strength but more like a weak bamboo; a vapid, 
arrogant, and yet pusillanimous man to whose elegant intellect 
workers’ demonstrations, strikes, the very idea of peasant up- 
risings were repugnant. Chen’s fear of violence was an atavistic 
panic, a class reaction, backed by long centuries of elitism, of the 
almost ineradicable superiority of scholars above manual 

Mao found his relations with Chen deteriorating as Chen grew 
nettled, then resentful, of the younger man’s arguments. Deeply 
sensitive in spite of liis rigid control over himself, he would fmd 
the death of his affection for Chen Tu-hsiu difficult to accept for 
some months. But in the end he would not hesitate.* 

Mao Tsetung was present at the Fourth Congress of the CCP in 
January 1925, contrary to reports that he did not attend because of 
illness. He was ill, though the cause may have been overwork, but 
he was there, and he gave warning that ‘organizationally witliin 
the CCP, and also in mass organizations, we must be prepared’. 
For the worst. He asked for workers’ and peasants’ alliances, to 
take part in the national revolutionary movement. Resolutions to 
strengthen and expand peasants’ and workers’ unions were passed, 
but little was done to implement these. The complacency of the 
secretary-general, Chen, studiously avoiding ‘friction’ with the 
Kuomintang, was unshaken. In fact, at the Congress, a tendency 

* Edgar Snow, who spent days and weeks with Mao, often told me how deeply 
sensitive Mao is to friendship; how often his eyes moistened when he spoke of 
dead comrades. ‘His struggles against individuals once his friends, for revolution’s 
sake, were always intensely painful to him.* 

5 * 



to Speak in terms of ‘restraining’ the peasants was evidenced in his 
speeches. Emphasis on the importance of the workers dominated 
the Congress, due to the strong representation of the ‘left’ wing, 
Chang Kuo-tao, Li Li-san, in the All-China Labour Federation 
and in the Central Committee. Mao Tsetung seems pretty much a 
lone figure, and a very underestimated one, at this Congress. 
Dissent between himself and the ‘city-oriented’ Communists 
gave rise to sharp arguing. Mao’s repeated proposals that the 
Communist Party should train its own peasant cadres and 
mobilize the peasantry, that the training should be extended all 
over China, to provide a rear base in any province and not be 
confined merely to the area where the Kuomintang government 
held sway, were watered down in the bland rotundity of resolu- 
tions. It was not till 1926 that the CCP would organize its own 
Peasant Department. 

At the end ofjanuary 1925, an exhausted Mao went back to his 
own province of Hunan, He went under an official cloud; for had 
he not proved ‘unsatisfactory’ in liaison work? So write some 
biographers,* more intent on faulting Mao’s performance in his 
impossible job than in grasping the essence of his disgust. He 
returned not to rest but to organize the peasantry. So secret, so 
quiet was he in beginning this work that for a long time nothing 
was known of his activities from January to August 1925* And 
because he was considered ‘right’-wing by the city-oriented 
leftists in the Party, he had not been re-elected to the Central 
Committee of the CCP. 

Mao Tsetung reached Shaoshan before the Chinese New Year, 
and this was a family reunion. Both his wife Yang Kai-hui and his 
brother Mao Tse-min had been working in Shanghai also, but not 
with him. Yang Kai-hui did educational work, and Mao Tse-min 
was with the propaganda section of the CCP. Back in the old 
farmhouse, he read and he laboured at the spring planting and 
sowing. His body was healed with the labour of the fields. He 
worked and he thought, and his thoughts were far-sighted. 

* See Jerome Chen, Mao and the Chinese Revolution, trs. M. Bullock and J. 
Chen (Oxford University Press, London and New York, 1965). 



He had begun to see the problem of the Chinese Revolution in 
the utterly concrete, down-to-earth, yet incomparably larger 
vision that was to be known as Mao Tsetung Thought, to mark 
his country and the history of his epoch. As he went among the 
peasantry, the puzzles and confusions of the slick city intellectuals 
fell into place. To serve a spurious ‘unity’ in the councils of the 
alliance with the Kuomintang, the peasants and workers were in 
danger of being sacrificed. Already it had been suggested that the 
lowering of land tenure rents should not be left to peasant associa- 
tions, but to a ‘collective bargaining’ process. Yet all around him 
the reality of China was peasant revolution. How would he now 
proceed? Obedience to the ‘leadership’ against what his mind and 
conscience cried out to him was the right course, or defiance? 
But never for a moment did he think of abandoning the Revolu- 
tion, for that would be abandoning the peasants, the workers. He 
could never do it. 

In February and March, the tall, thin young Mao went walking 
from village to village, staying with peasants in their farmhouses, 
working with them for his meals and lodging, in the evenings 
sitting with them and listening, always listening. ‘I have so much 
yet to learn from them, they know so much more than I do.’* 
‘Three old cobblers equal one Wise Manl’f Once again exalted, 
informed, vitalized by this immersion in the vibrant, enormous 
life of the working people of China, once again, like Antaeus 
touching earth, Mao was filled with creative power and vision. 
He wrote, analysed, investigated, planned. He went back to 
Changsha, and from there moved around the counties to establish 
peasant unions, peasant Party cells. His investigations in the 
countryside during the spring planting season revealed that 10 
per cent of the population consisted of landlords and rich peasants, 
70 per cent of poor peasants, and 20 per cent of middle peasants. 
By the end of the following year, 1926, 37 out of 75 counties in 
Hunan had peasant unions. In the district of Hengshan, where 
Mao placed some of his recruits and where his adopted sister also 

* In 1967. 

t The Wise Man alluded to is the renowned strategist of the Three Kingdoms, 
Chukc Liang. 



worked for the Party. 85 per cent of the peasant union member- 
ship was of poor peasant origin. 

In the attic of the Mao farmhouse in Shaoshan, above his 
parents’ bedroom, meetings were held. It was there that the first 
peasant Party branch was organized in August 1925. During 
these seven months from the end of January to August, Mao 
elaborated a scientific investigation technique which laid the 
foundations for Marxist social research in China. This contribu- 
tion of Mao’s to the social sciences is fundamental to the creation 
of the new concept which today infuses China’s scientific achieve- 
ments. He seems to have realized how little Chinese intellectuals 
knew of their own country and their own people. It was not the 
peasants and workers alone who needed education, but also the 
proud and lordly leaders , scholars, riding high over the heads of 
that patient immensity, the people of China. They needed to be 
re-educated. Marxism is ... the concrete analysis of concrete 
conditions, Lenin had said. How many Marxist intellectuals 
bothered to do this? 

Of the thirty-two peasant cadres forming the first Party branch 
at Shaoshan, all were to die in the massacres of the Chiang Kai- 
shek terror from 1927 to 1934* Other cadres Mao recruited dur~ 
ing those months were to follow him to Chingkangshan, the 
mountain fortress where Mao was to create the first rural Red 
base and start the Chinese Revolution going again when, at the 
end of 1927, it had been almost destroyed. 

In Kuangchow, the Peasant Department announced at the First 
Congress of the Kuomintang in 1924 had taken shape as a Peasant 
Institute in April 1924. 

The Kuomintang Party, with its disparate composition and 
varied cliques, was wholly agreed on the necessity for rallying 
the peasantry, the ‘foot soldiery* of any military expedition. There 
had never been an overthrow of dynasty without peasant armies. 

It was they, the many-millioned, who made empires and des- 
troyed them, but the power had always fallen back into the hands 

* The son of one of these is now secretary of the Shaoshan Party branch 
(interview 1971). 



of the mandarinate and the landlord class, and after reforms by 
the new rulers— tax and rent remissions — the peasantry was 
again exploited. This repeated betrayal was the feudal pattern for 
two millennia. The KMT military unification of China would 
need soldiers, armies, food; only the peasantry could fulfil those 
needs. Chiang Kai-shek summed it up: ‘The task of the peasantry 
is to provide us with information concerning the enemy, food 
and comforts in our encampments, and soldiers for our armies.’ 
Not a word about the duties of the Kuomintang, once it came to 
power, towards the peasantry! It was taken for granted that the 
peasants would serve a purpose and die unprotestingly, or be 
beaten back into submission should they revolt. Mao Tsetung 
was not prepared to accept this repetition of Chinese history, but 
Chen Tu-hsiu was; hence Chen’s reluctance to see the peasantry 
really armed, really taking power. 

This was the heart of the matter. And yet since 1919 Lenin had 
stressed the importance of the peasants to the revolutions in Asia. 
‘The national revolution in China, and the creation of the anti- 
imperialist front, will necessarily be followed by an agrarian 
revolution of the peasantry against the remnants of feudalism. 
The revolution can be victorious only if it becomes possible to draw 
into the movement the basic masses of the Chinese population ; i.e., the 
peasants with small holdings ... Thus the peasant problem becomes the 
central point of the entire policy of the Chinese Communist Party* ** 

Far from obeying the directives of the Comintern, Chen was 
actually paying no attention to them where the peasantry were 
concerned. It is curious that this fundamental defect in Chen’s 
leadership should already have been pointed out as early as 
August 1923, when an anonymous Communist Party member 
wrote in the Party weekly The Guide that the weakness of the 
socialist movement was ‘excess of urban orientation, cowardice 
of intellectuals who fear to leap into the mass of the people, and 
shortage of talented men in the local movement’. (The anony- 
mous writer sounds a little like Mao, but it is not in his character 
to have written this letter.) 

* Comintern resolution received by the CCP before the Third Congress in 




Chen Tu-hsiu had retorted: ‘Farmers are petty bourgeois ... 
how can they accept Communism? How can a Communist 
movement extend itself successfully in rural China?’ Peasant 
revolutionary excesses would ‘disrupt’ the national revolution, 
bring about ‘splits’ and ‘misunderstandings’ with the bourgeoisie. 
These slurs upon peasant potential expressed the same fear as that 
of feudal landlords. Chang Kuo-tao also wrote that the peasantry 
was conservative’, ‘demanding only a good harvest under an 
emperor’, and ‘scattered, individualistic, unreasonable’. Both the 
right and ‘left’ wings in the CCP were united in their contempt 
of the peasantry. 

Chiang Kai-shek was well versed in the historical background 
of China. The military expedition to wrest China from warlord 
rule and to unify it under the KMT could not proceed unless the 
KMT had the peasants with them; this was self-evident. But 
already complaints of peasant ‘excesses’ were heard among the 
landlords and capitalists in the KMT, for now something was 
happening in the countryside of the Haifeng and Lufeng counties 
of Kuaiitung province. A peasant revolutionary movement, in 
which Peng Pai, whose memory is still honoured, played an 
important part, was taking shape. 

Peng Pai, surprisingly, was himself the son of a landlord and 
had studied in Japan. Even before he adhered to the Communist 
Party, Peng had already unbound his wife’s feet. (The unfortunate 
woman was later executed by the Chiang Kai-shek regime.) 
When his father died, Peng Pai began to distribute his father’s 
lands and to divest himself of property — his father owned about 
1,400 tenant serfs. He went among the peasants in Haifeng county 
and lived with them, helping to form a peasant union in a village 
in Haifeng county about the same time that Mao was organizing 
a peasant-worker union in Hunan at Yuehpei. The peasant 
unions in Haifeng district grew; poor peasants and landless 
tenants flocked to join. Very soon they could stand up to terroris- 
tic landlords and their private armies. When some tenants were 
jailed because they could not pay exorbitant rent, 6,000 peasants 
demonstrated in front of the city magistrate’s house and frightened 
the magistrate into releasing them. The example of Haifeng and 



Lufeng counties spread; landlords, alarmed, fled to Kuangchow 

In December 1924 a warlord named Chen Chiung-ming 
marched against Kuangchow to oust Sun Yatsen once again. But 
Sun Yatsen was no longer at the mercy of a militarist coup. The 
Whangpoo Military Academy cadets and the workers’ battalions 
organized by the Communists defeated Chen Chiung-ming, who 
fled to Hongkong. In their subsequent pursuit of his troops 
through the countryside, the cadets were astonished by the 
enthusiastic help which they received from the peasantry when 
they crossed Haifeng county. ‘We had never seen such things 

The peasants organized militia battalions, took the small towns 
while the landlords fled; supplied stretcher bearers for the woun- 
ded, carriers, an intelligence service. This demonstration of 
peasant power won admiration but increased panic; the mobiliza- 
tion of the peasantry, though essential for the military expedition 
planned, was ‘dangerous’. If peasants were capable of such for- 
midable initiative, they could seize power— and keep it. How was 
one to utilize them and then discard them? This was the task 
Chiang Kai-shek would perform. While despondency settled 
upon the big landlords of the Kuomintang, Chiang played the 
leftist, for he needed peasant and worker support to hoist himself 
to power. 

Only Sun’s personal prestige, by the end of 1924, was keeping 
the Kuomintang Party from open dissension. But Sun died of 
cancer in March 1925 in Peking, where he had gone for talks on a 
possible peaceful unification with the militarist Feng Yu-hsiang, 
then in power in a North China warlord coalition. No sooner 
was Sun dead than a covert power struggle began between Chiang 
Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei, each claiming to be Sun’s chosen 
disciple. Chiang was a poor military strategist but a master at 
intrigue. Wang was to be no match for him. 

A Society for the Propagation of Sun Yatsenism had already 
been organized, with Chiang’s tacit consent, within the Whang- 
poo Military Academy in January 1925, though it only came into 
the open in April. In spite of its catchy title, it was a fascist 



organization, enrolling cadets in the ‘army group’ nucleus which 
would later form the core of Chiang Kai-shek’s military dic- 
tatorship. The society clashed with a League of Military Youth 
organized by Chou En-lai to recruit cadets for the Communist 
Party. The leader of the Society for Sun Yatsenism was Tai 
Chi-tao, in 1919 considered ‘radical’, but by 1925 already an 
extreme right-winger in the Kuomintang. 

The right wing of the Kuomintang took possession of the 
Shanghai headquarters of its own party, and made an open bid 
to cast out the Communist Party’ from its position within the 
Kuomintang. The Central Executive Committee of the Kuomin- 
tang held a meeting which expelled 120 right-wingers from the 
Party, a measure to which Chiang gave his approval. This 
looked like a great victory for the united front and for the left. 
It confirmed the opinion of Borodin that Chiang was progressive. 
Borodin looked upon Chiang as a ‘left-wing hope’ and treated 
him with friendly respect. 

After Sun Yatsen s death, a triumvirate was organized to rule 
the Kuomintang. It was composed of Hu Han-min, Wang 
Ching-wei and Liao Chung-kai. On May 23, 1925, a resolution 
by the KMT Central Executive Committee announced the goal 
of a Northern Expedition — as the military campaign to reunify 
China was called — to be led by Chiang Kai-shek as commander- 
in-chief of the Nationalist armies, as well as director of the 
Whangpoo Academy. No compromise with the warlords was 
envisaged. This reinforced the popular image of a revolutionary 
party; it also appeared a victory for the Communists, since the 
resolution added that ‘the only government in the world with 
which the Kuomintang can work hand in hand is that of Soviet 
Russia . Borodin’s prestige was enhanced, and the Kuomintang 
appeared to be more and more left-inclined. High-sounding 
declarations lulled the doubts of some Communist Party members 
and reinforced their desire to ‘co-operate’. 

The sudden irruption of reality in this rosy cloudland of decep- 
tion was the assassination of Dr Liao Chung-kai in August 1925, 
only five months after Sun’s death. In China this murder is now 
currently ascribed to Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang was for years a 



member of a notorious secret society, the Ching Hong Pang, and 
the murder was done by two paid ‘dog legs’* (who were never 
caught). But somehow Hu Han-min’s brother was implicated; 
and this threw suspicion on Hu Han-min. Chiang Kai-shek reacted 
with fury at this ‘betrayal of the revolution’ ; he arrested seventeen 
commanders — who also happened to be potential military rivals — 
and supporters of Hu Han-min, clamped military rule upon the 
city of Kuangchow, took over the police, and established his own 
control, to check a ‘counter-revolutionary coup’. This assassina- 
tion of a man known for his leftist sympathies was the first step 
in a deep-laid plot to wrest power. 

There had been in that summer a sudden upsurge in Communist 
strength, in response to the killing of Chinese by British and 
Japanese soldiers garrisoned in Shanghai and Kuangchow. On 
May 15 a Chinese worker had been killed by a Japanese foreman 
in a textile mill in Shanghai. On May 30 the students demonstra- 
ted in the International Settlement; British soldiers fired and 
killed a dozen of them. In Kuangchow, on June 23, workers, 
students, and cadets of Whangpoo demonstrated in front of 
Shameen, an islet on which British, French, and other European 
commercial firms had installed their personnel. The British fired 
upon the demonstrators and 56 people were killed. This gave rise 
to a monster protest movement throughout Cliina. Strikes and 
demonstrations occurred in every city; walls were plastered with 
pamphlets denouncing Western imperialism. The withdrawal of 
all foreign troops, abolition of extra-territoriality, the return of 
the foreign concessions to China were demanded by the Com- 
munist-led Federation of Labour. Already in 1922, the big strikes 
on the mainland had been followed by a strike of 100,000 
workers in the British colony of Hongkong. This time, 150,000 
striking workers from Hongkong came into Kuangchow, and a 
strike committee was formed. Hongkong was paralysed. The 
Communist labour unions found their membership growing 
with amazing speed; the workers organized revolutionary 

* A term for paid murderers of the secret societies or of landlords* private 



committees for militia, security, welfare, education and cultural 
activities; power to the working class’ became a daily slogan. 
The Communist Party all-China membership, only 995 in 
January 1925, was 10,000 by November, with another 9,000 
members in the various Youth Corps. The All-China Labour 
Federation counted 540,000 members in 1925, and 1,240,000 
members in May 1926, By 1927 there were to be 2-8 million 
members, including dock workers and handicrafts men. 

It was this sudden vast increase in Communist manpower and 
influence, the appearance in Kuangchow of armed workers’ 
militia in May and June 1925, which alarmed the Kuomintang 
right wing and precipitated the murder of Liao Chung-kai, who 
had sided with the workers. But this intrigue was masked by an 
apparent split of the Kuomintang itself into conservative and 
progressive factions; with the right wing apparently cast out, in 
exile outside Kuangchow (it was to form what became known as 
the Western Hills group because it held a conclave in the Western 
Hills near Peking). In the end there would be little difference 
between the two factions; both would be recuperated by the 
same landlord and compradore capitalist* interests. The national 
capitalist class and the petty bourgeoisie, fearful and leaderless, 
would follow where they were led by the big capitalists and big 
landlords, because no valid leadership had seized the occasion to 
produce a new orientation which they could follow. 

It was in the middle of tliis tangle of intrigue and deception 
that Mao Tsetung returned to Kuangchow in September 1925. 

Even in the Hunan countryside, the May 1925 events had roused 
the people. ‘Formerly, I had not fully realized the degree of class 

among the peasantry.’ ‘After the May 30th movement 
the Hunanese peasantry became very militant ... in a few months, 
more than twenty peasant unions were formed.’ In many areas, 

* The Chinese Communists distinguish between ‘national’ capitalists, whose 
money and resources do not serve outside monopolies or interests, and who there- 
fore may form part of the united front and can and must be rallied to the revolu- 
tionary cause, and ‘compradore’ capitalists, who serve as middlemen for the 
invasion and exploitation of China by imperialist powers. 



the tenants refused to pay exorbitant rents, and beat up tax 
collectors. The slogan ‘Down with the warlords’ which Mao 
employed in his propaganda to form peasant unions fitted in with 
a more positive programme; land confiscation, forming a peasant 
militia, and anti-imperialism. The events of May 30 made it easy 
to explain imperialism to the peasantry, for whom foreign in- 
vasion and domination was remote, since they saw little of it. 
The foreigners helped the warlords; the foreigners had helped 
to put down the great Taiping peasant revolt; foreign bullets and 
money had always interfered to keep the Chinese people down. 
Mao described what he had seen in Shanghai — Chinese insulted 
on the streets, not allowed in public parks. Now the shootings 
which had occurred made the lesson even more vivid. 

It was during this stay in Hunan that Mao Tsetung told his 
friends that should it become necessary, a peasant guerilla war 
would be the best type of war for revolutionaries. He seems to 
have already thought, even if only vaguely, of rural bases; on his 
foot treks through the provinces he reached the foothills of his 
future first rural base, Chingkangshan. 

Rumours about the tall thin agitator who went through the 
Hunan countryside organizing peasant unions came to Chao 
Hcng-ti, the governor of Hunan who had said the province was 
not large enough to contain both Mao Tsetung and himself, 
which had caused Mao to leave in 1923. Mao could trust the poor 
peasants, but the landlords sent out their private armies to 
threaten their tenants if they did not denounce Mao. A visit 
Mao Tsetung paid to Changsha was unfortunate; he was recog- 
nized. Now he had to go, and very quickly. 

But Mao s last stay in Changsha was the occasion for a poem, 

Changsha — one of the many he wrote, one of the few that have 

been kept. Nothing is more beautiful to a Hunanese than the 

landscape of the Hsiang river in autumn; when the hills are russet 

and gold, and Orange Grove island, opposite Changsha city, 

glows like a gold nugget in the sunset. The ‘summer tiger’ days 

that clamp a dripping heat upon the cities and the countryside 

are over, and from the Hsiang water there comes a small cool 




Alone, standing in autumn*s chill 

As the Hsiang river 

Flows north past Orange Island, 

I see the red-stained thousand hills 
With crimson forests trooping. 

On the lucid blue water a hundred barges sail. 

Eagles fly above. 

Fish glide in the deeps, 

Under the unmoving sky, all living things strive for freedom. 

I ponder, and ask the boundless earth 
Who masters destiny? 

In past years 

I walked here with many companions, 

Friends of crowded years and months of endeavour, 

All of us students, all of us young. 

In high assurance, strong and fearless. 

Pointing the finger at all things. 

Praising and condemning in our writings. 

The highest in the land we counted no more than dust. 

But do you remember? 

How, reaching midstream, we struck the waters, 

And the waves dashed against our speeding boats? 

In that August there was high promise and great hope as the 
Communist Party swelled in numbers. The Revolution seemed 
very near. Mao stood, staring at the water. The Revolution would 
go forward, but there would be obstacles to its progress. 

There is no rapture, only sober purpose in this poem. Mao 
Tsctung was perhaps saying farewell to his own youth. As he 
slipped on foot across the hills, the autumn harvest was being 
reaped. Soon, armies would be trampling the winter fields. 

The Ways Divide 

When Mao got back to effervescent Kuangchow, Communist 
influence was at a peak. Everyone talked of the workers* battalions, 
of the impressive growth of the worker movement. Mao, erst- 
while trade union organizer, founder of workers* evening schools 
and clubs, looked shunted on to a side way — peasant associations 
and peasant Party cells in Hunan seemed very remote and un- 
important in the general excitement of the southern city, with 
soldiers marching, drums beating, red flags everywhere. 

After the May and June killings by the British and Japanese, 
other shooting incidents had taken place in Shanghai in September. 
Every bullet, every corpse brought more adherents to the 
Communist cause, more defiance of W^estern imperialism and its 
aggressive outlawry. The walls of Kuangchow screamed de- 
nunciations; milling crowds cheered orators at every street 
corner. The workers militia drilled at dawn to the sound of 
trumpets; the Whangpoo cadets were acclaimed and mobbed; 
the excited population roared its approval of the Northern 
Expedition to smash both feudalism and foreign imperialism*. 

But within the Kuomintang the counter-revolution was being 
organized. Chiang Kai-shek*s rise to power had begun. 

Harold R. Isaacs* describes Chiang Kai-shek as a man whose 
ambition, fathered by ruthless cunning and a total lack of scruple, 
brought him to the centre of the political scene*. The adopted son 
of a wealthy landlord, Chiang. as a student in Japan, was inducted 
imo the secret societies and became the protege of Chang Ching- 
chiang, a banker millionaire and secret society member, with 
extensive connections with Chinese big business and foreign 
bankers. Through this patron, Chiang then became the adopted 

T Tragedy of the Chinese Reuolution (Seeker & Warburg 

London. 1938; second revised edition. Oxford University Press, London, 1961I* 




grandson’ of Shanghai’s A 1 Capone, Huang Ching-yung, lord of 
the underworld in the French Concession of Shanghai. Chiang 
was then in deep fmancial trouble. His sponsors bailed him out, 
sent him to Kuangchow to become a ‘disciple’ of Sun Yatsen and 
the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Chinese secret societies there. Chiang 
Kai-shek reported to his Shanghai underworld friends, who sold 
the information to the foreign powers. Chiang, who had become 
director of Whangpoo Military Academy in May 1924, was now 
commander-in-chief of the armies of the Kuomintang. 

Chiang was far more worried about worker militancy than he 
was about the peasants, although the Haifeng and Lufeng ex- 
periences had disturbed him. The peasants were now dispossessing 
landlord families, and 70 per cent of the Whangpoo cadets, and 
Chiang himself, belonged to landlord or rich peasant families. 
Thus the Whangpoo cadets were confronted with social revolu- 
tion within the national war for unification of China. Some wanted 
to ‘punish’ the peasants, others took the peasants’ side. This 
caused open quarrels and even fisticuffs between the cadets. 
Chiang mediated, and made revolutionary speeches which greatly 
pleased Borodin. He was called ‘the red hope of the revolutionary 
army’; the ‘dark-haired darling’ of Borodin. He declared he 
would kill his own brother should the latter ‘betray’ the revolu- 
tion. He shouted: ‘Long live the world revolution’ and ‘Down 
with the imperialists’ as heartily as any worker. 

In that autumn of 1925 the Kuangchow-Hongkong Workers 
Strike Committee was very powerful. Strength lay in the 
workers’ councils, in the peasant associations (also beginning to 
arm themselves), in the left-wing groups of Whangpoo cadets, 
the League of Military Youth under Chou En-lai. ‘They raised 
the KMT nationalist leaders on their shoulders,’ writes Isaacs. 
‘They were to carry Chiang to victory.’ Such was their power 
that even after Chiang began to deliver telling blows to the 
Communist leadership, he still had to pretend to be a radical. 
This appears scarcely credible, but Chiang carried it off. In this 
he was greatly helped by the ineffectual, flabby non-leadership 
of the CCP secretary general, Chen Tu-hsiu. 



If Mao appeared neglected by his own party, it was not so with 
his membership in the KMT. He became secretary of tlic Propa- 
ganda Department of the Kuomintang, and he started a political 
weekly that September, The weekly was to run for eighteen 
months, till the spring of 1927. ‘I became editor of the Political 
Weekly. It later played a very active role in attacking and dis- 
crediting the right wing of the KMT led by Tai Chi-tao’ (head 
of the Society for Sun Yatsenism). He also took charge of the 
Peasant Institute for training cadres, housed in a Confucian 
temple on the main street of Kuangchow. He had already lectured 
at the institute in August 1924, invited to do so by Peng Pai, then 
running it. Now he called his own recruits from Hunan to come 
to Kuangchow for training and proceeded to renovate the 
teaching programme. Among these recruits would be his brother 
Mao Tse-min. 

The Peasant Institute had produced about 30 graduates during 
its first term (July-August 1924) and 142 in its second. All the 
cadres were from Kwangtung, recruited by Peng Pai from his 
own Haifeng and Lufeng districts. The third term was a three- 
month session of 114 cadres, again all from Kwangtung. The 
fourth term ran from May to September 1925; ten trainees were 
sent by Mao from Hunan, 64 were from Kwangtung. 

Mao started work with the fifth term, from October 1925 to 
March 1926. He stipulated that the recruitment should not confine 
itself to Cantonese cadres; these would prove ineffective in a 
Northern Expedition, their dialect being incomprehensible out- 
side the province. The enrolment was now much diversified. Of 
113 graduates, 41 were from Kwangtung, 44 from Hunan; others 
were from Fukien, Hupei, Shantung and Kwangsi. 

The sixth term, from May to October 1926, was completely 
reorganized. Sessions were lengthened, materials and textbooks 
revised, the curriculum rearranged. There were fifteen teachers, 
able Mao recruits. The number of trainees swelled to 327; five 
were from Kwangtung, 36 from Hunan, 40 from Kwangsi, 27 
from Hupei, 22 from Kiangsi, eight from Suiyuan, 10 from 
Yunnan and two from Inner Mongolia. Mao was thus building 
for the Communist Party a far-flung net of peasant cadres. ‘I 



established a course for this purpose [to prepare the peasant 
cadres for mass mobilization] which was attended by representa- 
tives of 21^ different provinces and included students from Inner 

Arrangements for students at the Peasant Institute were Spartan. 
Their dormitories were in the building itself, and Mao too had a 
room there, sparsely furnished with plank bed, table and chair, 
and a bamboo bookcase. The work was far more thorough and 
painstaking than it had been. The students attended over 250 
lectures, some lasting three to four hours. Among the lecturers 
were Chou En-lai, on military campaigns; Peng Pai, on the 
peasant movement in the Haifeng and Lufeng areas and in the 
East river area; Teng Chung-hsia, Li Fu-chun. Mao Tsetung 
lectured on the problems of the Chinese peasantry, on education 
in the countryside, on geography. He also prepared and later 
lectured on material forming the subject of his An Analysis of the 
Classes in Chinese Society, the first essay in his Selected Works* 
Mao lectured 32 to 35 hours a week; gave students military drill, 
lessons in hygiene; taught them the techniques of investigation 
into social conditions wliich he had now been practising for some 
years. He introduced debates, the independent study of books 
and articles, condensation by the students of what they read, and 
field teams. 

I was writing more and more, and now assuming special 
responsibilities in peasant work in the Communist Party.’ Clearly 
Mao Tsetung was not training peasant cadres only for the 
Northern Expedition, but building the nuclei of countryside 
Communist peasant organizations. 

In January 1926 Mao presented to the Kuomintang Third 
Congress a report on propaganda work to be done among the 
peasantry, insisting that the centre of the revolutionary movement 
was in the countryside’. Elected an alternate member of the 
KMT Central Executive Committee, he also moved an amend- 
ment to bring the exiled right-wing movement of the KMT 
under Tai Chi-tao (now dubbed the Western Hills group) under 
control by extending ‘lenient treatment and inducing them to 

* Selected IVorks, vol. I. 



repent*. This was not dictated by benevolence; Mao argued it 
was better to have the right wing return so that their activities 
could be ‘checked’, rather than leave them to intrigue outside the 
orbit of the Kuomintang. In organization and propaganda he 
wanted to extend the mass base, strengthen the grass roots level 
of the cadres both among peasants and workers. Once again his 
energy swept onward, became a propelling force among the 
people he reached. These moves, if considered in the context of 
the times, were those of an adroit tactician. They constituted a 
vigorous bid for leadership on a broad foundation. Mao’s strategy 
was to rally as many people as possible within the revolutionary 
movement, including petty bourgeois members of the KMT as 
well as the workers and peasants, and those among the national 
capitalists as yet uncommitted to counter-revolution. Had he 
been followed in this, the CCP would have been far stronger; 
but Chen Tu-hsiu never saw the problem at all. 

‘On the basis of my study and my work in organizing the 
Hunan peasants,’ said Mao, ‘I wrote two pamphlets called An 
Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society and the other called The 
Class Basis of Chao Heng-ti, and the Tasks Before Us.* The Analysis 
is dated March 1926;* it was the result of months of field in- 
vestigations, which also served for his lectures at the Peasant 
Institute. Mao emphasized the strategic importance of Hunan in 
the campaigns to come — Hunan was the key province to conquer 
in the Northern Expedition, hence the work of mobilizing the 
Hunan peasantry was of great importance. The essay on Chao 
Heng-ti was a warning against ‘liberal’ militarists who would try 
to join the KMT and corrupt the national movement; Chao was 
even then continuing his persecution of trade union leaders. 

But Chen Tu-hsiu interpreted the united front relationship as: 
Leave the leadership to the KMT leaders, 

Mao spent those months arguing, disputing, writing about the 
necessity of peasant mobilization, but was not listened to; Chen 

* It was first published in February 1926 in the Peasant Monthly, the magazine 
of the Peasant Institute in Kuangchow. It was also published in Chinese Youth, the 
publication of the League of Military Youth organized by Chou En-lai in 
Whangpoo Academy. 



Tu-hsiu refused to print his Analysis of the Classes iti Chinese 
Society in the Communist Party journals or periodicals because he 
‘opposed the opinions advocating a radical land policy and vigor- 
ous organization of the peasantry under the Communist Party*. 

I began to disagree with Chen’s right opportunist policy about 
that time, and we gradually drew further apart.’ This is Alao’s 
reserved description of the dispute with Chen. 

The substance of the matter in controversy was not only the 
peasant question but also the whole problem of leadership. This 
point is often obscured by Western writers on the subject with 
discussion of whether the united front alliance with the KMT 
should have been maintained or not. It is argued that maintenance 
of the united front was the fundamental error of the Communist 
Party. The fundamental problem was whether the Communist 
Party should retain the initiative, which was in its hands all the 
time but wliich was squandered by default. It was a matter of 
class consciousness and class stand, not of maintaining or not 
maintaining the united front * 

Chen was more anxious to placate and to reassure the landlords 
and compradores in the KMT than to proceed with the work of 
the Revolution. He was morally defeated even before the 1927 
massacres began, because he refused to face the central question 
which Mao was now to pose: *Who is our enemy, who is our 
friend? He who cannot distinguish his enemies from his friends 
cannot be a revolutionary.’ 

On March 13, 1926, the sixth plenum of the executive com- 
mittee of the Comintern, in Moscow, was to adopt a resolution: 
The most important question of the Chinese national liberation 
movement is the peasant question ... The victory of the revolu- 
tionary democratic tendency depends on the degree to which the 
400 million peasants take part in the decisive revolutionary 
struggle together with the Chinese workers and under their 
leadership. This Comintern resolution is echoed in Mao’s ideas 
and writings, though Mao’s work with the peasantry antedates it. 
Mao Tsetung may have thought for a moment that Chen would 
now change, but Chen paid no attention to Comintern resolu- 

* For further discussion of this fundamental problem, see chapter 13. 



tions not to his liking. Yet by June 1926 there were nearly one 
million peasants organized in associations throughout China. A 
year later, in June 1927, there would be ten million. 

In organizing the peasantry, the Mao-trained cadres of the 
Peasant Institute were very effective. By the next year, many of 
them were to die, slaughtered along with hundreds of thousands 
of peasants in 1927 and 1928. Mao, talking to Edgar Snow in 
1936** *did not think the counter-revolution would have been 
defeated in 1927 even if the Communist Party had carried out a 
more aggressive policy of land confiscation and created Com- 
munist armies from among the workers and peasants’. But the 
soviets, he said, ‘could have got an immense start in the South, 
and a base in which, afterwards, they would never have been 
destroyed’ had the policies of the CCP been for ‘resolute and full 
peasant and worker mobilization’. 

It was not only Chen Tu-hsiu that Mao had to do battle against. 
There was also the ‘ultra-left’ group in the Party, the leaders in 
the All-China Federation of Labour, Chang Kuo-tao and Li 

Chang Kuo-tao argued that it was the ‘proletariat’, the workers, 
who were the leadership of the Revolution, and therefore it was 
they and their strength alone which could win it. He persisted in 
his contempt for the peasantry. ‘The working class is strong 
enough ... to make revolution alone.’ Mao emphasized that the 
working class needed allies and friends; that the semi-proletariat, 
the peasantry, excluding rich peasants and landlords, were its 
natural friends. Chang despised the peasants as ‘backward’ and 
spontaneous capitalists’, missing the obvious fact that a leader- 
ship also needs foot soldiery, numbers, masses, a potential of 
human content; it cannot fight alone. Thus, between the lethargy 
of Chen and the sectarian euphoria of Chang, Mao was checked 
and hindered in his work. Even if the Comintern and Lenin had 
pointed out the role of the peasant masses of Asia in the Revolu- 
tion, Chang Kuo-tao and Chen Tu-hsiu, from diametrically 
opposite stands, chose to ignore or fear peasant mass potential; 

* Edgar Snow, Red Star Over Chitta^ op. cit. 



this type of ‘city thinking’, dogmatic and unrealistic where 
China (with a population in which 85 per cent were peasants) 
was concerned, was to bedevil the CCP for a long time. 

As the winter of 1925 yielded to the spring of 1926, one by one 
the Communist positions were being eroded away. The great 
mass protests of 1925 throughout China had shown that it was 
no longer possible for foreign interests to hold China down by a 
show of military force, by gunboats on rivers or the shooting of 
demonstrators. The fear that all China would ‘go up in flames’ 
and become red’ now pervaded Western business in China. 

Chinese businessmen were assiduously wooed by British, 
American, and other financial conglomerates. There were re- 
newed promises of taking up the question of Chinese tariff rights 
and extra-territoriality (clauses of the unequal treaties imposed 
since 1842.)* The Washington Conference of 1922 had promised 
to look into the matter’, but nothing had been done. Now a 
solemn declaration was issued to the Chinese merchants that 
tariff autonomy would be restored to China by January i, 1930. 
Other lures were dangled before Chinese businessmen to wean 
them away from ‘the Reds’. Suddenly British bankers and 
taipansf became ‘concerned’ about Cliinese culture. ‘Save the 
priceless heritage of China’s ancient civilization,’ they clamoured. 
The Western community of Shanghai even did an unprecedented 
thing; it actually invited to dinner, at the Majestic Hotel, repre- 
sentatives of the Shanghai Chinese business community. ‘The 
first time in history ... any such gathering has taken place,’ 
crowed the Anglo-American-owned China Weekly Review, At 
this dinner the American chairman of Shanghai’s Foreign 
Municipal Council begged the Chinese capitalists to join foreign 
interests in devising countermeasures against Bolshevism, He 
asked: ‘Why not take advantage of the extreme credulousness 
of the Chinese working classes ... take advantage of it for their 
good and for ours.’ He suggested that the Chinese businessmen 
present would make better ‘leaders’ of the Chinese society than 

* End of the first Opium War — the first unequal treaty imposed on China. 

t Big merchant princes — a word fallen into disuse since 1949. 



these ‘mad ... rebels’. Three weeks later, again making history, 
three Chinese members were admitted to the all-European 
Shanghai Municipal Council, which ran the International 

Through businessmen, secret societies, through a thousand and 
one strands of guile and corruption, seduction and deceit, ap- 
proaches were made to all and sundry in Kuangchow. Foreign 
interests were then reassured by the secret societies, many of 
whose members were also agents of the European police in 
China, that ‘our man’ in Kuangchow would take care of the 
Communists when the time came. That man was Chiang 

And indeed, Chiang was doing his best for foreign interests 
and Chinese compradores and landlords. Insidiously the workers 
were being deprived of power. True, they were mobilized; they 
had armed themselves, they drilled; they worked enthusiastically. 
But their hours of work, conditions of work were still the same 
as before; apart from a few minor reforms, nothing was done 
to ensure security or better working conditions. Buoyed by hope, 
the workers suffered and sacrificed, and patiently put up with the 
continuing exactions. ‘After the Northern Expedition, all will be 
well.’ They were already being betrayed, but they did not know 
it. There were continual complaints from the industrialists of 
‘excesses’ by workers. The 150,000 Hongkong strikers staying in 
Kuangchow had to be fed and clothed. Money was short, and 
necessarily had to come from local capital. The customs revenues 
were under British control, which blocked all funds to the ‘Red’ 
government in Kuangchow. To preserve ‘unity’ the Communist 
labour leaders, following Chen Tu-hsiu, ‘restrained’ the workers 
by a process of collective bargaining. At no time during these 
decisive months did the Central Committee of the CCP, led by 
Chen Tu-hsiu, give its own political orientation to the masses. 
It restrained’, ‘scolded’, and ‘punished’ their ‘excesses’, and thus 
became an auxiliary of the counter-revolution. It did not lead, 
nor take bold initiatives from its position of strength. 

The responsibility of Borodin for this sapping is possibly 
greater than appears. Borodin argued that restraint must be 



exercised. Things were difficult; the Communists must not 
‘cause anxiety’ to the capitalists in the KMT. There must be 
‘unity of action’ above all ... Thus the betrayal began. 

In January 1926, to replace the murdered Liao Chung-kai, Wang 
Ching-wei was confirmed as head of the KMT and another 
triumvirate was set up, consisting of Wang Ching-wei, Chiang 
Kai-shek and Chiang’s military superior. General Hsu Chung- 
chih. This was a move to curb Chiang.* But Chiang soon got 
rid of Hsu, with the help of the cadets and the Workers Strike 
Committee, after denouncing him as a ‘rightist’. This left a duo 
of Wang Ching -wei and Chiang Kai-shek. Wang Ching-wei 
had all the titles and civil honours, Chiang had all the military 
power. Less than three months later Chiang decided the time had 
come for the next step to weaken the more liberal wing in the 
KMT by getting rid of Wang Ching-wei, who stood between 
him and absolute power, and at the same time to deal a decisive 
blow to the Communist Party. This led to the famous Cliungshan 
incident of March 20, 1926. Like all other landmark episodes in 
the story of the Chinese Revolution, it has not been completely 
elucidated to this day. 

Borodin was away in Shanghai (his wife, Fanny Borodin, an 
American, had placed their cliildren in an American school 
there). The Russian adviser in charge of the Navy Department of 
the KMT was also away. The KMT navy consisted of a few 
gunboats; one of them, the Chungshan, was in the charge of a Com- 
munist, Li Chih-lung. Li Chih-lung had confronted the Society 
for Sun Yatscnism the year before and denounced it as anti- 
democratic and trying to split the united front. He had thus made 
himself a target for Chiang. 

On March 18, Li Chih-lung received a message asking him to 
dispatch two gunboats, the Cliungsimn and the Paopi^ for inspec- 
tion and docking at Whangpoo dock, a mile or so from the city 
docks. Another message then came by telephone advising him to 
have the Chungslian ready for inspection, with full equipment. 

* For all his play-acting, Chiang’s inordinate ambition caused considerable 
unease among the more dedicated and upright personalities in the Kuomintang. 



Li Chih-lung overhauled the ships with extra combat-rcady 
troops on board, and then telephoned Chiang Kai-shek, as he 
understood the orders to come from him. Chiang, later, would 
say that he had been warned there would be an attempt to 
kidnap him, and that when Li telephoned to say ‘The gunboats 
are ready’ he felt his suspicions confirmed and acted ‘to avert 

No one seemed to query the singular prescience of Chiang 
Kai-shek, who had already mustered troops and police in large 
numbers. These, moving with swift precision, arrested Li Chih- 
lung on his gunboat and forty other Communists in the city 
itself The quarters of the Russian advisers in Kuangchow were 
surrounded, their guards disarmed. Chiang then seized and 
imprisoned twenty-five Communist cadres of the Whangpoo 
Academy, among them Chou En-lai. Before the news of these 
arrests could spread, the labour union headquarters were raided, 
leaders arrested, the Workers Strike Committee and its pickets 
disarmed, and all weapons seized. Troops and police patrolled 
the streets, creating an atmosphere of terror; trucks rolled up and 
down the main thoroughfares with police and special guards 
armed to the eyebrows. 

The other Kuomintang leaders were utterly unprepared. Li 
Chih-lung unwittingly implicated Wang Ching-wei, saying it 
was he who had ordered extra soldiers on board all the navy 
ships, to ‘prevent trouble’, some weeks previously. Chiang kept 
the tension on with street patrols, curfews, sudden searches, all 
the apparatus of military intimidation. The CCP was incapable of 
prompt adequate action. Chang Kuo-tao clamoured for an 
immediate rupture of the united front. This would have been 
disastrous, for by now the workers were disarmed, the Strike 
Committee paralysed, and all the weapons in Chiang’s hands. 
The whole of the Kuomintang would have rallied behind Chiang 
Kai-shek and the CCP would have been suspected of having 
tried (and failed) an attempted coup by gunboat. 

In view of the events, the comrades of the left should retire 
for a while.’ This resolution was passed by the KMT Central 
Executive Committee at an urgent meeting. Wang Ching-wei 



realized that Chiang wanted him out of the way; he left for 
Europe on a ‘study tour’ and Chiang remained sole master. 

Had the CCP then called upon the masses, rallied them — they 
had the means, for the press and newspapers, curiously enough, 
had not been occupied by Chiang’s squads— had they shown 
mettle and courage, and refused either to submit or to run, 
Chiang Kai-shek might not have won this round. But Chen 
Tu-hsiu was petrified with fear, and kept wringing his hands and 
asking what to do. Borodin returned from Shanghai, and Chiang 
fell on his neck, sobbing that perhaps he had been a bit ‘excessive’ 
but his nerves were bad; he was overworked. His life was in 
danger, without him the revolutionary cause could not go on; 
after all, there was the Northern Expedition to prepare. Borodin 
reprimanded the Communists, stressing they must not be ‘exces- 
sive and hasty . Chen Tu-hsiu apologized with meek alacrity; 
Chiang was gracious enough to accept being pacified, and now 
advised Chen Tu-hsiu to withdraw Chou En-lai from his post at 
Whangpoo, saying, ‘Communists take too much space there,’ 
and Chen obeyed with a profusion of apologies. Chiang was now 
addressed with the utmost deference by the Communist leaders, 
who wrote to him in deeply respectful terms as to a superior. 
Instead of the Communists, it was Chiang who now came for- 
ward to explain the situation to the workers! On May 2, he 
presented a report to a joint session of the two parties (KMT and 
CCP) entitled ‘The Great Union of the Workers, Peasants and 
Soldiers ! On May 14 martial law was declared: rumours of a 
Communist coup’ were floated ; again the atmosphere of panic 
was unleashed. The workers remained disarmed; the trade unions 
gave no orders; the Strike Committee was helpless. In the country- 
side, landlords, and landlord-recruited armies, started to murder 
peasant union leaders. 

Yet when Chiang stepped on the platform of the Third All- 
China Labour Federation Conference held in Kuangchow at the 
end of May 1926 (with Liu Shao-chi and Li Li-san in charge), 
which represented 400 unions and 1,240,000 workers, of whom 
800,000 had taken part in more than 200 political and economic 
strikes in the preceding year, he sounded wholeheartedly left. 

S. Mao Tsctuiig in Ycnan, 
around the time he first talkc 
with Edijar Snow 

9. Leaders of the Autumn 
Marvest Uprising in the autuini 
of 1927. Mao Tsetung is third 
from tlic left 

10. A Miao woman pomts 
out to the author the mountain 
paths through which she !cd the 
Red Army 

II. Loushan pass crossed 
by the Red Army on the Long 

12. Crossing tl^e Snow 

mountains on the Long March 

13. Luting bridge over the 
T.uii river. Red Army men 
swung from the chains under 
fire to cross and capture it from 
Kuomintang troops during the 
Long March 



‘The worker-peasant masses ... have swept away all the counter- 
revolutionaries and consolidated the basis of the national govern- 
ment ... From this one can see that the workers and peasants arc 
already able to fight imperialism their otini forces, without 
reliance upon the forces of the army,’ said Commandcr-in-Chicf 
Chiang Kai-shek, greeted with thunderous applause by the workers 
there. Chiang then clenched his fist and shouted: ‘Long live the 
world revolution!’ To anyone versed in Chinese ways of doing 
things, Chiang was warning his own adherents that the workers 
were still too strong; the comedy must be played a little longer. 
As Mao Tsetung said then: ‘Chiang Kai-shek speaks well. Let us 
see what he will do.’ What Chiang was doing was actually very 
clear. He was ‘curbing’ Communist influence. 

On May 15, 1926, at the KMT Central Executive Committee 
plenary session, Chiang had introduced a special resolution to 
‘readjust party affairs’. It was designed to limit the role of Com- 
munists in the KMT party and its organizations. A complete list 
of all CCP members who were also KMT members was to be 
furnished to him; directing posts in the KMT should not go to 
Communists; all instructions issued by the CCP to its own 
members were to be submitted first for approval to him. The 
response of the CCP leadership was abject. Cliiang also asked to 
be apprised of all messages and directives of the Comintern to the 
CCP. Mao was the only one present to voice dissent. 

With Wang Ching-wei tactfully away on a European tour, 
Chiang became leader of the KMT, the army, the police; all 
government and party offices were subordinate to him as com- 
mander-in-chief of the Nationalist Army. He controlled finance, 
the arsenal, the political department, Whangpoo Academy. But 
he still needed the Communists for the Northern Expedition; 
without them his army would have incredible difficulties, for he 
could not mobilize peasants and workers. He now made a ‘self- 
criticism , invited reprimand for the ‘overhasty actions of his 
subordinates . He then punished some junior officers, sacrificed 
a few of his old associates — such as the garrison commander of 
Kuangchow, whom he disliked — and with real power in hand 
went on to prepare his next coup. 



The KMT was being transformed from a nationalist party with 
revolutionary elements to a counter-revolutionary instrument in 
the hands of a military dictator, Chiang Kai-shek. From that 
time Chen Tu-hsiu, in fact if not in word, abdicated leadership 
in the united front, the Revolution, and even the CCP. From 
that time the Northern Expedition to unify China was being 
subverted to become a military campaign to launch Chiang’s 

For decades controversy has raged over tliis First United Front 
policy of 1924-1927. It has been asserted that Leon Trotsky, with 
his warnings of betrayal and his demands that the CCP ‘come out 
of the KMT’ and disrupt the united front, was right, while 
Stalin’s recommendation to preserve the united front was wrong 
and led to the massacres. 

There is no doubt that Stalin was not only misinformed on the 
Chinese Revolution but never understood its complexity. The 
Comintern, in its resolutions and directives, would become in- 
creasingly out of touch, and especially out of time, with the 
situation. But this does not make Trotsky’s thesis correct. The 
‘left’ of the CCP, like Chang Kuo-tao, followed Trotsky in their 
clamour for a rupture of the united front; but a rupture of the 
united front could not cure the weakness within the Communist 
Party; it would have meant its extermination, and Chiang would 
then have brought in foreign troops to ‘aid’ in the liquidation. 
This would have meant the disintegration of the whole nationalist 
movement Sun Yatsen had given a lifetime to build up. 

The substance of the matter was not the retention of the united 
front, but Chen Tu-hsiu*s policy of capitulation, practically 
handing the leadership of the revolutionary movement to the 
counter-revolutionary leaders of the Kuomintang. The importance 
of this First United Front and this first betrayal, is precisely the 
lesson it gave to those capable of learning it. 

Trotsky’s condemnation of the united front was a repudiation of 
Lenin’s thesis of ‘temporary alliance’ with bourgeois parties. 
Lenin had said in 1920 that the bourgeoisie would try to seize 
and keep control of the national revolutionary movements. 



However radical they sounded, they would betray and compro- 
mise with imperialism. Hence tlic Comnuinist Party must pre- 
serve its own independence and keep the leadership ol the workers 
and peasants in its hands. This strategy of the united front only 
Mao Tsetung seems to have understood. Ten years later, when the 
Second United Front was formed, he would hammer the terrible 
lesson of the first into the Chinese Communist Party. 

The coup of March 1926 had been reported to Moscow, but its 
real significance was denied or underestimated, and for this 
deplorable error reports minimizing its gravity, from l^orodin 
and Chen Tu-hsiu, must also be held responsible. Borodin wrote 
of the ‘impetuosity’ of the Communists. Chiang played another 
master stroke by sending his son, Chiang Ching-kuo, to be 
educated in Moscow. How could anyone then suspect him of 
not being pro-Communist? 

Mao Tsetung was present at the combined CCP-KMT session 
in May where Chiang Kai-shek, through his representative there, 
insisted on Tcadjustment’ ofCCP-KMT relations. All the resolu- 
tions for restriction and limitation of the functioning of the CC:P 
were passed by the KMT members. Communists lost their jobs 
in KMT departments. When Chiang Kai-shek’s representative 
brought up a motion that Communist members should declare 
their Communist affiliations, Mao Tsetung protested. He argued 
that this was impossible, for in most areas in China a Communist 
would be arrested and executed on the spot. ‘This is not good 
for the future of the national Revolution,’ said Mao. He relin- 
quished his office in the Propaganda Department of the Kuomin- 
tang. But the Peasant Institute was ignored; Mao then left for 
Shanghai to report to the Politburo of the CCP. 

A meeting was held. Liu Shao-chi, leader in the All-China 
Federation of Labour, and Chang Kuo-tao were present. Liu 
Shao-chi said that the workers were ‘too backward’; that it was 
a great responsibility to educate the peasantry and to lead them; 
he implied that the working class was not ready and suffered from 
infmtile leftism ; he thus advocated the same policies as Chen 
Tu-hsiu. Chang Kuo-tao, on the other hand, maintained that the 



national bourgeoisie was the natural enemy of the Revolution, 
that a break was the only cure possible. The young CCP must 
release itself of the united front and fight. 

Mao Tsetung started to speak of the peasants and of peasant 
mobilization, but was interrupted by the secretary general, Chen 
Tu-hsiu. Unable to get a hearing, Mao told his friends that the 
only way to cure the weakness in the Communist Party was to 
prepare armed peasant organizations on a nationwide scale. 
The peasantry is the surest ally of the proletariat,’ he repeated. 
He then went back to the Peasant Institute in Kuangchow. Li 
Fu-chun, married to Tsai Chang, the sister of Mao’s friend Tsai 
Ho-sen, was then in Kuangchow as a teacher. He asked Mao to 
lecture to his students on the topic of the peasantry when Mao 
returned from Shanghai. 

In July 1926 Mao again went back to Shanghai to set up, at last, 
the Peasant Department of the Chinese Communist Party, 
utilizing the cadres trained at the Peasant Institute in Kuangchow. 
He also went to Hunan and alerted the cadres there. In June the 
KMT Central Executive Committee had decided to launch the 
Northern Expedition; in July the mobilization of the Nationalist 
armies was announced. Travelling to and fro, writing articles, 
editorials, lecturing and mobilizing the peasant associations for 
the battles to come, Mao’s work was the most important of all 
for the Revolution, but it was overshadowed by more spectacular 
parades, mass demonstrations of enthusiasm as the Nationalist 
Army set forth from the city of Kuangchow to end ‘feudalism and 

There is a little-known article by Mao Tsetung, written about that 
time, on The Bitter Sufferings of the Peasants in the Provinces of 
Kiangsii and Chekiang, and Their Antifetidal, Anti-landlord Move- 
ment, published in November 1926 in the Communist weekly, the 
Guide. It was the result of investigations in the countryside con- 
ducted by Mao Tsetung when he went to Shanghai to consult the 
Politburo. In these fields trips he took Peasant Institute trainees 
with him. The article was abridged from the original draft when 
printed; it left out the recommendation which Mao Tsetung put 



forward for organizing the peasantry, a ‘censorship’ possibly 
imposed by Chen Tu-hsiu. 

Mao wrote down in detail the situation in the various counties 
he visited. He related how the landlords oppressed the farmers; 
how Chou Shui-ping, a student of Wuhsi, returning from Japan 
in 1925 had tried to organize ‘the tenant farmers’ co-operative 
self-help society*. ‘The peasants followed him ... they rose like 
clouds ... with one voice demanded the reduction of rent ... 
But before the peasants had united themselves the landlords had 
done so ... The gentry and landlords of the three districts acted 
simultaneously.* They appealed to the warlord in control of the 
province, Sun Chuan-fang, who executed Chou and suppressed 
the movement. But in 1926 again the peasants had risen to demand 
rent reduction, for whether the year was good or bad, landlords 
refused to lower rent. 

In the spring of 1926 in Tzuhsi county, the landlords had 
refused rent reduction in spite of the drought, and the farmers 
rioted. ‘All the lumpen proletariat joined them very courageously,’ 
Mao wrote, alluding thus to his classification in An Analysis of 
the Classes in Chinese Society of the ‘elements* not considered 
worthy of Marxist classification by some of his colleagues; 
beggars, landless field hands, vagrants. The peasants went into the 
landlord houses, ate up the grain and stores, burned the police 
station, and shared out the weapons. ‘The movement was sup- 
pressed ... the reason being that the masses did not fully organize 
themselves and they did not have the proper leadership ... so that 
the movement failed when it was starting.* 

This article was probably meant as a warning, spelling out the 
course to take. The broad hint about leadership was meant to 
rouse his comrades in the Politburo. In vain. Chen Tu-hsiu had 
already adopted limitation of peasant struggle* as his policy and in 
September had forbidden the formation of any peasant militia. 
Mao spoke of struggle, Chen propounded the formulas ‘Step 
back and Work for the KMT without going beyond the limits 
imposed by the KMT*. Thus in military work, as Chou En-lai 
was to report, the Communists were ordered to ‘co-operate with 
the KMT without in any way doing any political organizing for 


1 66 

themselves within the armies preparing to set out on the military 
campaign to unify the country. 

On July 9, 1926, the Nationalist Army left Kuangchow for the 
Northern Expedition in the greatest enthusiasm. To the exultant 
crowds cheering the grey-clad battalions, Chiang had promised to 
defeat all the warlords, unify China, secure the abolition of unequal 
treaties and extra-territoriality, the abolition of imperialism and 
the achievement of ‘universal peace*. Chiang was the man of the 
hour, hero of the land. This was great timing; Chiang had again 
wrested the initiative; the CCP appeared a captive chained to his 

Within two months Kiangsi, Hunan, Hupei provinces fell to 
Nationalist armies. On September 13 the army of General Tang 
Shcng-chih, a Hunan ‘liberal’ militarist who had rallied to Sun 
Yatsen’s Kuangchow government in 1923, entered Changsha. 
By the end of September the province was in his hands, and Tang 
became acting governor; the other warlords fled. 

In these swift victories, it became evident that success was 
largely due to the organized strikes of city workers and to the 
peasant uprisings behind enemy lines. The fervour and self- 
sacrifice of the workers was unequalled; they formed militia bat- 
talions and took the warlord garrisons by surprise. The peasants 
in the countryside marched to seize police posts, acted as porters, 
couriers, guides, stretcher-bearers, fed and watered the Nationalist 
Army — all without pay. In Hunan, especially, where Mao Tse- 
tung had worked so hard, the Nationalist Army was assisted by 
peasant self-mobilized militia which continued to expand on their 
own. The battles were won for the army before the battalions 
arrived. This massive demonstration of popular power frightened 
many of the officer cadets and big capitalists. Here was might and 
power, it could make a thoroughgoing revolution. The more 
victories, the more they feared for themselves. 

In December 1926 Mao was back in Changsha. His presence 
there was of great importance, for he addressed the first Peasants 
and Workers Congress of Hunan (December 20-29, 19^6), of 
which he had been elected chairman. At this congress of workers 



and peasants, whose significance has been blurred and even ig- 
nored, Mao made a speech important in its timing and also 
challenging, for it went against Chen Tu-hsiu’s orders. 

According to a report in the Changsha newspaper dated 
December 29, 1926, Mao said that a great chance was coming to 
China. Already 1,200,000 peasants had been organized; a united 
front of workers, peasants, traders and students was necessary. 
The Revolution needed a union of all revolutionary classes, but 
fundamentally the national revolution was a peasant revolution 
under the leadership of the working class, and it therefore 
depended on the peasantry. He then analysed the market for the 
commercial trades in the countryside. He also analysed the 
situation of the students and intellectuals ; most of them were non- 
revolutionary, some were progressive, a few were reactionary; 
if they wanted to make revolution they must ally themselves with 
workers and peasants.* We can imagine how unwelcome this 
speech was to Chen Tu-hsiu. But even more significant is the 
situation in which Mao found himself at that time. 

Mao was torn between what he felt ought to be done and 
what he had been ordered to do. Complaints by the Kuomintang 
through its delegates in Moscow about ‘excesses’ of the peasants 
and workers had even reached Stalin. Borodin received truculent 
messages from Chiang Kai-shek declaring that Hunan was ‘out 
of control and that there would be incidents due to peasant 
excesses. Strict orders were given to labour unions to restrict the 
workers and to peasant cadres to ‘restrain’ the peasantry in Hunan. 
This also was Mao’s mission; he had been told to ‘check and 
thwart’, to tell the Congress of Peasants and Workers to submit 
to orders. But as he faced the tremendous tide of peasant power he 
saw the dreadfulness of the wrong decisions and the betrayal of 
the Revolution they entailed. The speech he made was therefore 
more militant than expected by Chen Tu-hsiu. 

Meanwliile Stalin, who had advocated rousing the peasants, 
had now been swayed; this explains a telegram from Stalin sent in 
October 1926, in which he enjoined ‘caution and restraint’. 
Stalin, who did not know the situation, could not imagine how 

* Documents on Mao*s speech seen by author in Changsha museum, 1971. 



Chen Tu-hsiu would jump at this chance to stop effective action. 

In November Stalin reversed himself. *The information wc get 
is incorrect,’ he said, and a telegram was then sent in November 
which reinforced the line of peasant mobilization. In the same 
month the Comintern (seventh plenum) under Stalin’s directive 
also reversed its resolution advising ‘restraint’. But it is a pointer 
to the confusion and contradictoriness which existed — not to 
mention translation difficulties, misreporting, misinterpretation — 
that Chen Tu-hsiu did not show this later reversal to Mao, nor, 
it appears, to other members of the Politburo until much later. 
No one can direct a revolution by telegraph,’ Stalin is reported 
to have said, yet this was now happening. The Comintern resolu- 
tions, Stalin s directives, came thick and fast because the CCP 
leadership was incapable of making its own decisions. But it was 
also incapable of implementing those of others, and this ‘think- 
tank help from afar added to the disaster, so much so that even 
today the tangle has led to erroneous interpretation.* Moscow 
cables gave a stream of advice to China, but never knew in what cir- 
cumstances it would misapply. The Comintern organized com- 
mittees to work on the ‘documentary material* and submit 
theses; these took time; two committees produced two divergent 
theses. Envoys were sent who squabbled openly and contradicted 
each other. And there was the time element; the situation changed 
so rapidly that by the time ‘advice’ came from Moscow all was 
radically different. And in Moscow itself the Stalin-Trotsky 
struggle did not make things easier. 

* See Kostas Mavrakis, Du Trotskyisme (Francois Maspero, Paris, I 97 i)* 
pp. 151-162. It is now reported in the USSR that the Russian General Galen 
established a plan for the Northern Expedition and all the military operations; 
but neither he nor any of the other Russian advisers drew attention to the class 
struggle; they divided the KMT into Tight* and ‘left’ and stated that the ‘left’, 
‘due to the objective course of events’, would ‘remain with the CCP’. The 
Russian documents are interesting in that although they assess clearly most of 
the Chinese generals, they only mention Chiang Kai-shek favourably (the 
documents were prepared six months or more before Chiang’s coup of March 
1926). The Russians thought Chiang would be forced to keep ‘left’ because he 
depended on the Kuangchow government for funds and resources. In this way 
they signally failed to understand the financial network of Western big business 
in China. 


I (>9 

In the midst ot this appalling muddle,* wliat was Mao to do? 
A photograph shows him at this December Peasants and Workers 
Congress singularly gaunt, standing in a loose-fitting jacket, 
hands on his hips. His face is not happy. All we know is that he 
did not restrain the peasants and workers at the Congress, who 
passed resolutions for confiscation of land from the landlords. 

In the meantime, the revolutionary army swept forward to 
Wuhan, which fell in December. Chiang Kai-shek arrived in 
Changsha and delivered a speech, in his role as a ‘people’s hero’, 
calculated to please an audience of militant w^orkers and banish 
all suspicion of himself. 

‘Only after imperialism is overthrown can China obtain her 
independence ... The Third International is the headquarters of 
the world revolution ... We must unite with Russia to overthrow 
imperialism ... The Chinese Revolution is part of the world 
revolution ... Wc must unite all partisans of world revolution 
to overthrow imperialism.’ Thus he spoke, and already the 
workers in Kuangchow were being murdered by his lieutenants. 

‘In Hunan I inspected peasant organizations and political condi- 
tions in five districts, Changsha, Tiling, Hsiang Tan, Hungshan 
and Hsiang Hsiang, and made my report urging the adoption of a 
new line in the peasant movement.’ This was Mao’s famous Report 
on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunati'f based on a 
five-week tour, January 4 to February 5, 1927. 

Suppression of the peasants’ associations had begun right after 
the Nationalist Army victory in Hunan at the end of September 

* M. N. Roy, the Comintern Indian who became a Trotskyite, and Bukharin, 
later to be purged by Stalin, hammered out between October and December 1926 
two entirely divergent lines of action for the Chinese revolutionary situation. 
Tan Ping-shan, director of the CCP Labour Department, who was in Moscow as 
head of a delegation to the Comintern in November 1926, contradicted himself 
twice in his report. At one moment he was strongly urging that the peasant 
revolution should not be restricted, but later urged that it should be. Borodin 
emphasized that the main task was military victory over the militarists, and Borodin’s 
thesis was supported. The seventh plenum of the Comintern, however, 
emphasized that ‘the party of the proletariat must put forward a radical agrarian 
programme ... or it will lose hegemony in the national revolutionary movement*. 

t Selected Works, vol. I. 

6 * 



1926. Yet the registered membership in the peasant associations 
had increased in two months, November and December, from 
one million to two million families; 54 counties out of 75 now 
had peasant associations. But the head of the CCP Peasant De- 
partment pelted Mao with angry telegrams urging that the ‘riff- 
raff’ be restrained so as not to antagonize the KMT. What were 
Mao’s feelings as he clutched the telegrams, knew the policies 
wrong and heard round him the ovations of the peasantry? 
He could not ‘check and thwart’. He investigated. Between 
December 30 and January 3 Mao spent five days in Shaoshan 
preparing his spirit for the great battle he would now begin. 

The peasants had already started on their own to confiscate 
landlords’ land, to punish bullies and corrupt officials; these 
actions, described as ‘atrocities’ by the fleeing landlords, had the 
approval of Mao Tsetung. Considering what they had suffered, 
the peasants were remarkably fair-minded and lenient. This was 
revolution, and Mao Tsetung found liimself on the side of the 
peasant masses in the midst of this tornado, this tempest, as he was 
to describe it, an outpouring of revolutionary energy, cosmic, 
elemental, irresistible; an avalanche capable of ‘changing heaven 
and earth’. 

All his life he would remember the impact of this extra- 
ordinary strength, ‘mightier than any’ when once set in motion, 
animated by the ideas that would ‘teach the sun and moon to 
change places’. Every day and night of these thirty-two days he 
would remember as a bone-deep experience, shaping his thoughts. 

‘During my recent visit to Hunan I made a firsthand investi- 
gation of conditions ... I called together fact-finding conferences 
in villages and county towns ... I listened attentively ... Many of 
the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact 
opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha arc saying. 

I saw and heard of many strange things of which I had hitherto 
been unaware. All talk directed against the peasant movement mnst 
be speedily set right. All the wrong measures taken by the revolu- 
tionary authorities concerning the peasant movement must be speedily 
changed. Only thus can the Future of the Revolution be benefted. For 
the present upsurge of the peasant movement is a colossal event. In a 



very short time ... several hundred million peasants will rise like 
a mighty storm, like a hurricane, a force so swift and violent that 
no power, however great, will be able to hold it back. They will 
smash all the trammels that bind them and rush forward along the 
road to liberation.’ (Author’s italics.) 

Mao Tsetung went on to describe, paragraph by paragraph, all 
he had seen, drawing anecdotes, vivid word pictures. The develop- 
ment of the peasant movement fell into two periods: before 
September 1926 a period of organization, but from ‘last October 
to January of this year ... of revolutionary action’. This latter 
period did coincide with the Northern Expedition, and during 
it the membership in peasant associations had jumped to two 
million families, which meant ten million people.* ‘Almost half 
the peasants in Hunan are now organized.’ They were attacking 
the local tyrants — landlords who respected no law or common 
humanity, who killed, raped the daughters and wives of peasants 
or kidnapped them at will — ‘the privileges which the feudal 
landlords enjoyed for thousands of years are being shattered to 
pieces’. ‘ “All power to the peasant associations” has become a 
reality. Even trifles such as a quarrel between husband and wife 
are brought to the peasant association.’ So powerful were they 
that small landlords sought admission to the peasant association. 
“Who wants your filthy money?’ the poor peasants would reply, 
and refuse them. 

But more telling is Mao’s pointed remark on the reaction to 
all this. ‘ terrible^' or Jine^ ... When the news from the 
countryside reached the cities, it caused immediate uproar.’ Even 
quite revolutionary-minded people in the cities were ‘down- 
hearted*, said Mao, and thought that ‘It’s terrible’. But Mao 
asserted that it was fine. ‘The great peasant masses have risen to 
fulfil their historic mission ... In a few months the peasants have 
accomplished what Dr Sun Yatsen wanted but failed to accom- 
plish in the forty years he devoted to the national revolution. 
This is a marvellous feat ... It’s fme. 

‘If your revolutionary viewpoint is firmly established and if 
you have been to the villages and looked around, you will 

* As Mao explained, each family registered only one name. 



undoubtedly feel thrilled as never before. Countless thousands of 
the enslaved — the peasants — are striking down the enemies who 
battened on their flesh. What the peasants are doing is absolutely 
right; what they are doing is fine! 

‘The peasants are clear-sighted. Who is bad and who is not ... 
the peasants keep clear accounts ... A revolution is not a dinner 
party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing em- 
broidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so 
temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A 
revolution is an insurrection , an act of violence by which one class 
overthrows another.* Mao made fun of those who said the peasants 
were going too far. ‘Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to 
right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted.' 

Mao listed ‘fourteen great achievements’ of the peasantry. 
These achievements sound very much like the suggestions and 
proposals which were then being made by the Comintern. Mao 
was proving that the peasants were indeed carrying out the 
agrarian revolution and doing the things they were supposed to 
do, according to Communist dicta. They were organizing them- 
selves, hitting the landlords politically and economically, over- 
throwing feudal rule, defeating landlord armies, organizing their 
own self-defence, eliminating bandits, abolishing levies, and 
starting movements for education and co-operatives. They were 
also building roads and repairing embankments. And all this they 
were doing by their own strength, through their own organiza- 
tions. Mao ended with a gibe at the Chen leadership: ‘To talk 
about “arousing the masses of the people” day in and day out 
and then to be scared to death when the masses do rise — what 
difference is there between this and Lord Sheh’s love of dragons? 
This referred to a famous lord who loved dragons in paint, but 
when a real live dragon came to visit him, he nearly died of fear. 

Back Mao went to Changsha with this piece, to find that things 
had very much deteriorated during the thirty-two days that he had 
been gone in the countryside. For now all was fear and faint- 
heartedness. In Wuhan, where the Kuomintang government 

* The Kuomintang government, previously sited in Kuangchow, installed itself 
in Wuhan on January i, 1927. 



had moved from Kuaiigchow, he found things highly unpleasant. 
This corruption of the cities under the Kuomintang we must 
trace briefly; for much had happened during the time Mao was 
away in the countryside seeing peasant power ‘teach the sun and 
the moon to change places’. 

In Kuangchow and in other cities under the KMT actually 
under Chiang Kai-shek’s military control, public meetings, the 
press, the workers’ and peasants’ volunteer corps, the right to 
strike, were restricted in the name of ‘maintaining discipline to 
ensure the success of the Northern Expedition’. All strikes were 
labelled ‘counter-revolutionary*. The secret society men from 
Shanghai had been pouring into Kuangchow since the summer of 
1926; they came by sea from Hongkong, laden with money and 
weapons (supplied in great part by the British and French), to 
destroy Communist organizations. 

The secret society men formed spurious labour unions. One 
gang became a ‘policeman’s union*, and was then turned loose in 
armed attacks on the real workers’ unions, a dress rehearsal for the 
massacres to take place the next year. The ferocity of the gangs, 
the cruel tortures they inflicted, gravely affected morale. More 
than fifty factory workers were killed in a few days, and hundreds 
crippled. The employers threw out the crippled workers without 
compensation; they were upheld by the ‘collective bargaining* 
teams instituted and accepted by the CCP Labour Department.* 
In December, in a speech on the peasant question, Stalin liim- 
self had suggested the formation of elected revolutionary com- 
mittees by the peasantry, to carry our the agrarian revolution. 
He had added, ‘/ kmit^ there are people in the KMT, even in the 
Chinese Communist Party, who think it is impossible to have a 
revolution in the countryside, who are afraid that pushing the 
peasantry in the revolution will break the united anti-imperialist 
front ... This is a profound error ... The peasant question must be 
linked to the perspectives of the Chinese final aim.’ 

* To some foreign delegates of the Third International who visited Kuangchow 
in January 1927 (among them J. Doriot, then a French agent of the Comintern, 
later a fascist) General Li Chih-seng, Chiang’s henchman in command there, 
declared that he ‘loved and cherished tenderly the working class’! He was at that 
very moment beating, jailing and shooting them. 



There is nothing in this speech of Stalin’s supporting the 
restraint preached by Chen Tu-hsiu. 

Within the KMT the power struggle between Chiang Kai-shek - 
assisted by the right-wingers — and a ‘liberal’ wing, supporters of 
Wang Ching-wei, which was labelled the ‘left’ Kuoniintang, had 
now reached a climax. This left* KMT was itself a confused 
amalgam; there were genuine patriots, but also many opportu- 
nists. On the whole, it had very few big landlords and business- 
men. The main goal of this group was to oust Chiang from power 
and get Wang Cliing-wci back. They represented a trend to 
restore civilian control of the government, in contrast to Cliiang’s 
purely military rule. This ‘left’ KMT, now in Wulian, sought to 
restrain Chiang Kai-shek, who had moved headquarters in 
November 1926 to Nanchang, to direct the campaigns. 

Chiang had suggested that the KMT government follow 
him to Nanchang. This would have made it easier for him to 
control the civilian administration. But this was turned down, 
and a convention of the KMT in Wulian in January removed 
Chiang Kai-shek from his party and army positions and reserved 
the leadership for Wang Ching-wei, who was now asked to 

This intrigue within the KMT was generally regarded as in- 
stigated by the Communists. Chen Tu-hsiu, seconded by Borodin, 
pinned his hopes on Wang Ching-wei. The acting Hunan gover- 
nor, General Tang Sheng-chih, was cast in the role of Chiang’s 
rival as the military arm of the ‘left’ KMT to continue the 
Northern Expedition, while Chiang Kai-shek was castigated for 

In the city of Wuhan the workers were jubilant. The great 
concentration of China’s small proletariat (4 million in all, 
600,000 in Wuhan)* induced a sensation of triumph in CCP 
members by their ardent and total support, which obscured the 
real issues for those who never looked beyond city walls. The 
‘left* KMT petty bourgeois radicals, who ‘sounded more Red 

* It is reckoned that there were at most 4 million workers in China then — 

I per cent of the total population. 



than any Communist’, as Anna Louise Strong reported,* added 
to tliis general (and deceiving) impression of victory for the left- 
wingers. But as soon as the workers in Wuhan began to organize 
themselves into pickets, militia, and revolutionary committees, 
the traditional wail sounded — they were ‘going too far’, com- 
mitting ‘excesses’ — from these very men whose inflammatory 
speeches made screaming headlines in the press. 

Again to avoid ‘conflict’, the Communist Wuhan Labour 
Department set up an arbitration board which agreed ‘to follow 
tradition in fixing the working hours’ and ‘to leave the practice 
of hiring and dismissing to traditional practice’ as well as the 
treatment of apprentices, cliild labour, and women. The 
Communist Federation of Labour executive committee, with 
Liu Shao-chi and Li Li-san at its head, agreed to this.f The work- 
ing day was twelve hours, the working week seven days; there 
was no compensation for accidents; children (called apprentices) 
went unpaid for the first five to seven years of labour. 

But the political vigour of the workers created its own momen- 
tum. They demonstrated at the Hankow British Concession 
border; the British withdrew their gunboats; on January 4 
the workers stormed the concession, removed the barricades, the 
barbed wire and sandbags, and took the concession back ‘for the 
country’. There was no looting, no pillage, no one was killed or 
beaten; no houses entered. No leadership from the KMT or the 
Communist Party had dictated this action; it was a demonstra- 
tion of working-class power. Eugene Chen, foreign minister of 
the Wuhan KMT government, signed the papers legalizing the 
return of the Hankow and Kiukiang British Concessions to 
Chinese jurisdiction. 

Chen Tu-hsiu deplored the seizure: ‘The foreigners might have 
become irritated ... ’ 

* Anna Louise Strong (1885-1970) in her CJiina^s Millions (Gollancz, 1936) 
gives excellent descriptions of Wuhan at that time. 

t Liu Shao-chi, vice-chairman of the executive committee, All-China Federa- 
tion of Labour, organized the Wuhan League of Labour Unions in November 
1926. Li Li-san was also a member of the Communist Trade Union International. 
Anna Louise Strong mentions meeting him in Wuhan in 1927; sec her China's 
Millions, op. cit. 



At Nanchang visitors, foreign and Chinese, diplomats and 
bankers, flowed in and out of Chiang Kai-shek’s headquarters. 
Chiang now had access to funds and resources from the foreign 
powers in China and the compradores. At almost the same time 
that Borodin and the Russian advisers in ^X^uhan were saying 
that Chiang could not possibly turn against the national revolu- 
tion because it would cut off his funds and resources, he was 
being amply rewarded for doing precisely that. 

Soon after the takeover of the British Concession, Chiang had 
paid a short visit to Wuhan. Borodin took him round. Tight- 
lipped, Chiang inspected the city; saw the British Concession 
kept in order by workers’ pickets; saw the workers’ military 
training; returned in stony silence to Nanchang and announced 
his intention to ‘purify’ the ranks of the KMT. All those who did 
not carry out the Three Principles of Sun Yatsen were to be 

It was against this backdrop of confusion, intrigue, betrayal, that 
Mao produced his Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Move- 
ment in Hunan. In its passionate yet profoundly logical sweep, 
combining scrupulous social research and observation with an 
emotion almost volcanic, the report will remain one of the world’s 
great literary documents as well as a political manifesto. In it 
Mao’s grasp of the Chinese agrarian revolution in its political, 
economic, social and human dimensions appears in consummate 
detail. There is not only analysis, but also a plan, detailed and 
minute, for organization and leadership; for as Mao would say, 
quoting Marx: ‘It is not enough to study the world ... one must 
change it.’ 

What Mao’s report made clear was that the peasant upsurge 
had coincided with his return to Hunan the previous winter and 
so had the membership increase. This was evidence to Chen 
Tu-hsiu that Mao was abetting peasant revolutionary action. 
He had failed to ‘check and thwart’. 

‘Early next spring,’ Mao said (that would be February 1927), 
‘when I reached Wuhan, an interprovincial meeting of peasants 
was held, and I attended it and discussed the proposals of my 



thesis ... At this meeting were Peng Pai, Fang Chih-min, and 
two Russian Communists ... among others. A resolution was 
passed adopting my proposal for submission to the Fifth Congress 
of the Communist Party; the Central Committee, however, 
rejected it.’ 

Mao had written: ‘Every revolutionary comrade and every 
revolutionary party will be put to the test, to be accepted or 
rejected as they decide. There are three alternatives. To march 
at their [the peasants’] head and lead them? To trail behind them, 
gesticulating and criticizing? Or to stand in their way and oppose 
them? Every Chinese is free to choose, but events will force you 
to make the choice quickly.' Mao thus challenged ‘every comrade’ 
to measure up to revolution. 

There were more meetings at which Mao Tsetung spoke force- 
fully on the peasant revolution. He was supported by Tsai Ho-sen, 
Li Fu-chun, Peng Pai, Fang Chih-min. But Chen Tu-hsiu refused 
to publish or to circulate Mao’s report. Thus he chose to ‘stand 
in their way and oppose them’. 

Yet in the same February, in Moscow, the enlarged plenum of 
the executive of the Comintern had once again discussed the 
peasant question. MaoTsetung’s report, though denied printing in 
the official Chinese Communist weekly, the Gnidc, was favour- 
ably received. The thesis adopted by the plenum reiterated: The 
agrarian question at the present stage ... is in acute form ...It is the 
central point of the actual situation. The class which luill boldly take 
up this essential question and give it a radical solution ... loill direct 
the Revolution. 

‘The might of Chinese militarism rests on foreign imperialism 
on the one hand, on the indigenous landlords on the other ... To 
overthrow completely the military and feudal cliques, the econo- 
mic and political struggle of the peasantry must be developed, for 
it is part of the anti-imperialist struggle. 

The idea that an acute class struggle in the countryside will 
weaken the anti-imperialist united front is unfounded ... Not to 
boldly take up the agrarian question, not to give support ... to 
the objective demands of the peasant masses will be a real danger 
for the revolution ... It would be unwise not to put in first place 



in the programme of the national revolution the agrarian move- 
ment, for fear of alienating the uncertain and perfidious co-operation 
of a part of the capitalist class ... This tactic is not revolutionary 
proletarian politics ... the Communist Party must not fall into 
this error.’ 

Can there be any doubt but that the Comintern thesis coin- 
cided with Mao’s thesis? Again, in March 1927, at a meeting of 
the ‘left’ Kuomintang (with Communists present), Mao Tsetung 
spoke with great passion of the peasant movement; defended the 
peasant organizations for their direct dealing with bullies, 
gangsters, and bad landlords, and urged the arming of the peasan- 
try. He once more presented his report to the Central Committee; 
it was rejected again, as counter to ‘everything that had been 
decided’. In April, at a special commission called to ‘investigate’ 
the land problem, Mao Tsetung spoke: ‘There is a high tide of the 
peasant movement, both in Hunan and in Hupei ... In solving 
the land question in China, we must first grasp reality.’ To people 
who said the peasants’ actions were ‘illegal’ he retorted: ‘Legal 
recognition of this reality will only come afterwards.’ He did not 
advocate direct confiscation of land but simply ‘not paying rent; 
this is enough*. In other meetings, he reminded the political 
cadres active in the peasant movement that land reform was the 
best way to get the peasants to join in the national revolution and 
that ‘without this [land reform] the revolutionary forces would 
find it difficult to move’. 

But Mao was not through with inept and hostile bureaucracy, 
the last dishonourable refuge of the Chen ‘leadership’. The 
special commission before which Mao spoke set up a ‘land survey 
committee’, ostensibly to ascertain how land confiscation should 
be done, and define the difference between big landlords and 
small ones. Mao Tsetung, irritated by this pointless procrastina- 
tion, said that ‘in Hunan, the peasants have already divided up the 
land themselves ... the landlords are fleeing into the cities. He 
added, ‘The militarists in Hunan are also exploiters of the peasants 
... The Nationalist government, after establishing itself in Hunan, 
has also not eliminated this exploitation ... completely. 

And now not only Chen Tu-hsiu but other Communists, made 



to face the stark facts of revolution, turned against Mao. Chang 
Kuo-tao found Mao Tsetung’s proposals on confiscation of land 
of landlords over 30 mous (5 acres) but advocating ‘flexibility’, as 
conditions were different in each province and locality, not 
thoroughgoing enough. He recommended wholesale immediate 
confiscation of all landlord land, big or small. Finally the land 
survey committee set the limit for confiscation at 500 mous 
(80 acres), and only if there were no officers from the KMT armies 
in the family; any land belonging to officers’ families, however 
large, could not be touched. Since there was scarcely a landlord 
family who could not boast, through clan connections, of one 
relative, however distant, in the army, this simply meant there 
would be no confiscation of landlord land at all, nor any land 

Thus the betrayal grew. 

The Betrayal 

By the spring of 1927 the CCP-led All-China Federation of 
Labour was forsaking the workers in Wuhan as it had done in 
Kuangchow. The workers were asked sacrifices ‘for the sake of 
the revolution*. They gave up their demands for an eight-hour 
day at the arsenal, to work thirteen to seventeen hours ‘because 
our revolutionary government is threatened*. They postponed 
the demand for a child labour law. ‘I myself saw children of seven 
and eight working ten hours in cotton mills,* writes Anna Louise 
Strong.* The reason for this was twofold — the pressure from the 
‘left* Kuomintang capitalists and the economic difficulties in 
which the Wuhan government found itself. 

On March 24, Chiang Kai-shek occupied Nanking, which he 
would make his capital city. He was now advancing, deliberately 
and slowly, upon Shanghai, symbolic city of ‘imperialism*. In 
Shanghai several thousand workers had already staged an up- 
rising in October 1926 against the local warlord Sun Chuaii-fang. 
Chou En-lai was there to organize the workers. In February 1927 
Chou had conducted a general strike with half a million workers. 
But the Shanghai branch of the Communist Federation of Labour 
was under the direction of Li Li-san, and it stuck to the principle 
of ‘unity*, which was the Chen Tu-hsiu slogan. As a result 
Kuomintang ‘trade unionists* also mobilized the workers, to 
prepare them to receive ‘the heroic armies of the Northern 
Expedition’ under Chiang Kai-shek. 

No directive for combat readiness was issued by the Central 
Committee. Chou En-lai, however, had set up an underground 
city council, and also a provincial council ready to take power in a 
coalition if need be. He drilled the workers for armed assault. 
The KMT garrison commander tried to forestall Chou En-lai s 

* Anna Louise Strong, China’s Millions, op. cit. 




bid by making preparations to surrender the Chinese part of tlic 
city to Chiang Kai-shek, and to him alone. Chou En-lai, liowever, 
prepared for the take-over of the Chinese cit)', and on the even- 
ing of March 20 led the workers to occupy the police headquarters, 
the small arsenal, and the post office. The plan involved seven 
surprise attacks, launched at the same time. The railroad station 
was also seized. This momentarily stopped Chiang’s entry into 
the city, and gave the Communists a decisive advantage. 

For three weeks the workers held the Chinese city. The foreign 
concessions and International Settlement were not touched by the 
Communists, while outside Shanghai the troops of Chiang waited. 
As late as March 16, 1927, the Russian advisers of the KMT still 
thought that ‘the revolutionary pressure from below is so strong 
that Chiang is compelled to swear allegiance to the principles of 
revolutionary loyalty*. Rumours of a KMT-CCE rift were 
denied by Chen Tu-hsiu, 

In late March Wang Ching-wei came back from France via 
Russia, where he had had lengthy talks with Russian notables. 
Chen Tu-hsiu went to meet him in Shanghai. On April 6 they 
issued a joint proclamation restating the alliance between the 
Wuhan KMT government and the CCP, and denouncing as 
‘malicious rumours’ all talk of a split. Wang Ching-wei also had 
a meeting with Chiang Kai-shek on the very same day. A sensa- 
tion of optimism, of an entente, was thus created. It weakened 
the will to fight of the more militant workers’ leaders. 

Chiang Kai-shek’s intermediaries were meanwhile parleying 
with foreign and Chinese compradores and banking firms of 
Shanghai, who arranged for an immediate gift to him of five 
million silver dollars. On April 8 Chiang met his old friends the 
heads of the Shanghai secret societies. These in turn met and had 
talks with several foreign consular officials. Arms and ammuni- 
tion were moved in trucks from the foreign settlements to the 
gangs, and money flowed thither as well. 

On April 12, six days after the meetings held ‘in a spirit of 
unity, friendship and co-operation’, squads of well-armed secret 
society thugs went round seizing Communist organized labour 
pickets and executing them. ‘The shooting started and did no 

i 82 


Stop for three weeks/ J. B. Powell* was to record. On April 14 
Chiang’s army entered Shanghai and continued the butchering. 
Several thousand workers died, other thousands were horribly 
tortured. For months the daily rumble of military trucks would 
be heard, bringing their loads of workers to be shot. For almost 
two years, every weekend, the executions continued. Thus 
Shanghai was ‘saved’ by Chiang Kai-shek.f 

Chen Tu-hsiu, who had been wined and dined by Chiang the 
week before, was almost captured. He found a hiding place with a 
friend who smuggled him out of Shanghai. Chou En-lai, with a 
price on his head, managed to escape death by minutes, and to 
reach Wuhan in time for the Fifth Congress of the CCP, which 
had been scheduled for April 27. 

On April 13, Chiang Kai-shek established a government in 
Nanking, and was immediately recognized by all the Western 
powers as the sole and legal government in China. There were 
now two KMT governments, one in Nanking and one in Wulian, 
where Wang Ching-wei had been greeted enthusiastically— at the 
very moment the workers were being massacred in Shanghai. 
The Wuhan KMT government was in great disarray. There was 
a complete blockade by foreign gunboats, and the big business- 
men and quite a few of the military were now secretly looking 
towards Chiang Kai-shek to ‘save’ them as he had ‘saved 
Shanghai. A good many of the military were ex-warlords who 
had rallied to the KMT cause. This had worked its corrupting 
effect on the Nationalist armies and their commanders. Never- 
theless, the Wuhan KMT government denounced Chiang as 
‘hired by the imperialists’. 

In Peking, sixty Communists and trade union leaders were 
arrested, including Li Ta-chao, who was strangled on April 17. 
The USSR embassies in Kuangchow and Peking were searched, 
and Russian diplomats and their wives were killed in Kuangchow. 
All over China now, peasants and workers were butchered by 
warlords and landlords. The militarists and ex-warlords of the 

*J. B. Powell, My Twenty-Jive Years in China (Macmillan, New York, i945)- 

t A dramatic description of some of these events is found in Man’s Fate 
(Gallimard, Paris, 1934) by Andr^ Malraux. 



‘left’ Wuhan KMT government now took their cue from Chiang 
Kai-shek; from sporadic killing they were to proceed to systematic 

It was in this inspiring atmosphere that, ‘staring and trembling 
like a rabbit before an anaconda’,* Chen Tu-hsiu convened tlic 
Fifth Congress of the CCP that April. There were 80 delegates, 
representing 57,967 members, and Wang Ching-wei was guest 
of honour. At the same time the Wuhan ‘left’ Kuomintang also 
prepared to hold its own Fourth Congress. 

The Congress became one massive capitulation. Chen Tu-hsiu 
spoke of broadening the Revolution’ (under the leadership of the 
KMT) before ‘deepening’ it, which only meant once again 
relinquishing any attempt to deal vigorously with the situation. 
He now hoped the W^uhan left KMT would co-operate with 
Feng Yu-hsiang, a Northern militarist reputed more democratic 
than others, against Chiang Kai-shek, thus reverting to what the 
late Sun Yatsen had found so disastrous, the protection of warlord 
armies. The ‘left’ KMT now saw only one recourse, to rally more 
militarists against Chiang under the slogan of ‘unification of 
China’. However, the militarists always rallied (temporarily) to 
the man who had the most money and power; none of them 
scrupled to change sides as often as convenient, and the ‘left’ 
KMT found it impossible to buy the protection of Feng Yu- 
hsiang, who would prove as unreliable as any other warlord. He 
went over (temporarily of course) to Chiang, and advised the 
Wuhan KMT to get rid of the Communists. 

The call of Unity above all else’ became the slogan of the Fifth 
Congress of the CCP. Mao Tsetung was held responsible for 
peasant excesses , upbraided, and denied the right to vote. Chou 
En-lai also was criticized for not getting the workers to disarm 
themselves, which had ‘provoked’ the massacres! 

The Fifth Congress did nothing to denounce or stop the 
repression of workers and peasants; on the contrary, the line ‘was 

* Anna Louise Strong. 

t M. N. Roy, the Indian representative of the Comintern, who had arrived in 
China in March, was present at the Fifth CCP Congress. His total ignorance of 
Chinese conditions, and his own views, only added to the panic and confusion. 



to slow down the agrarian revolution; concessions to the land- 
lords, gentry, militarists ... The central committee made com- 
plete concessions to landlords, gentry, everyone.’* ‘The party was 
still under the domination of Chen Tu-hsiu,’ said Mao. ‘Although 
Chiang Kai-shek had already led the counter-revolution and 
begun his attacks on the Communist Party in Shanghai and 
Nanking, Chen was still for moderation and concessions to the 
Wuhan KMT.’ 

Mao Tsetung vehemently opposed the capitulation that Chen 
cringingly offered to the KMT, to ‘reassure them’. It did not 
reassure them; they were now looking for an outlet to save them- 
selves. Suddenly, many of these so-called radicals, whose slogans 
had been even more left than those of the Communists, turned 
against them. As Anna Louise Strong, who visited Wuhan in 
those crucial days, records: ‘The intellectuals of the KMT had 
outdone the peasants and workers in the fierceness of their 
demands. Sun Fo, the son of Dr Sun Yatsen by his first wife, and a 
typical businessman of the conservative sort, shouted: “Kill the 
gentry”. Hsu Chien, elderly minister of justice, made flaming 
speeches more extreme in their demands than those of the 

But ‘ultra-leftism’, petty bourgeois radicalism, changes fast to 
ultra-reaction. This phenomenon, already described by Lenin, 
occurs time and again in the Chinese Revolution. 

‘I was very dissatisfied with the party policy then, especially 
towards the peasant movement,’ said Mao. ‘I think today that if 
the peasant movement had been more thoroughly organized 
and armed for a class struggle against the landlords, the soviets 
would have had an earlier and far more powerful development 
throughout the whole country, but Chen Tu-hsiu violently 

Chen Tu-hsiu later pleaded that he had merely followed in- 
structions from the Comintern. This is not borne out by a study 
of the documents. Moreover, the instructions could not keep 
pace with the changing situation; factual details of the Chinese 
situation were not relayed to Moscow; and anyway, the duty of a 

* Chu Chiu-pai*s words. 



Communist is not to ‘obey orders when he knows they are 
wrong’, as Mao was to say, ‘but to use his own head’. Mao had 
put the problem clearly in his essay on the peasant movement in 
Hunan: it was a question of choke, of vision and class stand, of 
making up one’s mind. Chen and the members of the Central 
Committee who supported him did not refuse to choose, but thev 
chose against the workers and peasants and clung to the property 
owners, the bourgeoisie and the militarists. They doenned 

Through that terrible spring and summer of cowardice and 
betrayal, of treachery and slaughter, Borodin sat in Wuhan. 
Although described by Anna Louise Strong as a man who ‘had all 
the revolution at his finger tips ,* he was greatly responsible, 
along with Chen Tu-hsiu, for what ensued. Miss Strong was to 
meet Borodin again in 1939 in Russia, shortly before World War 
II, when he told her: ‘1 was wrong, I did not understand the 
Chinese revolution ... I made so many mistakes.*’}* 

Anna Louise Strong, however, says that ‘at that time [May 
1927] it was his view, and the general orthodox Communist 
view, that the revolution coming in China could not be a Com- 
munist revolution, or even a workers* revolution ... but must 
rather be a peasants’ revolution, aided and partly led by the more 
developed urban workers, but by no means rejecting alliance 
with the petty bourgeoisie.’ This formula, however, remained a 
formula, a placebo; it was Stalin’s formula of 1926, but nothing 
had been done (save by Mao) to implement it; quite the contrary. 

By the end of April the ^X^uhan left KMT had already swung 
fir to the right; the hopes of the CCP leadership centred on Wang 
Ching-wei; but Wang would prove himself of the same cloth as 
Chiang Kai-shek, an unscrupulous opportunist. 

The Comintern Indian envoy M. N. Roy, whom Mao described 
as a man who ‘stood a little to the left of Chen and Borodin, but 
he only Just stood’, was also garrulous and undisciplined. ‘He 

* Borodin’s expertise in revolution was based upon an unsuccessful previous 
attempt in Mexico. 

t Author’s interview with Anna Louise Strong, 1962. 


1 86 

talked too much,’ said Mao. Roy was now to show Wang 
Ching-wei a secret telegram from the Comintern wliich outlined 
how the Communists were to utilize the KMT for further 
advance of the Communist movement. At the time Wang 
Ching-wei and others of the ‘left’ were already in secret negotia- 
tions with Chiang Kai-shek. Wang Ching-wei’s personal 
jealousy of Chiang was acute, but he was also terrified at the 
surge of revolution, and he was arranging, tlirough a ‘mediator’, 
a way out for himself. That mediating friend was T. V. Soong 
the banker, brother of the Madame Chiang Kai-shek to be, 
Soong Mei-ling. The resolve of Wang Cliing-wei to abandon the 
Communists was hastened by Roy’s appalling indiscretion; for 
in the telegram the Comintern suggested raising an army of 
workers and peasants. The knowledge of this document gave 
Wang a way out.* He would now claim there was a Communist 
conspiracy, and turn against the CCP. 

There now began in Wuhan almost a landslide towards reac- 
tion, motivated by manic fear of real revolution. The slaughter of 
Shanghai was to be repeated here. 

During that terrible spring thousands of petitions from peasant 
associations had been received by the CCP Agriculture Depart- 
ment, demanding clear policies, leadership, and weapons for 
self-defence. They had been met with harsh scolding and denun- 
ciation of ‘excesses’. Peasants were being killed, driven from their 
villages; cadres and active workers were tortured and shot. But 
the Communist ministers of agriculture and labour ordered the 
disarming of the labour pickets and the peasants’ associations, 
threatened the peasantry with severe punishment should it 
proceed against the landlords. The workers were finally dis- 
armed by order of the All-China Labour Federation, and this 
order was carried out by Liu Shao-chi and Li Li-san. Liu Shao-chi 
in June 1927 made a report on the ‘successful’ disarming of the 

In May the Chen Tu-hsiu leadersliip had already abandoned the 
workers and peasants. Two days after Chiang had started the 
killings in Shanghai, all over China militarists had begun their 

* See Kostas Mavrakis, Du Trotskyismet op. cit., p. 162. 



own slaughter. The slaying of peasants, the torturing, mutilating, 
impaling, burning of the women (thousands died witli breasts cut 
off, impaled, cut in pieces, tortured in unmentionable ways) form 
a nightmare recital of violence.* 

Reports came pouring in, they were even printed in the Mill 
Kiio Jill Pao, the republican newspaper, ‘of kerosene poured over 
peasants and burning them alive, of using red hot irons to tear 
their flesh’. In Hupei, 4,700 peasants, including 500 women, were 
murdered between February and June by beheading, burying 
alive, strangling, burning, cutting into pieces. Never did the 
peasants inflict upon extortionate landlords a fraction of the 
horrors that were inflicted upon them. 

The peasants begged for weapons; they formed militia grtnips 
and captured guns; inflexibly Chen Tu-hsiu in the name of the 
Central Committee called for an end to ‘excesses and infantile 
acts and for ‘restoration of order’, ordering the peasants and 
workers to surrender their weapons. 

Those terrible weeks were to remain burned into Mao’s 
consciousness; speaking of them decades later, he had tears in his 
eyes. Any less dedicated person would have given up or would 
have turned altogether bitter with the ‘Communism’ which had 
given such ‘leadership’. But Mao persisted; he and Tung Pi-wu 
wrote report after report on what was happening. Mao refused 
to give orders to disarm the peasantry, and was then accused of 
having instigated the ‘excesses’. 

In Changsha on May 21, to be known as ‘Horse Day’ massacre, 
the KMT General Hsu Kc-hsiang put white bands round his 
soldiers arms, marched them to the headquarters of the Hunan 
provincial labour union and of the students’ and workers’ 
associations, and started shooting the unarmed occupants to the 
cries of Long live Chiang Kai-shek’. No report of this deed was 
published in the press for over a month. 

On the 27th of May 20,000 infuriated peasants and workers, in- 
cluding miners from Pinghsiang and Anyuan, marched on 

* Abuiidaiuly documented in newspapers and books of the period. Also see 
I larold R. Isaacs, The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution, op. cit. 



Changsha to avenge the massacre. It is now affirmed that Mao 
backed this movement. But the workers and the peasants were 
ordered to disarm by the Communist-led All-China Federation of 
Labour Unions and the All-China Peasant Association. Then 
they were mown down by the machine guns of the militarists. 
In the course of the next three months over 30,000 people were 
to die in the province, over 100,000 in the year. 

Every day for weeks outside the west gate of Changsha, batches 
of boys and girls, men and women, were marched to their death. 
The soldiers amused themselves with the women, dispatching 
them with bullets fired upwards into the body through the 
vagina. Girl students who had cut their hair short were singled 
out for butchering. 

But not all the KMT armies were counter-revolutionary. Some 
of the units, such as the Fourth Army, also known as the Ironsides 
for its outstanding performance in the Northern Expedition, were 
Communist-officered. Flowever, such suspect units had been sent 
off to quarters near Nanchang* on the pretext of regrouping for 
an assault against Chiang Kai-shek, now in Nanking. 

A ‘committee of five’ with Borodin at its head was sent by the 
KMT executive and the Central Committee of the CCP from 
Wuhan to restore ‘order’ in Hunan; it set off on its travels but 

could not proceed. Percy Chen, who accompanied Borodin, told 
me that one of the things Borodin set out to do was to try to find 
Mao Tsetung and order him to ‘stop the peasants’! But Borodin 
did not get far. At Yochow, a riverine city on Lake Tungting, 
halfway to Changsha, Borodin was courteously banqueted by the 
warlord in charge, then sent back to Wuhan. 

In June the ‘left’ KMT denounced its Communist ally. Decrees 
were issued giving protection to all who would betray Com- 
munists; peasant and worker leaders were shot; all land seized was 
restored to the landlords. A hundred-odd delegates of Hunan 
peasant associations, waiting for a conference in Changsha, were 

* Nanchang, which had been Chiang’s headquarters for some months, had been 
pardy evacuated by Chiang troops when he marched on Nanking and Shanghai. 
A garrison of mixed KMT soldiers and warlord troops who had rallied to the 
KMT remained there. 



executed cn masse. Communist schools were closed; left-win^ 
teachers and students were burned alive. 

On June 20 the Central Committee ot the issued a state- 
ment of eleven points, entirely giving up power and control of 
workers’ and peasants’ organizations to the KMT. Nevertheless 
400 delegates of the All-China Labour Federation, also then in 
conference in Wuhan, were arrested. Many were jailed and some 
were killed. It was at this juncture that Liu Shao-chi was arrested. 
It seems that he then saved himself by abjuring Communism.* 
He spent a short time in jail reading the classics of Confucius, 
which were sent to him by his captors. Tliis is regarded now as 
the beginning of his career as a Tenegade’. 

Public execution of trade unionists and labour leaders enlivened 
the streets for weeks. The Central Committee broke up; C:oin- 
munists were fleeing or going in hiding everywhere. 

At the time of the Horse Day massacre of May 21, Mao Tsetung 
had tried to hold mass meetings in Changsha to call for a punitive 
expedition against the militarists who had perpetrated this act. 
He had even called personally on Cicneral Tang Sheng-chih, the 
acting governor of Hunan, to ask for action against his rani- 
paging subordinates. This was a very courageous act, as at the 
time no Communist dared to expose himself. He had also sup- 
ported the peasants’ march on Changsha of May 27. This aroused 
the wrath of Chen Tu-hsiu, who accused Mao of organizing the 
uprising and ordered him to go to Szechuan: however, Mao 
persuaded Chen to keep him in Hunan. Chen particularly 
reproached Mao for having aided the Hunan provincial peasant 
association to call for the confiscation of all land belonging to big 
landlords. As the Terror spread, Mao Tsetung wrote bluntly: 

All the peasant associations are being surrounded and the leaders 

killed. Wang Ching-wei blustered: ‘1 have heard the organizers 

of the peasant masses say, rely on your own strength; don’t trust 

the KMT... This is disobedience ... the people have therefore 

been ill-treated by counter-revolutionaries and we have not been 
able to save them.’ 

* Because of the terror and confusion in those days, tliis episode was not known 
until forty years later. See chapter 17 for details. 



Acting-Governor Tang Sheng-chih issued orders for the arrest 
of Mao Tsetung, and the latter left Hunan along with Kuo Liang 
and Hsia Hsi, two of his early recruits. They hid in Wuhan for a 
short while, until on July 15 the ‘left’ KMT decided to formally 
expel the Communist Party. Communists were ordered to give 
up their membership in the Party on pain of death. Execution 
squads rounded up and decapitated suspects throughout the 

On July 27, with executions going on in the streets of Wuhan, 
the leaders of the ‘left’ KMT went to the Wuhan railway station 
to bid a courteous farewell to Borodin, who was returning — or 
rather, being returned — to Russia. 

The hapless Borodin, accompanied by Anna Louise Strong, 
was driven by car by Percy Chen to safety within Russia. Their 
trek through North China, Mongolia, the Gobi desert, until the 
frontiers of China were well behind them, was no mean exploit.* 
But orders not to touch Borodin had been given. The journey 
lasted seven weeks and they finally got to Moscow. Behind them 
they left a Chinese Revolution almost drowned in blood, a 
Communist Party apparently decimated. Borodin was in despair. 
‘It’s all over,’ he said. 

A congratulatory telegram from Chiang Kai-shek in Nanking 
praising its righteous and patriotic action in getting rid of Com- 
munists was received by the ‘left’ Wuhan government. Recon- 
ciliation was effected, the Nanking and Wuhan KMT regimes 
‘reunited’. Wang Ching-wei, with a large sum of money, 
departed for yet another European saunter. 

Tang Sheng-chih, the militarist governor of Hunan who tried 
to arrest Mao Tsetung, was to rally to Mao in 1949 and end his 
life with a sinecure. Wang Ching-wei, the brilliant ‘left’ politician, 
was to end up in 1939 as a puppet of the Japanese when the latter 
invaded China. He accepted a post in Nanking as head of the 
Japanese puppet government of South China, and in Cliina today 
his name has become synonymous with infamy. 

* Notes and personal interview with Percy Chen, 1966, 1970* 


The First Red Base: The First ‘Left’ Line 

In inid-July of 1927, while the killing was in full spate, a new 
policy calling for uprisings in China was proposed in a resolution 
by the Comintern to the Chinese Communist Party, The situa- 
tion had radically changed, as Stalin was to write.* Difficulties of 
communication, and various interpretations (including possibly 
translation difficulties)’!' rendered the directing of Chinese revo- 
lutionary movements from Russia more than precarious; hence 
only guiding principles’ had been issued. In 1936, Mao was to 
comment on this point to Edgar Snow. 

The Tliird International ... is not an administrative organiza- 
tion, nor has it any political power beyond that of an advisory 
capacity ... Although the Communist Party of China is a member 
of the Comintern, still this in no sense means that Soviet China is 
ruled by Moscow or the Comintern ... We are not fighting for 
an emancipated China to turn the country over to Moscow.’ 

But these ‘guiding principles’ had been made an excuse by Chen 
Tu-hsiu for subservience to the Kuomintang. Although Stalin 
later deprecated giving advice to the Chinese Communists, his sug- 
gestions did carry the force of orders’, and the orders were often 
ambiguous and contradictory.:): For years psychological depen- 
dence on Moscow, a ‘revolution by telegraph’, was to bedevil the 
course of the Chinese Revolution and create more tragedies. 

Actually, although the time for large-scale uprisings had now 
passed, Stalin s advice was not altogether inappropriate. It 

* Concerning Current Questions’, Inprecor, vol. VII, no. 45 (August 4, 1927). 

t See an episode described in John E. and S. R. Rue, Mao Tse-tung in Opposition 

i 927 J 935 (Oxford University Press, London, for the Royal Institute of Inter- 
national Affairs, 1966), p. 71. 

i This IS not a defence of Stalin, but there is no doubt that a close reading of all 

t e documents must lead to an objective reassessment ofhis share of error and also 
nis share of correct evaluation. 




coincided with Mao’s growing certainty that armed struggle was 
the only way out; and this was also Chou En-lai’s view of the 
course to follow. Revolution was at a low ebb, the Party decima- 
ted, dismay and terror paramount; yet out of defeat was to be 
born a new strategy for victory. Seventeen days after the break 
with the ‘left’ KMT government, on July 15, 1927, when the 
latter declared the CCP outlawed, the Nanchang uprising of 
August I was launched. 

A temporary Politburo had been formed; it had met on July 13 
in Kiukiang with Chu Chiu-pai, a Russian-returned intellectual, 
in charge. A Front Committee was organized, and Chou En-lai 
became its secretary. It broke definitely with the old policy of 
co-operation with the KMT. It also started a new, military out- 
look among the intellectuals of the CCP. Until then indifference 
and disinterest in military matters was one of the handicaps of the 
intellectuals in the Central Committee — except for Mao Tsetung 
and Chou En-lai. The ease with which armed workers’ pickets 
were sacrificed, and peasants too, was part of this class contempt 
for the lives of the poor, based on unconscious assumptions of 
their worthlessness. 

The Chinese Communist Party did not have its own army but 
was dependent on the Kuoinintang armies, in which there were 
units such as the Ironsides (Fourth Army) mentioned earlier, 
which were largely staffed by Communist cadets trained under 
Chou En-lai at Whangpoo. The establishment of the Front 
Committee, and the uprisings which followed, led to the forma- 
tion of the Red Army. Yet again, for reasons which show how 
little the intellectuals in the CCP understood the situation, 
although the break with the Wuhan ‘left’ KMT government was 
total, for a number of weeks the flag under which these uprisings 
were to take place remained the KMT flag! And because they did 
not understand military tactics or strategy, Chu Chiu-pai and 
other intellectuals now in the leadership of the CCP planned 
uprisings in both cities and countryside at the same time, thus 
dispersing the small untried forces hastily collected over a large 
area, and leading to their own defeat. 

Not all the KMT had turned counter-revolutionary, and within 


the armies many units with their officers would join the Com- 
munists. As Mao Tsetung wrote in October 1928, tlic middle 
class in the KMT, the small and medium capitalists, many intel- 
lectuals, merchants, and other middle-class people, had been 
panicked by fear of revolution. They had followed the big 
landlords and compradores and thus given their adhesion to 
Chiang Kai-shek. ‘The present regime of the new warlords of the 
KMT remains a regime of the compradore class in the cities and 
the landlord class in the countryside . . . The workers, peasants, other 
sections of the conunon people, and even the national bourgeoisie 
[national capitalists] have remained under counter-revolutionary 
rule and obtained not the slightest particle of political or economic 
emancipation. * This political judgment was to prove correct in 
the years to come, especially at the end of Chiang’s rule in 1949, 
when the middle class rallied to the Communist Party. 

The distinction between the compradore bourgeoisie, the 
national bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie, was one of the most 
distinctive and useful in Mao’s categories within classes. It made it 
possible for him to fmd in every class, at every stage, a layer of 
people who supported the Revolution, even if in a temporary, 
vacillating manner’. He would never crudely lump together all 
the ‘bourgeoisie’, nor arbitrarily condemn anyone because of 
class category. It is this fine talent for lucid analysis which became 
a component of his ability to rally so many to his cause. Thus a 
portion of the KMT, with, at their head, Madame Sun Yatsen 
(Soong Ching-ling, widow of Dr Sun Yatsen), had disassociated 
themselves from Chiang Kai-shek and from the ^^ang Ching-wei 
group, and denounced the betrayal of Dr Sun Yatsen’s aims and 
principles, and of the Revolution. From that time on, Soong 
Ching-ling and many other courageous women and men, such as 
Ho Hsiang-ning, widow of Dr Liao Chung-kai, represented the 
revolutionary KMT, persisted in denouncing Chiang Kai-shek 
(who was to become Madame Sun Yatsen’s brother-in-law in 
December 1928 by marrying her sister Soong Mei-ling), and 
steadfastly refused to join in the anti-Communist wave which 

* Why Is It lliat Red Political Power Can Exist in China?, Selected Works vol I 
(October 5, 1928). 



swept over the Kuoinintang. It was therefore still possible to 
speak of a united front with this revolutionary KMT and its 
representatives whose opposition to Chiang Kai-shek’s military 
dictatorship would last for the next decades. Perhaps this may 
explain why the KMT flag was kept, but it created much con- 
fusion and prevented many peasants and workers, knowing they 
were being slaughtered by the KMT, from joining in the risings 
now being organized. 

The plans for insurrection were approved at a meeting of the 
Front Committee on July i8, 1927, in Hankow. While Chou 
En-lai was to lead the uprising against the city of Nanchang, 
Mao Tsetung, together with Fang Chih-min and Peng Pai, 
would start uprisings in the countryside. These countryside 
insurrections were thought of as a support to the city ones, which 
were regarded as a priority. Mao (who only some weeks before 
had been upbraided for his ‘gunpowder’ outlook when he 
pleaded for organized peasant uprisings) was now selected to lead 
the uprising in his own province of Hunan, to be co-ordinated 
with similar peasant uprisings in Kwangtung and Hupei provinces. 
Mao considered the countryside uprisings more important than 
taking cities, but he was overruled. As a result, the bulk of the 
existing forces loyal to the Communists was set to take Nanchang 

On August 7, an emergency conference of the Central Com- 
mittee of the CCP took place, again in Hankow. The meeting 
was tumultuous. Chen Tu-hsiu was deposed from his post as 
secretary-general; Tan Ping-shan was also held guilty for the 
debacle. Both had been servile and obedient towards the Kuoniin- 
tang. They had given up the exercise of leadership to ‘the 
bourgeoisie of the KMT’. There were only eleven members 
present on that occasion, but Mao told Edgar Snow that he was 
‘active in the decision’ to get Chen deposed and the leadership 
changed. The opportunist policy of Chen was condemned. All 
connections with the Wuhan KMT government were severed. 
The new policy of armed struggle was formulated; all this did 
not precede but followed the insurrection and the taking of 
Nanchang on August i. 


Although Chen Tu-hsiu’s disastrous line was thus brought to an 
end, an ultra-left line of action was to develop, partly as an 
emotional reaction, partly due to the composition of the new 
Central Committee. Chang Kuo-tao, Li Li-san and Liu Shao-chi 
(the latter had ‘escaped* from jail) condemned Chen Tu-hsiu, 
though they had not opposed Chen before; on the contrary, tliey 
had obeyed his orders to disarm the workers. 

Besides deposing Chen, resolutions at the August 7 meeting 
supported armed uprisings, ‘taking a city’, and ‘arousal of the 
masses*. Because of this ‘city-taking’ outlook, the peasant uprising 
led by Mao would later be condemned as not having been 
approved by the Central Committee, and yet today it is this 
peasant insurrection which is regarded as the real breakthrough in 
Communist military and political thinking. Called the Autumn 
Harvest Uprising, this brief struggle was to lead to the rebirth of 
the decimated CCP, and to open a new road for the Chinese 

The auturmi harvest season was propitious for a large-scale 
peasant movement because, with landlords taking the grain from 
the peasants for rent, taxes and usury loans, the class struggle, 
landlord versus tenant, especially where land confiscation had 
occurred, would prove extremely violent. The landlords, with 
private armies, with guns and whips, raided their own tenant 
farmers, and often executed a few to terrorize the others. 

How did the Autumn Harvest Uprising begin and end? Only 
very briefly did Mao refer to it in 1936,* but since then details 
have been filled in.f Mao went to Anyuan (Chang Chia Wan) to 
recruit mine workers for the uprising, to build a worker-peasant 
force. W^ith him was his brother Mao Tse-tan. Miners from Any- 
uan were to be the core of Mao’s troops; these, together with 
peasant self-defence militia from Pinghsiang and Tiling, some 
Nationalist Army soldiers and oificers, sympathizers, some 
students and peasant cadres, would compose his first Red Army. 

The very collection of these troops was a tour de force. The 

* Edgar Snow, Red Star Over China, op. cit. 

t Author’s persona! research; see the map on page 197. 



area crawled with landlord armies, warlord armies, and Kuo- 
mintang armies, all possessed with a frenzy of slaughter. The 
Communist recruits were a ragtag band; they had pikes and staffs, 
some had rifles but little ammunition. They had no uniforms. 
Mao himself was in cotton trousers, with a top of different 
colour, both very patched, and straw sandals. He wore a towel 
round his neck and walked with the soldiers, up and down their 
lines. They marched from Hunan to Kiangsi and back again and 
fought against very heavy odds. Other peasant uprisings took 
place in other provinces. All were put down very quickly and the 
assembled forces drifted and dispersed. Mao’s troops had a 
different fate. 

‘The long, open struggle for power now began,’ says Mao. It 
would last twenty-two years. 

The uprising began on September 8, 1927. It ended in October. 
If it is hailed today as a great victory, this is not because it was a 
conquering feat, but because it was the first step taken by Mao 
Tsetung towards the creation of a new kind of revolutionary war 
— that of ‘the countryside surrounding the cities’, towards the 
creation of a new kind of army, and towards the creation of 
rural bases where the Communist Party and Red Army would 
grow strong. 

The First Division of the First Peasants and Workers Army was 
the bold name Mao gave to his forces. Mao Tsetung in early 
August urged that ‘the KMT flag should not be used, it confuses 
air. He created the flag of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, a 
hammer and sickle in a star (and not a plough, as has been 
reported). It was not until September 19 that the Politburo of the 
CCP finally declared that ‘the uprisings can under no circum- 
stances take place under the KMT banner’. Mao’s flag design 
became, and remained, that of the Red Army until the Japanese 
invasion and the Second United Front. 

Because the troops were so disparate, Mao had to divide them 
in regiments more or less according to their origin. The First 
Regiment of the First Peasants and Workers Army, the vanguard 
in the battles to follow, was formed by the miners of Anyuan 
and Pinghsiang, the Second from peasant militia, the Third and 


Fourth from those garrison forces at Wuhan which had revolted 
against Wang Ching-wei and joined the Communists. These 
regiments totalled 8,000 men and became the First Division of the 
First Army. 

But the confusion among the hastily assembled new leadership 
of the CCP almost wrecked the plans. The curious affair of a 
July telegram from Stalin nearly stopped the armed uprisings. 
This telegram was read by Chang Kuo-tao (whose Russian may 
not have been adequate). Chang Kuo-tao interpreted it to mean 
that there must be a ‘wait and see’ policy.* But Chou En-lai 
disagreed with this interpretation, and went on to prepare the 
Naiichang uprising of August i. It did, however, produce dis- 
unity among Party members. Another confusion centred on the 
vacillations of the Hunan provincial committee, which was 
supposed to prepare, in conjunction with the peasant uprisings, 
an assault on the city of Changsha. To this Mao was opposed, 
contending that the peasantry must be armed and have its own 
rural bases, not attack cities. As a result of this dispute the forces 
of Mao Tsetung carrying out the Autumn Harvest Uprising did 
not have any reinforcements nor support and the initial successes 
could not be followed up. 

‘This army [the one he had organized] was organized with the 
sanction of the Hunan Provincial Committee, but the general 

progranune of the Hunan committee and of our army was 
opposed by the Central Committee, which seemed to have 
adopted a policy of “wait and sec” rather than of active opposi- 
tion.’ The tragic indecisions, the shift of focus, the contradictory 
statements, all tended to fissure the small, if passionate, group of 
revolutionaries Mao had assembled. And when things went 
wrong they would bitterly shift on Mao and Chou En-lai the 
onus of their lack of foresight. 

And then, while travelling between the Hengyang nuners, 
where he had gone for more recruits, and the peasant militia, 
Mao Tsetung was captured and taken to the headquarters of the 

counter-revolutionary forces to be shot. 

* This was not the first instance of Stalin’s reversing himself and thus causing 
much confusion among those who received his ‘advice’. 


'While I was organizing the army --.1 was captured by some 
mintuan [bodies of troops formed for self-defence under com- 
mand of landlords], working with the Kuomintang ... I was 
ordered to be taken to the tuintuivi headquarters, where I was to 
be killed. Borrowing several tens of dollars from a comrade, 
however, I attempted to bribe the escort to free me. The ordinary 
soldiers were mercenaries, with no special interest in seeing me 
killed, and they agreed to release me, but the subaltern in cliarge 
refused to permit it. I therefore decided to attempt to escape, but 
had no opportunity to do so until I was within about two 
hundred yards of the miutuan headquarters. At that point I broke 
loose and ran into the fields.’ 

Mao hid in tall grass until nightfall; the search for him came so 
near that the searchers could almost have touched him, but he 
escaped. Since his shoes had been removed (preparatory to killing, 
a victim’s shoes were always taken away, as it was feared the ghost 
might run after his executioner; also because shoes were a prize 
possession for the ordinary soldiers), his feet were badly bruised 
as he travelled all night across the bush-tangle of the craggy hills 
until a peasant sheltered him. He had seven remaining silver 
dollars with him and used them to buy shoes, umbrella, and food. 
When he reached the peasant militia, he had only a few coppers* 

Mao rejoined his troops, and issued the Ten Articles of the 
Autumn Uprising. They were simple slogans, related to the 
situation, (i) Down with Tang Sheng-chih. (2) Down with Wang 
Ching-wei. (3) Down with the Hunan provincial government. 
(4) Down with the Kuomintang government. (5) Liquidate land 
tyrants and evil gentry. (6) Power to the workers and peasants 
and soldiers. (7) Establish the dictatorship of peasant associations. 
(8) Organize revolutionary committees. (9) The true revolution 
is a peasant revolution! (10) Long live the uprising’s victory! 

‘The little army, leading the peasant uprising, moved south- 
ward through Hunan. It had to break its way through thousands 
of Kuomintang troops, and fought many battles.’ The presence 
and action of the Anyuan and Pinghsiang miners and some of the 

* Equivalent, more or less, to a cent for ten copper coins. 



Hengyang factory workers validated Mao’s claim that he was 
leading a worker-peasant army. Over 30,000 peasants, armed with 
spears, rose in Pinghsiang county, heartened by his presence. On 
September 12 the Army took Liling county, and on the 15th the 
county town of Liuyang. 

But there was no central direction, save ‘to take Changsha’, and 
no supporting reinforcements. The band -now four thousand 
strong — walked the tiny hidden paths twisting among stark hills 
and valleys, for now the fields were bare, and the grey line of 
ragged men could be easily perceived against the skyline. Liuyang 
was besieged by KMT troops and retaken, with heavy losses for 
Mao s troops. Hsia Tou-ying, a commander of KMT troops who 
had joined Mao s army, deserted to the enemy with several 
hundred men. Discipline was poor, political training at a low 
level, and some of the soldiers rebelled because they were not 
allowed to loot. The KMT White Terror had massacred 330,000 
peasants in north Hunan by September; whole areas were bare 
of men; food was hard to get, and the troops were starving. The 
wounded were left in the villages, but the peasants would not 
always care for them, since the tortures and mutilations the 
enemy inflicted upon poor peasants were more frequent among 
those who had sheltered Communists. The countryside crawled 
with spies and informers, vying with each other to capture Reds, 
and betrayals became common. 

All the bad habits of traditional Chinese militarism infected the 
small army — some of the officers shouted at and beat the soldiers — 
and the confusion of contradictory orders from the Hunan 
provincial committee and the Politburo (a confusion wc must get 
accustomed to in this story) did not make Mao’s task easier. There 
was not a more heteroclitic, individualistic collection of men than 
at that moment in the CCP, and this fundamental diversity would 
continue. What is surprising is that in spite of these disheartening 
factors, at this critical juncture, instead of disbanding his very 
reduced forces or marching them to join other levies engaged in 
city-storming, Mao Tsetung took the momentous decision to 
follow his own judgment — to forge a Red Army and to select a 
base in the countryside for survival. 


There can be any amount of discussion as to Mao's decision, 
and the choice of the first Red base. Why did he do so? When 
others almost destroyed themselves in trying to capture cities? 
To ans'wer this is to reach the mechanism of Mao’s thinking: U^e 
your head coolly, relentlessly, unswayed by passion or a )-earning 
for success./ His decision corresponded to the traditional concept 
of peasant revolt; it was in line with the heroes of Matfr Miir^iii'^ 
and other popular rebels, who went into mountain fistncsscs and 
there existed for years, warring against injustice and helped b)’ 
the common people. 

But there were more practical, down-to-earth reasons. Mao 
knew liis own province extremely well, having measured it on 
foot in his long walks. W^hen he went for a trek into the moun- 
tains near Liuyang in January 1918, he had seen that they made an 
excellent hideout, because the plication of the hill ranges, stretch- 
ing into a maze of dense forest and undergrowth, rising to rocky 
cliffs, boulder-strewn, would be a nightmare for a pursuing 
regular army. He knew these frowning crags held pathways 
crossed by smugglers and salt pedlars. From the peasants he 
learned that the mountains round Chingkangshan harboured 
bands of rebel peasants, not only in previous centuries but even 
now. And he also knew that the borders between provinces were 
usually less patrolled by warlord armies than the central portions; 
these forbidding, desolate heights would not be claimed by the 
press-ganged, opium-smoking warlord soldiers. This feature was 
to remain an advantage for all the subsequent Red bases; it 
crystallized Mao s decision to fuse peasant tradition with present 
realism. And so he took the step which in the short term saved 
him and his followers, and in the long term would save the 
Revolution itself 

On September 20, on the sports ground of the Li Jen Middle 
School, a building of some grace, at Wen Chia Shih, on the road 
to the Chingkangshan massif, Mao called a meeting of his troops, 
now shrunk to a thousand or so men. The decision to *go up the 
mountain and to carry on with the Revolution was taken there. 

*The famous novel of peasant revolt which had deeply influenced Mao 
Tsetung in his childhood. 




It is a pity that Mao s speech at Wen Chia Shih was not recorded; 
for it must have been a speech of grace and vital strength. All we 
know is that at the end he shouted : *Do we dare to carry on the 
Revolution or not? And from the thousand men assembled came 
the answer: ‘We dare!’ 

On September 23 the trek to the ranges began. But now a small 
number of those who had shouted ‘V^e dare!’ had second 
thoughts ; two hundred more left. Mao declared that anyone who 
wanted to go home should do so, and would even be given travel 
money. This itself was most unusual; some of the revolutionaries 
wanted to kill the traitors . And so only eight hundred began to 
climb the treacherous, muddy foothills, trudging through the red 
clay soil which stuck to the soles of their straw sandals, hacking 
the undergrowth. They did not dare light a fire to cook rice or to 
warm themselves. They were hungry and they were cold. 
Then they reached Liu Shih, a small market town, and were 
attacked by a large Kuomintang force, their rear cut; but they 
managed to beat off the attackers, then went on to capture the 
small county town of Lien Hua. Here they got food and ‘pro- 
claimed the Revolution’. They then began to climb again, on to 

Sanwan is a village perched precariously over a mountain 
stream that bubbles down to the plains. Here begin the massive 
mountains of Chingkangshan ; a path winds up to its gorge-like 
access passes. What is called the ‘reorganization at Sanwan’ of the 
forces Mao had under him took place from September 29 to 
October 3. It was Mao’s first original attempt to educate what 
men he had left into a new force, to teach them a compelling 
vision wliich would carry them forward in a unity stronger than 
any enforced discipline. 

Mao spoke at length. The men huddled, listening. They were 
in a disused temple which was their temporary refuge from the 
small cold rain of autumn. The men were chilled and hungry, 
but they listened. And they were heartened and chose to go on, 
an act of will which committed them to the Revolution. 

Here Mao began the lecture meetings he would continue all 
along the climbing path to the central liigh plateau which would 



become the base. For again at Kuchcng in Ningkang county tlicrc 
would be another meeting and another talk. And there he dis- 
cussed what had gone wrong with the Autumn Harvest Uprising, 
submitting the events to debate, to the scrutiny of his faitliful 
band. This was the only way to grasp the initiative, he told them, 
to ‘analyse past errors’, to ‘make the past serve the future’. In 1936 
he was to tell Edgar Snow very briefly that the Central Com- 
mittee was practising a ‘contradictory policy, consisting in 
neglecting military affairs and at the same time desiring an armed 
insurrection of the popular masses’. But he did not say that the 
‘city-taking’ bent of the new leadership, their disregard of peasant 
power, had led to the total abandonment of himself and his band. 
To those who were with him at the time he said none of these 
things. He spoke of the ideas which had begun to germinate in 
him. And if it sounded extraordinary, they were all, at that 
moment, extraordinary men, and so he told them of high 
courage, and of armed struggle, land reform, and the setting up of 
agrarian bases, and of the countryside surrounding the cities and 
of conquering them. The plan for what was to become the strategy 
of the Revolution was created by Mao on the road to 
Chingkangshan . 

The insurrection they had just carried out, he said, was of a 
kind never tried before. Many people thought that only cities 
mattered, but the countryside mattered because there were 
more people in the countryside. The countryside grew food, the 
cities ate it. And so the peasant was the important one, the giver 
of life, of food. From now on they would avoid ‘taking’ any 
strongholds. The vast countryside would be theirs to roam, they 
would survive and create a new Red Army. Thus, even while in 
ascending Chingkangshan Mao was adopting a traditional 
feature of peasant revolt, he was at the same time transforming it 
by a totally new social content, of organization and ideology. A 
stable base in a mountain fastness would nurse their failing 
strength and resurrect the Chinese Revolution. 

At Hsia Shui Wan, another small village, Mao made another 
step in the building of the Party and the Red Army. He organized 
the Party cell at company level, and emphasized the building of 



the Red Army as a political force by inaugurating a Party group 
in each squad, a cell in each company, and a committee in each 
battalion. Each committee consisted of seven to nine men, 
ordinary soldiers; among them one, two or three were Party 
members. Mao called the latter (most of them trained by him) 
instructor-delegates , for they were to educate the soldiers, keep 
up their political consciousness and morale. They were to 
maintain discipline, train the Army in work among the people, 
in mass propaganda. Mao said that the Red Army was not only a 
military instrument but above all a political weapon of propa- 
ganda, agitation, seconding land reform and peasant struggles, 
educating the people and leading them to establish their own 
associations, to take power from the landlords. 

Mao also created soldiers committees’ or ^soldiers’ soviets’ at 
company level to look after the welfare of the soldiers; he drew 
up rules — officers must never beat soldiers, they must have the 
same salary, and soldiers had the right of debate and of criticizing 
defects in officers; all army accounts were to be open to public 
inspection. Thus he instituted a democratic process in the Red 
Army, subject to Party control. He then reorganized his men 
into the First Regiment of the First Workers and Peasants Army. 
The regiment was divided into two battalions (the First and Third 
battalions) with seven companies and two detachments, one 
sanitary, one of surplus officers. There were too many officers 
in relation to ordinary soldiers. The detachment served as an 
officer reserve corps, whose members assumed duties as new 
recruits came into the Red Army after it settled in Chingkangshan. 

Thus from the very start Mao was to fuse the Party and Red 
Army into a twin synthesis, but with the Party in ideological 
control; so indissolubly linked that throughout the next decades 
he would never envision them as separate. This essential com- 
ponent of his thinking, refusing the dichotomy which prevails 
everywhere else, had the most important consequences; Mao 
would always consider the Red Army as the best training ground 
for Party cadres, since armed struggle was the dominant factor in 
the Revolution in China. 

Everywhere Mao’s army went, meetings were held with the 



local inhabitants. At Sanwan, at Kuchcng, the people at first fled 
to the mountains when the Red Army arrived. Fearful, hiding in 
bushes, they watched the soldiers. And this was routine; everyone 
fled when any soldiers came by. Mao decreed that his soldiers 
should never enter a house or take anything. This behaviour was 
so unusual (soldiers looted, robbed, burned as a matter oi custom) 
that by the third day the local people, watching from their 
hideouts on the slopes, filtered back. Mao talked to them, urging 
them to return, and distributed ‘some money and cloth’ taken 
from the landlords on the way to Sanwan.* He told them that 
this army with its Red Flag was their own army, devoted to their 
own interests. The people were moved, and spontaneously they 
cooked rice and fed the soldiers, and some joined up. This was 
to be repeated everywhere Mao’s army went. 

From Hsia Shui Wan, Mao led on through the mountains, 
always climbing, to Hsing Chu Shan, and there laid down the 
first three of his famous eight rules of discipline: speak politely; 
buy at fair prices; return what you borrow. 

These decisions were not accepted without dispute. Some of the 
officers, it is said, even attempted to kill him. Mao Tsetung in- 
sisted that nothing be done to them; whoever wanted to leave 
could do so ill peace. All this had never been done before. 

The peasants still remember that end of October 1927 when 
Mao Tsetung walked up, always up, scaling the passes of this 
forbidding mountain fastness, past Great Well hamlet to Tzeping, 
which was to be his main headquarters and centre of the base. 
He was ragged, unkempt, very thin, his hair very long, and his 
troops were in the same sorry state. They looked terrible, like 
real bandits, covered in lice-ridden rags, but they were gentle 
and did not take anything. The peasants remember how Mao 
greeted them: ‘Cousin, what is your name?’ he would inquire 
politely. ‘Even the children were no longer frightened, and the 
women came back and cooked for the soldiers.’^ 

The massive Chingkangshan is a huge natural fortress amid a 
cluster of loping ranges, an amoebic spill of rocks, crags, gullies. It 

* Interview by author, 
t Interview by author. 



is part of the Lo Hsiao range, lying between two provinces, 
Kiangsi and Hunan. The massif is surrounded by plains, with very 
poor irrigation and poor red earth growing scant crops and a kind 
of oily bush in profusion. The upper heights are densely forested; 
the lower slopes are a tangle of secondary bush. Only five villages, 
with a total population of under 2,000, dotted this desolate area. 
It is about 30 miles across from north to south and from east to 
west, and squats in the midst of six counties, of which four are in 
Hunan province and two in Kiangsi province. Five passes, so 
narrow only a few men were needed to hold them, lead to the 
central weathered plateau, 5,000 to 5,600 feet high, which is a 
convergence of crests to form a 'well* high above the gorges 
twisting the folded slopes. The rock protrudes everywhere, and 
the soil is thin. The inhabitants did not use the wheel; they made 
fire by striking stones. They were so poor that few had more than 
one pair of trousers, or one blanket per family. Most of the men 
were porters and carriers for the farms in the plains below, and 
all the families were Hakkas. The Hakkas, or ‘guest people’, 
originally from North China,* had been pushed down by the 
Mongol invasion and spread southward. Unwelcomed by the 
local people, they settled in the poorest areas and on bad mountain 
land. Their villages were often raided by local inhabitants and 
they were at the mercy of landlords. 

A very wide rift has long existed between the native in- 
habitants and the settlers [i.e., the Hakkas] whose forefathers 
came from the North ... their traditional feuds are deep-seated ... 
[they] have been oppressed by the native inhabitants in the 
plains.’f Tins rift would give Mao more trouble later in Party 
organization, ‘hi theory, this rift ... ought not to extend into the 
exploited classes of workers and peasants, much less into the 
Communist Party. But it does, and it persists by force of long 
tradition.’ There would be many another theory which Mao 
would find inadequate to explain away practical realities; from 

* Sec Selected WorkSy vol. I, pp. 93-94, for comments on Hakkas, referred to 
as ‘settlers’. For a description of Hakkas see Han Suyin, Tlte Crippled Tree 
(Cape, London, 1965). 

•j* Selected Works, loc. cit. 


then on his particular gift for flexible adaptation would be put to 
good use. 

Chingkangshan was already occupied by two bands of Hakka 
peasants turned bandits. These were led by an ex-middle school 
student, Yuan Wen-tsai,* and Wang Tso, a tailor; they had 600 
men and owned 120 rifles. To establish himself there, Mao 
Tsetung first negotiated with Yuan and Wang, and so successfully 
that he won not only their acceptance but incorporated them in 
his Army of 800 men and 80 rifles. He then quartered his troops 
in two areas, the first in the region of the Five Wells, the second 
at a jutting ridge called the Nine Dragons. And thus was created 
the first Red base at Chingkangshan. 

Chingkangshan was held that winter against the most frightful 
odds. The amount of persuasion, explanation, education that Mao 
did must have been enormous. He constantly had to repeat his 
three rules, also stress the equality between officers and men. ‘Do 
not kill enemy soldiers and lower rank officers,' he urged. Mao 
Tsetung did not look down on the human material he had in hand 
as unsuitable, reject it a priori; he would work on it, mobilize it, 
educate it, make it grow. And hence he would never exclude the 
lumpen proletariat, the beggars, peasants turned bandits, from 
this education process. This problem of consciousness-raising, 
mobilization of the human being, is one inherent to revolutionary 
action. In Western societies, to be mobilized connotes pressure 
because it is an external enforcement, but there is a need, a desire 
in man to harness his own strength and capabilities in a struggle 
worthwhile and enduring. All societies thrive only in the measure 
in which they have succeeded in inspiring individuals with worth- 
while, stimulating aims; exacting sacrifice and abnegation; these 
aims exalt and transcend the self. And Mao, in the circumstances 
in which he was placed, was to develop and intensify this process, 
which he called political training. In doing so he became a teacher 
of the Revolution. 

The real teacher is the mobilizer of the human spirit, who has 
the genius to make every sacrifice seem a worthwhile endeavour, 
full of meaning, linked to a wholeness inspiring and noble. And 

* Yuan Wen-tsai’s widow is still alive in Maoping village, Chingkangshan. 



the genius of Mao Tsetung lies in this teaching. With the words 
Man can change he established a whole programme of self- 
change, exploding the myths of helplessness, submission and 
despair which had fettered the millions of China. In this he trained 
himself in the most inauspicious circumstances, with the most 
incongruous and backward-seeming human material, in that 
bleak winter on desolate Chingkangshan. 

Because the programme of the Autumn Harvest Uprising had 
not been sanctioned [it had been drawn up on July 13, before the 
August 7 meeting]* by the Central Committee; because the First 
Army had suffered losses, and from the angle of the cities the move- 
ment appeared doomed to failure ... I was dismissed,’ said Mao 
Tsetung. Made a scapegoat for this Tailure’, he was yet Teeling 
certain that we were following the correct line’. (Author’s italics.) 

War was not yet made the centre of gravity of the Party’s 
work, wrote Mao in 1928. ‘An excessive, sectarian, inner-Party 
struggle ... a serious state of extreme democratization in the 
Party ... this “left” sentiment became a left line of reckless 
action. The furst ‘left’ line, dating from August 1927 to the end of 
1928, was to be associated with the name of Chu Chiu-pai, the 
young bespectacled intellectual who had become secretary- 
general of the Party at the August 7 meeting in Hankow. Born 
in 1889 in a gentry family of Kiangsu, he was essentially whimsi- 
cal, erratic, though gifted. He was much influenced by Stalin’s 
representative, some historians contend, to excuse him. But the 
apology is not accepted by the Chincse.f Chu urged a violent, 
almost terroristic line of ‘city-taking’. 

The results of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, which was so 
vehemently condemned by the leadership of the CCP, were 
Mao’s creation of the Red base, the formation of a disciplined 
body of militarized teachers, and the resurrection of the Party. 
Without it there would have been no Chinese Revolution. The 

* See page 195. 

•f The Chinese view has always been that the fault for erroneous lines and devia- 
tions in the Party must not be attributed to outside influence, but to those who 
accept it. Stalin’s new representative at that time is said to have been Lominadze. 


Chingkangshan Red base permitted this creation to survive and 
to grow, something which neither the Nanchang uprising of 
August I nor the December taking of Kuangchow could liavc 
achieved. But what Mao had done would not be recognized by 
his own Party leadership. He lost his place in the Central Com- 
mittee as alternate member of the Provisional Politburo set up 
on August 7. He was also deprived of membership in the Hunan 
Provincial Committee. Yet he went on, convinced that his was 
the correct strategy. 

This is not to belittle the gifted and dedicated Chou En-lai, his 
immense personal courage, enterprise and dedication when he led 
the uprisings against Nanchang, and later Swatow and Kuang- 
chow, But the actions against the cities, however significant, were 
not to lead to the rebuilding of the Party and Army as inter- 
locked essentials for the prosecution of the Chinese Revolution. 
‘The armed struggle led by the Chinese Communist Party is a 
war of the peasantry under the leadership of the working class,’ 
said Mao, and in that single sentence lay the clue to victory. 

In addition to the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the city-oriented 
Nanchang uprising is of fundamental importance, because it was a 
decisive action towards the revolutionary principle of armed 
struggle. It involved far larger numbers of well-trained troops, yet 
it failed. In the failure lay a lesson which, had it been learned in 
time, would have spared the CCP costly mistakes. The Red 
Army dates its birth-August i, 1927-from the Nanchang 
insurrection, although this anniversary was not proclaimed as 
Red Army Day until 1932. 

W^e have seen how Chou En-lai organized the Shanghai armed 
workers squads, and was upbraided by Chen Tu-hsiu for pro- 
voking Chiang Kai-shek. Chou En-lai replied that these armed 
actions were not premature, that the CCP should concentrate on 
winning over the military, for without military backing, without 
an established base of operation, it was impossible for the young 
CCP to assert itself as an independent party. In this way his ideas 
were similar to Mao’s. The difference was that Chou En-lai, an 
intellectual from a city-based family, would also think in terms of 



city-taking for some time, although by 1929 he had come round 
to see that this policy was wrong. 

Chou En-lai supported the plans for armed uprising which 
were the new line of action at the July meeting of the Front 
Committee, and on July 25 reached Nanchang city, where, 
incognito, he stayed at the Kiangsi Hotel in the city itself, and 
there contacted Chu Teh, the Szechuan ex- warlord become 
Communist, to plan the capture of Nanchang. 

Chu Teh — we last left him when disgusted with life as a minor 
warlord — had given up women and opium, and gone abroad to 
study. He was deeply patriotic, and naturally gravitated to the 
Communist Party, joining in 1922 in Germany on the advice of 
Chou En-lai, whom he met there. He had tried, on his return in 
1926, to persuade some of the warlords of his own province to 
join the Northern Expedition. Failing in this, he went to Nan- 
chang, where he became chief public security officer under the 

This is one of several reasons why Nanchang was chosen for 
Communist capture. Its strategic position, the fact that there were 
stationed in the vicinity the troops of Yeh Ting and Ho Lung, 
both KMT commanders friendly to the Communists, as well as a 
portion of the Communist-officered Ironsides regiment, and 
fuially the presence of Chu Teh as chief of public security at 
Nanchang, as well as the city’s deputy military commander, were 
all advantages for such an action. Chu Teh knew all the officers 
on the spot, his rollicking Szechuan manner and great gift of talk 
had made him highly popular with them. He would, it was 
thought, be able to lull them into a false sense of security when 
the first assault would seize the city. 

On July 26 Li Li-san, Hsu Te-li, and Nieh Jung-chen, a Com- 
munist who had joined the work and study group going to 
France, and returned to enter Whangpoo Military Academy,* 
arrived in Nanchang. The Ironside troops were quartered close 
to the city; some infiltrated, wearing civilian clothes, inside its 
walls. Again because of Stalin’s telegram, the planned insurrection 

* Nich was one of the Communists who taught with Chou En-lai at Whang- 
poo Academy in 1926 and was arrested with him. 


was almost stopped; Chang Kuo-tao arrived with the telegram 
on the morning of July 30. But Chou En-lai refused to stop, and 
this decision was a breakaway from ‘obedience*. 

The planned deception failed, and this precipitated the assault. 
On August I the Communist-led troops attacked and seized the 
city, disarming the garrison. On August 2 a mass rally was called 
in the centre of the city, and Chou En-lai announced the estab- 
lishment of a Kuomintang Central Revolutionary Committee 
with several KMT leaders who had not defected to the counter- 
revolution, including Chang Fa-kuei, a militarist then on his way 
to Nanchang, and Madame Sun Yatsen. 

But Chiang Kai-shek rushed reinforcements to Nanchang by 
rail and by water. On August 3 a withdrawal was begun. The 
troops pulled out by August 5. The combined forces then moved 
southward and began a long, deteriorating scries of campaigns. 
The usual erosion took place -defections, desertions, betrayal - 
but a nucleus went on, and even tried, on the way, to fulfil a 
revolutionary programme, killing landlords, proclaiming land 
reform, burning land titles. 

Later Chu Teh was to say (to his good friend the American 
journalist Agnes Smedley)* that the Nanchang uprising failed 
because only the city people had been rallied. The insurrectionists 
had neglected to propagandize the countryside and to proclaim 
the agrarian revolution. They also failed to support the peasant 
uprisings (which were actually going on) in the province. ‘Mao 
Tsetung was the only leader who used armed force to help 
peasant uprisings,’ said Chu Teh. 

But this was hindsight. Meanwhile, the now ragged troops 
went on pushing their way through a deserted and devastated 
countryside and engaging in pitched battles under harrowing 
conditions. They reached Swatow, a port in Fukien province, 
around September 23 or 24. Although ill with high fever, Chou 
En-lai stayed at the front line, directing the troops. But now they 
were vastly outnumbered, and they fell back on the Haifeng and 
Lufeng areas (Peng Pai’s area), where peasant revolution had been 

* See Agnes Smedley, Battle Hynm of China (Gollancz, London, 1944) and The 
Great Road (Calder, London, 1958). 



SO lively two years before. But now the White Terror had cut its 
swath of massacres. The troops starved; Chou was near death, or 
so it seemed, but he refused to abandon the soldiers. Thinking he 
would die, his comrades finally smuggled him to Hongkong with 
Yeh Ting and Nieh Jung-chen, while they dispersed in small 
groups and went into hiding, submerged in the vast ocean of 
fields or seeking isolated mountain villages. After two weeks in 
Hongkong, Chou, scarcely recovered, made his way to Shanghai. 
Again he was involved in insurrection there; but the workers 
were cowed by the violence of the repression; there was no 
alleyway without its spies and its killings. The Kuomintang 
government of Cliiang Kai-shek put a price on Chou’s head, and 
in January 1928 ChouEn-lai got away to Russia. In a few months, 
however, he was back, and again went underground to work for 
the Party in Shanghai. 

The subsequent years, 1928 to 1930, were to bring ChouEn-lai 
to repudiate the city-taking military strategy. Chou contributed 
greatly to the new orientation and policy of the Party, though the 
correct strategy was to be created by Mao. Chou, like many 
others, was to gravitate towards Mao Tsetung. Throughout those 
years one of Mao’s most significant victories was the fact that his 
ideas won over dedicated men: Chu Teh, the ex-Szechuan war- 
lord turned Coimnunist, a man older than Mao; Chou En-lai, 
the brilliant student, organizer, a man of enormous personal 
bravery, charm, and intelligence; Chen Yi, the humorous 
Szechuan student become a Communist officer; Lin Piao, the 
precocious schoolboy activist, also a Whangpoo cadet, who took 
part in the Naiichang and Swatow uprisings; Jen Pi-shih, of great 
skill and valour, and so many others, men of talent and of courage; 
all would, sooner or later, be won over by their individual dis- 
covery of Mao’s genius for revolution. 

And though many were to die, and others were to be found 
inadequate and even opportunistic, they did, at the time, push 
forward the wheel of Revolution. 

Life on Chingkangshan during that winter of 1927-28 was a 
struggle for survival. The greatest problems were food and 


clothing for so many men. They could have been obtained in the 
way usual to marauding bands, by loot and rapine, but this Mao 
strictly forbade. The working out of logistics, and the expansion 
of his army within a framework of revolutionary action which 
would benefit, not prey upon, the population, led to the elabora- 
tion of new techniques, making of the Army a production corps 
as well as a political and military force. 

His two brothers and adopted sister were with him on Ching- 
kangshan. All three had taken part in the Autumn Harvest 
Uprising. In November the Red Army attacked the county of 
Chaling, and took its county town. Landlords were killed, and 
their stores and goods shared equally with the poor peasants. 
Land reform was proclaimed and the Red flag floated over the 
town. In December, it was Lung Shih in Ninkang county which 
was overrun. People’s local governments were proclaimed in 
each county brought under Red rule. 

Thus the six counties around the mountain base were to sec the 

Red Army First Regiment arrive; they were to provide the food 

required and other necessities, but only within the limits of a 

redistribution of land and wealth, the agrarian revolution. Mao 

always deplored the first action at Chaling. For the troops were 

not yet sufficiently disciplined, and terrorist acts occurred in 

which landlords, rich peasants, and some not so rich were killed. 

It must have been difficult for the half-starving men to exercise 

the tremendous self-control required not to loot, not to kill, but 

to concentrate only on the houses of landlords and tyrants; not 

to take anything for themselves, but scrupulously to bring it to 

the command, for sharing with the poor peasants; to teach and 

educate the latter, while giving them their share from the hoarded 

landlord grain. Some of the poor exploited peasants were afraid 

to take their share of grain, at times by night bringing back to the 

landlord what they had received. A uniform tax of 20 per cent of 

the crops was to replace all previous taxes and lighten the peasants’ 

burden. Everywhere the poor peasants were to form associations, 

and elect at mass meetings their representatives for local 

By February 1928 the Red Army had promoted 




revolution in Ningkang, Yunghsin, Chaling, Suichuan, Lienhua, 
Linghsien. In each a Communist Party committee had been 
organized. These in turn had created soviets or councils of 
workers, peasants and soldiers. Thus had been provided, for the 
base, a source of supplies and of men. The poor peasants were 
rallying to this new force which both protected them and im- 
proved their living conditions. 

Landlords ran away, the more tyrannous were executed 
publicly, and poor peasants began to take heart, and now came 
with baskets to share the goods and the land. But the new ways 
and the new power were weak. The peasants were afraid of 
reprisals. Should the Kuomintang troops return, what would 
happen to them? As soon as possible, Mao organized militia and 
Red Guards, backed by the peasant associations among the popu- 
lation. These were to defend the peasantry. At the mountain base, 
meanwhile, he organized political and military courses for cadres 
and soldiers. But these could not be pushed without, also, some 
ordinary schooling. Learning to read and to write was hampered 
by a lack of teachers, of textbooks, of paper. The soldiers crouched 
on flat, sandy terrain and wrote with sticks on the ground. 

The several hamlets that dot Chingkangshan where Mao lived, 
wrote, lectured, the stone he sat on, the trees he planted, his habit 
of watching the soldiers do their physical training, while his 
finger kept the book he always had in hand open at the page he 
was reading, are now part of the great historic legend woven 
round his person. It is difficult through this halo to see the great- 
ness of the man, slogging away at what seemed a doomed adven- 
ture, his tiny handful on a stark and poor mountain, surrounded 
by the gathering enemy forces, so vastly superior. But Mao was 
flesh of the flesh, bone of the people’s bone; like water under- 
ground his ideas coursed, a hidden network, through the peasan- 
try he lived with; and they changed. The Hakka carriers of the 
mountain villages, going across the mountains, in and out of the 
plains surrounding the fortress heights, along paths known only 
to them and to salt smugglers, became an intelligence network 
and liaison for him. Salt is essential to the life of an army, and 
Mao’s men needed salt. This organization of porters took nearly 


a year to fashion. Many became Red Cluards, members of tlie 
village conmiittee created by the people’s councils. Today they 
live on a transformed Chingkangshaii with schools and hospitals; 
Shanghai city students come to develop the land, television and 
electric lights, and a neat tarmac highway to bring many thousands 
of visitors every month. 

Through that tragic winter of massacres all over (.’hina, 
Chingkangshaii stood fast, fed itself, and fought. In January 1928 
the first attack came; a warlord force to retake Ningkang was 
sent; it was routed. The Red Army kept Ningkang. This success 
heightened the prestige of the base among the population ; it gave 
the poor peasants more confidence. 

By February the troops were disciplined enough to go down to 
the plains to help the peasants in the early sowing and planting, 
and to open up some unplanted land on their own. Thus the 
army began to feed itself as well. This would become a Mao 
concept of what a workers’ and peasants’ army should be, econo- 
mically self-sufficient, no burden to the population. And this in 
China was unique, for never before had any army been a help to 
the peasantry. Now he kept the soldiers busy cutting wood for 
building and firewood, erecting huts and planting vegetables. 
He began a small hospital with a pharmacy storing Chinese 
medicinal herbs, since it was impossible to procure anything else. 
Elementary courses in hygiene and health were also started when 
in May 1928 Dr Nelson Fu, a Methodist-trained practitioner, 
arrived in Chingkangshan ; by November there would be six- 
teen ‘doctors’ (partly trained cadres from the army). Mao in- 
sisted that the doctors also look after the health of the local 
people, and shared with the peasants the very scanty medical 
supplies which they had brought. 

All that winter Mao had been out of touch with the Politburo 
now underground in Shanghai. It was not until later February or 
March of 1928, in the midst of holding fast against a campaign 
launched by two warlord arinies (the second attack on the base), 
that he learned he had been dismissed from the Central Com- 
mittee as alternate member of the Politburo for his ‘errors’ and 



criticized severely for what he had done, beginning with the 
Autumn Harvest Uprising. 

The Central Committee plenum convened in November 1927 
which ‘dismissed’ Mao Tsetung, to use his own words, had 
rigorously condemned all that did not fit within the formulas 
evolved, without taking any notice of Mao’s situation. All the 
old leaders of the CCP were damned ; so were most of the leaders 
of the Nanchang uprising; Chou En-lai was severely censured. 
Apart from calling for continuous armed insurrection, confisca- 
tion of land, killing of all landlords, agrarian revolution, butcher- 
ing of local bullies, and so on, the plenum announced that a 
‘high revolutionary tide’ was coming. Actually the Revolution 
was at a very low ebb. 

Mao Tsetung at Cliingkangshan was not, therefore, an undis- 
puted chief whose authority was paramount; he was quite the 
contrary, a man whose ideas and policies were ignored or repu- 
diated by his own Party leadership. He appeared, to the CCP 
headquarters in Shanghai, to be doing all the wrong things, 
leading an isolated band of guerillas in a mountain fastness, and 
showing ‘right-wing’ proclivities by his moderate policies, not 
doing enough burning and killing.* 

At no time during his stay in Chingkangshan was Mao really 
left in peace, whether from the warlords and the Kuomintang 
attacks on his base, or his own Party’s stream of directives and 
counter-directives and criticism. Delegates came to scold and to re- 
voke; had he followed all the instructions and counter-instructions 
he received, there would not have been a Red Army, and Red 
bases at that time, and the Revolution might have taken much 

But he was, luckily, in a mountain fastness; communications 
were slow and difficult, and he had built up, and would continue 
to build, an organization upon principles based on realistic 
appraisal of China’s conditions. When told of the castigation he 
received, he did not show any emotion; nor did he, Hke some, 

* This ‘Trotskyite’ view of Mao is also found in M. N. Roy, Rei^olufio/t and 
Cotmter-Renolution in China (People’s Publishing House, Calcutta, I94b)- 


turn against his Party or change his conviction. Me went on as 
usual, administering, surveying, walking about, going to tlie 
villages, spending the night writing because lie was so busy by- 
day. Any'-way, he was at that moment engaged in planning a 
counter-offensive against an attack by Kuomintang and warlord 
forces. And he was to win another victory. 

To build broad-based organizations, to avoid extreme terro- 
rism, was not in contradiction to the Revolution but in line witli 
the construction necessary to carry out the Revolution. This is 
where Mao averred himself a Leninist, in contra-distinction to the 
‘kill all the bourgeoisie, all rich peasants and middle peasants’ 
thesis of secretary-general Chu Chiu-pai. The policies Mao tried 
at Chingkangshan were ‘moderate*, affecting only big landlords; 
but even then, he was later to say, he had not drawn enough dis- 
tinction between ‘tyrants’ and big, middle, small landlords and 
rich peasants, though always cautious in sparing the physical lives 
of all but the worst. Very early he formulated the distinction 
between the liquidation ofa class by economic and political means 
and the physical liquidation of human beings, which he con- 
stantly abhorred. This distinction marks him out as an extra- 
ordinary person for his time and his environment. He was thus 
to add a dimension of humanity to the Revolution which Stalin 
never possessed. But his moderation immensely displeased the 
Central Committee, intent on ‘butchering and burning* and in 
that way antagonizing, instead of rallying, a majority of the 

Mao made the point that the peasantry must be educated and 
also educate itself in class struggle for land reform, by active and 
total participation in the process. It was necessary to lead peasant 
guerilla action against big landlords in other counties and districts, 
even if only for the replenishment of guns and ammunition, but 
this could only be done with the overwhelming support of the 
people. But the setting up of People’s Councils and other measures 
in Mao s land reform programme were not approved by the 
Central Committee. In December 1927, directives had already 
been sent to Mao to ‘burn and kill’ more in the countryside. The 
assassination in the cities of ‘yellow’ union leaders (KMT-created 



labour union leaders), the robbing of banks, attacks on police 
stations, were all inscribed in the ultra-left policies of Chu Chiu-pai. 
Through a fortunate lack of liaison, however, Mao had been 
given till March 1928 to try out his own methods before the 
extreme left line caught up with him. 

Mao’s experiment in rural Red bases for a revolutionary Party 
and Army changed the history of China. There was no exact 
blueprint for the future; someone had to experiment, to draw 
the first sketches. The Chingkangshan base was such a critical 
test; and its success was due to Mao’s refusal to accept suicidal 
orders and his understanding of the realities, together with a 
determination to make the Revolution a creative, working 

Edgar Snow told me of his first impression of Mao. ‘It was night 
and I was walking back when someone (my interpreter) pointed 
out to me a man walking past. It was Mao Tsetung, he said. He 
looked like anyone else, there was nothing to distinguish him 
from any of the other thousands there. He walked alone, going 
back to his cave dwelling. A few days later I was to meet him in 
the daytime. It was not that he was impressive at first sight; 
though tall and lean, he was so quiet, taking in at first everything 
that was said to him, that it was only gradually I came to be more 
and more impressed. Here was a man with great mastery, a 
command of knowledge and wisdom, and talking to him one 
felt it. A real storehouse of knowledge and original ideas; a free- 
dom of thought and a total lack of rigidity, surpassing anyone else. 

‘Talking to him one felt in the presence of a world statesman, 
and then one went back and one began to wonder. Here was this 
man living in the poorest circumstances, it seemed there was no 
hope for his cause, at least if one only looked at outward ap- 
pearances, yet talking to him, one felt that he was the only man 
in China who really understood its reality. It looked as if there 
was a world against him, and Mao alone, yet one wanted to be 
on his side. He convinced; had I been Chinese, I would have 
joined him. After talking with him, no other way was possible 
than to “see” as he saw, and to follow him. 


This was almost a decade later;* but the sense of daiintlessness, 
of quiet endurance, already radiated from Mao in Clhngkangshan ; 
his power to make others see as he saw already proven. Tlic Mao 
Tsetung of Chingkangshan saw further than any of the other 
revolutionaries, though he still had much to learn, as he liimself 
said. His writings of that time link the extremely practical to the 
overall ground plan, meticulous detail to broad sweeping 
principles. And all through runs the scholarly touch, the close, 
cold, masterly reasoning of the born scientist. For all his personal 
humility, Mao’s writings always carry that lecture stance. It was 
this which probably enraged the lesser men in Party control. 

Agnes Smedley, who did not like Mao, says of the Mao she met 
during those guerilla days: *Mao’s mind perpetually wrestled with 
the theoretical problems of the Chinese Revolution. Sensitive 
and intuitive almost to the point of femininity, Mao possessed 

all the self-confidence and decisiveness of a pronouncedly mas- 
culine man.’ 

This intuitiveness Mao would have explained easily had he 
been asked. He would have said that he tried to be totally inte- 
grated with his own people, and that his strength and knowledge 
came from them. He would say that it was they who made him, 
not the other way round. 

In early 1928 the counter-revolution was very strong, the 
revolutionary forces were weak and scattered. In the cities the 
Communist workers unions had been decimated. In the country- 
side the peasants were cowed; yet it was here that the Toot 
infantry of the Revolution could be organized. This organization 
needed a consolidated base, just as the course of the Revolution 
needed a clear political line. The definition of a rural Red base 
had to be worked out. It must provide the physical, geographical 
and economic sustenance of a political regime with an armed 
force as its principal support. It must be as self-sufficient as possi- 
ble, it must have capabilities of defence and possibilities of ex- 
pansion, it must have a sufficient population for recruitment and 
for economic growth; it must have leadership cadres, and insti- 
tutions for education and training. The support of the population 

* In 1936, when Snow met Mao Tsetung in Yenan. 



was its overwhelming prime condition. It must not be an army of 
occupation, but like fish in water, an army of the people. 

The peasantry was the Vast paradise* in which there was great 
opportunity for the weak Communist Party to consolidate and 
develop its armed strength. Mao’s strategic thinking during 
these rigorous weeks and months at Chingkangshan meant a 
thorough sifting of the problems of the Chinese Revolution, and 
a solution. Why Is It That Red Political Power Can Exist in China?, 

written in Maoping, a hamlet of the Chingkangshan base, in 
October 1928, analyses the internal political situation, and the 
reasons for the survival of a Red structure though surrounded 
by enemy forces. In his vivid descriptive Struggle in the Chingkang 
Mountains of November 1928, Mao wrote in detail of the work 

and the fighting, the policies of survival and build-up tliroughout 
that year at Chingkangshan. 

China was not at the stage of all-out socialist revolution, but 
still at the stage of a bourgeois-democratic revolution, wrote 
Mao. This stage could only be completed under the leadership 
of the working class, but it did mean entirely different policies 
and techniques. The aims of the bourgeois-democratic revolution, 
which had been Sun Yatsen’s aims, had been subverted by Chiang 
Kai-shek, but not all of the Kuomintang was with Cliiang, hence 
the extreme left policies applied by the CCP were quite wrong; 
they isolated the Party and the Army from the ‘masses’ (‘cold and 
aloof’ because of these ultra-left methods) and from a very large 
and possible ally, the petty bourgeoisie, as well as a section of the 
national capitalist class. 

In these two essays of the Chingkangshan period the main ideas 
of Mao’s strategy appear. The relation between the national and 
the social revolution is clearly defined in stages. The problem of 
leadership, of creating leadership, looms large as well as the 
absolute necessity of armed struggle and the building of a people s 
Red Army: ‘Without a people’s army the people have nothing 
is the logical conclusion. How and in what manner it will be 
built is of fundamental importance. 

The defeat of 1927 was ‘a blow to the petty bourgeoisie and the 
national bourgeoisie as well’, Mao wrote. ‘The national hour- 



geoisic had never really held pow'cr from the restrictions imp(')secl 
by the reactionary policies of the big landlord class and the big 
bourgeoisie in power.’ These fine distinctions reveal that Mao 
was still searching for a formula to rally majorities, wresting allies 
from even such unlikely groups as national capitalists, and thus 
re-creating a sort of a united front. Even if these allies were 
Vacillating’ and the alliance temporary, they were still needed 
and useful. In all this Mao was displaying a subtle psychological 
tactic for sifting, dividing, and breaking up enemy blocs into 
allies, neutrals, and targets for attack. 

The existence of a Red Army of adequate strength was ‘a 
necessary condition for the existence of Red political power’. 
Again and again through the decades the supreme importance of 
the Red Army as a pillar of Communist power is stressed in all 
of Mao’s work. But at all times the Army must be subordinate to 
the Party, framed by the Party, directed by its policies. Hence the 
important condition required ‘for the prolonged existence and 
development of Red political power [is] that the Communist 
Party organization should be strong and its policy correct’. 

Rebuilding the Party organizations on a mass base was a task 

fundamental to the strategy of power, and this was accomplished 

at Chingkangshan by the Red Army. It was the Red Army which 

cradled, protected and nourished the young Party, but it was the 

Party which gave the Red Army its reason for existence, and both 

were nurtured by the people. It was through the Red Army, 

carrying out the policies of the Party, that the agrarian revolution, 

essential for the support of the masses, could be carried out, but 

without the revolutionary masses they could not exist. This 

complex triple relationship of masses-Party-Army forms the basis 

of Mao’s organizational principles, and they have not varied for 
the last forty years. 

Because of this theoretical analysis based on Chinese conditions, 
Mao Tsetung argued that at all times advantage must be taken of 
the enemy s weakness, such as inter-warlord strife, the historical 
weakness of provincial armed forces at borders between provinces, 
strife between Chiang Kai-shek and provincial warlords. The 
establishment of a Red rural base and its survival were unique: 



‘it cannot occur in any imperialist country [as in Europe or the 
United States then] or in any colony under direct imperialist 
rule’. It was due essentially to China’s great unevenness of de- 
velopment, her disjointed state as a ‘semi-colonial, semi-feudal’ 

So long as splits and wars continued within the camp of the 
Kuomintang and the warlords in alliance with it (but often at 
war with it), so long could an armed regime of workers and 
peasants also continue to exist and develop, provided the problem 
of leadership was solved. On this question, Mao was ruthlessly 
frank, listing the opportunism, localism, ‘evil feudal practice of 
arbitrary dictation’ with ‘no liking for the bothersome democratic 
system’, of Party cadres. It was to provide a basic democracy in 
the Party, and in the Army, that Mao stressed the need for soldiers’ 
committees, conferences of soldiers’ representatives, debates and 

The Chingkangshan period is thus of great importance, 
because Mao Tsetung wrestled with so many fundamental 
problems affecting the structure of a new model for the Chinese 
Revolution, in which recognition of the peasant component, the 
importance of rural bases, the strategy of the countryside sur- 
sounding the cities, the Red Army, were all his creations. 

The emphasis on agrarian revolution in rural areas as an essential 
for the consolidation of Red power and the building up of an 
all-China Red Army was to create a new military science, the 
strategy and tactics of ‘revolutionary people’s war’. 

In that late February and early March of 1928, as winter still 
harrowed Chingkangshan and freezing rain soaked the ill-clad, 
ill-fed men, Mao received Ho Ting-yin, a delegate representing 
the South Hunan Special Party committee. This was a body set 
up by the Central Committee after the November plenum for the 
purpose of arousing insurrections in South Hunan. Ho Ting-ym 
came with orders to Mao to lead his small forces on an armed 
attempt in South Hunan, in line with the ‘high tide of revolu- 
tion’ theory evolved at the November plenum. Mao indicated 
that he did not think there was a ‘high tide’, as announced by 


the Politburo. The time was unpropitious for such militar\' 

‘At the same time, Ho criticized us for having leaned to rlic 
right, for having done too little burning and killing, and for 
having failed to carry out the so-called policy of turning tlie petty 
bourgeois into proletarians and forcing them into the revolution,’ 
wrote Mao. (Ho Ting-yin may have brought the news of Mao’s 
expulsion from the Central Committee, and from the Hunan 
Provincial Committee as well.) 

Ho Ting-yin then ‘abolished tiie Front Committee’, which 
meant that technically Mao was no longer in charge of the Red 
Army, and then ordered the troops to fight in south Hunan 
pitched battles against some large warlord troops. ‘Conscc]ucntly 
the Hunan-Kiangsi border area [Chingkangshan base] was 
occupied by the enemy for more than a month ... At the end of 
March came the defeat in South Hunan.’ In tliese words Mao 
alluded to the six counties being almost totally overrun by five 
battalions of warlord troops under two generals (both named 
Yang). Thus Mao nearly lost the base he had taken all winter to 
build. He lost control of the troops as Ho took over. The latter 
carried out the ‘killing, burning and butchering’ policy which 
was the line of the plenum, antagonized a great many middle 

peasants and small landlords, and hence the defeat, as these all 
turned against the Red Army. 

When the troops returned from south Hunan, they too had lost 
a good many men; and now another campaign had to be under- 
taken to get rid of the occupying forces. Mao’s need for men and 
guns, for hospital care for the wounded, was urgent. He tried 
all methods to win over again the hearts of the peasantry, liis 
mass base; he set the soldiers to dig entrenchments. He was now 
only the secretary of the Special Committee for Chingkangshan. 
And then, as so often in his life, occurred an event which was to 
turn the tide in his favour. This was the arrival of Chu Teh. 

We must now take up the tale of Chu Teh, since the with- 
drawal from Nanchang city in August 1927, the previous year. 
Chu Teh had moved southward with the other insurrectionists; 
the bulk of the Red troops entered Fukien province and reached 



the large and wealthy city of Swatow. Swatow being an overseas 
Chinese stronghold sympathetic to Sun Yatsen, as well as a large 
port, its capture would have greatly benefited the Communists. 
But the capture of Swatow was a transient affair; the revolu- 
tionary forces withdrew and dispersed. Chu Teh, who had been 
in the rear, was left with a thousand men. Pursuing evasive guerilla 
action, Chu Teh joined forces with an old friend of his, a Kuo- 
mintang military commander. Thus Chu Teh did not take part 
in the attack upon Kuangchow city, the setting up of the Kuang- 
chow commune, and the withdrawal from Kuangchow in 
December, followed by a White Terror of gruesome cruelty. 
These three attempts to capture a city, Nanchang, Swatow, and 
Kuangchow, as a Communist base, and the resultant failures 
decimated the Red troops. Now only stubborn valour sustained 
them, as they withdrew and dispersed. 

By joining with the Kuomintang, Chu Teh seemed to have 
given up his beliefs, but this was a feint, for shortly afterwards 
(in January 1928) he left this obliging friend, renaming his army 
the Fourth Red Army (two regiments and one battalion), since 
it was the remnants of the Fourth ‘Ironsides’ Army of the 
Northern Expedition, and made liis way through the countryside 
to South Hunan. There he participated in the hapless insurrection 
ordered by the Hunan Special Committee, into which Mao s 
troops had also been drawn. The retreating Chu Teh came m 
contact with Mao’s brother Mao Tse-tan, who was doing 
dangerously heroic work as liaison, and seems to have been per- 
petually moving about the villages of Hunan (as was Mao s 
adopted sister, who was butchered in Hcngyang, where she did 
underground work, by the Kuomintang in 1929). 

Chu Teh’s troops were in an exhausted state; they had no base, 
they had truly become roving guerilla bands. Although supported 
by the poor— even little boys of eleven and twelve from the mines, 
were trying to join up to ‘kill the landlords, share the land — 
Chu Teh’s army was facing destruction, as every engagement 
cost him more men. His only course was to join Mao at Ching- 
kangshan. This alone, had the Politburo used its brains, would 
have shown the importance of Mao’s base. 

THt IIRST Rl-D RASt: Tllii IIRST LlilT LlNli 225 

The decision of Chu Teh to join Mao at Chingkangshan was 
thus partly due to an invitation from Mao, conveyed by Mao 
Tse-tan, and partly due to the perilous situation in which Chu 
Teh found himself. By the end of April, Chu had arrived in 
Linghsien county, at the foot of the massif The campaign against 
Mao’s base was in full blast. It was a combined warlord and 
Kuomintang operation, outnumbering Mao’s depleted men by 
twenty to one. Chu Teh himself was in great danger, for the way 
up the mountain was barred by enemy troops. Most of the six 
counties were rcoccupicd by the enemy after the disastrous 
initiative of the ‘south Hunan insurrection’, and a perpetual see- 
saw of battles round the mountain fortress took place; it was to 
continue, off and on, all the rest of the year. At this moment, 
Mao Tsetung, with the only two battalions he now had, came 
down from the mountain like an avalanche, in a swift and daring 
onslaught, hacking open a road for Chu Teh and his troops so 
that they could reach safety. 

Visitors to Chingkangshan arc shown, in Ningkang county, 
the plain where the historic meeting between Chu Teh and Mao 
Tsetung took place; at the small town of Talung, now a pros- 
perous brigade but at that time a primitive poor village. A com- 
memorative stone is set up on the plain where the two met, by a 
mountain stream. Mao was all smiles as he hugged Chu Teh. 
This meeting was to begin a co-operation and a legend, wliich 
would last nearly forty years, between Chu Teh and Mao 
Tsetung. The legend of perfect harmony was exploded during 
the Cultural Revolution; but it remains a fascinating human 
story of two human beings, with their dedication and their dis- 
agreements. We must content ourselves with imperfect know- 
ledge, though valuable. Mao’s relationship with the men around 
him will never be fully known ; we have the right to ponder them, 
and the final appraisal is yet to be made. But one thing is certain, 
Chu Teh was never a conspirator, greedy for power. He had his 
defects and often acted with rashness, but he would be Mao’s 
faithful friend too, and Mao Tsetung would never forget or 
abandon him. 

It is said that Chu Teh was not in agreement with Mao when 



he arrived, and actually had received instructions to oppose him. 
This may be true, but he was certainly won over by Mao’s 
persuasive talent and sincerity of purpose, touched by the warmth 
with which he was received, and the personal sacrifice involved 
when Mao led all the men he had left to hack a way up the 
slopes, through enemy armies, for him. The immediate result 
of this merger was that, with strengthened troops, Mao and Chu 
Teh were able to rout the attackers and reap a brilliant victory. 
The aid of the population in the ravaged districts now proved 
itself effective; Yuan Wen-tsai, the ‘bandit’, also joined in the 
battle, which was catastrophic for the two Yang warlords. This 
common victory soldered the alliance between Mao and Chu 
Teh, and between the soldiers who had endured the winter and 
the tired remnants who had survived so many battles against 
superior numbers. Chu Teh and his troops were then quartered 
at Maoping, and there a conference was held in May. 

The Maoping Conference of May 20, 1928, also called the 
First Congress of the Border Area (Chingkangshan), was a 
seminal conference, and Mao dominated it even though the news 
of his ‘expulsion’ was now generally known. Chu Teh was to call 
it the ‘most important party conference after the counter- 
revolution began’. The conference reviewed the history of the 
Chinese Revolution. Mao Tsetung advanced five basic points, 
characteristics of the Chinese revolutionary war, now in its 
‘agrarian revolutionary war’ stage. These characteristics in turn 
were to determine the political and military strategy adopted. 
They were to be developed and expanded in a Second Congress, 
also held at Maoping, in October 1928.* 

Because these ideas represent a total strategy for revolution, it 
is important for anyone who wants to understand the Revolution, 
and Mao, to make the effort of grasping them. And it is also 
important to realize that through the dreary dragging winter of 
bitterness and suffering on Chingkangshan, the mind of Mao 
Tsetung had been so active, creating an entirely new concept of 

Revolution for China. 

* A portion of Mao Tsetung’s report at the Second Maoping Conference is 
incorporated in Why Is It That Red Political Power Can Exist in China? 



Mao’s basic idea was that there could be no delimitation, no 
partition between military action and political-economic- 
agrarian policies in the Chinese Revolution. ‘Since the struggle 
in the Border Area is exclusively military, both the Party and 
the masses have to be placed on a war footing.’ Even Stalin had 
remarked that in China it was armed revolution against armed 
counter-revolution which characterized the Chinese situation 
(December 1927). This indivisibility of Party-Army would be a 

long-term phenomenon. 

The five characteristics Mao brought out were: 

(1) China was a semi-feudal, semi-colonial country with un- 
even development of the Revolution, few workers in coastal 
cities, and a vast countryside with a large population of peasants. 

(2) China was large and had many resources, especially man- 
power, The masses had already proved what they were capable 
of in the Revolution, but the Communist leadership (meaning 
the Chen Tu-hsiu leadership) had followed ‘incorrect policies’. 
Now a Red Army was being created (workers-peasants-soldicrs). 
It was a people’s army, absolutely essential for the Revolution. 
But it must be placed under the Party’s control. ‘Our principle is 
that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be 
allowed to command the Party.’ 

(3) The White Kuomintang regime was now strong, yet it was 
divided; the divisions and internal conflicts must be utilized by 
revolutionaries, but at the present time it was dangerous to 
attack it. In these words Mao showed his disagreement with the 
foolhardy military enterprises ordered by Chu Chiu-pai. 

(4) The Revolution was now at a low ebb, said Mao, going 
directly against the 'high tide’ theory of the Politburo. This was a 
time for building up bases, educating the masses, nurturing the 
forces of the Revolution, and rebuilding a Party based on demo- 
cratic centralism, not a time for offensives and large scale up- 
risings. The strategy and tactics of the forces must be based on the 
defensive; there must be no ‘military adventurism’. Supplies of 
food, clothing, weapons, were precarious. Hence the military 
tactics should be: 



^ The enemy advances, we retreat. 

The enemy halts, we harass. 

The enemy withdraws, we attack. 

The enemy retreats, we pursue. ^ 

These were the tactics of guerilla warfare, classic tenets of revolu- 
tionary peoples’ war. 

(5) The agrarian revolution was essential if the bases (and the 
Red power and Army) were to survive. Therefore in building a 
people s army and party, prominence must be given to land 
reform; only through it could the ample support of the peasants 
be achieved, only through land reform could mass organizations 

be built; recruits be found, and leadership talent reared up from 
the masses. 

Mao wrote that the revolutionary army would expand be- 
cause its rank and file would come from the agrarian revolution, 
and because commanders and officers were at one with the men. 

The three main rules of discipline and eight points for attention, 
or code of the Red Army, were also drawn up at the Maoping 
Conference. They remain the cardinal principles of the Red 
Army today. Only 6 points were elaborated by Mao, points 6 
and 7 were added at Lin Piao’s suggestion, it is said, in the sum- 
mer of 1928.* 

The three main rules of discipline are; 

(1) Obey orders in all your actions. 

(2) Do not take a single needle or piece of thread from the 

(3) Turn in everything you have captured. 

The eight points ‘for attention’ are: 

(1) Speak politely to the people. 

(2) Pay fairly for what you buy. 

(3) Return everything you borrow. 

(4) Pay for anything you damage. 

* This is hearsay, and is also to be found in several historical exposes in Chinese 
museums. But there has not been official confirmation of this point. 


( 5 ) 



( 8 ) 

Replace all doors and return all straw on which you 

Dig latrines away from houses and fill them with earth 

when you leave. 

Do not take liberties with women. 
Do not ill-treat captives. . 

These were to be learned by heart and sung by all soldiers of the 
Red Army. 

The First Maoping Conference also decided that the Ching- 
kangshan base should consolidate, the six counties be retaken, 
then gradually expand. Mao Tsetung’s policy of moderation 
towards middle peasants and petty merchants was accepted by the 
conference (though not by the Central Committee). The creation 
of peasant militia and Red Guards was to be carried out. It was 
thus a Mao programme which was adopted. Mao was to develop, 
through this experience, the concept of ‘fluctuation’. The area 
controlled by a fluctuant base might shrink or swell as it was 
attacked or as attacks were repelled, but the main thing was 
people, not territory. So long as the people were organized, and 
the organization held fast, the land could always be retaken. 

Chu Teh was named commander-in-chief of the Red Army, 
now nearly 4,000 strong, and redesignated as the Fourth Red 
Army of Workers and Peasants. Mao Tsetung accepted the 
merger, becoming Party representative in the Fourth Army. They 
were to double in numbers when joined at the end of 1928 by 
other groups wliich had found themselves in the same predica- 
ment as Chu Teh’s. 

For a few short spring weeks, things became much better. The 
soldiers were heartened by the additional weapons, the men, and 
the victories. The base had enough manpower to build fortifica- 
tions, dig entrenchments, and carry rice up from the plains. 
Chu Teh carried rice with the rest, and his pole is still shown as a 
museum exhibit. Medical and teaching personnel had also come 
in. Mao directed all political work in the Army and among the 

* The Red Army borrowed doors (made of wood planks and easily unhinged) 
and straw to sleep on. These were returned to the peasants in the morning. 



peasantry, insisting the Political Department was the ‘lifeline of 
all work in the Army*. He promoted the miners from Anyuan, 
more politically advanced, to become political instructors and 
officers. An Army-Party committee was created to control the 
political educative process; soldiers’ committees were set up 
throughout the newly arrived troops. ‘Everyone fought and 
everyone did political work,’ which broke down ‘military 

‘The troops were taught the history of the Revolution, of 
foreign aggression, methods of mass leadership and organization, 
how to carry on propaganda with enemy troops, singing and 
public speaking,’ Agnes Smedlcy writes. ‘A special training 
detachment was formed consisting of some of the staunchest, 
most experienced miners.* Reading, writing, arithmetic were 
taught by officers to their men. The men sat on the ground tracing 
characters and figures in the dirt since there were no paper or 
pencils. But the most powerful educational method consisted of 
the conference — debate. All rank disappeared, soldiers had full 
rights to free speech ... Not only were battles and campaigns 
discussed, but the individual conduct of any commander or 
fighter could be criticized,’ The inarticulate peasant thus learned 
to think, to express himself; he became responsible, valuing his 
own worth as a member of a great revolutionary company. 

Besides the Red Army, Mao paid special care to the Red Guards, 
who now disposed of 683 rifles. They represented the guerilla 
peasantry, were the lookouts and watchers, meanwhile continu- 
ing their ordinary occupations. Thanks to this network, when 
Chingkangshan was attacked there was now warning beforehand. 
The local militia organized in each village supplemented the 
Red Army and was also a source of recruitment for it. Mao 
lectured on the ‘indissoluble link’ between Party, Army, and the 
masses of the people. He insisted on popular representation; he 
would draft a detailed organic law for the People s Councils 
established in the counties controlled by the base, to provide 
mass participation in their administration. 

* For instance, Keng Piao, once an Anyuan miner, who followed Mao to 
Chingkangshan, became ambassador to Albania and is now a Minister. 



But this satisfactory state of consolidation was brief The 
conflict between Mao Tsetung’s line and that of the Central 
Committee was not at an end. Mao would not be rehabilitated 
till the Sixth Congress Quly-September 1928); meanwhile, further 
irrational directives from the Central Committee and the Hunan 
Provincial Committee again almost destroyed what he had built. 
In the next months and years Mao would be facing drastic 
choices: compliance with orders from above which would mean 
disaster for the Revolution, or rejecting these orders, which would 
mean indiscipline and being censured. It was this long ‘tempering 
in ideological struggle’ that he underwent which he feels is 
essential in learning to discern correct from incorrect policies. 
Hence, far from shunning these conflicts, he would look upon 
them as a valuable experience, teaching patience, resilience, 
endurance, and firmness of purpose, indispensable adjuncts to 
any revolutionary’s political education. Meanwhile he went on, 
on the one hand with the large, all-encompassing vision, creating 
a new, grandiose blueprint for the conquest of power, on the 
other materializing these abstract theories in a thousand practical, 
down-to-earth, meticulously detailed directives and activities. 
Hence nothing he wrote is to be regarded as trivial; it was as 
essential to return straw bedding as it was to capture villages. 
And so, in a thousand ways, the Chinese Revolution grew in the 
mountains of Chingkangshan. 

‘In April [1928] after the whole of our army [Chu Teh’s Fourth 
Army] arrived ... there was still not much burning and killing, 
but the expropriation of the middle merchants in town and 
collection of compulsory contributions from the small landlords 
and rich peasants were now rigorously enforced ... This ultra- 
left policy of attacking the petty bourgeoisie drove most of them 
to the side of the landlords ... with the result that they put on 
white ribbons and opposed us.’ 

The Maoping Conference of May 1928 reversed some of the 
highly unpopular policies which had succeeded in turning the 
masses against the Communists. ‘Thanks to these proper tactics ... 
we were able to win a number of military victories and expand 



the people’s independent regime from April to July. Although 
several times stronger than we, the enemy was unable to prevent 
the expansion ... let alone destroy it.’ ‘We fought the enemy for 
four long months, daily enlarging the territory . . . deepening the 
agrarian revolution, extending the people’s political power and 
expanding the Red Army and the Red Guards. This was possible 
because the policies of the Party organizations (local and army) 
in the Border Area [the Cliingkangshan base] were correct.’ 
There was a large increase in Party members in all six counties. 

In the April to July series of battles, Lin Piao, then twenty-one, 
distinguished himself, particularly at the battle of Lungyuankou, 
and caught Mao’s attention. The younger man seemed attracted 
to Mao by the latter’s wide span of ideas, and his military origi- 
nality, Lin Piao, too, would not always agree with Mao Tsetung; 
but he seemed his best pupil in military matters. On June 23, 
1928, Lin Piao lured five enemy regiments in Yunghsin county 
into pursuing the Red forces into the mountains, then swooped 
upon them in a narrow place and cut them to pieces. This, called 
the victory of Lungyuankou, was to become a favourite tactic 
of Lin Piao’s, based on Mao’s military ideas. 

But now, once again, the ‘left’ line of Chu Chiu-pai interfered. 
‘The Hunan Provincial Committee advocated three different 
plans within a few weeks of JuneandJuly ... each ... the absolutely 
correct policy to be carried out without the least hesitation. In 
June, a man called Yuan Teh-sheng, representative of the Hunan 
Provincial Committee, arrived at the base, and approved of the 
measures taken to establish political power and the independent 
regime of Chingkangshan ; that is, he approved of the Maoping 
Conference and its results. Butin July two other emissaries named 
Tu and Yang came, with orders for an immediate military 
operation to be carried out in South Hunan, leaving only 200 
men and rifles at the base. ‘How can there be Marxism in the 
mountains of Chingkangshan?’ they said. They found fault with 
everything, castigated the set-up, and transmitted orders for the 
Army to move out of the base and advance to attack as the 
‘absolutely correct policy’. Ten days later Yuan Teh-sheng re- 
turned with a letter ‘rebuking us at great length and urging the 


Red Army to set out immediately to East, not South, Hunan, 
and again describing tliis as the ‘absolutely correct’ policy to be 
carried out ‘without the least hesitation’. ‘These rigid directives 
put us in a real dilemma ... Failure to comply would be tan- 
tamount to disobedience, while compliance would mean certain 

Faced with these caprices of the Hunan Provincial Committee, 
Mao Tsetung termed both these sets of contradictory orders 
suicidal, and called a conference of the Party-Army committee. 
On July 4, at Yunghsin, where Mao was now staying, he pro- 
duced a reply ‘in seven reasoned paragraphs’ showing the dangers 
inherent in both these instructions, urging that the army remain 
where it was. 

Tu and Yang, however, went off to the headquarters of the 
Twenty-ninth Regiment of the Fourth Army, to persuade 
individual commanders to leave the base and fight in South 
Hunan. In this they succeeded. The Twenty-ninth Regiment, now 
homesick, and tired of the privations and asceticism of Ching- 
kangshan, was persuaded to attack several county towns. They 
suffered very heavy losses. Yang created a rival committee and 
took Mao’s place as secretary; at the same time the major detach- 
ment of the Red Army, which was on operations to control the 
counties previously overrun, was now deflected from its tasks 
and also ordered to go fighting in South Hunan. In this change of 
plans, Chu Teh, as commander-in-chief, seems to have, possibly 
from a sense of loyalty, obeyed the orders of Tu and Yang from 
the Provincial Committee, despite Mao’s protests. 

The result of this disastrous South Hunan expedition was that 
the whole of the Fourth Red Army, except one regiment recupe- 
rating from fighting, left the base and, in August, incurred a 50 
per cent loss in pointless battles. The newly expanded base was 
left unprotected. This was ‘the August defeat’ described in detail 
by Mao.* Through it, all that had been gained from April to 
July was again lost. The ultra-left policies were again rigorously 
enforced by Tu and Yang, now in control, and once more the 
‘intermediate’ classes, the petty merchants and traders, the middle 

* Selected Works, vol. I, pp. 76-77. 

8 * 



peasants turned against the Red Army. Mao’s patient mass work 
was undone once more. 

Mao then attempted to bring back the remains of his army. He 
led some soldiers of the regiment he had left to Kweitung, in 
South Hunan, to catch up with the defeated main forces, rescue 
them, and make them return to base. On the 23 rd of August he 
reached them, and on the 25th held a meeting. The regiments 
were in full mutiny; the 29th regiment wanted to go home, the 
28th did not want to return, a commander defected. Mao spoke 
to the men, to the officers, debating with them, analysing the 
cause of defeat. ‘We want to go home,’ they shouted. Mao argued 
with them and was able to bring many of them round. And so 
he led them the weary way back to Chingkangshan. 

Profiting from the absence of the Red Army, ‘enemy units 
from Hunan and Kiangsi seized the opportunity to attack the 
Chingkang Mountains on August 30. Using their points of van- 
tage, the defending troops, numbering less than one battalion, 
fought back, routed the enemy and saved the base.’ 

This was the famous battle of Huang Yang Chieh (August 30, 
1928), one of the five passes into the mountain complex, which an 
elated Mao celebrated in a poem.* The erstwhile ‘bandit’ forces of 
Yuan Wen-tsai and Wang Tso, who had remained behind, played 
a great part in keeping Chingkangshan against the enemy, as did 
the local population, who planted bamboo spikes in all the passes 
and fired off an old wooden cannon, making great noises with 
drums and howling. Mao was delighted with the victory and the 
valour of the Chingkangshan Hakkas, men and women. The 
exhausted main detachment came back, the wounded were very 
numerous, and again all had to be rebuilt. The base counties had 
once again been overrun by looting troops on the rampage. 
Harvests had been burned. The population now was definitely 
more hostile. 

Came September, autumn, and little to eat. Difficulties in- 
creased. The ultra-left line had alienated the people; the costly 
and stupid battles had depleted the forces. Battles were now 
continual between the base and the surrounding enemy, which 

* Reproduced at the end of the chapter. 


assaulted time and again. The base needed everything, weapons, 
clothes, medicines. The soldiers had little to eat and wear. They 
got up at night to drill, in order to keep warm, 

‘How to fxght has become the central problem in our daily 
life.’ The Red Army consisted partly of workers and peasants 
‘and partly of lumpen proletariat" (here Mao meant the bandits 
Yuan and Wang, so contemptuously described by the envoys of 
Chu Chiu-pai). Because of mcessant attacks, it was ‘already no 
easy matter to get replacements even from among them’ (the 
lumpen proletariat). The Red Army had abolished the mercenary 
system, had equal distribution of oil, salt, firewood and vege- 
tables; each company, battalion or regiment had its soldiers’ 
committees; Party representatives were at company level — but 
the hardships endured were enormous. ‘Cold as the weather is, 
many of our men are still wearing only two layers of thin 
clothing ... Fortunately we are inured to hardships.’ ‘From the 
commander of the army to the cook everyone lives on the daily 
food allowance of 5 cents, apart from grain.’ Because of the in- 
cessant battles, there were ‘many wounded . . . many officers and 
men are ill from malnutrition, exposure to cold and other causes’ ; 
and yet such was the morale that ‘newly captured soldiers'* feel 
that though in material life worse off in the Red Army than in the 
White Army, spiritually they are liberated ... the Red Army is 
like 2L furnace in which all captured soldiers are melted down and 
transformed’. Mao added that ‘apart from the role played by the 
Party, the reason why the Red Army had been able to carry on in 
spite of such poor material conditions and such frequent engage- 
ments’ (over eighteen large and small in twelve months) ‘is its 
practice of democracy’. ‘In China the army needs democracy as 
much as the people do.’ 

More than 6o per cent of the land in the border areas where the 
base was located belonged to the landlords — in some counties up 
to 80 per cent. ‘Therefore, given this situation, it is possible to win 
the support of the majority for the confiscation of all the land.’ 
But there was a difficulty; that of the ‘intermediate class’, stand- 
ing between the big and middle landlords and the poor peasants. 

* See end of chapter. 



Because of the ultra-left line of complete confiscation, the inter- 
mediate class had been alienated, and a great deal of obstruction 
had resulted. The small landlords and rich peasants had defected 
to the enemy, led the KMT forces to enter and to commit atro- 
cities. ‘The most difficult problem ... is to keep a firm hold on the 
intermediate class — this class has attached itself almost wholly to 
the big landlord class, and the poor peasant class has become 
isolated. This is indeed a very serious problem.* 

Mao also pointed out that mass meetings ‘called on the spur of 
the moment* could not train the masses politically. ‘The reason is 
the lack of propaganda and education concerning the new political 
system. The evil feudal practice of arbitrary dictation is so deeply 
rooted on the minds of the people and even of the ordinary 
Party members that it cannot be swept away at once; when any- 
thing crops up, they choose the easy way and have no liking for 
this bothersome democratic system . . . 

‘Owing to the tight enemy blockade and oar mishandling of the 
petty bourgeoisie* trade has almost entirely ceased, necessities 
such as salt, cloth, medicines are scarce and costly, agricultural 
products cannot be sent out.* Poor peasants were more able to 
bear these hardships, but not the intermediate class, and ‘unless a 
nationwide revolutionary situation develops, the small indepen- 
dent Red regimes will come under great economic pressure and 
it is doubtful whether they will be able to last\ (Author’s italics.) 

Within the Party organization, Mao wrote, ‘manifestations of 
opportunism [in the last twelve months, since October 1927] 
continue to be widespread*. All this made it difEcult to organize 
a ‘militant Bolshevik Party*. In September, after the August 
defeat, Mao ordered a drastic shake-up of the Party in Ching- 
kangshan and re-registration of Communist Party members. This 
was the first ‘rectification’ he had conducted at a Red base. We 
do not know how effective the results were. Possibly in view of 
having to leave the base, he now set on foot underground Party 
organizations and cells. The structures were the same as the visible 
ones, but now they could function even if the base was overrun 
by the Kuomintang, as indeed it would be within the next year. 

* From Kuomintang and warlord troops who attacked Chingkangshan. 


The Second Maoping Conference (October-November 1928: 
also called the Second Conference of the Border Area) was the 
occasion for a summing-up of all the experiences through that 
gruelling year. Mao could then write fully to the Central Com- 
mittee, justifying all he had done. With courtesy but relentless 
logic, he exposed the wrongheadedness of the directives, and his 
indignation at the human losses incurred comes through. 

Mao Tsetung emphasized the paramount importance of army- 
political indoctrination; a ratio of one Party member to two non- 
Party in the Army would now be his aim. (Today it is still the 
ratio in the Red Army.) By stressing the importance of the 
‘intermediate’ class, the middle peasantry, petty traders and 
craftsmen, he refuted the ultra-left policy of lumping them all 
with ‘landlords and rich peasants’ to kill. The conference had 
passed resolutions on Prohibition of Reckless Burning and Killing 
and Protection of the Interests of the Middle and Small Merchants. 
This line against terrorism, against ultra-leftism, would be Mao’s 
all through the next decades. 

The land law, which had been promulgated in the base terri- 
tory in September, was too drastic because it ordered confiscation 
and redistribution of all land instead of only landlord land. Mao 
realized this error by the year’s end; he would change the law in 
April 1929 to ‘confiscate public land and the land of the landlord 
class’.* He would also continue to make provision for the pro- 
tection of merchants in county towns. The experience of Ching- 
kangshan confirmed his natural bent for flexible practical policies 
based on meticulous investigation. But there was a storm of 
abuse against Mao not only from the provincial committee in 
Hunan but also the one in Kiangsi (since the base area straddled 
both); abuse which later was to be reiterated by the next secretary- 
general in charge of the Party who replaced Chu Chiu-pai in that 
autumn of 1928 — none other than Li Li-san. ‘Rifle movement’, 

conservatism’, ‘peasant consciousness’, ‘localism’, ‘guerillaism’, 
‘alliance with bandits and lumpen proletariat' were hurled at 
Mao. But in spite of this his work was being highly spoken of 
even in Moscow at the Comintern. From July to September of 

* Land law of Hsingkuo county; sec next chapter. 



1928, the Chinese Communist Party was holding its Sixth Con- 
gress in Moscow, and Chu Chiu-pai was already out, though 
Mao may not have known of this till later, in November. The 
reason for Chu’s deposition was his ultra-leftism; the Comintern 
had done some reappraisal of the situation. 

Enemy harassment continued through September, October, 
November, against Chingkangshan. In October more pro- 
Communist groups ascended to the fortress. This time it was 
Peng Teh-huai who came with his troops, bringing the number 
to about 8,000. Peng Teh-huai was a Kuomintang officer who 
had revolted and joined the Communist Party in April 1928. 
He too had been ordered to launch insurrections in Hunan, was 
defeated in July, and like Chu Teh had to seek shelter in the 
Chingkangshan base. But now, with the bitter winter approach- 
ing, the base could not cope with this influx of men. There was 
simply not enough to eat. ‘Make revolution and eat squash!’ the 
soldiers shouted. But even squash was difficult to get. 

In early December another large enemy force of no less than 
eighteen regiments was launched against Chingkangshan. 
Grievous battles took place. It was freezing, the men were 
starved. They no longer even shouted, ‘Make revolution and eat 
squash!’ Though Mao still insisted that the doctors of the Army 
should look after the population as well, there were no medicines. 
Some of Mao’s colleagues in the twenty-four-man Border Com- 
mittee he had organized in September urged abandoning the 
base and reverting to roving guerilla warfare. Mao still held to the 
notion of the base. ‘Wc hold as wc always held, that it is abso- 
lutely necessary and correct to build up and expand Red political 
power,’ wrote Mao. He asked for help, some medicines, supplies, 
but none were forthcoming. 

A conference was then held at Ningkang on January 4, 1929 J 
the conference it appears that it was Mao who decided that he and 
Chu Teh, with 4,000 men, should found another base, leaving 
Peng Teh-huai with 5,000 men at Chingkangshan. This is called 
the White Dew (Pai Lou) Conference. Again Mao criticized the 
‘roving bands’ idea, and then made ready to leave Chingkangshan. 

Except for a few advance squads, each soldier was issued some 



rounds of cartridges; the bulk of the ammunition was left on 
Chingkangshan. It is said that one of the first things that hap- 
pened was dissension between Peng Teh-huai and the two Hakka 
leaders, Yuan and Wang, with whom Mao had got on rather 
well. But there is no real evidence that Peng Teh-huai killed 
them, even if this is what is now being said.* Chingkangshan was 
attacked again by White forces and the base almost entirely 
evacuated. Save for the clandestine groups (created by Mao in 
September 1928), the Red Guards, and the (secret) peasant militia, 
by March 1929 the base was no longer the vital focus it had been. 
But the region remained a guerilla area. It would be 1937 before 
Chingkangshan would be revisited by Chen Yi, to revive the 
Party structures there and to recruit old cadres; from this area 
would come fighters to staff the New Fourth Army organized to 
fight the Japanese invasion. Mao had indeed succeeded in forging 
‘indissoluble links* between the people and their army, the Red 
Army, and this was the single most important factor of the grand 
strategy of building rural bases which started at Chingkangshan. 

As he left Chingkangshan, trudging on foot with Chu Teh and 
his men, the figure of Mao is already different from the energetic 
student, the dedicated young Communist. Already he carried 
with him a weight of experience, responsibility, leadership. It is 
as the teacher, the theoretician, as well as the administrator that 
we sec him moving with his men, down the passes framed by 
their boulders, leaving Chingkangshan. 

‘When I say that there will soon be a high tide of revolution in 
China, I am emphatically not speaking of something which in 
the words of some people is possibly coming, something illusory, 
unattainable, and devoid of significance for action. 

It is like a ship far out at sea whose masthead can already be 
seen from the shores. 

‘It is like the morning sun in the east whose shimmering rays are 
visible from a high mountaintop. 

‘It is like a child about to be born moving restlessly in its 
mother’s womb.’ 

* Interview, 1969. Such Red Guard and other material issued during the Great 
Proletarian Cultural Revolution must be handled with caution. 



Moving away from Chingkangshan, southward, the soldiers 
did not need to ask A'lao what they would do. They had been 
told. To make another base, to spread the Revolution, 


At the mountain foot our banners, 

On the mountain crest sound bugles and drums, 
The foe round us in their thousands. 

We stood fast, unmouing. 

Our defence a stout wall about us, 

Now our wills unite, impregnable fortress. 

From Huang Yang Chieh the thunder of guns. 
The enemy fades at night. 

* Poem dated autumn 1928; see page 234. The reference to banners at the foot 
of the mountain is because while the Hakkas and militia at the top were holding 
the passes, a small regiment left at the base, by forced marches, attacked the 
enemy in the rear. Thinking the armies had returned, the enemy fled after four 
attacks had been launched against the defenders on the crests. 


Mao Tsetung and Li Li-san: 
The Second ‘Left’ Line 

In the story of the Chinese Revolution, Mao’s relentless battles for 
what he deemed the correct road encountered many obstacles, not 
the least from comrades and colleagues whose hostility to Mao 
can possibly be explained in a Marxist analysis by *class stand- 
point’— but this explanation appears simplistic to non-idcologucs, 
for it docs not convey the presence of vindictiveness or empathy, 
the components of love, loyalty, rivalry, resentment, ambition, 
which give each episode the potential of a Greek play. Becoming 
a Party member does not sterilize emotion, it transmutes it, 
makes it express itself in political language; in the end, however 
deep we delve, to come upon the perplexing ‘class imprint’ 
answer still cannot answer all that wc ask. We shall not en- 
deavour to psychoanalyse each protagonist, but perhaps one day 
minute and painstaking research will tell us why Li Li-san disliked 
Mao Tsetung so much, why at first sight their friendship never 

The Mao-Li Li-san relationship is one which I fmd difficult to 
visualize as purely a political struggle, since so much of what Li 
Li-san did smacks of personal grudge. That Mao bore no personal 
resentment, sought no personal revenge, is not due to benevolence. 
The man had such trust in time and history to vindicate him, his 
inner dimension of spirit made him so different, that he probably 
never understood the grudge which some — especially intellectuals 
— seemed to bear against him. His enemies have fallen one by one, 
not through his actions but through their own inadequacy. Not 
that he does not exert himself to bring them down; for a picture 
of a long-suffering meek Mao, enduring all, is quite erroneous. 
He did bring them down, but he had an uncommon knack of 




doing SO by being so often right that some of his haters have 
argued that he was simply born lucky. That he was so often, so 
uncannily correct in so many ways could not be forgiven him. 
hdao himself, once he had won, had no need to be pitiless. He 
destroyed his enemies’ prestige and repute, showed them up, held 
them to ridicule. And the laughter of the audience was enough. 
He never felt the need to kill an adversary, it was much more 
satisfactory to let them live, shorn and diminished. The shallow 
Li Li-san would be a case study in overweening ambition, which 
made him join the Party, and which brought him down. There 
would be many others. 

While Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh were trudging among the 
mountains of South Kiangsi in that freezing January of 1929, Li 
Li-san was assuming power in the Shanghai headquarters of the 
Central Committee. To understand how this happened we must 
go back a few months. The repeated reverses of the Chu Chiu-pai 
leadership (also known in Chinese Communist history as the 
First Left Deviation’) had led, in the Comintern, to dismay and 
alarm. Stalin in March 1928 had already asked for a special 
investigation. Chu Chiu-pai, ChouEn-lai, and Li Li-san, members 
of the Chu Chiu-pai Politburo, all went to Moscow in June, and 
the Sixth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party was held 
there from July to September 1928. The policy of armed insur- 
rection and ultra-leftist ‘kill and burn’ was still carried out in the 
summer, leading to the August defeat at Chingkangshan which 
Mao described so vividly, despite the fact that already Chu’s line 
was condemned in Moscow. The time factor must always be 
reckoned with; news of the verdict came to the base only in 

One hundred delegates, it is said, attended the Sixth Congress. 
Besides those mentioned above, Liu Shao-chi under the name of 
Tchao Kang-ming, Chang Kuo-tao, Hsiang Ying, Chou En-lai 
and Tsai Ho-sen, Mao’s friend from Hunan, were also in Moscow. 
The ones not present were Mao and Chu Teh. Li Li-san even 
then derided Mao. ‘What kind of Marxism can there be in the 
mountains of Chingkangshan?’ 

The Sixth Congress repeated the thesis that ‘armed struggle is 



the sole path to the completion of the bourgeois democratic 
revolution*, but the concept of Chu Chiu-pai that there was a 
‘high tide’ was repudiated. There was no revolutionary rising tide 
at the moment. However, one should be prepared for its coming, 
by organizing armed insurrection. ‘The direction of work should 
have been resolutely shifted from direct armed insurrection on a 
large scale to better day-to-day organization and mobilization of 
the masses.’ Tliis condemned the southern Hunan uprisings and 
vindicated Mao. Though the Sixth Congress in its resolutions 
thus upheld Mao, there was much ambiguity in the fuial resolu- 
tions, which allowed of various interpretations. 

The issues at stake actually could only be certified correct or 
incorrect by trial and error, and there were several alternatives. 
One involved the building up of rural bases and a protracted 
struggle, the Mao concept; the second, a policy of continuous 
insurrections in both towns and countryside, the Chu Chiu-pai 
line, now rejected but still upheld by some at the congress; the 
third, utilizing the strength built up in the countryside once again 
to take cities and relieve the pressure on urban Communist 
organizations. This third alternative was adopted by Li Li-san, 
although it was not thus spelled out at the Sixth Congress. ‘The 
line of the Sixth Congress was ... basically correct.’* It had 
defmed the Chinese Revolution at that stage as still a bourgeois- 
democratic one; had defined the political situation as ‘an interval 
between two revolutionary high tides’. It had assessed the 
development of the Revolution as ‘uneven’. It had castigated 
‘putschism, military adventurism and commandism, which 
alienate the masses’. 

But the Sixth Congress also had ‘shortcomings’. It did not 
assess the ‘dual character’ of the intermediate classes, the middle 
class or petty bourgeoisie in the cities; and it ‘failed to understand 
the importance of rural base areas’. This would be the verdict of 
Mao at the Seventh Congress in 1945, when all historical ques- 
tions would be subject to scrutiny. Because of these omissions ‘the 
“left” ideas existing after the August 7 [1927] meeting’ were not 
eradicated. Li Li-san was to evolve another ‘left’ deviation. 

* Selected Works^ vol. Ill, p. 182. 



A new Politburo was elected. Although the timid Hsiang 
Chung-fa, a Communist of worker origin who had been a labour 
organizer in Wuhan, was made secretary of the CCP, Li Li-san 
was to wield the power as head of the Propaganda Department. 
Chou En-lai was in charge of organization and Liu Shao-chi of 
labour, which meant trade union work in cities. 

Li Li-san was six years younger than Mao. He was also from 
Hunan province, his father a schoolteacher. In 1919 he had gone 
to France in one of the work and study groups, and there met Tsai 
Ho-sen, Mao’s long-time friend, and Chou En-lai. He had joined 
the Communist Party branch formed there and in 1921 returned 
to China. In 1922 he became labour organizer at the Anyuan coal 
mines and director of the workers’ club. At the time Mao was 
secretary of the Hunan Party Committee and chairman of the 
Hunan branch of the Labour Federation. Li went against Mao’s 
ideas on how the Anyuan strike should be led, and associated 
himself with Liu Shao-chi’s policies. Li continued to rise in the 
hierarchy as a labour organizer; he was an extremely fluent man 
and according to Anna Louise Strong, who met him in 1927, an 
eloquent speaker, one of the most prominent at the time of the 
united front in Wuhan. He had taken part in the Nanchang 
uprising in August 1927, then gone to Shanghai, and was in 
Moscow for the Sixth Congress. 

In Moscow, where there was at the time some admiration for 
Mao, Li Li-san did his best to discredit him; he was responsible for 
the inclusion in a resolution in September 1928 of a warning 
against ‘peasant mentality’ — ‘If the danger of peasant mentality is 
not corrected, the Revolution will be liquidated entirely and the 
Party will die.’ As soon as he returned from Moscow he started to 
proclaim the danger of a shift from working-class leadership to 
the peasantry. This was to serve as a platform for attack against 
Mao Tsetung. 

The Li Li-san line regarded the creation and strengthening of 
rural bases as a danger to the working class. To Mao there was no 
contradiction between proletarian leadership and peasant mem- 
bership; the agrarian revolution being, as he had expounded, the 
necessary step in the two-stage revolution. At least 700 Anyuan 


workers and Shuikoushan lead miners were in his army. Tliere 
were only 4 million workers in China and 500 million peasants, a 
proportion of less than i per cent. Among his 4,000 Red Army 
men Mao had a far higher percentage in 1928, over 14 per cent. 
While on Chingkangshan, Mao had requested the Hunan commit- 
tee several times to send him more miners from Anyuan, and in 
December 1930 he was to go himself, again, to Anyuan to recruit 
miners for command posts. He had trained workers to become 
leaders of the peasant recruits. Peasants would also be trained to 
become workers in the arsenals and workshops created at the 
next Red base which Mao would set up. But for Li Li-san, 
peasants were a different breed from workers and they represented 
a danger to proletarian leadership. 

Li Li-san* s first action on his return to China was denunciation 
of ‘peasant mentality’ again, as in Moscow. Peasants, he said, 
constituted 70 to 80 per cent of the Party membership — ‘The 
peasant cannot have correct ideas regarding socialism’ ... ‘The 
peasantry is petty bourgeois ... it lacks organizational ability.’ This 
attack on ‘peasant consciousness’ was circulated just at the time 
Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh were leaving the base of Ching- 
kangshan. It had a bad effect on the rank and file of the Red Army. 
It was calculated to lessen Mao’s prestige. 

Li Li-san had been important in Communist labour organiza- 
tions since 1922; as a trade unionist he knew only Party work in 
the cities. But when he returned to Shanghai the workers in the 
cities, after the terrible massacres, were cowed, and the active 
Communists among them decimated. Li could gather less than 
4,000 workers in all China to mount strikes as a prelude to the 
general insurrection he contemplated. This alone should have 
taught Li Li-san a lesson in coolheaded calculation; In April 1927 
the Party had counted nearly 58,000 members, of whom approxi- 
mately 60 per cent were workers; in late 1927 Party membership 
was down to 10,000, in 1928 up again to 40,000, but only 10 per 
cent of these were workers. (In 1930, out of 122,318 members, 
only 8 per cent would be workers.) 

Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh, leading their 4,000 men, went 



through the winterbound mountains southward. Mao’s plan was 
the building up of a new base* which would have as its founda- 
tion several scattered Communist guerilla bands in Kiangsi, in an 
area where the terrible exactions of the Kuomintang had effec- 
tively radicalized the peasantry. There were also commanders 
and officers who had taken part in the actions in Swatow and 
Kuangchow of the previous year now hiding with their troops 
in these areas. Mao Tsetung would fuid them and link up with 

One pound of cooked rice, the clothes they stood in, and some 
rounds of ammunition were all that each of the men carried as 
they left the massif a week after the White Dew conference, on 
January 12, 1929. They went across the freezing ranges, walking 
by night and hiding by day. They struck at landlords and their 
private troops; the peasants who knew them came out to help. 
They revived the mass movement against landlords in several 
districts but were attacked and pursued; desperate battles with 
‘enemy troops swarming against them’ took place day after day. 
Snow fell, and as they trudged the wounded left blood marks 
upon it. They made desperate assaults for food, and were easily 
hunted down as they withdrew, by their all too visible tracks. 
They had only thin, ragged cotton clothes, they were covered 
with lice; less than half the soldiers had rifles, many died of cold 
and exposure. There were no medicines, no fuel for cooking, no 
rice to eat. And yet there were recruits, for the area was ripe for 
revolt. Mao was emaciated, his hair grew almost to his shoulders, 
he wore the same straw sandals as the soldiers and he insisted, still, 
on keeping the three/eight rules. At home in Shaoshan he had 
learned to weave sandals on a wooden lathe, but now there was 
no straw to be had. Among the 4,000 were 100 women. The snow 
lay deep in treacherous pockets; the icy wind screamed about 
the weathered slopes; there were no pathways, and the men 
sheltered behind boulders. They sometimes walked two or three 

* This is now represented in China as Mao’s own decision, but there may also 
have been an order for Mao and Chu Teh to conduct insurrection without the 
proviso of building a base; this interpretation is probably more accurate, as Li 
Li-san is said to have issued these orders in December 1928. 


days without finding any hanilet that would feed them; at others 
they would be fed by peasants who welcomed the Red Army but 
had desperately little to give. They reached the outskirts of Tayu, 
in the tungsten-producing area, a fairly rich city, and there made 
a mistake; they remained too long, thus giving the enemy time 
to catch up and kill hundreds of them. From then on Mao avoided 
all the towns and cities, and hid in the countryside away from 
any sizable urban centres. For the next fortnight a desperate 
running battle through the Wuyi mountain range with its 
treacherous zigzag slopes took place. Carrying their sick and 
wounded, the Red Army loped along the border, eastward, 
unable to throw off the dogged troops at their heels. Again at 
Hsun Wu they were attacked, and crossed into Fukien, to 
Wuping, to shake off the enemy; then back again into Kiangsi, 
heading straight, it seemed, for Juichin, an important market 
town, but bypassing it and going on northward to Tapoti. There 
Mao Tsetung decided to take advantage of the terrain and to get 
rid of the enemy once and for all. He and Chu Teh drew up the 
battle plans. ‘Our troops discussed the plan of battle until every- 
thing was clear. They then swore to destroy the enemy or die in 
the attempt.’* Tapoti is a shallow, basin-like valley of fields, the 
bed of an old clayey lake, hill-cradled, about twenty miles from 
Juichin. On the morning of February 10 Mao and Chu Teh 
prepared the ambush here. Their men hid on the many-folded 
hills; in the afternoon, as fog began, a feint by one of the four 
regiments which made up their Fourth Army lured the Kuomin- 
tang and warlord troops into the valley; the battle began at noon 
and went on throughout the night. ‘It was foggy and the enemy 
did not know the terrain; he wasted much ammunition.’ Lin 
Piao led a small force through the night to hit the enemy at the 
rear, and at dawn attacked. ‘By noon it was over.’ One thousand 
of the 7,000 attacking troops were taken captive, including two 
regimental commanders, and 800 guns. It was a great victory, the 

first after Chingkangshan, and the decisive battle for opening up 
a new base. 

They then captured the walled town of Ningtu in central 

* Interview at Tapoti, visited by the author. 



Kiangsi and spent three days there, taking the food of the land- 
lords and resting, calling mass meetings, opening prisons and 
releasing prisoners. Then they marched towards Tungku. 
Peasants came to help them, carried the wounded, for Tungku 
was under the command of a Communist, Tseng Shan, and an 
cx-Whangpoo cadet now turned guerilla, Li Wen-ling. Here 
the peasants were enthusiastic in their welcome. Before leaving 
Tapoti, Mao had sent a small contingent to the Juichin post 
office to get the newspapers to read, a habit he would never give 
up. It was New Year’s Eve, and the contingent surprised the local 
garrison, disarmed them, and ate a New Year’s banquet which 
was ready. 

Hsingkuo, a walled town twenty-five miles south of Tungku, 
an area of good soil and wealthy landlords, was their next target. 
Hsingkuo fell to them, and was joined to Tungku as a ‘soviet’ 
area. Mao and Chu found that the ‘base’ already established at 
Tungku was a base only in name; there had been no agrarian 
revolution. However, here was a central massif ringed with 
plains, with villages and towns, much richer and more peopled 
than Chingkangshan, and beautiful in spring, with bamboo and 
spruce and fir. At Hsingkuo they stayed and rested, delouscd and 
bathed, continued training and teaching and drilling. At a 
general mass meeting held in Tungku, Mao Tsetung spoke to the 
Red Army, as usual infusing hope and power, communicating 
his vision of a dazzling tomorrow: ‘A single spark can light a 
prairie fire; though we are weak and small today, our future is 
boundless.’ He explained the general strategy and tactics of the 
Revolution, the necessity for rural bases. Again they sallied forth, 
eastward, and now they took Changting (Tingchow), a large 
town on the border of Fukien province, by stratagem, luring the 
men of the garrison out of town and then attacking; they cap- 
tured the garrison commander and a great quantity of ammuni- 
tion. The battle of Tingchow was the foundation of another Red 
area, later consolidated into a base. There Mao changed his four 
regiments to three columns. Recruitment made good the losses. 

It was at Tingchow apparently that a messenger arrived from 
Shanghai with reports and documents of the Sixth Congress, and 


also, at the same time, a peasant messenger with a message in the 
lining of his jacket. This message was from Peng Tch-hiiai, ami 
announced he was near Juichin, three days’ march west of 
Tingchow, having abandoned Chingkangshan. So Mao and Chu 
Teh left Tingchow in April and returned to South Kiangsi, to the 
counties of Yutou and Hsingkuo, and there organized revolution- 
ary committees and mass organizations, on the way to Juichin. 

In this campaign to shape a new base, Mao Tsetung began to 
perfect ‘the countryside surrounding the cities’ method. But his 
actions must have been greatly hampered by the effect of Li Li- 
san s denunciation of peasant mentality . Though he received 
help from Tseng Shan, the several Communists commanding 
small agglomerations (some had participated in the putsch on 
Kuangchow of December 1927, others in the march on Swatow) 
on the whole gave him no help, and even refused to receive him. 
The peasants, however, were far more enthusiastic; they had 
been radicalized during the Northern Expedition, and massacres 
in this region had not been as thorough and effective as in Hunan. 
But they were very poor and oppressed, and this condition still 
existed; hence the Red Army obtained recruits — many of them 
under eighteen -but nothing much in the way of food or am- 
munition. However, the peasant families sheltered the wounded, 
and sometimes went without rice to feed the Red Army, 

In May, Mao was to return through Tapoti, and there to hold a 
great popular feast, a celebration of the victory at Tapoti that 
February. He then gave money back to the people, three dollars 
per person for the food the peasants had given his army. The 
money came from Ningtu, where 5,000 dollars had been collected 
from the wealthy merchants. He distributed clothing taken from 
the landlords of Hsingkuo to compensate for the damage done 
during the battle. In 1933 Mao wrote a poem about Tapoti: 

After the rain sunlight gleams through, 

Mountains and valleys melt in one azure. 

That year fierce was the battle, 

Bullet holes still scar the village walls, 

More lovely the hill pass they adorn. 



They now arrived at Juichin, and Peng Teh-huai was waiting 
for them, though not in the city. Peng Teh-huai’s falling out with 
Yuan and Wang, the ‘bandit’ chieftains, after Mao’s departure 
allowed an enemy attack to succeed, and Peng lost the base. 

Juichin was taken in May 1929, and it was to form the capital 
agglomeration of the new base, known from that time as the 
Central Base, or Kiangsi-Fukien Border Area. 

The Anyuan and Pinghsiang miners were now organized in an 
engineer corps; there would be an arsenal, hospitals, schools, even 
a military academy of sorts. This base was far wealtliier than 
Chingkangshan ; the counties more fertile, handicrafts and trade 
well developed, water abundant, and the tungsten mines provided 
a source of income. But the organization of the base still rested 
on the co-operation of the peasants, its defence on the Red Army 
as an adequate regular force. Here, as in Chingkangshan, there 
would be local militia and Red Guards, mass self-defence in- 
stitutions; but they were only for local self-defence. Round the 
Red Army and its use, the struggle between Li Li-san’s ‘left’ line 
and Mao Tsetung would now develop, but it would be a struggle 
of far more scope than merely military utilization; it also involved 
two different strategies of revolution. 

In April, at Tingchow, another of Li Li-san’s circular letters had 
reached Mao. The October 1928 letter, which had been an attack 
on the influence of ‘peasant mentality’ in the Party, had been 
deleterious in its effect.* Now this second letter had been com- 
posed in February 1929; it took two months to reach Mao. Work 
was to be concentrated on the workers in the cities. To rebuild the 
Party in urban areas and to recapture working-class leadership, 
Mao and Chu were enjoined to abandon their efforts to create a 
base, fragment the Red Army into small guerilla bands, disperse 
in the countryside and arouse the masses’. Li Li-san also asked 
Mao and Chu to leave the ranks and come to Shanghai to help 

* ‘We must make every effort to restore the Party*s working-class base ... 
Peasants now constitute 70 to 80 per cent of our Party membership — peasant 
mentality is now reflected in our Party ... Only a proletarian mentality can lead 
us into the correct revolutionary road ... Unless we correct [this peasant 
mentality] it may lead to a complete destruction of the Revolution and the Party. 



rebuild workers’ unions in the cities. And Li advised them to 
postpone the land reform and redistribution, as the peasants were 
‘not ready’. 

This meant undoing all that had been done between January and 
April. Mao had drafted the Hsingkuo land law of April 1929 to 
institute land reform. The Chingkangshan land law, passed in 
September 1928 after ‘one year of experience in the land struggle’, 
contained, said Mao, several mistakes; it did not allow for inter- 
mediate categories in the peasant economy. Mao had now revised 
it. On it depended the stability of the new base, both political and 
economic; without a flexible, realistic agrarian revolution, Red 
power could not consolidate itself, establish government and 
organs of mass representation, could not fuiance, feed, recruit a 
Red Army, nor develop Party organizations in the countryside. 

At Juichin in May, Mao, Chu Teh, and Peng Tch-huai seem to 

have held a three-day conference. The upshot was that Mao, while 

not directly contradicting Li Li-san, in reality went on organizing 

the base he had in mind. That the new leadership in the Politburo 

was opposed to Mao’s policies and his establishing Red power was 

already manifest to a good many of the local Party members, to 

those commanders of guerilla bands now diminished in their own 

prestige and influence, and to the Party cadres nominated by 

Li Li-san. This added to Mao s diflicultics. The clique spirit, 

currying favour with the Central Committee by slighting or 

opposing Mao, would of course occur, and with increasing 

frequency, during the next year. Not only did Mao have to fight 

Kuomintang and warlord armies; there would be a relentless 
inner-Party struggle as well. 

Mao replied to Li Li-san on April 5, and would again reply in 
May. He disagreed with fragmenting the Red Army into guerilla 
bands. Li Li-san was confusing, he wrote, the local Red Guards, 
who were the militants among the masses, with the Red Army. 
This [dispersion] is impractical ... with small dispersed units the 
leadership will become weak ... suffer defeat. The more adverse 
the circumstances, the greater the need for the forces to be 
concentrated and for the leadership to conduct a resolute struggle, 
for only thus can we achieve internal unity against the enemy. 



Only in favourable circumstances can the forces be divided, only 
then the leaders need not stay with the ranks.* This was a courteous 
way of refusing to go to Shanghai. 

Another point at issue was ‘uneven development*. To disperse 
in order to rouse the masses everywhere, in cities and in the 
countryside, would not work, said Mao. It was better to select 
one or more areas, and there concentrate, and build up political 
and military strength. 

Li Li-san actually wanted to retard the growth of the peasant 
movement until the workers* movement had caught up. Both had 
to be simultaneous; or rather, the workers had to start first, for no 
agrarian revolution could succeed without the leadership of the 
proletariat. Thus he reasoned, forcing facts to fit dogma. Mao 
gave it as his opinion that ‘it is a mistake for any of our Party 
members to fear the development of the power of the peasants’; 
and went on to explain the structure and economics of a base, the 
policy of ‘advancing waves* to expand a base, its essential fluctuant 
quality. ‘The tactics wc have worked out ... arc indeed different 
from any employed in ancient or modern times, in China or 
elsewhere.** Li Li-san now accused — or rather said that ‘others’ 
had accused — them of having ‘abandoned* the struggle in the 
cities. But Mao Tsetung was not to be budged, nor talked into 
leaving the rural base, nor was Chu Tch, and they stuck to their 
guns (literally speaking). Li then suggested that the Red Army go 
to Hunan to make insurrections. Mao pointed out that ‘because 
of the August defeat’ of the previous year the mass base had been 
lost in Hunan, and there was no point in losing more men. Upon 
which Li Li-san*s seconders at the base and elsewhere accused 
Mao of ‘military adventurism and banditry*. 

Mao now expanded thcjuichin base; by fighting, expanded the 
Red Army, and took Kanchow; east and west, north and south, 
they fought. The peasants fought with ‘the poor man’s army’. In 
the darkness, choked with tears of the great land, the Red Army 
brought more than hope, it brought a way out of desolation. The 
landlords took up to 70 per cent of the crop, and lived in the 

* On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party (December 1929) ; A Single Spark Can 
Start a Prairie Fire (January 1930). Both in Selected Works, vol. I. 



cities. Mao went among the people, asking questions, setting up 
investigation teams in order that land reform should work better. 
Policies were flexible, concrete, made to fit the situation; the 
advice of the peasants’ associations formed was sought. He was 
hastening to consolidate the base, and popular support, before 
Li Li-san thought up something else. 

Li Li-san in Shanghai had in effect thought of something else. 
He now dreamed of a great soviet centre for a soviet government 
in China. Perhaps remembering the previous enthusiasm in 
Wuhan, the large number of workers there, he thought the work- 
ers of Wuhan would rise and ‘smash imperialism’. Gradually his 
daydream took the shape of political strategy’, ^t^uhan must be 
the centre of a soviet government (of course run by Li Li-san). 
For this he would need military strength, he would need the Red 
Army of Mao and Chu Teh. 

Because Mao Tsetung saw the disaster which Li Li-san’s 

policies might bring about, he had proceeded to a reorganization 

of the Red Army, apprehending that Li might seek to remove 

him and Chu Teh. Mao seems to have foreseen that a duel over 

the control of both Party and Army would develop. He now 

reorganized the small guerilla bands in Kiangsi already in existence 

before his arrival into the Third Red Army, and the guerillas 

from west Fukien, where he and Chu Teh had gone fighting and 

extended the base, into a Twelfth Red Army. To this Twelfth 

Army were added some Kuomintang troops who in July had 

mutinied against Chiang Kai-shek and come over to the Red 

Army. With his own Fourth Army, the 4,000 or more (with 

recruits) who had smashed their way from Chingkangshan, and 

the Third and the Twelfth, he now had three armies and about 
10,000 troops. 

The Fourth Army remained the centre of Mao Tsetung’s 
military strength and pillar of his power, the best training ground 
for officers and political education and cadres. After a term in 
the Fourth Army, political and military cadres would go into 
the other armies to train and educate, and thus assure linkage 
which would bring all the various contingents under control 
of the headquarters, under Mao’s control. But resistance to this 



reorganization, by men such as Li Wen-ling, who had been dis- 
placed by Mao and Chu Teh’s arrival, would soon come to a head. 

In June 1929 a letter from the Comintern was received by the 
Central Committee. While it was the first time Mao was referred 
to by name, and in a comphmentary way, the letter was fairly 
uncomplimentary to Li Li-san, who had sent directives advocating 
a ‘rich peasant’ line to the various bases, or ‘soviets’, as they were 

This Comintern letter was a slap to Li Li-san, who had written 
to Mao saying it was necessary to conclude an alliance with the 
rich peasants, and disapproving of his land law.* Mao Tsetung 
had previously been upbraided for not burning and killing enough. 
In order to win the intermediate class, he had in November 1928 
prohibited reckless burning and killing, and decreed protection 
of the interests of middle and small merchants. In the Hsingkuo 
land law drafted in April 1929, wholesale land confiscation had 
been changed to ‘confiscate public land and the land of the 
landlord class only’. But to spare the rich peasants did not mean 
to conclude an alliance with them. However, many other small 
guerilla areas with commanders owing allegiance to the Com- 
munist Party did operate under a ‘rich peasant’ land law. 

Li took no notice of this letter of the Comintern J which called 
alliance with the rich peasants ‘impermissible’; on the contrary he 
reaffirmed ‘the possibility of leading the rich peasants ... even if 
tactically the poor peasant is the main force and the middle 
peasant his ally’. 

This was not at all ‘in line’, for StaUn had now begun the drive 
against the kulaks, or rich peasants, in Russia. But it was not the 
main reason for Li Li-san’s downfall. The main reason was his 
total loss of perspective of the Revolution. Li Li-san showed no 
grasp of the realities of the Chinese situation. He remained fixated 
on ‘the proletariat’, never considered the revolutionary potential 
of the peasantry; above all, he wanted control of Mao s Red 
Army, but had no idea what the Red Army really was like, or 

* The Hsingkuo land law. . , 

t Letter from the Executive Committee of the (Third) Communist Internationa 

to the Central Committee of the CCP on the peasant question, June 7 , 1929- 



what it really did. He confused leadership with inenibership, 
arousal with organization, Red Guards and militia roles witli the 
operations of regular forces. ‘The principle for the Red Army is 
concentration, that for the Red Chiards is dispersion, Mao 
patiently explained. And at Chingkangshan he had written ; 1 he 
existence of a regular Red Army of adequate strength is a neces- 
sary condition for the existence of Red political power ... A 
special characteristic of the Revolution in China, a country with 
predominantly agricultural economy, is the use of military acti(')n 
to develop insurrection,’ but this could not be done haphazardly, 
by methods of ‘roving guerilla bands’. 

Unfailingly, Mao answered Li with logic and courtesy. As L.i 
became increasingly incoherent, Mao became more coldly watch- 
ful. What he really thought of Li Li-san’s mental capacity he has 
never told anyone. But one can guess. 

Chou En-lai, who had also been at the Sixth Congress and been 
nominated to the Politburo with Li Li-san, Tsai Ho-sen, and 
others, began to point out to Li the discrepancies and irrationalities 
of liis theses. Chou began to disagree with Li Li-san from June 
1929. Tliis disagreement reached such a pitch later that they could 
not meet, it is reported, without quarrels breaking out over what 
policies to follow.* 

When the second plenum of the Sixth Congress of the Central 
Committee of the CCP was held that June, Li Li-san was already 
showing signs of instability. He divagated from the Sixth 
Congress resolutions; whether wilfully or simply because he 
misunderstood them, no one can say. He now changed from 
‘dispersal’ and ‘widespread guerilla attacks’ to a city-oriented 
strategy, concentration of forces to attack main cities. Perhaps he 
thus hoped to wrest control of the armies Mao had built up. More 
probably he was planning to take Wuhan. The extraordinary 
thing is that he did not sec what he was landing himself in. But 
now the Comintern, which was already concerned more with 
assuring Russia’s strategic security than with any other problem, 
sent out a new set of directives in October, calling for an increase 

* Hsu Kai-yu, Chou Ett-lai: China’s Gray Eminence (Doubleday, New York, 



in activity strikes, guerilla movements — in cities and countryside. 

This directive of the Comintern was oriented towards Russian 
interests, not to the China situation, and was due to the Chinese 
Eastern Railway crisis. An attempt by the Chinese warlord 
government in Manchuria to take over the Chinese Eastern 
Railway, accompanied by raids on Soviet consulates in Man- 
churia and North China, had taken place. The Chinese Eastern 
Railway was still under Russian control.* A near war threatened 
and General Galen, also known as Bliicher, who had been military 
adviser to the KMT at Whangpoo Academy in 1925 and 1926, 
was appointed head of the Russian Far Eastern forces."}* The inci- 
dent lasted about a year and ended in negotiations. Li Li-san 
tried to utilize this crisis in yet another effort to get Mao Tsetung*s 
Red Army out of Mao’s control and into his own hands; he called 
for a nationwide upsurge’ against ‘international imperialism and 
its ally Chiang Kai-shek’. Li Li-san was disquietingly aware of 
the shift of power as Mao’s base atjuichin grew and strengthened, 
and the Kiangsi-Fukicn Border Area Independent Regime, as it 
was called, coalescing many small guerilla areas, was regarded 
now with favour and had more prestige than the Shanghai 
headquarters of the Politburo. With the arrival of the October 
Comintern letter— ‘strengthen and extend guerilla warfare, 
especially in Manchuria and in the region of Chu and Mao’ — 
Li felt fortified. ‘The former strategy of avoiding taking impor- 
tant large cities must be changed ... we must attack important 
cities and even occupy them.’ 

At the same time, Stalin ordered a purge of ‘Trotskyites’. 
Some of the Cliinese students in Moscow had come back as 
Trotsky adherents. Li Li-san sent out orders for a general purge 
of Trotskyist elements in the CCP. 

Mao became very ill from malaria contracted in fighting, which 
incapacitated him till November 1929. Chu Teh, during Mao s 
incapacity, began to obey ‘central’ directives and went roaming 
on guerilla warfare to ‘arouse the masses’. Carried on a stretcher, 
trying to get about, to go on with political work, Mao gradually 

* In spite of the Karakhan Manifesto. 

■f General Galen Bliicher was to perish in the Stalin purges of I936-I937- 

•4 P 



got better, though off aucl on he was to suffer from malaria for 
years. Meanwhile Chu Teh suffered some losses and returned to 
the base. He had taken only part of the armies with him, and thus 
the harm done was relatively minor, but it convinced him that 
Li Li-san was in error. However, Chu Teh could not disobey the 
very definite orders given, reinforced by the Comintern. 

In September 1929 the Central Committee under Li Li-san 
sent a directive to Mao Tsetung calling for the elimination of all 
non-proletarian ideas from Party organizations in the Fourth 
Army and the immediate establishment of a political com- 
missariat; the Party was still infected with non-proletarian* 
ideas, Trotskyites, ‘peasant mentality’ and other such which had 
to be purged. The response of Mao Tsetung was the December 
192-9 draft of resolutions presented at a conference in Kutien, 
called the Nfinth Congress of the Fourth Red Army Delegates and 
Party Workers. 

The Kutien conference was to remain, for the Red Army, a 

historic event. The resolutions were to be republished many 

times in the next forty years; the last time was in 1971. They are 

compulsory study for every political worker and military officer 
in the Chinese Red Army. 

Kutien is a small town ensconced in mountains, commanding a 
beautiful valley. In its picturesque temples and landlords’ houses 
were quartered, for over ten days, some of the most important 
people in China; but there is no real report on what happened 
there. All we know is that the struggle between Mao Tsetung’s 
line and the Li Li-san line was more in the open than ever; it 
concerned Party control over the Army, a political line versus a 
purely military line. Here was expounded, codified, categorized, 
the very reason for existence of the Red Army; here was fully set 
out the theme of Party control and leadership in the Army and 
the theme of political education and political work in and by the 
Army among the masses. It was the culmination of what had 
egun at the Autumn Harvest Uprising, had been first affirmed 
at the Maoping conference when Chu Teh joined Mao on Ching- 
anphan : the goal of ‘an educated, conscious revolutionary army 
dedicated to the liberation of the country and the emancipation 



of our people’. Mao dealt with all aspects of political education 
of the Army and the Party-Army relationship. Whenever a 
rectification movement was held in the Army during the next 
four decades, the Kuticn resolutions would be the fundamental 
document to be restudied. 

At the Kutien conference, Mao obliquely criticized the Li Li-san 
line; Some people want to increase our political influence only 
by means of roving guerilla actions, but are unwilling to under- 
take the diflScult task of building up base areas and establishing 
the people’s political power ... 

Some people lack the patience to carry on arduous struggles 
together with the masses and only want to go to the big cities 
to feast... The eradication of this ideology is an important 
objective in the ideological struggle within the Red Army and 
Party organizations ... ’ 

On Corrcctinq Mistaken Ideas in the Party * a shortened portion 
of Mao s speech at the Kutien conference, was passed as a resolu- 
tion, which seems to indicate that Mao won despite bitter opposi- 
tion. The full version was not made available in published form 
till January 1944, in a special edition used for Party cadres in the 
Red Army, during the rectification campaign in Yenan.f 

The Kutien resolutions ‘enabled the Red Army to build itself 
entirely on a Marxist-Lcninist basis and to eliminate all the 
influence of armies of the old type. It was carried out not only 
in the Fourth Army but also in all other units of the Red Army 

Mao Tsetung also criticized the ‘purely military viewpoint of 
these comrades [who] regard military affairs and politics as 
opposed to each other and refuse to recognize that military affairs 
are only one means of accomplishing political tasks’. ‘Some,’ he 
said, ‘give military affairs a leading position over politics ... They 
think that the task of the Red Army, like that of the White Army, 

* Selected Works, vol. I. 

t Three versions of the Kutien resolutions were published between 1944 
1951; seejolm E. and S. R. Rue, Mao Tse-timg in Opposition ig 27 -i 9 y 5 > ^P- 
p. 173. John Gittings also gives an account of them in The Role of the Chinese Army 
(Oxford University Press, London and New York, 1967). 



is merely to fight. They do not understand that the Chinese 
Red Army is an armed body for carrying out the tasks of the 
Revolution ... Besides fighting to destroy the enemy’s military 
strength, it should shoulder such important tasks as carrying on 
propaganda among the masses, organizing the masses, arming 
them, helping them to establish revolutionary political power 
and setting up Party organizations ... Without these objectives, 
fighting loses its meaning and the Red Army loses the reason for 
its existence.’ 

Mao proposed to correct subjectivism (becoming conceited 
when winning and dispirited when defeated), cliquism, opportun- 
ism, revolutionary impetuosity (wanting to do big things rather 
than ‘minute and detailed work among the masses’), and suggested 
that all this proceeded from a low political level, the mercenary 
mentality, the absence of trust in the masses. But it was ‘the 
Party’s failure actively to attend to and discuss military work’ 
which had led to this situation — a broadside at the Politburo in 
Shanghai, which never replied to reports, and sent representatives 
who did not know anything of the practical work done. Mao 
criticized those who wanted to live well (‘they always hope that 
their unit will march into big cities ... to enjoy themselves’); 
passivity, retaliation, (the I’ll-find-some-way-to-pay-you-back 
mentality), backbiting, not speaking up at meetings, malicious 
personal bickering, and so on. 

Reinforcing the Party at company level, directing the attention 
of Party members to ‘a political and scientific spirit’, to do ‘social 
and economic investigation and study’, criticism and self-criti- 
cism would correct all this. The extraordinary thing about Mao, 
in such a forbidding environment, is that enormous faith of his 
that all defects can be ‘educated’ out of a man if one is patient 
and relentlessly goes on educating, educating.* Besides these 
methods, Mao laid down new rules for admission of Party can- 
didates, since in the bases the great majority of new Party mem- 
bers came from the Red Army. Hence he insisted on soldiers’ 

* But the ultra-left line would emphasize class origin irrespective of individual 
fitness. Later, Chang Kuo-tao, for instance, in his ‘purging* of ‘counter- 
revolutionaries*, would ‘purge* anyone he suspected of ‘bourgeois origin*. 



counter-revolutionary camp, Li felt, were decisive. He pointed to 
Wuhan and the cities near it as the ‘main objective’ in the struggle, 
and called for a conference of delegates from all Soviet areas to be 
held in Shanghai on May i, 1930. He again repeated his denun- 
ciations of peasant mentality and ‘ascend-mountainism’, but still 
invited Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh to come to Shanghai. 

Chou En-lai was against this plan of Li’s. The Sixth Congress 
had placed Chou in charge of organization; he was meant to 
reorganize the Party and link it up with a Red Army. By early 
1930 there were ten Red armies scattered over China in bases or in 
guerilla areas, some pretty unstable, some actually more like 
warlord strongholds than soviet bases. The only stable, successful 
and expanding base was Mao’s; the most impressive, the best 
organized Red armies were under Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh; 
the Fourth Red Army was a model Red Army, a fact recognized 
by all. Chou En-lai wrote to other Red commanders in his 
Central Military Co/nn/inn'tjne of January 15, 1930 (an occasional 
publication to keep the various movements in touch with each 
other) that ‘in the Juichin independent regime many valuable 
experiences can be found ... unique in China, never seen or heard 
of before in the world ... all ought to learn from these experiences’. 
This praise of Mao Tsetung, coming while Chou was at the 
Politburo in Shanghai, had a direct influence, at least on the 
military personnel, to raise Mao’s prestige. Chou also pointed 
out that the revolutionary tide in the cities among workers was 
at low level. By 1930 only 8 per cent of the CCP was of worker 

Mao and Chu Teh ignored or did not receive the call to go to 
the May meeting in Shanghai. They still did not reply when it 
was postponed to June. Li Li-san stressed that there must be a 
‘unified leadership’ (which could only be vested in himself). 
He accused Mao and Chu of being ‘rightists’ because they re- 
fused liis plan to attack large cities. The Red Army (meaning 
principally Mao’s forces) must launch attacks on big cities, in 
preparation for all-out state conquest, all-out attack on Chiang 
Kai-shek’s Nanking government. Li Li-san now organized a 
General Front Committee, to start war preparations. He decried 


Mao’s slow, patient build-up. ‘By such tactics our hair will be 
white before the Revolution is victorious.’ 

Mao wrote back that the time had not come for this direct 
confrontation with the Kuomintang, that first a lot of hard work 
must be done, and that it was very dangerous to launch these 
insurrections against cities. Chou En-lai called Li’s plan ‘suicidal’. 
Li retaliated by condemning the opponents of his policy, sending 
some to posts known as dangerous, and in some cases even be- 
traying one or two covertly to the KMT (according to his own 
confession made in Peking in 1956). 

But Li Li-san was also threatened from another side. A group 
of Moscow-trained Chinese Communist students, later to be- 
come known as the ‘twenty-eight Bolsheviks’ or ‘returned 
students’, came back to China in the early summer of 1930. 
They had all studied Marxism in Russia and were ‘experts’ in 
revolutionary perfection. Their leader was Chen Shao-yu, alias 
Wang Ming, a melancholy-looking young man, very arrogant. 
All were young, city-bred; none had behind him the experience 
in China’s countryside which Mao had accumulated. 

Li Li-san pushed on, hoping to achieve success and thus vindi- 
cate his ‘line’ before the ‘twenty-eight Bolsheviks’ caught up with 
him, for he was well aware that their return meant a struggle for 
leadership within the Party. He issued articles in Red Flag and 
other Communist publications to prove himself theoretically 
correct. All the emphasis was on workers’ struggles and the con- 
quest of key cities. He called Mao a pessimist, condemned again 
in September the idea of ‘the countryside surrounding the cities*. 
But articles continued to appear praising Mao’s struggle in 
Chingkangshan and the Central Base as a heroic epic: ‘Without 
ammunition, money or supplies they fought against the enemy 
many times their superior. They hid in the mountains ... staying 
for months at a time without interrupting revolutionary work.’* 

In May 1930 Mao wrote Oppose Book Worship, clearly a re- 
proof of those, like Li Li-san, who talked ‘nonsense’ without 
investigating concrete situations. Surprisingly, Oppose Book 
Worship was left out of the 1951 Chinese edition and the i960 

* These articles were signed with a pen name. Their authorship is obscure. 



English translation of Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, though 
published in Selected Readings in 1967. The reason for this omis- 
sion is not known, though it is known that Alao was much 
criticized for writing it. But Oppose Book Worship is an important 
essay, not only on the technique of investigation, but on its 
essential importance. ‘No investigation, no right to speak’, is 
the heading of the first paragraph. 

Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived 
of the right to speak on it . . . Talking nonsense solves no problems 
... You can t solve a problem? Well, get down and investigate the 
present facts and its past history. 

Social investigation should be a regular part of the work of the 
Army. The Political Department of the Fourth Red Army 
prepared detailed forms covering such items as the state of the 
mass struggle, the condition of the enemy, the economic life of 
the people, the amount of land owned by each class in the rural 
areas. ‘Wherever the Red Army went, it first made itself familiar 
with the class situation in the locality and then formulated slogans 
suited to the needs of the masses.’ 

This essay is constantly quoted in China today to promote the 
scientific objectivity, the frank speaking up, the democratic 
debate based on truth, which Mao Tsetung teaches the 800 
million people of China. ‘Stress investigations! Oppose irrespon- 
sible talk!* he cried, and went on to criticize those who blindly 
obey directives ‘from a higher organ’, even if the contents are 
incompatible with ‘the objective and subjective conditions of the 
struggle’. He was against blind, superficial enforcement of a 
directive, rigid and rigorous dogmatic application, which actually 
is a kind of sabotage. He was to encounter many examples of 
blind enforcement, and also sabotage, of his own directives. 

Mao Tsetung at this time is described by Chen Chang-fong, 
his orderly to be, then a raw, illiterate peasant youth of fifteen, 
who came to serve him early in 1931. ‘Political Commissar Mao 
[he became chairman only later] would go himself, on horseback 
often, because of the long distances, to carry out investigations. 
He would come to a place, and sit down with the peasants, and 
throw off his cap, and start to talk with them. And they forgot 



who he was, so debonair was he, and so concerned with them. 
And they told him everything. He would stay for hours with 
them. He would forget time, and food, and sleep. I used to call 
him, to say he would be late for such and such an appointment. 
“But first I must listen to this,*' he would say. He would go to a 
meeting with an outline in his head, or already written down, 
with questions prepared. He would question each and every one 
present, and probe, and go on probing. He insisted that everyone 
who was engaged in political work, in administering of any kind, 
should do similar investigations.’* 

He did not believe in written reports, and sometimes would 
frown at them, and then go off himself to investigate. ‘There 
must be personal investigation,’ he said. ‘Marxist theory, like 
Party resolutions and Central Committee directives, must be 
tested by practice.’ Marxism did work; but only if one took the 
trouble to move one’s brain, stick to principle, and modify the 
application in the most flexible manner. 

Writing Oppose Book Worship may have stimulated some Party 
members to cudgel their brains, but Li went on with his plans. 
The June conference was duly called. Neither Chu nor Mao 
attended. There, on June ii, Li Li-san and his majority of sup- 
porters carried through the resolution for attacks on large cities 
by the Red Army, strikes with insurrection in the key cities. The 
General Front Committee reorganized the Red armies, and the 
Third, Fourth, and Twelfth armies under Mao and Chu Teh were 
grouped into the First Army Corps. 

Li Li-san now saw world revolution near, China’s revolution 
as the spark igniting it; he saw an ‘even’f revolutionary high tide 
developing. He urged Red Army attacks and outbreaks of 
workers in the cities, pinpointed W^uhan as the key urban base 
for the proletariat; saw an immediate passage to socialist revolu- 
tion without any transitional stage or period. He poured scorn 

* Interview by author with Chen Chang-fong, 1971. 

t ‘Even’ meant similarly active in all areas of China. This was against Mao’s 

uneven development’ idea, which stressed that not all regions were similarly 
prepared for uprisings. 



on his opposition, alluding to ‘rightist pessimistic people* whose 
ideas of ‘localism and peasant mentality’ were the most serious 
obstacle to Red Army expansion, and castigating the concept of 
using the countryside to encircle the cities as ‘extremely erroneous’. 

Battle plans were drawn in order to carry out the military 
actions planned by Li Li-san. All Red Army forces were placed 
under Chu Teh as commander-in-chief of the General Front 
Committee and Mao Tsetung as political commissar! This was 
to face Mao and Chu with an insoluble dilemma. Their nomina- 
tion (in absentia) to head the very action they strenuously resisted 
meant insubordination if they refused (Li could blame all succeed- 
ing disasters upon them); if they obeyed, any failure would bring 
them discredit. 

Mao and Chu held a conference in Tingchow, Fukien, where 
Chu Teh had been consolidating a Fukien offshoot of the base. 
Once again the suggestion that the Red Guards (the local peasant 
guerillas) should also be incorporated into Red Army units for 
the purpose of attack on big cities was rejected by Mao, for it 
meant denuding the countryside of its self-defence. 

Li Li-san assumed that there would be uprisings in the country- 
side, mutinies in the Kuomintang, and warlord armies’ strikes; he 
prophesied all this happening at once. ‘Li Li-san has gone mad, 
said Chou En-lai. Li demoted his opponents, among them some 
of the twenty-eight Bolsheviks, who had arrived in Shanghai and 
began attacking him verbally. But suddenly, under pressure, 
Wang Ming (Chen Shao-yu), the most outstanding of the 
twenty-eight, gave in, apologized, and accepted Li’s views 
(though later he was again to change). Hence in June Li Li-san 
appeared to have won. As Chu Teh said: ‘The Li Li-san line 
dominated the Party then ... and was sufficiently influential to 
force acceptance, to some extent, in the Red Army, against the 
judgment of its field command ... Apart from Mao and myself, 
there was very little opposition to the Li Li-san line.’ 

Chu was to say to Agnes Smedley that isolated in the base, he 
and Mao felt that perhaps Li Li-san and the Politburo in Shanghai 
might have more knowledge of the situation, though they were 
‘sceptical*. A civil war was raging between Chiang Kai-shek and 



some warlords. Perhaps Li’s assessment was correct ... And so the 
troops prepared, the Red flags flew, and trumpets sounded and 
drums beat as the armies marched ‘for the Revolution’. They 
crossed the length of Kiangsi province, and tens of thousands of 
peasants rose and joined the Red armies. For a while it all looked 
quite splendid. 

Li prepared for workers’ uprisings. They were to begin on a 
nationwide scale in mid-July. He made ready to call on November 
7, the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the first All-China 
Soviet Delegates Congress, to establish a national soviet govern- 
ment. He also set up ‘action committees’ to carry out the details 
of the insurrections, and to supersede, bypass, and strip of power 
all other organizations in the provinces, thus taking away Mao’s 
power in the base. 

But although there were some demonstrations and strikes by 
workers, they did not lead to uprisings. The Kuomintang was 
very strong in the cities, and heads rolled, as workers were un- 
armed and were killed ; before the strikes could be well organized, 
their leaders were dead. 

An assault on Changsha led by Peng Teh-huai* and his Third 
Army Corps was at first successful; for a week the city was held. 

Reluctantly, but having to obey orders, the First Army Corps 
of 20,000 men under Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh made haste 
slowly to attack Nanchang City, as ordered by Li Li-san. They 
reached it on July 29. It was most powerfully defended, and had 
big walls. Nevertheless, they took it, but only held the city for 
twenty-four hours. One cannot but feel that what preoccupied 
the commanders was not to waste human lives, not to commit 
a reckless victory. 

It had been planned that after Nanchang and Changsha were 
taken, all the armies would converge on Wuhan, where it was 
supposed the workers would rise and take the city from within. 
But neither Nanchang nor Changsha had been kept. The First 

* Peng Teh-huai was in command of a Fifth Army. In June 1930 it was re- 
organized with the Eighth Army from a soviet area in Kiangsi into the Third 
Army Corps, which took Changsha. Peng, after the conference at Juichin, had 
been operating in a guerilla area near Chingkangshan. 



Army Corps and Peng’s Third Army Corps were now joined. 
Li Li-san ordered another attack on Changsha, and at the same 
time on Wuhan by the Second and Fourth Army Corps under 
other Red commanders. 

Li had by now received, and suppressed, a telegram from the 
Comintern condemning his plans for taking cities. But this 
message could not be concealed indefinitely. ‘The Comintern 
does not understand the Chinese conditions and cannot lead the 
Chinese Revolution,’ declared Li Li-san, Still hypnotized by his 
role as the Chinese ‘Lenin’, Li Li-san urged liis revolutionaries to 
attack as Lenin had done prior to the eve of the October uprising 
in Russia in 1917, when things looked very unpromising. Letters 
and telegrams from Moscow urged him to abandon the capture 
of Wuhan. But Li Li-san paid no attention. 

The second attack on Changsha was now carried out by Mao, 
Chu and Peng. Kuomintang forces had been dispatched to the city 
in great numbers. Foreign powers also helped Chiang Kai-shek. 
American, British, Italian and Japanese gunboats lay in the 
Hsiang river. They had bombarded the city while it was in 
Peng’s hands, and hundreds of civilians were wounded and killed. 
Again this was repeated, but the Red troops were raked with 
murderous fire as well. ‘They fell like autumn leaves in the north 

Mao and Chu now took one of the most serious steps of their 
careers. They repudiated the Li Li-san line, and the troops were 
ordered by Mao to withdraw from Changsha. The other political 
commissars denounced them for rebellion, but the troops cursed 
the political commissars and obeyed Mao and Chu Teh. By this 
action they preserved the Red Army from literal destruction. 
After the attempt on Changsha the city was subject to the most 
frightful White Terror. Workers, students, anyone suspected of 
Communism was rounded up and killed, in the most gruesome 
manner, reminiscent of the terror of 1927. It was then that Yang 
Kai-hui, Mao’s wife, who was doing underground work in 
Changsha, was also rounded up and executed. Mao had not seen 
her since 1927. 

In August 1930 Chou En-lai and Chu Chiu-pai, the former 



‘left’-liner, returned to China with specific instructions to convene 
the third plenum of the Sixth Congress. It was clear that Li Li-san 
had erred; but how much, how far, and what was the true situa- 
tion? Wang Ming made things more confused by suddenly 
going over to Li Li-san’s side. 'Only those who protect militarists 
... and liquidationists, can oppose, criticize the Party for preparing 
armed uprisings or term these actions adventurism now,’ Wang 
Ming now said. The third plenum was held in September 1930. 
A new Politburo came into being, through the efforts of Chou 
En-lai; on it were Mao Tsetung, Chou En-lai, Chu Teh, Jen 
Pi-shih. Mao and his supporters were now fully represented. In 
this Politburo the twenty-eight Bolsheviks were not in majority, 
though represented; the group would take some time and 
manoeuvre to oust Li Li-san completely. 

Meanwhile, the effect of this strife between two policies was 
being felt at lower levels. Skirmishes between pro-Li and anti-Li 
factions reached the Party provincial hierarchies. The ‘action 
committee* in Kiangsi province created by Li, and supposedly 
in authority over the Juichin base, was rent by factional dispute, 
which provided excellent opportunities for counter-revolutionary 
penetration by KMT agents. Mao and Chu, returning with their 
armies from the disastrous attempt at city-taking, on their way 
captured the town of Kian on October 30, in accordance with 
Mao’s idea of extending the base ‘in waves’. In captured KMT 
police files at Kian, Chu Teh found evidence that certain of the 
Communist officers in the area whom Chu Teh and Mao had 
already been dealing with were actually KMT agents, of a so- 
called A-B group. He also found there plans for Chiang’s First 
Annihilation Campaign, soon to be launched against the base 
Mao and he had set up. 

The A-B (anti-Bolshevik) corps had been created by the KMT 
to infiltrate and penetrate the CCP and the base at Juichin. The 
successes of ‘the Red remnants* at Chingkangshan, their successes 
in Kiangsi and Fukien, alarmed Chiang Kai-shek. The city 
assaults would do more; they so frightened many warlords that 
they made peace with Chiang and united with liim in a combined 
assault against the ‘Reds’. The utilization of captured Comnaunists 



who, jailed, turned renegade and went back to the Party as agents 
is part of the still unwritten history of the penetration of the 
Communist Party. The A-B group, utilizing Trotskyites, fac- 
tional strife and discontent, had already set up a net of terrorism 
throughout the soviet areas. Among the names of Communist 
commanders found on lists whose families and relatives were 
implicated with A-B groups was that of Li Wen-ling, who had 
welcomed Mao and Chu at Tungku the year before. 

Mao Tsctung conducted an investigation in the districts, 
uncovering clan, marriage and other connections between land- 
lord families and certain high-ranking cadres who had followed 
Li’s ‘alliance with rich peasants’ policies, and under pretence of 
obeying Li Li-san had sabotaged Mao’s land policy. In certain 
counties one third of the Communist officials were rich peasants 
or landlords themselves. Evidence of business and family relations 
between the A-B group and some Communist officials accumu- 
lated. Mao Tsetung had already purged the Party in Chingkang- 
shan in September 1928, expelling unsatisfactory members. Here 
the issue recurred, but in graver form. The dissension between 
the Shanghai Politburo and the base had opened the door wide 
for the enemy. Furthermore, some factions now proclaimed 
themselves ‘genuine’ Communist groups and broke away. 
Other factions set up squads of murderers; three of the body- 
guards for Mao and Chu Teh were killed by these squads. 

In early November, large KMT forces were moving up to 
relieve Kian, and Mao Tsetung decided to withdraw rather than 
lose more men. The occupation of Kian had lasted two weeks; 
several hundred thousand peasants had come to see the Red 
Army, and there had been many recruits. 

Mao was now able to find out, by checking up on land reform, 
where and how the land redistribution and land policy had been 
misapplied or not applied, or applied according to Li s action 
committees — for it was during Mao’s absence that the action 
committees had abrogated his land law. ‘My viewpoint on the 
many circumstances affecting the agrarian revolution at district 
and village level was still muddled ... It was only during this 
investigation that I discovered that using the village as a unit in 



dividing land has serious consequences/ But mistake or not, 
Mao persisted, he thus modified as he went on, restoring the 
ravaged areas to production. 

On this occasion, however, investigation of land law applica- 
tion bore direct relevance to the anti-Bolshevik corps, whose 
members took refuge in Li Li-san’s ‘alliance with rich peasants’ 
land law. In late November some 4,400 suspects were arrested 
in one vast swoop, conducted by the Red Army under Chen Yi, 
the corpulent and jovial Szechuanese. In December, members of 
the anti-Bolshevik corps, together with some of Li Li-san’s 
erstwhile supporters, started an armed revolt against Mao. They 
made a forced march to Futien and released some of the arrested 
officials and cadres. The provincial soviet administration in Futien 
was overthrown, and more than 1,800 followers of Mao were 
killed. Chu Teh’s wife, Kang Ke-ching, was captured. They called 
for Mao’s overthrow, set up a rival soviet government, which 
accused Mao of acting against the Central Committee, and 
asked for his liquidation. Some of Li Li-san’s supporters joined 

It was at this time that Chiang Kai-shek launched his first 
‘annihilation campaign’ against the Juichin base, occupying 
Hsingkuo and Tungku. But the Red Army was prepared; it 
smashed the 100,000-strong Kuomintang troops in a splendidly 
conducted offensive in which Mao deployed his own ideas on 
strategy and tactics for the first time against a large body of enemy 

In spite of the bitter feuding in Kiangsi, and the arrest of 
thousands by Mao, ‘neither side acted with the ruthlessness of 
Stalinists , writes John Rue.* Very few of Mao’s opponents were 
shot, contrary to the legend of a ‘ruthless purge’ having taken 
place. Only known agents of the KMT were liquidated; about 
400 to 500 men were tried and condemned. Others were released 
after investigation and ‘education’. This action, known as the 
Futien incident, has been much distorted, and Mao presented as 
having ‘liquidated’ 5,000 men in a ‘power struggle’. 

Not only was Li Li-san now being challenged by Wang Ming 

* Mao Tse-ttmg in Opposition 1927-1935, op. cit. 



and die twenty-eight Bolsheviks, he was also being challenged by 
other groups. Chou En-lai tried to hold the balance, to have Li 
Li-san's line judged equitably. ‘There is a tradition in the Party 
that stresses the importance of intra-party peace ... This tends to 
becloud the correct Party line ... Only by relentless struggle on 
behalf of the correct Party line can true unity be achieved.’ 
By these words Chou showed himself very near to Mao’s con- 
ception of debate and struggle in the Party as essential to the 
Party’s life. Chou spoke of principled struggle, but what hap- 
pened now was a putsch operated by the returned-student 
group under Wang Ming. 

Ho Meng-hsiung, a Communist Party leader, and the Wang 
Ming faction had both condemned Li Li-san’sjune ii resolution, 
which had launched the city attacks. Li, with a big majority, had 
punished both, suspending Wang Ming for six months, taking 
away Ho’s Party posts. Wang Ming then capitulated to Li Li-san, 
as we have seen, but later reversed himself The third plenum in 
September revised the policies of Li Li-san. Chou made his 
fan^ous Shao Shan report (Shao Shan being one of his names) 
criticizing the errors of Li Li-san and the Central Committee, and 
also criticizing Ho Meng-hsiung and Wang Ming. In December 
1930 Li Li-san was called to Moscow by the Comintern, and in 
January 1931 Wang Ming and his twenty-seven adherents called 
a fourth plenum, despite opposition by Ho Meng-hsiung. They 
did not invite Mao Tsetung or Chu Teh, who were on the Central 
Committee; neither did they call for a general debate; they simply 
deposed Li Li-san. Ho Meng-hsiung denounced the meeting as 
illegal (which it was). Ho was later betrayed to the Kuomintang 
(some say by Wang Ming himself) and executed, together with 
Lin Yu-nan, a relative of Lin Piao, who also had opposed the 
‘twenty-eight’. Thus the ‘returned students’ came to power, 
fashioned a ‘provisional’ Politburo and Central Committee, and 
proceeded to ‘lead’ the Chinese Revolution. 


Mao Tsetung and Wang Ming; 
The Third ‘Left’ Line 

It is sometimes said by cynics that Stalin ‘disliked* Mao Tsetung, 
and personal hostility is held to be the cause of Russian-conceived 
policies and directives which plagued the Chinese Revolution for 
some years. This is hardly tenable. There is a tendency to attribute 
to well-planned policies what is often blind chance. The esteem in 
which Mao Tsetung was held by the Comintern in 1930 is un- 
deniable. Not only from reports, which blamed Li Li-san and 
approved Mao even if not by name, but also from the obituary 
of March 1930 published about him, in which he was praised high 
above other leaders in the CCP. This could not have happened 
without Stalin’s approval. It is much more likely that after 1930 
Stalin lost interest in the Chinese scene, as events in Europe took 
up most of his attention. The Comintern was to become mainly 
an instrument of Soviet policy, to safeguard the Soviet Union’s 
strategic security; Russian interests predominated, and all Com- 
munist parties in the world were expected to place Russia’s 
welfare above everything else. The ‘fountainhead of socialism’, 
the first socialist state, brooked no contradictions. The notion 
that there could be contradictions in socialism, both between 
socialist states and parties and within a socialist state itself, would 
not be evolved before Mao would demonstrate it and thus expand 
the dialectics of revolution.* 

The rule of the returned students’ — the twenty-eight Bolshe- 
viks -lasted four long, disastrous years. Not until 1945 would 
their line definitely be condemned, f In the historical suimning 

* This would be fully elaborated in Mao’s essay On the Correct Handling of 

Contradictions Among the People, February 27, 1957 (Foreign Languages Press 
Peking, 1957). 

t Appendix: Resolutions on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party. Selected 
Works, voL III. 




up no Russian is mentioned, although the returned students, led 
by Wang Ming, were accompanied by Pavel Mif, a teacher at 
the university in Moscow where they had studied, and a member 
of the Comintern. Pavel Mif is said to have manoeuvred the 
student group’s gain of power by the strong-arm method described. 
Once again the CCP follows its tradition of never blaming other 
than its own members, and Mif is a name forgotten in China. 

After the ‘putsch’ of January 1931, the Central Committee was 
reduced from 30 to 16 members, with alternates. Wang Ming 
(Chen Shao-yu), Po Ku (Chin Pang-hsien), Chang Wen-tien, 
and Shen Tse-min dominated the Politburo. The mild, inoffensive 
and willing Hsiang Chung-fa, personally irreproachable, was 
made secretary-general as a proletarian cover for the policies of 
the group. 

The net result of the four years which followed was the loss of 
90 per cent of the Communist Party of China and of the Chinese 
Red Army; the loss of the base Mao had created and many other 
small bases in South China; the subjection of millions of peasants 
to massacres and reprisals; and a headlong flight, monstrously 
mismanaged, which would, however, turn into an epic: the 
Long March. 

Very clearly, the new leadership set out to pull Mao down. It 
slanderously asserted that ... there was as yet no “genuine’ Red 
Army ... and with special emphasis that the main danger ... 
consisted of “right” opportunists ... The new “left” line was more 
determined, more theoretical, more domineering ... than the Li 
Li-san line.’ This quotation from Mao is a cry from the heart. He 
could never think of the hecatombs which the returned students 
wrong policies gave rise to, the purges, the massacres, and the 
decimation of the Party and Army, without deep emotion. 

In February 1931 the intra-Party struggle began; on the theore- 
tical plane first, since the provisional Politburo was in Shanghai, 
and Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh were far away in the depths of 
Kiangsi. Wang Ming published a pamphlet, which he appears to 
have written either in the USSR or on his return to China, called 
The Two Lines; or The Struggle for the Further Bolshevization of the 


Communist Party of China. The gist of it was that the Party was not 
Communist enough, and that tliis had to be remedied. The main 
obstacle, as Wang Ming saw it, was ‘right opportunist’ ideas 
(and ideas always mean people too) in the Party. It was actually 
a very direct and obvious attack on Mao. 

The Shanghai abode of the Politburo was in the French Con- 
cession, and of course clandestine. But the Kuomintang secret 
police received the help of the foreign police in the international 
settlement and the French Concession. Every week Communist 
workers, labour leaders, were captured and executed. There were 
some defections, and the defectors betrayed others. In June 1931, 
following the capture and execution of Ho Meng-hsiung and 
Lin Yu-nan, the secret police captured more Party members. 
Through one of them the Party’s secretary-general, the hapless 
Hsiang Chung-fa, was also betrayed and put to death. 

Wang Ming became acting secretary-general without conven- 
ing a plenum. But the police were not going to stop. The Polit- 
buro’s hide-out in Shanghai was discovered and hundreds of 
names were found. Hundreds were arrested in July and August; 
the tumbrils brought them to be shot in the waste ground re- 
served for such spectacles in Shanghai. The Politburohad to move; 
to remain was too dangerous. There was only one place where it 
could be safe, and that was at the base Mao Tsetung had created 
in south Kiangsi. But to get there would be dfficult and dangerous 
too — in that summer of 1931, Chiang Kai-shek was launching his 
third and largest campaign against Mao’s base. It was, however, 
defeated, and in September the crisis of Japanese invasion of 
Manchuria preoccupied the KMT. The Politburo was able to 
disperse and to reach, under various names and disguises, in small 
groups, the Kiangsi-Fukien Border Area. Some may have gone 
by ship, others by land; details are not clear about tins exodus. 
By November 1931 some had already reached the base; others 
would filter through during 1932. 

We must now ask, who was Wang Ming? — for it is a name we 
shall hear often during the next decade. Born in 1907, Chen 
Shao-yu (Wang Ming) was a landlord’s son who at the age of 
eighteen became a student in Shanghai University. Shanghai 



University was heavily politicized, and Wang Ming and many 
others went to Russia straight from their studies there, to attend 
the University for the Far East, also called Sun Yatsen University, 
in Moscow. He joined the CCP in Russia in November 1925 and 
became fluent in Russian, acting as Pavel Mif’s interpreter. He 
may or may not have been briefly in China again in 1926 — this is 
uncertain. But he did return after the Sixth Congress in 1930. He 
had no practical experience of revolution, and does not seem to 
have acquired any, as he did not stay very long in China. 

His friend and colleague, the one who would be identified with 
the Wang Ming line, was Chin Pang-hsien (alias Po Ku). He died 
in an aeroplane crash in 1946, and this has possibly saved him from 
execration, though he appears to have been less stubborn, less 
resistant to common sense, than Wang Ming. He studied English 
at Shanghai University and went with Wang Ming to Moscow. 
Chin stayed on in China till his death, whereas Wang Ming was 
to return to Russia in 1932 and from there ‘direct* the Revolution, 
particularly through Chin Pang-hsien. 

The essential feature about Wang Ming is the contempt he had 
for the raw, illiterate human beings who under Mao*s leadership 
would develop into dedicated, and brilliant Party members and 
Red Army men. He had no idea of what the Chinese masses were 
like. It is doubtful that he ever knew anything about the econo- 
mics of the Chinese peasantry. 

Not all the group must be identified with Wang Ming’s 
policies, some truly changed, and in China today Wang Ming 
alone is held responsible for the errors of the third ‘left’ line. 

Mao’s achievement in establishing, consolidating and running 
the Central Base must be seen in the perspective of the disasters 
which befell it. Its period of existence is usually divided into three 
stages. From February 1929, when the victory of Tapoti allowed 
Mao and Chu Teh a foothold in the area, till November 1930 is 
known as the first or the base-building stage. A judicious com- 
bination of military action and agrarian revolution took place; 
the military action followed the ‘wave’ theory already delineated: 
withdrawal when enemy reprisals were too strong, tenacious 
return, swift pounces to annihilate the enemy when he was weak, 

Red bases in South China, 1030-1934 

28 o 


to the Bolsheviks, such terms were anathema, deviation. ‘General 
ideological poverty’ together with ‘empiricism’ and ‘opportunistic 
pragmatism’ were epithets hurled at Mao’s practical policies. 
The Bolsheviks themselves used everywhere the words ‘soviet’ 
and Bolshevik , which no one understood, especially as they 
were not translated but transliterated, which resulted in the 
Chinese ‘Su Wei-ai’ and ‘Pu-Erh-Shih-wei-ke’. Many people 
thought that Su Wei-ai was the name of a man, Kuomintang 
and warlords offered prizes for capture of the ‘Red bandit Su 
Wei-ai ... dead or alive . Mao Tsctung already had a prize on his 
head, and so had Chu Teh and Chou En-lai. The figures kept on 
going higher and higher. ‘I’m the most expensive man in China’, 
joked Chu Teh. Wang Ming and his wife Meng Ching-shu 
returned to Moscow in the winter of 1931 or early 1932, after 
the establishment of the ‘soviet republic’. It was Po Ku who was 
left in charge to carry out the directives sent to him from Russia. 

It must be noted again that September 1931 was the month in 
which the Japanese had invaded Manchuria. If, instead of setting 
up a ‘soviet republic’ and starting to devise ways and means 
to ‘Bolshcvizc’ the Party and to reduce Mao Tsctung, the Polit- 
buro had taken a good hard look at the Chinese situation, things 
might have been very different. The invasion of Manchuria had 
produced a nationwide shock. Patriotic Chinese everywhere, 
students and intellectuals, demanded resistance to Japan. Had the 
CCP rallied the smouldering discontent with Chiang’s anti- 
Conimunist campaigns, proclaimed resistance to Japan as a 
national movement, the struggle for power in Cliina would have 
been shorter for the CCP. But the young sectarians were unable 
to see reality. It was Mao Tsctung who, the next spring, would 
initiate policies aimed at rallying the people of China on the 
platform of resistance to foreign invasion. But he was already 
losing power fast, and would not be listened to until some years 

The other point to be noticed is that the proclamation of a 
‘soviet republic’ was not in line with the view that China was still 
in the stage of ‘bourgeois-democratic revolution’ as asserted at the 
third plenum in 1930 and as Mao had so often expounded. In 



fact, it was part of this extreme leftism which we would now find 
fully deployed. We do not know whether Mao at the time pro- 
tested against it, for the years from early 1930 to mid-1933 are his 
years of silence, when we find practically nothing written by him. 

Even if at the time he thought it correct, he must have realized 
this proclamation was a mistake in timing. For in Yenan, years 
later, he would again make the point that the stage of revolution 
was not yet proletarian but ‘democratic-bourgeois’, and he would 
proclaim a ‘people’s republic’. Even today, China is not a Com- 
munist republic but a ‘people’s republic’. The distinction is 

But in those far-off days in the Central Base,* the heady slogans 
and inflated rhetoric of the provisional Politburo carried the day. 
The people of the base were elated; they did not know what was 
in store for them. The ideological struggle which had already 
begun was unknown to all but the handful of men who, on that 
November 7, sat on a raised platform on the plain between 
Yehping and Juichin and watched the Red Army parade. On the 
ground of the parade enclosure were the words: advance in 
THE blood-stained TRACKS OF OUR MARTYRS. The red 
flags unfurled stiffly in the keen November wind; there were 
songs and dances and happy applauding crowds, and cheers and 

The Appendix: Resolutions on Certain Questions in the History of 
Our Party of 1945 tells us that from the very start, and without any 
provocation, the sectarians (as they were called for a while) ‘put 
into effect two interrelated and erroneous tenets’. These tenets, 
couched in ideological terms, aimed at wresting power from Mao. 
Wrenching would be a more effective word, for Mao was not a 
weak and puny opponent, and he fought back ‘on a principled 
basis , but with all the ability of his supple brain. As always, he 
had already made preparations for this onslaught. His brother 
Mao Tse-min held in his hands the financial structure; he would 

* The author visited the area of the Central Base extensively in the summer of 
1971 and interviewed numerous cx-Red-Army men, political instructors, and 
survivors of the Long March at Yutou, Tapoti, Yehping, and elsewhere. 



be dislodged, but it would take time. His other brother Mao 
Tse-tan was to help him in land reform, again an economic 
process. It would also take time to reach and to destroy the 
agrarian changes which Mao Tsetung had instituted. Mao him- 
self was political commissar of the Red Army, and also held other 
posts. The two erroneous tenets would therefore have as their 
goals the ideological disparagement of Mao s ideas, taking away 
his military power and Party, and a purge of all cadres loyal to 
Mao both in the Party and in the Army. Before the First All- 
China Soviet Congress was convened in November 1931 this had 
already been plain in the pronouncements of the provisional 
Politburo. In the next two years these intentions would be 

Where the Red Army was concerned, Mao Tsetung had ex- 
panded the First Front Army Corps, organized in 1930 to take 
Changsha as Li Li-san ordered, and comprising then 20,000 men, 
which did not burden the population of the base. From 1930 
onward a large number of eager young peasant recruits were 
trained, some only fifteen or sixteen years old. The Chiang Kai- 
shek campaigns against the base also provided a flow of recruits 
through desertions and defections. The policies towards captured 
prisoners had been defined by Mao at Chingkangshan and were 
strictly enforced: good treatment and political indoctrination for 
deserters and defectors who were ordinary soldiers or junior 
ofl'icers. This absence of ill-treatment, this positive benevolence, 
was so entirely new in China — where it was customary to torture 
prisoners and put them to death — that the very rumour of it 
brought deserters with their guns from the Kuomintang side. 
Some of the junior officers captured would prove useful and 
steady members of the Communist Party during the Long March. 
Some of them would bring wireless sets, and this was a great 
help, as the Conununist Party was then able to link through radio 
with other groups scattered throughout South China. 

Because of this army expansion and the swiftly growing popu- 
larity of the Communists, small guerilla bases were established 
in adjacent provinces; there would be twelve in all by the 
summer of 1932. Though some were unstable, and more like 


guerilla areas than bases, they did represent a rising tide of revolu- 
tion. By that summer, 70 counties and 9 million people were 
under Red control, with ten armies of various calibre and 
quality. The Central Base remained the best equipped, which 
was not much, until an arsenal was established in 1931. An 
academy to train officers was set up, and Mao Tsetung planned 
to send cadres from this academy to the other bases. This was 
regarded as highly dangerous, and labelled 'opportunism in 
practical work’ and halted by the sectarians. 

Concerning the treatment of cadres, Mao Tsetung was to 
write in 1945 that the Wang Ming sectarians had ‘violated the 
fundamental principle of democratic centralism, turned Party 
discipline into mechanical regulations, fostered tendencies 
towards blind obedience*. 

It was worse than the above description would lead us to 
believe. The ‘Bolshevization’ and ‘strengthening of the Party at 
all levels* announced by the sectarians decimated the Com- 
munist Party. This systematic campaign involved not only 
punishment of many cadres, but a terroristic so-called ‘counter- 
revolutionary’ witch hunt at all levels. 

In this the two vice-chairmen, Chang Kuo-tao especially, 
participated. Hsiang Ying seems to have been an intelligent but 
rather obstinate man. The sectarians tried to make of the Futien 
incident of 1930, when Mao moved against the A-B group and 
together with Chen Yi crushed the plot to set up another leader- 
ship, a matter for attacking Mao Tsetung directly. Hsiang Ying 
was asked to investigate and appears to have turned in a report 
unfavourable to Mao Tsetung. However, it was not possible 
even then to lay conclusive charges, as a great many of the cadres, 
and the Army men involved, supported Mao’s action. We must 
not be surprised if, from Moscow where he lives today, Wang 
Ming still goes on bringing up the Futien incident as one of the 
‘crimes’ of Mao Tsetung. 

A ‘security’ apparatus was set up by the sectarians, and acted so 
thoroughly that cadres were physically liquidated on suspicion, a 
practice which filled Mao with horror. He termed it impermis- 
sible, but was not heard. After 1945, Mao Tsetung would insist 



that those cadres who had been wrongfully killed should 
be posthumously rehabilitated. The conduct of affairs under 
the sectarians is so strongly reminiscent of what happened in the 
USSR through the purges (and there were already purges in the 
USSR in 1931) that one cannot but feel the twenty-eight Bol- 
sheviks were closely imitating what was being done in Russia. It 
is however not possible to say they were following Russian 
orders; the presence and personality of Wang Ming, back at the 
Comintern in 1932, is enough to have motivated these odious 
practices through sheer eagerness to prove to the Russians what 
thoroughly good Bolsheviks the returned students were. 

The measure of failure of these unrealistic policies was the 
disasters they precipitated. The step-by-step wresting of power 
and influence from Mao was relentless. Elected chairman of the 
soviet government, he was still political commissar of the Red 
armies at the base, and secretary of the Front Committee. But in 
August 1932 a conference and plenum was held at Ningtu. By 
then most of the sectarians and their adherents had arrived. Mao 
Tsetung was away fighting in Fukien (yet another campaign was 
on, Chiang’s fourth) and returned to attend this meeting. He was 
then divested of his posts as secretary of the Front Committee and 
political commissar of the Red armies at the base. His connection 
with the Red Army was thus severed. He remained, however, 
chairman of the government. But as this was entirely subject to 
the Politburo, he had no real voice any longer in political or 
military decisions. 

The sectarians averred that Mao’s equal distribution programme 
to all persons, men and women, old and young, was an error. 
They charged that he had avoided adopting a thorough policy of 
‘class struggle’. He was soft, they said. All landlords, big or small, 
all rich peasants should be killed or driven off their land. Let them 
die of hunger. No land (or the poorest) should be given to them 
to labour and to live on. 

But though the sectarians refused to be ‘infected with reality 
in Mao’s felicitous phrase, the reason they could not destroy 
the land reform programme as thoroughly as they destroyed the 
Party and Army was that, after all, these things take time, and the 


urgent necessity of being fed and feeding the troops, the need for 
money precisely from the very merchants and traders they tried 
to liquidate, slowed down this ‘Bolshevization*. 

Another reason was that they did not know the people. There is 
no record of their going round, as Mao did, from small village to 
small village, pacing the field pathways, stopping for familiar talk 
with the peasantry. The grass-roots cadres knew Mao, and they 
would obey him. Mao did not directly counter the orders given; 
he would proceed, as he always does, by indirection; taking up 
one point, then another, and showing how impracticable the 
decisions were; and thus finally, steadily, bringing down the 
theoretical edifice. But the practical demonstration of his views 
would not take too long to be manifest. 

Although we have an absence of recorded writing from Mao 
during the three and a half years from early summer 1930 to 
August 1933, it is indubitable, from eyewitness reports, that 
he was busy writing, and making investigations. But this material 
went unpublished and ignored, and was probably lost with many 
other documents during the Long March, or left behind or 

It was in policies concerning the Red Army that the best 
examples of erroneous decisions are seen. Because Mao was not 
deprived of control till the end of 1932, the full force of the new 
line for the Army could only be applied in 1933. Already, in the 
resolutions passed in 1931 concerning the ‘Bolshevization and 
rebuilding’ of the Red Army (it apparently was not a genuine 
Red Army before the twenty-eight Bolsheviks arrived), there are 
many pointers as to the methods by which Mao’s control would 
be taken away. The Red Army leadership was castigated for 
guerilla warfare. The new line called for occupation of key 
points and holding them to the death, for an end to ‘indecisive 
fluctuation , for the seizure of the whole of Kiangsi province. It 
accused Mao of rightist opportunism for neglecting positive 
action, for procrastination, for being sceptical about occupying 
cities, for avoiding head-on confrontations. He preferred, they 
said, propaganda in villages to ‘destroying the enemy through 
combat , and he failed to pursue enemy forces to the end. They 



denounced the concept of ‘fluidity’. All this would lead to a line 
of ‘regular warfare’, or classical positional war, for which the 
Red Army was completely unsuited. The flexible tactics and the 
guerilla strategy of Mao, which spared men, collected weapons, 
and was maximally effective in its twin objects of political arousal 
of the people and social revolution, together with protracted, 
attritional methods of war, was to be given up entirely by the 
end of 1933. 

But all theory must be tested in practice, and it is in war that 
theories are best tested. Chiang Kai-shek’s campaigns would 
serve to illustrate the two-line struggle in a more striking manner 
than any other event could have done. 

‘Before the central leadership following the fourth plenum had 
time to carry through its erroneous line ... the Red Army of the 
Central Area in Kiangsi under the correct leadersliip of comrade 
Mao Tsetung won great victories and smashed the enemy’s 
second and tliird campaigns of “encirclement and suppression’’.’* 

Between 1930 and 1931 three ‘annihilation’ campaigns were 
launched by Chiang against the Central Base. The fust campaign, 
as we have seen, started in October 1930, f with a force of 100,000 
men. In the decisive battles of December 27, 1930, and January i, 
1931, Cliiang’s troops were lured deep into Red areas; he lost one 
fifth of his men, including a top general who was killed. The Red 
Army numbered 20,000 men. 

The second, begun in May 1931, was under thecommandof Ho 
Ying-chin, Chiang’s defence minister and chief of staff, with 
200,000 men. The population and the terrain were against the 
KMT; the peasants and the Red Guards of the liberated areas 
helped the Red Army, numbering 40,000 men, which routed the 
armies of Ho Ying-chin. Thirty thousand prisoners were taken 
or came over to the Communists; there were 4,000 casualties 
on the Communist side. 

The third campaign followed immediately upon the second. 

* Appendix: Resolutions on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party. Selected 
Works, vol. III. 

f See chapter lo. 



It was led by Chiang Kai-shek in person, with 300,000 men, in 
July 1931. Chiang set up headquarters in Nanchang; he used 
German and Japanese military advisers. The Communist forces 
manoeuvred ably, gliding between the armies, cutting them off 
from the rear in lightning actions, covering by night unexpected 
distances to appear suddenly when least expected on a flank or 
behind the KMT divisions. Ten thousand firearms were captured, 
and over 20,000 men, together with their commanding officers, 
went over to the Communists in December. 

Mao Tsetung was to give, in December 1936, a long lecture on 
the strategy of all these first three campaigns; citing not only the 
military aspects but also the political situation at the time. The 
first campaign, he said, could have been more successful, in that a 
counter-offensive might have been mounted, had it not been for 
the disunity inside the Red Army and the split in the local Party 
organization (the two difficult problems created by the Li Li-san 
line and the A-B group). The alternation of offensive and defen- 
sive, advance and retreat, must always be kept in mind, and one 
must always be prepared for this alternation and not persist in 
offensive only. During the third campaign, the offensive was on a 
very large scale, and it was only by making long detours (1,000 lis 
or 300 miles) in order to attack the enemy at the rear that a very 
strong column had been crushed by weaker Red forces. ‘When 
the enemy launches a large-scale encirclement and suppression 
campaign, our general principle is to lure him in deep, withdraw 
into the base area, and fight him there, because this is the surest 
method of smashing his offensive,’* 

But we should note here that besides the military strategy 
involved, another factor would also predicate the success of the 
third campaign. This was the fact that the Japanese had attacked 
and invaded Manchuria in September 1931. They followed up 
with the total occupation of Manchuria. This in turn provoked a 
wave ofindignation and protest within China itself against Chiang 
Kai-shek, The trials and tribulations of the KMT from September 
1931 to April 1932 gave the Communists a much-needed respite,’ 

* Problems of Strategy in China’s Revolutionary War. Selected Works vol I 
ch. 4, p. 200. ’ ■ ’ 



writes Jerome Chen,* The defection to the Communists of 20,000 
men of the KMT Twenty-sixth Route Army, with all their guns, 
more than a hundred pieces of artillery, and wireless sets -called 
the Ningtu uprising — was also a tremendous boost. 

The tribulations of Chiang Kai-shek were multiple, for he now 
also had a full-fledged rebellion on his hands, ending with a 
dissident ‘government’ proclaimed in Kuangchow. However, 
this revolt had already started in February 1931, and had not 
prevented him from mounting his second or his third campaign 
against the Communists; hence the excuse made by some 
historians that Chiang would have been militarily successful had 
he not stopped because of these ‘tribulations’ is not borne out by 
facts. Oil the contrary, the invasion by Japan, (termed euphemis- 
tically the Mukden Incident) was the means of a reunion between 
the Kuangchow dissidents and Chiang Kai-shek. Of course the 
dissidents had the support of that eternal peripatctician Wang 
Ching-wei, once again reconciled with Chiang Kai-shek. There 
is no evidence that the Communist triumph in the third campaign 
was directly due to any hasty withdrawal by Chiang. It was a 
straightforward military victory. Cliiang did not withdraw his 
forces because of the Japanese; he never sent any to fight them. 

13 y January 1932 the Japanese were also attacking Shanghai, 
which was bravely defended by the Nineteenth Route Army of 
General Tsai Ting-kai, who only a few weeks previously had 
been fighting in the third encirclement and suppression campaign 
against the Red base, under Chiang Kai-shek’s orders. Chiang’s 
reluctance to battle Japan became then very evident; he did all he 
could not to support (practically to sabotage) the Nineteenth 
Route Army’s gallant efforts, which had stirred the patriotic 
emotions of the whole country. In order to continue his anti- 
Communist campaigns — under the slogan ‘Internal pacification 
must come before external resistance’ — Chiang Kai-shek in 
April 1932 ordered General Tsai Ting-kai and his Nineteenth 
Route Army to battle the Communists in Fukien province, with 
what paradoxical results wc shall sec. 

■^Jerome Chen, Mao and the Chinese Ret^olntiotiy trs. M. Bullock and J. Chen, 
op. cit., p. 171. 

ip. Jjipancse units moving into Northwest China during the war (1937-1945) 






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Chiang Kai-slick then made a truce with Japan, the May i 
Tangku txuce, tacitly agreeing to Japan’s occupation of the three 
eastern provinces of Manchuria. This was to lead the following 
year to the establishment of a puppet state of Manchukuo, 
ostensibly independent, actually under Japanese control. The 
deposed last emperor of the Manchu dynasty, Puyi, who had been 
living in the Japanese Concession in Tientsin, was now made 
emperor of Manchukuo. Chiang meanwhile readied his fourth 
encirclement and suppression campaign against the Communist 
Central Base. 

In January 1932 Mao Tsetung was urging that the Communist 
Party should seize the opportunity dropped into its lap, literally, 
by the Japanese invasion. A united front of the people of China, 
the ‘broad masses’, furious with Chiang’s supine attitude, and 
demanding resistance to Japan, was in the process of coalescing. 
It needed a head, a leadership. Mao Tsetung argued that this 
leadership should be seized by the Chinese Conmiunist Party. 

This was, said Mao, a struggle against imperialism, Japanese 
imperialism. Whichever party would combine the leadership of a 
national liberation movement together with the fulfilment of 
demands for social revolution, such as land reform, could win 
leadership of the entire nation and thus make the Revolution 
progress. Mao Tsetung argued that since the Revolution was still 
in the bourgeois-democratic stage, it was up to a united front to 
rally all the classes that wanted to resist the invader. This reasoning 
was sweepingly denounced by the ‘left’ sectarians as right 
opportunism. They saw the whole process quite differently. The 
attack on China was not an attack on China; it was a preparation 
for a combined imperialist attack on the Soviet Union ! Any sign 
of nationalism’ was therefore bourgeois. Only ‘proletarian 
internationalism was the correct line. All reformist groups were 
enemies; Chiang Kai-shek was in league with Japan and therefore 
to fight him was essential. Mao tried to refute this haywire 
reasoning. Japan could not possibly attack anyone else before it 
had subdued China and turned China into its vast base to conquer 
the world. Hence to fight Japan was true ‘internationalism’. This 
reasoning was deemed non-Marxist. ‘What kind of Marxism 



can you expect from the mountains of Kiangsi?’ sneered the 

However, in April 1932, while Chiang was manoeuvring for 
a truce with Japan, Mao Tsetung as chairman of the Chinese 
soviet government, Chu Teh as commander-in-chief of the Red 
Army, and Hsiang Ying, the vice-chairman, signed a declaration 
of war against Japan. This was regarded as a propaganda move 
abroad; and the sectarian members of the Politburo went ahead 
with their own logic. 

A totally different military strategy was developed. The Red 
Army was to be expanded; it was. By the end ofjanuary 1932 it 
had grown to a massive 200,000 men. It was announced that 
‘guerillaism’ was now out. ‘It was wrong to lure the enemy in 
deep because we had to abandon so much territory.’ The sec- 
tarians argued: ‘Now our own state has been established and our 
Red Army has become a regular army. Our fight against Chiang 
Kai-shek has become a war between two states, between two 
great armies ... everything pertaining to guerillaism should be 
totally discarded.’ The new principles were ‘completely Marxist’. 
They were:’^‘Pit one against ten, pit ten against a hundred... 
exploit victories by hot pursuit’, ‘Attack on all fronts’; ‘Seize 
key cities’ and ‘Strike with two fists in two directions at the same 
time’. When the enemy attacked the methods of dealing with 
him were : ‘Engage the enemy outside the gates’, ‘Gain mastery by 
striking first’, ‘Don’t let our pots and pans be smashed , Don t 
give up an inch of territory’, and ‘Divide the forces in six 
routes ’. ' 

These quotations from the slogans show how the new strategy 
was to govern part of the fourth, and the fifth, defence against 
Chiang’s campaigns. From Jtme to October 1932 Chiang Kai- 
shek, who led the fourth campaign against the Communists in 
person, installed his headquarters in Wuhan, and first attacked the 
smaller scattered bases in Central and South China. This time he 
used 400,000 men. He easily overran some of the smaller bases, 
such as the Oyuwan base under Chang Kuo-tao. Chang Kuo-tao 
fled westward with the bulk of the forces to set up another area on 
the borders of Szechuan province. He would move again when 



threatened by a local Szechuan warlord, av'oiding battle and 
retreating into national minority areas deep into West Szechuan, 
where we shall meet him again in 1935. Only some guerilla 
deuchments remained in the area; they were rallied by the 
commander, Hsu Hai-tung. who later would join up witii Mao 

Chiang also scattered a base in Nortli Hunan — Hupei, under Ho 
Lung, the Kuomintang commander who had joined the Com- 
munists at the Nanchang uprising. Another column of Chiang's 
troops would smash the guerilla area where Peng Teh-huai now 
operated. Peng Teh-huai had returned in late 1930, after the 
fiasco of Li Li-san's ‘capture Wuhan’ line, to the Hunan-Kiangsi 
border area. His base was therefore almost in the former area of 
the Chingkangshan mountain massif Peng lost the territory and 
withdrew, to join the Central Base. 

This provided the sectarians with a rival military opinion 
against Mao Tsetung. Peng Teh-huai agreed with them that 
‘guerillaism’ was outmoded, and that with such a large Red 
Army (and the Pohtburo called for its constant expansion 
throughout 1933 and early 1934). regular warfare should be 
engaged in. When in August 1932 at Ningtu, Mao Tsetung was 
fmally deprived of control over the Red Army, right in the 
middle of the fourth campaign, both Chang Kuo-tao (who seems 
to have been briefly in Juichin) and Peng Teh-huai joined in 
criticism of Mao’s military strategy. The new resolutions on the 
Army were now set into practice. Soldiers’ conferences and 
soldiers committees were done away with; they would not be 
restored till 1947-1948. Political education in the Army declined. 
Officers and privates were to be regularized, which meant 
different uniforms, and saluting, which Mao never bothered 
about. Positional warfare and trench warfare, sudden lightning 
attacks, were ‘the modem way’ of fighting— ‘Marxist’. A Military 
Commission was set up, to prosecute what was now called ‘the 
decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of 
colonialism’. A war ‘of short swift thrusts, blockhouse warfare, 
war of attrition ... anyone who did not accept these things was 
to be punished, labelled an opportunist and so on and so forth ... 



[These] were the theories and practices of hotheads and ig- 
noramuses; they did not have the slightest flavour of Marxism 
about them.’ Thus wrote Mao, in 1945, of this period. 

The MiUtary Commission would pass under the command of a 
German, Otto Braun, aUas Li Teh, alias Hua Fu, alias Otto Stern, 
who arrived in 1933. Li Teh would have the distinction of being 
the only European to make the Long March. His qualifications 
for assuming military control were puzzling. He appears to have 
been a schoolteacher by profession, a member of the Comintern 
by conviction, a journalist occasionally, and a military strategist 
by virtue of having soldiered for a while and also taken some 

in Moscow. He called on Edgar 
Snow in early 1933 in Tientsin, under the name of Otto Stern, 
journalist. He was dramatically smuggled into the base a little 
later. He has now written his own memoirs of those days. 

The fourth campaign, which dragged on for almost nine 
months, was also a defeat for Chiang Kai-shek. The military line 
set down by the sectarians was not followed everywhere; Mao’s 
influence would continue among some units; a commander 
named Lo Ming would be ‘struggled against’ and cashiered as an 
‘opportunist-liquidationist’ and a ‘flightist’ for having followed 
Mao’s guerilla precepts. 

Mao Tsetung was ill with malaria (he had all together three 
bouts of it) and was therefore certainly not in any position to 
influence military events— besides having been deprived of his 
post with the Red Army — during the winter of 1932 and the 
spring of 1933. The fourth campaign was victorious, even if 
costly in manpower, and this seemed to prove the correctness of 
the new military line. It was actually due to the impetus and 
^lan, the courage and fearlessness of the troops, much less well 
equipped than their opponents. The losses in men were speedily 
made up, but new recruits are not seasoned soldiers, and this the 
sectarians ignored. The Red Army, they argued, could grow to 
‘several hundred thousand’ and start a nationwide insurrection. 

In March and April 1933 a swift forward thrust carried the Red 
Army within striking distance of Changsha; but then logistics 
became a problem, and Chu Teh argued that Changsha could not 

courses at the military academy 



be taken. But this seeming victory greatly exalted the Com- 
munists. Another military conference was called that April, and 
again Mao was criticized (in absentia). 

But the expansion of the Red Army in preparation for the war 
‘to end colonialism’, the decisive stage foreseen by the provisional 
Politburo, needed economic support. There cannot be an army 
without food — what the peasant grows and supplies. Not one of 
the members of the Politburo could spare the time to do the 
laborious, boring work of economic consolidation. This was left 
to Mao Tsetung, who was put in charge of producing the sinews 
of war: food, clothing, money, and men. 

In the summer of 1933, we fuid Mao Tsetung writing again; and 
it is on economic work. 

The economics of the base were tied up with recruiting. 
Recruits could only come from the peasantry. The sectarians 
spoke of getting at least 500,000, if not a million, men under 
arms. The ‘regular’ army would now man blockhouses, trenches, 
and other fortifications in ‘regular’ warfare fashion. Peasants 
were set to digging and shovelling and building. This entailed a 
drain on field labour. The soldiers were locked in trenches and 
forts. All this was against Mao’s ideas, which was to utilize the 
Red Army also as a production and work force in the fields, so 
that the burden on the population would be light. The intensive 
army-people relationship which Mao had promoted was 

At the April 1933 military conference which had criticized Mao 
in absentia, and started the struggle against Lo Ming because in 
his battles he had followed Mao’s military tactics, Mao’s brothers 
Mao Tse-min and Mao Tse-tan were also censured. Mao Tse-min 
was relieved of his job, as also was Mao’s secretary. Mao Tse-tan 
was left to help Mao with land reform. 

To counteract the offensive ‘left’ land programme, which 
admitted of no intermediate classes and had already resulted in 
decline of production, Mao Tsetung organized a land investiga- 
tion movement in that April of 1933, in spite of his illness. In 
May 1933 the policy of physical liquidation of landlords and the 



tax to the limit on rich peasants was producing poor results, 
and Mao halted it. It antagonized the middle, yet did not fulfil 
the demands of the poor peasants. He then set up experimental 
points , and held two more meetings on economic work in June 
193 3 » going to villages and calling on groups of three to twenty 
people, asking questions, making notes, comparing reports, in 
fact doing what any scrupulous scientific social researcher should 
do. If a point was unclear, Mao would remain, stimulate a debate, 
and have a discussion with as many people as possible until he got 
to the bottom of the local problem. 

All this painstaking, meticulous work would be regarded by 
the haughty sectarians as trivial; and there is no record of any of 
them doing the same. Yet tliis was the basis upon which Mao 
Tsetung set out to verify (which was really to mitigate) the ‘left’ 
line in land reform and in economics. He said that the line practised 
was a most dangerous policy, the population will be troubled’.* 
In August 1933 Mao Tsetung called an economic conference for 
seventeen counties (the base total) for economic construction. The 
fifth campaign of Chiang Kai-shek had started that very month. 
At the conference he criticized the discrepancies between the 
policies urged and the goal, which was to win the war. The 
essence of the matter was that the enemy’s campaign must be 
checked and the enemy defeated, but the line carried out asked 
for an economic set-up which could not sustain the war effort. 
There would not be such a contradiction, he maintained, if 
appropriate tactics and strategy were followed.f The call ‘Let us 
have a million soldiers’ was devastating the countryside; it 
interfered with labour power needed at harvest time, as did the 
work on fortifications. 

He was then accused of ‘narrow empiricism, peasant localism, 
and opportunistic pragmatism’. Mao then withdrew to a small 
village where a drought had occurred and mobilized the popula- 
tion to dig wells, digging a well himself At the time he repeated 
what he had written in 1930: ‘It is quite wrong to take a formalis- 

* Interviews at Juichin Central Base by author, 1971. 

f Be Concerned With the Well-Being of the Masses, Pay Attention to Methods of 
Work (January 27, 1934), Selected Works, vol. 1 . 



tic attitude and blindly carry out directives without discussing 
and examining them in the light of actual conditions.’ 

At the end of 1933 Mao Tsetung made trips to Hsingkuo, to 
Shanghang. He kept moving about the base, and he visited some 
places, such as Yutou, where his brother had been in charge of the 
tungsten export, about eleven times during those four years. About 
a thousand co-operatives were founded to alleviate shortages in 
food, clothing, salt due to enemy blockade, Mao made a report 
to the plenum in January 1934 on all aspects of economic work. 
‘To conduct the task of land reform merely through the action of 
a few cadres’, he said, ‘depresses the morale and the fighting spirit 
of the masses.’ 

His operational principles were three: land distribution, land 
verification, and agricultural production. Exhaustively Mao 
Tsetung tackled the subject of economics, tedious to those who 
sail above pedestrian matters such as ‘oil, flour, vinegar and salt’, 
details vital for the war eflbrt and for the livelihood of the 
millions in the base. The landlord class certainly was the principal 
enemy of the Revolution, Mao agreed, but physical extermination 
was not the answer. It should be used most sparingly. Only 
twelve ‘big tiger’ landlords after ‘verification of more than three 
hundred families of landlords and rich peasants’ had been shot in 
a certain area, after ‘mass movements in the countryside’ when 
‘for fifty-five days the masses of the whole district were set in 
motion’. Mao indicated that the people, the poor peasants them- 
selves, would not stand for massive liquidation. 

Warning about the serious underestimation of Chiang’s 

military capability in the fifth campaign, Mao analysed the 

resources of the base, going into minute details such as the 

number of piculs of grain produced in certain localities, the way 

in which land redistribution enhanced production, the obstacles 

to the sorely needed good harvests. ‘Comrades, what is a true 

bastion of war? It is the masses, the millions upon millions of 

people who . . . support the Revolution . . . What is the real wall 
of bronze? It is the people.’ 

This was a retort to those who praised the earthwork bastions 
they were erecting and boasted that the base would be 



impregnable, with ‘walls of bronze and fire’ around it. Alas, the 
wall of bronze and fire was being erected by Chiang Kai-shek 
round the base, to choke it off. 

Be concerned with the well-being of the masses, pay attention 
to methods of work. And with growing anxiety as he felt the 
obduracy of the ‘ignoramuses’ round about him: ‘Some com- 
rades have thought it impossible to spare time for economic 
construction because the revolutionary war keeps people busy 
enough, and they have condemned anyone arguing for it as a 
‘ right deviationist”. Comrades ... fail to realize that without 
building up the economy it is impossible to secure the material 
prerequisites for the revolutionary war and the people will 
become exhausted.’ 

Already in 1933 the food restrictions imposed by the blockade 
were felt; and also the shortage of textiles. No winter uniforms 
were made. Money dried up as trade became impossible. Just 
before the Long March, in October 1934, the food ration was 
fourteen ounces of rice per day, only 60 per cent of the minimum 
required. Cooking oil almost disappeared. Lack of salt again 
became a great problem. 

The soldiers were paid five cents a day; officers were supposed 
to be paid the same, but their pay had been raised. Salt, even the 
minimum, would cost them twice that per day in 1934. Then it 
was to disappear totally. Mao organized salt-smuggling squads. 
Many of them were caught and tortured to death by Chiang s 
troops. Even the wounded in the hospital did not have salt, and 
saplings were cut and burned, salt recovered from the ashes, for 
hospital patients. 

‘Salt is very dear ... sometimes unobtainable ... all this directly 
affects the life of the workers and peasants ... And does it not 
affect our basic line ... the alliance of workers and peasants? 

Even with these urgent problems, and the tightening blockade, 
the sectarians ‘invariably attached damaging labels to all com- 
rades who, finding the erroneous line impracticable, expressed 
doubt about it’. Doubters were treated ‘as if they were criminals 
and enemies ... persecuted, punished, deposed ... this resulted in 
the most lamentable losses inside the Party’. 


And yet in 1934, Wang Ming in Moscow was still to speak of 
the application of the left line as eminently successful; and Beda 
Kun, member of the Cominteni, was to publish a pamphlet 
extolling the success of the counter-revolutionary drive through- 
out the Chinese soviet republic, wliich occupied, he wrote, one 
sixth of China. The Central Base was ‘twice the size of Holland 
and Belgium taken together’, he wrote. The Chinese Army now 
had 350,000 regular soldiers.* 

Another opportunity would now be offered to the Communists 
to emerge on to a national plane, and by so doing to break 
Chiang’s blockade of the base. 

In November 1933. the Nineteenth Route Army under Tsai 
Ting-kai, which had stirred the whole country with its heroic 
resistance against the Japanese at Shanghai, revolted against 
Chiang Kai-shek. It had been moved to Fukien province, to fight 
the Communists’. Tsai Ting-kai now raised the standard of a 
‘people’s government’ and opposed the authority of Chiang’s 
Nanking goveniment. This revolt was not unique, other war- 
lords. such as Feng Yu-hsiang, had felt the patriotic fibre vibrate 
with Japanese aggression. Feng had taken up arms against the 
Japanese, and Chiang cut off his subsidies to keep him from 

All over China massive protests, spearheaded by student groups, 
gave rise to demonstrations. Although for years cowed by the 
White Terror Chiang exercised — many students were executed, 
and each university had its spies— the students sent delegations to 
Nanking to demand resistance against Japan. Tsai Ting-kai was 
therefore supported by patriotic individuals such as Eugene Chen, 
Sun Yatsen s former minister for foreign affairs.']* 

In January 1933, Mao Tsetung as chairman of the soviet central 
government had set out a tentative united front policy, based on 
resistance to Japan. If attacks against soviet areas stopped, if 
democratic rights were guaranteed to the people, the war 

T> Chinese Souiet Republic (International 

Publishers, New York, 1934). 

t General Tsai Ting-kai is. of course, now in Peking. 



against Japan vigorously prosecuted and the people armed against 
Japanese imperialism, then the Chinese soviet government was 
'willing to co-operate with any armed forces’ to resist Japan. 

However, in 1933 the Politburo maintained that there could be 
no alliance with any ‘bourgeoisie’. There could be no distinction 
made between compradore bourgeois, petty bourgeois, national 
bourgeois; all were bad, all were to be hquidated together, and 
this was in line with the view that there were no ‘intermediate’ 
classes. In the USSR too, Stalin was against ‘intermediate’ classes 
as the worst enemies of the Revolution. 

By the summer of 1933, when the Fukien people’s government 
was not yet installed but there were already signs of dissidence, 
contacts had been established between Tsai and the Communists 
and Mao had made renewed truce offers. Had the CCP leadership 
encouraged such contacts, and a tactical alliance, Tsai’s position 
would have been greatly reinforced. The Communists would 
have immediately captured national attention. For the people 
were truly tired of internecine warfare. On the basis of ‘uniting 
all the people to fight Japanese imperialism’ a powerful propa- 
ganda offensive against Chiang Kai-shek could have been moun- 
ted. There would have been no fifth encirclement campaign, and 
even if there had been, the existence of a friendly province next 
to them, Fukien, would have added enormously to the resources 
of the base and broken the blockade. 

In December 1933 Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh, in the name of 
the Chinese soviet government, exchanged telegrams with Tsai 
Ting-kai. But the Politburo tarried and dallied. Wang Ming in 
Moscow continued to denounce the Fukien ‘rebels’ and the 
people’s government of Fukien. Wang Ming said of Tsai Ting- 
kai: ‘I’ll shake his hand only if I can spit into his face.’ Moscow 
seems to have signified, however, through some Communists in 
Shanghai, that ‘military co-operation with Tsai’ was authorized, 
though criticism of the ‘bourgeoisie* must continue. But the 
general impression was of reluctance to associate with the Tsai 
Ting-kai revolt, and no alliance was contrived. 

Surprisingly, an extract of a speech by Mao on November 17, 
1933, in the midst of the controversy about the desirability of an 



alliance with Tsai Ting-kai, appeared in the Comintern press.* In 
his speech Mao criticized the Party leadership for underestimating 
Chiang’s military strength, and identified Tsai Ting-kai with the 
national bourgeoisie against Chiang Kai-shek as representative of 
the landlord compradore bourgeoisie. 

While this dispute within the Party about alliance with Tsai was 
going on, Chiang Kai-shek moved. First he managed to separate 
Tsai from potential allies in Hongkong and in Shanghai. Secondly 
he sent troops along the Kiangsi-Fukien border to separate Tsai 
from Communist contacts. In January 1934 he launched an 
offensive against Tsai in Fukien, crushing his army and destroying 
the people's government. Thus vanished the hopes of a united 
front with Tsai Ting-kai. 

No wonder that in January 1934 a fierce debate between Mao 
Tsetung and other members of the Central Committee, in 
particular Po Ku, would take place. But the ‘line’ of the January 
1931 plenum, the ‘Bolshevik* line, was reasserted in its full fury; 
the slogans launched were to defend the USSR, beacon of social- 
ism. World revolution was just round the comer and this present 
campaign was the decisive one. Mao asserted on the contrary that 
a socialist revolution would not take place until the bourgeois- 
democratic revolution was completed all over China. He repeated 
that petty and national sections of the bourgeoisie, lower and 
middle class, were themselves oppressed by the big bourgeoisie 
and imperialism. He pointed to all the splits which were occurring, 
the revolts against Chiang; the CCP was not taking advantage as 
it should of these splits and factions. One warlord plus one 
warlord did not make two warlords, there was always a possibility 
of rallying one to hit the other. ‘To turn the revolution into a 
seething surging tide all over the country it is necessary to launch 
a political and economic struggle for democracy involving also 
the urban petty bourgeoisie.’ He noted that in spite of their brave 
slogans, the ‘left’ line had already seriously abrogated leadership 
even in the cities, among workers and intellectuals, sensitive 
spheres of the social context where CCP influence was not being 

* International Press Correspondence, vol. XHI, no. 50, p. 1124. 



built up as it should be, and all because of the neglect of this 
essential platform of national unity against Japan. 

After the January 1934 plenum, Mao’s influence was curbed 
even further. A seventeen-man presidium was formed out of 
which, at any time, a new chairman might be selected, thus 
imperilling Mao s position as chairman. This body was to act as a 
supervisory committee over Mao’s actions. His training of cadres 
was drastically cut; he was deprived of the chairmanship of the 
Council of People’s Commissars, the political and educational 
branch of the Party. He had been active in promoting a university, 
an academy, Lenin schools, had begun to send cadres out ‘in straw 
sandals and by night, walking the mountain paths to call on the 
people . It was said that the people ‘loved the cadres sent by 
Chairman Mao’. This new and subtle way of keeping in touch 
with the people aroused fear that his popularity would be 
strengthened. Another of the twenty-eight Bolsheviks, Chang 
Wen-tien, took over this job, as well as becoming secretary- 
general of the Party. Not a word of complaint escaped Mao, nor 
did he take a single action against Party unity. ‘The only thing to 
do is ... to wait.’ Meanwhile he went on his inspection tours, 
carrying a small lantern, riding a horse. ‘We heard the sound of 
hoofs, and knew it was Chairman Mao, going his rounds by day 
or by night.’* 

Chiang’s fifth military campaign started, in August 1933. He 
consecrated to it vast funds, a new loan from the United States 
and Great Britain, a million troops, tanks, aeroplanes, the advice of 
German military experts, among them General von Seeckt, who 
came with the assent of Hitler to help Chiang Kai-shek. 

The scorched earth pohcy of ‘bum, kill, destroy all’ was put 
into practice. The total economic blockade meant not only the 
building of hundreds of thousands of blockhouses round the 
Central Base; it also meant the uprooting of thousands of villages. 
One million peasants were to die when Chiang cut a wide desert 
swath 18 miles deep around the base. 

Besides this ring of death, there was a ring of fire; all crops, 

* Interview at Yehping with peasants of those days. 


trees, houses were burned. A ring of blockhouses, six miles in 
depth, with machine-gun nests, supplemented it. 

The death penalty (most horrible death, with gruesome 
cruelties) was provided for anyone who traded with Communists, 
who gave them salt or food. The secret police controlled all the 
schools and other public places in county towns. The system of 
collective responsibility, Paochia, by which everyone in a village 
was ultimately responsible if any one member helped the Reds, 
was enforced. Twenty-four thousand special guards were created 
as a supervisory body. Barbed wire was strung round all the 
fortifications and between to prevent any entrance or exit to the 
base for a depth of eighteen miles. 

Because all this took time, victories could still be claimed when 
sorties were operated in March and April of 1934. But economic- 
ally, the effects on the base were already felt by November 1933. 
Mao Tsetung was not impressed by the victories claimed. The 
loss in men and in equipment had been very, very heavy. The 
Red armies milled round and between the enemy’s main forces 
and his blockhouses’; they were reduced to passivity. ‘This is 
really the worst and the most stupid way to fight,’ said Mao. He 
had in January suggested transforming the defensive into an 
offensive by thrusting the ‘main forces of the Red Army ... into 
the Kiangsu-Chekiang-Anhwei-Kiangsi region’, as if to threaten 
the areas between the big coastal cities, a triangle of urban 
concentration much prized by Chiang, his vital centre in fact. A 
push in that direction would have compelled Chiang to split his 
forces and give battle in areas where there were no Wockhouses. 

By such means we could have compelled the enemy, who was 
attacking southern Kiangsi and western Fukien, to turn back to 
defend his vital centres, broken his attack on the base area in 
Kiangsi, and rendered aid to the Fukien people’s government.’ 
But Po Ku had called this ‘bandit policy’ and ‘countryside think- 
ing . Mao had then advocated another plan, which was to move 
the main forces towards Hunan, driving into central Hunan, once 
again drawing the enemy behind them and destroying it in 
Hunan. This was also rejected. 

In April, Suichuan, the county seat between Chingkangshan 



and the Central Base, and Kuangchang, on the road to Juichin, 

were both taken by the Kuomintang. There could not be any 

more ‘halting the enemy beyond the gates’. The ring tightened 

^d the base shrank. Any sorties by the Red troops became suicidal. 

We could see the corpses of our comrades strewing the plain. 

The summer came and the smell was very bad. We had to cross 

the same terrain, over and over again.’* It was certainly bad for 

morale. Mao Tsetung wrote memoranda to the Military Com- 
mission ; in vain. 

Since January 1934 the Military Commission itself was split. 
Chou En-lai and Chu Teh were no longer happy with the military 
strategy evolved, although at one time they do seem to have 
thought it was a workable one. Chou expostulated with Po Ku 
and with Otto Braun (Li Teh), but Li Teh now had too great an 
influence; he banged his fist on the table and was very over- 
bearing, and there was no way to change his ideas. Back in 
Moscow, Wang Ming was claiming that the reorganization and 
Bolshevization of the Party and Army was a great success, and 
news was spread that Chiang’s expedition had already failed 
and that the Red armies had won another smashing victory. 

The order Don’t give up an inch of ground’ was now issued as 
the Kuomintang pressed forward into the wizened base. As a 
result, soldiers were literally imprisoned in the fortifications, with 
no rest and, towards the end, very little food or water. The ration 
in August and September of 1934 would fall to twelve ounces of 
rice per day. 

On July 15 a small portion of Red troops, led by Fang Chih- 
min, cut its way out. Fang’s columns were called the anti- 
Japanese vanguard; their declared aim was that they were going 
to the front to ‘fight Japan’. Fang was instructed to operate a 
united front* approach, should he meet with any troops prepared 
to accept the terms Mao had drawn up in 1933. The departure of 
Fang Chih-min’s troops meant that a portion of the north Fukien 
counties, where they were quartered, was automatically aban- 
doned. Unfortunately Fang’s rear was cut, he was captured, 
exhibited in a cage in Changsha, and put to death. Some of his 

* Interview with old Kiangsi soldiers. 


troops escaped and under Su Yu, his chief of staff, waged guerilla 
war on the Chekiang-Fukien border until 1938, when they joined 
the Communist New Fourth army created in 1937. 

German pilots bombed and strafed the base almost daily; they 
had one hundred and fifty planes. The Central Committee 

In August another breakthrough, by Hsiao Ke and Wang Chen, 
took place from the former base area of Chingkangshan ; they 
proceeded due west, to Kweichow province. The base of Ho 
Lung* (north Hunan-Hupei) had been overrun in the fourth 
campaign ; but guerilla units still remained in operation there. Ho 
Lung and the bulk of his forces of 20,000 men had moved to 
northeast Kweichow province. Wang Chen and Hsiao Ke were 
to Join him there, and the forces merged to become the Second 
Front Army. Ho Lung was commander, and the political com- 
missar was Jen Pi-shih, Mao’s dedicated friend. This appointment 
of Jen was to be of consequence later, when Jen played a great 
role in persuading Ho Lung to Join Mao. 

The fighting at the Central Base now grew in intensity. 
Sometimes the soldiers went for twenty hours without any rest. 
Mao Tsetung had another bout of malaria, a bad one, his tem- 
perature reaching 105 degrees in August and September 1934. 
Just about that time Tingchow and Hsingkuo fell to the Kuo- 
mintang. Both of these places were scenes of Mao’s early triumphs 
in 1929, when he had been in the process of building the base. 

The Central Base had now shrunk to only six counties, and the 
other small bases had disappeared. Very little was left of the 
Chinese soviet republic’. Or so it would appear, if one forgot 
the people of China. 

Is there any truth in the assertion of some historians that Mao 
Tsetung was imprisoned, or at least under house arrest, in the 
summer of 1934? Most of these tales come from defectors, and 
defectors from the Communist Party in those years there were. 
They should be studied with caution, since the primary motiva- 
tion of defectors is Justification for their own running away. 

See map of bases in South China, page 277. 



According to interviews with people at the base, including Mao’s 
own personal bodyguard Chen Chang-fong, Mao was never 
a prisoner. He may have been ideologically attacked, but the rank 
and file knew practically nothing of the two-line struggle within 
the Party. Indeed, the soldiers who manned the fortifications, 
when they asked why the new tactics were so different, were told 
that it ‘was still Chairman Mao’s tactics, but improved’. This is a 
pointer also to Mao’s great popularity. There would be many 
instances in the future of Mao’s policies being invoked when 
actually the contrary was being done. 

Mao Tsetung visited the fortifications on the southern line of 
defence in May 1934. He went to see the soldiers, advised a 
withdrawal from the fixed trenches, and reorganization to allow 
the soldiers to rest. He suggested mobile warfare as the opponent 
there was a warlord, Chen Chi-tang, only a late recruit of 
Chiang’s and not inclined to lose soldiers in decisive battles. A 
breakthrough could have been operated from there, favourable 
to the whole defence. In August and September, Mao withdrew 
to Stone Cloud Mountain and was also in Yutou. There he lay 
ill with malaria, quite emaciated, but dragged himself from bed 
to work table. Chen Chang-fong* said Mao did not complain, 
but set about teaching him to read. Mao wrote far into the night, 
and compiled a textbook for the use of cadres. Perhaps he started 
then on his notes for The Chinese Ret^olution and the Chinese 
Communist Party. But this is sheer guesswork. 

‘He worked so terribly hard no one could remain unmoved.’ 
His concern was very evident. Abstemious always, his frugality 
increased as the shortages were felt. He was brought salt, smuggled 
through, refused it and sent it to the hospital. He would eat only 
vegetables and reheated rice, and wash in cold water. It was at the 
Kiangsi base that, according to some witnesses, he began to 
suffer from the acute spastic bowel condition which Edgar Snow 
also was to mention in Yenan. (He seems, however, to have 
recovered from it now.) 

When his temperature reached 105 degrees, Dr Nelson Fu 

* Personal interviews with cadres at Juichin Central Base and also with Chen 



came to see him. Fu had followed Mao all the way from Cliing- 
kangshan. Mao insisted that ‘doctors are precious, a nurse would 
be enough’, and that Dr Fu should not waste time on him. He 
also refused a chicken which Dr Fu brought, saying that it must 
be shared with the soldiers. Once he upbraided the doctor for 
giving him too many dishes at dinner. 

‘Mao’s uniform was the same as ours,’ said Chen Chang-fong. 
‘The only difference was that the pockets on his coat always were 
specially large— he would put books, notebooks, and maps in 
them. He slept very little and was too thin. He had a small 
kerosene lamp, and he used it when he went on horseback to visit 
peasants. He would throw his cap down and sit with them, and 
call out: “Old cousin, what is your name?” He often told us to 
observe everything, to note down what we saw. After supper he 
woidd light his lamp, open a knapsack with nine compartments 
which he always carried with him, and take out books and docu- 
ments and work till dawn. When he left on the Long March, he 
did not take his knapsack with him. 

‘Whenever we captured a county seat or small town, Chairman 
Mao would send people or go himself to the local government 
offices and to the post office. He would get documents and 
archives; he would buy the newspapers and magazines and books, 
whatever he could get. We’d come back loaded with parcels of 
books and magazines and newspapers. Chairman Mao would 
read them, marking with a red pencil the pages he wanted to 
keep, so that we could clip them for him and keep them.’ 

In 1931 Mao Tsetung had married again, a cadre called Ho 
Tzu-chen, a girl from a local peasant family in Kiangsi who bore 
him two children. There were always people coming to see him, 
children running in and out. ‘He was very patient with ordinary 
people; he loved to laugh and to joke with them. But he hated 
arrogance and complacency. He could then be very curt.’ 

In all these years of accumulating experience, of learning how to 
make revolution, Mao lived and moved in a perpetual seesaw of 
war; how to fight, how to build; to build to fight, to fight to 
build. Problems of war and strategy, problems of theory, prob- 
lems of economy became the links of the same process: revolution. 



And so though he loved people and fun, he was also often alone. 
He knew the solitude of one whose prescience compels a distance 
from his peers. During those years of vilification, his peasant 
patience was tested, but he never faltered. He cannot have been 
happy seeing everything he had built destroyed. But the depth of 
his feelings would not be expressed in personal grievance; they 
would be transmuted into a compelling historical experience. 
The hard lessons learned would become historical knowledge, to 
educate the Party in later years, so that ‘ignoramuses’ would no 
longer overawe the meek, the dedicated. 

As September came to the base and the leaves browned, and the 

ailure of the military strategy became glaring, panic seems to 

have seized Li Teh and Chin Pang-hsien. The suggestion to 

abandon the base had already been made in August. And now 

another mistake was to be committed. Impatience. Now that 

there had been failure to take advantage of those occasions when 

the blockade could have been broken, the decision to get out of 

the base, abandoning it totally, was taken, according to Mao, 

with unjustifiable haste . ‘In the circumstances then obtaining, 

we could well have held out for another two or three months, 

giving the troops some time for rest and reorganization. If 

that had been done, and if the leadership had been a little wiser 

after our breakthrough, the outcome would have been very 

Mao Tsetung was at Yutou, where his brother was also sta- 
tioned, when Chou En-lai, Chu Teh and Chang Wen-tienf came 
to call on him. Chou En-lai and Chu Teh were in disagreement 
with the conduct of military affairs since the winter, and Mao 
gave it as his opinion that there should be no headlong flight; a 
strategic retreat must be prepared with as much meticulous care 
as an offensive. Another meeting was then held at Stone Cloud 
Mountain temple, a very pretty wooden structure on a small 
granite boulder, overlooking the valley. It was here that the 
decision was made final, but Mao would have no control over 
the way the withdrawal would be carried out. 

* Problems of Strategy in China^s Revolutionary War, Selected Works, vol. I. 

•f Some say it was Wang Chia-hsiang, not Chang Wen-tien. 



The decision to leave was made by Li Tch and Po Ku,* and 
Chang Wen-tien was to concur in it. It seems that as far as 
destination was concerned, this renrained a dispute throughout the 
first lap of the march. Mao Tsetung linked their final goal with 
anti-Japanese action; this had been the proclaimed aim of the 
two previous breakthroughs, and he opted for the slogan to be 
raised again. This does not appear to have been done. Mao also 
gave it as his opinion that a base in North China, where the Red 
Army would be in a strategic position, would be the best. There 
were students of his from the Peasant Institute in Kuangchow in 
the only base that was left, bar the Central Base and Ho Lung’s 
base, and that was in North Shensi province, adjacent to Inner 
Mongolia. Mao also was to speak of Ninghsia as a good province 
for a base, with plenty of salt and natural resources. 

But no decision was actually made, or rather, it seems that Li 
Teh again prevailed and a decision to join Ho Lung’s base was 
drawn up. A Revolutionary Military Council was then formed, 
with Mao Tsetung, Chu Teh, Chou En-lai, Wang Chia-hsiang, 
Liu Po-cheng and the German Li Teh. One week was allowed for 
all preparations. Since the decision was secret, none of the rank 
and file, no junior officers, no political instructors, were in- 
formed. Nor, during the first few weeks, would a precise day-to- 
day briefing as to the plan of march be issued. Most appalling of 
all, no provisions for any military encounter of any importance, 
no briefing for battle array or for measures taken in case of 
attack were drawn up. This was really more like a ‘house-moving’ 
than a military performance. 

The Red Army divided into two large groups ; the reserve, and 
those who were to leave. Left behind would be 30,000 soldiers, of 
whom 20,000 were wounded more or less seriously. Since there 
were about 300,000 soldiers then and only 120,000 set out, another 
150,000 must either have been disbanded or dispersed as small 
guerilla groups in various areas which now received them. 

Also left behind would be Mao Tsetung’s brother Mao Tse-tan, 
and Chu Chiu-pai, now consumptive and ill, and many friends 
and adherents of Mao. All who survived the years would become 

* Po Ku is Chin Pang-hsien. 



members of the Central Committee at the Seventh Congress in 


In March 1935, when the Kuomintang overran the base, Chu 
Chiu-pai and Mao Tse-tan were captured and executed. It is said 
that Chu Chiu-pai turned renegade just before his death. This 
was not found out until 1967, during the Cultural Revolution, 
when some Kuomintang documents were discovered. The im- 
posing marble grave erected in Chu*s honour in the Papaoshan 
cemetery in Peking, where those who have contributed to the 
Revolution are laid to rest, was pulled down and his remains 
taken away in 1968. 

Mao Tse-min’s son, Mao Chu-hsiung, bom in 1927, was 
adopted by Mao. He was to emulate his father, became a Party 
member in 1945, and in 1946, as a guerilla in the province of 
Shensi, was caught and buried alive by the Kuomintang. 

Mao Tse-min, who had been in charge of the finances of the 
base, was among those in the departing group. He was placed in 
charge of transport, of archives, of the equipment, money and 
machinery which the Communists took with them. It is said that 
Mao s children by Ho Tzu-chen, who were one and two years 
old, were left behind with peasants, and could never be found 

Several hundred women, teachers, cadres, nurses, started in the 
first lap of the exodus, but most of them had to give up or remain 
in hiding in friendly villages. Only thirty-five completed the 
journey to the end. 

The marching force consisted of 120,000, of whom about 
100,000 were soldiers, and the rest cadres and others, such as 
stretcher-bearers and doctors. But many more started with them. 
According to participants, it was a veritable exodus of a whole 
population, with 100,000 Red Guards, militia, and peasants, 
afraid of being caught by the Kuomintang, following the armies; 
they too would be stopped during the first two weeks and com- 
pelled to return. This peasant exodus along with the Red armies 
happens often, and it would be seen again during the civil war. 

It is not surprising that it took place now, despite the secrecy 
with which the troops left the base. There were also 8,000 



porters who started with the marchers. They too would gradually 

It was five o’clock on the afternoon of October 1 8 when Mao 
Tsetung left Yutou with his personal guard and joined the van- 
guard of the marchers; the advance troops had left on October 
16. Under cover of darkness other units from other places also 
left. They formed long files, processions which moved slowly out 
of the base, and rumours were rampant, for no one knew exactly 
where they were going, nor had orders been given as to resting 
places for the night. 

The soldiers were told to put rice in their bags. They carried 
about three days’ supply; they could take no more than two 
catties each. 

The overwhelming impression from many interviews is of the 
complete bewilderment, and the walking. ‘We did not know 
where we were going, but we walked. We walked and we fought. 
Day and night.’ 

Thus, as a ‘house removal operation*, as Mao Tsetung would 
call it, this exodus began in panic and dismay — reflected in the 
lack of any practical organization, care for the soldiers, or 
methods for supplying information and maintaining morale. 
There was no winter clothing for the soldiers; they left in their 
summer kits. Mao Tsetung, still weak fiom his bouts of malaria, 
went like the others. His orderly relates that ‘we received orders 
to equip ourselves lighdy in preparation to go to the front to 
fight the Japanese. Some other units apparently did not get this 
information; they thought they were going to open up a new 

base and fight landlords. Others thought they were going on a 

The Chairman did not take his nine-compartment knapsack 
with him ... his total personal possessions were two blankets, a 
worn overcoat, one woollen sweater, a broken umbrella, a bowl 
for eating. He took the umbrella and a small bundle of books. 
He told everyone to make straw sandals, light and cheap, for 
marching. All the way, whenever we could, we made straw 
sandals. The next month Mao would give his overcoat away to a 
wounded soldier. He took his horse with him, which he had 



inherited from a Kuomintang officer defeated in battle in one of 
the first campaigns. But most of the time he walked with the 
soldiers. The horse was used to carry equipment. 

Some units were told to ‘remove telephone lines’ and so they 
removed lengths of wires and carried them away. Paradoxically, 
they also took everything they could that was cumbersome, such 
as sewing machines, the machines from the arsenal, and furniture. 
The 8,000 carriers slowed down the military units. 

The day the withdrawal started, a message from Moscow 
arrived (some say it was several days, or even a fortnight later), 
approving a ‘pullout’. 

Later, Mao Tsetung, summing up this experience, would have 
this to say to those who had so violently criticized his concepts of 
‘fluidity’ of base territory, luring the enemy in, and conserving 
men rather than space : 

‘Fluidity of battle lines leads to fluidity in the size of our base 
areas ... We must base our planning on it and must not have 
illusions about a war of advance without any retreat . . . We must ready to sit down as well as to march on, and always have 
our marching rations handy. It is only by exerting ourselves in 
today’s fluid way of life that tomorrow we can secure relative 
stability, and eventually full stability. 

‘The exponents of the strategy of regular warfare which 
dominated our fifth counter-campaign (1933-1934) denied this 
fluidity, and opposed what they called “guerillaism”. Those 
comrades managed affairs as though they were the rulers of a big 
state, and the result was an extraordinary and immense fluidity ... 
the 25,000-li Long March.’* 

* Problems of Strategy China’s Revolutionary War, Selected Works, vol. I. 


The Long March 

Li October 1934, the First, Third, Fifth, Eighth, and Nineteenth 
Army Corps of the Red Army, which composed the First Front 
Army of the Central Base, set out on the Long March. 

The First Army Corps of this vast cohort had been reorganized 
in June 1930 to include the Third Army under Huang Ktmg-lueh, 
the Fourth Army under Lin Piao, and the Twelfth, Twentieth] 
Twenty-first, and Twenty-fifth Armies. These six armies of the 
First Army Corps formed the vanguard of the immense exodus, 
all 7,500 miles of its trek. The Third, Fifth, Eighth, and Nine- 
teenth followed, in that order. 

The commander-in-chief of the First Front Army was Chu 

Teh. Was Mao Tsetung its political commissar? So it seems, 

although this point is obscure. At the Party conference held in 

August 1932 he had lost his post as political commissar. His 

connections with the Army were thus severed. Now, however, 

with the creation of the Revolutionary Military Council, he may 

or may not have been reinstated as commissar. In the chaotic 

muddle at the departure of the 120,000 from Kiangsi, it is possible 
this job was foisted upon him. 

Peng Teh-huai was vice-commander-in-chief of this vast 

force, second to Chu Teh, as well as commander of the Third 

Army Corps; Yeh Chien-ying was chief of staff, and Liu Po- 

cheng, nicknamed the One-Eyed Dragon, chief of operations. 

There was also a corps of instructors and political cadres trained 
by Mao at the Juichin Red Academy, 

The conditions under which the Long March began could not 
have been worse, with totally inadequate food supplies, much 
cumbersome and useless baggage, no battle plans in relation to 
enemy troop movements. Li Teh was the man chiefly responsible 

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• The I-ong March, October 1934-October 1935 



for the conduct of this evacuation. Backed by Chin Pang-hsien, 
he overrode the opinions of other members of the Revolutionary 
Military Council, as he had done persistently during the fifth 
counter-campaign. In eight articles published under the pseudo- 
nym Hua Fu, Li Teh had rejected Mao’s suggestions and Chou 
En-lai’s, During the last four months, up till the final day of 
departure, peasants of the base had laboured at earth fortifications 
and trenches; the new recruits in the army had very poor training, 
severe shortages had affected their health. ‘Where were we going? 
Some were told we were going to beat the landlords and make 
revolution ... We were told many different things. We did not 
know where we were going.’ 

In the first stage of the Long March, from October i6, 1934, 
when the First Army Corps, assembled at Yutou, started marching, 
to January 1935, when at Tsunyi Mao Tsetung was voted into 
power, the Red Army sustained enormous losses. Li Teh was 
determined to reach another base, that of the Second Front Army 
under Ho Lung, previously in the Hunan-Hupei area.* Strung in 
four separate columns, carrying an enormous amount of goods, 
the ponderous, inchoate mass moved out of the base. It took a 
week to walk from the head of the cohort to the rear. 

It appears that all that Li Teh (Hua Fu, Otto Braun) knew of 
military science was the straight, straight line. He drew a straight 
line and that was the line of march. But one important detail had 
been forgotten. Maps, There were no maps except the maps Mao 
had collected. These maps did not indicate the straight, straight 
roads which Li Teh wanted for marching on. The Red Army 
men, exhausted after months of combat, of malnutrition, lack 
of salt, defeats, had had no time to rest. Yet these incredible 
peasants and workers hurled themselves at the lines of block- 
houses, machine-gun nests, trenches, fortifications, barbed wire 
entanglements, which surrounded the Juichin base, and broke 
them. Nine battles were fought against one hundred regi- 
ments of the Kuomintang; 25,000 Red Army men died in the 

* Ho Lunp s Second Front Army had already moved to Kweichow province. 
Sec map. 



During the first ten days the orders were to walk by night and 
rest by day; but there was no rest, as the open columns were 
pitilessly strafed by German-manned aeroplanes. The orders were 
changed to four hours of marching and four hours’ rest, day and 
night. But again there was no rest, for they were attacked, had 
no time to eat, to find shelter, water, before they were on the 
march again. We fought every day, we were outnumbered. 
We could only pluck up courage, and sing: “The Red Army 
fears not death, /Who fears death is not a Red Army man”.’* 
From the rear, from both sides as well as from the air, in front of 
them, the enemy attacked. ‘We were so tired, we strapped our- 
selves to trees, to our guns, we strung ourselves to each other ... 
We slept standing up, we slept walking. We had only one thing 
in mind, sleep. But there was no sleep. The strong pulled the 
weak. We did not want to straggle, to be left behind. Long rows 
of us roped ourselves together so as to keep on the march. We 
called it “sleep flying”.’*}* 

Always going straight as a ruler, the Red Army arrived on the 
east bank of the Hsiang river. It had to be crossed, for now the 
‘plan’ was to march straight across Hunan and then northwest, to 
join the base of the Second Front Army, although by then the 
bulk of the Second Front Army was elsewhere.^ A vast Kuomin- 
tang force barred the way, yet the river had to be forded. The 
Red Army waded through, the tall carrying the short; the children 
of twelve and thirteen who in their hundreds had come to the 
Army and served as orderlies, cookboys, carriers and trumpeters 
hitched themselves on to the veterans’ shoulders. 

The Red Army fought (how they fought!) w^ith marvellous 
courage, stood in two columns to allow their noncombatants to 
use the lane between them to cross the river. There were not 
enough stretcher-bearers, many wounded lay in heaps dying. The)' 
stuffed cloth in their own mouths to keep from screaming. Many 
cadres also died, fighting side by side with the soldiers. Mao 

* Interviews with Long Marchers. 

f Li Teh’s memoirs state that ‘there were no devastating losses in the first phase 
of the march’. But interviews with many Long Marchers do not bear this out. 

J See map on page 312. 



Tsetiing went to the wounded, but could not do very much 
except cover one with his overcoat. 

The battle of the Hsiang river lasted a week, with horrifying 
losses. The dead and the dying littered the bank. This insane 
attempt cost another 30,000 men. ‘We had to leave some of the 
wounded behind, there was no way to carry them. By now we 
had no footwear, some of us did not eat for four days ; yet we 
fought.* ‘I remember how it rained and it rained, we wallowed 
in mud, we sank in it; but we went through.* According to Liu 
Po-cheng, by now half of the troops had been either killed or 
wounded grievously. But the ‘Head on, straight on* Li Teh 
would not change the orders. 

The river was crossed; on the other side the march started 
again. The columns sang: ‘Today we walk and tomorrow we 
walk, and where do we walk to?* The political instructors were 
constantly being asked: ‘Where are we going now?* They had to 
encourage the men, lead in the singsong, see the wounded were 
cared for, make food and rest arrangements, run up and down the 
units, and fight. The political instructors finally sang a reply: 
‘We follow Chairman Mao, the end will be good.’ 

Ahead of them was another enemy force, five or six times their 
number. It took them three days to advance less than two miles, 
fighting all the time. By then it was obvious that something was 
seriously wrong with the conduct of operations. Men were 
dropping dead from weariness, from wound infections. Yet they 
went on, and now they were in Kwangsi, in the region of the 
Miaos, a national minority.* ‘ “Squad leader, where are we now?’* 
I don t know, comrade. Find a fellow who knows where we are.” 
I trotted up to a man I saw, but he did not understand me; I tried 
every word: Red Army, Juichin, soviet. Communist Party; I 
called him old cousin in three dialects. He shook his head. Then 
I thought: That s it, were out of China, we’ve arrived in a 
foreign country where they can’t even speak Chinese.*’ ’ The 
soldiers truly thought the Miaos were foreigners; they had not 
met any before. Then Chairman Mao explained to us about the 

* There are fifty-odd national minorities in China, making up 7 per cent of the 



national minorities, about the Miaos. How wc must respect their 
customs. So wc talked with them by gestures.’ 

The November nights were bitterly cold; the troops had no 
winter clothes; they trekked all night and in the morning saw 
‘strange-looking wooden houses . . . like baskets hung in the air*. 
On December 10, I934» the Red Army reached Tungtao county 
on the border of Hunan and Kweichow; they were now only 
30,000 men. ‘At that moment the “left opportunists”* still wanted 
to join the Second Front Army under Ho Lung. A conference 
was then held at Tungtao. Mao Tsetung opposed this plan. He 
said that the First Front Army should enter Kweichow.’ Mao was 
able to sway the others at the conference, and instead of going 
northward, the Red Army wheeled smartly westward into 
Kweichow, entering the province on December 12. On December 
14 another battle was fought, to occupy Li Ping county town 
within the Kweichow border. A meeting of the Politburo at Li 
Ping from December 14 to 18 was devoted to arguing the 
military line to follow. The soldiers, for once, rested. They rested 
because, blessedly, the smothering white winter fog which wraps 
Kweichow and part of Szechuan from October to March was 
upon them; no longer were they strafed from the air. 

The choice was between extermination or survival; even the 
stubborn Chin Pang-hsien, even straight-line Li Teh, realized it 
as they looked at the exhausted, overspent remnants. Two thirds 
of the troops had been sacrificed. ‘It was at this critical juncture 
that Chairman Mao saved the Red Army ... saved the remaining 
30,000 from extermination,’ writes Liu Po-cheng, the one-eyed 
general in charge of operations. ‘Here [in Kweichow] the enemy 
is weak,’ Mao had said at Tungtao when he was able to make the 
change in direction effective. And he proved it almost imme- 
diately, for the Red Army had scattered warlord armies with 
great ease, and taken Li Ping in a day, a small victory and their 
first. But Li Ping was the first time they rested in two months. 

Mao was able, during this brief pause at Li Ping, to carry out 
some regrouping; his orders were to discard all that was un- 
necessary on the march. Furniture, files, machines were burned or 

* The sectarians. 



given away or buried. More would be jettisoned later. Surplus 
guns were given away to the villagers who came with joy to 
meet the Red Army; despite its losses, it was famous and well 
loved. Mao forbade the troops to borrow anything from the 
Miaos, even doors to sleep on, as they customarily did in Han 
villages. So the troops slept on the ground. Even though there 
were fish in the ponds and herds of kine, they could not have 
meat. The Politburo still gave the orders, but everyone turned to 
Mao Tsetung, for now everyone was informed through the 
Revolutionary Military Council of the day-to-day plan of 
campaign and the route. 

There is very scanty material on both the Tungtao and the Li 
Ping conferences except for Liu Po-cheng’s statement that 
‘reorganization occurred’ and a January 1936 number of the 
Communist International, Paris edition, stating: ‘The military 
errors . . . were corrected at Li Ping.’ The author, Chi Ping, defmes 
two stages of the Long March: the period before the Li Ping 
conference, when all was confusion, and the period after it, when 
morale and decision returned. After Li Ping the Red Army 
became once again a military force capable of initiative instead of 
a routed mob. But this was not due to the Politburo, as the paper 
seems to suggest. ‘We all knew that Chairman Mao was again 
taking things in hand, and we were glad. He had a way of making 
even the enemy do what we wanted — he called it regaining the 
initiative. He would lead the enemy by the nose ... he always 


Now they went west; deeper into Kweichow; small towns — 
Chen Yuan, Shih Ping, Huang Ping -fell to them. The Red 
Army felt itself again; in the villages it performed theatrical 
sketches, dances, sang songs, once again an army with a political 

Now they were to cross the deep, ensconced Wu river, tur- 
bulent and savage between its high cliffs, burrowing its mountain 
gorges. They were still almost a hundred miles from it, but the 
Red Army made preparations. The soldiers were given imme- 
diate, practical slogans, and the main slogan was: ‘To take the 
warlord of Kweichow, Wang Chia-lieh, alive! Cross the Wu 



river!’ ‘We made many pairs of straw sandals, we knew that we 
Still had a long walk before us.’ 

At Hou Chang, again dissension occurred in the Politburo. Li 
Teh and Chin Pang-hsien would not easily give up. They felt 
authority slipping from them, and even the fact that the Red 
Army had been saved (and this is not too strong a word) by Mao 
Tsetung could not dampen their resentment towards him. Hence 
orders given were now countered or cancelled. Li Teh urged a 
battle plan, and again wanted to join the Second Front Army, 
now on the border in northeast Kweichow. This would mean 
turning back east. Mao Tsetung held firm for crossing the Wu 
river into Szechuan and again prevailed, with Lin Piao, Yeh 
Chien-ying, Nieh Jung-chen, as well as Chou En-Iai and Chu 
Teh on his side. The order of the day issued by Mao was to 
proceed to north Kweichow, take Tsunyi and Tungtze by 
surprise, and arouse the masses’. Tsunyi, the second biggest city 
in Kweichow, was held by the warlord Wang Chia-lieh; it was 
on the highway to Szechuan. The Wu river curved south of it, 
cutting Kweichow province in two and providing a natural 
protection to Tsunyi. Between Tsunyi and Tungtze was a barrier 
of mountains, with a pass, the Loushan pass, where ‘one man 
could keep ten thousand at bay’. The Wu was to be crossed, the 
pass captured, Tungtze and Tsunyi taken, and the way to 
Szechuan would be open. From January i to 4, 1935, the crossing 
of the Wu river, nearly 300 yards wide and with a flow of almost 
six feet per second, was attempted. ‘Both banks were sheer 
precipices. Under enemy fire the Red Army advanced. Keng 
Piao, the miner from Anyuan, went ahead with a small party to 
investigate; there was a ferry, but it was heavily guarded. The 
Red Army men cut bamboo, made rafts, selected eighteen 
swimmers; the swimmers plunged into the icy river and swam 
across to destroy the enemy’s post on the opposite bank; mean- 
while a feint attack on the ferry was carried out, to draw fire. But 
this plan failed. By night, we tried again; then again; finally wc 
did cross the Wu and destroy the outposts, scaling the opposite 

On January 5, Lin Piao captured Tsunyi citv by a stratagem. 



Disguising some soldiers as warlord troops, using captives as 
guides, he got past the guards and fought in the city to over- 
power the garrison. On the 6th. Mao and the Revolutionary 
Politburo entered the spacious city with its beautiful carved brick 
portals, its park, and big walled compounds where mcrcliants 
and warlords lived. Mao Tsetiuig came over the bridge of tlic 
small Tsunyi river and settled in the house of a minor warlord ; 
the lower floor was occupied by a merchant of soya bean sauce. 
It was in this house, now famous, that the most important 
Tsunyi meeting took place, marking a turning point in the Long 

March, in Mao Tsetung’s life, and in the history of the Chinese 

At Tsunyi, where I went in September 1971, the two-storey 

house, with gracious verandas and a wide paved courtyard, where 

the Tsunyi conference was held, the conference room with its 

wood-panelled walls, the chairs and the table, have been kept 
exactly the way they were.* 

The meeting at Tsunyi, from January 6 to 8, 193 5 ; was called by 

a resolution of the Politburo. It was an enlarged meeting: besides 

the Politburo, responsible comrades* from the Army and 

Central Committee attended. The Tsunyi decisions were not a 

military coup perpetrated by Mao Tsetung but a majority 

decision, and Chou En-lai was the decisive influence in calling 

it, whereas Li Teh strenuously objected, arguing that there had 

already been a conference at Li Ping, which had ‘solved all 
outstanding problems’. 

Who were the people who attended? The numbers reported 
vary between sixteen to eighteen; so far no one has given a 
complete hst. We know that besides Mao Tsetung and Chou En- 
lai, of the military commanders Chu Teh, Yeh Chien-ying, Liu 

o-cheng, Lin Piao, Peng Teh-huai and Nieh Jung-chen were 
there ; that of the twenty-eight Bolsheviks there were at least 
seven or eight, including Teang Fa and Kai Feng; and that Liu 
Shao-chi was also present. Liu Shao-chi had left Shanghai in the 
autumn of 1932 for thejuichin base and become chairman of the 

* yisit_and interview with local Party and revolutionary committee members 



All-China Federation of Labour in Juichin. He made the Long 
March until Tsunyi; and was at the time political commissar in 
Peng Teh-huai’s Third Army Corps. 

The meeting concentrated upon criticizing the left opportunist 
and adventurist line in military action*. It hence defined its 
limitations. It would not be a full-blown ideological struggle, but 
would confine itself to military strategy and tactics. It was not 
only the present operation, the Long March, but the whole 
conduct of the defence against Chiang Kai-shek’s fifth campaign 
which was called to account, for it was the defeat of the fifth 
counter-campaign which had led to the evacuation of the base. 
Within the rank and file of the armies as well as among the 
commanders, there was resentment, argument about the defeat 
and the withdrawal. Why had they been defeated; why had they 
built fortifications? Why had they left the base? Why had no 
explanation been given? Questions shelved then now returned 
with added virulence, and had to be answered. The appalling 
results of the first two and a half months, where ‘men died 
quicker than flies’ had to be explained; Mao’s demand since 
November for ‘a change of policy’ had become known. There 
were many unit commanders overwhelmed by their own losses. 

‘The Tsunyi conference put an end to the Wang Ming “left” 
military line; it refuted “positional warfare”, and “war of short 
swift thrusts”, the concept of “pure defence”, and of “not giving 
up an inch of ground”. It criticized the sectarianism of the “left” 
line and the system of “punishment and purges” which had 
wronged many comrades. 

‘The military leadership could not adopt the correct strategy 
and tactics; in spite of the bravery and skill of the Red Army, the 
high standard of the work in the rear, and the support of the 
broad masses, this was the essential reason why Chiang Kai-shek s 
fifth campaign could not be defeated. Instead of the strategy of 
active defence, or offensive defence, which Mao Tsetung had 
urged in view of Chiang’s “protracted war and blockhouse 
tactics”, there had been a “pure defence” line, of positional 
defence only. The Army had been enjoined never to give up an 
inch of ground, the soldiers to die manning their posts rather than 



to retreat. The line of pure defence was against all the principles 
of strategy and tactics which had made possible, so far, the 
victories of the Red Army/* 

The resolutions of the Tsunyi conference analyse how wrong it 
was not to employ ‘concentrating superior forces, selecting the 
enemy’s weaknesses, using mobile warfare to destroy a part, or a 
great part of enemy strength’; in other words, using the strategy 
and tactics laid down by Mao Tsetung and employed by him so 
successfully. As Mao was to say in 1936: ‘It was a serious mistake 
to meet the vastly superior forces of Nanking [Chiang Kai-shek] 
in positional warfare at which the Red Army was neither tech- 
nically nor spiritually at its best.’ 

The resolutions go on to expose exactly what Mao Tsetung 
later would develop: the strategy of protracted revolutionary 
war when ‘we do not have the support of urban proletarian 
uprisings and mutinies of White Army units ... when we do not 
yet have aeroplanes, artillery . . . when we are still fighting on 
interior lines’. 

The resolutions are an excellent early summary of Mao’s basic 
ideas on warfare, and are valuable to us because they show that 
Mao’s classics on war, written from 1936 to 1940, had already been 
elaborated in his mind before 1935. The resolutions repeat: ‘We 
should lure the enemy to penetrate deeply into our territory ... 
For victory, we must not hesitate to surrender some parts of 
territory ... all this so that the Red Army can hold the initiative.’ 
All these principles had been violated. 

This ‘lecture in military strategy and tactics’ delivered in 
Tsunyi by Mao is in essence his theory of protracted people’s 
war, which is China’s revolutionary war. Mao stressed the 
‘preservation of personnel’ of the Red Army, criticized the waste 
of human lives which had accompanied the erroneous military 
line. He qualified as ‘opportunist tendencies’ either to ‘over- 
estimate the enemy’s strength, inducing us to make no further 
move’, or ‘to launch attacks -without any hope of victory (for 
instance hopeless and unnecessary attacks on big cities)’. The 
failure to take advantage of contradictions in the enemy camp was 

* Interview at Tsunyi, September 1971. 



also castigated including not aiding the Fukien Nineteenth 
Route Army rebellion. 

It was here that he criticized the fact that the withdrawal from 
the Kiangsi base had not been explained to the cadres and the 
officers, and thus all had been done ‘hke a house removal opera- 
tion’. And finally, the whole conduct of the Long March until 
then had led to wasting, terribly costly battles for three months 
which ‘put us almost always in a passive position, constantly 
under the enemy’s attack, while quite unable to deal telling 

After criticizing the conduct of the defence, the meeting out- 
lined future strategy, and the Army and the Party’s main tasks 
were reaffirmed. There should not be decisive battles unless the 
Red Army was sure to win; there should be mobile warfare, 
guerilla warfare — waiting for a favourable opportunity; luring 
the enemy in; causing him to tire himself out in pursuit, inducing 
him to make mistakes, to reveal his weakness. There should be 
fluid and flexible use of territory. ‘The Red Army must always 
hold the initiative and always be in a favourable position to beat 
back any enemy attack. It must avoid any loss of initiative or to 
be placed in an unfavourable position.’ The appalling losses 
during the breakthrough from the besieged Central Base was the 
fault of Hua Fu (Li Teh), and Po Ku (Chin Pang-hsien). The Red 
Army forces were hurried off to march without preparation, 
their ‘elephantine columns’ so slow they had constantly been 
attacked. Li Teh had stifled constructive criticism, labelled the 
correct suggestions ‘guerillaism’; Chin Pang-hsien had aided and 
abetted him. 

Neither Li Teh nor Chin Pang-hsien accepted the criticism 
meted to them. Chou En-lai, who had taken the initiative in 
calling the meeting, took the initiative in self-criticism. Chou 
En-lai has never allowed considerations of his own selfesteem 
to stand in the way of the Revolution. This has been traduced as 
too ready a propensity to change sides and opinion. In reality it 
is a deep and humble dedication to his convictions. Chou is 
always the first to denounce his own mistakes. He now accused 
himself of having, while on the Military Commission, concurred 



in the wrong line, pushed the peasants to build fortifications. Had 
Mao’s ideas been followed, the encirclement might have been 
beaten off and the base saved, said Chou, who then voluntarily 
withdrew from his post and suggested that Mao Tsetung take the 
leadership of the Mihtary Commission. ‘He has been right all 
the time and we should listen to him.’ He moved the resolution 
that Mao Tsetung should take the leadership of operations. 

Chang Wen-tien, one of the twenty-eight Bolsheviks, also 
recognized that Mao was right. Chu Teh blamed Li Teh for the 
losses incurred. It is not known whether the vote for Mao 
Tsetung was by a large or a slim majority; it probably was larger 
than expected because of Chou En-lai, the military commanders, 
who all wanted Mao Tsetung back, and some of the twenty- 
eight Bolsheviks group who voted for Mao. 

The Tsunyi resolutions were published in a 1948 Chinese 
edition of Mao’s Selected Works; they have not been reprinted 
publicly since. The Tsunyi conference eschewed questions of 
ideology, which might have brought about an undesirably 
prolonged session, a complicated ordeal lasting weeks, perhaps 
months. Thorough appraisal was postponed till seven years 
later, during the great Rectification campaign of 1941-44. 

The resolutions end on a note of unity, ardour, undying hope in 
the Revolution. ‘The enlarged conference ... believes that the 
Chinese soviet revolution, because of its deep historical roots, 
cannot be destroyed or defeated.’ The ‘setback will not in the 
least shake our faith in the progress of the Chinese Revolution ... 
The Party has bravely exposed its own mistakes ... it has educated 
itself through them.’ The dedication of the Red Army and the 
Communist Party was thus reaffirmed. Today Tsunyi, the 
meeting place of the conference, is one of the sacred spots of that 
monumental pilgrim’s progress which is the Chinese Revolution. 

Mao Tsetung was voted chairman of the new Revolutionary 
Military Council. He also became one of the secretaries of the 
new secretariat, with Chang Wen-tien as secretary of the Central 
Committee and taking over the post of secretary-general from 
Chin Pang-hsien. As such Mao was still subordinate to Chang 
Wen-tien in the hierarchy; but he was reaffirmed as political 



commissar of the First Front Army. The military direction of the 
Long March would now be in his hands. 

Mao Tsetiing*s long and dolorous spell in the minority seemed 
over; he was now the only saviour and everyone knew it, in- 
cluding those who opposed him. Mao would say; 'I have been in 
the minority myself . . . The only thing for me to do at such times 
is ... to wait.’ He would again be in the minority on further 
occasions. Nothing is less valid than a picture of Mao in absolute 
power ever since Tsunyi. ‘The minority is sometimes right’ 
would be one of the tenets of the Great Proletarian Cultural 
Revolution. ‘The problem of who is right and who is wrong 
cannot in every case be judged by who has the majority.’ 

On January 9 and 10. 1935, Mao Tsetung gathered the Military 
Commission, the instruction corps and the cadres of the Army at 
the elegant, monumental Catholic Church of Tsunyi; it provided 
a convenient hall for a large meeting. He explained the resolu- 
tions, although he gave no names and condemned no one by 
name. He defmed the main tasks of the Red Army: to carry on 
propaganda among the masses, to organize and to educate them, 
to help them to establish a people’s political government. He 
castigated the ‘purely military line’, exhorted the Red Army to 
return to its original model, and told them the goal — ‘to march to 
the northwest in order to fight Japan’. The goal must have also 
been accepted at the enlarged meeting at Tsunyi, although it was 
not mentioned in the resolutions as published in 1948. A Tsunyi 
district revolutionary committee was established at a mass meeting 
of 10,000 on the 9th. ‘Only Communism can save China! Down 
with tyrants and evil gentry,’ read the slogans on the walls. The 
constitution of the soviet government at Juichin was again 
printed; a land reform movement was started in five districts and 
two counties round Tsunyi. Mao was photographed with the 
members of the revolutionary committee in Tsunyi, among 
them his old teacher Hsu Te-li * 

For twelve days the Army rested, reorganized. Morale was 
high. Mao Tsetung tightened discipline, looked into grievances. 

* Interviews and visit to Tsunyi by author, 1971* 



Divisions were reorganized, the arrangements of the columns of 
march simplified. Almost 4,000 recruits joined up. And then it 
was again time to move. 

The ‘spirit of the Tsunyi conference’ is said to have now per- 
meated the 30,000 of the Red Army. Tsunyi was undoubtedly a 
turning point. Mao Tsetung had not moved against enemies; 
authority had come to him, and the initiative of power, through 
no trick but because his enemies had virtually destroyed the 
Party and Red Army. He was the only one qualified to lead. 

To acquiesce is not to accept. The political overthrow of the 
‘third left line’ was yet to come; the sectarians were still extremely 
strong. Chin Pang-hsien had only made a very partial ‘self- 
criticism’, but had also criticized Mao’s lack of ‘proletarian 
internationalism’. Liu Shao-chi, who also now criticized the ‘left 
line in the White areas’ as leading to ‘almost 100 per cent loss of 
cadres’, had himself been found deficient in his work and en- 
joined to work along united front lines and arouse the students 
and workers in the White areas in resistance to Japan. He seems 
to have gone back to northeast China from Tsunyi. The rank and 
file had no inkling of this intra-Party struggle; all they knew was 
that they were no longer in helpless flight. The Long March now 
became an epic, a succession of marvellous exploits, through the 
endurance, the courage, the unbending faith of many thousands 
of peasants and workers. 

On the east, day breaks; do not 
Say we have started too early; 

For we shall cross many hills yet 
Before we grow old; here 
The land is surprising in beauty* 

The Army set out northward ‘to fight Japan’; the decision ratified 
at Tsunyi to go northwest, actually made by Mao before the Long 
March, was to be carried out. They would cross Szechuan, Kansu, 
into Shensi province; there was a Red base in North Shensi, 
which was their goal. 

* Poem (1934) by Mao Tsetung. 



But another struggle was to come. Chang Kuo-tao, who had 
now established a base in Szechuan, was a Politburo member and 
had been kept informed by radio of the Tsunyi conference 
resolutions. He sent back a radio message signifying his non- 
acceptance of the Tsunyi conference, though not in so many 
words. Nothing would ever be straightforward or plain in the 
course of the Chinese Revolution ; nothing would ever be easy 
for Mao Tsetung, even when in authority. Chang Kuo-tao 's long 
cable was couched in ideological terms; he felt that the whole 
policy of soviet bases was erroneous; the Long March was a great 
defeat; the CCP should withdraw, with its contingents, to a safe 
place such as Tibet or Sinkiang, and for the time being give up 
any attempt at struggle, as it was much too weak. He was himself 
organizing in his base a ‘soviet republic and government’, and 
was prepared to welcome the Red Army coming from Tsunyi. 
This was a move to put himself in the position of chairman of the 
soviet republic, and to bypass or ignore the resolutions of Tsunyi. 

There was a strong insistence by some members of the Polit- 
buro that a meeting with Chang Kuo-tao ‘to talk things over’ 
should take place; some of them were even of the same opinion 
as Chang. The Red Army should ‘wait better days’ rather than 
tackle the enormous military might ofjapan. 

In the meantime Chiang Kai-shek had not been inactive. The 
route northward into Szechuan was blocked with liis troops; he 
sought to squeeze the Red Army between two rivers: the Wu, 
now at their back, and the Yangtze in the north, barring them 
from Szechuan. A pincer movement of mighty forces, his own 
and those of the militarists of Hunan, Yunnan, Szechuan, Kwei- 
chow and Kwangsi, was mobilized to crush the Red Army. 

On January 22 the Military Council sent a radio message to 
Chang Kuo-tao asking him to move southward towards the 
Yangtze, to feint a threat to Chiang’s forces, while the Red Army 
would attempt to enter Szechuan from the south. This would 
have caught Chiang’s forces in a counter-pincer movement and 
forced him to redeploy. But Chang Kuo-tao instead moved 
even farther north, refusing battle. THs was, actually, his style of 
action. In 1933, when the Oyuwan base had been overrun, Chang 



Kuo-tao had put up little resistance, had gone, and regrouped in 
Szechuan, leaving some troops in the base area. His first base in 
Szechuan he had also abandoned before a weak warlord attack. 

The Red Army prepared to enter Szechuan by pretending not 
to enter it; the first principle of a successful commander being not 
to let the enemy know your intention. Mao made the regiments 
wheel and circle, adopting ‘sinuous lines of motion’. No one 
could guess where their meandering course would lead them next. 
They launched agrarian revolutionary action, killing tyrannous 
landlords, burning land deeds and titles, distributing grain, 
opening jails, holding mass meetings with songs and dances and 
theatricals. Delegations of peasants came to ask the Red Army to 
‘make a detour and come to liberate us from the landlords’. 
Though fighting for their lives, they never forgot they were the 
great wind of Revolution, the educator of the people. There were 
no more punishments and purges, but discipline by exhortation, 
meetings, political sessions. A great joy buoyed up the armies; 
even many years later, veterans of the Long March would talk 
of these post-Tsunyi days with excitement. ‘Our hearts were 
light. Chairman Mao was in command ... He carried the Revolu- 
tion’s burden upon himself’ And Mao wrote: ‘Infinite beauty 
lives upon the perilous peaks.’ 

For fifteen weeks they twisted and turned and wound back on 
their tracks. Mao turned sharp west, crossed the Red river and 
went south toTchasi in Yunnan; suddenly rushed east, crossed the 
Red river again, and on February 25 occupied Tungtze, attacking 
and capturing the famous Loushan pass in one swoop, and 
returned to Tsunyi on February 27. The second battle of Tsunyi 
was a great victory, twenty enemy regiments were destroyed. 

The taking of Loushan pass was to elicit the following poem 
from Mao: 

Do not say the strong pass is guarded with iron. 

This very day with firm step we shall cross its summit. 

We shall cross its summit! 

Here the hills are blue like the sea, 

And the dying sun like blood. 



It was another of these deceptive, feint-and-dart, sudden pounces 
which Mao learned from Sun Tze*s Art of War and developed 
extensively throughout his war-strewn years. 

In March, still wheeling and circling and doubling, marching 
back in unexpected assaults, Mao divided his forces, sent a small 
contingent rushing up to the Yangtze as if about to cross it. This 
drew off the bulk of Chiang’s armies, which they proceeded to 
exhaust by marching them up and down and up and down again 
at a rapid pace, sometimes covering over 30 miles in a day. The 
main force meanwhile wheeled south, smashing warlord forces, 
and once again crossed the Wu river southward, as if threatening 
the capital city of Kweichow province, Kweiyang. Chiang had 
installed himself in Kweiyang to direct operations. He called 
Yunnan troops to his aid, thus depleting the defences of Yunnan 
province. As the Yunnan forces set out on the long, mountain- 
hacked march up to Kweichow to ‘protect* Chiang, another 
small contingent of the Red Army under Lin Piao literally ran 
125 miles in three days, swooping suddenly into Yunnan itself, 
as if to attack Kunming, its capital. The outsmarted Chiang Kai- 
shek and his wife had just flown into Kunming to be sure the 
troops would move (warlords were wont to tarry unless super- 
vised) when the news came: ‘The Red Army is arriving!’ Panicky 
officials prepared to withdraw to Indo-China; the Yunnan armies 
were called back. Meanwhile the bulk of the Red Army forces 
were crossing the Yangtze in its upper reaches, where it is called 
the River of Golden Sands, much farther west than they had been 
expected, and they were unhindered for a week. The crossing took 
nine days and nights, and the Kuomintang forces arrived only in 
the last two days. Such was the drive and imagination, the skill 
and elegance, the art of war of Mao Tsetung. And the Red Army 
laughed as the political instructors explained to them every step of 
what they were doing. ‘Chairman Mao always makes his enemies 
obey him.’ 

By running 53 miles in a single day, Lin Piao and his small force 
also managed to return and to cross the Golden Sands river safely. 
Now they were in Szechuan, in another national minority region, 
among the Yi tribes. 



‘Two days after [the crossing] wc reached the Yi region ... It 
was May. The fields were deserted and untilled. There were no 
rice fields, no farmhouses, only some rough shacks in the forest . . . 
Soon after we entered a mountainous area a group of men and 
women in strange clothes appeared ... They shouted as they 
approached. Five tall women came out of the group, each carrying 
a big red cock in her arms. They approached Chairman Mao and 
surrounded him.’ Mao nodded his head, put his hands before his 
breast to show thankfulness. He never had a gun on him; he 
walked among the Yis unafraid. Some of the soldiers thought the 
cocks were for eating, ‘but we soon found out they were not. 
They were fighting cocks, house pets/ Yi people then appeared 
on all the slopes, singing and welcoming; ‘it was a strange and 
moving sight that brought tears to our eyes’. Again there was 
propaganda, theatre shows and songs; about 200 men from the 
Kuchi-Yi tribe joined up. The Yis were ‘tall like the Tibetans, 
darkly aquiline; the younger men have smaller waists than the 
girls’. The Red Army crossed ranges dense with camellias on the 
lower slopes, and went on. 

A great psychological as well as physical ordeal was ahead — 
another river, the Tatu. Everyone was afraid of the Tatu. This 
was where the last of the heroic Taiping peasant rebels had been 
massacred in 1864. Here also enemy armies waited to pounce on 
them. Already Chiang had boasted that the Tatu would drown 
these Red bandits as it had drowned the last Taiping peasant 
rebels. The troops were apprehensive as they cut their way to the 
Tatu; they were quieter than usual. Above their heads the tall 
trees seemed suddenly threatening. 

During the nearly-200-niile march between the Golden Sands 
and the Tatu, Mao kept up the spirits of the soldiers with droll 
stories, with laughter and jokes, which were repeated down the 
columns. He knew the soldiers’ fear of becoming ‘water devils’, — 
drowning — in the black swift waters of the Tatu. It was said the 
souls of the dead Taiping wailed here by night, lamenting their 
fate. What if this happens to us?’ ... ‘This cannot happen to us, 
for we are revolutionaries. History has changed, we have changed 
it.’ Mao replied. ‘With Chairman Mao. even if purblind, we shall 



walk the straight road and not be afraid of death/ the troops 
sang. ‘The past does not return/ said Mao. They trusted him; for 
he was one of them, in comfort and discomfort, sharing every 
hardship, every emotion, leading them with songs and poems and 
laughing words. He ate the same rations and wore the same 
clothes; he only worked much harder; for while they slept he 
would sit up, by the light of a small kerosene lamp, working, 
planning, receiving messages, writing reports, giving orders... 
He scarcely slept more than two or three hours at night, and not 
every night, during those months of the Long March. 

They passed the Cool Mountains, and marched 6o miles to the 
medieval town of Anshunchang, on the Tatu. At Anshunchang 
was a man-plied boat; it had to be towed by those naked river- 
men whose lives were spent pulling boats against the swift current. 
Athwart the river, for four and a half miles against the current, 
the boat was pulled; it took hours, and only 50 men at a time. 
How long would it take the Red Army to cross? Many weeks. 
There was a bridge, however, across the Tatu, but over 90 miles 
away. Mao said: ‘We*ll cross by boat and by bridge. We can do 
both.’ And he looked cheerful. ‘So we hacked our way another 
90 miles through dense forest, while a small party of soldiers 
went by boat across to the other side, then, clinging to boulden 
along the other bank, walked along the river edge to reach the 
town of Luting, which had a strong garrison. Luting was at 
the head of the bridge on its western side. They would attack 
the garrison from behind while we would endeavour to cross the 
bridge from the east bank and do battle with the enemy from the 

Luting bridge, over a mile long, consisted of thirteen enormous 
iron chains spanning the river, which, 200 feet below in the gorge 
it had hewn, coursed with the noise of ‘ten thousand racing 
horses’. ‘When we arrived it was four in the afternoon. We had 
hacked our way through dense brush, never stopping, for three 
nights. We had no torches ; who fell behind we could not wait for. 
We had run part of the way; for we knew we must take the 
bridge and get there in time. The fate of the whole Red Army 
depended on our taking the bridge. 



‘We had twenty-two volunteers to take Luting bridge. The 
Kuomintang in the garrison town of Luting had removed all the 
planks to tlie halfway point, over a half a mile. They had not 
bothered with the other half, their own side. Our men had to 
cross by swinging on the iron chains, hand over hand, under 
heavy machine-gun fire. The Kuomintang could scarcely believe 
their eyes. Who would have thought the Reds would insanely 
try to cross on the chains alone? But this is what they did. 
Seventeen of the first batch of 22 died, their bodies fell in the 
torrent, others took their place. The Red Army screamed, we all 
shouted, as if Heaven would tear, as one of ours got to the mid- 
bridge where the planks were left, uncapped a grenade, and ran 
and tossed it among the enemy soldiers. They set fire to the 
planks, but it was too late. More of our men had swung like tree 
apes, got to the planks; they rushed the garrison post through the 
flames. And suddenly there was shouting and gunfire as the small 
force that had crossed by boat attacked the enemy from behind. 
They panicked and surrendered. Thus we took Luting bridge in 
two hours, and the town was ours. We borrowed doors from the 
people; they were civil and good to us. We put the doors down 
on the chains, as planks, and the Red Army crossed. But our rear 
fought another big battle, as the Kuomintang arrived behind us. 
History did not repeat itself. We conquered the Tatu river. 
Some of the local people said the souls of the dead Taiping would 
no longer wail at night, they were revenged.** It was May 25, 

1935 - 

Now they were in the high mountain ranges that run like giant 
stairs up and up, to Tibet; the parallel summits towered, the vast 
glittering ocean of icecaps of Tibet spread a marvellous, dizzying 
whiteness— a new world the soldiers had never dreamed of Most 
of the men were southerners, or Szechuanese from the hot dank 
plains. They had no warm clothes. Mao told the men to boil hot 
chillies and ginger in water and drink it to keep warm. He climbed 
with them, slipping in the snow, his grey trousers wet through, 
his feet numb. ‘The snow has confiscated my feet,’ he said. They 
were to cross the great Snow mountain at 16,000 feet, many died 

* Personal interviews with Long Marchers by author. 



of exposure. Hundreds fell down and never got up. Some died 
in the snow, and others of exhaustion and pneumonia and heart 
failure. A woman (there were now thirty-five of them) who had 
given birth to a baby and placed it in a basket on a mule’s back 
saw the basket overturn as the mule slipped; the baby fell out and 
down the precipice and sank into the deep snow. No one could 
find it again. 

The men were heavily burdened as they carried ten days’ food 
supply and fuel. Mao told the soldiers of a mountain in Hunan 
called the Eight-faced, whose rocks are blue in the rain. The 
people say it is so high that * **Men have to bow their heads, 
horses must have their saddles taken off; for it is three-foot-three 
from the sky.” “How can a mountain be so high?” we asked, 
and Chairman Mao said: “Are we not crossing such high moun- 
tains, and yet no one will be afraid, for the Red Army can do 
anything.” So we made a song about it, that the Red Army 
fears neither mountains nor rivers.’ Mao would write poems on 
the mountains : 

Mountains, O mountains, 

I urge my swift horse, unmoving as it gallops, 

Lift my head, surprised that Heaven 

Is three-foot-three above me. 


Untamed seas, churning tides, roll their waves. 

An onslaught 

Like a myriad steeds in the ecstasy of battle. 


Needling blue heaven with lucid spear points. 

Bearing space upon their slopes. 

In July they finally arrived at Moukung, deep in West Szechuan, 
where Chang Kuo-tao was established. The thousands of miles, 
the battles, the ambushes (for they had been ambushed by tribes, 
uttering war cries and rolling boulders to crush them and flinging 
spears) seemed over. They recalled how one-eyed Liu Po-cheng 



had sealed a treaty of friendship with some Yis by drinking 
chicken blood with tlicir chief; how they had released from jail 
200 Yis imprisoned for years because they had not supplied 
enough young girls for the Kuomintang. They had composed 
songs and made jokes, such as ‘catching the number ii bus’, to 
mean a long walk that day. Now they felt almost at the end of the 
journey, among comrades, fellow Red Axmy soldiers. For here, 
advancing towards them, were soldiers from the Fourth Front 
Army, holding large banners on which were inscribed: ‘Let us 
expand the revolutionary base of Northwest Szechuan!’ Rain 
was pouring down. The soldiers rushed to each other’s arms, 
embraced and wept. ‘We were only about twenty thousand 

Mao Tsetung and Chu Teh, huddled in their rags under a 
tarpaulin, waited for Chang Kuo-tao to appear. He came sitting 
on his horse and surrounded by thirty guards, all on horseback, 
‘They were all stocky, fat men, faces red with good eating, sitting 
on fat, beautiful oily horses . . . we looked at them, our mouths 
watered ... such beautiful horses! Chairman Mao laughed and 
said to us: “Don’t envy the horses!” ’ Mao and Chu went for- 
ward in the rain to meet Chang Kuo-tao, who did not even come 
halfway to them, but sat on his horse, waiting, and then ‘dis- 
mounted slowly’. 

The men who had arrived were emaciated; they crawled with 
lice and scabies; they were hungry and looked like a crew of 
beggars; but they were elated, thinking their troubles at an end, 
Chang stared at them and did not see their eyes, only their rags. 
A famine-stricken mob, some could scarcely stand up. In his 
memoirs, the whole of his vocabulary at this point is impregnated 
Avith paternalism. Not a word about the ordeals they had endured. 
The man who in 1923 had 'written that ‘peasants ... arc not 
interested in politics . . . only in big harvests and an emperor’ now 
thought that with his 50,000 men, well armed and well nourished, 
he was far stronger than the newcomers, a scarecrow pack of 
20,000 ghosts. 

* Interviews with Long Marchers. Official historians say there were 45,000, but 
this is not correct. 



Since their first encounter in 1918 at Peking University, friend- 
ship had not blossomed between Chang and Mao. Chang had 
been to Russia, was an expert in Russian— had he not translated 
Stalin’s messages in 1927? — had been a leader in the All-China 
Labour Federation along with Liu Shao-chi and Li Li-san, was a 
foimding member of the CCP, member of the Politburo, vice- 
chairman at the Central Base. His seniority in the Party, he felt, 
should be duly recognized. Chang insists on the many courtesies 
he used; he writes that he was criticized for his formal, old- 
fashioned good manners* — surely an extraordinary thing to 
bring up at that moment. But the substance of their veiled enmity 
was not only personal; above all it was a question of policy and 
power. With military strength on his side — and the military factor 
weighs heavily in the Chinese context— Chang Kuo-tao felt he 
could impose his views; and liis views, however rational they 
might appear, were motivated by concern for his own power 

Two conferences were held, and many smaller meetings. 
Chang professed to doubt the whole course of the Revolution, 
did not agree with the decision to go north to fight Japan, con- 
sidered the Tsunyi conference ‘arbitrary’. Mao thought the Long 
March a success; Chang thought it a failure and urged a com- 
promise solution with the Kuomintang. J He wanted an entente 
with Chiang, incorporating the Red Army in a ‘national’ army of 
Chiang; there would be, he argued, place for ‘national-minded 
officers’ in Chiang’s army. While negotiating the entente, a safe 
base had been established by him, here in West Szechuan. He 
suggested Mao go further inland, into Tibet or Sinkiang. The 
Soviet Union would help with supplies; there had been a message 
from the Comintern by radio suggesting the establishment of 
bases inland ... 

Mao knew well what Comintern advice now meant. Since 


1932 Wang Ming, back in Moscow, on the prestigious executive 
committee of the Comintern, had been making ‘revolution by 

* Chang Kuo-tao ’s memoirs, Ming Pao Monthly^ 1966-1968, Hongkong. 

t Mao himself did not speak to Edgar Snow of these intra-Party struggles. 



tdegraph’. He had written, or rewritten, the reports from the 
base, adding his own bombast; sent ‘resolutions and directives’ 
back to the base. Li Teh (Otto Braun, Hua Fu) was to be men- 
tioned as a ‘correspondent of the Comintern on the Long March 
with the Red Army’ under yet another pseudonym, M. Fred. He 
would write on July 20 a report which made no mention of the 
Tsimyi meeting or of Mao’s having become chairman of the 
Revolutionary Military Council. 

Chang’s plans were contrary to Mao’s. What was the purpose 
and aim of the Red Army, of the Communist Party, if not to 
promote revolution, to fight Japan? The outlook on any event was 
itself a decisive factor in moulding it. The Communists were 
confronting new, unpredictable situations. Mao maintained that 
a close study of the situation would reveal that it was excellent 
(this produced a sensation, and some guffaws, we may presume, 
on the part of Chang Kuo-tao). 

Mao Tsetung went on, analysing, explaining the way he saw 
events. The decision made to fight Japan had been correct. An 
anti-Japanese united front was already in potentia, among the 
broad masses of the people. It lacked only leadership; it would be 
created, but never by surrender to Chiang Kai-shek or by accepting 
high official posts. The Communist leaders would be neutralized 
and massacred if they disarmed. The Long March was a success, 
the slogans no chimerical assertion. Chang stared at the gaunt, 
almost spectral Mao. ‘This, to speak of taking on the colossal 
military power of Japan!’ Mao posed the question the way he 
had asked it of Chen Tu-hsiu, way back in 1927: ‘To run away, 
to hide, or to lead?’ The leadership of the national patriotic 
movement must be the task of the Communist Party, which was 
alone capable of it. Chiang Kai-shek would soon find his supine 
acquiescence to Japanese aggression impossible— the people were 
against him; they wanted resistance; even warlords, even his own 
generals, were in revolt against him. There could be no with- 
drawal to await better times in the westward areas of China where 
the population was sparse, unable to sustain a large army, and 
where, above all, they could never be in touch with the large 
masses of the Chinese people or exercise an effective influence on 



events. To vv^ithdraw to Tibet or to Sinkiang was to shirk one’s 
revolutionary duty, and to become a ‘warlord’ preying on hostile 
national minorities. 

The meetings at Lianghekou and Maoerhkai were extremely 
bitter; at one point Mao Tsetung won the majority vote for his 
plan. The march would be continued. It would go to North 
Shensi, to the small Red base there under Liu Chih-tan. This was 
the nearest point to counter the Japanese offensives which were 
developing in that direction. 

Mao Tsetung would later say that the struggle with Chang 
Kuo-tao, which is included in the two-line struggle so perpetual 
within the Party, was one of the most difficult, searing episodes 
in his life, ‘the darkest moment’. This shows the extent and the 
gravity not only of the verbal disputes, but of the danger which 
they ran, only avoided through a combination of firmness and 
diplomacy. For it was only too obvious that Chang held the upper 
hand where strength and fire-power were concerned, and would 
not hesitate to use it once he had been able to win over enough of 
the Politburo to his way of thinking to produce a vote against 
Mao Tsetung, And when we think back to the relations of the 
members of the Politburo with Mao, and what had happened 
at Tsunyi, wc can see that Chang Kuo-tao had a good many 
high cards in his hand. Chang’s arguments also would appear 
very tempting to many tired with the battles, the hunger, and 
dubious about the future. In the position they were in, the plans 
of Mao did appear to some too grandiose, utopian. Chang 
Kuo-tao tried his best to win Chu Teh to his view. Chu Teh was 

a Szcchuancse; with Chu Teh and Chang Kuo-tao together, 
Chang would be able to rally a great many Szechuanese to his 
base. He already had about 35,000 Szechuan recruits among his 
troops. And there is nothing Szechuan people dislike more than 

to leave their province. 

But for Mao, provincial considerations, even if they existed, 
were to be combated. He had been successful in mixing soldiers 

from many provinces together, and he continued to do so. It was a 
choice, he said, between abandoning the people of China, the 
workers and peasants, and their heroic struggle, or going on. 



irrespective of personal sacrifice. And Mao Tsctiing’s choice 
would be the Revolution. The dangled prospect of a com- 
fortable ‘western paradise’, a shelter safe from attack, the flattery 
of ‘high official posts’ under Chiang, repelled him. 

On August I, 1935, the Revolutionary Military Council issued 
a very long, 8i-article proclamation to the nation, approved by 
the Politburo and entitled: ‘Appeal to Fellow Countrymen 
Concerning Resistance to Japan and National Salvation.’ Its 
appearance on Army Day, August i, was symbolic of the 
determination to fight Japan; it offered a ‘united front’ with other 
forces willing to resist Japanese aggression. This reaflirmed the 
Tsunyi decision.* 

At the end of August or early September, the march resumed. 
The armies were to be divided in two columns: the eastern or left, 
the western or right. Each column held 30,000 to 35,000 men. 
The right column was composed of the First and Third Army 
Corps of the First Front Army, together with the Fourth and 
Thirtieth armies of the Fourth Front Army (Chang Kuo-tao’s 
forces). The left column was composed of the Fifth and Ninth 
Army Corps of the First Front Army, and the Thirty-first and 
Thirty-second armies of the Fourth Front Army. There was thus 
a balance of both front armies in each column. It is not far- 
fetched to think this was done to effect a deliberate equilibrium, 
so that there would be ‘more unity’. There were more than 
suspicions now that Chang Kuo-tao might attempt a military 
action upon the much weaker, much less well-armed First Front 
Army; that he might capture the Politburo and Mao, and declare 

* It is now said that the text contains some ‘left opportunist* errors (dubbed 
‘right* opportunism, in the constant paradox that what is ultra-left actually bene- 
fits reaction). The Seventh Congress of the Comintern in Moscow (July-August 
1935) on August 2 approved ‘the initiative taken by our courageous brother Party 
of China in the creation of a most extensive anti-imperialist united front*. Stalin, 
too, had now for several months been thinking of a united front against the Axis 
powers. But what the Russians and the Comintern meant and what Mao meant 
were different, as the future would show. This is probably why the August i, 1935, 
proclamation is now criticized. An official Comintern declaration on united front 
policy would appear on August 20. 



himself sole leader of Party and Army. Chang Kuo-tao through- 
out the bitter disputes had not only affected to doubt the legality 
of the Tsunyi enlarged meeting, but pressed claims to becoming 
secretary-general of the Party. But what was even more sinister, 
he had refused to use his very well-equipped troops to do battle 
against massing Kuomintang forces in the Sungpan region north- 
east of his base. The Sungpan region was precisely the one that 
Mao Tsetung, who was leading the right column, would have to 
cross. Chiang of course had guessed that Mao would attempt to 
go north, and he had made preparations. But the troops he had 
at Sungpan were not his best; these were in reserve in a second 
line of defence higher up in Kansu province. Chang argued that 
the Kuomintang were too strong, and he would not risk his 
troops. He does not explain how he proposed to cross, unless 
battle was given. 

Heading the right column then were Mao, Chou En-lai, and 
most of the Politburo. Hsu Hsiang-chien, the commander of that 
portion of the Fourth Front Army (the bulk of it) with Chang 
Kuo-tao, commanded the Chang troops which were also in 
Mao’s column. In the west column Chang Kuo-tao led, and 
Chu Teh and Liu Po-cheng were with him, in charge of the 
First Front Army elements that were included. 

According to some reports, this division was planned by Chu 
Teh. According to others, it was Yeh Chicn-ying who kept an 
eye on the developments, and who later was to inform Mao of 
Chang’s plan to make a surprise attack if possible. 

The Mao-led right column was to cross the Sungpan region, 
which Chang Kuo-tao had deemed so dangerous. In spite of the 
month of rest, the men were still very weak. And now they had 
to battle their way through. They had been quartered in an area 
inhabited by Tibetans; the latter had fled because of Kuomintang 
threats that they would be all put to death if they helped the Red 
Army. Mao Tsetung forbade the troops to take anything from the 
empty houses; and some were shot for infringing discipline. The 
soldiers had found fields of barley, harvested the barley for the 
absent villagers, piled it for them, and left money for the portions 
they took. ‘But we did not get any rice, nor meat, nor salt. Lack 



of salt tormented them, and they had great trouble digesting 
barley. A young soldier proceeded to boil some fresh pigskins he 
found in a house: a soup ‘with a wonderful smell*. Bristles and all, 
Mao partook of this ‘banquet and said it was delicious ... he had 
not had anything decent to eat for months*. This taught the 
soldiers ‘how to boil and eat leather’ when they crossed the 
Great Marshes. 

The two columns set off; Mao aiming towards Sungpan, and 
reaching the Great Marshes a few days later. Chang Kuo-tao*s 
column started west of Mao’s, from the Apa region. The marshes 
were an enormous extent of submerged steppe, with treacherous 
bogs which sucked in those who stepped in them. This crossing 
was to be one of the most terrible experiences of the Long March. 

There is great confusion about what really happened, a con- 
fusion which even the recent questioning of sixteen Long Marchers 
does not dispel.* 

Chang Kuo-tao’s version is that Mao was ahead and to the right 
of him and succeeded in crossing a river (the Ke Ho, a part of the 
Yellow river). Chang however found the river flooded, though 
he was in its upper reaches. At the same time Chang was being 
attacked by a big Kuomintang force. Chang declared the river 
could not be crossed, then ordered his column back south, to 
Apa. But this version does not explain why he also ordered the 
portion of his armies which were in Mao’s column to turn back. 
Without waiting for him, writes Chang Kuo-tao, Mao, in his 
typical ‘savage* way, left by night, ‘sudden as the whirlwind’. 
Chang’s troops in the right column were ‘abandoned’. There 
was nothing for them to do but to turn back, or be massacred by 
the Kuomintang. Mao Tsetung, as usual, said not a word, pre- 
ferring the judgment of ‘the practice of revolution’, which is 

Chou En-lai told Edgar Snow that there was indeed a Kuomin- 
tang attack. This is correct, since Mao did score a victory over the 
Kuomintang troops at the edge of the Great Marshes at Sungpan. 
Otherwise, Chou En-lai proved as reticent as Mao. Chu Teh’s 

* The author interviewed sixteen Long Marchers from various participating 



wife, who was with Chu Tch in Chang Kuo-tao’s column, 
mentions the flood which separated the columns and ‘forced us 
to spend the winter in Tibet eating horse, yak. mutton’. Partici- 
pants’ reports shed some light. ‘We were in Mao Tsetung’s 
column. Suddenly we received an order to go south again, back 
to Szechuan. Some of us were happy. “We’ll go back and eat 
good rice.” We heard that in the north there was nothing to eat. 
We were told that going back, wc would make all Szechuan 
Red. So we turned back and left the column. We went back 
through the marshes.’ This is from a soldier of the Fourth Front 
Army who was in Mao’s column. By that time, they had already 
crossed the Great Marshes. 

Another testimony from a man of the First Front Army in 
Chang Kuo-tao’s column: ‘There was no flooded river; and any- 
way, we had forded so many rivers we were not afraid. Yes, there 
were attacks, but no more than we were accustomed to. But 
Chang Kuo-tao would not fight. His soldiers, who were with us 
in the same column for over a year after we were made to tuni 
back with them, told us: “We have such a big army, but we never 
fight; even at Oyuwan we abandoned the base without any real 
fighting.” ’The soldiers did not like this kind of ‘walking without 
aim all over the earth’ without a battle. 

Another, from a political instructor of the Fourth Front Army 
w^ho elected to stay with Mao in the right column: ‘Wc were 
told: We go back to establish a big base in Szechuan ... I was 
in the Fourth Front Army, but in Chairman Mao’s column. 
When the order came, many went back but I followed Mao 

The left column, and the larger part of the right column, all 
returned through the marshes to Szechuan. These who returned 
thus crossed the terrible marshes three times, for they would 
make the same journey a year later. 

But another story must be mentioned. This concerns Yeh 
Chien-ying, then chief of staff, who was with Mao. Yeh got 
wind of a Chang Kuo-tao plan to get rid of Mao, not only by 
allowing him to fight against the massed Kuomintang forces, 
which were waiting for them on the other side of the marshes, 



but also by attacking him from behind. Whether this plan could 
have been carried out or not we do not know. But this might 
explain why Mao, ‘sudden as the whirlwind’, decided to push 
forward, preferring battle with the Kuomintang to internecine 
war. It would also explain why Mao told Edgar Snow later that 
this had been one of the ‘darkest’ passages in his life. Chang, 
knowing his plans discovered, then gave the orders to his soldiers 
to return. But he would have gone back anyway; he had no 
intention of fighting the Japanese or of going north. He did what 
he had intended to do all along — turn back. 

When Chang Kuo-tao turned back, he took Chu Teh, the 
commander-in-chief, and Liu Po-cheng with him. Another 
problem, much publicized during the Great Proletarian Cultural 
Revolution, when these historical questions were debated by 
young Red Guards (sometimes with non-historical exaggerations), 
is the following: What really was Chu Teh’s attitude at tliis 
critical juncture? Did he go with Chang Kuo-tao of his own free 
■will, as Chang asserts; or was he forced to go ‘at gun point’, as 
he himself told Agnes Smedley ; or was he just unable to make up 
his mind? 

Chang asserts that Chu Teh was ‘indignant at Mao’s flight’. 
Chu Teh’s situation may perhaps be explained by the fact that he 
was not at all sure what he wanted to do. On the one hand, he 
might have been much tempted to remain in Szechuan, his own 
province. He would be sure to organize a successful base there, 
knowing the people. He may also genuinely have thought that 
the northward advance was an error. On the other hand, he was 
not the willing tool of Chang Kuo-tao, but he did not wish to 
see a battle between two Red armies. Chu Teh’s life shows that 
he was brave and unafraid, but not always capable of cool, 
measured judgment. He had launched himself on military ad- 
ventures before; at Chingkang, and in the Juichin base; he had 
not always seen eye to eye with. Mao Tsetung. But it is certain 
that the man was in a great dilemma, and thought it best to avoid 
a bloody conflict. He was not happy during the whole year that 
he was with Chang Kuo-tao, and never denounced Mao Tsetung 
as Chang asked him to do. 



The net outcome was that Mao was left with less than 8,000 
men; 22,000 or more of the original column turned back. Liu 
Po-cheng and the Fifth and Eighth Army Corps also went with 
Chu Teh. *At Pahsi, where the marshes ended and we entered the 
steppes, higher ground with long grass, we saw our comrades 
from the Fourth Front Army retracing their steps, dragging 
themselves in long files back through the marshes. We were 
quite amazed. We asked Chairman Mao: “Why are they going 
back?” They were shouting: “We go back to establish a Red 
base in Szechuan.” But some said: “We go back to eat good 

‘Here where we were it was desolate; sightless the sky hit the 
long grass. There were stables with cows; the walls were of cow 
dung and clay. Of course Chairman Mao did not allow us to 
touch the cows; the people had fled, we could not take their 
possessions. We looked at Chairman Mao’s face; we could see he 
was very upset as he watched our comrades filing back, weary, 
going back through the marshes. It seemed endless, their going 
away. Of course we were tempted; for in front of us were many 
mountains, and a big battle; and now we all knew there would 
be no rice to eat in the North; they just did not grow rice there, 
and we were Southerners, we all had dysentery; many of our 
comrades died of it. 

‘Chairman Mao said: “Let them go.” He even told the com- 
rades who left him to look after themselves. At Pahsi we held a 
big meeting and Chairman Mao asked us: “Do you want to go 
back?” We looked at him; he had been with us all the time, and 
he had walked with us. He never used the stretcher we had pre- 

pared for him; he gave it to the wounded. We shouted: We 
never go back! We go forward with you!” So Chairman Mao 
said: “The others will return. They will return to us, and 
clear the way for them, we’ll prepare the road for their return. 
So we prepared for battle, and we fought very well. 

This was the battle of Latzekou, the Waxy Mouth pass, a 
mountain pass held by 40,000 troops of Hu Tsung-nan, Chiang 
Kai-shek’s best commander. The Red Army fought with knives 
and cutlasses, they hurled themselves at the cavalry, the Kansu 



horsemen Hu Tsung-nan used to trample them down. ‘We cut 
them to pieces. Nothing could stop us any more. Wc fought all 
night and at dawn we took the pass.’ 

The memory of the terrible marshes is gashed in the minds of 
thousands of Long Marchers (over 3,000 arc still alive today).* 
‘They spread, an immense sombre shoreless ocean of mud, a 
desert of water; swamps which sucked us down; with clumps of 
bushy grass here and there, and little bits of firm land; there was 
only one trail. Those that went forward marked it by a wlii tc 
rope of goat’s hair. And then one day it snowed, wc could not 
find the rope again. We moved snow with our bare hands for 
hours. The rope was our lifeline.’ 

They attempted to get guides. ‘The local inhabitants shot at us 
whenever they could. But we managed to get some guides. They 
alone knew the way across the marshes. But they wanted meat to 
eat, and money. They insisted on a very high price. And they 
would not walk. We had to carry them in palanquins. Six men 
carried them; and sometimes the men stumbled. The guides 
knew they could ask for anything.’ 

There was no food. Three times a day the weather changed; 
from pale bleak sun ‘like a moon’ to rain to hail to snow and 
back again to wind; the mud froze on the men; they could not 
sleep; they sat back to back, in mushroom clumps, and dozed at 
night. They ate wild grass, weeds; discovered a small bush with 
some cherry-like fruit; a sweet turnip which poisoned them. 
They were stricken with terrible dysentery. ‘We ate the barley 
we had taken with us; it was raw, we could not digest it; it went 
through us and came out the same.’ The ‘little ones’, the children 
of twelve to fifteen who went on the Long March, were wonder- 
ful. ‘They joined the instructors; they were always in front. They 
washed the sores of the men, woke at night to count the soldiers ; 
hunted for berries, went ahead with the cadres, and stood with 
them singing by the path and marking the time with wood 
clappers. We sang? Of course we did. We sang: “Oh leather is 

* Including members of Chang Kuo-tao*s Fourth Front Army interviewed by 
the author. 



delicious to eat.” We boiled leather belts, sliced the leather up 
and chewed it. The water stank.’ 

They were also shot at and ambushed, repeatedly, by Tibetans 
and the Kansu Hui cavalrymen who attacked them. ‘They came 
from the rear and many comrades died. We could not see the 
horsemen in time, especially when we reached the tall grass of the 
steppes. We fought, and we even captured some horses. 

‘Sometimes we vacillated in our minds: which death was 
better, poisoning, sucked in the mud, or to be shot at? We must 
have eaten every kind of weed or grass or root in the marshes.’ 
Their legs were covered with big gnawing ulcers. They stepped 
on the corpses of those who died before them. A woman who 
crossed the marshes three times told me: ‘I walked and some- 
thing squeaked under my foot. I parted the dense weeds and my 
foot was in a dead man’s face. I still dream of it.’ 

We do not know how many died in the Great Marshes, nor how 
many died fighting their way out of them. ‘It was all one great 
battle, one ceaseless struggle.’ But there was, after Waxy Mouth 
pass and its battle, another mountain range, the Liupan, which 
Mao crossed. On the crest they found a stone inscription ‘Dividing 
the water’s crest’. Here was the border between Kansu province, 
where they had battled the Hui horsemen, and Shensi province, 
their destination. On the slopes they rested a short while; it was 
October, very bleak and cold ; around them were bare mountains 
and chasms. This was the loess land, the thick yellow earth 
brought down by the Yellow river, folded and wrinkled, an 
enormous grand canyon spreading hundreds of thousands of 
square miles. People lived in caves scooped in the loess cliffs, 
‘We’ve crossed ten provinces and we’re entering the eleventh, 
said Mao, all smiles. 

The summit passes of the Liupan are reached after six twists, by 
narrow paths, rock-strewn. Hence its name of Liupan — six 
twists. It was the 7th of October. Far out could be guessed the 
Great Wall, which straddled the mountains on its gigantic 
march to the deserts of Central Asia. Mao s happiness expressed 
itself in verse: 



High is the sky and clear the clouds. 

The eye follows the wild goose winging southward. 

If we do not reach the Great Wall, we are not men. 

Already we count on our fingers a march of 20,000 Us. 

On the crest of Liupan our banners waft in the west wind. 

Today we hold in our hands the long rope to bind the dragon. 

When shall we bind fast the grey dragon? 

The grey dragon was a constellation of seven stars, representing 
Japan. Mao, contemplating the great stretch of North China 
before him, saw it already in terms of the battles to come, not as a 
period of rest, a haven of refuge. It was this extraordinary 
prescience which seemed so exaggerated to ‘reasonable’ men; 
and who could have guessed that the 7,000 with him, a nothing- 
ness in the vast ocean of China, contemplating the denuded, 
desolate winter canyons in front of them, would indeed take on 
the great military power of Japan, after the murderous year they 
had endured? It looked like sheer rodomontade. It was history 
in the making. 

‘But we had more battles before us. For below the Liupan pass, 
once again, the plain was grey and brown with the cavalry of the 
warlord Ma Hung-kwei. We fought. Of course we won. The 
horses and the men screamed as we charged.’ 

On October 20 they reached Wuchichen, a small county in 
North Shensi. ‘We arrived in the twilight. Suddenly there was 
the sound of gongs and drums and timbrels ... a crowd to wel- 
come us, to welcome Chairman Mao. Like a small sea they came 
up in the darkness, crying: “Welcome, welcome, long live 
Chairman Mao. Long live the Chinese Communist Party.” We 

The Long March was ended for the 7,000 with Mao Tsetung. 
In the same uniform with which he had started, tattered and thick 
with dirt, Mao stood, coatless. Then up came Hsu Hai-tung, 
commander of the Fifteenth Red Army Corps, who had been 
delegated to meet the Long Marchers. ‘Thank you for taking so 
much trouble to come and meet us,’ said Mao Tsetung. Then 
they were both silent, because there was too much to say. 



After its arrival in W^uchichen in North Shensi, the Army took 
stock of its achievements. It had trudged 7,500 miles. It had 
crossed eighteen mountain ranges and twenty-four rivers; walked 
through eleven provinces; sixty-two cities and towns had been 
taken by assault and occupied. It had broken through ten pro- 
vincial warlord armies, and fought, outmanoeuvred, and beaten 
one million men of the Kuomintang armies of Chiang Kai-shek. 
It had also crossed six national minorities areas. 

Speaking of the Long March, what is its significance? We 
answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of 
history, that it is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding 
machine ... It has proclaimed to the world that the Red Army is 
an army of heroes. It has announced to some 200 million people 
in eleven provinces that the road of the Red Army is their only 
road to liberation ... The Long March ... has sown many seeds 
which will sprout, leaf, blossom and bear fruit, and will yield a 
harvest in the future.’* / 

Mao Tsetung’s poem on the Long March, given to Edgar 
Snow in 1936, is worth quoting: 

The Red Army fears not these prodigious distant campaigns; 

A thousand mountains^ ten thousand rivers^ they look upon as pleasantly 

The tortuous Five ranges are but ripples they leap; 

The dread crests of Wumeng, mud dumps under their heels. 

Warm are the fog-wrapped cliffs lapped by the Golden Sands river; 
Cold were the iron chains spanning the Tatu stream. 

How much laughter amid the unending snows of Minshan; 

And when the Three Armies had crossed, smiles were on all their faces.'f 

From Apa, when the columns came back, Chang Kuo-tao rode 
southward to Cho Ke-chi, a town with many Tibetan lama 

* On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism (December 27, 193 5 )» Selected Works^ 

vol. I. 

f The ‘Three Armies* are the First, Second and Fourth Front armies. Mao 
included in his poem the two Front armies which would reach Shensi and 
reunite the forces in 1936. 



temples and great landlords, and there called a meeting. At the 
meeting, packed with his adherents, he condemned Mao's 
‘sudden departure* which had ‘broken the unity of action’ of the 
Red Army and the Party. He says that the meeting accused Mao of 
‘defeatism and guerillaism’ [sic]. Chang Kuo-tao got a subaltern 
to denounce the ‘bogus Central Committee and Politburo , 
product of the enlarged Tsunyi conference. He called for a 
plenum of all Party representatives in the whole of China to 
select a new Central Committee. Until the plenum was held, no 
orders from the ‘so-called Central Committee’ should be obeyed. 
Meanwhile, a ‘temporary Central Committee* of which he 
became (reluctantly, according to his memoirs) secretary- 
general, was organized at Cho Ke-chi. A cable was sent to the 
North Shensi base, saying that although it was decided no longer 
to recognize the Central Committee with Mao, ‘yet military 
action could still be taken in concert to preserve unity’. A 
military council, with Chu Teh as commander-in-chief and 
Chang Kuo-tao as chairman became the ‘supreme authority 
over all the armies’. A new soviet base (called the Szechuan- 
Sikang base) would now be established. A Confederacy of 
the National Minorities government was proclaimed as a 
soviet republic. Reports of these proceedings were sent to 

Thus Chang Kuo-tao tried to establish his claim to head the 
Chinese Communist Party. A ‘special independent government of 
the minorities’ was then estabhshed by him in Kangting, capital of 
Sikang province, nearest to Tibet, where he now directed himself 
and his troops for the winter. It was an area sparsely inhabited by 
Tibetans and Han people, and famous only for its production of 
opium. The armies were an enormous burden on the population. 
Chang Kuo-tao was unable to turn his men into a production 
force. Mao Tsetung had warned him that the establishment of 
bases in the national minorities area was hopeless, and actually an 
exploiting, warlord device. The people were too few; the cultiva- 
tion of land difficult, the soldiers could not communicate, did not 
speak the same language. A long history of oppression by the 
Han emperors, and by the Kuomintang, made the national 



minorities hostile. Chang Kuo-tao’s armies survived on the sale of 
opium. The armies turned into a warlord army. Desertions and 
disease dwindled their numbers. 

Mao Tsetung and the Central Committee sent telegrams 
exhorting Chang Kuo-tao to come to North Shensi and to join 
them. Then in June 1936, the Second Front Army of Ho Lung 
arrived in Sikang. This Second Front Army was the one which 
Li Teh had tried so hard to reach and merge with. It had had its 
own checkered career. 

Ho Lung, an erstwhile Kuomintang militarist, like Peng Teh- 
huai, had joined the Communists and participated in the seizure 
of Nanchang on August i, 1927.* He had then established a base 
in northwest Hunan, his native province, later combined with 
another one to form the West Hunan-Hupei Border Area. Chiang 
Kai-shek had overrun it in the summer of 1934. Ho Lung with- 
drew to Northeast Kweichow, where he controlled about four 
counties, and was joined on the way by some of the guerilla troops 
under Hsiao Ke, Wang Chen, and Jen Pi-shih, who had broken 
out of the Central Base in the summer of 1934. Jen Pi-shih, who 
continued to be in contact with Mao, had become the political 
commissar of Ho Lung’s Second Front Army. In the spring of 
1935 the Second Front Army was driven out of its Kweichow 
counties and went back to Hunan; was pushed out of Hunan and, 
doubling back on its tracks, using much the same route as Mao 
Tsetung had done, went through Kweichow into Sikang, 
arriving at Chang Kuo-tao’s base in June 1936- 1 ^ poor 

shape when it arrived. ‘We had to give them food, clothes, 
everything,’ The scarcity felt in the base was now greatly in- 
creased by the additional burden of 20,000 Second Front Army 
men. Disputes arose. Jen Pi-shih then came forward with the 
suggestion that the armies join Mao’s base in Northwest Shensi 

province. Chu Teh heartily concurred. 

It is said also that Lin Yu-ying, Lin Piao’s uncle, had been sent 
by Mao to Jen Pi-shih, to convey this delicate and important task 
of persuasion. Jen Pi-shih persuaded Ho Lung, and Chu Teh and 
Liu Po-cheng backed Jen Pi-shih. In July 1936 the Fourth and 

* See chapter 9. 



Second Front armies left Sikang, to walk north on their own Long 

Nieh Jung-chen was sent by a happy Mao and Chou, with half 
the battle force then existing in North Shensi, to clear a way 
through enemy forces for the advancing armies. In October 1936, 
exactly a year after Mao’s arrival, the reunion took place at Hui 
Ning, not far from Lanchow, capital city of Kansu province. The 
soldiers threw their arms round each other, laughing and weeping 
at once. ‘Chu Teh was thin as a ghost, but Chang Kuo-tao was fat 
and smooth ... I wonder how he kept so fat.’* 

Chang Kuo-tao had not given in happily. On the way, he 
thought up another scheme. Another wrangle took place with 
Chu Teh, Ho Lung, and Jen Pi-shih; Chang decided to go off to 
Sinkiang and establish a base there, in close proximity to the 
USSR. This absurdity proved him impervious to geography, 
logistics, or common sense. Sinkiang was a great desert area, 
with less than five inhabitants per square mile, strung in chains of 
oases. The area was quite unsuited for a base. Chang went off, 
crossed the Yellow river, and followed the Kansu corridor 
westward to Sinkiang. The troops with him were cut to pieces, 
the worst battle occurring at the foot of the Great Wall. Only 
about 2,000 survived ... to be picked up in May 1937 by Mao’s 
rescue squads and taken back to Shensi. Chang himself once more 
escaped, to return to Lanchow in time to rejoin the Second Front 
Army trekking towards Shensi, and arrive with them at Hui 

Chang Kuo-tao had destroyed his own army, and would now 
proceed to destroy himself pohtically. Like many of Mao’s 
enemies, he worked at his own downfall by his own means. None 
of the commanders or units which had turned back with him 
were castigated; some hold very high positions today.*}* Mao 
Tsetung did not raise a finger against Chang Kuo-tao, but it is 
impossible for those who have failed through their own faults 

* Dr Ma Haiteh, also known as George Hatem, an American doctor who joined 
the Red Army in 1936, when he was in China, a well-kept secret only lately 
revealed. Dr Ma reached the North Shensi base early in 1936. 

t For example, Li Hsicn-nien, vice-premier, and Chen Chih-fang, who is 
ambassador to Switzerland. 



to forgive. In the long, protracted, blood-filled history of the 
Chinese Revolution, Chang Kuo-tao’s place is not with those 
who died to serve their people, but with those who lived to 
betray themselves. 

Part II 

The Yenan Period: The Second United Front 

On the Long March, Mao endured both physical hardship and 
mental strain. Daily staff and military conferences, marching 
plans for so many thousands; documents to read and decide upon, 
couriers galloping or running to him every hour of the day or 
night, urgent decisions, sudden attacks, the care of the immense 
cohort moving shaggily yet swiftly, enemy-surrounded, meant 
very little sleep, constant alertness, lucid decisions, and a mastery 
of the situation which no mere theory could encompass. Mao 
worked anywhere— on bare rock, with a wooden plank for a 
table; a small kerosene lamp or a candle lighted him as he pored 
over papers. Above him an oilcloth stretched to shield his work 
from the rain. He moved up and down the lines of singing men, 
among the disarray of sleeping soldiers lying tentless on the 
ground. He watched the troops wind across the mountain slopes, 
a giant snake procession, for fifty miles. Concerned with the 
nimierous woimded, he would send scouts to look for native 
medicinal herbs. He questioned the political instructors, whom he 
called in conference, on the problems of each unit, rallying the 
weary, sending doctors, nurses, stretcher-bearers where needed. 
And he also delegated authority and responsibility, inciting others 
to initiative and selflessness, so that as the march went on, he 
trained and inspired scores of young men throughout the Army 
who would become a generation of potential leaders.* 

And all this time, like the other many thousands, his body 
crawled with lice and other parasites; both he and Chou En-lai 
stuffed old newspapers (when they got any) around their feet. 
Physically, it was a constant misery to the almost hyper-clean 

* Interviews with sixteen Long Marchers. 1970-1971. and personal documents 
in author’s files. 



Several hundred boy ‘soldiers’ in their early teens who made the 
Long March are today grown men. They remember Mao’s 
jokes, his good humour, and the songs they sang. As the Hakkas 
of Chingkangshan had been for Mao a discovery, so were the 
national minorities, through the vast regions of West China they 
now crossed. He studied their manners and customs, instructed 
the Red Army soldiers never to retaliate, even if they were 
attacked by these despoiled and suspicious people. Struck by their 
general morbidity, one of his first decisions after the triumph of 
1949 was to send the American doctor Ma Haiteh (George 
Hatem) to establish health programmes for the national minorities. 

The Long March was, for Mao Tsetung, not only a campaign 
but also an affirmation of his integration with the Chinese people. 
His grasp of the essential, his ‘singularly un-Napoleonic disregard 
for details’,* kept him unclogged in mind, able to diifuse his gift 
of inspiring others with an almost superhuman optimism. On 
the march, walking with the others, he would discuss with the 
doctors*}- the impact of psychosomatic disease upon the body, how 
it is hope and strong motivation which make men live. For there 
comes a time when physical strength is not enough to sustain 
long and continuous effort, only spiritual exaltation can continue 
to make the body endure suffering and hardship. That ‘spirit 
becomes a material force’ Mao was to affirm, for he himself was 
buoyed by unfaltering belief in the rightness of his cause. ‘It is 
possible to live on nothing but a furious hope,’ Robert PayneJ 
reports his saying. The poems he wrote during the Long March 
are among his more splendid and joyous ones; however busy and 
tired he was, his poet’s eye raked the land, the sky; his poets 
mind was stirred by beauty. He was with nature at her most 
elemental, loving yet fighting her; and on his shoulders, as on 
those of the toiler-soldiers with him, rested the destiny of China. 
Of this he was aware at every moment of the Long March. 

* A phrase of George Paloczi-Horvath, otherwise no lover of Mao Tsetung. 
See his Mao Tse-tung, Emperor of the Blue Ants (Seeker & Warburg, London, 1962). 

t Ki Peng-fei, now acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Dr Nelson Fu, 
already referred to. 

X Robert Payne, Portrait of a Revolutionary: Mao Tse-tung (new and revised 
edition, Abelard-Schuman, London and New York, 1962). 



Even Mao’s enemies do not begrudge him admiration for his 
leadership during the Long March. Yet he would look upon it 
not as his own achievement, but a manifestation of the greatness 
and genius of his people. The man who counted was the poor 
peasant, bent over the earth he worked; the boy soldier carrying 
a rifle too big for him, slogging uncomplainingly on frozen feet; 
the mine workers become soldiers, singing while they chewed 
the boiled leather of harness thongs; the political instructor who 
pushed himself to the top of mountain passes, there to sing and 
call upon the wearied soldiers to walk up, for the next horizon 
was marvellous; the people of China, workers and poor peasants, 
who had followed him all the way, through Chingkangshan, 
through Juichin, through the Long March ... the rank and file 
of the Red Army, who knew Mao Tsetung and for whom 
there was no other leader, who fought like heroes, and died 
without complaint, an army of saints destined to create a new 

North Shensi is a desolate barrenness of windswept loess cliffs 
more than three thousand feet high, a fawn and grey unkemptness 
comparable to the Grand Canyon for grandeur, a beginning desert 
with scanty rain, centuries-old deforestation, tremendous dust 
storms whirling to veil the sun, the thick alluvial soil of the 
Yellow river, which meanders its sand banks for 750 miles across 
it. Its two miUion people were poor, dirty and ignorant, riddled 
with hunger and disease, troglodytes living in caves scooped in 
the loess cliffs. The ravages of invasions in centuries past had 
ruined the land; great peasant uprisings dating back to the Ming 
dynasty had been put down with ferocity, and hundreds of 
famines* had unpeopled it. 

In 1926-1927 a small Communist nucleus had established itself 
in the area, with Shensi students trained in Mao Tsetung’s Peasant 
Institute at Kuangchow. They led an insurrection, but in 1927 
Chiang Kai-shek’s counter-revolution had exterminated thou- 
sands of peasants and students. Within the next two years a severe 

* It is estimated that from the seventeenth century on there were at least three 
famines, big and small, every decade. 



famine and warlord wars brought on a general rural crisis, and the 
peasants rebelled again. Liu Chih-tan, one of the wLngpoo 
Communist cadets who survived the 1927 massacres, returned to 
Shensi, his native place, and organized the peasantry into guerilla 
bands. In 1929-1930 Liu promoted land reform, based on 
redistribution of big landlords’ surplus lands and animals; he did 
not apply the ultra-left line followed in the Juichin base. In 
February 1934 *^be Shensi-Kansu Independent Border Region was 
proclaimed by Liu Chih-tan, with its capital at Pao An. Liu 
expanded the base and remained in control till mid-1935, despite 
attacks by Chiang Kai-shek’s armies. He had about 5,000 men, 
grandly dubbed the Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Red 
Armies, and controlled about ten counties -but in the ‘fluctuant’ 
manner already described. 

In July 1935 another Red Army group, the Twenty-fifth 
Army, of about 3,000 men under Hsu Hai-tung, erstwhile 
commander in the Oyuwan base under Chang Kuo-tao as political 
commissar, arrived in the North Shensi base. Hsu had remained 
behind when Chang Kuo-tao left, and when Oyuwan was 
overrun he marched to North Shensi. Many other such groups, 
from small bases captured by the KMT, were doing their own 
marches, breaking through Kuomintang cordons, marching 
westward and northward to reach the Shensi-Kansu (or North 
Shensi) base, the only one left by that autumn of 1935 — unless 
we count Chang Kuo-tao’s ‘safe’ base in West Szechuan. 

Hsu’s Twenty-fifth Army joined the Twenty-sixth and 
Twenty-seventh, to form a Fifteenth Red Army Corps. Hsu and 
Liu then had some heated disagreement on policies although it is 
now difficult to find out precisely what it was about. A ‘cadre 
arrived from the (by no means extinct) ‘left’ wing in the Central 
Committee. This cadre, Chang Ching-fu, nicknamed Chang the 
Corpulent,* cashiered Liu Chih-tan as a ‘right deviationist 
(which meant a Mao follower in the jargon of the ‘left’ Bol- 
sheviks) who had not obeyed the (Wang Ming) Party line. Hsu 
Hai-tung sided with Fat Chang, and Liu Chih-tan was to be 
arrested and tried, when Mao’s arrival in October restored 

* Edgar Snow, Red Star Ouer China, op. cit. 



unity. Hsu was then apprised of the Tsunyi resolutions and of his 
error. Mao called for a reassessment conference; the Politburo 
found most of the accusations against Liu Chih-tan baseless. And 
just in time. For the base was attacked in November by enemy 
forces, about 60,000 strong. The attack was repelled, and by 
December there was to be a lull of about four months before the 
next bout of fighting in the spring of 1936. 

Within the next two years, 1936 and 1937, the situation would 
change radically. In December 1935 Mao’s policy was still 
threatened, the most immediate danger being the internal 
struggle with Chang Kuo-tao. But Chang Kuo-tao’s self- 
determined end was to come, and swiftly. He arrived at the 
North Shensi base in November or December 1936, over a year 
after Mao. His defection to Chiang Kai-shek took place in the 
summer of 1938. During those thirteen months he was subjected 
to criticism, chiefly by Chang Wen-tien, secretary-general of the 
CCP; but otherwise unhindered, even being made vice-chairman 
and then chairman of the local government of the base, renamed 
the Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia Border Region in 1936. But his 
opposition to Mao on the matter of a united front to fight Japan 
continued unabated. He built himself a secluded and pleasant 
pavilion on the outskirts of the city ofYenan, lectured in political 
science at the Resist Japan University (Kangta)* founded by Mao 
in 1936, and nursed his grudges till he went over to Chiang 

In the summer of 1938, in that compulsion to escape which 
seems to have been the mainspring of his actions, he fled to the 
arms of Chiang’s secret police, was greeted with honour by Tai Li, 
the number one hatchet man of Chiang Kai-shek, and began 
working as an informer against the Communist Party. 

Chang Kuo-tao’s life is a curious and instructive study of an 
‘ultra-leftist’ becoming an ‘ultra-right-winger’; Chinese Com- 
munist publications ^during the Great Proletarian Cultural 
Revolution were to assert that this is a common phenomenon — 
‘in appearance left, in substance right’. Mao Tsetung seems to 

* Abbreviation for Kang Jih Ta Hsueh (Resist Japan University). 

36 o 


aieas, how many represented the Long Marchers from various 
bases? The Party membership was back to what it had been in 
1928, whereas in 1934 it had counted 300,000 members. 

Mao Tsetung had reached his full maturity of thought; he now 
had ideological authority, he was affluent with experience, he also 
had some power. But the Wang Ming faction in the Party was 
still very strong, biding its time. Mao set to forging a whole 
new Party and Army for a new stage of development of the 
Revolution, a stage in which the aim of the CCP was not only 
winning a war of liberation against Japan, but through this war 
to promote social and political revolution on a country-wide 
scale, and to take power. 

To the preparation of this future Mao set himself, head among 
the stars, feet solidly planted in the Chinese earth. All those who 
saw him during those years in Yenan realized that he thought 
already in all-China terms, of nothing less than total triumph for 
the Chinese Revolution. And his first problem to solve, in 
conjunction with this total programme, was the ‘contradiction’ 
with Chiang Kai-shek. How would Chiang be brought to fight 
Japan, to accept another luiited front with the Communists in 
the name of national salvation? 

The attack of October-November 1935 had been ordered by 
Chiang Kai-shek, well aware that Mao had escaped him, now 
planning yet another annihilation campaign, and jailing and even 
murdering anyone determined to fight Japan. But Chiang’s fatal 
flaw was his ultimate reliance on disparate troops and individuals. 
The attackers of the Red base were mixed troops of the Shansi 
warlord Yen Hsi-shan, of the Manchurian ‘Young Marshal 
Chang Hsueh-liang, and of the pacification cormnissioner in 
charge of Shensi province, Yang Hu-cheng. Three divisions of the 
Manchurian troops of Chang Hsueh-liang were put out of com- 
mission, and numbers of Manchurian soldiers and officers cap- 
tured by the Reds, in the November attack. In February 193 * 5 , 
Liu Chih-taii was to follow up this victory by an offensive across 
the Yellow river into Shansi province.* Shansi had coal and iron, 

* Shansi province is next to Shensi province and not to be confused with it (see 
map, page 312). 



and it was Liu Chih-tan’s purpose to consolidate the base area 
and to expand it, and also to establish a strategic forward region 
to meet the Japanese onslaught which was sure to develop in 
North China. But he was killed in battle in March 1936. By all 
accounts a courageous and dedicated man, he was greatly 
mourned by the peasants of the region, and his memory is still 
honoured in his native province.* 

Once again history moved in mysterious ways, lavish in 
providing Mao with opportunities — or was it simply that he saw a 
saving grace where no one else did? The participation of the 
Manchurian troops of Chang Hsueh-liang in the anti-Communist 
assault was such an occasion. Their presence in Shensi, far from 
their original home, was due to the seizure of Manchuria by the 
Japanese in September 1931 and the conversion of the three 
eastern provinces, as Manchuria was known, into Manchukuo, a 
puppet protectorate of Japan under the ex-Manchu emperor 

Chang Hsuch-liang’s father, the warlord Chang Tso-lin, ruler 
of Manchuria, had been killed by a bomb placed in his train by 
the Japanese in 1928. His son, known as the Young Marshal, did 
not resist the Japanese invasion of 1931; he left on Chiang Kai- 
shek’s advice, and he and his armies had been quartered in the 
northwest, to ‘fight the Reds’, since 1932. This was not at all to 
Chang Hsueh-liang’s liking. His army longed to fight the 
Japanese, he longed to return home. The Manchurian officers 
and soldiers captured by the Red Army quickly made friends 
with their captors; Mao Tsetung’s policy of the united front 
against Japanese aggression was explained to them, and aroused 
their enthusiasm. They were well looked after, and released with 
gifts within weeks. By then the last thing they wanted was to 
fight the Red Army. Three thousand Manchurian soldiers of 
Chang Hsueh-liang’s armies defected to the Red Army in the 
spring of 1936. 

* Jan Myrdal, Report from a Chinese Village, trs. M. Michael (Heinemann, 1965), 
PP. 55-57. 

t Interview with ex-emperor Puyi, i960. See also Autobiography of Aisin Gioro 

Puyi, English edition (Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1965). 

12 ^ 



Through his officers, Chang Hsueh-liang heard of the Red base, 
was told of the honesty, the dedication, the determination to form 
a democratic government ‘with all those ready to fight Japan*. 
This stirred his patriotism, subdued his fear of Communism. He 
talked to Yang Hu-cheng, the pacification commissioner, whose 
second wife was a left-inclined student— some even say she was a 
Communist And wonder of wonders, his secretary, Wang 
Ping-nan, whose wife was German, was also a Communist.^ 

The pacification commissioner, ordered to smash the Reds, was 
reluctant to smash himself in the process. While spouting promises 
to Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Hsueh-liang and Yang Hu-cheng 
began delicate manoeuvres to negotiate with the Communists. 
In early 1936 talks began between the Communists and Chang 
Hsueh-liang in Sian. Chou En-lai was placed by Mao in charge 
of these negotiations. Soon Communist cadres in Manchurian 
army uniform were going into Sian to have talks with officers 
of the Manchurian army and officials of the provincial govern- 

From Tsunyi onward, and until today, it is Chou En-lai who 
has been the most able executor of Mao*s blueprints in internal 
and external policies. Today Chou enjoys immense popularity, 
second only to Mao, in China. He is called ‘the housekeeper*, the 
one who carries out the policies. 

In a speech at Wayaopao in December 1935,+ at the end of two 
weeks of intense discussion in the Politburo, Mao laid down the 
fundamental policies of the Party for the building of a united 
front. Opinions on the united front were still very divided. A 
faction in the CCP still did not want to have anything to do with 
Chiang Kai-shek. They held that there could be no alliance of 
any kind with ‘the bourgeoisie*. But Mao was also opposed by a 
numerous and growing clique who wanted to hand over the 
leadership (and that meant the Red Army, mainstay of revolution- 

* Met by the author in 1938, in Brussels. 

f Wang Ping-nan, later ambassador to Poland, was for a time in charge of 
talks at ambassadorial level between the People’s Republic of China and the 
United States (1956-1966). 

I On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism (December 27, I935)» Selected Works, 
vol. I. 



ary power) to Chiang Kai-shek. In this group were Chang Kuo- 
tao, and, surprisingly, later would be Wang Ming himself, in one 
of those dismaying turnabouts which discourage logic, but which 

‘What is the basic tactical task of the Party? It is none other 
than to form a broad national revolutionary united front ... The 
Communist Party and the Red Army are not only acting at 
present as the initiators of the anti-Japanese national united front, 
but will inevitably become the powerful mainstay of the anti- 
Japanese government and anti-Japanese army, preventing the 
Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek from attaining their 
ultimate end, in their policy of disrupting the national united 
front.’ The people demanded resistance to Japan — the workers, 
the peasants, the petty bourgeoisie. As for the national bour- 
geoisie, it remained vacillating. ‘On the one hand they dislike 
imperialism and on the other they fear thorough revolution.’ 
Hence it needed leadership. Only the CCP could provide it, 
through the tactics of the united front. 

At the meeting Mao reviewed the Tsai Ting-kai fiasco of 
December 1933.^ It had shown that the Japanese invasion was 
causing splits within the KMT, and now there were more splits. 
All these could be utilized. He attacked what he called ‘closed- 
doorism’, those for whom ‘the forces of the Revolution must 
be pure, absolutely pure, and the road of the Revolution must be 
straight, absolutely straight. Nothing is correct except what is 
literally recorded in Holy writ. The national bourgeoisie 
is entirely and eternally counter-revolutionary. Not an inch 
must be conceded to the rich peasants ... If we shake hands with 
Tsai Ting-kai we must call him a counter-revolutionary at the 
same moment ... Intellectuals are three-day revolutionaries ... 
closed-doorism is the sole wonder-working magic, while the 
united front is an opportunist tactic.* This was an irate and 
withering comment on the Wang Ming leadership, which had 
wrought such havoc for the CCP. Mao was sarcastically quoting 
back what Chang Kuo-tao and Wang Ming had been saying for a 
good number of years; and his audience knew it, and tittered. 

* See pages 297-299. 



‘United front tactics are the only Marxist-Leninist tactics.* The 
leadership of the war, of the united front, must remain with ‘the 
party of the proletariat’, the Communist Party, although because 
of its weakness it needed allies to tackle the national war of 
resistance. And allies there were, all over China. There was 
already a ‘united front of the broad masses’, which was clamorous, 
potentially powerful; all it needed was a directing head. Chiang 
would no longer be able to contain the tide of public opinion 
demanding resistance to the invader. The slogan of Chiang, 
‘Internal pacification before resistance to foreign invasion’, no 
longer worked. Thus Mao gave a clear, decisive orientation to 
the Party for a second united front. He also delineated the policy 
of a ‘people’s republic’, which would now include, besides the 
workers and peasants and urban petty bourgeoisie, ‘members of 
all other classes who are willing to take part in the national 
revolution’. And in this brief paragraph of his speech, the seed of 
the People’s Republic of China was planted. ‘Why change the 
“workers and peasants” republic [such as at Juichin] into a 
“people’s republic”?’ asked Mao. He answered himself: ‘Our 
government represents not only the workers and peasants but the 
whole nation.* The Japanese invasion had changed class relations 
in China, requiring this alteration into a people’s republic. This 
would mean modifications in policies affecting, for instance, land 
reform, representation in councils, and mass associations and 
mass movements. The newly born formula was to be carried out 
into all the bases, during the war with Japan. 

It was this genial adaptation, flexible and inspired, to genuine 
conditions, rallying the greatest number, which procured for the 
CCP its immense popularity during the war and made it the core 
of leadership of anti-Japanese resistance. Already, in December 
1935, Mao was blueprinting the next ten years. Protection instead 
of confiscation for private property other than imperialist and 
feudal would rally still more of the bourgeoisie at this stage, even 
if their status would be altered in the next. ‘In the stage of demo- 
cratic revolution there are limits to the struggle between labour 
and capital. The labour laws of the people’s republic will protect 
the interests of the workers but will not prevent the iiational 



bourgeoisie from making profits or developing their industrial and 
commercial enterprises"* (Author’s italics.) 

China was still, said Mao, at the stage of bourgeois-democratic 
revolution. ‘The change [to the socialist revolution] will come 

On May 6, 1936, a circular telegram was sent from the Revolu- 
tionary Military Council of the Red Army to the Military 
Commission of Chiang’s government in Nanking, asking those 
‘Nanking gentlemen’ to break with the past, stop the civil war, 
and form a united front against Japan. It also announced the 
CCP’s decision of voluntary cessation of fighting against the 
KMT. On August 25, 1936, an open letter from the Central 
Committee of the CCP was addressed to the KMT Central 
Executive Committee in the same vein. In this letter, the CCP 
offered collaboration in fighting Japan and support to the 
Kuomintang if the latter should truly practise the Three People’s 
Principles of Dr Sun Yatsen and the three policies of alliance with 
Russia, co-operation with the CCP, and assistance to the peasants 
and workers which had been Sun Yatsen’s cornerstone policies. 
‘If you really do this, we shall resolutely support you and are 
ready to form with you a solid revolutionary united front like 
that of the great revolutionary period of 1924-1927 against 
imperialism and feudal oppression, for this is the only correct 
way today to save the nation from subjugation and ensure its 

The strategy and tactics of this Second United Front were to 
become the main factor in the prosecution of the war, and also in 
the continuing revolution. But Chiang Kai-shek refused any 
negotiations not preceded by total submission, the total dis- 
banding of all the Red armies or their total incorporation in his 
own. As Mao said: ‘Chiang understands power.’ In China, this 
meant an army. 

In September 1936, the Central Committee of the CCP passed 
a resolution on ‘the new situation in the resistance to Japan and the 

* ‘Marxism is ... the concrete analysis of concrete conditions’— Mao’s favourite 
quotation from Lenin. 



national salvation movement’, which repeated the offers made and 
elaborated a united front programme. But Mao’s conception of 
the united front was still not acceptable to all. 

In Europe, the rise of Nazi Germany, and the Axis alliance 
between Germany, Italy, Japan, had led the USSR to the formula- 
tion of a united front policy, through the Comintern. This was 
proclaimed on August 20, 1935. Wang Ming, who was on the 
steering committee of the Comintern representing the Chinese 
Communist Party, reported in August 1935 that there were half 
a million Party members in China, a patently incorrect statement. 
He said, Tn my opinion, and that of the entire Central Committee 
of the Communist Party of China, together with the soviet 
government of China ... we should issue a joint appeal to the 
whole nation ... to organize an All-China United People’s 
Government of National Defence.’ It must also be noted that a 
resolution adopted on December 20, 1935, by the Central Com- 
mittee at Wayaopao, indeed used similar phraseology, with Mao 
Tsetung dissenting. Around this sentence the two-line struggle 
over the strategy of the united front was to crystallize. 

The formula sabotaged Mao’s concept of the independence in 
action of the Red Army, independence of the Red base (and future 
bases), and initiative and leadership in the war. It encouraged 
Chiang Kai-shek in his pursuit of his own aims. Wang Ming 
was reflecting not the interests of the Chinese Revolution, but a 
tactic of the USSR in its ovni policies in both Europe and China. 
For the USSR was trying to win Chiang to at least a neutral 
posture, so that he would not join the Axis powers. Moscow knew 
well enough that the influential right-wing, pro-fascist cliques in 
Chiang’s government were urging an Axis alliance. At the same 
time Chiang was also negotiating a non-aggression pact with the 
USSR which he hoped would give him leverage against Mao; he 
would be able either to utilize Comintern influence through 
Wang Ming to exert pressure on Mao, or to counter Mao s 
prestige in the CCP. Wang Ming still had a powerful following 
in the CCP, and all the press and propaganda organs of the 
Comintern through the world Communist parties were at his 
disposal. Mao was now described vaguely as a ‘guerilla leader , 



always linked with and almost always second to Chu Teh * His 
brief favour at the Comintern in 1930 had been eclipsed for four 
years by the presence of Wang Ming. 

That the conditions in which a united front would come into 
being meant survival or extinction for the Communist Party and 
the Red Army never seemed to have occurred to Wang Ming, 
nor that the USSR could not be the best judge of the Chinese 
situation. Wang Ming ignored the experience acquired during 
the First United Front, which had taught Mao that acceding to 
Chiang’s demands for absolute control of the Red Army meant 
collective suicide. On no account would Mao allow Chiang to 
butcher the Communists again; yet Wang Ming’s formula of 
unity for national defence meant precisely relinquishing leader- 
ship to Chiang Kai-shek, and this meant the armies as well. 
‘Without a people’s army the people have nothing,’ said Mao. 
And ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.’ 

The control of the Red Army would always be the focus of 
struggle within the united front; it would be in the continuing 
Chinese Revolution — even today — the critical centre of leadership 
preoccupation. There is no political leadership which does not 
also imply a force capable of backing it, defending it and preserving 
its power— an army. This basic fact the propounders of a ‘national 
defence’ united front under Chiang’s leadership would not or 
could not see. Had Stalin seen it? Or was he too engrossed in 
Russian aifairs at the time? Or were his foreign policy advisers so 
anxious to win over Chiang Kai-shek that they simply ignored 
the role of the CCP? Or, more than likely, did they believe, after 
the Long March, that the Mao-led Red Army was a spent force, 
and put back the Chinese Revolution prospects to very much 
later, meanwhile opting for Chiang Kai-shek? 

Even though Mao seemed the unchallenged leader of the CCP 
after Tsunyi, he acquired ideological authority only locally; he 
had not acquired the completely unhampered exercise of power 
even locally. Factions both in the Party and the Army would 

* Edgar Snow, in Red Star Ouer Chinay op. cit., was the first to give a correct 
perspective on Mao Tsctung’s role in the Chinese Revolution. Agnes Smcdley 
devoted most of her writings to Chu Teh. 



remain. Mao has always, like Lenin, regarded intra-Party struggle 
as a dialectical expression of the class struggle, reflected within the 
Party. ‘Peace’ within the Party, therefore, is not to be desired; there 
has never been an entirely monolithic Communist Party, what- 
ever the attempts to make it so. Such monolithism would mean 
there was no criticism and self-criticism, no ideological education, 
hence no advance; for ideological struggle is a facet of progress.* 

Because of this singular liveliness of the CCP at all times, unity 
can only be attained by ideological struggle, criticism and self- 
criticism, and Mao’s way of handling his opposition would 
therefore be radically different from the Russian way. But from 
Moscow things may have appeared very different. Mao was but 
the leader of a small ‘peasant’ faction; the Tsunyi conference was 
ignored; Mao was not even referred to as chairman of the 
Revolutionary Military Council till the end of 1938. 

In the years 1936-1938, the intra-Party struggle on the question 
of the united front would be bitter and complex; it would become 
part of Mao’s assertion of ideological authority. Within the 
Party, ‘closed-doorists’ and ‘capitulationists* (i.e. the ‘left* and the 
‘right’) wrangled on many questions but agreed in attacking 
Mao’s united front thesis. Wang Ming accused Mao of lacking 
‘proletarian internationalism’ because he was not subordinating 
his view to the Comintern view; he derided Mao as a ‘chauvinist . 
But was it indeed not possible to be both a convinced revolution- 
ary and a Chinese patriot? Was it true that only total subordina- 
tion to Moscow’s policies would work for the success of the 
Revolution? Some other Party leaders were plainly frightened of 
the bold vistas Mao unfurled, the great goal which appeared to 
them dangerously utopian. The CCP was much too weak, the 
Red Army too small and miserably ill-equipped; the Kuomintang 
armies were large; the Red Army would benefit in suppli^. 
equipment and weaponry should it come under Chiang Kai-shek. 
How could such remnants as they had in hand, in bleak 
Shensi, pretend to lead a war against Japan, capture the leadership 

of the whole country? 

* Even at the termination of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, th 
CCP proclaimed that ideological struggle goes on within the party (Apri 197 ^)- 



‘The victory of the Chinese national liberation movement will 
be part of the victory of world socialism, because to defeat 
imperialism in China means the destruction of one ot its most 
powerful bases. If China wins her independence, the world 
revolution will progress very rapidly. If our country is subjugated 
by the enemy, we shall lose everything.’ ‘For a people being 
deprived of its national freedom, the revolutionary task is not 
immediate socialism but the struggle to independence. We cannot 
even discuss Communism if we arc robbed of a country in which 
to practise it.’* In a felicitous sentence Mao defined the duty ot 
every Communist to be a patriot and to fight the Japanese. ‘Can 
a Communist, who is an internationalist, at the same time be a 
patriot? We hold that he not only can be but must be ... In wars 
of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism.’ 

At the moment, in spite of appearances, Chiang Kai-shek was 
weak and the CCP was strong. The Long March had been a 
triumph, Mao insisted. A united front which demanded leader- 
ship was already in existence among the people; it was waiting 
for the Communist Party to lead it, and most of the people 
believed what the Communist Party said and no longer believed 
Chiang Kai-shek. 

Throughout 1936, the ideological struggle over policy raged 
within the Party, more or less privately. Very little of it leaked out 
save perhaps through Chiang’s spies. Mao Tsetung even spoke in 
praise of some of his adversaries to Edgar Snow, who was present 
at the Red base at the time.J This reticence helps to confuse 
experts; some aver that history has been rewritten because during 
some years no denunciation of Wang Ming’s ‘ultra-left’ line 
occurred. Many years may elapse before final ‘historical judgment’ 
is pronounced. 

* Quoted by Edgar Snow to the author. 

‘Another reason for [the Party’s] invincibility lies in the extraordinary ability 
and courage and loyalty of the human material ... Comrades Chu Teh, Wang 
Ming, Lo Fu, Chou En-lai, Po Ku, Wang Chia-hsiang, Peng Teh-huai ... Hsiang 
Ying, Hsu Hai-tung, Chen Yun, Lin Piao, Chang Kuo-tao ’ Edgar Snow, Red 
Star Oi'er China, op. cit., p. 449. Mao’s intense wish for Party unity despite all 
these ideological struggles is plain in the string of names he uttered. 



Meanwhile, the Shensi base was consolidating; the negotiations 
with Chang Hsueh-liang proceeded satisfactorily. Throughout 
that spring and summer there were meetings, fnendly talks, 
demarcation of ‘buffer zones* to avoid troop clashes, transport o 
supplies and even gifts of weapons to the Red Army. A liaison 
office was established in Sian, in a German dentist’s house. Stu- 
dents and clandestine Party members from all over China came to 
the liaison office and from there made contact with the Com- 
munists in North Shensi. 

Chiang Kai-shek spent the summer of 1936 flying from one 
major city to another, giving pep talks to his commanders, 
urging them to ‘mop up Red remnants’. In spite of this, such was 
the force of public opinion against the civil war that during that 
same summer Chou En-lai was able to travel to Kuomintang 
areas, make contacts, and hold meetings and receive enthusiastic 
welcome from prominent personalities, even Kuomintang Party 

An All-China National Salvation League was organized under 
Madame Sun Yatsen and Madame Ho Hsiang-ning, widow of 
the late Dr Liao Chung-kai. In November 1936 Chiang arrested 
seven prominent leaders of the League, all well-known intel- 
lectuals. A storm of protest followed. But the obdurate Chiang 
knew that intellectuals and students could be shot, jailed, and 
coerced; he did not worry over protests. What disturbed him 

were reports of the goings-on in Shensi province. 

His intelligence agents mentioned the visits of suspected 
Commimists to Chang Hsueh-liang. Chang Hsueh-liang even 
wrote a letter to Chiang Kai-shek suggesting an end to the civil 
war and a united front. ‘It is the people’s demand ... your name 
as the leader of the resistance against Japan will be famous 
for ever . . . Don’t believe only what the Japanese tell you, he 
added, rather insultingly. The Young Marshal had even asked the 
Red commander Yeh Chien-ying to dinner, had gone to see him 
at the base and urged him to take in hand the training and 
modernization of his own Manchurian armies. Students from the 

* See Hsu Kai-yu, Chou Eii-hi: China’s Gray Eminence (Doubleday, New York, 



Japaiicsc-occLipicd territory of Manchuria Hooded into Sian; 
many went from there to the Red base, through the liaison office. 
The National Salvation League was also very active in the city. 

Chiang decided to visit Sian in person. But in September 1936 a 
rebellion against him started in Kwangsi province by two 
militarists, Li Tsung-jen and Pai Chung-hsi, delayed him. These 
two warlords also proclaimed they wanted to fight Japan, and 
rebelled against Chiang because he refused them funds and 
weapons to do so. In December 1936, impelled by his mania for 
destroying the Reds, Chiang flew to Sian, landing there on 
December 7, and took up residence at the Lintung Hot Springs, 
former resort of a Tang dynasty emperor. On December 9, 
thousands of Manchurian students walked there from Sian to 
present him with a petition to resist Japan. They were fired 
upon by Chiang’s personal guards. Chang Hsueh-Iiang rushed 
to the spot: ‘I will take personal responsibility for bringing your 
demands to Generalissimo Chiang.’ Chang Hsuch-liang had often 
intervened to save students from Chiang’s secret police and their 
director, Chiang’s nephew, who tortured and executed suspected 

But when Chang Hsueh-Iiang appeared, Cliiang Kai-shek 
scolded him like a child, recording it himself in his diary: ‘I 
severely upbraided ... the Young Marshal.’ Chiang also threat- 
ened Yang Hu-cheng. The trap was then sprung. On December 
T2, before dawn, a subordinate of Chang Hsueh-liang’s surroun- 
ded Chiang’s abode with soldiers, killed his nephew, and took 
Chiang prisoner. It is said that this subordinate had strong 
Conununist sympathies, and that the whole of Chiang’s kid- 
napping was engineered by the Conamunists. Although there is 
no evidence, it is more than likely that without some ‘suggestions’ 
from the Communists the Sian manoeuvre could not have been 
carried out in so masterly a fashion. 

This was the famous ‘Sian incident’, which caused enormous 
excitement in China and abroad. Students clamoured for Chiang 
to be brought to public trial; some of the Manchurian officers 
and soldiers demanded his instant execution; in Nanking the 
government was stunned; immediately a power struggle began. 



Mass meetings held at Pao An (capital of the Red base) de- 
manded Chiang’s public trial and execution. There were enough 
Communists whose relatives had been murdered by Chiang, and 
for whom a united front with Chiang appeared an outrageous 
compromise. But it is highly unlikely that the mass meetings 
were encouraged by Mao Tsetung, although other members of 
the Central Committee might have joined in the clamour for 
Chiang’s death. Mao had already defined Japan as the principal 
enemy now, and not Chiang. He had made it clear that Chiang’s 
co-operation in a united front was needed to fight Japan. It is 
quite certain that he never meant to kill Chiang Kai-shek. 

In Nanking, the fascist defence minister Ho Ying-chin, a die- 
hard pro-Japanese, who had long wanted to play a historic role 
and bring China into the Axis, threatened to bomb Sian and 
march armies thither — a sure way to get Chiang executed— to 
precipitate an all-out massacre, and to bring a massive Japanese 
invasion ‘to restore peace and order’. Agnes Smedley reports that 
already Japanese generals had gathered in a secret conclave in 
Tientsin to decide whether the time was ripe for a total military 
occupation of China. The extreme right wing in Nanking was 
urging an alliance with Japan against the Communists. Meanwhile 
Chang Hsueh-liang issued a message to the Nanking government, 
and all those willing to fight Japan, with an eight-point pro- 
gramme (which greatly resembled the Communist one). This 
was rejected by Ho Ying-chin. 

On December 15 the USSR press condemned the detention of 
Chiang Kai-shek, calling it a ‘Japanese plot’. Ho Ying-chin 
received a visit from the German ambassador; the Nanking 
regime, it was rumoured, might join the Axis powers. The 
Moscow news release reflected the Kremlin’s intense fear that 
this might happen. For Russia, war on two fronts has been the 
perennial nightmare. Edgar Snow* tells of a wire received by 
Mao Tsetung ‘from Stalin’ which said: ‘Free Chiang at once or 
we shall break all connection with you.’ It is more probable, as 
Snow suggests, that the cable was from Wang Ming and not 
Stalin. Mao was in a great rage when he received it; he swore, 

* Edgar Snow, Random Motes on Red China (Cambridge, Mass., 19S7)- 



stamped about, and tore up tlic message. But Soviet newsmen 
and the Soviet ambassador in China were embarrassed at the 
Soviet press denunciation of Chiang’s arrest as a Japanese coup. 
‘This was one of the personal experiences which would convince 
me that as long as Russia made Comintern policy, it would always 
and everywhere be made first of all in the strategic interest of the 
USSR as the Kremlin sees it/ writes Snow. 

Mao had never intended either a mass trial of Chiang Kai-shek, 
or his execution.* In the summer of 1936, speaking to Snow, Mao 
had said: ‘There must be a day of decision, a day when he 
[Chiang] muse either oppose Japan or be overthrown by his 
subordinates ... This increasing pressure from his own generals 
and the anti-Japanese mass movement may compel Chiang to 
realize his mistakes ... We will welcome this change and co- 
operate wholeheartedly ... but only Chiang can determine this 
for himself. The decision cannot be much longer delayed.’ 

All Mao wanted was an occasion to persuade Chiang, if not 
directly, then through that most brilliant and persuasive of all 
Communists, Chou En-lai. The ‘occasion’ was the Sian kid- 
napping. Four days after Chiang’s detention, a plane brought 
Chou En-Iai from the Red base to Sian. Chang Hsueh-liang had 
confiscated the aeroplanes and equipment accumulated by Chiang 
at Sian to fight the Communists; he had planned a sixth annihila- 
tion campaign. 

Chou En-lai and Chiang Kai-shek thus found themselves face 
to face again, as they had in the Whangpoo Academy in 1924. 
What went on between them remains pure conjecture. That Mao 
was fully informed of the conversations is certain. Meanwhile a 
new Military Affairs Council was established in Sian under Chang 
Hsueh-liang’s authority, to include ‘all anti-Japanese armies and 
representatives’, including of course the Red Army. Sian began 
to fill up with anti-Japanese militarists, including Feng Yu-hsiang, 

♦ Andr^ Migot declares th-t on December 15 Mao said, ‘This is an error, it 
should never have been done’ (Chiang’s kidnapping). Andr^ Migot, Mao Tsetung 
(Editions Planete, Paris, 1966). Guenther Stein also says there never was a cable 
from Stalin to Mao about this event. Guenther Stein, The Challetige of Red China 
(Pilot Press, London, 1945). 



who in 1927 had advised the Wuhan KMT to get rid of its 
Communists. Madame Chiang arrived, with her brother T. V. 
Soong and the Australian adviser to Chiang, W. H. Donald. It 
does seem that Chiang promised verbally to consider a united 
front, and said that he would be glad to be ‘working again 
together’ with Chou En-lai — whatever those polite phrases might 

Chiang was released on Christmas Day and flew back to 
Nanking. But he took with him Chang Hsueh-liang, jailed and 
fmally caused Yang Hu-cheng to be murdered in prison, together 
with his son. The Young Marshal remained Chiang’s prisoner 
for thirty years, and was only recently released in Taiwan, at the 
age of seventy. By taking Chang Hsueh-liang with him, Chiang 
wanted to prevent an alliance between the Red Army and the 
Manchurian northeastern armies. The armies of Chang Hsueh- 
liang were dispersed to other areas. 

On December 28, three days after Chiang’s release, Mao issued 
a statement. In it he said that he hoped that Chiang would keep 
his promises’, though he had not signed any terms. ‘Chiang should 
remember that he owes his safe departure from Sian to the 
mediation of the Communist Party, as well as to the efforts of 
generals Chang and Yang, the leaders in the Sian incident. 
Whether Chiang intended or not to keep his promises, he 
certainly did not hurry to keep them. Armed clashes occurred 
between the KMT and the Red Army while he procrastinated. 
He moved ten divisions under Hu Tsung-nan, the young, 
fiercely fascist Kuomintang general, into Shensi province. 
Throughout the subsequent war with Japan, Hu Tsung-nan 
would keep these troops and the best equipment Chiang had to 

blockade the Red base. 

The capture of Yenan, a key city for communications m 
Shensi province, had formed the focus of guerilla effort under 
Liu Chih-tan. In December 1936 Mao moved with troops, 
taking Yenan and expanding the base territory to almost 100,000 
square miles. In January 1937 Yenan was declared the capita 
city of the Shensi-Kansu— Ninghsia Border Region, the R^o u 
tionary Military Council and the Central Committee transferred 



thither from Pao An. The base now also straddled the borders ot 
Ninghsia province; this ensured a permanent supply of salt from 
Ninghsia’s famed salt deposits, and improved the strategic 
advantages of the base. 

Had Chiang Kai-shek been able to arrange a long-term truce 
with the Japanese in early 1937, as he tried to do when he returned 
to Nanking, there would have been no united front. But the 
Japanese war machine could not stop. The Japanese army would 
not wait. The Japanese war politicians no longer trusted Chiang 
after the Sian talks. Neither could Chiang stop the tide of anti- 
Japanese feeling among the Chinese people, who now all assumed 
that at last he would fight the aggressors. Popular enthusiasm 
acclaimed his release from pure relief at the prospect of an end to 
the civil war. As the Chinese newspaper Ta Kiiiig Pao worded 
it: ‘From now on Chinese will no longer fight Chinese.’ 

During 1936, Chiang had tried to hasten his negotiations for a 
non-aggression pact with Moscow. Had the pact been concluded 
in the midst of his projected anti-Communist campaign against 
the North Shensi base, it would have meant the repudiation of the 
Mao leadership by the USSR. But now Chiang was reluctant to 
sign the pact, since it would make the Japanese even more 
suspicious. Until late in 1938, the Russian press and left-wing 
journals abroad persisted in lauding Chiang as the deader of the 
resistance’, and were almost tomb-silent about Mao. Mao’s 
position as chairman of the CCP and the Revolutionary Military 
Council was ignored; only in late 1938 did the USSR begin to 
broadcast pro-Mao commentary again. Even after Chiang’s 
release from Sian in December 1936, the Comintern was still so 
misinformed that Imprccor (the Comintern organ) wrote on 
January 2, 1937: ‘Nanking has sent troops against the rebel 
Chang Hsueh-liang ... who was compelled to release Chiang 

In May 1937 Mao issued a report entitled The Tasks of the CCP 
in the Period of Resistance to Japan. This document, clearly stating 

* As for Trotsky, he had denounced the CCP appeal for resistance to Japan 
since 1933. 



the course of the Chinese Revolution and the responsibility of the 
CCP to lead it, further developed his ideas on the united front. A 
concluding speech by Mao, Win the Masses in Their Millions for 
the Anti-Japanese United Front, was to stress points on which ‘some 
comrades ... exposed different views’. In one of the most signifi- 
cant passages, Mao says: ‘We are exponents of the theory of the 
transition of the Revolution, and not of the Trotskyite theory of 
“pennanent revolution”. We are for the attainment of socialism 
by going through all the necessary stages of the democratic 
republic.’ Mao’s fundamental ideas on the continuing Chinese 
Revolution were thus penned in the turmoil of these high-tension 
years of war with Japan and struggle within the Party. Mao also 
announced the need for ‘many first-rate cadres’ to carry through 
‘our great Revolution which is unprecedented in history’.* If 
‘the leadership consists of a small narrow group and if the Party 
leaders are petty-minded, short-sighted and incompetent , it 
would be impossible to carry the Revolution through. Such 
cadres and leaders ‘must be free from selfishness ... sloth ... 
sectarian arrogance ... To attain this aim, inner-Party democracy 
is essential. Let us apply democracy ... give scope to initiative 
throughout the Party ... win the masses in their millions ... for 

the anti-Japanese national united front.’ 

In that same May, while Mao was asserting this thesis, Chang 
Kuo-tao was to join Wang Ming in issuing speeches and an 
article circulating the slogan ‘Victory for all . Disputing Mao s 
views, Chang argued that it was ‘dishonest not to trust Chiang 
Kai-shek; should there be victory in the Sino-Japanese war, it 
should be shared by all, inclttding Chiang Kai-shek. Chang Kuo- 
tao rejected Mao’s estimate that the united front was a part o 
revolutionary strategy, that the real theme and essence was class 
struggle and consequently the seizure of power by the Communist 
Party, that leadership not only of the war but also ^f a t e 
classes rallied in the united front must be in the hands of the 
Communist Party, to prepare for the postwar era. Chang Kuo-tao 
now advocated, and found others to advocate, ‘parliamentarism 
-merging of the Communist administration and Red Army 

* Selected Works, vol. I, pp. 290-291. 



with the Kuomintang administration and armies, in order to 
make ‘one government, one army, one military administration’ 
under Chiang Kai-shek. This represented almost a death wish. 
Liu Shao-chi, returning to Yenan that summer, also seems to have 
written a pessimistic report about the outcome of the Revolution, 
advocating ‘unity’ with Chiang Kai-shek.* 

Mao argued that there could not possibly be any ‘merging’ 
with the one-party dictatorship which was Chiang’s government, 
which gave no freedom or democracy to the people. The 
‘capitulationists’ envisioned the resistance to Japan as an alliance 
between two political parties, whereas Mao saw it as the arousal ot 
the Chinese people and their mobilization in a people’s war. The 
basic discord was, therefore, a question of ‘world conception or 
outlook’ — to stand for the interests of the masses, or to act as a 
new power group in a power struggle, practising compromise 
and ‘a sharing ... of high functions and official posts’. 

It was all very well for the Moscow press to broadcast articles as 
if Chiang were the leader of Chinese resistance to Japanese 
invasion; it was quite understandable that Stalin, anxious about 
Germany, wanted to assure himself of Chiang’s support, and to do 
nothing to strengthen the hand of the pro-Japanese clique in 
Chiang’s government. Russian policy, pressured by the tear of 
war on two fronts, might placate Chiang Kai-shek, seek to draw 
him into a formal anti-Axis stance. But it was very different for a 
Chinese Communist to do so. If Stalin gave ‘bad advice’ to the 
CCP, there is, on the Chinese side, silence about it. This is not only 
a fixed policy, but also the expression of a philosopliical concept 
expressed by Mao — that it was internal causes which were the 
main factors of change, whereas external causes only set the 
background; they could be resisted or accepted, and the choice 
depended on the individuals concerned. 

Mao felt free, therefore, to ignore Stalin’s ‘advice*; he knew 
that Moscow was also negotiating with Japanese-created Man- 
chiikuo over the Chinese Eastern Railway. In Lenin’s time, 
through the Karakhan Manifesto, the USSR had formally 

* Chang Kuo-tao in preface to CoUccted of Liu Shao-chi (Union Research 

Institute, Hongkong, 1969). 



relinquished all rights to this railway, but the USSR had con- 
tinued to hold it; in 1929 Li Li-san had called for the masses’ 
to arise and defend the Soviet Union, embroiled in local conflict 
with the Chinese troops in Manchuria who had tried to take 
back the railway. Now in 1937 the USSR was ‘selling’ this 
very same railway to the Japanese in Manchukuo. In 1945, 
the USSR would take the railway back; once again they would 
return it, this time to the People’s Republic of China in the 
early 1950s, and without payment. 

Negotiations for a united front between the Communists and 
the Kuomintang began with a conference in February 1937, in 
which Chou En-lai played the chief role. The Communists 
presented a five-demand programme ■with four conditions as 
basis for a united front. 

The four conditions were: (i) The Communist-led government 
in the Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia base would be renamed the 
Government of the Special Region. (2) The Red Army would be 
redesignated. (It was to be named the Eighth Route Army of the 
Eighteenth Army Corps, under the overall direction of the KMT 
government.) (3) The policy of armed insurrection would be dis- 
continued. (4) Landlords’ land would no longer be confiscated. 

The five demands presented at the same time were: (i) Cessation 
of civil war. (2) Guarantee of freedom of speech, assembly and 
association. (3) Convocation of an anti-Japanese people’s congress. 
(4) Completion of preparations for resisting Japan. (5) Improve- 
ment of the living conditions of the people. 

But Chiang had replied asking for: (i) Total integration of the 
Red Army and Red zones in the Nationalist army and the regular 
Kuomintang administration. (2) Renunciation of class struggle. 
(3) Stopping all doctrine and Communist propaganda not in 
accord with the Three Principles of Sun Yatsen and Chinese 

Negotiations dragged on till September. Wang Ming in 
Moscow urged acceptance of the Chiang conditions. So did Chang 
Kuo-tao at sessions of the Central Committee in Yenan. 

On July 7, 1937, the Japanese attacked a Chinese contingent at 

r H E Y E N A N I’ E lU O 1) 


Lukuo-chiao bridge near Peking.* Tlie Chinese troops resisted, 
and the country was clcctrihcd by the bravery of this handful of 
soldiers. Cliiang tarried ten days before announcing an 
‘emergency’, but the Japanese attack had its own precipitating 
effect, both on Chiang’s negotiations with Moscow and on the 
united front discussions with the Communists in Yenan. Between 
July and September, talks between the two parties became 
serious; Chiang could no longer dally, though still he would try 
to get Ills way. Meanwhile, within the Parry, the struggle for the 
united front policy which would give the CCP the upper hand 
in the long run became more intense than ever. Mao urged the 
‘capitulationists’ once again to remember 1927, Chen Tu-hsiu’s 
submission, the orders to surrender weapons, and the resulting 
massacres. ‘Never again ... must this be repeated.’ ‘It goes without 
saying that we shall never allow Cliiang Kai-shek to lay a finger 
on the Red Army.’ 

In his military text Problems of Strategy in China s Revolutionary 
War, written as teaching material for new cadres and Red Army 
personnel, Mao made a statement crucial to the conduct of the 
united front. China’s revolutionary war, he wrote, had passed 
through two stages; the first from 1924 to 19-7; the second from 
1927 to 1937; now the third stage would begin, ‘the stage of 
national revolutionary war against Japan ... In all three of its stages 
this revolutionary war has been and will be fought under the leader- 
ship of the Chinese proletariat and its party, the Chinese Com- 
munist Party ... This war is not only the banner of China’s 
liberation, but also has international revolutionary significance ... 
in the new stage [the anti-Japanese war] we shall lead the Chinese 
Revolution to its completion and exert a profound influence on the revolu- 
tion in the East and in the whole world* (Author’s italics.) These 
prophetic words were written in December 1936. 

On July 23, 1937, two weeks after the Japanese had invaded 
North China, Mao delivered a most important speech entitled 
Policies, Measures and Perspectives for Resisting the Japanese Invasion. 
Its substance was a ten-point programme; (i) Overthrow 

* Also known as Marco Polo bridge. 

38 o 


Japanese imperialism. (2) Mobilize the military strength of the 
whole nation. (3) Mobilize the people of the whole country (a 
point of greatest importance to Mao for protracted people’s war). 
(4) Reform the government apparatus. (5) Adopt an anti-Japanese 
foreign policy. (6) Adopt wartime financial and economic policies. 
(7) Improve the people’s livelihood. (8) Adopt an anti-Japanese 
educational policy. (9) Weed out traitor and pro-Japanese ele- 
ments and consolidate the rear. (10) Achieve national unity against 

On August 15 Peking and Tientsin fell to the Japanese; the 
provinces of Hopei and Chahar were occupied, and the Japanese 
began an assault on Shanghai. Chiang reluctantly had to make a 
declaration of war against Japan. Meanwhile, united front 
negotiations were locked in a frozen debate, with Chiang 
insisting on total control of the Red Army. 

Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai, as representatives of the Militar)^ 
Council, and Chou En-lai as representative of the Central 
Committee and the Politburo, attended the sessions of Chiang’s 
Military Council in Nanking. By August 22, some sort of 
partial agreement seems to have been reached. Apparently Chu 
Teh and Peng Teh-huai had agreed, tacitly, to accept Chiang as 
supreme commander against Japan.* Chiang Kai-shek then 
nominated, in his role as ‘supreme commander’, Chu Teh and 
Peng Teh-huai as ‘commanders of the Eighteenth Army Corps , 
which incorporated the Eighth Route Army. Some funds and 
equipment were granted by Chiang to this army, limited to a 
total of 45,000 men, in September ipsy.f Chiang still refused to 
recognize the North Shensi base as autonomous and insisted on 
Kuomintang control, and he still insisted on troop integration. 
The nominations of Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai were possibly 
meant as a step to detach them from CCP control and bring 
them over to a neutralized stance. 

* During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, documents and cables of 
the period were exhibited by some Red Guards as evidence that the Red military 
commanders accepted terms which Mao still persisted in refusing. 

t For convenience, and because historically the Chinese people identified the 
Eighth Route Army with the Red Army, the terms Eighth Route Army or Red 
Army will be used rather than Eighteenth Army Corps. 



On August 23 the non-aggression pact between Chiang and the 
USSR was concluded, but by now it had lost its main value 
for Chiang; moreover, it had a clause asserting the 'independence’ 
of Outer Mongolia, which Chiang accepted but which stirred 
criticism in his own Kuomintang Party, never reconciled to this 

Mao again outlined his ten-point programme at a Politburo 
session, called the Lochuan meeting, in August 1937. Mao’s 
proposals were discussed with the usual heat and intensity (Chang 
Kuo-tao going all out against Mao) and were finally approved. 
The struggle between two lines in the policies of the united front 
arc very clear in Mao’s Lochuan speech. He reiterates that the 
Red base or bases (later there were to be many more of them) 
would not be given over to Chiang’s control. ‘The preservation 
of the Communist Party’s leadership over the Special Region 
[Shen-Kan-Ning Border Region] and in the Red Army, the 
preservation of the Communist Party’s independence and 
freedom of criticism in its relation with the Kuomintang ... these 
are the limits beyond which it is impermissible to go.’ Chiang had 
tried, even in that August, in spite of popular indignation, and 
even while the Japanese were so menacingly successful in their 
advance, to negotiate local truces with Japanese commanders 
and to make ‘compromises and concessions’. How could anyone 
trust Chiang’s leadership? Chiang was trying to get round 
certain leading commanders in the Red Army, in order to 
circumvent Mao’s ten-point programme, by offering them high 
ranks and ministerial posts. ‘The united front does not mean 
relinquishing the leadership, the initiative, but on the contrary 
taking in hand the initiative by making allies, in order to continue 
the Revolution.’ 

On September 22 a manifesto was issued by the Central 
Committee. This manifesto was first dated July 15, and seems to 
have had the approval of some ‘capitulationists’ in the Central 
Committee and the Politburo; and since Mao Tsetung is reticent 

* On March 12, 1936, the USSR and Outer Mongolia had signed a protocol 
and defensive alliance despite a 1924 Sino-Sovict agreement recognizing Chinese 
sovereignty over the Mongolian area. 



about it, it may have been passed over his objections * The 
manifesto was endorsed by Chiang Kai-shek, and no wonder, 
for it is different from the ten-point programme formulated by 
Mao. Sometimes represented as a compromise formula arrived 
at in view of the ‘grave’ situation, it is as a document somewhat 

The three aims of the manifesto were: (i) Independence and 
national integrity, return to China of all sovereignty over lost 
territories (lost to Japan). (2) A democratic regime to be instituted, 
based on the people’s rights, through a ‘national assembly’ which 
would work out a Constitution. (3) Improvement of the life of 
the people, consolidation of the economy and of national defence. 

In the four resolutions, the Communist Party pledged to: (i) 
Make every effort to practise the Three Principles of Dr Sun 
Yatsen. (2) Renounce the overthrow of the government by 
armed struggle, renounce the policy of soviets, stop confiscation 
of landlords’ land. (3) Dissolve the actual soviet government of the 
base and practise democracy based on the rights of the people, so 
as to unify the national political system. (4) Disband the Red 
Army, and reorganize it in a national revolutionary army under 
direct control of the Military Affairs Commission of the national 
government and be ‘ready to obey all orders to take part in 
resistance to foreign invasion’. 

The first two resolutions embodied concessions already 
suggested in certain of Mao’s speeches and in previous letters of 
the Central Committee for the period of the Sino-Japanese 
war. The third is equivocal, though not disadvantageous; it 
assumes Chiang will democratize his dictatorship but makes no 
specific demand in that direction. The CCP had already ostensibly 

* It is a feature of the intra-Party struggle in China (including the recent Great 
Proletarian Cultural Revolution) that so many opponents of the Mao ‘line put 
out speeches and statements which were either attributed to his influence or con- 
sidered to reflect his policy when the contrary was true. Thus even an eminent 
expert hkejohn Lewis ranges the reprinting of Liu Shao-chi’s How to Be a Good 
Communist in 1962 as ‘in line with the ideological remoulding* that Mao stressed, 
when it was the contrary. In 1936, I937» ^^d 1938, as in recent years before t c 
Cultural Revolution, the Chinese Communist Party spoke with more than one 
voice, and the attempt to fit all statements into one mould has given rise to 

erroneous interpretation. 



‘dissolved’ the soviet government of the base simply by re- 
naming it, on August 10, 1936, the People’s Government instead 
of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Government and calling for a 
people’s republic rather than a soviet republic. The Red Army 
had already been renamed the Eighth Route Army and would 
be incorporated into Chiang’s Eighteenth Army Corps. The 
ambiguity derives from the wording in the fourth resolution, 
which surrendered, apparently, control of the Red Army to 
Chiang and accepted obedience to orders to move into the field 
to fight Chiang’s battles. Chiang’s acceptance of the ‘three aims 
and four resolutions’ led, however, to liis declaring war on 

Immediately after the endorsement of the manifesto, the Eighth 
Route Army received orders to march to the Yellow river battle 
front. The aim was to relieve Chiang’s hard-pressed forces and 
those of the warlord of Shansi province. Yen Hsi-shan, engaged 
in protecting the capital city of Taiyuan, against Japanese attack. 
This kind of campaign was contrary to all Mao’s ideas of how 
warfare should be carried out. It was to defend a city, and 
Taiyuan had no real strategic importance; it was not even an 
industrial city. It was evident that Chiang intended to spare his 
own troops while paring down the Red Army forces by throwing 
them time and again into positional warfare battles, for which 
they were ill-equipped. 

The ‘independent, self-reliant guerilla warfare strategy and 
tactics’ urged by Mao in the course on warfare he was at the time 
giving to the Red Army cadres and officers in Yenan were to 
become the main form of war against Japan, but they seem to 
have not been followed in that first compliance with the terms 
of the September 22 manifesto. In that great sifting of historical 
evidence made by the Red Guards, who searched material in the 
archives, during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the 
responsibility was to be placed on the shoulders of Peng Teh-huai 
and also Chu Teh. But it is difficult, in view of the good use to 
which this military move was put by the Red Army — building 
bases behind Japanese lines — to blame the decision taken. Its 



results were excellent for the revolutionary cause, even if the 
classic city-taking type of positional warfare Chiang now 
threw the Red Army into was murderous, facing superior 
Japanese firepower and massive equipment. Chiang still had ten 
divisions threatening the ‘Special Region’, and the Red Army’s 
moving in toto out of the base into a neighbouring province 
left a big risk of having the base overrun. 

Fortunately it turned out not to be so. Mao’s skill at plucking 
advantage out of disadvantageous circumstances turned the 
tables on Chiang Kai-shek. Thirty years later, Mao would refuse 
to let Chu Teh be criticized for having accepted this move. 
Simple to the bone, incapable of intrigue, not much of a 
theoretician, Chu Teh was a good commander, a brave and fear- 
less man, but easily deceived. The action turned out to be one 
Chiang would regret bitterly having ordered. 

The Eighth Route Army was made up of three divisions: the 
115th division under Lin Piao and Nieh Jung-chen, the 120th 
under Ho Lung and Hsiao Ke, the 129th under Liu Po-cheng and 
Hsu Hsiang-chien. The three moved to the Yellow river front, 
while the Kuomintang troops withdrew. The 120th and the 
129th won the battle of Taiyuan by containing two successive 
Japanese onslaughts, which took a very heavy toll of their 
numbers — precisely Chiang’s aim, to ‘win the war’ against the 
Communists by attrition of the Red Army. In November the 
Japanese were to take Taiyuan. 

After this bout of conventional warfare and its hard lesson, 
Mao’s strategy would prevail : guerilla war, people s war, 
political arousal of the masses ‘in their millions’, establishment of 
guerilla areas, later to be consohdated as bases, behind the Japanese 
lines. This would turn ‘the Japanese rear into a front , a front 
which was everywhere and nowhere, fluid, fleeting, borderfes, 
but capturing in its web Japanese troops detailed in ever-increasing 
numbers to patrol, to garrison, to ‘pacify . It was the combine 
action of Japanese aggression and Red Army education of t e 
masses which politicized the Chinese countryside in vast areas 
ostensibly ‘occupied’ by the Japanese. This laid the foundation 
for success, not only in the war against Japan but also in the next 

s. Aln'vc. Ibctun^ with C!lui Tch. Sciauc 
n.irn.'tc w.itcli R(.\l Arni\ soIJkts workinii in 

, .inJ li.nrcti. ik'low, Luddcn and 
1 unit('rin factors at N.uiniwan 



29 (above). Mao Tsetung .arriving in 
Chungking with U.S. Ainb.issador 
Patrick J. Hurley, August 28, 1945 

30 (below). The t.unous Tsetung .and K,ii-')hek 
drink to their negotiations in Ciningking 


31 (nbovc), Mno Tscrung leading the 
N(’rrli\vest rainpaign, 1947. In thebaek- 
gi'i'iind is Ihs wile. Madame Cdiiang 

33 (below). The IVople’s Liberation 
Armv enters Pekinc;, March 1949 



one, the war against Chiang Kai-shek. Cluang's order to the 
Eighth Route Army to advance had thus made possible a spreading 
infiltration of China north of the Yellow river. Now each 
division of the Red Army fragmented into squads, teams, clusters, 
sometimes not more than three or four men. They insinuated 
into the very tissues of the Japanese-occupied areas, educating, 
rousing, recruiting. 

In that September an operation was carried out which gave the 
Eighth Route Army great prestige and wiped out, in the minds of 
millions, the disheartening effect of successive Chinese defeats — 
for Chiang*s battalions were crumbling on many fronts. It was 
the victory of the 115th division under Lin Piao and Nieh 
Jung-chen, at Pinghsinkuan, a victory in mobile warfare 
operations which halted the Japanese advance into Northwest 
China. After this battle, Mao gained the upper hand in the struggle 
with the Party capitulationists. Never again would he allow 
Chiang to try to utilize the Red Army for attrition purposes. 

To ‘forestall capitulationist tendencies’ which were ‘likely to 
appear or had appeared’, as Ho Kan-chi the historian hints 
delicately in his History of the Chinese Revolution * the Central 
Committee passed a resolution on September 25, 1937, con- 
cerning ‘the question of participation in the Kuomintang govern- 
ment*. It asserted that the government then in existence (Chiang’s) 
was not a government of the anti-Japanese united front, it was 
still the Kuomintang one-party dictatorship; hence no Connmniist 
should participate in it lest such a step should obscure the stand of the 
Party and prolong the reactionary rule of the Kuomhitang. 

This cleared the ambiguity of the September 22 manifesto; it 
implied some reproof of the acceptance by Chu Teh and Peng 
Teh-huai of commands bestowed upon them by Chiang Kai-shek 
and the military action which followed; checked a tendency 
(ever recurrent) to consider these appointments really significant. 
Chiang offered high posts to sundry commanders and also to 
others in the CCP leadership. The KMT secret police entertained 
relations, through local officials, with Communist cadres; and a 
place for KMT ‘commissars’ and ‘instructors’ in the Eighth 

* Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1959. 




Route Army units was openly advocated. Insidiousness was more 
difficult to resist than outright hostility. It must be mentioned 
here that the Kuomintang Party structure is modelled on the 
same pattern, though different in principle, as the Communist, 
and that both derived from the Russian. The political idiom both 
used, of ‘struggle’ and ‘national salvation’, of ‘cadres’ and ‘Party 
leadership’, could at times confuse the lower levels, and the 
verbal resemblance increased as the united front established a 
foundation of common slogans. 

‘It is most essential to maintain absolutely independent Com- 
munist Party leadership in what was originally the Red Army and 
in all guerilla units, and Communists must not show any vacilla- 
tion on this matter of principle.’ Thus ran the directive, attributed 
to the CC (Central Committee) but written by Mao. He also 
wrote Combat Liberalism* in that confused period of wrangling, 
aimed at people ‘tolerant’ to the point of losing all view of 
principle in making deals with that arch-cunning politician 
Chiang Kai-shek. Mao wanted to stress criticism, even of friends, 
when political principles were involved. The old Cliinese habit 
of ‘personal relations’, constantly invoked to dim the issues, 
must be done away with. Chiang was adept at utilizing traditional 
teacher-pupil relations, Confucian emotional ties, to create a 
mental fuzziness in which erosion of principles could take place. 

After this arduous establishment of a united front in the autumn 
of 1937, Mao was to be burdened with the return of Wang 
Ming from Moscow; a Wang Ming who still understood nothing 
of the Chinese situation but who now, from the ultra-leftist line 
of 1930-1934, had moved to the right in uncritical praise for the 
‘leader of the resistance to Japan, Chiang Kai-shek’. The return of 
Wang Ming to China is described in Chang Kuo-tao’s memoirs. 

It was a grey, still autumn day. Mao, Chang Kuo-tao and some 
others were conferring (pleasantly) when the drone of a plane was 
heard. At first they thought it a Japanese bomber, but the 
plane was trying to land. They went to the midget airport; out of 
the aircraft, a Russian one, stepped Wang Ming. Mao had not 
been told beforehand of Wang Ming’s return. Li Teh (Otto 

* Selected Works, vol. II, dated September 7, 1937- 



Braun) was to depart from Yenan on the same Russian plane 
some days later. 

As soon as Wang Ming returned, he set himself up against Mao. 
and in December 1937 published A Key to Solving the Present 
Situation, which proposed a complete merger of the Red forces 
with the Kuomintang. Thus the struggle within the Party over 
the united front policies continued, or began all over again, if it 
had ever stopped. Wang Ming*s adherents now re-formed their 
ranks. They recalled the resolution adopted on December 20, 
193 5 » by the Central Committee (with Mao dissenting) which had 
used the phrase ‘a government of national defence’; Wang 
Ming sought, with his new article and with the prestige of the 
Comintern behind him, to widen the scope of dissent. The 
organizational aspect of the two-line struggle, in which key 
positions would be held by one or the other faction, would 
explain why, for so long, Mao’s authority in Yenan was contested. 

On September 29, 1937, in a report. Urgent Tasks Following the 
Establishment of Kuomintang-Commnnist Co-operation, Mao took 
up the question of leadership. He recalled that it was the CCP 
(through Mao himself) who had called for a united front as far 
back as 1932. The united front must be extended ‘to all parties and 
groups, people in all walks of life and all armed forces ... a united 
front of all patriots’. On November 12, he again spoke to activists 
in Yenan. The speech, now entitled The Situation and Tasks in the 
Anti-Japanese War After the Fall of Shanghai and Taiyuan, was 
another extensive explanation of the situation. He exposed 
‘capitulationism’ and ridiculed it. ‘It [the speech] met with 
immediate opposition from the right opportunists in the Party, 
and not until the sixth plenary session of the Sixth Central 
Committee in October 1938 (almost a year after) was the Right 
deviation basically overcome,’ is the notice printed as footnote 
to this report in Mao’s Selected WorksA This euphemism means 
the renewed Wang Ming opposition which was stung into 
open combat by Mao’s hard-bitten, effective, and withering 
prose: ...We have the uneven theoretical level among Com- 
munists; the fact that many of our Party members lack the 

* Selected tVorks, vol. II. 



experience of co-operation between the two parties gained 
during the Northern Expedition; the fact that a large number of 
Party members are of petty bourgeois origin; the reluctance of 
some Party members to continue a life of bitter struggle; the 
tendency towards unprincipled accommodation with the 
Kuomintang in the united front; the emergence of a tendency 
towards a new type of warlordism in the Eighth Route Army 
'We must sharply pose the problem of ti^ho is to lead...' Thus 
Mao Tsetung challenged Wang Ming to a strenuous, prolonged 
debate, which would only be resolved in 1945. 

Historically, events went in the direction Mao had predicted. 
Whereas in 1937 the Red armies were weak, the cadres insuiEcient, 
and many overawed by Chiang’s power and military might, by 
October 1938 the situation had changed radically. Chiang had 
suffered defeat after defeat, losing swiftly Shanghai, Nanking, the 
big cities, centres of his power; all of North China. His crack 
regiments vanished; his government was moved from Nanking to 
Wuhan in early 1938, but Wuhan was relinquished in that 
October; Canton also fell that month. The Chiang government 
refugeed in Chungking, in far-off Szechuan. Chungking would 
remain Chiang’s capital until the end of the Sino-Japanese war 
in 1945. 

The Kuomintang was thus proved militarily useless, not only 
because of incompetence, callous mistreatment of its soldiers— the 
vast majority died of malnutrition and disease, not in fighting— 
and corruption, but also because of Chiang’s own lack of any 
fighting will, and his policies of deliberate retreats and with- 
drawals. By October 1938 the Communist armies, though still 
small, had become vitally stronger, and were fighting the 
Japanese with Mao-taught guerilla tactics. They had expanded 
and, following the plans drawn by Mao Tsetung and the 
Revolutionary Military Council in the summer of 1937, established 
guerilla areas and bases behind the enemy lines. Not Chiang but 
Mao was pinning down Japanese divisions; and if in Chungking 
the press was silent on Communist successes, it was not so in 
Japan, where the high military command and even the news- 



papers, such as the Asahi^ began to hint at Communist prowess. 

By October 1938 Chiang Kai-shek was thinking again in terms 
of an extended truce with Japan. German and British diplomats in 
China were already functioning as go-betweens. This was the 
time of Munich in Europe, the appeasement of Hitler by Great 
Britain and France, the sacrifice of Czechoslovakia. All this faced 
the USSR with an alarming situation. The prospect of a coalition 
against Russia, with France, England and Hitler on the western 
front, Chiang and the Japanese on the eastern front, was un- 
pleasantly near. Moscow’s attitude towards Mao changed. 
Russian news agencies waxed fulsome in praise of the heroic 
guerillas, immobilizing ‘vast numbers’ of Japanese troops. There 
would not be, however, military aid from the Soviet Union to 
the Communist guerillas. All the military aid that came from 
Russia by an overland route built from 1936 to 1938 went to 
Chiang Kai-shek’s armies. Mao was to make the point that 
guerilla forces arm themselves chiefly by capturing weapons 
from the enemy; self-replenishment is one of the abiding principles 
of guerilla warfare; the Red armies fought the Japanese with 
Japanese weapons. But the change in Moscow did produce, in 
the Wang Ming faction, weakening of hostility. The firm ground 
of the Comintern and Moscow was proving shifting sands. 

By the end of 1938 many Party members who had sided with 
Wang Ming came over to Mao’s side; among them was Liu 
Shao-chi, who is mentioned* by Mao specifically: ‘Comrade Liu 
Shao-chi has rightly said that if “everything through the united 
front were simply to mean through Chiang Kai-shek ... it would 
mean unilateral submission.* This sentence points to the ascend- 
ancy of Liu Shao-chi in the Party; an ascendancy which began 
when Liu decided to join Mao and to reject capitulationism. 
By the summer of 1938 Chang Kuo-tao had gone over to Chiang 
Kai-shek, and this also weakened Mao’s opponents. At a talk in 
Lushan attended by his most trusted mihtary officers, Mao 
revealed Chiang’s plan (made in July 1937) to ‘reduce the Com- 
munist Party and Army strength by two-fifths during the war*. He 

* The Question of Independence and Initiatirc Within the United Front {NovembcT 5, 
1938), Selected Works, vo!. II. 



exposed the new types of warlordism’ in the Eighth Route 
Army— undisciplined use of troops without reference to the 
Central Committee — and individuahstic heroism, taking pride 
in being given appointments by the Kuomintang’ (this pointed 
to Peng Teh-huai and possibly in some measure to Chu Teh. 
Measures were taken to uphold the principle of ‘independence 
and initiative within the united front’. The refusal to admit 
cadres of the Kuomintang, the rebuttal of ‘parhamentarism* 
proposed by certain Party members (which meant a system of 
people’s representatives, but elected by KMT organizations), 
the correction of the tendency ‘towards excessive accommodation 
... in certain base areas’, the re-establishment of political com- 
missars from the Communist Party, strengthened Party unity, 
said Mao. ‘Many people inside and outside the Party ... belittled 
the important strategic role of guerilla warfare and pinned their 
hopes on regular warfare alone.’ To teach guerilla war, Mao 
wrote in May 1938 his Problems of Strategy in Guerilla War 
Against Japan and On Protracted War, which together with 
Problems of Strategy in China^s Revolutionary War (December 
1936) are major military works which were destined to educate 
the Red Army and the cadres in people’s war. 

There was also the matter of the New Fourth Army, made up of 
the guerillas who had remained behind in the Central Base and in 
the area of Chingkangshan, and not participated in the Long 
March. In 1937, Chen Yi went to find them. He travelled dis- 
guised as a merchant, his corpulence and Jovial wit lending 
itself to this role. The guerillas at first would not believe him, and 
nearly killed him as a traitor when they heard about a united 
front with Chiang. (Chen Yi was also pursued by a tiger, and 
hid in a cave.) He finally persuaded the guerillas to reassemble. 
Chiang had agreed to their presence, but stipulated that their 
strength remain at 15,000 and that they refrain from any expan- 
sion; they were to move to Anhwei province, and he also tried 
to incorporate them in his own troops. ‘We have taken special 
care not to concentrate forces regardless of circumstances which 
would suit the Kuomintang,’ wrote Mao ... ‘Not to accept Kuo- 
mintang appointees ... to be vigilant against a sudden attack by 



the Kuoniintang ... Our chief purpose is to extend the ground 
already won and realize the positive aim of winning the masses ... 
the deepest source of the immense power of war lies in the masses.’ 
But from the very start, the presence and the activities of the New 
Fourth Army would give Chiang much concern. Tlicy were too 
near the vital centres of liis own influence, astride the lower 
reaches of the Yangtze river. 

Quite openly, then, Mao was not going to obey Chiang. The 
united front meant united action against the Japanese, but with 
‘independence and initiative’ in Communist hands, with the 
leadership of the masses in Communist hands, with freedom for 
the expansion and spread, both in territory and in political 
ideology, of Coimnunist power, with an entirely new and 
masterly strategy of warfare, decided by the Communists, not 
by Chiang. Hence, within the united front the question of 
seizure of power was implied; this both Mao and Chiang under- 
stood very well. The outcome would depend on Mao Tsetung, 
on his work of that period, his vision and grasp, and his boldness. 
Hence the Yenan period remains an enduring lesson in the skills 
of war, diplomacy and politics; for the Chinese Revolution, the 
foundations of its victory. 

After his return from Russia in late 1937, Wang Ming held 
several appointments — on the Central Committee, in the Polit- 
buro, and as one of the seven Communist members of the liaison 
committee organized under Chou En-lai to deal with united 
front matters between the Kuomintang and the Communist 
Party. His wife, Mcng Ching-shu, also on the Central Committee, 
became the president of Yenan W^omen’s University. The liaison 
offices functioned in Sian, and also in Wuhan till it fell in October 
1938; then the conimittee moved to Chungking along with 
Chiang s government. This liaison committee had a press section 
to deal with foreign and Chinese newsmen. Chou En-lai was 
chief spokesman, but Wang Ming did not refrain from issuing 
statements amd making speeches for the Party, going counter to 
Central Committee resolutions when he chose. 

The ideological struggle was ‘severe’, writes the historian 



Hu Chiao-mu. Those responsible for ‘the third left line’ became 
rightist opportunists , took independent action against party 
rules in their work, issued statements without “approval”, thought 
the Communist army was too small ... decided the Kuomintang 
should assume the leadership ... denied the Communist Party 
leadership . They also looked down on guerilla warfare tactics 
and looked for ‘speedy victory*, contrary to Mao’s protracted 
war; they believed ... not in the masses’, derided mass education 
and mobilization. Their slogan, ‘unity of action ... a unified 
command, unified programme, unified administration, unified 
discipline, unified weapons’, was a pro-Chiang Kai-shek line. 

Wang Ming failed, the defeats of Chiang became his own 
defeat; the virulence of his faction faded, though not its long- 
term, protracted hostility to Mao. Mao Tsetung nailed down the 
leadership role the Communist Party should play in the war. In 
October-November 1938, at the sixth plenum of the Sixth 
Central Committee, he won the majority votes of the Central 
Committee. His three speeches* climaxed his ideological victory, 
the downfall of ‘left’ and ‘right’ factions and the rallying of the 
Party in unity behind Mao. 

Mao would never do things by halves. He had put up with a 
good many insults, and now he swung back at his accusers, at the 
accusations of chauvinism and lack of ‘international proletarian- 
ism* repeatedly launched at him: ‘Only those who are politically 
muddle-headed or have ulterior motives talk nonsense about ... 
our having abandoned internationalism ... To separate inter- 
nationalist content from national form is the practice of those 
who do not understand the first thing about internationalism ... 
‘The victory of the Chinese national liberation movement will be 
part of the victory of world socialism, because to defeat im- 
perialism in China means the destruction of one of its most 
powerful bases.* 

Revolution was not to be made by people who parroted empty 
slogans. These were really arrogant and slothful, for they never 

* Tlte Role of the Chinese Commtinist Party in the National War; The Question of 
Independence and Initiative Within the United Front; and Problems of War and Strategy 
(November 5 and 6, 1938), Selected Works, vol. II. 



used their heads. Revolution was a matter of learning not only 
‘the theory of Marx, Engel, Lenin and Stalin’ but also ‘our 
historical heritage’. ‘It is a matter of learning to opply the theory of 
Marxism-Leninism to the specific conditions of China 

^Foreigti stereotypes mt 4 st be abolished, there ainst be less singing 
of empty abstract tunes, and dogmatism must be laid to rest; they 
must be replaced by the fresh, lively Chinese style and spirit 
which the common people of China love.’ (Author’s italics.) In 
these terms Mao announced his next battle, to restructure the 
Party itself. 

On November 6, Mao concluded the plenum with his analysis 
of the role of armed struggle and its importance for the Chinese 
Revolution. ‘The seizure of power by armed force, the settlement 
of the issue of war, is the central task and the highest form of 
revolution.’ Armed struggle, the direction of a revolutionary 
Party, and the strategy of the united front were once again 
asserted as the three fundamental principles for the prosecution of 
revolution. They are today referred to as the ‘three precious 
things’ or ‘three magic weapons’ for revolution. 

At the end of the plenum, everything had swung in Mao’s 
favour— Chiang’s fiascos, Moscow’s attitude, the growing strength 
of the Red armies. Wang Ming had lost the battle of the united 
front, but it would take many more years before his influence was 
rooted out of the Party — as the Great Proletarian Cultural 
Revolution was to prove. 

In 1937 the slogan of ‘a government of national defence’ launched 
by Wang Ming had been taken up by the Left Writers League, 
whose headquarters were in Shanghai. Four writers, of whom 
Chou Yang, secretary-general of the league, was to become the 
most notorious, promoted it in the league. This slogan had 
important repercussions upon the literature produced in left- 
wing circles. The ideological struggle in the Party was thus 
reflected in ‘two lines’ in art and literature; complete clarification 
of these literary battles did not come until thirty years later. 

The four writers, Chou Yang, Hsia Yen, Tien Han and Yang 
Han-shen, who echoed Wang Ming’s theme, spreading the 



slogan ‘a literature of national defence*, were denounced with 
great asperity by the famous Lu Hsun, whom Mao read and 

Lu Hsun, China’s Gorky, became a Communist rather late in a 
short life. He was an intensely active, brilliant, dedicated patriot, 
a fiercely honest man. He had studied medicine in Japan, but 
turned to literature, and to the literary revolution. In the early 
193OS he became a Communist. Mao admired him. They were 
much alike in one respect -they were artists of total integrity. 
There may have been correspondence between the two, though 
they may not have met, except perhaps briefly at Peking University 
in 1920. Mao Tsetung often quoted Lu Hsun, praised his courage, 
studied his writings. Some of Mao’s essays in the 1940s show the 
influence of Lu Hsun’s sharp satirical style. 

When the call for a united front came from Mao Tsetung in 
1932 and 1933, Lu Hsun was one of the first to respond, writing 
and praising Mao’s initiative. Lu Hsun batded fascism and 
reaction all his life, completely unafraid of threats, poverty or 
Chiang’s power. He went on writing, protesting, encouraging 
the young. He was one of those who understood Mao’s genius 
and vision, for at the end of the Long March, Lu Hsun sent a 
message to the CCP and Mao Tsetung: ‘The whole of the 
Chinese people look towards you for their salvation.’ 

Lu Hsun took great exception to the term ‘literature of national 
defence’, derided ‘the four guys’ (as he called them) who pro- 
moted it, and launched the slogan ‘a literature for the revolution- 
ary masses in resistance to Japan’. Lu Hsun also denounced wit 
pungent irony, in letters and essays, Chou Yang and Hsia Yen as 
‘bureaucrats and officials of literamre’. They in turn never 

forgave him.* . , 

The two slogans meant not only two different concepts ot ttie 

united front but two entirely different political and ideological 
backgrounds for literary production. Since literature and art, in 
Marxist terms, are an inherent part of the superstructure (t e 

* From .in interview by the author with Lu Hsun’s wife. Madame Hsu Kuang- 
ping, in July 1966. Selected works of Lu Hsun have been translated by tnc 

Foreign Languages Press, Peking. 



realm of ideas, behaviour, expression being inseparable from the 
physical base, the political, economic and social system), one 
slogan represented a capitulationist, ‘revisionist’, ‘bourgeois’ 
line, the other a revolutionary — Mao’s — line. In 1970 and 1971 
long articles were still appearing in Chinese newspapers on ‘the 
two lines in art and literature’, denouncing Chou Yang and his 
three colleagues (all of whom had obtained high positions in the 
CCP) and exposing the ‘Wang Ming line’ of the late 1930s. 

What is even more thought-provoking is that the opposition to 
Mao should have survived, impervious to time and to the 
triumph of the Revolution, among the same people and for so 
long. There can be no understanding of the Great Proletarian 
Cultural Revolution without study of these problems of thirty 
years or more ago. 

In November 1938, with a majority of the Party behind him, 
with Chiang proved ‘a big straw bag’ in battle, with Chang 
Kuo-tao turned renegade, with Moscow eulogizing the Com- 
munist guerilla victories, Mao was able to state: ‘We have 
rejected the Kuomintang’s request to appoint its members cadres 
of the Eighth Route Army, and have upheld the principle of the 
Communist Party’s absolute leadership of the Eighth Route 
Army.’ The heart of the matter. 

And none too soon. For in early 1939 the unstable marriage 
between the two parties, always under strain, suffered an in- 
creasing number of what were subduedly labelled ‘frictions’. 
Chiang had already in 1938 issued documents entitled Methods of 
Dealing with the CCP and Methods of Restricting the Activities of the 
Alien Party. Armed clashes began in April 1939. The ten divisions 
of Hu Tsung-iian, quartered in Shensi to keep watch over the 
Red base, now attacked and overran about one quarter of its 
territory, though this territory had been guaranteed inviolate 
under the administration of the Communists. Hu Tsung-nan 
erected rings of blockhouses and deep trenches around the base on 
three sides, leaving open only the side that faced the Japanese, 
who themselves were to start blockading the Red base in 1940. 

But the struggle to establish, then to maintain, this apparently 



short-lived and none too successful united front is not to be 
validated by success in getting on with Chiang Kai-shek. This 
was the least of Mao's worries at any time; nor was it the purpose 
of the united front to placate him. The success of the united 
front was in obtaining, through this avowedly unstable alliance, 
leadership of the majority of the population. The rallying of as 
many of the bourgeoisie as possible, under the pressure of 
resistance to Japan, made the Party acceptable as a national 
leader; its role in the social revolution was thus enhanced. Each 
one saw in the CCP what he wanted to see. The policies followed 
during the years at Yenan would be different from those of 
previous Red bases. But there was never any cheating; all this 
was clearly spelled out; never did the Communists stoop to 
defining themselves as ‘agrarian reformists'; one has only to 
read Mao Tsetung’s assertion that the final aim, Communism, 
would never be given up, to know it.* 

The appraisal of the united front by some writers who judge its 
success or failure by the relations between the two parties, 
relations which deteriorated so rapidly, is therefore incorrect— 
this was never the objective. Only by the measure in which the 
Communists were able to build up their strength, and win the 
masses, through the united front can its success be judged; and in 
this, under Mao's leadership, the CCP was startlingly successful. 

By creating this charismatic, national, immensely attractive 
image (and openly announcing each step) the CCP was able to 
build up strength and win the masses. But it is doubtful whether 
this success could have been achieved without the persistance, 
vision and methods of Mao Tsetung. 

* ‘Communists will never give up their ideal of socialism and of Communism ; 
they will reach it by going through the stage of the bourgeois-democratic 


Profile of Yenan 

The Yenan period — as the years from 1935 to 1947 were to be 
known — is the most important in Mao Tsetung’s life. The 
development of his creative thinking, his methodology of 
revolution, his ‘style’, his major philosophical and military works 
date from that time. They are the years in which he rebuilt the 
Chinese Communist Party and Army as revolutionary instru- 
ments with a total adaptation to the Chinese situation. The slogans 
of Yenan, the spirit of Yenan, the teacliing and writing Mao 
Tsetung accomplished at Yenan, are China’s renewal patterns, 
models not confmed to a small group but known and practised 
by each Chinese man, woman and child. This was the time when 
Mao Tsetung led his people into their own heritage, when the 
Thought of Mao Tsetung was first structured, became a working 
system, a science of revolution. 

The Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia base (known for short as Shen- 
Kan-Ning, or as Yenan from the name of its capital after Decem- 
ber 1936), was more than Chingkangshan or Juichin. It was not 
only a Red base, with a government and social system different 
from Chiang s, but it became the emblem of love of country, 
incorruptibility, resistance to Japan, social justice. Blockade or 
no blockade, students and intellectuals, from 1936 on, flocked to 
Yenan, across Japanese-held territory, across Kuomintang barbed 
wire and trenches. If caught they were murdered, tortured, put in 
concentration camps. Yenan is 300 miles from Sian, and daily the 
gauntlet of secret police and the blockade was run by youngsters 
who left home to walk the dangerous roads to Yenan because it 
was the symbol of the future. 

Everything was lacking in 1935, when the Red Army arrived 
after the Long March. Devastating floods poured down the gullies 




of the loess cliffs, and if there was not flood there was drought. 
Famine stalked the land two years out of three (in 1929, 2*5 
million people out of the 9 million in Shensi province died of 
starvation). The harvests were scanty and millet was the staple 
food. There were no paper, books, wood for furniture, or 
machinery, no industries, no resources except salt in Ninghsia — 
difficulties of transport made it very costly— and coal. Yet Yenan 
was to become the tough, secure and prestigious base where 
Mao trained, educated, and disciplined over a hundred thousand 
cadres, and an army of 2 milhon men was to be controlled from 
here. From Yenan was to issue the most formidable unity and 
power that China ever had. For a decade Yenan pinned down 50 
per cent of the Japanese armies in North China (2 million men), 
80 per cent of the puppet Chinese armies organized by the 
Japanese (another 2 million men). 

The Red Army had sappers developed from the toughened 
miners of Anyuan and Pinghsiang who had followed Mao all 
through the years and the Long March (some are still with him 
today). Through guerilla actions and later through the friendly 
Manchurian officers of Chang Hsueh-liang, the Army obtained a 
few lathes, printing blocks, sewing machines. With these began 
the basic ‘industries’ necessary for survival. 

The Kuomintang started to blockade Yenan in earnest in 1939- 
All subsidies stopped. Attacks against the base increased in 
frequency throughout 1939 and 1940, to culminate in the mas- 
sacre of the New Fourth Army in January 1941* After the 
summer of 1940, because of the ill-conceived Hundred Regi- 
ments offensive carried out by Peng Teh-huai against the Japanese, 
the Yenan base had to withstand rigorous blockades and reprisal 
attacks from both the Kuomintang and Japan. In 1941 and 1942. 
imitating Chiang’s blockhouse tactics, the Japanese erected 7,70° 
fortifications and made Chinese peasants dig more than 7,000 
miles of tiered trenches to surround and cut off the Red bases 

behind Japanese lines and the Yenan base. 

The Japanese also launched a scorched-earth drive which 
reduced the bases in size and produced immense suffering and 
hardship among the people. Within a 12-mile corridor around 



each base, in areas known to be pro-Communist, all the men were 
killed, the women taken away, all the houses and crops burned. 
Vast tracks of land were left covered only with rubble and 
charred cinders. It is estimated that 30 million civilian people lost 
their lives through these ‘kill all, burn alf scorched-earth methods 
of the Japanese. ‘For a while we were reduced almost to the state 
of having no clothes to wear, no oil to cook with, no paper, no 
vegetables, no footwear for the soldiers, and in winter, no 
bedding for the civilian personnel.* 

Mao’s answer was the Production Drive, launched in 1941, 
which transformed the base and also was to serve as a model in 
mass education in self-reliance. ‘Self-reliance* and ‘Get organized* 
were the slogans. Cotton growing was established in some of the 
Red bases beliind the Japanese lines. Women hid the cotton 
harvest from the Japanese, hand-spun it at home for the Red 
Army. This was the first time that women had collectively and 
massively gone into production and were paid for their work, an 
economic precedent wliich was also a social revolution. 

The machines in the spinning factories newly set up were 
wonders of contrivance; the belts were made of homespun 
soaked in resin. Factories were installed in shacks, caves, temples. 
Workshops for making batteries, wire, shoes, toothbrushes, soap 
and matches and paper were established. Paper was so scarce at 
first that even the rough straw paper needed for hygienic pur- 
poses was severely restricted. Production in chemicals, glass and 
porcelain started from a few pottery kilns; leather goods work- 
shops were built. ‘Essential springs were made of coiled telephone 
wire looted from the Japanese, hardened and tempered by 
heating in a crucible with charcoal and old bones to 700 to 800 
degrees centigrade; the shop foreman who had improvised this 
was justly proud. He demonstrated the superiority of his tele- 
phone wire spring which, dropped from the same height, 
bounced higher than an imported sample,’ wrote Harrison 
Forman in his book Report from Red China. * By 1944 there were 90 
workshops employing around 20,000 men in the Yenan base, and 
an arsenal employing 300 men which made explosives and 
* Robert Hale, London, 1946. 



grenades. However, most of the firearms and ammunition con- 
tinued to come from enemy sources. 

A general union of workers was created in 1940; in 1943 it had 
55»^94 members of whom 63 per cent were farm labourers, 22 
per cent handicraft workers and 15 per cent industrial workers. 
By 1944 Yenan was exporting men’s socks, candles, and cloth to 
the supposedly richer Kuomintang regions. It fed its people and 
it clothed them; it inspired initiative and it promoted stability. 
Many industries were formed with private capital and were 
under private management; over half were co-operatives formed 
with government loans as working capital. 

In the Production Drive everyone was set to digging, hoeing, 
planting, ploughing — the Army, the cadres, the Party, the 
intellectuals, the officials, Mao himself All planted and hoed, dug 
and spun. This ‘stupendous’ effort, as Jerome Chen* calls it, 
merits study because it confirmed Mao’s policies, already put 
into practice at the previous bases, for a materially self-supporting 
government administration and a Red Army which was also a 
production force. It turned a threatening bureaucracy of con- 
sumers into producers or part-producers. During this Production 
Drive in Yenan we find Mao stressing using native ways and 
means, making do, ingenuity, initiative, frugality and economy — 
in short, all that is now being done on an all-China scale to make 
an industrial revolution with no capital but with people, their 
effort and their wisdom, their zeal and their tenacity, their 
awareness and their devotion to the collective. 

The use of the garrisoned army battalions as a production and 
labour force remains a basic feature of the Red Army. In February 
1971, for instance, the Army was again commended for pro- 
ducing 40 per cent more grain in 1970 than in 1969, for running 
factories, workshops, plants. This tradition of the soldier being a 
‘three in one’ — a worker, a soldier, and also a peasant— was 
solidly implanted at Yenan, where the Army also ran co-opera- 
tives in industries. The Nanniwan valley, a bare, desolate tract, 
was converted by the garrisoned troops into a fertile stretch of 

* Jerome Chen, Mao and the Chinese Resolution, trs. M. Bullock and J. Chen, 
op. cit. 



fields. ‘The soldiers have on the average cultivated 18 inou 
[2’75 acres] per person; and they can produce or make practically 
everything: food (vegetables, meat, cooking oil), clothing 
(cotton padded clothes, woollen knitwear and footwear), shelter 
(cave dwellings, houses and meeting halls), articles of daily use 
(tables, chairs, benches, stationery) and fuel (firewood, charcoal, 
coal).’ This was Mao’s satisfied assessment in 1942, and he called 
upon all to do the same. In 1944 the American Dixie mission* 
was impressed by the rugged, successful self-sufficiency of Yenan. 
By then, 600,000 acres of land had been opened up, and produc- 
tion of cereals had doubled in the base. 

In Oh Financial and Economic Problems of the Border Region, a 
200-page report made in December 1944, Mao explained how 
‘self-reliance, by making non-producers such as civil servants, 
Army men, produce their own food, could cut down enormously 
our public expenditure’. ‘The Kuomintang thought our diffi- 
culties insurmountable, they daily expected our collapse.’ But it 
was the KMT finances which were on the point of collapse.'}' 
‘In 1941 and 1942 the supplies obtained by the Army, the or- 
ganizations and the schools through their own efforts were actually 
the larger part of their total requirements.’ ‘This is a miracle never 
before achieved in Chinese history and forms our unshakable 
material foundation.’ 

In December 1935 a land law was passed for redistribution of 
surplus land belonging to landlords and rich peasants, but in 1937 
confiscation of land was halted and rent reduction of 25 per cent 
or more substituted. The peasants in most cases demanded more 
reduction, so that sharing of the crop in kind, in the proportion of 
30 to the landlord and 70 to the peasant, was followed in some 
base areas. Usury was also controlled, but ‘not to the point where 
the peasant would find it impossible to obtain loans’ (i’5 per cent 
per month was set as the standard interest; the rates had been 15 
to 20 per cent per month before the Red Army arrived). But none 
of this could be granted ‘as a favour’. Mao insisted that the land 

* David D. Barrett, Dixie Mission : The United States Army Obseri^er Group in 
Yenan, 1944 (University of California Press, 1970). 

7 As certain American observers reported even then. 



reform must involve the peasantry in arousal, mobilization, for- 
mation of peasant associations to elect their own leaders, to perform 
rent reduction and see it enforced, though Party cadres and the 
local governments of the bases would help by directives and their 
presence. This remained the land reform policy till the end of 1946. 

Mao had to explain* that anti-Japanese resistance and land 
reform were linked ; the masses who resisted Japanese aggression 
were also those who wanted a social revolution; the archaic, 
feudal land tenure could not serve as foundation for a national 
liberation movement. However, confiscation of landlords’ land 
caused the flight of landlords to the cities, and was suspended. 
Freedom to expand production in industry and commerce was 
safeguarded. The number of commercial establishments in 
Yenan rose from 192 to 475 during those years. 

The co-operative movement in agriculture began with mutual 
aid teams, semi-permanent, then permanent, sometimes affecting 
a whole village. Each locality fixed its own rules concerning 
working hours, accounting, remuneration (later to be known as 
work points). Mao insisted that women should be included in 
this scheme. ‘All women, too, should be mobilized to do a 
certain amount of productive work ... Such collective mutual-aid 
producers’ co-operatives should be extensively and voluntarily 
organized in all the anti-Japanese base areas ... there should be 
no constraint or forcing.’ Mao stressed the voluntary aspect; the 
co-operatives were still based on individual economy and were 
not socialism, but a step in the right direction. Twenty-four per 
cent of the labour force was thus organized into mutual aid teams. 

The amount of land under plough almost doubled in the 
Shen-Kan-Ning base; an agriculturally deficient area, the base 
became a self-sufficient production region by 1944- hi I943 
rations of an average Red Army soldier were by Chinese standards 
the best in China, almost 4*5 pounds of meat a month, 48 po^ds 
of vegetables, 60 pounds of millet, with oil, fuel and salt— The 
best-nourished troops I had yet seen.’’!' Where pay was concerned, 

* See Guenther Stein, The Challenge of Red China, op. cit. 

4 Harrison Forman, Report from Red China, op. cit. This is corroborate y 
other American observers and newsmen who visited Yenan in 1944- 



privates and oliicers received the same, amounting to 5 cents a 
day pocket money. No distinction of grades in uniform or 
trappings was allowed. The general health of the population was 
also improved, though conservatism and superstition, the lack of 
doctors and nurses, restricted development. 

Various types of industrial co-operatives, for salt transport, 
credit, and handicrafts, made for secure supplies. By 1943, 
137,000 women were in spinning co-operatives, 200,000 men in 
handicraft and transport co-operatives. The Army had its own 
industrial and transport co-operatives, as it would have its own 
food, cloth and shoe production. Under the famous New 
Zealander Rewi Alley, now living in Peking, the Indusco scheme 
was set up wliich established schools for technical training in 
various fields, such as soap-making, tanning leather, making ropes, 
shoes, matches, pots and pans. The base also issued its own money 
in 1941, since no more came from the Kuomintang after 1940. 

Mao did not intend land reform and the co-operatives to 
remain at that ‘new democratic’ stage. ‘At the moment,’ he said, 
‘there cannot be a more radical solution to the agrarian problem; 
but it will become imperative one day to go further ... but only 
when a truly democratic government will be in control in the 
whole of China ... However,’ he added, ‘it is not impossible that 
a new civil war might start when the war with Japan is ended.’* 
(Author’s italics.) 

The enrolment of the population in co-operatives, associations 
and unions helped mass education, which was placed under the 
aegis of Hsu Te-li as commissioner for education. The old teacher 
of Mao at the Changsha Normal College was sixty years old in 
1937. Mao wrote to him: ‘You were my teacher twenty years 
ago; you are still my teacher; you will continue to be my teacher 
in the future. When the Revolution failed and many members left 
the Party ... you joined in the autumn of 1927 ... You have 
shown ... less fear of difficulty, and more humility in learning 
new things, than many younger members.’ J* 

* Interview with Guenther Stein. See The Challenge of Red China, op. cit. 

f Jerome Chen (editor), Mao Tse-timg Papers: Anthology and Bibliography 
(Oxford University Press, London and New York, 1970). 



But the base was of a forbidding poverty and backwardness. 
In 1936 it had a 60 per cent infant mortality rate and a i per cent 
literacy rate. Even in 1943 there were still a million illiterates 
(half the population) and 2,000 shamans (witch doctors). By 1940, 
1,341 schools and 43,625 students for the 2 million people in the 
Shen-Kan-Ning base had been established. But the results of 
formal schooling were poor.* Only through the Production 
Drive did adult literacy classes, winter classes, self-teaching units 
operate. In the building of the Red Army, education was a 
powerful incentive (as was the fact that the families of Red Army 
recruits had privileges such as guaranteed team help for their 
fields). Recruits were taught reading and writing; because of 

often wrote in sand on the ground, and 
learned words by wearing paper squares showing characters on 
their backs as they filed one behind the other. 

In October 1944 Mao wrote: ‘A good many vestiges of feudal- 
ism survive . , . These are enemies inside the minds of the people . . . 
more difficult to combat than to fight Japanese imperialism.* He 
advocated scattered village schools, street schools, a mass self- 
education drive. In 1971 this type of street school was revived 
and called Kangta, in memory of the Yenan period and the 
educational innovations of those days. 

The people themselves were to be aroused to ‘struggle* against 
their own superstitions, unhygienic habits, and illiteracy. Parents 
were asked their advice on the study programme at school, which 
was linked to production. Corporal punishment was forbidden. 
Hygiene, defence, and political education were integrated in the 
school courses. Each school united ‘practice* with ‘theory’, which 
meant rearing pigs, poultry, planting trees, digging wells as part 
of the courses, A medical school and school of nursing were 
started. Mao urged the doctors to go to serve the people. The 
human and animal mortality rates are both very high ... doctors 
should “train doctors” for the people ... [If] they do not unite 
with the thousand or more doctors and veterinarians of the old 
type ... they will actually be helping the witch doctors. 

* See Peter J. Seybolt, ‘Tlic Yenan Revolution in Mass Education , Chitia 
Quarterly, October-Dcccntbcr 1971. 

paper shortage they 



In 1942 the administrative policies of the government of the 
base were organized on a system of ‘the three thirds* — one third of 
the seats in councils and committees, in labour unions, women’s 
associations, youth corps, and other mass representation bodies 
being occupied by Communists, the other two thirds by ‘pro- 
gressives’ and independent members. The main object was to 
secure a broad base among the people and popular support. The 
slogan ‘Unified leadership and decentralized administration’ 
defmed the control exercised — overall authority and leadership 
were concentrated in Yenan but local originality and initiative 
were encouraged, a system wliich required a high level of 
political education. Throughout the far-flung territories of the 
bases, despite difficult communications, a single leadership pre- 
vailed and the decisions of the Party were carried through. Even 
if there were attempts at ‘independent kingdoms’, they never 
developed into real dissidence. 

The popularity of the Communist government was assured by 
its honesty, its integrity, the high calibre of its cadres; by fair 
distribution, by democratic procedure, by the security given to 
the population, by the abolition of extortion and the low level of 
taxation. This was reinforced by the help given by the Army to 
peasants, welfare and education movements. Army teams dug 
wells and ditches, helped in harvesting, substantiating the slogans 
‘Support the Army, cherish the people’, ‘Total integration of 
Army and people’. In turn, this popularity eased recruiting. ‘The 
Communist government and armies are the first in modem 
Chinese history to have positive and widespread popular support 
... because they are genuinely of the people,’ wrote John Paton 
Davies, an American observer in November 1944, one of a score 
of such favourable reports on the Communist administration. 
The enrolment of the population in mass organizations made for 
democratic platforms for expression of opinion by the people, 
and for social change. There were associations of women, 
youths, peasants, workers, schoolchildren, old people; there was 
even an association of loafers where the loafers met, helped to 
criticize each other and themselves so as to ‘reform*! 

The exaltation of the ‘wisdom of the people’, the lists of ‘labour 



heroes’, the new dignity and pride conferred on the ordinary poor 
peasant left memories which could not be eradicated. Suddenly 
the downtrodden became important, they learned the meaning of 
human dignity. The terrible massacres by the Japanese, the 
vicious oppression and ruthless killings by Kuomintang troops, in 
glaring contrast to the care and scrupulous democracy of the 
Communist Party and Red Army, turned the support of the 
population towards the Communists. By 1943 the peasants were 
hailing Mao as their ‘star of salvation’. 

Mao had come into the base after the Long March with 7,000 
men; with the 5,000 already there, and Hsu Hai-tung’s 3,000, a 
total of 15,000 men was all the base had by the end of 1935. In 
1937 the Army numbered 70,000 to 80,000 men, though Chiang 
only supplied arms, equipment and money for 45,000 (from 
September 1937 to May 1939). The New Fourth Army had been 
limited to a 15,000 maximum. This made a total of 60,000 men 
for the Red Army. Yet by 1945 the Red armies numbered 910,000 
men in the Communist regular forces and 2,200,000 in the militia. 
This enormous expansion in seven years, unfmanced by external 
sources, was not the burden it could have been since it was 70 
per cent self-sufficient. (The militia were always self-sufficient 
except for weapons, and constituted a feed-in reserve for the 
Red Army.) In this planned overall structure, almost biological in 
its concept, education of the Red Army was itself a means of 
providing cadres, leaders and instructors for mass education, thus 
facilitating the Revolution and army recruitment. 

Mao’s directive, ‘We must spread a guerilla war over all the 
large areas occupied by the enemy, converting the enemy s rear 
into his front, and forcing him to fight ceaselessly throughout his 
occupied areas,’ was followed. To wage guerilla warfare in- 
dependently and on its own initiative* was also to mobilize the 
population, to educate it, politicize it. With its Party educators 
and propagandists divided and subdivided into small teams, the 
Party witloin the Army spread among the villages of China, bring- 
ing hope and militancy. Its first offensives were political, not 
military — propaganda, land reform, education; later came the 
establishment of guerilla zones, still later consolidation into bases. 



This step-by-stcp organization of the population was entirely 
dependent on the ‘fish in water’ phenomenon, conditional on the 
support of the people. The elimination of local collaborators and 
bandits, collection of enemy weapons, sabotage of enemy 
installations became cohesive factors in wliich the people now 
took the initiative. Perhaps the most outstanding and impressive 
phenomenon was the gathering of intelligence by the people, as 
the American observer group in Ycnan found out.* Men, women 
and children became detectives, risking their lives to report on 
the enemy to the ‘brother Army’. 

The formation of bases behind Japanese lines began in 1937. 
After the battle of Pinghsinkuan (September 1937), the 115th 
division of Lin Piao and Nieh Jung-chen established, with the 
massif of Wutai mountain as centre, the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei 
Base Area. This was to extend into central and east Hopei pro- 
vince in 1938; it spawned offshoots into the southern Hopei 
plains. It finally controlled a population of around 25 million 
living in 108 counties covering 309,000 square miles. In 1939 it 
spread west of Peking into Jehol, into the Lianoning province of 
Manchuria. This sprawl across North China was essential for 
long-term strategy: the access to Manchuria. Small guerilla nuclei 
were already implanted in Manchuria well before the civil war 
began in 1946. 

The 129th division established the Shansi-Hopei-Shantung— 
Honan Base Area, with the Taihang mountains as its centre. It 
was a very large area of two sectors, one of 85,000 square miles 
with 7 million inhabitants and 59 counties, and one of 122,000 
square miles, ii8 counties and 18 million inhabitants. The Shansi- 
Suiyuan base, established by the 120th division, barred the 
Japanese advance into Mongolia; and the Shantung base, first 
organized by local Communist cadres, was so successful that by 
1943 the Communists controlled over half the province and there 
were half a million militia. Shantung army recruits were used 
extensively in Manchuria (almost 28 million out of Manchuria’s 

* See David D. Barrett, Dixie Mission: The United States Army Observer Group 
in Yenan, 1944, op- cit. 

. Communist areas of North Chin 



30 million people came originally from Shantung province). 

The Central China Base Area, organized by the New Fourth 
Army in the lower Yangtze basin, operated in two routes, one 
south of the Yangtze river and the other north, in Anhwei 
province. The New Fourth Army was plagued with diificulties, 
not the least being that its second in command Msiang Ying, vice- 
chairman at the Juichin base (with Chang Kuo-tao) when Mao 
was chairman, was one of the men who sided with Chang Kuo- 
tao and the ultra-left (which, let us not forget, became right !) 
against Mao s military ideas in Juichin. He had been left behind in 
1934 when the Long March began, and proved a courageous 
man even if not always very intelligent, unyielding, and some- 
what inclined to stubbornness. Hsiang continued averse to Mao’s 
suggestions, though as a good Communist he had condemned 
Chang Kuo-tao’s defection. He differed with Mao on the con- 
duct of operations for the New Fourth Army; thought a policy of 
‘appeasement’ ofChiang was best. Hsiang Ying’s ‘trust’ in Chiang 
did not save him when in January 1941 the New Fourth Army 
elements south of the Yangtze were ambushed by Chiang forces 
and 9,000 slaughtered, including Hsiang Ying. This massacre was 
to mark the high point of Kuomintang attacks upon the Com- 
munists during the Sino-Japanese war. 

Then there were the South China bases in Kwangtung, where 
the movement had been strong in 1927. The Pearl river column 
was formed in 1941 and, by I 944 » 10 million people were in small 
base areas scattered across Kwangtung and Kwangsi provinces, 
‘Communists never die’ became a saying among the South 
China peasants when they saw their resurrection. 

In Hainan Island the entry of the Japanese in 1939 also saw the 
emergence of Communist guerillas, and by 1945 eight out of the 
19 counties of the island were under Red control. 

The physical splaying out of the bases provided a network of 
Communist administration, a ‘state witliin a state’ effect, well 
before the civil war with Chiang started again. But a high 
political level in cadres was essential to keep this geographical 
sprawl united by an ideology stronger than distance or time. To 
this cadre training Mao devoted an enormous amount of his days 



and his work; for this purpose, as soon as he had reached the 
base after the Long March, he began writing whole courses in 
philosophy (dialectics), military matters (strategy and tactics), 
economics and politics. But to keep the Party in command of the 
guns meant Party cadres not only politically educated but also 
imbued with military knowledge. ‘The popularization of military 
knowledge is an urgent task for the Party and the whole country. 
I deem it imperative that we arouse interest in the study of 
military theory and direct the attention of the whole membership 
[of the Party] to the study of military matters.’ 

Army leaders would publicly criticize themselves for mis- 
behaviour of their soldiers towards the local population, en- 
courage the local peasantry to report misdeeds. These educational 
disciplines are now enshrined in the traditions of the Chinese 
Revolution and promote the solidarity essential to the system. 
The soldiers’ clubs, instituted at Sanwan immediately after the 
Autumn Harvest Uprising, were revived during the Yenan 
period. They had been abolished in Juichin in 1932. 

Mao Tsetung, as chairman of the Revolutionary Military 
Council and top man in the Politburo, combined the Party- 
Army hierarchy in one person. This unusual combination of both 
military and Party strategy was to be highly successful, for Mao 
would now, in dais backward area, forge the most efficient 
weapon for military and political triumph that the world has yet 

The effectiveness of the Red guerillas in dealing with the Japanese 
is evidenced by documents from the Japanese military command 
in China. ‘General Nishio’s chief of staff admitted at an army 
briefing that the Chinese Communist forces had filled a power 
vacuum in northern Shansi, in Hopei, in most of Shantung and 
in north Kiangsu,* writes Chalmers Johnson.* The intense anti- 
Japanese attitude on the part of the Chinese (Communist) 
armies is beyond dispute.’ Of 15,000 engagements of the Japanese 

* See Chalmers Johnson, Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power: 77(e 
Emergetice of Revolutionary China (Oxford University Press, Lon on, 




armies from 1937 to 1945, wrote the Tokyo newspaper Asalii 
Shimbum, 75 per cent had been fought against the Red armies. 
Chalmers Johnson relates that the Bethune International Peace 
Hospital,* located in the Wutai base, which had 1,500 beds, could 
be evacuated at a half-hour’s notice and was in fact evacuated 
twenty times. The Chinese Communists had mastered the art of 
creating in Japanese-occupied areas a state of constant alert and 
the mobilization of the population in techniques of sabotage. 

^ From 1937 to 1945 the Red Armies would fight 92,000 battles, 
inflict a million casualties, capture 150,000 prisoners (mostly 
Chinese puppets — only a few hundred Japanese were captured, 
most preferring to die), 320,000 rifles, 9,000 machine guns, 600 
pieces of artillery; they would kill 55 high-ranking Japanese 
officers and suffer 400,000 casualties ; all this without a single penny, 
bullet, or pound of food supplied by the Kuomintang after 1940. ; 

After the fall of Wuhan in October 1938, Chiang Kai-shek 
settled into a tacit truce, a prolonged stalemate, with the Japanese, 
which lasted till 1945. For the next five and a half years action on 
his front would be desultory, if not make-believe, while both 
concentrated on attacking the Coimnunists, almost in concert. 
The passage of a good many of Cliiang’s troops and of some forty 
of his high commanders to thejapanese in 1943 and 1944 furthered 
this unspoken common enterprise. 

But Chiang’s schemes of pursuing the civil war against the 
Reds during the Sino-Japanese war were to fail. Strong popular 
support for the united front, massive indignation against him 
aroused by the January 1941 assault on the New Fourth Army 
by his troops, and Mao’s skilful handling of the situation, his 
refusal to panic or to destroy even the fictional ‘united front’, did 
exert some measure of restraint. After December 7, 1941, pressure 
from the United States, now involved in the war against Japan after 
Pearl Harbour, and Chiang’s need of United States money also 
operated as a check. Local attacks on Communists continued. In 

1946 Mao s nephew, the son of Mao Tse-min, was murdered, 
buried alive by Kuomintang agents. 

c memory of Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor who worked 

tor the Red Army and died of septicaemia in China in 1938. 



In 1939 Wang Ching-wei, the erstwhile radical, had gone over 
to Japan, becoming head of a puppet South China government 
General execration forced Chiang to condemn Wang Ching-wei, 
though relations between them never stopped; the Communists 
seized this opportunity to call for reinforcement of the united 
front against all such traitors. This acted as a restraint on Chiang 
Kai-shek. But he, W^ang Ching-wei, and the Japanese were 
moving towards concerted action against the Reds, a scheme of 
which Mao was aware; he warned that the danger of Chiang’s 
capitulating to Japan had ‘greatly increased*. Yet ‘in no circum- 
stances will the Party change its united front pohcy for the entire 
period of the war of resistance against Japan*, he insisted. Some 
Party members, infuriated by Chiang*s attacks, had suggested the 
break-up of the united front, but Mao held firm. ‘Within the 
united front our policy must be one of independence and 
initiative,* he said in December 1940 ... ‘a policy neither all 
alliance and no struggle nor all struggle and no alliance, but 
which combines alliance and struggle ... In all cases we should 
expand ... to reach out into all enemy-occupied areas and not be 
bound by the Kuoniintang*s restrictions ... not ... expect official 
appointments from them.* This warning went unheeded by some 
commanders who still hankered for ‘official appointments’ in the 
regular KMT army.* 

In August 1940 occurred the Hundred Regiments offensive, a 
most controversial campaign. Chiang, understandably furious 
and worried over Communist Army expansion, had ordered the 
Eighth Route Army, its commander-in-chief and second in 
command, Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai, to stay north of the 
Yellow river, allotting them Hopei province to expand in. What 
sudden thrust of ambition, what spirit of recklessness induced 
Peng Teh-huai suddenly to switch from Mao’s policy of guerilla 
warfare to a blitzkrieg attempt? Mao had written in On Pro- 
tracted War.'f ‘Our strategy should be to employ our main forces 
in mobile warfare over an extended shifting and indefinite front, 

* This represented a form of corruption of the Red Army whicli Mao 
strenuously denounced. 

f May 1938. Schrtcil Works, vol. II. 



a strategy ... featured by swift attack and withdrawal, swift 
concentration and dispersal. Wc must avoid great decisive 
battles in the early stages of the war, and must first employ 
mobile warfare gradually to break the morale, the fighting spirit, 
and the military efficiency of the living forces of the enemy.’ The 
Hundred Regiments offensive was precisely the contrary. 

Perhaps irritation at the elusive, slow attrition of guerilla 
methods, a desire to do some real fighting’, to ‘test Japanese 
strength’ led to the decision which was taken by Peng without the 
approval of Mao Tsetung.* It may also be that the offensive was 
stimulated by the new Japanese anti-guerilla strategy of 1939, in 
which blockhouses and trenches, moats and high walls along 
railway tracks and highways were built to blockade and break 
up the Comntunist base areas. 

On the night of August 20, 1940, 115 regiments of the Eighth 

Route Army attacked all the communication lines of the Japanese 

m North China. The railways were cut; the coal mine of Ching- 

hsing which the Japanese used was sabotaged; bridges and tunnels 

and railway stations were destroyed. Between August and 

December 20,000 Japanese and 18,000 puppet troops were put 

out of action, more than 300 miles of railway lines destroyed, 281 
Japanese officers captured. 

In retaliation the Japanese then started their scorched earth 

P , behind Japanese lines were reduced by 

alf in size and population ; hardly a village was left standing in 
certain districts. The savagery and terror of the Japanese attacks 
were unprecedented, and the severe blockade of Yenan by the 
Japanese which ensued almost crippled the Red regime. Only 
through the Production Drive launched by Mao was Yenan saved. 

The massacre of the New Fourth Army by Chiang Kai-shek’s 
military commanders occurred in January 1941. Chiang had 
ordered the New Fourth Army, which he also accused of ex- 
panding, to move and cross the river northward; Hsiang Ying 

nni Hundred Regiments offensive 

might ha^^bem Ch'’ ^ approved by ‘someone’ in the Pobtburo. This 

offf^ve wasT^hnvT as secretary-general. The Hundred Regiments 

tration of a suneH of attacks all over the place’ instead of the ‘concen- 

P or force to annihilate a weaker enemy, as Mao’s tactics indicated. 



obeyed Chiang’s orders, sending the bulk of the troops north, 
leaving only 4,000 troops, 3,000 pohtical workers, 2,000 medical 
personnel and their families, at headquarters. It was while this 
contingent of about 10,000 was leaving headquarters, inade- 
quately protected, that it was attacked by 40,000 Kuomintang 
troops. Nine thousand Communists perished in a battle lasting 
about ten days, Hsiang Ying among them. 

On January 17, 1941, the Kuomintang government in Chung- 
king announced the dissolution of the New Fourth Army for 
‘breach of military discipline*. A wave of terror began; non- 
Communist progressives fled, liaison offices of the united front 
were closed; flare-ups between troops took place almost every- 
where; it looked as if Chiang would start another ‘1927* massacre 
... But Mao stuck to his united front pohcy, though criticizing 
the Kuomintang and castigating the action taken, which he said 
had been incited by ‘the pro-Japanese chque’ whose ‘towering 
crimes* would be condemned by all. He did not forgo the united 
front, in spite of divided opinion within the CCP. Had he yielded, 
it would have been easier for Cloiang to mount a large-scale 
assault on Yenan, at that moment seriously enfeebled by the 

Such was the indignation throughout China at this action, 
public opinion condemned Chiang so strongly, so much sym- 
pathy went to the Communists, that Chiang became uneasy. 
Even Western newsmen and diplomats criticized Chiang Kai- 
shek. Mao called on Chiang to ‘rein in on the brink of the 
precipice and stop your provocations*, asked once again for 
democratic freedom for the people. 

In a way, the Japanese-Chiang attacks created the conditions 
necessary for the success of the Production Drive and its con- 
comitant mental and educational campaigns; otherwise the 
incentives to arouse the people might have been lacking. Even 
without these attacks, a pattern of material and spiritual mobiliza- 
tion was essential to make cadres accept the hardships an 
discipline which in turn moulded them into good Party members. 

By 1943, after two gruelling years of blockade, the Production 
Drive had saved Yenan and the bases; the Red Army was stronger 



than ever; all loss of territory had been made good, and further 
territory liberated from the Japanese, who now could no longer 
maintain so many troops to garrison the vast territory, since they 
were engaged in war in Southeast Asia after the Pearl Harbour 
attack in December 1941. By 1945, ten years after the end of the 
Long March and Mao’s arrival in North Shensi with 7,000 
ragged men, there were 19 Red bases in 9 provinces, and the 
population under Communist administration was around 100 
million people. Mao’s ‘struggle and alliance’ policies within the 
united front, his economic, political and military leadership, 
were vindicated. 


Mao Tsetung: 

The Man and the Teacher in Yenan 

Mao is not an enigma. He is a fullness, a nation man, incarnating 
his epoch and people. The Revolution made Mao as much as Mao 
made the Revolution. The life of Mao is not only his life but also 
the representation of a period in China; of this Mao has always 
been conscious. He is a man of many contradictions: a classics 
scholar who swears and spits like a peasant; a health addict who 
keeps on chain-smoking; a being full of humour and fun who is 
deadly serious, candid and shrewd, naive and nobody’s fool, 
simple and complicated, scrutinizing and meticulous yet forgetful 
and negligent of personal attire; patient with the patience of a 
history maker, yet who will not brook a minute’s delay when the 
time has come to act. 

Ten thousand years are too long, 

Seize the day, the hour! 

In Juichin and in Yenan, Mao Tsetung continued to call on 
peasants. He would squat by the roadside with them, or sit under 
a tree, and converse for hours, or walk with them talking and 
waving his arms.* And at no time was he more himself than 
when, completely unselfconscious, he listened attentively, soaking 
in knowledge. 

By 1935 Mao’s life had become so imbricated with the Chinese 
Revolution that it is impossible to separate them; he is so much of 
a piece with his work, what he thinks and does is so much the 
Revolution, that to dissect him from history is to lose the di- 
mension of history as well as to thin the man to a shade. The 
Revolution was his bone and flesh and blood, brain and power 

* Interview with Chen Chang-fong, Mao s orderly, 197^* 


33- Last days of the Kuoniintnng. Above, street scene in Nanking as the Nationalist 

government fled. Below, a bank rush in Shanghai 

34 - Mao Tsctung proclaims the 
People’s Republic of China, Peking, 
October i, 1949. Next to him is Chen 
Yi; at far right, Chou En-Iai 

35. The People’s Liberation Army 
arrives in Nanking, April 1949 

37- Mao Tsctung with Uulgatiin and Stalin in Moscow in the winter of 1949-1950 

38. General Wu Hsiu-chuan and (extreme left, behind him) Chiao Kuan-hua of 
the People’s Republic of China at the United Nations, November 27, 1950. In the centre, 
Kenneth Younger, United Kingdom; right, John Foster Dulles, United States 


MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 417 

and reason for living. Edgar Snow had already observed, not 
only in Mao but in other revolutionaries, that childhood memories 
were about ‘I’, but when revolutionary fervour took hold it was 
‘we’, and ordinary feelings, sentiments, details of personal life 
became faint, colourless, effaced from memory, in the passionate 
common enterprise which was life, all life. ‘We think and cat and 
drink and sleep revolution,’ a dedicated revolutionary said. 
‘This is a world genius, he will change the world,’ Norman 
Bethune had said after meeting Mao Tsetung.* His ability to 
transport others into his own realm of vision was part of his 
charisma as a leader. 

Snow described Mao in 1936 as a ‘gaunt, rather Lincolnesque 
figure’. His thick black hair had grown long, but after 1940 he 
seems to have worn it much shorter — the same time he started 
putting on weight. He had large, searching eyes — his best 
feature — and ‘an intellectual face of great shrewdness ... The 
story of Mao’s life was a rich cross-section of a whole generation, 
an important guide to understanding the sources of action in 

Snow, like so many others, was aware of Mao’s personal 
magnetism, ‘a solid elemental vitality ... the uncanny degree to 
which he synthesized and expressed the urgent demands of 
millions of Chinese ... the simplicity and naturalness of the 
Chinese peasant, with a lively sense of humour and a love of rustic 
laughter. His laughter was even active on the subject of himself 
and the shortcomings of the soviets ... He was plain-speaking 
and plain-living ... he combined curious qualities of naivete with 
incisive wit and worldly sophistication ... An omnivorous reader, 
a deep student of philosophy and history, a good speaker, a man 
with an unusual memory and extraordinary powers of con- 
centration, an able writer, careless in his personal habits and 
appearance but astonishingly meticulous about details of duty, a 

man of tireless energy, a military and political strategist of 
considerable genius.’ 

Though he could be uncommonly patient, Mao could also 
expose to merciless ridicule those ‘leaders’ in the Party who, with 

* Papers of Dr Norman Bethune, seen by the author in Sian, 1971. 



arrogance and the use of slogans, overawed and misled the run of 
devoted Party cadres, ‘the little ones’. He could rage and curse, 
and yet patiently explain, over and over again, the same things. 
He would never relent against ideological deviations, yet would 
work for years with his enemies and get the better of them in the 

There are many photographs of Mao, in patched trousers, 
worn and baggy jackets, pockets always deformed by books and 
papers. There are also many reminiscences of interviews with 
him, of their length —sometimes lasting all night, of Mao’s 
untiring passion for explanation down to the last detail. He would 
join in the fun of parties, laugh at theatricals, in photographs he 
has a habit o£fwt trying to occupy the centre of the picture. Anna 
Louise Strong has left us a charming word picture of Mao dancing 
to a timing of his own — he is not a good dancer— of children 
running in and out of his cave while he worked. There is a kind 
of childish, impish gaiety about Mao, but it can change into 
deadly seriousness in a second. 

Mao’s political intelligence explains his command of the 
Communist Party, but not the real affection in which he is held 
by the men of the Army and the country people, wrote Edgar 
Snow. In speaking, he has a way of presen ting a most complicated 
subject so that even the uneducated man can seem to understand 
it. He never talks above the heads of his audience but he never 
talks down to them either. There is a real flow of intimacy 
between him and the people. He always seems to be in contact. 

By 1940, a little more portly (no longer on starvation diet), his 
hair clipped short, he was still the mixture of peasant and intel- 
lectual, the unusual combination of real political shrewdness and 
earthy common sense, full of homely idioms and instances 
suddenly flashing into classic poetry; still the student of world 
events and the political analyst, hungry for knowledge. Mao can 
rarely speak long without making a wisecrack or an epigram and 
he seems to maintain his leadership by winning all the arguments. 
He is very well read and an accomplished dialectician in debate. 
He has an interesting technique. He seldom makes a fronta 
attack against opposition. He delivers a blow here, another there, 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 419 

he outflanks his opponents’ case, he breaks down its defences one 
by one, until gradually he has it completely encompassed and it 
falls apart before a last witticism, or a telling stroke of logic. 
He has a lively imagination. ‘I remember once seeing him laugh 
till he wept when somebody described to him a comedy he had 
seen in Shanghai. It was an American movie — Charlie Chaplin 
in Modern Times," writes Snow. 

Mao’s sense of humour is dialectical; he sees the obverse of any 
situation at once, and it is this which colours his language as it 
shapes his policies. It is sometimes outrageous humour; and 
though he hates to kill, he is lethal in mockery. And since he 
likes to keep his opponents about, active and in positions of 
usefulness (even if circumscribed in the harm they might do), 
life must be unpleasant to those who, brought up in the old 
traditions, have an inordinate amount of ‘face’ and prefer death 
to being gibed at. But this is the peasant in Mao. The countryside 
is thus made; the village has its appointed characters; as if it 
needed them in a play, to act their roles; and for Mao there must 
be ‘negative characters’ whose failings and errors are a reminder 
of the ‘wrong lines’. He is not afraid to be disliked or hated. And 
although he has very sensitive, quick feelings and emotions, and 
especially a deep sense of friendship, yet when he despises some- 
one it shows all the way through and all the time. 

Has Mao no defects? Has he never made mistakes? He has the 
defects attendant upon his qualities. He is absolutely ruthless 
because he is dedicated, and absolutely convinced that he can 
convince by logic, which is not always true. He has made mis- 
takes; he will say that at Chingkangshan the land law he passed 
was too harsh and had to be modified, that often he spoke too 
hastily, though never behind people’s backs; and that, perhaps, 
he too often trusted others, thinking they were, as himself, 
animated by the singleness of one passion. But hard though we 
try, we cannot fault him in his grand design, and since his grand 
design is nearly all of himself, there is little else left to fault. 

Mao is also, or rather, uniquely, an artist, an artist of Revolu- 
tion, with the daemonic urge, the pitilessness towards self and 
towards others of the artist. As a sculptor moulds stone or clay, 



Mao moulded Revolution, working in that perpetual ecstasy 
which forgetting self can bring forth new beauty. More than his 
poems, his prose stands high in its excellence, a great clearness. 
His works of politics are works of art. Yet the man Mao existed 
also, with his child’s laughter, and his keen need of friends, and 
never more than in Yenan. It was in Yenan, also, that Mao fell in 
love again. 

Among the artists and intellectuals from the big cities who came 
to Yenan was an actress named Lan Ping (a pseudonym). Lan 
Ping’s family name was Li. She had become a Communist Party 
member in 1933 and she acted in patriotic plays, refusing well- 
paid films, going against the Kuomintang government ban on 
anti-Japanese demonstrations in the theatre. Lan Ping came to 
Yenan in 1937 and taught dramatic art at the Lu Hsun Art 
Academy; she joined the propaganda teams sent out to various 
parts of the countryside to put on plays for the peasantry, and she 
did research in the archives of the Military Commission. 

It was at Yenan that Mao Tsetung met her. It may have been at 
the Lu Hsun Art Academy — Mao went there quite frequently. 
Mao’s intense interest in plays, concerts, even dances, in the 
sober Yenan society ‘where he sat inconspicuously among others, 
enjoying himself hugely’, in literature, poetry, good conversation, 
was of course matched by an intense interest in writers, poets and 
artists, especially his interest in women writers, women artists who 
emancipated themselves, as he felt they had struggled hard 
against the tradition that ‘actresses are all of ill-repute . The 
relation of art and literature to moulding public opinion, as he 
had seen it in the May 4th movement, explains the importance 
he attached to these activities, as a writer and a revolutionary. 
In the Sinicization of Marxism-Leninism, which was what Mao 

performed at Yenan, art and literature too would serve the 
people, not copy ‘foreign stereotypes’. Art and literature had no 
justification in being except to serve the revolutionary cause; the 
bearers of culture must serve the policies that serve the people. 
It was in one of these sessions that Mao met the beautiful Lan 

Ping, who fully understood him, and it was on this common 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 421 

ground of art to serve the people that they fell in love. The name 
Chiang Ching, which is Madame Mao*s present name, was the 
name she took after reaching Yenan; some say Mao gave it to 

Mao’s previous wife, Ho Tzu-chen, had been married to Mao 
in Kiangsi in 1931. She and Mao were divorced in 1938, and Mao 
Tsetung married Chiang Ching in April 1939, a marriage which 
evoked a good deal of criticism and opposition among some 
Party members; it was also made the excuse for political attacks. 
But the marriage gave Mao great happiness and a deeper under- 
standing of the problems of art and literature. Chiang Ching was 
to exercise in this sphere an abiding influence. Even though her 
name was not mentioned prominently for many years, and in 
fact she appeared to have entirely withdrawn from any public 
role, she has worked throughout to fulfil in the realm of art and 
literature the ideas of her husband, and carried out investigations 
and research in theatre techniques, as well as doing political work 
among artists for many years. 

Above all Mao is a teacher. It is as a ‘teacher’, educating a party, 
educating an army, educating a whole people, that he dominates 
the Yenan scene and that his own personality is determined. It is 
his adapting of Communism to China, to a ‘land of millet and 
rifles’, which overshadows all other aspects of Mao. ‘All I ever 
wanted to be was a teacher,’ Mao Tsetung said to his friend the 
American writer Edgar Snow in 1971. ‘I do not like to hear all 
this great business, about being a great leader, great helmsman.’* 
He had done all he could to take away the ‘personality cult’ built 
around him during the GPCR. ‘All I ever wanted to do really 
was to teach.’ At the Ninth Congress of the CCP in April 1969 
he had looked, with that little smile he has when making a joke, 
at the chests of the delegates presented to him, each one adorned 
with a medal representing him, and then he had said, ‘Give me 
back my aeroplanes’ — meaning that too much metal had gone into 
these badges of loyalty. Perhaps, as they waved the little Red 
book, he wondered how much teaching they still needed, won- 
dered how many hearts, beneath those medals, were truly given 

* interview by the author with Edgar Snow, June 1971. 



to this great passion which had taken all he had, made him what 
he is. 

Mao’s philosophical texts, written in Yenan, On Practice and On 
Contradiction, are today Marxist classics, studied and read by every 
person in China, not counting millions outside China. Thirty- 
two years later, peasants and workers now literate apply the 
dialectics learned by reading Mao to their work. They learn to 
think like Mao’. And this embedding of dialectical materialism 
into the Chinese ethos is changing the Chinese mentality. From 
irrational, unscientific, feudal consciousness to the use of a 
scientific approach to phenomena is a thousand years’ leap in the 
history of man’s maturation of spirit. Scientific thought also 
means a new balance, new ethics, a new equilibrium of being.* 
Professor Joseph Needham of Cambridge University has recently 
commented^ on the ‘extraordinary development of Marxist 
doctrine’ in China into a ‘moral science’, thus ‘tying the building 
of socialism to the Chinese concept of individual virtue’. 

Nothing is born but of necessity. It was the necessity of creating 
a party and an army for the Revolution, and the dearth and 
penury of the Yenan base, which decided Mao to rewrite, in a 
form accessible and luminous, illustrated by Chinese examples, 
the basic theories of dialectics and the theory of knowledge.^: 

It was his long and painful apprenticeship in the Revolution which 
gave him the rich practical experience and taught him how to 

The first requirement was for Party members to become 
educated in dialectics, in Marxism-Leninism. But how could 
this be done? In previous years Li Li-san and Wang Ming had both 
sneered, ‘How can there be Marxism in the savage mountains? — 
thus reserving unto themselves all wisdom and science. True, it 
was hard to believe that illiterate peasants and workers would 

* Sec Social Transfonnation in China: Han Suyin in Contemporary China (New 
York, 1966). 

t China (issued by Society for Aiiglo-Chinese Understanding, London), 
November-Dccember 1970. 

$ As Mao explained to Edgar Snow in an interview in 1965* Interview of Snow 
by author, 1969. 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 423 

grasp the ‘complicated’ philosophy of dialectical materialism. 
Who would interpret and teach them the monumental works of 
Marx, of Lenin, as a livitjg philosophy, a code of doing and 
thinking immediately apprehended, something that would make 
the heart respond and ‘rub the eyes clean’? And how would 
they understand them and translate them into deeds without 
long years of education? And with all the restrictions of the 
material necessities, with all the fighting to do, where would they 
have the time for all this reading? Yet this was an absolute necessity 
for the Revolution. The contempt of the intellectuals for the 
uneducated was due to their own profound alienation from 
Chinese reality — perhaps they themselves did not realize their 
own basic repugnance to being with their own peasantry. But 
Mao had retained his strong life roots in peasant earth, merged 
and integrated with the peasant masses, admired their wisdom, 
yet at the same time he had become a scholar, a classicist, able to 
understand the complex subtleties of philosophy. He had grasped 
and used the science of dialectics as a living method, and found it 
worked; now he decided that he would teach this not by 
mechanically allotting texts out of Marx and Lenin to be read 
(which would confuse at least 90 per cent of his students) but by 
Sinicizing, acculturation, transplanting these ideas and giving 
them a Chinese shape and contour, illustrating them with 
examples culled from Chinese literature and history, making 
them accessible and understandable by a true living interpretation, 
retaining their integral essence but giving them a Chinese form. 
Sinicization. Adaptation. Not dogma, but guide to action. And 
this is true creation, requiring the highest intelligence, requiring 
passion, experience, artistry. This is the role of the teacher, to 
make the substance of knowledge living and understood. It can 
only be done if the teacher himself knows his material thoroughly 
and this could only be done by Mao, because he had, by 1936, 
fifteen years of practice in the Chinese Revolution. Because he 
had been with and of the Revolution every day and every hour 
of his life. And so Mao would never teach by rote, his language 
lofty and hermetic; this in itself was against Marxism, which 
to be the philosophy of the masses must be understood and 



practised by the masses. Alarxist philosophy was for the masses 
to live by, to live with, to transform the world; not for a dilettante 
elite to debate and give lofty commands. 

To apply Marxism concretely in China so that its every 

manifestation has an indubitably Chinese character becomes a 

problem which it is urgent for the whole Party to understand and 

solve. Foreign stereotypes must be replaced by the fresh, lively 

Chinese style and spirit which the common people of China 

The prospects were daunting. A low level of literacy; not more 
than 5 per cent of the recruits for cadres and army were even 
barely able to read and write in 193^- There was a lack of teachers, 
of books, of translations and translators for Russian texts, and 
almost no paper at all. Mao had seen, often he had noted, puzzle- 
ment and bewilderment among cadres ‘taught’ Marxism- 
Leninism by the Party elite; the cultural background was so 
totally different that they felt lost.* Mao knew well by now that 
very few Party members, even the Moscow trainees, really 
knew what they were talking about. Did they not thus often 

confuse and mislead those they were supposed to enlighten and to 

And so Mao had not waited. As soon as he arrived in Yenan, he 
had started writing his teaching textbooks, both philosophical and 
military, a way of thinking and a way of doing. ‘Think, think, think 
hard, use your own head.’ As he had written, ‘No investigation, 
no right to speak,’ he now showed how knowledge is acquired. 
He taught the Art of Thought and the Art of War. 

‘Mao was an ardent student of philosophy,’ Snow writes. 
‘Once ... a visitor brought him several new books on philosophy 
. . . He consumed those books in three or four nights of intensive 
reading, during which he seemed oblivious to everything else ... 
Mao worked thirteen or fourteen hours a day, often until very 
late at night, frequently retiring at two or three.’ He worked 

* Not only in 1937. Even fairly recently, in interviews with cadres, the author 
was told how few of them had really been able to master concepts of Hegel, 
Feuerbach, and Marx, ‘but when we first read Chairman Mao’s texts, then they 
became easy for us to grasp*. This acculturation problem still remains; it is only 
now being bridged by a thorough education process. 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 425 

as all creators do, with complete absorption, in a frenzy. /Mao’s 
orderly, Chai Tso-chun, tells how his famous essay On Protracted 
War was written in 1938. For the first two days Mao did not 
sleep at all, even forgetting to eat, wiping his face from time to 
time with a moist towel. On the fifth day he was thinner, his 
eyes bloodshot, but went on writing. On the seventh day he was 
so engrossed that he did not notice the charcoal fire had burned 
a hole in his cloth shoes until his toes felt the pain. On the ninth 
day he had finished/ 

It was at Kangta,* the famous anti-Japanese university for 
cadres, both ‘civil’ and ‘military’ — in Yenan days these were 
interchangeable— that Mao delivered his lectures. Kangta was 
set up in January 1936 directly under the Politburo; Lin Piao 
became its director at the age of twenty-nine. Mao paid very 
great attention to Kangta, for it was to be ‘a great nursery’ for 
cadres. One hundred thousand of them would be trained at 
Kangta and its branch universities in the next seven years. 

‘The educational policy of the college is to cultivate a firm and 
correct political orientation, an industrious and simple style of 
work, and flexible strategy and tactics. These are the three 
essentials in the making of an anti-Japanese revolutionary soldier. 
It is in accordance with these essentials that the staff teach, and the 
students study.’ Mao wrote the Kangta motto: ‘United, alert, 
earnest and lively’. 

The recruiting for Kangta was done by posters; all who wanted 
to fight Japanese imperialism and were primary school graduates 
were eligible. The entrance examination was on health, cultural 
level, and political ‘seriousness’. Automatically admitted to 
Kangta were activists, leaders in mass struggle — such as peasant 
leaders in land reform — and others sent by the Party from the 
far-flung bases. A good many students and intellectuals from the 
White (Kuomintang-controlled) areas also entered Kangta after 


In the second semester of 1936, 1,063 cadres for the Army were 
formed at Kangta, and 2,764 in the first semester of 1937. From 
August 1937 to March 1938, 1,272 cadres for the Army came from 

* See page 357. 



Kangta. At the end of 1937 ^he rush of intellectuals, professors and 

students from the White areas and the Japanese-occupied areas 

towards Yenan altered the student composition. At the same 

time as it gave a boost to the educational level of the cadres, it 

introduced other problems, both of political fitness and of 

relations among the cadres themselves. The increase in numbers 

led to the creation of several other academic institutions in 

Yenan, and to eleven branches of the original Kangta in other 

From May to December 1938, 5>5^2. young intellectuals were 
admitted to Kangta, and in 1939 4,900. By 1939 the students 
came from all regions of China, and there were also some over- 
seas Chinese. In i 942 > i 943 » however, because of changes due 

to the Rectification movement,* the students admitted were 
chiefly lower-level cadres of the Eighth Route Army whose 
class origin was of the poor and lower middle peasantry; soldiers 
and workers; in other words, the intake from intellectuals then 
in Yenan was cut down to permit workers and peasants to enter. 
The interest of this move lies in the fact that access to responsible 
posts was thus opened to many more toilers. 

In language cogent and apt, Mao taught at Kangta his 
philosophical essays On Practice and On Contradiction, beginning in 
July and August of 1936. Certain scholars, put off by Mao*s 
total accessibility, insist that On Practice and On Contradiction are 
‘simplistic’ and ‘mediocre’. They are actually masterpieces of 
compression and clearness. Mao’s aim was to popularize, so that 
philosophy should become ‘a sharp tool’ in the hands of the 
working people, the masses, following Marx, who had said that 
philosophy must get out of its lofty abode in universities for the 
elite and must be understood and used by the working people. 
But in doing so, Mao actually enlarged and developed the 
concept of contradiction, and there is nothing simplistic in his 
genial rewriting of the science of dialectical thinking in ‘the 
fresh, lively Chinese style and spirit which the common people 
of China love’, with an abundance of examples from Chinese 
tales and poems and classics. Mao quotes Dimitrov; ‘The masses 

* See the next chapter. 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 427 

cannot assimilate our decisions unless we learn to speak the 
language which the masses understand.’ Communism, to vindicate 
itself, must be a creative way of life, practised by the vast majority 
of the people, who must think dialectically, must be able to use 
these scientific ‘Marxist-Lcninist’ concepts naturally, spon- 
taneously. They must not be like Wang Ming ... ‘When many 
scholars of Marxism-Leninism speak, they must talk about Greece 
... They are not ashamed but proud when they understand very 
little or nothing about their own history ... For the past few 
decades, many returned students have been making tliis mistake . . . 
all they know is to recite a stock of undigested foreign phrases ... 
They function as phonographs but forget their own responsibility 
to create something new* (Author’s italics.) ‘... No dishonesty or 
conceit whatsoever is permissible ... [for] this process [of changing 
the world] has already reached a historic moment in the world and 
in China ... The epoch of world Communism will be reached 
when all mankind voluntarily and consciously changes itself and 
the world.’* Mao was himself changed by that changing world, 
and in turn helped to push forward the wheel of history by adding 
to man’s consciousness, by teaching how to think, teaching 
others to change themselves. It is indeed remarkable that Mao had 
already apprehended that all mankind had already reached the 
threshold of a new era in raised consciousness, of which we see 
today many obvious manifestations. 

Mao always considered On Practice a more important essay than 
On Contradiction, unlike Western scholars, who by now have 
written a good deal about On Contradictioti but have somewhat 
ignored On Practice. Yet On Practice is ‘a mighty ideological 
weapon in knowledge and transformation of the world’. It was 
delivered in about two hours of lectures when it had ‘taken 
weeks to write’. It was entitled On the Relation Between Know- 
ledge and Practice, Between Knowing and Doing. 

On Practice was a refutation of the kind of Marxism-Leninism 
which was being taught to the cadres by some of the ‘returned 

* In i960 Mao told Edgar Snow that it was because of the need of the Party 
that he had written his essays combining the essentials of Marxism with concrete 
and everyday Chinese examples. 



students’. ‘There used to be a number of comrades in our Party 
who were dogmatists and ... rejected the experience of the 
Chinese Revolution, denying the truth that “Marxism is not a 
dogma but a guide to action” and overawing people with words 
and phrases from Marxist works torn out of context.’* 

‘Renegades like Wang Ming ... who refused to study the 
experience of the Chinese Revolution in the light of the universal 
truth of Marxism-Leninism . . . and overawed people with terms 
and expression from Marxist-Leninist works.’ There were others 
in the Party who were ‘empiricists’, did not understand theory, or 
were impatient with it, saying: ‘We’ve fought our way through 
the Revolution, we know enough.’ 

The refutation of apriorism is the fundamental thesis which Mao 
explains in On Practice. There is no spontaneous generation of 
thought, as there is no spontaneous generation of life; yet 
philosophical schools still assumed (in China, also in the West) 
that abstraction can show the process of cognition, judgment 
and inference, The dependence of rational knowledge upon 
perceptual knowledge, or the discovery of truth and reality 
through experiment and practice, was extremely important for 
the basis of scientific thinking; Mao was fighting against a solidly 
anchored tradition of classic philosophy through this simple 
essay; he was wrestling against feudal apriorism as well as modem 

‘Discover the truth through practice, and again through ' 
practice verify and develop the truth ... In endless cycles, with 
each cycle content of practice and knowledge rising, such is the 
whole of the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge.’ 

Mao Tsetung defined the content of practice for a revolutionary, 
and his definition has not been changed since 19371 his three 
criteria of ‘practice in production, practice in revolutionary (class) 
struggle, and practice in scientific experiment’ are the framework 
within which a revolutionary acquires his being as a revolutionary. 
To practise is to apply, to transform, to remould one’s ‘world 
outlook through practice’. The manner in which it is done is 

* See Selected Works, vol. I, for both On Practice and On Contradiction and for 
the above quotations from the explanatory backnotes. 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 429 

Mao’s developmental application to the concrete object of the 
Chinese Revolution and to the target of self, for self must also be 
revolutionized by revolution. 

Theory depends on practice; it is inconceivable, said Mao, that 
it should not be measured and checked by practice; in turn, theory 
changes practice, changes methodology. Thus occurs transforma- 
tion and acquisition of more knowledge. There is no inborn 
‘wisdom’ or ‘stupidity’; no knowledge precedent to material 
experience; no competence before practical doing. ‘The move- 
ment of change in the world of objective reality is never-ending 
and so is man’s cognition of truth through practice. Marxism- 
Leninism has in no way exhausted truth but ceaselessly opens 
up roads to the knowledge of truth in the course of practice. 
Our conclusion is the concrete, historical unity of the subjective 
and the objective, of theory and practice, of knowing and 

On Contradiction was two lectures given by Mao in August 
1937, and follows On Practice naturally. It is more attractive, 
particularly to intellectuals, but Mao is probably right to consider 
On Practice more important from the point of view of changing 
methods of work and study and cadre training, for it is basic in 
its rejection of idealism and apriorism, and psychologically 
essential, given the traditional Chinese respect for abstract pro- 
nouncements and ‘traditional wisdom’. It was paramount in 
encouraging questioning, instead of submissive acceptance. Mao 
wanted no blind obedience, no ‘docile tools’, but living, 
thinking cadres who live and think revolution, who are always 
asking, ‘why?’ 

Marx had stated that ‘labour is ... a process in which both man 
and nature participate ... in which man of his own accord starts, 
regulates, and controls the material reactions between himself and 
nature ... He opposes himself to nature as one of her own forces.’ 
We may surmise that the Long March was a tremendous practice 
in precisely this dialectic relation between man and nature. This 
interrelationship between man and nature, the essential contra- 
diction, opposition-unity theme, finds a ‘major extension’, says 
Dr S. B. NomolF of McGill University, Canada, ‘in Mao’s On 



Contradiction * This major extension is due, according to NomofF, 

to the creative synthesis of certain elements of Chinese thought 
with Marxism-Leninism. 

Because Mao understood the importance of the relation of 
cultural background to cognition, he chose most of his examples 
from ancient Chinese history and tales. ‘There were numerous 
examples of materialist dialectics in The Water Margin, in Sun 
Tze s Art of War. When Mao lectured on contradiction in 
Yenan, he also took examples from the famous novel the Red 
Chamber Dream.f Mao’s view of truth as non-static, non-absolute, 
determined by world outlook’, by class consciousness, contains 
in its pursuit of reality a determination of unending practice and 
experimentation, unfolding new discoveries. 

of opposites was translated by Mao as *one divides 
into two , a term borrowed from Taoism, fundamental to 
Chinese thinking, and easily grasped by the ordinary man. As a 
method of analysis, one divides into two’ becomes immediately 
applicable by the Chinese millions. But whereas Taoism teaches 
non-action as equivalent to action, Mao refuses the ‘harmony’ 
concept, which had proved so stunting to Chinese scientific 
development. In dialectical materiahsm the universality of 
contradiction is the fundamental law of nature; Mao made it 
possible, by employing the sentence ‘one divides into two’, to 
have this concept assimilated, both intellectually and emotionally, 
by millions of people who would have been unable otherwise to 
conceptualize the ujiity of opposites’. The phrase has now become 
so familiar that it is heard every day, even from children. 

The flux of change, perceptible or imperceptible to human 
attention, is explained by the complementary nature of opposites, 

* China QM<jrfer/y, July-September 1964, p. 20. Captain Xavier Sallentin in his 
brilliant expose of studies on Chinese thought (Ecole Militairc, Paris, 1971) points 
out that Mao*s thinking is vindicated by die new discoveries of physics, of particle 
behaviour, and certain phenomena at the electron level in biology. The creative 
development of On Contradiction derives from the practice of the Chinese Revo- 
lution as well as from China’s processes of conceptualization which see all things 
as perpetually becoming (individual paper by Dr Nomolf in author’s possession, 
presented by Dr Nomoff to author in 1968). 
t Interview with cadre who heard Mao lecture. 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yrnan 431 

necessity for the development of contradiction, for a ‘becoming’. 
As Mao states, ‘each of the two aspects of a contradiction, in the 
process of development of tilings, regards its opposite aspect as the 
condition for its existence ... The contradictory aspects in every 
process exclude each other and arc opposed to each other/ 
Such contradictory aspects are contained without exception in 
‘the processes of all things’. But whereas in Chinese dialectical 
thinking before Mao the balance between opposites was presumed 
equal, thus leading to ‘harmony’ or confluence (the ‘fusion’ theme, 
the two merge into one’ thesis, a theme which Yang Hsien- 
chen,* an ideological opponent of Mao, was to teach in the 
1960s), Mao advances the postulate of the inherent inequality of 
the two aspects of a contradiction, an unbalanced state of opposites. 
Due to this ‘unevenness’, the perpetual state of ‘becoming’ is 
possible, the fields of force sliift, the structure of contradiction 

becomes more complex, and change, transformation, conversion 

Mao distinguishes between antagonistic and non-antagonistic 
particularities of contradiction; but he was to bring far more 
development to the distinction. The possibility of transformation 
from one type of contradiction into the other was to be further 
amplified by him in 1957 with another philosophic essay, On the 
Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People. 'f 

Since the opposites in a contradiction are unequal, non-identical, 
and variable in more than one aspect, facet, or relationship to each 
other, within one and the same contradiction there are a dominant 
or primary aspect and a number of secondary aspects, so that 

* Yang Hsien-chen was also one of the ‘twenty-eight Bolsheviks’. He was 
head of the publications department in the Comintern Far East bureau, and an 
accomplished Russian linguist. In 1936 he was in charge of translating Soviet 
works into Chinese. He may or may not have been in Yenan before 1945, but in 
1949 was in Peking, became head of the China philosophy association, and began 
delivering lectures on Marxism-Leninism. He was vice-president of the Marx- 
Lenin Institute for training leading Party cadres, then its president 1957-1964, 
and looked upon then as a ‘leading ideologue’, collecting some very high posts. 
His ideological opposition to Mao, and his refusal to place Mao’s works on the 
compulsory study programme of the institute, were revealed in the 1960s. 
t Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1957. 



opposites become actually a multiplicity of interrelated and 
shifting situation aspects. The resemblance to the living cell, and 
to the language of nuclear biology, becomes apt for describing this 
hooking and unhooking’ type of living relation within a 
contradiction. Mao thus not only broke away from the ‘harmony’ 
circle which fettered Chinese thought, but also from the ‘static 
absolute’ which hampered the study of contradiction in Russian 
thought. Mao has evolved contradiction from the ‘linear motion’ 
of ^X^estern dialectical thinking into a spiral route, forever 
open-ended , which provides a polyvalence of possibilities; the 
fluctuant and unequal positions of the aspects, principal or 

secondary, of a contradiction providing built-in flexibility for 
each situation.* 

Within a contradiction, opposites tend to transform into their 
own opposites when the contradiction is developed to the extreme, 
or ultimate, stage. This phenomenon oi conversion Mao expounds 
with homely precepts and proverbs (a good thing can become a 
bad thing) and examples from Chinese legends (he might also 
have drawn some of them from the Long March, which started 
as a ‘bad thing’ and became a memorable epic). 

Thus a subtle and intricate thought motion is made accessible 
step by step, by the process of always keeping it ‘open-ended’. 
There is no rigid, closed, hermetic circuit in Mao’s thinking. We 
know now through molecular biology that the living protein 
structure exhibits a natural disymmetry and therefore a ‘spin’, or 
sense of orientation or direction. Parity and complementarity are 
today revealed at the level of the atom, within the heart of 
elementary particles. The theory of fixed and immutable 
characteristics is negated; only the dialectic of contradiction can 
attempt to explain many a phenomenon in modern science, 
which no longer compartments energy, space, time. It is along 
these lines that Mao Tsetung proceeds in his extension of the 
theory of contradiction. His development thus also presumes anti- 
matter, the essential inequality of energy and its various types ;f 

* Sec S. B. NomofF in China Quarterly, July-Scptcmbcr 1964, p. 20. 

•f Captain Xavier Sallentin’s ‘Seminaires sur la logique de la pcnsec militairc 
chinoise’. Paper in author’s possession. Unpublished. 

MAO TSETUNG: man and teacher in YENAN 433 

and it is this ‘disequilibrium* or ‘inequality’ which is precisely the 
‘accident* giving rise to new phenomena. 

The ‘living application’ of such concepts to the growth of 
peanuts, planting of cotton, running of steelworks, problems of a 
university department, or how to fight a war may appear 
baffling to Western thinking, but in reality it is the wethod of 
analysis and synthesis (both of practical importance for the 
development of scientific thought and discovery) which has to 
be learned and applied at all levels, to all phenomena, and which is 
so remarkable. Mao set out to teach one quarter of humanity to 
think in a different way, a dialectic, scientific way, about every 
event, situation, or problem. 

Mao also spoke of the specific character (specificity) of con- 
tradiction; each required therefore its own specific treatment; 
each aspect also had its own particular features, again requiring a 
different approach. This meticulousness widens and deepens the 
philosophical themes, does away with mechanistic rigidity. There 
are also the ‘necessary given conditions’, matrix, or background, 
with their own knowledge component. Without knowledge of the 
matrix, the specific attributes of the developmental process could 
not be understood. 

The ‘war-peace’ situation is ideal ground for a study of contra- 
diction equations in all their intricacy and basic simplicity. Mao’s 
essays on war, on strategy and tactics, cannot be treated as 
purely military works; they are philosophical as well as military, 
grounded in the same dialectical process, in the same methodology 
of practice. The philosophic and military writings form a whole- 
ness; we cannot study the one without the other.* 

The military thinking of Mao Tsetung, which was the applica- 
tion of dialectics to war, was the decisive factor for victory in the 
Chinese Revolution. One cannot imagine any other way in which 

* The chief military writings of Mao, prepared also as lectures to be given in 
Yenan, were Problems of Strategy in China^s Revolutionary War (December 1936), 
Problems of Strategy in Guerilla War Against Japan (May 1938), On Protracted War 
(May 1938), Problems of War and Strategy (November 1938). His writings on 
military subjects actually began in Chingkangshan, but the Yenan lectures on the 

art of war are far more detailed and vastly comprehensive, since they take in a 
great deal of history as well. 



Victory might have been wrested from the matrix’ of Chinese 
conditions. Mao’s military writings have been studied far more 
extensively than his philosophical essays. In Algeria, the French 
Army studied Mao intensively to beat the Algerians and to 
reverse the situation; but they could not operate tliis conversion 
in the contradiction, because the matrix was utterly different, 
they lacked the essential components of the situation — above all, 
the Algerian people. 

Mao says himself that it was the three annihilation campaigns 
launched by Chiang Kai-shek against the Central Base at Juichin 
which taught him his strategy and tactics of war. But ultimately 
strategy and tactics also rest on philosophical concepts; there can 
be no learning by rote of such a science, unless one is a purely 
military expert, not a creator of strategy. The Red Army was by 
its very definition not purely a military but also a political 
instrument, whose aim was revolution. All strategy and tactics 
were conditioned and shaped by that goal. Hence politics in 
command was the fundamental reason for success; political 
leadership was essential for all enterprises. 

The war against Japan was not only a war, but an example of 
all revolutionary wars; for, said Mao, it was the class struggle 
under its form of national struggle for liberation, and all such 
wars are part of the world socialist revolution. 

‘War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions 
when they have developed to a certain stage ... War is the 
continuation of politics ... In this sense war is politics and war 
itself a political action, but war has its own particular character- 
istics and in this sense it cannot be equated with politics in 
general ... politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics 
with bloodshed.’ 

Because the study of the laws of war is a science and an art 
based on contradiction, the reality or matrix in which war occurs 
must be entirely understood; this means all political, economic, 
cultural, geographic and liistorical issues, the body of knowledge 
which focuses, delimits and determines the military aspect. The 
enemy’s knowledge, his aims, also form part of this matrix. To 
fight Chiang one had to know Chiang; the Art of War consists 

MAO TSETUNG: man and teacher in YENAN 435 

not in winning battles but in winning the revolutionary war. 

Revolutionary war, said Mao, is a defensive just war, never an 
aggressive, exploiting one. The moral issue -ethics -is of para- 
mount importance. The superiority of a just, defensive war over a 
war of aggression is undoubted; a people with justice on its side 
will have the support of others in the world, those who revolt 
against oppression. (And this revolt is inherent in man’s humanity.) 
There are, therefore, just wars and unjust ones. A just cause 
provides in itself a moral superiority. A people with justice on its 
side will not give up; hence the war is protracted. The aggressor 
would always prefer peaceful submission, but this is not available 
in a people s war. It is not weapons but man who in the final 
analysis decides the issue of the struggle, because the ifiitiatiue 
rests with the defence since it rests with the people engaged in 
revolutionary war. The more the masses understand about the 
war and know the enemy, the more initiative they will display. 
People s war is therefore long, protracted war, waged with all the 
elements of the situation, of which people, the masses, thoroughly 
mobilized, are the mainstay. 

Mao wrote and lectured copiously on strategic defensive, 
strategic retreat, and strategic counter-offensive; on the establish- 
ment of base areas, their relation to preceding guerilla zones, the 
consolidation and expansion of such bases, and the relationship 
between the three types of war: guerilla, mobile, positional. 
He wrote about the economics of a people’s war, the self-reliant, 
self-supporting army, its leadership and administrative duties. 

hi all his writings, it is the role of conscious activity, a thorough 
grasp of awareness, which Mao considered essential for victory, 
political or military. In this he also had to counter the sectarian 
i eology of the Russian-trained group, who spoke of ‘proletarian 
internationalism without reference to the concrete conditions. 
Mao s most illuminating remark on this subject may be again 
quoted: For a people being deprived of its national freedom, the 
revolutionary task is not immediate socialism but the struggle for 
independence. We cannot even discuss communism if we are 
robbed of a country in which to practise it.’* 

* Quoted by Edgar Snow, 1936. 



In 1946, when the Red armies were in the phase of the strategic 
defensive against Chiang, the preparation for going into the 
strategic offensive was intensive political mobilization, the mass 
line of education of the people, financial and economic measures, 
training of the Army and of the Party, study of the geographical 
and time elements, the build-up of bases in the countryside to 
achieve the countryside surrounding the cities’ principle. In this 
phase the mass line, achieved through land reform, was the chief 
condition for success. A.tid no elements of this phase could be skipped. 
Political and economic work took precedence over military 
battles; thus Mao was quite prepared to lose territory and abandon 
cities, because the chief thing was to economize manpower, to 
reassure it psychologically and save it physically, not to risk large 
losses in foolish onslaughts for empty Victories’. The enemy 
armies must be drawn, sucked into a whirlpool of dissident, 
hostile populations politically at one with the Red Army. Their 
very presence and actions aroused hostility and helped the Com- 
munist armies. This technique of making the enemy serve one’s 
own goal Mao would use over and over again.* 

Decision-making, and the laws of decision, are the paramount 
concern of the commander. These decisions must be fully 
understood by the rank and file and by all the people, as many as 
possible; they cannot be kept as secrets nursed only in the leaders’ 
minds. What appears to be defeat will then dishearten no one; 
what appears to be retreat will be a rest period safeguarding the 
precious elements of man; these decisions entail knowledge of the 
enemy’s mentality and of his type of decision-making. Decision- 
making based on the law of contradiction is also, in the final 
analysis, a collective phenomenon. 

The concept of the asymmetry of contradictions — *In any 
contradiction the development of the contradictory aspects is 
uneven’ — is basic. It is in war that the asymmetry between the 
two opposite aspects of a contradiction is most important for the 

* He also lectured on the ‘contradiction’ many times, illustrating his talks with 
ferociously funny (untranslatable) thumbnail sketches of Chiang’s stratagems for 
victory. See Edgar Snow, Battle for Asia (Random House, New York, 194 ^ > 
Gollancz, London, 1941, under the title Scorched Earth). 


outcome. This ‘uneven’ state (for instance, a large powerful state 
versus a small weak one) is not a guarantee that the larger, bettcr- 
equipped will win. ‘A small nation can certainly defeat a large one ; 
a weak country can certainly defeat a strong one,’ Mao was to say 
in 1970. The outcome depends on factors which can be roused and 
enhanced in effect, such as the humafi factor: resolution, will, 
conscious mobilization, thorough knowledge of the terrain, and 
time. An example of this is the Vietnam war. 

Mao studies the process of the conversion in contradiction as 
applied to war (‘In given conditions, each of the contradictory 
aspects within a thing transforms itself into its opposite, changes 
its position to that of the opposite’). This phenomenon of trans- 
formation of one aspect of a contradiction into its opposite is the 
meaning of identity. It is of the very essence of dialectics. ‘Dialectics 
... shows how opposites can be identical ... transforming them- 
selves into one another ... why the human mind should take these 
opposites not as dead, rigid, but as living, conditional, mobile,’ as 
Lenin said. This is crucial in a war situation; to understand the 
requisite action towards conversion is to hold the initiative. 
Mao himself would show this talent of knowing the right time 
when conversion’ would occur; politically he would show all his 
life this instinctive flair for seizing ‘the day, the hour*. 

This process of conversion cannot be done unless one distin- 

guishes the principal, or main, contradiction from the secondary. 
In the anti-Japanese war the principal contradiction was Japanese 
imperialism; hence a united front which included Chiang (but 
within well-defined limits) was the way of solving this principal 
contradiction. But in the civil war which was to follow, the 
principal contradiction was between the people of China, the 
overwhelming majority, and the Chiang Kai-shek regime, 
representing the compradore-capitalist class, sustained by United 
States imperialism. All other contradictions became secondary to 
this; and it was a matter, above all, of rallying as many of the 
people as possible to form the broadest defence against Chiang 
Kai-shek; hence another kind of united front. The contradiction 
between Chiang’s well-equipped and numerous troops with a 4-5 
to I superiority over the Red Army was more than made up by 


the morning deluge 

Communist training, political consciousness, dedication, and by 
poprdar support. Nevertheless, numerical and -sveapon advantage 
could not be underestimated, and the best way to tackle it- to 
convert tHs contradiction -had to be studied very carefully, 
^e method, adapted to the particular aspect of the contradiction 
(Chiang s forces), would be lightning attacks by concentrating 
mpenor forces to annihilate totally the weaker forces of the 
Kuo^tang, without waging pitched battles against superior 
numbers; tiring them out in pursuit; cutting off their food 

supplies; sabotage, and psychological disintegration; tactics 
dinerent from the guerilla war waged against Japan. 

Again speaking of reciprocal transformation* (conversion 
phenomenon) Mao wrote: ‘Some people think this is not true of 
certam contradictions. For instance, in the contradiction between 
the productive forces and the relations of production, the produc- 
tive forces are the principal aspect. This is the mechanical material- 
ist conception ... True the productive forces ... generally play 
the principal and decisive role; but in certain conditions, such 
aspects as the relations of production, theory and superstructure, 
in turn manifest themselves in the principal and decisive role. 
When it is impossible for the productive forces to develop ivithout a 
change in the relations of production, then the change in the relations of 
production plays the principal and decisive role ... W^hile we recognize 
that in the general development of history the material determines 
the mental, and social being determines social consciousness, we 
also ... and indeed must ... recognize the reaction of mental on 
material things, of social consciousness on social being, and of the super- 
structure on the economic base.^ (Author’s italics.) Tliis phrase is 
plangent with meaning; for it is the key to the whole process of 
cultural revolution (which is an idea transformation) as motive 
force for a material transformation (pushing the basic structures of 
revolution forward). 

It was this consciousness-matter and matter-consciousness 
duality, the question of voluntarism versus material circumstances, 
which would in Mao’s thinking become a most important 
factor for the solution of contradictions, for the advance of the 
Revolution. ‘Notliing in this world develops absolutely evenly; 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 439 

we must oppose the theory of even development or the 
theory of equilibrium/ wrote Mao. Thus he formally destroyed 
statism, the ‘harmony’ Taoist theory, and Confucianist tradi- 
tionalism, and opened a new era in thinking for the Chinese 

Another document penned by Mao must be studied in connection 
with his role as teacher— although all his output can be said to be 
teaching. It is On New Democracy. This is a socio-historical 
document which explains the continuity of the Chinese Revolu- 
tion and projects its process into the future. 

On New Democracy, written at the end of 1939, was designed to 
clarify the issues as to where the Coimnunist Party stood; to 
repudiate the Kuomintang attacks upon it as an ‘alien’ party ‘not 
following the principles of Sun Yatsen’; to answer the ‘left 
sectarians’ who wanted to break the united front with Chiang 
Kai-shek; to stop yet another assault upon Mao’s line from the 
Wang Ming group. For in 1940, the unrepentant Wang Ming 
again took action; he republished his pamphlet on The Two Lines 

in Yenan. He was still challenging Mao’s ideological leadership in 
the Party. 

We have already seen how strongly entrenched in the Party was 
the Wang Ming faction. By 1940 there had been an enormous 
expansion of the CCP. From the 40,000 members it had counted 
in 1935, it had grown to 200,000 in 1938; by the end of 1940 there 
were 800,000 members. 

That these new recruits knew absolutely nothing (or very 
little) of Party liistory, of the period antedating the Long March, 
is obvious. This brings us to the question of Mao’s real, actual 
authority and power with the Party hierarchy at the time. Every- 
one called him Chairman Mao ... but what was he chairman of? 
He was not chairman of the Border Government, nor of the 
Party Central Committee; he was chairman of the Military 
Council, and he was the top man in the Politburo but subordinate 
to the secretary-general of the Party, Chang Wen-tien. Hence, 
though unquestionably the outstanding personality in Yenan, 
he was bureaucratically speaking not in a position of overall 



power. This probably is the reason his lectures at the time were 
given little publicity. 

The influence of the opposition to Mao was especially pro- 
nounced in the area of press and publication, normally occupied 
by Party intellectuals or ideologues. Edgar Snow had remarked 
that although Mao was a classics scholar and a prodigiously 
intelligent man, he deliberately kept peasant habits. I have a 
feeling that Mao liked to shock arrogant scholars with a display of 
peasant forthrightness, and this informality was not always 
acceptable. He had been for some years making very forthright 
remarks on muddleheaded* and ‘sectarian’ members who 
overawed simple people. Everyone knew that an accounting on 
the ideological plane was due sooner or later. Liu Shao-chi, who 
also lectured at Kangta, in 1939 is reputed to have referred rather 
contemptuously to Oti Contradiction to the students there. ‘A 
little less talk of contradiction ... you should do a bit more work 
for the White areas,* was the gist of his remarks. On Contradiction 
was not published in Yenan, in fact not published officially until 
the 195OS. Mao was certainly not in control of the printing presses. 

When Oti New Democracy was published it was Violently 
criticized* by ultra-leftists in the Party. It was not welcome in 
Moscow either, because it introduced certain novel definitions, 
such as the concept of ‘new democracy*. 

In On New Democracy we find a very long and full explanation 
of what cultural revolution is. Already (January 1934) Mao had 
said, while in the Kiangsi base: ‘We have to practise a brand of 
democracy ... and we must wage the cultural revolution to arm 
the leaders of the masses of workers and peasants.* To look upon the 
process of a cultural revolution as capable of bringing forth new 
leadership from the masses was a tenet of Mao*s thinking on 

In the winter of 1939, Mao Tsetung and ‘several other comrades 
in Yenan’ had prepared a history textbook for the Party called The 
Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party. This was a 
history of China and a history of the Chinese Revolution. It 
already developed the theme, to be further expanded in On New 
Democracy, of a new democratic stage and a socialist stage; both 

MAO tsetung: man and teacher in yenan 441 

to be led by the Communist Party, ‘fully consolidated ideo- 
logically, politically and organizationally’. 

Anna Louise Strong tells of Mao’s giving her his script of The 
Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party to read. She 
says it circulated for ‘over ten years’ among Party members. It 
must have aroused, of course, a great deal of hostility from those 
who felt blamed in it for certain tragedies. To be thus pilloried in 
history is the most unpleasant thing for a Party member; even 
death sometimes seems preferable. 

Mao had started the newspaper The Communist in October 1939 
as an internal Party journal. In it he wrote: ‘How arc we to 
build up our Party today? The answer can be found by studying 
the Party’s history, by studying Party building in connection 
with the united front and with armed struggle ... To sum up our 
eighteen years of experience ... and to spread this experience 
through the Party, so that our Party becomes as solid as steel and 
avoids repeating past mistakes ... such is our task.’ Obviously 
the threat of a thorough ideological struggle was there. On 

New Democracy was part of the ideological education for such a 

In On New Democracy Mao wrote that the democratic revolu- 
tion in China no longer involved the old category of democracy as 
seen in the revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 
in Europe. ‘A semi-colonial country’s revolution is a revolution 
of a new type ... of new democratic type. Because [such revolu- 
tions] deny bases to imperialism, they are part of the socialist 
world revolution and not part of the bourgeois-type, old demo- 
cratic revolutions, as in the West. Politically, such a new demo- 
cratic revolution always represents a struggle by a united front of 
several revolutionary classes struggling against imperialism and its 
satellite classes within the country. It therefore adopts economic 
and social policies which differ from the old type.’ 

However, new democratic revolutions have an ambivalent 
aspect. They open the way to capitalism of a national type, because 
the national bourgeoisie in a semi-colonial country has some 
revolutionary traits and is also included in the united front. At 
the same time new democratic revolution creates conditions for 



socialism. It is therefore a crossroads stage; the issue has to be 
decided subsequently; the revolutionary party of the proletariat 
must understand this dual action and push on to socialism. 

In a new democratic republic (and Mao was to assert that the 
Yenan base and other Red bases already enjoyed a new democratic 
type of government) the economy is also new democratic, ‘so 
that private capital cannot control the livelihood of the people’. 
Big banks and big industrial and commercial enterprises are 
state-owned. But small-scale private ownership is allowed. 

Such a new democratic state is actually entirely in accordance 
with the Three Principles of Dr Sun Yatsen,* as embodied in the 
First Congress of the Kuomintang in 1924, which Mao had 
attended. ‘For sixteen years the Kuomintang has betrayed this 
declaration [of Dr Sun] and consequently created the grave 
national crisis of today.’ Thus neatly, Mao turned the tables on 
Chiang Kai-shek. It was the Communists who were practising 
the Three Principles of Sun Yatsen; they were the continuators 
of the revolution Sun Yatsen had begun. It was the section of the 
Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek which had betrayed Sun 
Yatsen ’s ideas. 

In his fundamental discussion of cultural revolution, Mao 
explains : ‘Since the May 4th movement ... a fresh and brand-new 
cultural force has appeared in China ... A great revolution has 
taken place in ideological content and in form, for instance in the 
style of the written language... A cultural revolution is the 
ideological reflection of the political and economic revolutions 
which it serves.’ The May 4th movement had been such a great 
cultural revolution — ‘There has never been . . . such a great and 
thorough-going cultural revolution since the dawn of Chinese 
history.’ A cultural revolution also has its stages; it is an inevitable 
accompaniment of the socio-political-economic revolution, and is 
essential for the continuing revolution. 

Mao explicitly states the necessity for assimilation of new 
material from other cultural sources. ‘The new democratic 
culture is national ... it bears the stamp of our national character- 
istics. It unites with the socialist and new democratic cultures 

* The Three New People’s Principles; see chapter 6, page 128. 

MAO TSETUNG: man and teacher in YENAN 443 

of all other nations and establishes with them the relations 
whereby they can absorb something from each other and help each 
other to develop ... China should assimilate from foreign 
progressive cultures ... We did not sufficiently do so in the past ... 
However, we must treat these foreign materials as we do our 
food ... separated into essence to be absorbed and waste matter to 
be discarded ... So-called “wholesale Westernization*’ is a 
mistaken viewpoint. China has suffered a great deal in the past 
from the formalist absorption of foreign things.’ 

Mao’s ‘teaching’ manner was very popular. ‘There was always 
much laughter.’ He was a brilliant speaker, interspersing his most 
serious political statements with anecdotes, proverbs, quotations. 
He would hold seininars for debate and discussion, encourage 
forums. Always accessible, he would spend all night explaining 
points which were unclear, and would be as fresh and lively at 
four in the morning as when he had begun twelve hours previously. 
But he heaped merciless taunts upon ‘formula Marxists’; he made 
every humble cadre feel intelligent, because he prodded him into 

The apprehension and ire of the ‘formula Marxists’ is under- 
standable. That Mao Tsetung should lecture on war was from 
their point of view bad enough; but that he should also lecture on 
Marxist philosophy was for them unbearable. Ideology is of 
supreme importance to a revolutionary party; the ideological 
hostility to Mao remained throughout these decades; the two-line 
s*^ruggle in the Party is never ended. Ideological authority does 
not mean unhampered exercise of power in the Party hierarchy. 
Mao had ‘ideological authority’ in Yenan, but only by constant 
and continuous struggle on the ideological level. This makes his 
contribution as teacher the more significant. He was able to 
exercise this role, to rebuild the Party and Army along the lines 
he set out to do, to Sinicize and adapt Marxism to the concrete 
Chinese environment, because of the tremendous popular appeal 
he had in spite of the opposition, and because he was so often 
proved right by events. 

The crisis within the Party, a crisis of ideological authority, 



once more gathered strength in 1941. It was to be resolved by the 
great Rectification campaign. 

Since 1938 Mao had hinted several times that a great ‘study* 
drive for Party building was essential. It was necessary to reorient, 
correct, strengthen and stabilize the Party, especially now that it 
showed overwhelming expansion and consequent defects. And 
it was also necessary to settle some unresolved ‘historical questions*, 
pending since Tsunyi. A great many intellectuals were now 
in Yenan. In December 1939 Mao had stated the Party’s need for 
intellectuals who serve the working class and the peasantry; 
without the participation of intellectuals, the Revolution cannot 
be victorious*. But though necessary, they brought problems — 
problems of suspicion from the older, seasoned cadres; resentment 
when they saw top jobs going to intellectuals; reluctance of 
intellectuals to rub shoulders with peasants and soldiers; oppor- 
tunism and careerism; infiltration by KMT agents. Intellectuals 
were almost all from the bourgeoisie; they were politically 
unseasoned. Mao’s long-nurtured project of a wholesale ‘teaching* 
or ‘rectification* movement became urgently necessary. As the 
shortages and material difficulties temporarily added to the 
disunity factors, the subsequent Production Drive also created 
the conditions in which rectification could occur. 

In June 1941 Hitler’s forces invaded the USSR. This at once 
cleared the confusion in Communist minds arising from Stalin’s 
non-aggression pacts with both Hitler and Japan — which Mao 
had defended. With the invasion of the Soviet Union by the 
Nazis, the resistance of the Chinese Communists and their 
war with Japan became extremely important to the USSR. 

This weakened the opposition to Mao in his own party. In 
December 1941 occurred Pearl Harbour. America was now in 
the war, and the China war theatre became of enhanced im- 
portance. The primary obsession of the Americans for the next 
three years would be how to keep Chiang Kai-shek from making 
an alliance with Japan. The Chinese Communist Party and Army 
were now recognized as of international significance and vital to 
free world interests. The United States signified to Chiang that 
it would not be happy if Chiang started another anti-Coinmunist 

MAO TSETUNG: man and teacher in YENAN 445 
onslaught like the one against the New Fourth Army in January 


Mao’s vision had now come true. Catapulted into world 
prominence as the main force pinning down Japanese armies, the 
Chinese Communist Party had to prove worthy of the next step: 
the conquest of power. And for this, a rectification movement in 
Mao’s view was essential. It was a total preparation of the Party for 
total victory; reorienting its attitude to the masses, reshaping 
its style of work, streamlining it, throwing out opportunists, 
enemy agents and other ‘undesirables’, quelling ‘factions’, and 
writing Party history. It was a tremendous political education 

To this Mao gave his attention for the next three years, preparing 
and then conducting the Rectification movement, the largest 
political teaching movement yet tried out, something that had 
not been done by any other Communist Party before. 

The Rectification Movement, 1941-1944 

The goal of the Rectification movement was plainly set down in a 
speech by Mao Tsetung: ‘How can we build up ... a Chinese 
Communist Party ... which is national in scale and has a broad 
mass character ... No political party can possibly lead a great 
revolutionary movement to victory unless it possesses revolutionary 
theory and a knowledge of history and has a profound grasp of the 
practical movement. We can put Marxism into practice only 
when it is integrated with the specific characteristics of our 
country and has acquired a definite national form.^ 

When Mao spoke of history, he meant not only the history of 
China; he meant the history of the Communist Party as well. 
This signified an all-out ideological struggle, pending since the 
Tsunyi conference. 

As a young man, Mao Tsetung had shown a relentless passion 
for getting to the bottom of any vexing question when he had 
firmly seized a teacher by the arm and pushed him into the 
school director’s office to argue out his case. Now he would put 
a stop to muddle-headedness and intrigue, inform the whole 
Party of past events, call to judgment those who had almost 
destroyed it, lay his case before history. He would make the past 
serve future victory. 

Because the Rectification movement would involve each 
member as well as the organization as a whole, it would begin 
with a thorough analysis, supplemented by biographies, of each 
individual. A study of the composition of the Party showed that 
members of peasant origin still accounted for more than 60 per 
cent, nearer to 70 per cent; but there had been an influx of petty 
bourgeois and intellectuals from the cities and the White Kuomin- 
tang areas which would make up at least 15 per cent of the 800,000 
Party members. There was a tendency for the better-educated to 



gravitate to higher jobs, of an administrative character; this pro- 
duced a good deal of friction. In certain areas revolutionary 
fighters of long standing found themselves ordered about by 
people they considered less seasoned and less worthy. 

Yet a good deal of unification had been realized through cadre 
training in the bases themselves, at Kangta and its branches. Mao 
Tsetung resisted the idea of sending those with higher talent for 
training abroad in the USSR as had been the practice in earlier 
years. The Sino-Japanese war had interrupted this practice. The 
creation of regional bureaux whose leadership returned regularly 
to Yenan for reporting and consultation was designed to streng- 
then the administration, but it had also led to staff inflation, 
bureaucracy, authoritarianism, evils wliich Mao fought against.* 
Within each base there were two structures — one for the Party, 
one for the elected base government — with their various depart- 
ments. Mass organizations under the government found them- 
selves not guided (the Party is supposed to guide, not to execute; 
to suggest, not to order) but commanded. There were overlap, 
reduplication, a plethora of administrative personnel, and with 
the shortages of supplies these non-producers had become a 
burden to the population. Among a minority of them the taint of 
corruption, opportunism, not to speak of autocratic methods, 
was beginning; the rapid population expansion had included 
even enemy agents. A clean-up and a shake-up were necessary. 
The problem focused not so much on the peasants and workers in 
the Party, who were devoted, self-sacrificing, but did not always 
have the educational background to grasp the subtleties of the 
Marxist slogans they were asked to ingest and obey; it was 
mainly a problem of the superstructure, the people in a position 
to teach and who taught badly; it was an intellectual problem, 
and a problem of the intellectuals. 

Many of the intellectuals who flocked to Yenan were sincere, 
willing, enthusiastic. Most of them came through the Rectifica- 
tion campaign to hold positions of trust and to do excellent 
revolutionary work. But there was a sizable minority which 

*John Stewart Service, The Amerasia Papers: Some Problems in the History of 
U.S.-China Relations (University of California Press, 1971), pp. 167-176. 



was not changed. Some of the intelligentsia had become extremely 
critical. They suffered from dejection and pessimism’, as the 
reports of the period state, because of the hardships of the block- 
ade, the isolation, the stern military discipline, the Kuomintang 
attacks, and above all an incomplete understanding of the policies 
of the CCP. There were also those who expected more regard 
and better treatment than they received, although even in 
Yenan intellectuals had a higher standard of living than the 
average population. There was also, inherent in their upbringing, 
a built-in reluctance to face the hard necessities of armed struggle, 
of militarized life, the harsh truths of peasant China. Their 
addiction to liberalism, their love of gossip, their disenchantment 
because the long view escaped them, their muddled outlook 
made them easy prey to the kind of factionalism and intrigue 
which, in a highly ideological milieu, assumes political signifi- 
cance. It was a question of attitude and concepts. 

The gap between old and new cadres was also difficult to bridge. 
There was mutual suspicion ; younger and better-educated 
cadres were sometimes contemptuous of ‘old coarse’ veterans, 
saw no reason to follow Party directives, kept aloof from the 
local population. Many could not speak the dialect anyway, and 
made no effort to learn. A small group of prominent left-wing 
writers erstwhile in authority in the cities found themselves 
neglected here, and they became even personal in their attacks, 
given to oblique vilification. Thus private grievances and petty 
grudges began to magnify, immense as a hand covering the sky, 
obliterating the revolutionary perspective. 

But above all, they had no idea of what had happened in the 
Kiangsi base, or at Tsunyi; and the Wang Ming faction was 
certainly not going to enlighten them. On the contrary. Both 
Kuomintang agents and factions would thrive on rumours, 
restlessness, among intellectuals. 

In March 1941, as a preparation for the Rectification campaign, 
the Second Preface To Village Investigations, written by Mao, was 
announced as a study document of the movement. There were to 
be eighteen such documents in all. ‘The only way to know con- 
ditions is to make social investigations [of] the conditions of each 


social class in real life To do this, first direct your eyes down- 
ward, do not hold your head high and gaze at the sky.’ Another 
document was Oppose Book Worship, written in 1930 by Mao, 
which had been so opposed at the time. ‘Although my assertion 
“No investigation, no right to speak” has been ridiculed as 

narrow empiricism , to this day I do not regret having made it 
... I still insist that without investigation there cannot possibly 
be any right to speak,’ said Mao. 

In Oh OoHtrodictioti, also for study during the Rectification 
movement, Mao had said: W^herc our dogmatists err is ... they 
do not understand that ... we must go further and study the 
concrete things that have not yet been thoroughly studied or have 
only just emerged. Our dogmatists are lazybones ... They regard 
general truths as emerging out of the void, they turn them into 
purely abstract unfathomable formulas.’ They also taught others 
abstract unfathomable formulas. The documents for study Mao 
suggested would set a tone of scientific, objective, concrete 
research and investigation, meant to prevent abuse and terroristic 
methods. But these did happen anyway. 

Two distinct trends by the leaders hostile to Mao’s idea of 
rectification were to emerge. One was a tendency to consider 
rectification a mere shake-up of individual members, throwing 
out the unfit; this would become an ultra-left trend of trying to 
punish the many at mid-level or lower level rather than concen- 
trating on the few in the Icadcrsliip who were the actual target 
of Mao’s effort. The second trend was to lag and to drag, and 
not accomplish what the Rectification movement had set out to do. 

In Reform Our Study, a speech delivered in May 1941 to 
assembled cadres, Mao hit straight and hard and true; his words 
must have been a most bitter medicine for those who understood 
their meaning: ‘I propose that we should reform the method and 
the system of study throughout the Party.’ Research work was 
unsystematic, collected material on current conditions fragmen- 
tary and not well prepared. ‘We are lacking in a climate of in- 
vestigation and study of objective reality.’ The bad style of work, 
with verbiage, should be corrected. 

It is because of the word style’, which in Chinese is the word 



‘wind’ (feng) and carries with it the connotation of attitude, 
behaviour, thought and action, that the Rectification movement 
is often called the ‘three-style rectification’, style of study, style of 
work, and style of writing. But ‘style’ here denotes far more than 
individual originality; it is the total sum of the individual and the 
collective Party orientation and action which is involved. Style 
is the outward expression of the person or the group. 

Mao wanted the kind of cadres who would ‘use their heads’, 
think clearly, work thoroughly and conscientiously, and also 
express themselves clearly and frankly. Writing well, eschewing 
long-winded politicalese which no one understood, meant 
getting rid of ‘empty twaddle’ and jargon, the haven of those 
who have not understood and for whom hermetic incompre- 
hensible slogans were a way of holding their positions without 
in the least knowing what real work meant. Lazybones. Hence 
Mao’s attack on ‘verbiage’, not only in Reform Oar Study^ but 
again in Rectify the Party^s Style of Work and Oppose Stereotyped 
Party Writing* He made fun of the kind of Jargon which passed 
for political acumen, in a manner which sent his audience into 
fits of laughter. He derided the length of articles in the news- 
papers, the use of long phrases which meant precisely nothing. 
These two speeches are masterly essays by one who wrote clearly, 
thought clearly, and knew what he was doing. The last one is a 
classic; it would put an end — but only after the Great Proletarian 
Cultural Revolution twenty-five years later— to the elephantine 
compositions through which unfortunate Party members were 
supposed to wade in order to understand policy. 

Mao would do battle by debate; he would win by debate; by 
criticism and self-criticism would the Party members, all 800,000 
of them, be won over, in fair combat. In the doing they would 
learn and they would be changed. They would discover the new, 
concrete things about China which they did not know, and they 
would be encouraged to develop ‘the organ of thought , initiative 
and boldness. But first the ‘theoreticians’, in academic positions of 
honour and respect in the various institutes, must be laid low. 

* Delivered at the Party School of the Central Comniittce, February i and 8, 



‘In the schools and in the education of cadres at work, teachers 
of philosophy do not guide students to study the logic of the 
Chinese Revolution; teachers of economics do not guide them to 
study the characteristics of the Chinese economy; teachers of 
mihtary science do not guide them to study the strategy and 
tactics adapted to China’s special features ... They have no intention 
of seeking truth from facts but only a desire to curry favour by claptrap.^ 

On July I, 1941, the Central Committee passed a resolution on 
‘Strengthening the Party Spirit’. But within the resolution, 
generalities replaced the whiplash sting of Mao’s phrases. The 
resolution pointed out ‘tendencies’ to ‘individualism’ and to 
‘heroism’, to disobedience, independent political action, deception, 
the creation of cliques. A month later it issued another resolution 
on the necessity of ‘investigation and research’; this resolution did 
not mention Mao Tsetung by name. 

In February 1942, Mao Tsetung gave another vigorous push 
to the movement, which seemed to be stagnating, going into the 
meanders of personal attacks while in some bases degenerating 
into counter-revolutionary’ witch-hunts, with the usual pro- 
pensity of the ‘ultra-left’ to strike down a great many innocent 
Party members and to preserve out of harm’s way the far more 
knowing ‘leaders*. His lectures Rectify the Party’s Style of Work and 
Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing put the matter of reorientation 
plainly: ‘There is the question of thought, the question of the 
Party s internal and external relations, and the question of litera- 
ture. The Army was not forgotten, and the Kutien resolutions of 
December 1929 were again circulated in January 1942. But by 
April 1942 the ideological study and debate (‘struggle’ in political 
parlance) had not yet got off its feet because ‘most branches [of 
the Party] have merely limited themselves to discussing the docu- 
ments with the aid of documents and have not understood the 
spirit and substance of these’. 

The Rectification movement, the Production Drive, and a mass 
education movement among the population coincided in the 
same years— 1941 to 1944. This permitted integration of theory 
with practice, manual labour with ideological debate. It made the 
intellectuals really come in contact with the people providing the 



food and clothing for the base. It also began the 'learn from 
the masses’ movement, today the foundation of education in new 

At the same time, reorganization of the governments in the 
various bases took place. The tripartite (‘three thirds’) system of 
political power, in which only one in three members of the 
government were Party members, broadened the mass base. Mao 
urged that the advice and the knowledge of individuals outside 
the Party be sought and listened to. 

The cutting down of the bureaucracy followed naturally, in a 
move called ‘better troops and simplified administration’. The 
suggestion was first given by Li Ting-ming, a non-Party man 
who had come over to the Communists because he was so 
indignant at Chiang Kai-shek’s attack on the New Fourth Army 
in January 1941. Mao Tsetung welcomed it. ‘Our enormous war 
apparatus is suited to past conditions. It was then permissible and 
necessary ... but men’s minds are liable to be fettered by circum- 
stance and habits from which even revolutionaries cannot always 
escape.’ They were to be unfettered now. At least 70 per cent, if 
not more, of the cadres in the Army and Administration were 
returned to ‘production’, which meant to labour instead of office 
work. The Production Drive was ideal in creating the con- 
ditions and atmosphere in which this could be done not only 
without resentment but with positive glory attached to the names 
of those who volunteered for manual labour either temporarily 
or on a more or less permanent basis. Unified leadership com- 
mittees were created in 1943. They seem, however, to have 
disappeared pretty rapidly. They were mergers of representatives 
from the Party, the Army and the base government mass organiza- 
tions; in this way they foreshadowed the revolutionary com- 
mittees with unified leadership of today. This was possibly an 
attempt to replace the dual and parallel organizations with a 
single organization, with, at its core. Party representatives to 
guide the executive. It is puzzling that these had apparently such a 
short life in Yenan. All these features of the Rectification move- 
ment were resurrected during the recent Cultural Revolution 


Mao s report on economic and fmancial problems in December 
1942 laid down the principle that production determines demand; 
the aim of Chinas economic policies being the development of 
production, and not profit. This report was tied in with the 
slogans of a revived land reform campaign ‘to reduce rent, increase 
production, support the government and cherish the people in the 
base areas . By the end of the Rectification campaign, it could be 
claimed that the ideological thrust and the economic advance 
were inseparable, and that the latter was successful also because 
of the former. A reanimation of motives and goals, meaningful, 
regenerating enthusiasm, is essential to a revolution. Mao Tsetung 
now performed this, not only through the Party, but also through 
the population of the bases. This success would give Yenan its 
persistent validity even today. 

Success was also manifest on the field of battle. In 1942 and 1943 
victories were won over the Japanese forces. It could, of course, 
be claimed that these victories were also due to depletion of the 
Japanese armies, since after December 1941 the Japanese invasion 
of Southeast Asia had begun and Japanese replacement troops 
were much fewer. The Chinese puppet troops which took their 
place could not make up for efficiency by numbers. But however 
we may argue this point, the fact remains that there were hearten- 
ing Communist advances, in glaring contrast to the stalemate 
which continued on the Kuomintang-manned fronts. More 
territory and more bases were in Communist control by 1944 
than in any previous year. Nineteen base areas, one million square 
miles in extent, were now governed by Red administrations, and 
almost 100 million people, 25 per cent of China’s populadon. 

Two other critical platforms, known in the Communist political 

ictionary as commanding heights’ in the superstructure, were to 

be submitted to the Rectification movement. One was the realm 

of art and literature and artistic creation; the other, the one which 

ormed actually the core of the two-line struggle, was the field of 
Party history. 

Mao Tsetung s talks on literature and art, known as Intervention 
at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Arty are key pieces in policy 



as regards the ‘superstructure’ of the society. As important as is the 
material basis of a system, that ensemble of ideas, habits, attitudes, 
behaviour, consciousness which produces, through artistic crea- 
tion, a moulding characteristic of a class and a system is just as 
important in Communist ideology. Public opinion and social 
action have a definite relation. In this domain, the struggle in 
China would be, for the next decades, prolonged, acute, and of a 
bitterness which only today is revealed, although it is not charac- 
terized by bloodshed, as it was in the USSR. 

A forum of artists, writers and *art workers’ was convened in 
May 1942 to examine the relationship between work in the 
literary and artistic fields and revolutionary work in general’. 
This forum Mao addressed twice, on May 2 and May 23. Visitors 
to Yenan are shown the modest building in which the forum was 
held. On May 2, eighty intellectuals attended the meeting; it 
began early in the morning and continued, with discussions, all 
day. Not only did Mao speak; he also took notes of every ob- 
jection made, recorded by hand every question, especially the 
controversial ones, listened attentively when the intellectuals 
addressed the meeting to give their own points of view. This was 
not uncommon behaviour for him; he had adopted it for all 
debates and seminars, and after all his lectures he used to solicit 
questions and the expression of personal opinion. It is a pity that 
a record of these discussions has not been kept. 

‘Some of the writers present brought books with them to prove 
their points. One brought Wells World Dictionary and read out 
loud the defuiitions of “art” and “literature”. There were con- 
frontations on the meaning of these words; some stuck to Western 
definitions of the bourgeois culture, which were not the under- 
standing of Chinese culture, nor of the Revolution, nor of the 
Chinese common people. Mao suggested smilingly to some of 
these writers to go down among their own people and find out 
what they thought about it all. 

‘On the i8th of May a whole day of discussions took place till 
late at night. They were on the five problems of art and literature 
which Mao Tsetung listed. The question of “whom do we serve 
was strenuously debated. On May 23 at the last meeting there was 


again a whole day of discussion. Many more artists and writers 
came than at the first two meetings. The discussions were pro- 
longed. Mao again noted down by hand everything that was said. 
People there noticed one thing about him. How he saved paper. 
He wrote on the backs of discarded sheets. At the time, because 
of the great scarcity of paper, wc were happy when the Japanese 
planes — who tried to bomb Yenan many times, and actually 
knocked flat 80 per cent of the city, but could not knock the 
caves down — did some pamphlet raids; we would collect the 
paper and write on it. Mao Tsetung collected old envelopes, 
unstuck them and used them again. The forum concluded late at 
night, and Mao Tsetung made a final speech. That day at noon he 
posed for a photograph with all those who came. Mao’s talks on 
art and literature greatly encouraged the writers, who then went 
among the people and started to create works of art for the 
people.’* The song ‘The East Is Red’ was written then. 

Despite these reports of excellent results, we may doubt that 
all writers were thus affected, considering what was to happen 
some decades later. Mao Tsetung himself was to say that it 
took a very long time and was very painful for anyone to ‘re- 
mould his world outlook’; hence instant conversions are a little 

Mao’s talks at this forum are interesting because in many ways 
the problems evoked are still the problems of today. They deal 
with the alienation of the writer, the artist, from a ‘bourgeois’ 
background, in the Revolution and from his own people. He 
evoked the ‘new cultural army’ which the May 4th movement 
had brought forth; but after 1919 literature and art, even if 
revolutionary, had grown in cities cut off from the Red bases in 
the countryside, from the majority population, the peasantry. 
Now, in Yenan, artist and writer and the masses of the country- 
side had been brought together physically, yet integration of the 
artist with the masses was still practically non-existent. The five 
problems of the artist were class stand, attitude, audience, work 
and study. The audience was made up of ‘the workers, peasants, 

* The reminiscences are from old Yenan cadres, interviewed by the author in 



soldiers and revolutionary cadres in the bases’; they wanted to 
read books and newspapers, ‘those who are illiterate want to see 
plays and operas, look at drawings and paintings, sing songs and 
hear music’. But writers persisted in only producing for a restric- 
ted audience, a city audience, a bourgeois audience, or for each 
other. ‘Their primary task is to understand people and know them 
well,’ but they failed to understand their own people; they failed 
to use ‘the rich, lively language of the masses’. Hence they pro- 
duced insipid works which the people disliked. If they wanted to 
be understood and accepted they must make up their minds to 
undergo ‘a long and even painful process’ of assimilation and 
integration called ‘tempering’. 

Mao spoke of liis own tempering. He had as a student acquired 
the ways of a student. ‘I then used to feel it undignified to do even 
a little manual labour, such as carrying my own luggage ... At 
that time I felt that intellectuals were the only clean people in the 
world, while in comparison workers and peasants were dirty ... 
But after I became a revolutionary and lived with workers and 
peasants and with soldiers, it was then, and only then, that 
I fundamentally changed the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois 
feelings implanted in me in the bourgeois schools ... In the last 
analysis, the workers and peasants were the cleanest people ... 
cleaner than the bourgeois ... This is what is meant by a change 
of feelings, a change from one class to another ... If our writers 
and artists who come from the intelligentsia want their works 
to be well received by the masses, they must change and remould 
their thinking and their feelings.’ 

Mao touched here the fundamental problem of alienation of the 
intellectual elite; a problem of urgency, but one which has 
remained, in China, a problem up to today. Only a few artistic 
productions bridged the gap. The Chinese opera was unchanged 
by the Revolution until 1964, when Mao’s wife Chiang Ching at 
last was able to work unhindered. In the domain of art and 
literature, Mao’s recommendations were not so well accepted as 
the enthusiastic paeans of praise which have issued, repeatedly, 
from Chinese writers, would lead us to think. The problem of 
artistic creation still remains the way Mao defined it. And the 


v^ay to integration with the masses is long and painful indeed. 
Many writers never tried. Worse, perhaps, in the long run was 
the stranglehold on art and literature by the Left League of 
literocrats, who, using Marxist slogans, tried to re-create a 
Confucian mandarinate, bureaucratic tyranny which stifled 
artistic function. The same writers denounced by Lu Hsun were to 
rise high in the hierarchy, but do nothing to change their own 
class stand or abrogate their own privileges. Lu Hsun had said 
that artists and writers in a revolution must not expect to retain 
their arrogance and their privileges, or even to be treated politely 
by the masses. ‘Even among comrades who have been to the 
front and worked for a number of years in our base areas and in 
the armies , it recjuired at least eight or ten years to solve this 
problem of writing ‘for whom’; and ^ This question of^^for udwm” 
is fundamental; it is a question of principle/ said Mao. ‘The life of the 
people is always a mine of raw materials for literature and art, 
materials most vital, rich and fundamental; an inexhaustible 
source, their only source. But the people’ meant primarily 
workers and peasants, not city intellectuals. How many writers 
would write of and for them? He criticized copying from the 
ancients and the foreigners’, an attitude redolent of servility, which 
produced ‘dogmatism’ in art. All artists must plunge ‘into the 
heat of the struggle ... in order to observe, experience, study and 
analyse all the different kinds of people, all the classes, all the 
masses ... Only then can they proceed to creative work’. 

No artist, no writer would quarrel with what Mao said above, 
on artistic creation. But a good many* will demur at the deter- 
mined stance that portrayal must lean’ to drawing the heroic 
features of the workers, peasants and soldiers, and that there can 
be no vague, intermediate, indecisive, Hamletian characters held 
up for admiration or pity, nor any counter-revolutionary or 
bourgeois. Mao lived an epic, the workers and peasants had 
created this epic, and epics need heroes larger than life-size. He 
was quite right in pointing out the need for new hero figures to 
replace the old, for a new art and literature to describe, to convey, 
and to exalt the vitality of the Revolution and its many fascinating 

* In Western society particularly. 

15 * 



exploits.'^' But how was this to be done if those qualified to do it 
were imbued with elitism so that unconsciously, in their portrayal, 
they would always set a ‘bourgeois’ in the centre of the stage to 
display heroism? If the writer insisted on creating a Kuomintang 
character as lovable as a Communist one in the name of ‘fair 
play’ or ‘artistry’? The fundamental problem was the class 
concept, and in this Mao’s analysis is a key one for the under- 
standing of a writer’s difficulties in a Communist system. Perhaps 
it would need another generation, a breed of proletarian writers, 
intellectuals issued from the peasantry and from the workers, to 
create a new art and a new literature for their own masses. Or 
another Cultural Revolution. Meanwhile, the problem would 

Within the scope of tliis struggle among the intellectuals there 
also began a ‘pouring of grievances’ movement, a kind of Hun- 
dred Flowers exercise, whose purpose was, of course, to streng- 
then the Party, to consolidate its unity and integration. Just as in 
the Hundred Flowers of 1956-1957, fourteen years later, some of 
the literati, including Party members, began to challenge the 
principles of the leadership instead of giving constructive criticism, 
correcting shortcomings and criticizing errors within the limits 
of the system. Since the literati were also the governing official- 
dom in feudal and imperial days, the assumption that they would 
always be entitled to authority, the illusion that in revolutionary 
Yenan the ‘freedom’ of ‘parliamentary systems’ could work, 
would prompt some unrealistic claims. The act of ‘throwing 
oneself in the deep rich seas of the masses’, as Mao recommended, 
spelled artistic suicide to others. 

There is no doubt that some of the grievances were justified; 
high-handedness and bureaucratic pressure existed; nor did all 
artists and writers practise the virtues of patience and humility. 

As the Rectification movement proceeded, in the heat and fire of 
meetings, criticism and self-criticism (the slogan of the movement 
was ‘Unity, criticism, unity’), it was possible for lower-echelon 

* See Pingchia Kuo, China, New Age and New Outlook (Penguin, Harmonds- 
worth, i960). 


Party members to come forward with their own grievances and 
suggestions. Rectification with open doors — inviting non-Party 
masses to criticize Party members — was also done; it has now 
become a tradition. All this was to teach the intellectuals the 
manifold complexities of a revolution. But hasty compliance 
does not mean change, and some of the artistic productions seem 
painfully forced, though there were also excellent ones.* 

Rectification reached its peak in 1943. This was also the year of 
the dissolution of the Comintern, an event greeted with sorrowful 
bewilderment by many Communists parties in the world. When 
asked his opinion, Mao stated that it was already quite some time 
that the Comintern ‘had ceased meddling in our affairs*, and that 
it had probably outgrown its usefulness. To Wang Ming’s faction 
the disappearance of the Comintern was shattering. 

Mao Tsetung had urged a practical programme of research on 
Chinese economics, politics, military affairs, and liistory, deplor- 
ing that it had not been done by the Chinese bourgeoisie although 
‘bourgeois society in the West’ had been able to undertake such 
research. It was therefore up to the Cliinese proletariat — the 
Communist Party — to carry it out. A body of scholarship and 
critical research methods were essential to the Party if, as vanguard 
of the working class, it wanted to have its own sources of scientific 
and technological data. In 1942 the sifting of historical material 
began, and study of ‘historical questions’ such as incorrect lines 
and deviations within the Party, the Sixth Congress, the putsch 
organized by the twenty-eight Bolsheviks in January 1931, the 
Tsunyi conference. Lengthy discussions were held, ‘especially on 
the period from the beginning of 1931 to the end of 1934’, as 
Mao requested. 

In the preparatory sessions, Chou En-lai played an important 
role. His seniority in the Party, the trust reposed in him by all 
sections, his ability to hold together in unity those who otherwise 
might have split, his recognized selflessness, gave his words great 
weight. Chou had been in Chungking, in charge of the difficult 
task of liaison with the Kuomintang. This liaison was maintained 

* Such as The White-Haired Girl and Yellow River Cantata, books by Chao 
Shu-li and Chou Li-po. 

46 o 


despite difficulties such as the lodging of KMT spies in the house 
where Chou lodged, many restrictions, and even one murder * 
It was maintained despite armed clashes between KMT and Red 
Army units, which never stopped. 

Chou was back in Ycnan in the spring and summer of 1942 to 
take part in the Rectification movement, chiefly in settling Party 
history problems. He there made a declaration entirely in favour 
of Mao Tsetung. ‘The Party’s twenty-two-year history has 
proved that the views of Comrade Mao Tsetung were formed and 
maintained with historical perspective, aiming at a sustained 
effort for the Revolution in China. The line he took was the only 
correct line ... Comrade Mao Tsetung has integrated Commun- 
ism with the movement of Chinese national liberation ... Because 
of his leadership the strength of the Party is unprecedented.’! 

Chou En-lai s testimony throughout the sessions rallied many 
of the other members of the Central Committee, even some of 
Wang Ming’s adherents. Yet Mao noted in April 1944 that in 
spite of the proven success of his policies, ‘many Party cadres had 
not yet reached a thorough understanding of the character of the 
erroneous lines of the past’. Intense discussions were held in the 
same building as the Yenan forum on art and literature. The 
criticism and self-criticism sessions were prolonged; Wang Ming 
and the other ‘Bolsheviks’ also had their say; but the ‘collabora- 
tion of senior cadres’ of the Party heralded the victory of Mao’s 
line. By the end of 1944 and early 1945, the struggle between the 
two lines concluded with the victory of Mao, and this would now 
be enshrined in Party history.:|: 

Mao s policies, based upon the social sources of revolutionary 
power, made the mass line the most important democratic and 
initiative process to understand and to use. In his essay entitled 

* At the Sian liaison office. 

Also see Hsu Kai-yu, Chou En-lai: China's Gray Eminence, op. cit. 

$ The settlement of these historical questions, which would confirm Mao*s 
policies as consistently correct and condemn the Wang Ming line, would form 
the subject of the Appendix: Resolutions on Certain Questions in the History of Our 
Party, penned by Mao and approved at the last plenum of the Sixth Congress of 
the Party in 1945, ‘enabling it to attain an ideological and political unity without 
precedent in the history of the Communist Party of China’. 


Some Questions Concerning Methods of Leadership (June 1943), Mao 
repeats the dialectic of the mass line. This ‘basic method of leader- 
ship’, in which the leaders are the servants of those they lead 
and have to be taught by the led in order to teach them, was to be 
repeated for four decades; Mao in fact has never stopped repeating 
it. ‘In all the practical work of our Party, all correct leadersliip is 
necessarily “from the masses to the masses”. Tliis means, take 
the ideas of the masses (scattered and unsystematic ideas) and 
concentrate them (through study turn them into concentrated 
and systematic ideas), then go to the masses and propagate and 
explain these ideas until the masses embrace them as their own, 
and translate them into action, and test the correctness of these 
ideas in such action.’ 

The idea underlying the Rectification campaign was not to 
purge and punish so much as to educate. The slogan was to ‘save 
the patient by expelling the disease’, and self-criticism was the 
most vigorous and effective manner in which unity could be 
achieved without physical elimination. The Communist Party 
membership went down from about 800,000 to 763,447 and then 
736,191 in the years 1941 and 1942.* 

In 1944 membership went up again, to 853,420; in April 1945 it 
had risen to 1,211,128. Most of the new admissions were activists 
of the Rectification movement, peasants, workers in the co- 
operatives, and soldiers who had distinguished themselves in 
fighting and in the Production Drive. The figures of admission 
at Kangta also reflect tliis mass training of a core of proletarian 
members. Whereas before 1942 the intellectuals began to be 
admitted in a majority, after 1942 soldiers, seasoned grass-roots 
cadres, were admitted and promoted (though intellectuals were 
still admitted in considerable numbers). 

Because in victory there must be justice but not vindictiveness, 
Mao Tsetung set down the methods of handling cases when 
errors are committed’. This was to leave a way out, a margin for 
repentance and for change. He advocated a careful attitude, so 
that there should be ‘no harm to comrades ... Our present task is 

* Figures from Franz Schurmaiin, Ideology and Organization in Communist 
China (University of California Press, 1968). 



to prepare ourselves for a still greater responsibility ... we must 
pay attention to work in the big cities and ^ong the main lines of 
communication ... which has always been very inadequate* This 
was a criticism of the work in the White areas under Liu Shao- 
chi, as well as a preparation for the struggle for power to come.* 

At the close of the campaign Mao again advocated making 
good use of the ‘organ of thought’ ; to move one’s brains, he said, 
was essential. ‘There is all too little of this habit in our Party.’ 

It was in 1943 that the Thought of Mao Tsetung began to be 
mentioned as an entity. It would be consecrated at the Seventh 
Congress in April 1945. This has been termed part of a ‘personality 
cult’ which began during the Rectification campaign. Mao 
Tsetung was unfeignedly and without any doubt tremendously 
popular among the people, the soldiers, the grass-roots cadres; 
his policies were sincerely acclaimed by them because they did 
correspond to their needs. ‘The Party only takes measures after 
we are sure of the approval of the majority ... we constantly 
check on public opinion ... It is a fundamental principle of ours 
to keep contact with the masses and satisfy their aspirations,’ Mao 
told Guenther Stein. He also said: ‘You can only teach the masses 
what you have learned from them.* Stein noticed the ease of 
mind, frankness, democracy in Yenan (after Rectification), in 
marked contrast to what he had seen in Russia. All this was the 
basis of Mao’s popularity with ‘the little man’, the majority of the 
people. It did give rise to expressions of love and respect; hence 
the accusation of a ‘personality cult*. 

But it is also true that Mao’s opponents deliberately went 
overboard in fulsome praise of Mao; their laudations make 
curious reading, especially after the GPCR. Mao may have 
considered personal charisma necessary to carry out the policies 
for victory he was bent on effecting. But ‘personality cult is a 
feudal throwback wliich would obscure Mao’s real stature and 

* Wang Ming was re-elected member of the Central Committee at the 
Seventh Congress in April 1945 . next to last on the list, being 43rd out of 44 . 
followed by Chin Pang-hsien. Both had been openly named as responsible for 
the disastrous ‘left’ line from 1931 to 1934. 


contribution to the Revolution. Hence at the moment Mao is 
doing all he can in order to eliminate it; the concentration must 
be on ideas, on the Teaching of Mao Tsetung, not on the person. 

This is a very difficult notion to instil in a country where 
personal rule and autocratic power have been dominant for so 
long. It would take decades to get away from the habits of the 
past, and it is not certain that even yet the habit of democratic 
debate is firmly established, although a beginning has been made. 

The Thought of Mao Tsetung, which can be defmed as 
Marxism-Leninism integrated with the specific characteristics of 
the present epoch in history, stresses the continuous production of 
new knowledge in contact with reality; adapts Marxism to the 
specifics of revolution in a country. It is a ‘guide to action', and in 
China denotes the body of theory-practice which guides the 
Chinese Revolution. It is axiomatic, since it is based on the mass 
line, that the Thought-Teaching of Mao Tsetung should be 
widely disseminated and understood by the masses as a living, 
working system, not an abstract intellectual discipline. Mao 
Tsetung's trust in the masses and their mission to create the world 
and transform nature by their practice and discovery of reality is 
unbounded. It is this faith which underlies so many of his actions. 
For Mao, the Party exists to serve the people, and not for power 
for its own sake. 

During the Rectification movement years, in spite of conflicts 
and blockades, the liaison offices for united front work were kept 

On March 28, 1942, the CCP presented to the Kuomintang 
certain demands: recognition of the CCP as a legal Party, and 
recognition of the liberated territories as autonomous ; an agree- 
ment to expand the Eighth Route Army from three to twelve 
divisions, and agreement that the New Fourth Army remain 
south of the Yellow river. There was also a reiteration of the ten- 
point programme as the basis for a coalition government. It can 
thus be claimed for the Communists that they began suggesting 
a coalition of some sort, but predicated upon reform of the 
Kuomintang and guarantees for the people of China, long before 



the episodes which were to follow in the struggle with Chiang 
Kai-shek for power. These demands were turned down by Chiang 
Kai-shek and negotiations suspended. 

But the international situation had changed in favour of the 

Communists. With the United States at war with Japan and 

anxious to keep Cliiang in the war, with Chiang dependent on 

United States money and equipment, he did not dare start a 

major offensive against the Communists, though storing weaponry 

provided by the United States for a final decision against Mao on 
the battlefield. 

In Chungking, American newsmen and American embassy 
officials were becoming increasingly critical of Chiang Kai-shek. 
It was the appalling treatment of the soldiers, as well as of the 
population, wliich stirred their indignation. By 1944 the United 
States was to send General Joseph W^. Stilwell to reorganize the 
Chiang armies in preparation for an all-out assault on Japan from 
the Chinese mainland. The reports that more than 50 per cent 

troops were pinned down by the Communists made a 
favourable impact upon the Americans; at the same time President 
Roosevelt was much perturbed by the obvious preparations for 
civil war that Chiang was making. 

It was within this network of shifting international events and 
their effect in China that the Rectification Movement took place; 
to prepare the Party for victory in the postwar period. 

In 1944 Mao had warned — through Guenther Stein — of the 
‘possibility’ of civil war with Chiang. The word probability was 
more apt. To counter this, the Rectification movement was 
imperative. War there would be, and it would be merciless. Mao 
asked: ‘Shall we dare to win?’ He answered the question he had 
asked: ‘Yes, we shall dare to win ... everything.’ This was no 
less than the decision for total victory in all China. No revolution 
justifies itself unless its aim is to seize power. The CCP was only 
five years away from this goal, but no one would have thought it 
possible at the time, and very few could sec that the Rectification 
movement was essential to its accomplishment. 

The Seventh Congress, April 1945 

The Seventh Congress of the CCP, held April to June 1945 at 
Yenan, has a place second only in importance to the Tsunyi 
conference. It v^as the conclusion of one stage of the Revolution, 
the beginning of another. Seventeen years had elapsed since the 
Sixth Congress, held in 1928 in Moscow; at that time the CCP 
had been a hunted, decimated, small party of survivors. In 1945 it 
was the second largest in the world. 

The Congress, as Mao formulated it, was *a Congress of unity, a 
Congress of victory*. The CCP had recapitulated its own history, 
drawn political and historical conclusions which were taught to 
every member, assessed its gains, castigated its errors, proclaimed 
its unity, the success of its Production Drive, the Rectification 
movement and its war against Japan; it now proclaimed its 
programmes for the future.* 

The grey brick building where the Seventh Congress was held 
is shown to visitors to Yenan. A two-storey edifice; its first floor is 
a large pillared hall. Here, in November 1944, Mao had received 
Eighth Route Army cadres of Brigade no. 359, going south to 
reinforce the New Fourth Army. He had told them: 

Become like a pine or a willow. 

The pine is evergreen, straight in wind or storm (the pine has principle ). 
The willow grows anywhere it is planted, 

In spring its branches lengthen, numberless leaves move in the wind with 
beauty (the willow has flexibility). 

Here in 1945 the Central Committee assembled. The sober 
platform with its long table and a dozen chairs, the wooden 

* See On Coalition Gouermnent (April 24th, 1945). Selected Works, vol. III. 




benches below for the members, have all been kept as they were 

The slogan of the Rectification movement, ‘Persist in truth, 
correct your mistakes,’ spread under the flags hanging on every 
pillar. At the back of the hall the words ‘One heart, one virtue* 
(morality) were painted on the wall. Each pillar was adorned with 
a V for victory emblem, to emphasize the participation of the 
CCP and the Red Army in the ^Vorld W^ar. There were twenty- 
four Red flags for the twenty-four years of the CCP’s existence. 
Upstairs were rooms for relaxing. One of them holds a pingpong 
table; Mao Tsetung played pingpong between sessions of the 
Congress, He is a good-humoured, steady player, losing games 
with great equanimity. 

It is important to assess the background of the Congress to 
understand Mao Tsetung’s three key speeches, notably the one 
On Coalition Government. 

The relations of the CCP with Chiang Kai-shek, with the 
United States, with the Soviet Union, and relations between the 
United States, the Soviet Union, and Chiang Kai-shek, were 
significant in shaping the speeches at the Seventh Congress, as 
were the strength of the Communist Party and the intentions of 
the Party towards seizure of power. For in April 1945 the CCP 
and the Red Army were not only a national force but an inter- 
national one (even if this is ignored by some historians). This 
made the Seventh Congress a culmination, a platform of far- 
reaching decision. Mao Tsetung stood at the peak of his ideolo- 
gical authority; the Thought of Mao Tsetung was enshrined as 
the guiding principle of the CCP, defined as Marxism-Leninism 
applied to the concrete conditions of China. The Party now had 
1,211,128 members, a jump of 400,000 since I 944 ; *^he Red 
Army counted 910,000 regular soldiers, 2,299,000 militia. 

The Rectification movement had fashioned a united, dis- 
ciplined party, a prodigious army, a potential government with 
great leadership talent, with cadres experienced in rural conditions, 
a core of devoted, zealous, and sclf-sacriflcing administrators. 
Yenan’s reputation throughout China and abroad was prestigious. 
‘There’, the peasants said, ‘the sun always shines.’ The success of 


the Production Drive had shown up the failure of the Kuomin- 
tang, decaying with corruption, inflation, tyranny. The CCP 
had evolved intelligent, flexible methods of caring for the 
population, with sane economic policies; Chiang’s government 
was floundering in economic crisis and the misery of the rural 
population was becoming unbearable. The Communist Party 
had the support of the great masses of the people, not only in the 
liberated areas but throughout Cliina. It was the mass support 
which legitimized the administrations of the liberated areas, so 
that it was perfectly true to say that CCP represented the 
Chinese masses far more than Chiang Kai-shek did.* 

There was no longer any ambiguity on who had done what, 
nor on the central role of Mao Tsetung in achieving the present 
success. ‘The Party definitely established the leadership of com- 
rade Mao Tsetung in the central leading body and throughout the 
Party.* The Congress solidly endorsed the Tsunyi conference, 
thus legitimizing Mao*s supremacy. It condemned all previous 
erroneous lines, the sharpest castigation being for the ‘particularly 
serious form ofwarlordism’ of Chang Kuo-tao and the ‘disastrous* 
failures of Wang Ming and Chin Pang-hsien, the ‘two dogmatists*. 

The resolution covering these pointsf ended with a note of 
warning; since the stage of the war of resistance against Japan 
was ‘not yet concluded, it is appropriate to postpone to a future 
date the drawing of conclusions on certain questions in the history 
of the Party during the IVar of Resistance', Mao was fully aware that 
all ‘deviations* and opposition to his line had not been dealt with 
through the Rectification campaign. He knew, as the plaudits 
resounded, as Party members rose in ovation, as the thunder of 
acclamation shook the windows, that among those clapping and 
cheering were some who waited an opportunity to turn against 
him. It is said that he has a ‘gift for smelling out’ potential 
opportunists, but that he usually does not act until they have had 
plenty of opportunity to betray themselves. There were more 

* As two American observers, John Paton Davies and Major Evans Carlson, 
were to state. 

t Appendix : Resolutions on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party, resulting 

from the two-year appraisal of the history of the CCP and written by Mao 
{Selected Works, vol. III). 



enemies to cope with, possibly even ‘nestling by his side’, but the 
time had not come to take up the matter. In the very hours of 
what looked like his absolute triumph, he knew already the seed 
of other intra-Party struggles. 

The Seventh Congress was held when both the United States 
and the USSR were already planning the postwar world. The 
presence since July 1944 of an American observer mission in 
Yenan, and the visit of numerous American officials and news- 
men, had brought the CCP into the orbit of international politics. 

Since Pearl Harbour, the United States government in its Pacific 
war had been concerned with the succinct problem of ‘keeping 
Chiang in the war . Diplomatically, it became United States 
policy to assert that China was a ‘great power’, in order to have 
China by her side as an ally in the new postwar world order. As 
a result, the return of territory lost to Japan, Taiwan among 
others, was solemnly promised at various international con- 
ferences. Chiang made full use of what he gauged as American 
dependence on him for the war against Japan in order to extort the 
maximum in money — he blandly asked for a billion dollars in 
1943— ^i^d in weapons, without trying to launch an effective 
military action against Japan. The United States government 
endured it stoically during 1942 and 1943; but glowing reports 
of the Communists and of their military successes came tlirough. 
Although Chiang refused to allow newsmen to go to Yenan, the 
liaison office of the Communists in Chungking was popular with 
Americans and was a source from which facts about the Com- 
munists’ war effort were gathered, as were also the Japanese 
intelligence reports. 

It was not until June 1944, with the visit of Vice-President 
Henry Wallace and personal and unequivocal messages from 
Roosevelt to Chiang (in February and again in June), that very 
reluctantly Chiang Kai-shek authorized American military 
observers and foreign servicemen to be stationed at Yenan in 
order, as Roosevelt asked, ‘to collect more information on the 
Japanese enemy in North Cliina and in Manchuria*. During 1944 
Japan launched its last and biggest military offensive after five 
years of stalemate with Chiang. This campaign in Central and 


South China was designed not against Chiang but against Ameri- 
can air bases in South China. Chiang withdrew lois troops, ordered 
his crack regiments not to fight the Japanese, and deliberately 
made things easy for the Japanese attack to proceed. 

General Joseph W. (‘Vinegar Joe’) Stilwell, who had been sent 
to Cliina expressly for the purpose of ‘reorganizing’ Chiang’s 
troops and making them fight, was bitterly antagonistic to 
Chiang. Much money had been expended in order to arm, equip 
and train thirty divisions. Chiang, as always, stowed away men 
and weapons to prepare for the only war he had ever wanted to 
fight, war against the Communists. The very obvious prospect 
of impending civil war intensely worried the United States 
government, which identified Cliiang’s government with China. 
It would mean an enormous weakening of the Pacific front if 
Chiang made peace with Japan. Chiang played on this American 
fear whenever he was refused loans or lend-lease aid; and America 
paid up, ‘to keep China in the war’. 

However, a spate of criticism from American newsmen and 

Vice-President AVallace s visit had revealed some ugly facts 

about the Chiang regime. It seems that for a short while United 

States foreign policy makers did consider the possibility of an 

alternative to Chiang Kai-shek. In July 1944 the Dixie mission, 

composed of some seventeen officers of the United States Army 

and two foreign service men, arrived by plane in Yenan. This 

observer group would report diligently, accurately and honestly 

on the Communist forces, organization, and intentions; and for 

this scrupulous devotion to the best interests of the United States 

many of them were to lose their positions, even be attacked as 

pro-Red , in that orgy of anti-Communist unreason which 

seized America from 1945 on and culminated in McCarthyism. 

But even preceding McCarthy, only an emanation of this season 

of hysteria, the first manifestation of the ‘Cold War’ psychosis 

would be in the spring of 1945, when the Seventh Congress was 
being held.* 

The seven or more months spent by the ofEcers and observers 
of the Dixie mission in Yenan were a revelation for both sides; a 

* Daniel Horowitz, Containment and Revolution (Blond, London, 1967). 



revelation of friendship, good will, camaraderie between Ameri- 
cans and Chinese. The Communists knew that the United States 
had urged upon Chiang, through Stilwell and Ambassador Gauss, 
some basic democratic reforms. This had interested Mao; as he 
spoke with American newsmen, military officers, foreign service 
men, in a free, warm, happy series of interviews and informal 
talks, he asked many questions about American democracy and 
was vastly interested and also captivated, as his interviews 

So was Chou En-lai, who spent days, as Mao did, in talk with 
the Americans. ‘For a brief period it was possible to prove to the 
Chinese revolutionary movement that America stood for 
progress,’ wrote Theodore White, but ‘we cast this opportunity 

Leaving aside the genuine and warm friendships that members 
of the Communist Party contracted with some American 
newsmen and other individuals who visited Yenan — Snow, 
Evans Carlson, Jack Belden, Harrison Forman among others — 
mutual respect, frank speaking, and genuine appreciation for 
points of view so different also emerges from the documents of 
the times. The author had the pleasure of knowing personally 
Colonel David Barrett, head of the Dixie mission. Barrett, John 
Service, John Davies were all to suffer, some for two decades, for 
being members of the mission and filing reports which were 
accurate about Yenan, and thus falling foul of United States 
‘policy’ when that policy suddenly reversed itself. 

The Americans in Yenan attended seminars, lectures, concerts 
and theatres ; they walked everywhere, visited far-off bases, were 
shown everything. The memory of Yenan was to remain in them 
a wistful, nostalgic if Puritan ‘little heaven’. They were liked, and 

liked the Chinese Communists.f 

It was Roosevelt who had suggested to Chiang calling in a 

* Theodore White and Annalee Jacoby, Thunder Out of China (William Sloane 

Associates, New York, 1946), pp. 241-242. 

t For entrancing accounts of the American stay in Yenan in 1944, read David 
D. Barrett, Dixie Mission: The United States Army Observer Group in Yenan, 1944^ 
op. cit., and John Stewart Service, The Amerasia Papers: Some Problems in the 

History of U.S.-China Relations, op. cit. 



friend’, or American mediation for negotiations between Chiang 
and the CCP, which had actually dragged on all through the war 
in that curious atmosphere— no war, no peace — wliich was the 
Second United Front. To Vice-President Wallace in June 1944, 
who argued that the Russians had told him that Mao Tsetung and 
the others were not real Communists but ‘margarine Com- 
munists , because Communism was impossible without heavy 
industry, Chiang had replied, ‘No, no, they arc real Communists. 
They are in fact much more Communist than the Russians.’ 

As far as is known, the State Department at the time main- 
tained an eminently flexible prudent position. Considering 
United States interests first, it would not make the error of 
thinking China was Chiang, or Chiang was China, but it never 
actually stated this in a forthright way. The identification of 
Chiang with China persisted. The self-assigned role of friendly 
mediator turned into something quite different, and therein lay 
the tragedy of those years. 

The United States military mission to Yenan correctly ap- 
preciated that the Chinese Communists were deeply rooted 
among the people and could not be eradicated by annihilation 
campaigns. They reported on the strength and popularity of the 
Communists. The contrast between the young, well-fed, well- 
trained and well-behaved Red soldiers, and the verminous soldiers 

of Chiang, riddled with disease, starved, press-ganged; between 
the simplicity of the Communist leaders* and the gross venality 
of Chiang s officials, was too obvious not to impress deeply. 
But then along came General Patrick Hurley. 

Hurley was sent as special emissary by Roosevelt to Chiang 

Kai-shek in September 1944, with the primary object of getting 

Chiang and Stilwell to work better together. No other mission 

was given to him. But Stilwell was recalled — Hurley apparently 

supporting Chiang — in October 1944. From the start of Hurley’s 

presence in China, whatever his self-contradictory statements and 

actions for the next year, he had thrown his weight on Chiang’s 

* Mao Tsetung in 1944 was paid a ‘salary* amounting to three United States 
dollars a month. 



In July 1944, when the Dixie mission went to Yenan, a recom- 
mendation by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff that both 
Nationalist and Communist forces be joined under a single 
command (Stilwell’s) had been sent to Roosevelt; in Chungking, 
Ambassador Gauss broached the idea ofjoint operations to Chiang 
on September 15. Vice-President Wallace, it is said, in talks with 
Cliiang in June, had already spoken of some sort of political 
coalition with the Communists. The Communists themselves 
could point out that throughout the years they had never re- 
fused the idea of a ‘democratic republic’. But what they meant 
by a democratic republic was entirely different from Chiang’s 
regime. Even the Communist minimum programme for coalition 
would have ended Chiang’s military dictatorship and one-party 
regime, and Chiang would never agree to cancel himself out. 
Perhaps all this increased Chiang’s haste to get rid of Stilwell, 
who had sympathy for the Yenan regime. Soon after Stilwell’s 
departure. Gauss also resigned, in November 1944. Hurley 
became the United States ambassador in Chungking (on Chiang’s 
request to Roosevelt) on November 17. He then took upon him- 
self the task of effecting a marriage between the Communists and 
Chiang Kai-shek. 

Descriptions of Hurley’s physical impressiveness are many; but 
his was ‘the tragedy of a mind groping desperately at problems 
beyond its scope’, says Theodore White. He did nothing to 
improve his knowledge of China; reading books or documents 
was beyond his weak eyes; he never took notes; relied on a 
chancy memory ; cursed hugely, and would brook no divergence 
in opinion. But all this is immaterial; what is more to the point 
is that Hurley was so obsessed with personal prejudice that he 
failed to consider whether his conduct of affairs and his idio- 
syncrasies would be detrimental or not to the ultimate interests of 
the United States, not to speak of loyal United States foreign 
service observers whose careers he savagely destroyed. 

Unannounced, on November 7, Hurley landed by air in 
Yenan. Colonel Barrett describes Hurley’s arrival ‘wearing 
enough ribbons on his chest to represent every war ... in which 
the United States had ever engaged except possibly Shays 


rebellion’. Mao was hastily summoned to the airport by Chou 
En-lai, and a company of soldiers mustered for a guard of honour. 
Hurley ‘swelled up like a poisoned pup and let out an Indian 
warwhoop’, then told Barrett he had been paid a million dollars 
by a certain oil company to negotiate an agreement with the 
Mexican government. Possibly this gave the ambassador the 
confidence he could negotiate anything. 

Hurley spent two days in Yenan. During those two days he 
submitted to Mao a five-point draft which he seems to have 
worked out in conjunction with officials of the Kuomintang 
government. Mao declared bluntly that it was the Kuomintang 
who refused to negotiate with the Communist Party; that a 
coalition government had already been offered several times, but 
that the Kuomintang must first reform itself; Chiang did not 
want any reorganization. He also told Hurley that Chiang utilized 
the best of his armies to blockade the Communists. 

The talk with Mao, and perhaps the Yenan atmosphere, seem 
to have given Hurley, for a short while, some lucidity. He went 
back to Chungking with a revised five-point agreement, which 
in fact he drafted himself after the Communist proposals had 
been submitted to him. They ‘did not go far enough’, he said, and 
corrected their draft and signed the result, together with Mao. 
On November lo, accompanied by Chou En-lai and Barrett, 
Hurley flew back to Chungking. Chiang of course turned down 
the proposals, although they represented a moderate basis for a 
coalition government. Hurley himself had called them ‘reason- 
able , and in fact had signed them because he considered them 
‘fair and just’. 

But Chiang answered with a counter-proposal which granted 
nothing except a vague statement of civil liberties — ‘guaranteed 
subject only to the specific needs of security’. This phrase left the 
issue wide open for his continued dictatorship. After Hurley 
became ambassador on November 17, he ‘increasingly inclined’ 
to favour the Chiang side against the Communists. 

Chiang prepared another draft, substantially the same as his 
furst counter-proposal but including an offer to appoint ‘some 
high-ranking officer (one only) from among the Communist 



forces to membership of the National Military Council’. And 
now the pattern of interference took the place of the mediation’ 
which Ambassador Gauss had initiated. Hurley could not per- 
suade Chou £n-lai in Chungking to accept the Chiang counter- 
proposals. Barrett was now charged with the unpleasant task of 
returning to Yenan to confer there with Mao Tsetung and 
persuade him to accept Chiang s terms. The interview took place 
on December lo, I944> ^i^d was *stormy’, and exceedingly 
uncomfortable for Barrett personally. After months of warm 
friendship and mutual trust, it must have seemed a stab in the 
back, rank perfidy, to Mao and to Chou that the United States 
representative in Chungking should now offer them Chiang’s 
terms as backed by the United States, after Hurley himself had 
found the Communist proposals fair and just and agreed to present 
them to Chiang. Mao could not understand the sudden volte-face. 
He kept getting angry, and calling Chiang ‘that turtle’s egg’. 

The principal point in the three terms which are offered us’, 
said Mao in the interview ... ‘is that the Communist forces must 
submit to “reorganization” by the National Military Council. 
This means the placing of our troops completely under the 
control of the Generalissimo ... We will then be at his mercy. 

In return for what is tantamount to complete surrender, we are 
offered one membership in the National Military Council ... This 
means nothing.’ Actually the council had not met for years. 

Hurley had told Chou very rudely in Chungking that before 
any co-operation with the Americans the Chinese Communists 
*f7tiist accept the Generalissimo’s terms’. The United States, 
however, ‘offers us absolutely no guarantee of our safety under 
these terms’, Mao said. ‘We cannot trust the good faith of the 
Generalissimo, and no one who has studied impartially the 
history of the relations of the Kuomintang and the Chinese 
Communist Party could reasonably expect us to have any 
confidence in him. We find the attitude of the United States 
somewhat puzzling,’ continued Mao; he was in liigh fury, but 
his statements were restrained. Hurley had come to Yenan; a 
five-point proposal, the basis for a coalition government, had 
been given to him; he had agreed the terms were ‘eminently 



fair*, had even signed them on November lo. But now, thirty 
days later, the same Hurley asked the Communists to accept 
counter-proposals made by Chiang which ‘required us to sacrifice 
our liberty. This is difficult for us to understand/ The words 
‘perfidious’ and ‘treacherous’, which the Communists would use 
later, are not too strong to describe what the Communists thought 
of these actions of the United States representative. 

Mao reiterated that he was entirely willing to participate in a 
coalition government. Was this true? It probably was; because 
of the Dixie mission, because of the feeling which Mao Tsetung 
had come to in the several months that the mission had been in 
Yenan that with the help of the Americans, who could keep 
Chiang Kai-shek in check, a genuinely democratic coalition 
government could be made to work. Mao was prepared, as he 
put it, to co-operate ... to save the situation’ from impending 
civil war. ‘We do not want war ... even for a day.’ But now he 
knew war would be inevitable, and he also realized the Americans 
might be on Chiang’s side in the war. 

The point is important. Before the advent of the Americans, 
Mao Tsetung saw no way out except seizure of power by armed 
struggle. With the Americans and their help,* Mao Tsetung was 
willing to try a peaceful coalition government; but with the 
proviso that Cliiang must accept reforms. He had been almost 
persuaded that America also would insist on reforms. Had not 

every American he had met told him how appalled they were by 
Chiang’s misrule? Only the United States could truly help 
China to a new democratic government, and Mao was willing 

then to forgo armed struggle. Perhaps a peaceful way out could 
be found. 

He was, understandably, extremely angry. ‘The United States 
believes that Chiang must be retained in power at all costs. We 
have no objection ... We are not, however, going to give up our 
right of self-preservation for one seat ...’ He warned that it was 

* On the military side, all through 1944 and imtil March 1945, the United 
States had actually made promises of military co-operation with the CCP and 
the Red Army; and Mao had indicated that the Communists would ‘gladly 
serve ... under a United States commander’ against Japan. 

47 ^ the morning deluge 

useless to support Chiang Kai-shek . Mao insisted that under the 
five points he had proposed, and with the help of the United States, 
the Communists could prevent a civil war and make a coalition 
government work. ‘If the United States abandons us now, we 
shall be very sorry, but it will make no difference in our good 
feeling towards you. We will accept your help with gratitude 
any time, now or in the future ... If the United States does not 
give us one rifle or one round of ammunition, we shall still 
be friends of the United States.’* 

But Hurley had now become fixated on a ‘unification of the 
forces of China’, and this unification must be under Chiang. No 
flexibility of any kind could be allowed. China was Chiang, 
Chiang was China. As he never went out to see how the people 
really fared under Chiang, but lived in solitary splendour, 
banqueted and flattered by the Chiangs, he became increasingly 
isolated from any advice but that of Chiang’s officials. 

By January 1945 the Japanese campaign had come to its end. 
Spent and overstretched, the Japanese withdrew; in their wake 
Communist guerillas sprang up. Though Chiang then assisted the 
Japanese with his own officers and troops, and invaded certain 
Red bases, the cruelties of the Kuomintang caused wholesale 
uprisings by the mobilized population; Red Army counter- 
offensives took back the territories. All this Hurley ignored. 

In January 1945 Hurley conceived of the idea of pressuring the 
Chinese Communists through Stalin to force a compromise with 
Chiang Kai-shek. The idea that Moscow dictated to all Communist 
parties in the world made him certain the CCP would also obey 
Moscow. From conversations in August 1944 with the Russians, 
Hurley had gathered that they ‘thought little’ of the Chinese 
Communists, that Moscow did not support the CCP nor desire 
to see them in power. He too was told that the Chinese Com- 
munists were not real Communists. And he repeated it. Later, he 
would accuse the American foreign service men and army 
officers of being ‘Communist-inclined’ because they had written 
favourably about people wliom he himself had declared not 

* December 1944 interview. 


Hurley reasoned that if Mao could be made to fed ‘abandoned' 
by Moscow, he would have to agree to a compromise with 
Chiang. Hence Stalin must be prevailed upon to sign a treaty of 
friendship and alliance with Chiang Kai-shek, which would 
take the wind out of Mao’s sails. Considerable exertions were 
made by the Americans to get a treaty going between Stalin and 
Chiang, Chiang was anxious for such an agreement. He counted 
on an opposition to Mao in the CCP strong enough to outvote 
Mao; Chiang was kept well informed on the intra-Party struggle; 
but he overestimated the importance of some individuals and 
underestimated Mao’s powers of persuasion in tlie Party. 

But now, in the United States, the tactics of war and diplomacy 
began to shift. Roosevelt was engaged in active negotiations with 
the USSR. Doubt as to Russian reaction in case of civil war in 
China and, even more, Roosevelt’s insistence on Russia’s enterino- 
the war against Japan had led to these talks. By the end of 1944 
Roosevelt considered that an alliance with the USSR for a 
postwar ‘world balance’ might work to America’s advantage, and 
China receded in importance. Militarily, also, the United States 
had concluded that Chinese forces would no longer be needed to 
defeat Japan, nor China be the great base from which to invade 
Japan, since the island-hopping strategy was successful, and later the 
use of the atom bomb would make it unnecessary for the United 
States to consider Chinese armies important. On the other hand, 
the United States was anxious to keep China’s enormous market 
for itself, and its economic expansion. Hence an accommodation 
with the USSR on China had to be reached. Tliis would lead to 
the Yalta meetings in February 1945. 

In Edgar Snow s Katidom Motes on Red Chitiaj there is a hint of 
a ‘sharing’ of China envisaged already by Roosevelt. Some weeks 
before Roosevelt’s death, Snow saw the President, and in the 
conversation was startled by something Roosevelt said which 
implied that he thought of a partition of China between two 
‘legal’ governments, one in the North and one in the South. 
Whether tliis, coming after Yalta, represented a state of mind 
which was Roosevelt’s alone or one arrived at jointly with Stalin 
is unclear. Thus from ‘mediator’ to involvement to interference, 

478 the morning deluge 

bit by bit was fashioned a foreign policy towards China which 
would be the worst possible for the relations between the two 
countries. In the ensuing years of opposition to the realities of 
the Chinese Revolution the United States would waste her 
prestige and power until a massive accumulation of problems, the 
fruit of ill-conceived policies, would at last bring about a change. 

The Yalta meeting of February 1945 between Roosevelt and 
Stalin, with Churchill a poor third, took place, while in Yenan 
preparations for the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party 
of China were being made. W^as Mao Tsetung aware of the 
significance of Yalta? He must have noticed that Chiang was not 
invited, and later studied the clauses which concerned Chinese 
territory, bargained away by Roosevelt in his desire to have the 
USSR enter the war against Japan. 

Stalin skilfully used Roosevelt’s haunting obsession with ‘sparing 
American lives’, and his attempts to get Russia to fight Japan, to 
extort concessions which it was not up to Roosevelt to make, 
for these concerned Chinese territory and rights. Automatically, 
having made these concessions, the Americans would have to 
back Chiang Kai-shek, who agreed to these demands in regard to 
China while Mao was neither consulted nor told— and would not 
have agreed. For if the United States threw its weight in favour of 
a Sino-Soviet pact with Chiang, surely it must appear to back 
Chiang to the hilt, and leave itself no alternative. This is what 

To enter the war against Japan, Stalin had demanded on 
December 14, 1944, the lease of both Port Arthur and Dairen, 
Chinese ports situated on Chinese territory, and the surrounding 
area; lease of the Chinese Eastern Railway line from Dairen to 
Harbin (again that famous railway!), thence northwest to Man- 
chouli and east to Vladivostock; recognition of the status quo in 
Outer Mongolia (the independent republic of Outer Mongolia). 
On these conditions, Russia would enter the war against Japan 
‘two or three months’ after the war in Europe ended and Germany 
surrendered. Stalin was asking, in fact, the former rights of 
Czarist Russia, ‘violated’ (as he put it) by the Japanese in the war 
of 1904! The American negotiators managed to modify the 


wording to ‘internationalization of the ports of Dairen and the 
lease of Port Arthur as a naval base for the USSR; China’s full 
sovereignty in Manchuria being retained, but the pre-eminent 
interests of the Soviet Union safeguarded’,* 

Two months after the Yalta conference, in April 1945, Roose- 
velt died. The Cold War had already begun; the premises upon 
which the Yalta agreement had been drawn up had already 
changed, for the atom bomb was being tested and the United 
States felt able to go it alone , felt no need to share the world with 
anyone. The anti-Communist preparation of public opinion in the 
United States was immensely stepped up. Mao watched this with 
anxiety. He would always remember how swiftly public opinion 
could be manipulated. Unlike his predecessor, the new President 
Truman felt that a truculent attitude towards the Russians would 
pay off. By June 1945 there was already a categorical shift in 
attitude towards Russia. As for the policy towards China, 
Hurley seemed, in the first six months of 1945, convinced he 
would succeed in getting the two sides together — he was sure 
they were really ‘that near’, holding the thumb and fmger half 
an inch apart. But by together’ he meant under the supreme rule 
of Chiang Kai-shek. 

Increasingly, Hurley urged that pressure be put on the Com- 
munists, whose strength was ‘exaggerated’. He would not use any 
pressure on Chiang. American policy was ‘to sustain Chiang’ 
and no one else, said Hurley. Yet as late as January 1945 the State 
Department had stated in a memorandum that a ‘government 
representative of the wishes of the people’, and not necessarily 
Chiang Kai-shek s, was what the United States desired in China. 
But the State Department lagged beliind the formidable im- 
peratives of the Cold War, the ruthless calculations of profit and 
power. Hurley, therefore, was not the jackass some make him 
out to be. He was unrelentingly an imperialist. Cliiang would 
serve America s purposes in China far better than a patriotic, 
strong government under Mao. The race for economic con- 
cessions in Cliina had already begun ; American company 

* Among many others, see Herbert Feis, The China Tangle (Princeton 
University Press, 1953). 



representatives flew into Chungking even before the war had 

In February 1945 Hurley went to Washington and strongly 
recommended supporting only Chiang Kai-shek, with military 
weapons and money, opposing any other course of action. A 
little-known memorandum of the time quoted by John Service is 
the following: ‘Hurley, Lieutenant General Wedemeyer, and 
Commodore Miles discussed the Chinese military problems with 
the Joint Chiefs of Staff on March 27 [1945]. They were all of the 
opinion that the rebellion in China could be put down by com- 
paratively small assistance to Chiang’s government.’* Commo- 
dore Miles was later to head the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) 
in Cliina, in close co-operation with Tai Li, Chiang ’s secret 
service director. The OSS was the parent of the CIA. 

On April i John Service had another interview with Mao 
Tsetung, a few days before the Seventh Congress opened. This 
was his third interview; his first had been in August 1944 and 
the second in March 1945. Mao then told him that the people of 
China and of America had strong ties of sympathy, understanding 
and mutual interest. Both were essentially democratic and 
individualistic. China’s great postwar need would be economic 
development. America and China complemented each other 
economically. For all these reasons there must not and could not 
be any conflict, estrangement or misunderstanding between 
the Chinese people and the American people. Mao repeated 
that Americans did not seem to understand the Kuomintang- 
Communist issue; it was not just a kind of ‘bickering’ or legal 
opposition between two political parties. It was, far more, a 
military confrontation ; and Chiang would not hesitate to massacre 
the Communists should they give up their armies. 

Mao again offered friendship and co-operation to America in 
the war against Japan; he reminded Service gently that the 
Communists had saved many American airmen from Japanese 
clutches, often passing them through hostile country at the risk of 
their own lives. Now the Communists were even willing to 

*John Stewart Service, The Amerasia Papers: Some Problems in the History of 
U.S.-Chitia Relations, op. cit. 


place their forces under the command of an American general; 
they would loyally fight the common enemy. Mao said that 
America would win ‘the undying friendship’ of the overwhelming 
majority of China’s people should she decide twt to interfere in the 
civil war that was looming. To interfere meant to help Chiang 
solely. Then America would be helping Chiang make civil war 
against the people of Cliina; and this would ruin the friendship 
between China and America. Chou En-lai also urged Service to 
stay a few more days in Yenan; had Service done so, he would 
have been present at the Congress and heard some of the speeches 
made; but he had to leave. 

Service was ‘Hurleyed’ out of China in that same April 1945 ; 
Ambassador Hurley sent in a very unfavourable report on him, 
accusing him of pro-Communism. In June he was to be arrested 
in his own country in connection with ‘leaks’ to the magazine 

But even then Hurley had not been able to move the State 
Department — though with the fears and the pressures of the 
times, some quailed and caved in -to an officially adopted 
inflexible, help-Chiang-only policy, although the reality was that 
this policy was operative in substance. The principle of ‘flexibility’ 
was still being advocated, but the suggestion of military co- 
operation with the Communists had long since vanished, leaving 
military co-operation with Chiang still operative. The State 
Department reiterated somewhat weakly the ‘unrepresentative’ 
character of Chiang s government, its inefficiency and corruption. 
But Hurley carried on, and a growing number of rabidly anti- 

Communist businessmen and politicians seemed to back his 

It is against this background that we must analyse Mao’s 
speech On Coalition Government at the Seventh Congress.* The 
speech has the all-encompassing sweep which Mao projects in so 
much of his writing; the links between separate spheres of opera- 
tion— military, political, economic, foreign relations — are shown 
very clearly. There is not a single belligerent word; but it is a 
speech of resolve and determination, of flexible offer to co-operate, 

* Selected Works, vol. III. 



but of inflexible principle not to disarm but to negotiate on the 
ten-point programme set out in 1937. All this was not new; but 
On Coalition Government is also a blueprint for a new Chinese 
state. There is not a single word against the United States, in spite 
of the way in which Mao might have felt let down. He had no 
illusions left, but only quiet confidence. ‘We must exert ourselves 
and learn, because China depends on us for reconstruction.’ He 
expected no help from anyone. 

He repeated again that the offer made by Chiang of one post in 
the National Military Council meant nothing; there must be an 
end to one-party dictatorship and political tutelage, repeal of all 
laws suppressing the freedom of the people, abolition of the 
secret police, of the attacks and the blockade against Communist 
areas, recognition of the legal status of all anti-Japanese troops, and 
of the popularly elected governments in the liberated areas. 
Chiang’s book, China's Destiny* had been published in 1944; it 
was full of Confucian precepts, and attacked the Communists as 
an ‘alien’ philosophy. Mao referred to it with irony. China’s 
two destinies were indeed plain: ‘Someone has written a book 
about one of them ... our Congress represents China’s other 
destiny, and we too shall write a book about it.’ Mao called the 
CCP ‘the centre of gravity of the Chinese people’s struggle to 
resist Japan and save the nation ... China’s centre of gravity lies 
right here where we are, and nowhere else.’ 

Mao Tsetung also indicated that within the Party as well as 
without there were people who were so wearied by war that they 
were ready to compromise and come to an agreement on almost 
any terms. The USSR, as well as the United States and Great 
Britain and France, all tried to persuade the CCP to give in. But 
the continuation of armed attacks from the KMT throughout the 
years, and the blockade (which took no less than 790,000 of 
Cliiang’s men), made it impossible to come to an agreement by 
relinquishing the armed forces and the territories under 
Communist administration. 

The danger of civil war was present; Chiang was indeed 
stepping up preparations ‘as soon as the forces of a certain Allied 

* English edition, Roy Publishers, New York, 1947. 


country have cleared a considerable part of the Chinese mainland 
of the Japanese aggressors’. Obviously Mao still believed that the 
United States strategy of using China as a jumping-off base to 
occupy Japan held good; he did not know that the plans had 

The time was right for daring, but in the Party there were those 
who did not dare; the fear of offending both the United States 
and the USSR must have been often discussed by the faint- 
hearted. They had no confidence in the Chinese people, said Mao, 
they were ‘practical’ men, with a fear of taking power by armed 
struggle. He was ready to talk peace, but not at the cost of 

On foreign policy Mao had this to say: ‘The Communist 
Party of China agrees with the Atlantic Charter and with the 
decisions of the international conferences of Moscow, Cairo, 
Teheran and the Crimea [Yalta] because these decisions all 
contribute to the defeat of the fascist aggressors and the main- 
tenance of world peace.’ The fundamental principles of the 
foreign pohey of the Communist Party, later to become those of 
the People’s Republic of China, were stated by Mao Tsetung at 
that time: ‘China shall establish and strengthen diplomatic 
relations with all countries and settle all questions of common 
concern, such as co-ordination of military operations in the war, 
peace conferences, trade and investment, on the basic conditions 
that the Japanese aggressors must be completely defeated and 
world peace maintained, that there must be mutual respect for 
national independence and equality and that there must be 
promotion of mutual interests and friendship between states and 
between peoples.’ In this declaration lie the five principles of 
peaceful existence, still the basis of China’s foreign policy. This 
sentence implied denial of recognition of any agreement not based 
on mutual interests’ and ‘national independence and equality’. 

We welcome the United Nations Conference on International 
Organization in San Francisco’ (a delegation of the CCP was 
appointed to the conference and attended it, despite strenuous 
objections from Chiang) ‘in order to express the will of the 
Chinese people ... We ask the governments of all Allied countries. 



and of the United States and Britain in the first place, to pay 
serious attention to the voice of the Chinese people and not to 
impair friendship with them by pursuing foreign policies that run 
counter to their will ... IVe maintain that if any foreign government 
helps the Chinese reactionaries and opposes the Chinese people^s 
democratic cause, it will he committing a gross mistake^ (Author’s 

The United States was warned. But by that time the die was 
already cast. 

The emergence at the Seventh Congress and the meteoric rise since 
1937 of Liu Shao-chi could be looked upon as inevitable, since 
according to dialectics every situation is pregnant with its 
opposite within itself From the time of the Seventh Congress, 
Liu Shao-chi would be regarded as Mao’s most faithful adherent 
and collaborator. More puzzling is the status of ‘Party theoreti- 
cian’ he seems to have assumed so swiftly. First reports of Liu 
as a ‘philosopher of the Party’ and a ‘rigid theologian of Marxism’ 
appeared in the foreign press in 1948 and 1949; in the 1950s he 
was said to be more ‘Russian-oriented’ than Mao, and hence more 
of a ‘Marxist’. Yet his works, until then, including Training of the 
Communist Party Member (one of the documents of the Rectifica- 
tion campaign, to be reprinted, later, as How To Be a Good 
Communist, are not so much theoretical as organizational theses. 
But whatever the reputation made or unmade by outside 
observers, Liu’s career between 1935 and 1945 demands scrutiny, 
because after Mao he was the main speaker at the Seventh 
Congress, although both Chou En-lai and Chu Teh also made 
speeches. Liu was now elected vice-chairman of the Central 
Committee, while Mao was elected chairman. 

It seems puzzling that Chou En-lai, who had done so much for 
the Revolution and had held so successfully so many important 
appointments, was not chief speaker. Chou had been engaged in 
the prolonged and difficult negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek — 
as recently as January and February 1945 — when he had reiterated 
the CCP demands for a coalition government. He had then 
questioned Hurley as to whether the United States would give 



weapons to Chiang. Hurley had equivocated, saying no arms 
would be handed over to the troops of any political party ; (obviously 
he did not consider Chiang*s one-party Kuomintang government 
a political party). Chou had been successful in rallying third 
party and independent personalities and even Kuomintang 
adherents. He had been the moving spirit behind the formation of 
the Democratic League, which in September 1944 signed an 
agreement with the CCP not to negotiate with the KMT or 
submit to any KMT dominance without prior consultation with 
the CCP. Chou ‘had set the pattern everywhere for a coalition 
government, for a national conference*, according to some 
observers of the time. He was reaffirmed at the Seventh Congress, 
and became also a vice-chairman. 

Chang Kuo-tao has left us a clear word picture of Liu Shao-chi, 
whom he met in Moscow in 1922. Liu believed in organizing 
workers, students, women and ‘the poor masses* to struggle ‘for 
improvement of their livelihood*. According to Chang, Liu*s 
ideal never was revolution, but ‘social welfare*. A striving for 
legal benefits and legal activities’, a liking for law and order, and 
rules and regulations (he was to draw a 70-point charter for 
industry) mark him as the opposite of Mao in liis vision of how 
things should be done. The notion of class struggle was ‘repug- 
nant* to Liu, says his friend Chang Kuo-tao. This does not make a 
revolutionary. We understand better Liu’s handling of the 
Anyuan mine strike, and his habit, as Chang says, always to have 
orderly programmes* ready. 

In 1925, after the May 30, 1925, incident, Liu appears to have 
been on the point of arrest (he was at the time vice-president in 
the Shanghai headquarters of the All-China Federation of Labour). 
He fled to Changsha and liid in Mao’s Cultural Bookstore. But 
he was discovered and arrested; then released, he went to Canton 
in June 1925. In 1927, in Wuhan, Liu Shao-chi obeyed the orders 
given by Chen Tu-hsiu to disarm the workers, and even presented 
a report on this ‘success ... to restore unity*. He was again arrested 
by Wang Ching-wei, and it appears that Chen Kung-po, one of 
the founders of the Communist Party, who later went over to 
Chiang Kai-shek, got in touch with Liu when he was in jail and 



persuaded him to give up Communism. Liu was then given the 
Confucian classics to read and was much affected*. He was 
released, but on condition that he would be ‘the Kuomintang 
man within the CCP. Whether this is correct or not is not known, 
but the personahty of those who talk of this event seems to be a 
guarantee that something of the sort did happen.* 

In 1928, after turning against Chen Tu-hsiu and denouncing his 
line, Liu did underground work in the Northeast and became 
secretary of the Party Committee in Manchuria. He also attended 
Comintern meetings in Russia and the Sixth Congress of the CCP, 
held in Moscow. The Manchurian Party Committee was arrested 
in 1930, but Liu escaped, and between 193 1 and 1934 he was at the 
Central (Juichin) Base as chairman of the All-China Federation of 
Labour. It is said that he did not agree with the ‘ultra-left’ line of 
Wang Ming. But he became a member of the provisional 
Politburo organized by the twenty-eight Bolsheviks, and one of 
the seventeen men elected to the presidium in 1934 — whose 
object was to check Mao’s influence as chairman of the local 
government of the base. 

In 1934 he appears to have done the first stage of the Long 
March, going as far as Tsunyi; from there, he went back to the 
White areas. He was then several times back in Yenan. Chang 
Kuo-tao tells of the episode in which Liu, in June 1937, wrote a 
‘letter’ criticizing everything that had been done in the Party as 
‘left adventurist’, including the First United Front. Chang seems 
to imply that Liu and he were of the same opinion, but without 
any consultation, as Liu did not go to see Chang in Yenan. The 
letter recommended no less than a complete abandonment of all 
the policies which had been followed by the CCP, and complete 
surrender to Chiang Kai-shek. Liu especially condemned rural 
bases and peasant movements, says Chang. Mao was much 
exercised by this and went to see Liu; then Liu withdrew the 
letter, went back on what he had written, and adhered to Mao s 

Liu returned again to work in the Wliite areas, and with some 
success, after 1937; in 1938 he openly espoused Mao’s line on the 

* Interviews, and articles in Chinese press. 


united front, and returned to lecture at the Ycnan Marx-Lcnin 
Institute in 1939. 

And now we come to what has been called *the abjuration case\ 
Apparently, even at this early stage, certain minor cadres had 
already denounced Liu as being a renegade, but these accusations 
went unheard. The ‘abjuration* case was brought out in the open 
for the first time on April i, 1967, though it happened in 1936. 
Apparently Liu Shao-chi advised some Party members who were 
prisoners of the Kuomintang to renounce Communism in order 
to save themselves. Thus were released, among others, Peng 
Chen, Liu Lan-tao, An Tzu-wen, Po I-po; these and others were 
used by Liu to build up his own following in the Party, or, as it 
is now called, his own bourgeois headquarters* in opposition 
to Mao*s ‘proletarian headquarters* within the Party. This might 
mean that in the enormous expansion of the Party from 1938 
onward, the recruits and adherents of Liu Shao-chi would be in 
sizable number; and although the vast majority of those recruited 
would know nothing of these intrigues, he would try to place his 
own supporters in key positions within the Party.* 

Mao Tsetung was uncompromisingly against admitting anyone 
to the Party who had at any time abjured or reneged; a wise 
decision, for the policy of getting Communist prisoners to sign a 
paper whereby they gave up their beliefs had been practised by 
Chiang since 1933 ^nd was a way of infiltrating the Party with his 
own agents or potential agents. It is at the Seventh Congress 
that we see Liu developing, in his speech, certain articles con- 
cerning the adimssion of Party members which make us suspect 

that he was indeed trying to get people who had abjured into the 

In On the Partyf Liu speaks of the ‘thorough ideological 
reform of petty bourgeois Party members, which has ‘changed 
their former petty-bourgeois nature and imparts to them the 
qualities of the advanced fighters of the proletariat*. This is in 
line with his views on human nature, but it is not Marxism. He 

* Intervi^ew with French Marxist-Leninists, 1969, who had held discussions in 
China on Liu Shao-chi. Also personal talks by author in China, 1969, 1970. 

■j* This was the title of Liu*s speech at the Seventh Congress. 



then goes on to say that the social origin of our Party member- 
ship does not determine the character of our Party, just as the 
social composition of the membership of the labour parties in 
certain European countries does not determine their character’. 
In the explanation of the new statutes for Party membership, 
more interesting phraseology comes out. Liu divides the member- 
ship into four categories, the fourth consisting of ‘persons 
who have accepted other political faiths and joined other political 
parties or groups . This would mean that a person who had 
joined the Kuomintang is eligible; rather a startling admission, 
considering what had happened since 1927 (it would be, of course, 
quite different for the period 1924 to 1927 of the First United 
Front). The statutes add that if a person had joined another 
party under coercion, he would be admitted according to his 
social status, and not as a person with other political affiliations; 
this means he might be eligible without further investigation. A 
former member of the Party ‘applying for readmission after 
leaving the Party must follow the procedure for the fourth 
category, as such a person, having displayed political vacillation, 
should have the recommendation of more experienced Party 
members’. This opens the door wide for the return of abjurers. 
‘His probationary period may generally be shortened,’ is added, 
and also that if Party connections ‘have been involuntarily broken 
off... he’ (the Party member) ‘must be reinstated immediately 
after his application has been verified ... he need not go through 
the procedure required of a new member’. In this way, and in a 
seemingly reasonable manner, it would be entirely in the hands of 
Liu and his own followers, if they were in the position to decide 
on admissions, to admit whom they wanted. And it is certain that 
the cadre organization bureau was in his control. The charge that 
Liu built up his own headquarters in the Party does not seem 
therefore excessive. 

Mao strenuously opposed the admission of any abjurers, saying 
that anyone who had reneged should never be admitted again. But 
Mao was never an absolute autocrat witliin the Party; ideological 
authority does not mean dictatorial power; and statesmanship is 
the art of getting along with opponents or future adversaries. 


This thesis may provide an explanation for Liu’s swift rise, and 
for his obvious assumption of power within the next few years, a 
power founded on bureaucracy within the Party. But at the 
Seventh Congress, Liu extolled Mao Tsetung Thought; and 
spoke of Mao in terms almost idolatrous; perhaps this very 
verbiage should make him suspect. ‘Long live comrade Mao 
Tsetung, our Party leader and the helmsman of the revolutionary 

Using the Thought of Mao Tsetung, which unites the 
theories of Marxism-Leninism with the actual practice of the 
Chinese Revolution ... as the guide in all its work, our Party has 
formulated a revolutionary programme ... Our Party is a party 
that has a great leader of its own; this leader is none else but 
comrade Mao Tsetung ... who ... has raised our national thinking 
to an unprecedented height and shown to the suffering nation and 
people the only correct and clear road towards complete libera- 
tion ... the road of Mao Tsetung.’ 

Much of this is quite true; but it simply docs not sound sincere, 
and we arc compelled to think it was flattery, not the outpourings 
of a heart full of real admiration for the undoubted achievements 
of Mao. Especially as Liu’s very good friend Chang Kuo-tao* 
writes: ‘Liu was never much of an admirer of Mao.’ He 
found him ‘illogical, indiscriminate ... lacking in self-culture ... 
Generally speaking, those cadres at higher levels who are more 
prudent ... are congenial with him... He does not enjoy class 
struggle, does not cherish guerillaism.' (Author’s italics.) 

As the Seventh Congress proceeded to its triumphal conclusion, 
Mao’s warning in the Appendix: Resolutions on Certain Questions 
in the History of Our Party, ^ and certain turns of plirasc in his speech 
indicate that he was aware of the eternal antithetic twin present 
in the Party, the two-line struggle. It was something that would 
always be ‘one divides into two’. 

The Seventh Congress was, above all, a congress of unity and of 
victory. The Party stood poised, on the threshold of a new phase. 

* Chang and Liu were very close friends in Shanghai in the 1920s. See preface 
by Chang Kuo-tao to Collected Works of Liu Shao-chi, op. cit. 

t Adopted on April 20, 1945, by the enlarged Seventh Plenary Session of the 

Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Selected Works, 
vol. Ill, p. 177. 



In between the sessions, carefree and jocular, Mao Tsetung, now 
a little bit more fat, his hair much shorter, played pingpong, 
joked, and went out for walks, to talk and laugh with the peasants 
in the caves just above the Central Committee building where 
the congress was taking place, and inquire of the planting and the 
prospects for the harvest. In the final contest, it would be the 
workers and peasants of China, and not a handful of ambitious 
men, who would decide the outcome of the Revolution. 

The Conquest of Power; Prelude 

Yesterday, in a talk with two Americans who were leaving for 
the United States, I said that the United States government was 
trying to undermine us and this would not be permitted. We 
oppose the United States government’s policy of supporting 
Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists. But we must draw a 
distinction firstly between the people of the United States and 
their government and secondly within the United States govern- 
ment between the policy makers and their subordinates.’ In these 
words Mao Tsetung expressed, very moderately, the conclusions to 
which American action had driven the Chinese Communist Party.* 

The Dixie mission had gone, the last of the observers and news- 
men too. Some would be arrested, and others, like Colonel 
Barrett, because he had recommended equipping the Communist 
forces, would be retired from active service. John Paton Davies, 
who had recommended the dispatch of the Dixie mission, was 
to pay dearly for writing favourable reports about Yenan. 

On April 2, 1945, at a press conference in Washington convened 
at the State Department, Ambassador Hurley asserted that there 
would be no co-operation with the Chinese Communists, and 
praised Chiang’s ‘democratic’ government. In spite of the fact 
that on April 3 the State Department’s paper called Chiang’s 
government ‘unrepresentative’, warned against the outbreak of 
civil war, and the unwisdom of total commitment ‘in any way’ 
to Chiang s government ‘unless and until national political unity 
and stability has been achieved [and] the Chinese government 
[i.e. Chiang] has obtained the support of the Chinese people’. 
Hurley did not reflect the conditional and limited nature of 
America s support to Chiang, but flew back to throw himself, and 

* Said on June ii, 1945. See The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the 
Mountains. Selected Works, vol. III. This was Mao Tsetung*s concluding speech 
at the Seventh Congress of the CCP. 




America’s military power, behind Chiang. Before leaving, 
Hurley promised Truman that he would bring about ‘unity’ by 
the end of April. 

Chiang had not been inactive. As a camouflage a People’s 
Political Consultative Conference and National Assembly were 
announced; for the suggestion had first been put forward by the 
Communists. This organization was suggested by Mao Tsetung to 
Hurley in January 1945, on one of Mao’s many attempts to 
obtain negotiations on a representative basis. Mao proposed the 
conference should be attended by delegates of the Kuomintang, 
the Communists, and the Democratic League. ‘But Chiang 
retained complete control of the government and its power of 
ultimate decision of final responsibility,’ as Chou En-lai said. 
The National Assembly would be completely KMT-controlled 
and ‘would not change the reality of Chiang’s personal dominance’. 

In July the Communists reiterated their demand for a Political 
Consultative Conference, with KMT, Communist, and Demo- 
cratic League and other representatives of independent parties. 
Now Hurley blocked this. By that time Hurley’s position in 
Cliina had deteriorated. Such was the popular appeal of the 
Communist proposal that many non-Communist leaders now 
criticized him.* Chiang then again played for time; he would 
convoke a National Assembly on November 12, to ‘hand state 
power back to the people on that date’. But since the National 
Assembly was KMT-picked, all parties except the KMT refused 
to attend it. Hurley stated that Chiang was ‘carrying out genuine 
reforms’, but this deceived no one, not even Hurley himself, and 
certainly not the hard-headed Wedemeyer who had replaced 

The reality was, as always, the ‘reorganization’ of the armed 
forces of Yenan, the control of the Red Army. Chiang proposed 
that a committee of three, including one American, should be in 
charge of this project; but the CCP must hand over its troops 
before receiving ‘legal status’, which meant it could not attend the 
National Assembly before disarming itself 

* Sec Tang Tsou, Americans Failure in China, 1941-1950 (University of Chicago 
Press, 1963), p. 288. 


111 July 1945 Mao warned: ‘The policy of die United States 
towards China as represented by its Ambassador Patrick J. Hurley 
is creating a civil war crisis in China ... If the Hurley policy of 
aiding and abetting the reactionary forces ... and antagonizing 
the Chinese people continues unchanged, it will place a crushing 
burden on the government and people of the United States and 
plunge them into endless trouble.’ The CCP did not want to 
fight, said Mao, but ‘the rights the people have ... must never be 
lightly given up ... We don’t want civil war . . . this will be a civil 
war forced on us.’ During the Sino-Japanese war, Chiang’s 
policy had been ‘to look on with folded arms, wait for victory, 
conserve his forces and prepare for civil war’, while the Chinese 
Communist armies fought. Now Chiang was getting ready for 
his kind of war, civil war, and he had dragged America, through 
Hurley, into backing him. 

So much was to happen in August 1945, when World War II 
ended and the era of atomic war began. The USSR entered the 
war against Japan on August 8, Russian troops overrunning 
Manchuria, disarming Japanese troops, and occupying the main 
cities. On the loth, American forces in China began to help 
Chiang s armies recapture the cities and lines of communication 
in North China. On August ii, Chiang sent a cable to Chu Teh, 
ordered the Communist commander-in-chief to keep the Red 
armies immobile, and not to accept any Japanese surrenders. 
This was against the Potsdam declaration.* Chu Teh, as corn- 
man der-in-cliief of the Resist Japan armies in the liberated areas, 
had issued seven such commands and orders to advance and 
occupy Japanese-held territory, a few hours after the Japanese 
notification of surrender had been received by the USSR, China, 
the United States and Britain. f 

In reply to Chiang’s order to Chu Teh, Mao Tsetung cabled a 

* The right to disarm enemy forces and accept surrenders. Since the united 

front was still in existence, teclinically the commander-in-chief of the Red Army 

had as much right to disarm enemy forces and accept Japanese surrenders as any 
other force. 

t The notification of surrender was received on August 10. See ‘Two 
telegrams from the Commandcr-in-Chief of tlic i8th Group Army to Chiang 
Kai-shek (August, 1945). Selected Works, vol. IV. 



categorical no, pointing out the illegality of Chiang’s order, 
since on August ii Chiang had ordered his officers to ‘step up the 
war effort . . . push forward without the slightest relaxation’, and 
since, according to the Potsdam declaration and the Japanese 
government notification of surrender, the Red armies were just as 
anti-Japanese and therefore as entitled to receive the surrenders of 
Japanese and puppet troops as any other anti-Japanese armies 
which also included the Russian armies, in China only since 
August 8. 

On August 13 Mao issued two statements. The Situation and 
Our Policy After the Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan 
was a warning that Chiang was preparing to renew the civil 
conflict. Mow Chiang Kai-shek is Provoking Civil War was even 
more outspoken and biting. ‘As Chiang is sharpening his swords, 
we must sharpen ours too.* 

On August 14 Chiang signed the treaty of friendship and 
alliance with the USSR so much desired by Hurley; on the 
same day General Douglas MacArthur, as United States supreme 
commander in Japan, issued the order that only Chiang’s armies 
were recognized as the authority to accept the surrender of 
Japanese troops in China, and ordered the Japanese garrisons to 
stay put until the KMT armies arrived. ‘What swung the balance 
in favour of the Nationalist government and averted an imminent 
Communist victory was American assistance in expeditiously 
transporting the Nationalist forces by sea and air to strategic 
points throughout China while Japanese and puppet forces held 
these areas against the Communists pending the arrival of 
Kuomintang troops . . . The first outlines of these military opera- 
tions were laid down ... towards the end of July.’* 

Chiang moved swiftly, taking over puppet troops as his own — 
for some of them it was only returning to their original commands. 
He could now play a game of high diplomacy while completing 
his war preparations — with wliich the Americans were helping 
him, with spectacular results. 

On August 19 Hurley flew back to Yenan to persuade Mao to 

* Tang Tsou, Americans Failure in Chindy op. cit., pp. 305» 30^* 


come to Chungking for talks with Cliiang Kai-shek. Chiang 
sent telegrams urging Mao to come, and Mao agreed on August 
24. The American guaranteed his personal safety, and it was 
Hurley who escorted Mao back to Chungking on August 26. 
Chou En-lai went with him, while Liu Shao-chi remained in 
Yenan as acting chairman. Meanwhile, beginning on July 21, 
Hu Tsung-nan had suddenly attacked the Yenan base and taken a 
piece out of it (41 villages). Mao fought back, and the territory 
had been recaptured on August 8. 

Why did Mao go to Chungking? Because there was a great 
desire for peace among the war-wearied millions; because the 
issues were unclear to the bulk of the people in Kuomintang 
areas, who looked forward to the Communists bringing their 
efficiency and honesty and somehow changing Chiang. Because 
in the CCP itself the issues were not clear. Because Mao Ihmsclf 
would rather not have fought; because he calculated that et^cn if he 
had cast away all illusions, a refusal to go would have played 
into Chiang’s hands — enabling him to call the Communists 
belligerent and rigid, determined to seek warlike solutions. 

The Russians also seemed apprehensive of a conflict which 
might involve them, and urged unity between the KMT and 
CCP. Though Stalin would later, in September 1946, state that 
the atom bomb ‘is only feared by weaklings’, the whipping up of 
anti-Russian hysteria in Europe, recent talks between British 
diplomats and some Nazi commanders in Western Europe, had 
made the USSR fearful of a surprise military attack. The Soviet 
Union did not have the atom bomb; it needed peace to rebuild its 
shattered economy. Pressure upon Mao from Russia for a 
peaceful settlement’ was therefore strong, but it was never a 
threat as some Western diplomats interpreted it. Li Li-san’s 
return was also regarded as a ‘threat* to Mao;* this was typical of 
the Hurley type of thinking, but it is not, in a sane perspective, to 
be so regarded. Li Li-san had practically no following in the 
Party or in China. 

Some of our comrades’, said Mao, ‘put their faith in political 

* Li Li-san returned with the Soviet troops that came into Manchuria in 
August 1945. 



influence, fancying that problems can be solved merely by 

Which ‘comrades’ did Mao refer to? Mao Tsetung also now 
told his Party of his last meeting with Barrett in December 1944, 
a meeting which seared Barrett deeply, for he was doing what he 
had no heart to do. Barrett told Mao: ‘You should listen to 
Hurley and send a few men to be officials of the Kuomintang 
government.’ ‘If we become officials,’ Mao had replied, ‘we must 
be free to act ... a coalition government must be set up on a 
democratic basis.’ And Barrett: ‘It will be bad if you don’t.’ 
‘How bad?’ ‘First the Americans will curse you; secondly the 
Americans will back Chiang Kai-shek.’ Mao replied: ‘What we 
have now is millet plus rifles, what you have is bread plus cannon 
... If you want to back Chiang Kai-shek, back him, back him as 
long as you want. But remember one thing: To whom does China 
belong? China definitely does not belong to Chiang Kai-shek, 
China belongs to the Chinese people.** 

According to Barrett, j" Mao said about Chiang, ‘that son of a 
turtle should have got down from his high scat long ago’, and at 
the end of the conference said, very gently, to Barrett: ‘You 
really do want peace in China, don’t you?’ 

But Mao now also mentioned some ‘comrades’ in the Party 
who had voiced their terror of the atom bomb. Mao quoted 
Mountbatten, who had said that ‘the worst possible mistake is to 
think that the atom bomb can decide the war’. The comrades 
referred to, he went on, ‘are more backward than Mountbatten ... 
What influence has made these comrades look on the atom bomb 
as something miraculous? Bourgeois influence ... the theory that 
weapons decide everything, the purely military viewpoint ... a 
bureaucratic style of work divorced from the masses ... All the 
bourgeois influence in our ranks.’ To whom were these words 

Mao went to Chungking to discuss with Chiang Kai-shek the 
great issues of unity and national reconstruction. Unless there was 

* The Situation and Our Policy After the Victory in the War of Resistance Against 
Japan (August 13 , i945)» Selected Works, vol. IV. 

■j* Personal letter to the author. 



a definite way of making a coalition government work, there 
would be civil war; but it must not be a coalition for surrender. 
Mao himself had little hope; however, ‘it is possible that the 
civil war plot of the Chinese reactionaries may be frustrated ... 
We are prepared to make such concessions as arc necessary and as 
do not damage the fundamental interests of tlic people.’ This 
meant drastic cuts in the size of the liberated areas and the strength 
of the Red Army, stopping the issue of Communist currency — 
issued in liberated areas since 1940 — and learning to master ‘all 
forms of legal struggle’. ‘Without such concessions, we cannot 
explode the Kuoniintang’s civil war plot.’ He knew in his own 
heart that no matter how much he conceded, Chiang would 
take nothing short of complete surrender of armed power, and 
would break liis word at the first opportunity. But ‘without 
such concessions, we cannot gain the political initiative, cannot 
win the sympathy of world public opinion and the middle-of- 
the-roaders witliin the country, and cannot obtain in exchange 
legal status for our Party and a state of peace ... The Soviet 
Union, the United States and Britain all disapprove of civil war in 

Thus, having analysed the various aspects of the contradiction, 
Mao, dressed in a quiet grey suit and a topee, enplaned for 
Chungking on August 26 with Chou En-lai. Wang Jo-fei, and 
Patrick Hurley. 

By that time Chiang’s troops had already been conveyed in 
United States planes and carried on United States ships to all 
points north, and Chiang already controlled all the big cities and 
lines of communication in North China as well as in the South. 
The Red armies, however, still had 175 medium or small cities as 
well as 20 per cent of the rural areas of China in their hands. 

‘The Old Boy’ as the peasants of the liberated areas affectionately 
called Mao Tsetung,* as he waved his topee to the crowds at 
Yenan, then at Chungking airport, looked again much thinner, 
alone and quiet. But he had made ‘full preparation’. 

Mao’s arrival in Chungking was an enormous event, a triumph; 

* The term ‘old’ indicates friendship, affection, and Mao is delighted to be 
called thus; it is also found in Chinese newspapers. 



his presence produced big crowds and small stampedes every- 
where, despite Chiang s strict police barricades. He looked so 
simple, his gestures so mild ; his smile was slow to come, then very 
gentle. He was self-eflacing, so different from the boot-stamping 
officers and the purring officials of the Kuomintang. But there 
was strength behind this candour, the shrewd, cool-headed con- 
fidence of a man in time with his country and his people. 

In late August I945» the same time as Mao arrived in Chung- 
king, 120,000 men of the Red armies, under Lin Piao with 30,000 
cadres, were marching towards Manchuria with mule packs and 
horse packs; all the way the people helped them, streamed back 
with them, returning to villages wrecked by the Japanese. The 
troops made forty to sixty miles a day, sometimes more— a 
gruelling trek of forced marches on foot. Since 1942 red guerillas 
had been infiltrating into the northeast. These troops came 
mostly from North China and from Shantung province; they 
were at first inadequately armed, but very shortly large quantities 
of surrendered equipment which had belonged to 594,000 
Japanese troops, reappeared in the hands of the Chinese Com- 
munists.* Kuomintang historians insist that it was the Russian 
army who helped locally by simply allowing a takeover of supply 

With these men would be organized a People’s Liberation 
Army in Manchuria; a recruiting programme in Manchuria itself 
would be launched, the usual process of mass mobilization, 
political arousal, land reform, popular government, establish- 
ment of guerilla zones, then of bases in the countryside, surround- 
ing the Chiang-held cities. 

During the forty-three days that Mao stayed in Chungking, 
many tried to see him; hundreds of people waited to catch a 
glimpse of him. The liaison office, in a narrow lane in this city of 
staircase streets and gullies, perched on a rocky promontory like 
an eagle’s eyrie. Mao’s residence on ‘red cliff’, with its winding 
pathways between two hills, saw literally thousands go back and 

* F. F. Liu, A Military History of Modern China, ig 24 ~ig 4 g (Oxford University 
Press, London, 1959)- 



forth, or just stand, fanning themselves in the torrid noon heat, 
waiting for a glimpse of Mao. 

Litellectuals, teachers, workers relayed his every gesture, his 
habits, what he ate, what he said. In the aeroplane Mao had written 
a poem. He now received poems from scholars, from admirers, 
and rephed in kind. He was photographed toasting Chiang Kai- 
shek and the ‘success’ of the negotiations. At a party he saw again 
the old warlord Feng Yu-hsiang, and they exchanged calligraphic 
scrolls. He also saw the erstwhile agriculture minister of those 
faraway Wuhan days, Tan Ping-shan (who had now formed a 
third’ party). Both remembered the massacres of 1927 but 
remained silent on the subject of the millions who died because of 
Chiang Kai-shek. 

The negotiations between the Communists and Chiang Kai- 
shek were top secret; Chiang and his advisers were apparently 
cloistered with Mao, Chou En-lai and Wang Jo-fei. But the 
Americans were kept informed of every word, not only by the 
Kuomintang officials but by some of their own interpreters in 
attendance. The Americans were impressed by the sincerity of the 
Communists; in spite of their dislike of Communism they could 
not but respond to their skill, their businesslike ways, their 
realistic attitude, and above all their earnest sincerity. They 
reported that the Communists gave many signs of wanting to 
obtain a settlement.* Mao offered to withdraw all Red Army 
troops from the southern areas and in fact did so, withdrawing 
the New Fourth Army from around Nanking and other sensitive 
spots where their presence worried the Kuomintang officials, who 
looked forward to returning to the big coastal cities and their 
former luxury. Instead of raising their price for a settlement, the 
Communists now diminished the scope of their former demands. 
They suggested the holding of a genuine Political Consultative 
Conference, not ‘hand-picked’ by Chiang but with representatives 
from every party, to exchange views on national affairs prior to 
the formation of a coalition government. They were prepared 
to retain only 20 divisions, or 200,000 men, in their own armies, 

* Tang Tsou, America's Failure in China^ op. cit. 



about 10 per cent of what Chiang Kai-shek had in hand as his 
own elite central troops, not counting 3 million other troops. 
At that time the Red armies numbered 910,000 men, so the cut 
was important. Meanwhile, the extreme right-wing of the KMT 
clamoured about Communist insincerity’, and the words 'total 
annihilation of the Red bandits’ (one of the KMT’s favourite 
slogans) were still bandied about in Chungking. 

Unfortunately for the chances of peace, the moderation of the 
Communists, who instead of increasing their demands were dis- 
posed to step down, and seemed ready to abandon the hope of 
gaining political power over all China and to narrow their aim to 
regional influence in the liberated areas of the North, was con- 
strued by certain Americans present (Hurley among them) as 
evidence of weakness. 

The negotiations lasted forty-one days; they ended apparently 
on a hopeful note, with banqueting and speeches of peace. On 
October 10 a summary of conversations’, also known as the 
October 10 agreement, was issued. 

Although Chiang Kai-shek agreed to bring political tutelage— 
which had lasted since 1928 — to a conclusion, and to reorganize 
the government through a Political Consultative Conference 
with delegates from all parties as demanded by the CCP, he 
refused to recognize a legal status for the CCP and the elected 
governments of the Communists’ liberated areas. No agreement 
had been reached on the crucial point, the armed forces, although 
a maintenance of the status quo on the military fronts pending 
further discussions was agreed on. (Chiang’s attacks were going on 
during the talks, though limited in scope.) The ‘nationalization’ of 
the armed forces, this was to be implemented through a committee 
of KMT and CCP representatives. On balance, the summary of 
the conference appeared hopeful. But the survey of the military 
actions which took place during this conference was not. 

But because of the moderation of the Communists, because of 
Chiang’s diplomatic ‘victory’ in achieving a treaty of friendship 
with the USSR just before Mao’s visit,* because the way the 

* Chiang even invited Mao with the Russian ambassador to dinner in order to 
impress Mao with his good relations with the USSR. 


Americans and Chiang saw ‘strength’ was to raise the price when 
in a strong position and not to climb down, Hurley argued that 
the Communists had ‘backed down’ and were ‘in a position of 
great weakness, both militarily and politically’ — he said they were 
‘disavowed’ by Stalin ! This was a direct encouragement to Chiang 
to proceed with military action. 

By mid-October, when the negotiations had ended, Chiang 
indeed seemed in a position of strength. With the help of the 
Americans, his troops had reoccupied most of the cities of the 
North. In Manchuria the Russians were holding the cities to turn 
them over to his armies, not to the Communists. The only large 
Manchurian city captured by the Communists would be evacua- 
ted at Russian insistence. Tsingtao on the coast had become a 
United States naval base; 90,000 marines had landed in China to 
protect and garrison the ports, airports and communication 
centres for Chiang Kai-shek. A demand by Chu Teh to Hurley 
for 20 million dollars’ aid for the Red armies to induce puppet 
troops to surrender had been refused, but Chiang would receive 
1*5 billion dollars in equipment and loans in the course of the 
next two years. Hurley openly boasted that he had ‘helped’ push 
Stalin into the friendship treaty with Cliiang. All United States 
officials who had reported favourably on the Communists had 
been transferred out of the embassy in Chungking. The United 
States policy encouraged Chiang to pursue the course he had in 
mind and United States aid accelerated the outbreak of the civil 
conflict; for almost immediately after the Chungking negotia- 
tions, Chiang ordered an offensive against the Red areas. 

But it was precisely the American help to Chiang, to place 
cities and coastline and key points within his power, which 
paradoxically helped to defeat Hurley, already in a deteriorating 
position in August. Hurley hoped to regain influence by the 
Chungking negotiations; but now the contradiction in American 
policy between the State Department recommendation for 
flexibility and ‘peaceful unification’, and the Hurley-dominated 
policy of supporting exclusively the government of Chiang Kai- 
shek, had arrived at an impasse. The military under General 
Wedemeyer were supplying spectacular help to Chiang— 400,000 



to 500,000 Nationalist troops were moved to new positions and 
American marines were occupying Peking, Tientsin, Chefoo, 

Changwangtao, Tsingtao, and protecting the coal mines to the 
north and the essential railways. 

This very help proved Chiang s defeat. The Kuomintang troops 
behaved in such an appalling manner that by October, when Mao 
went back to Yenan and within only two months of the Japanese 
surrender, the recovered areas were seething with resentment. 
The Chiang occupation troops were *worse even than the 
Japanese’, and the leading newspaper Ta Kung Pao appealed to 
the government: Don t lose the confidence of the people com- 
pletely ... An infinite number of people once rejoiced dehriously 
at the victory over Japan, but now all of us cannot even keep 
ourselves alive.’* 

Hurley s influence during the KMT-CCP negotiations was to 
stick to overall principles’ and unconditional support for the 
Kuomintang. No agreement of substance was reached. Meanwhile 
an enormous amount of sympathy for the Communists built up 
even in Chungking — they had made concessions on many points; 
they were sincere; they were logical, cogent, reasonable. No one 
in China quibbled because the Communists could not give up 
their army ; the Chinese were far more realistic about that point 
than Hurley. Also, USSR support to Chiang, which Hurley 
counted so much on, failed to materialize in the specific way that 
Hurley wanted. The Chinese Communists did not obey the 
Russians, and clearly played their own hand. Chiang by now 
was so confident of United States help that he had already started 
armed clashes with the Communists. Wedemeyer took fright. 

On September 14, Truman balked at all-out military assistance 
and made it clear that United States aid should not be used Tor 
fratricidal warfare or to support all undemocratic administration’. 
Hurley then resigned on November 27. But by that time Cliiang 
was quite certain that should he persist in his plans the United 
States would be bound to help him more and more, and dis- 
regarding Truman’s warning he established his campaign 
strategy, fully confident the United States would become more 

* Tang Tsou, Americans FaiUtre in Chinn, op. cit., p. 313. 


and more involved and in the end fight his war against the 
Communists for him. 

Hurley’s resignation led to the first official statement in the 
United States of the ‘Red conspiracy’ theory, wliich was to 
plague the United States for years. Hurley blamed the failure of 
his policy on sabotage by the American officials who ‘sided with 
the Chinese Communist armed Party’. Hurley went and General 
George Marshall came, and after Marshall, Leighton Stuart. But 
whoever the man, American policy was by now the policy of 
intervention in favour of Chiang Kai-shek, in the internal affairs 
of China, in a civil war. Despite the State Department proviso 
that Chiang’s government should carry out reforms, the United 
States set about backing Chiang Kai-shek. 

During those months Chou En-lai had long and anxious talks 
with the Americans; he again and again stressed that this policy of 
unilateral military and financial aid to Chiang was jeopardizing 
the friendship of the Cliinese people, was a deliberate encourage- 
ment to Chiang to do his worst. Chiang’s reasoning was that the 
more the United States backed him, the more reluctant to see him 

defeated they would become. In the shortterm Chiangprovedright. 

The weakness of the Communists at the end of 1945, which 
Hurley confidently predicted would make them ‘knuckle down’, 
was of course deceptive for anyone ‘infected with reality’. Alas, 
the Americans did not bother with the theory of contradiction, 
they did not read Mao’s works, or even consult their own 
China experts any longer, since these were all suspected of pro- 


By December the Kuomintang had alienated a couple more 
hundred of millions of people in areas they ‘liberated’. ‘Neither 
military assistance nor diplomatic support could change the 
po itical ineffectiveness of the Nationalist government,’ writes 
Tang Tsou.* The confiscations, robberies, pillage, rapes, wanton 
murders, uncontrolled inflation, widespread terrorism and food 
s ortages which followed the KMT troops had already produced 
a violent revulsion in the reconquered cities. The miasmic destruc- 
tion of morale and of the stability (however precarious) of the 

Tang Tsou, Americans Failure in China, op. cit., p. 312. 



middle due to inflation and corruption escaped the Ameri- 
cans, as did the reality of Communist infiltration in the country- 
side. Since maps tend to emphasize cities, surrounded by the 
unnamed blank of the countryside, Chiang would seem to be in 

power for a long time. Neither he nor the American military 
thought in terms of people. 

In Manchuria the Russian garrisons meticulously stuck to the 
treaty agreement with Chiang. Their withdrawal was postponed 
twice, at Chiang s own request. The Soviet ambassador had 
warned Cliiang that as soon as Soviet forces withdrew from 
strategic points, the Chinese Communist forces had always been 
present to occupy them. Chiang’s eldest son Chiang Ching-kuo, 
Russian-educated, carried out the negotiations for delayed with- 
drawal with Marshal Malinovsky whereby the Russians remained 
in Manchurian cities until March 1946, while Chiang launched a 
conscription drive for a million more soldiers. This co-operation 
had given Chiang a feeling of mastery; the Russians had allowed 
the airlift of one division of his troops to Manchuria, and guaran- 
teed also the security of land transport of two more. 

But from August ii to October 10, 1945, the Communist 
armies had captured 220,000 puppet and Japanese troops, 197 
small towns, and acquired 18,700,000 more people and 315,000 
square miles. They had also been able to link up their bases in the 
North by a system of porters and even occasional Japanese trucks, 
the railroads being, metaphorically, in Chiang’s hands; he was to 
hold the railway stations, but the rails would begin to disappear 
that summer. 

The focus of military action shifted to Manchuria. Manchuria, 
with one ninth of the population and an industry which had been 
four times that of the rest of the country — but which now had 
vanished, since the Russians had stripped it of every macliine in 
sight — was the key to the outcome of the war. General Wede- 
meyer recommended a trusteeship over Manchuria, manned 
by the United States, USSR and Great Britain. But this the 
Russians refused. No Americans went into garrison duty in the 
Manchurian cities; they would only provide, later, food and 
equipment by parachute to the Kuomintang garrisons which took 



over, when the garrisons became cut off by the 'countryside 
surrounding the cities’ tactics of the Red armies. 

American ‘mediation’ continued under General George 
Marshall when Hurley left. All the characteristic ambiguities of 
America’s China policy persisted in Marshall’s policy. Marshall 
floundered on, in a mess not of his making, bravely striving not to 
see the obvious. The Joint United States Military Advisory Group 
(JUSMAG) functioned, as did a programme of aid and relief 
But at the same time American business monopolies began a 
financial invasion of China to extract economic concessions from 
Chiang’s government, and they were helped by United States 
government representatives. Chiang signed away in his smug 
belief that the Americans would never let him down; and that the 
more they paid him, the more they would have to fight for him. 

‘I was told by many people I met ... that Chiang Kai-shek is 
unreliable and deceitful and that negotiations with him can lead 
nowhere ... I told them that what they said was justified ... The 
Kuomintang and the Communist Party are sure to fail in their 
negotiations, sure to start fighting and sure to break with each 
other, but this is only one aspect of the matter.’ Thus Mao had 
reported on the outcome of the Chungking negotiations upon his 
return to Yenan, on October 17. He had spoken of the concessions 
made; the Communists had conceded eight liberated areas in 
South China to make the Kuomintang ‘feel easy*. The Kuomin- 
tang had 263 divisions, the Communists had proposed cutting 
their own divisions down to 48, then 43, then to 20, though *we 

could form 200 divisions out of our 1,200,000 by Kuomintang 

In January 1946 the People’s Political Consultative Conference 
which the Communists had asked for at the talks, consisting of 
Kuomintang and Communist delegates, delegates of the Demo- 
cratic League and independent parties, was at last convened. 

*Note the 300,000 increase from the 910,000 mentioned earlier. Many 

Kuomintang divisions were inflated, the officers reporting 10,000 men where 

only 6,000 at the most existed, and pocketing the difference in upkeep and 



Chiang reiterated his determination to convoke a National 
Assembly wliich would be on his terms. Nevertheless, Marshall 
and Chou En-lai appeared to get on well ; and for a while it looked 
as if a coalition government might come into being. The Ameri- 
cans clung to the hope that the Communists, though a minority in 
a coalition government, with Chiang still in power, might re- 
furbish the Nationahst image, help to clean up the grosser corrup- 
tion and thus render the ‘reformed’ KMT more popular. At the 
same time the Communists would be taken in in another way; 
they might possibly be weaned away from Communism, es- 
pecially if Chiang consented to offer some more high posts to 
certain Communists. 

But by then another headache for the Americans was beginning. 
It had already become clear to intelligence officers of the OSS 
(Office of Strategic Services) in Chungking that Communist popu- 
larity was so high that free elections had become a dangerous 
proposition. Should a truly representative National Assembly 
now be elected, a majority of the people would be voting for 
Communist representation. The political advantages of a coahtion 
for the Communists might even offset the military disadvantages 
of the self-retrenchment. Now the Truman doctrine of I947» 
with its full-fledged ‘international Red conspiracy’ theology, 
would not, could not, allow free elections which would bring in a 
Communist government; and therefore the dilemma now 
presented itself of how not to have a popularly elected National 
Assembly with democratically elected representatives, and yet 
still urge democratic reforms. 

Within tliis Disneyland of phantasmagoric phrases designed 
within the limits of that all-pervading anti-Communist doctrine, 
Marshall and his advisers waded in a morass of ambiguoi^ 
verbosity ‘worse than the sucking mud of the Great Marshes . 

It was quite impossible to arrive at anything vaguely resembling a 
democratic procedure, since in the very doing they would have 
to forgo their now fixed policy of favouring Chiang at all costs. 
The unavoidable thus became the inevitable; the astute Chiang 
fully realized the mental callisthenics of his ‘allies’. Hence it was a 
foregone conclusion that he would torpedo any agreement 



arrived at, and with impunity. ‘Chiang fundamentally is a 
gangster. You must not give way to his threats and bullying ... 
then he will press his advantage,’ Mao had warned.* But the 
United States had let him get away with it and he would get 
away with a great deal more. 

The People’s Political Consultative Conference proceeded to 
adopt a political programme which Chiang, and some of the 
Americans too, regarded with great trepidation and concern; it 
was highly unfavourable to his one-man dictatorship. It asked for 
a thorough reform of the one-man government, revision of the 
constitution, a genuine coalition tlirough free elections. 

The overriding preoccupation of the American military 
adviser group was now continuing to supply Chiang’s armies 
with equipment, continuing to train 39 divisions. The war 
potential of Chiang was thus reinforced; he mobilized more 
troops; Marshall’s mediation became a farce. Teams set up to 
inspect cease-fire violations rushed liither and thither, while 
mutual accusations of armed attacks rose in number and scale; 
whatever the rhetoric, however, the hard facts were clear. The 
next two years became, for United States interests, something 
very much like a wild scramble for China, hideous amidst the 
dreadful misery, amidst the mounting chaos. Mao Tsetung would 
now denouncej' United States ‘mediation’ as a smokescreen and an 
attempt ‘to reduce China virtually to a United States colony’. 
The impact of American goods, which now began to flood the 
Chiang cities, only worsened the economic situation; unsalable 
items and luxury leftovers came into the cities through UNRRA, 
and turned them into gigantic black markets. All this directly 
militated against the American image, aroused hostility where 
there had been friendship, and also contributed to sinking Chiang 

Chiang’s secret police, aided and abetted by the American- 
organized OSS (later CIA), was reinforced even while Marshall 

* ‘Interview withjolin Service, August 23, 1944, on the Chungking negotia- 
tions’ (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, vol. IV. 

•f Interview with A. T. Steele, American correspondent, September 24, 1946, 
Selected Works, vol. IV. 



spoke of ‘democratizing’ the Kuomintang government. The 
police arrested liberals, members of the Democratic League, and 
assassinated outspoken critics even while Marshall was asking for 
‘independent-minded personalities to serve under the Generalis- 
simo . No middle-of-the-road party could emerge when its 
emergence was its condemnation. To the very end, the alternative 
of replacing Chiang was not seriously considered by the United 

Mao Tsetung was proved right, but there still lingered within 
the Communist Party itself people who thought it possible to 
come to an arrangement with Chiang. Soon after the cease-fire 
and truce had been arranged on January lo, the Central Com- 
mittee issued a cease-fire order, hailing a ‘new phase of peace and 
democracy’. In February, even as the cease-fire was being des- 
troyed, Liu Shao-chi wrote a directive quoting again the ‘new 
phase of peace and democracy’. ‘The main forms of the struggle 
... have become peaceful, parliamentary forms ... ’ He asked the 
Party ‘to stop assuming direct command over the Army ... so 
that it may be placed under the unified command of the defence 
ministry ... We are no longer an opposition party, but a party in 
power ... some of us will become officials of a central govern- 
ment... This already happened in 1927 ... it failed when the 
other side started armed action; however, this will not happen 
again.’ Where was the guarantee that the same thing would not 
happen again? Even Marshall would say that it was Chiang who 
broke the truces and cease-fires arranged, with his mania for a 
‘definite use of force under cover of protracted negotiations . 

During the six months from January to June 1946, Mao Tsetung 
went about quietly preparing for war. There is no word from 
him indicating that he engaged in the usual debate within the 
Central Committee against the ‘peace at any cost’ party. In 
November 1945 had he not written: ‘Countryside civil war is 
already a fact. Our Party’s task is to mobilize all forces.’ 

But hope dies hard. When Chou En-lai flew back from Yenan 
at the end of January 1946, at the close of an apparently very 
successful People’s Political Consultative Conference, the general 
feeling was still a hankering for peace. On February 28, i 94 < 5 » 



Chou, together with Marshall and a Kuomintang general, formed 
the committee of three in charge of supervising the teams sent to 
inspect violations along the military lines. Marshall paid a visit to 
Yenan and was welcomed with great courtesy, whatever reserva- 
tions Mao had as to his role. A song, it appears, was ‘composed’ 
for the occasion. Marshall was excellently impressed; he reported 
on ‘the infectious enthusiasm’ in Yenan. Asked whether he would 
go to Nanking to meet Chiang, Mao replied, with tongue-in- 
cheek modesty: ‘I shall go whenever Chiang asks me.’ With 
Mao’s convictions, the absurdity of the situation cannot have 
escaped him; on the other hand he would not be the one to start 
the war. 

In March 1946 the Kuomintang would launch a large-scale 
attack which effectively broke the truce and the cease-fire. ‘If 
no new development makes the Kuomintang stop its civil war 
quickly, the fighting in the spring of 1946 will be intense,’ Mao 
had said in December 1945- 

And now he intensified preparations. First of all, to get the 
support of the people. ‘It is . . . to defeat the Kuomintang offensive 
that rent reduction and production must be stepped up.’ A full- 
scale programme of land reform, mass mobilization, getting the 
people on the Communist side, for the defence of the liberated 
areas. The building of stable base areas in the Northeast (Man- 
churia) was now set out in full stage-by-stage detail. The mobiliza- 
tion and recruiting for the Red Army, which in that year would 
be renamed The People’s Liberation Army, must not interfere 
with the planting of crops and the harvests. Great care must be 
taken not to recruit at all costs. City work must be reinforced. 
‘It has become an important task ... to take control of... cities 
and to develop their industry, commerce and finance.’ All quali- 
fied persons available should be used and ‘Party members must 
learn to co-operate with them and learn techniques and methods 
of management from them’. 

‘Our people have now tasted democracy in the whole of North 
China ... from now on, no despot can triumph any more,’ Chu 
Teh said to Anna Louise Strong. ‘Everything must still be con- 
sidered from the standpoint of a long-term effort ... everything 



must be planned on a long-term basis; thus we will be sure to win 
victory,’ wrote Mao. 

If the United States and Chiang showed they could move in 
two directions at once, one in deeds and one in words, Mao would 
show a single-minded direction. ‘Cast away illusions, prepare for 
war ! It would be April 194^ before Mao would raise criticism 
on the danger of unprincipled compromise and ‘pessimism’ 
among ‘certain comrades ... who overestimated the strength of 
imperialism . At that point, there must have been the argument 
that the USSR was itself ‘compromising’ with Chiang; were not 
the Russians urging prudence and conciliation? Mao tackled this 
problem too. It was possible for the imperialist countries and the 
socialist countries to reach certain compromises, but such com- 
promises, on a state level, did ‘not require the people in the 
countries of the capitalist world to follow suit and make com- 
promises at home’. The document, not divulged at the time, was 
circulated only among ‘some leading comrades’ of the Central 
Committee, and not made public till January 1948. 

It was in August 1946, almost a year from the day that Mao 
Tsetung had gone to Chungking for negotiations with Chiang, 
and when the civil war had already started on a country-wide 
scale, that Mao gave to the American correspondent Anna Louise 
Strong, the famous interview in which he called the atom bomb a 
‘paper tiger’. 

The background to this interview is interesting. It was meant 
as much for outside consumption as for the home front. It was at a 
critical juncture, when Mao Tsetung was almost alone in his 
conviction that the Kuomintang could be defeated, that Mao had 
chosen to call all reactionaries ‘paper tigers’. 

‘Of course the atom bomb is a weapon of mass slaughter, but 
the outcome of a war is decided by the people, not by one or two 
new types of weapons.’ Chiang and his supporters were all paper 
tigers ... ‘In the United States there are other who are really 
strong ... the American people.’ Nor was this all. The interview 
shows that, at the time, a good many Communist Party members 
in the world believed an attack on the USSR imminent. This was 
not mere fancy. There were in the Pentagon and elsewhere 


hawks who clamoured to finish off the Soviet Union. In the CCF 
too, the argument that civil war between Mao and Chiang might 
escalate into another world war, this time between the United 
States and USSR, must have been used very strongly. The 
obvious pressure by the USSR on Mao for peace with Chiang, 
which continued till 1949, shows this fear of war was very real in 
the Soviet Union. Mao’s interview clearly states his own con- 
clusion: ‘There will be no war between the United States and 
USSR before the United States has conquered or subdued the 
“vast zone” of intermediate countries, i.e. the rest of the world, 
including the workers and democratic circles in the United 
States. This talk of war concealed the real aim,’ said Mao, ‘which 
was world hegemony first, before any attack on the Soviet Union 
would be launched ... Hence it was correct to fight Chiang. The 
people of the world should unite and struggle against the attacks 
of the United States and their running dogs, only thus could a 
third world war be avoided. Otherwise it is unavoidable.’* 

Even President Truman, on August lo, would cable Chiang 
that the assassinations of distinguished liberals — Professor Wen 
I-to and his son, who were mown down by Cliiang’s gunmen 
on the doorsteps of the university — ‘have not been ignored ... 
there is increasing belief that an attempt is being made to resort to 
force, military or secret police rather than democratic processes’. 
He asserted his own ‘violent repugnance’ to such goings-on. 
Chiang must have thought that Truman was deliberately playing 
dumb; for if the Americans did not want him to fight, why did 
the Americans go on giving him guns to fight with and money to 
pay soldiers? He therefore replied that these regrettable incidents 
were ‘mistakes by subordinates’. And Truman’s qualms of 
conscience subsided. 

In September, ChouEn-lai told Marshall that since January 13, 
when Chiang first broke the cease-fire, the Kuomintaiig had 
moved 180 divisions, 206 regular brigades with a strength of 
1,740,000 men against the Communists. Marshall announced to 
Chiang in October that he would resign unless the fighting 

* ‘Talk with the American correspondent Anna Louise Strong* (August, 
1946). Selected IVorks, vol. IV. 



Stopped ; Chiang replied with a list of 'evidence of Comniunist 
attacks . ^With the built-in resolution of the United States govern- 
ment to stick to Chiang, there could be no solution except war. 

The Conquest of Power: 

The Civil War and Liberation, 1946-1949 

The Revolutionary Self-Defence War, as it is called in China 
today, started when Chiang Kai-shek launched a main offensive 
on all fronts, beginning with the Kiangsu-Anhwei liberated area, 
the previous New Fourth Army stamping ground, which was 
attacked by 120,000 soldiers (18 brigades). The Central Committee 
issued a circular on July 20, written by Mao Tsetung: Swash 
Chiang Kai-shek^s Offensive by a War of Self-Defence. ‘We can 
certainly defeat Chiang Kai-shek. The whole Party should be 
confident of this.’ 

Needless to say, the entire strategy was devised by Mao; 
throughout, with great meticulousness, he would plan every 
military operation and go into the most minute details. Several 
campaigns would be fought at once, on several fronts; so that all 
China became one vast battlefield, one enormous chessboard on 
which the contending armies moved, wheeled, circled, fought, 
each with its own strategy. But Mao Tsetung knew Chiang and 
Chiang’s style of fighting; he would guess what Chiang would do 
months before Chiang announced his intention; hence he always 
could ‘lead him by the nose’. Chiang, never a good strategist, had 
deteriorated. He was sure of winning, because he was sure the 
Americans would not let him fail. 

The Communist campaigns were predicated upon the social 
revolution; hence we find Mao devoting as much time to writing 
about land reform, finance, administration and propaganda work 
as about purely military tactics. This was especially important in 
newly liberated areas, such as in Manchuria. ‘Mass work will be 
the centre of gravity of our Party’s work in the Northeast,’ he 
had written in December 1945, expounding why stable base areas 
should be set up, a job which might require three to four years. 





These bases were not to be built in big cities or along main 
communication lines nor in regions close to these. 

The only way to study the laws governing a war situation ... is 
to do some hard thinking. For what pertains to the situation as a 
whole is not visible to the eye... The problems of strategy 
include: Giving proper consideration to the relation between the 
enemy and ourselves ... to the relation between various campaigns 
or between various operational stages ... to the special features 
contained in the general situation ... to the relation between 
front and rear ... to the distinction as well as the connection 
between losses and replacements, fighting and resting, con- 
centration and dispersion, attack and defence, advance and 
retreat, concealment and exposure, main attack and supplementary 
attack ... protracted war and war of quick decision ... military 
work and political work, between destroying the enemy and 
winning over the masses, fixed front and fluid fronts.’* 

By that July, Chiang had received 500 million dollars in aid 
and 500 million dollars’ worth of equipment from the United 
States. But he had cloistered his best troops in safe Manchurian 
cities where they would sit, imprisoned, for the next three years. 
He would have to supply them with a painfully inadequate 
railway system and now the embattled people would carry away 
the rails to the liills, leaving Cliiang in command only of the 
railway stations. He had a corps of a hundred United States 
advisers, and managed to give them nervous breakdowns. He 
did not trust his own commanders, relied only on those ‘loyal 
to him, would by-pass the orders given and issue counter-orders, 
would demote or promote so that no oflicer felt safe to think or 
to act. His armies were still made up of press-ganged, starved, 
ill-treated peasants who were chained to each other to be sent to 
training camps; often they died of hunger on the way. But now 
these peasants knew that ‘life was better on the other side’. Mao 
would lay stress on intensifying the disintegration of the Kuomin- 
tang troops by propaganda. Very shortly this would produce 

* See Problems of Strategy Chitia^s Rei>oUitiotiary War (December 193 *^) ^ 
Selected Military Writings of Mao Tsetimg (English edition, Foreign Languages 
Press, Peking, 1963). 


results. Propaganda work was carried on right through the civil 
war; whenever within earshot, the Communists broadcast appeals 
and exhortations to the Kuomintang soldiers; those captured were 
treated decently. Many were to join the Red forces from 1947. 

Mao on his side had able commanders; but above all he had the 
people with liim, with the Communist Party, And the Party was 
united, disciplined, and in the vast majority, honest. Mao ordered 
that 1946 should be the year of ‘strategic defensive'; the general 
method of fighting would be mobile warfare. That meant letting 
Chiang have his victories' against cities -‘temporary abandon- 
ment is not only unavoidable but also necessary ... we must use 
our manpower and modest resources with the utmost economy’. 
Hence to the world looking at the maps, looking at city dots as 
‘key points', the impression was created for a whole year that 
Chiang was winning and the Communists were losing. This was 
quite deliberate on the part of Mao Tsetung. 

During that first year of strategic defence, economics would 
take much of Mao’s thoughts. Production must be stepped up to 
become completely self-sulficient in all necessities, ‘and first of all 
in grain and cloth ... promote the extensive planting of cotton ... 
encourage every family to spin . . . we should start to promote this 
even in the Northeast. The People's Liberation Army — Red 
armies — was reminded of Mao’s humorous precept of 1936: 
‘We rely on the war industries of the imperialist countries and of 
our enemy ... equipment is delivered to us by the enemy's own 
transport ... this is the sober truth, not a joke.' As during the 
Japanese war, so during the civil war; the weapons given, trans- 
ported, later parachuted by United States forces to the Kuomin- 
tang were to find their way to the Communists, first in a trickle, 
later in a flood. One tliird of all United States equipment was for 
Chiang’s armies in Manchuria; all of it was to be found in the 
hands of the PLA* three years later. 

Mao saw United States aid to Chiang as the main factor which 
stimulated civil war, and denounced it with increasing vigour, 
but always making a difference between the American people 
and those in the government who were ‘reactionaries’. ‘We have 

* People’s Liberation Army. 



only millet plus rifles to rely on, but history will finally prove that 
our millet plus rifles is more powerful than Chiang Kai-shek’s 
aeroplanes plus tanks. W^ithout loans or lend-lease, and with 
weapons picked up on the battlefield, the Communist armies 
would win; this would surprise not only the imperialists’, it 
would also greatly surprise the USSR. 

The compulsions under which Russian foreign policy was 
acting are understandable if we refer ourselves to the well-known 
fear of attack on two fronts coupled now with the fear of atomic 
bombing. The experience of the war in Russia and its devastations 
had been a traumatic experience. It seems to have unduly domina- 
ted Russian minds — more than any consideration of the obvious 
necessity for the war in Cliina. Victory for the Chinese Commun- 
ist armies in 1946 looked impossible to the Russian military 
observers. No army could possibly win ‘without heavy industry 
to produce tanks and other material of warfare’. ‘This under- 
estimation of Chinese strategy, and the surprise with which 
Moscow met the victories a year later,’ writes Anna Louise 
Strong, seem to indicate that Russian experts had little contact 
with the Chinese Communist general staff’ Either they had none 
— which is the more probable reason — or they ignored what 
Mao said. Russian presence in Yenan was scarce; perhaps fearful 
prudence dictated this omission — fear of accusation of a Russian- 
directed offensive’ in China (for despite Hurley’s desire for 
Russian pressure, the United States government was capable of 
thinking in two contrary directions at once; much as some 
Americans wished to employ Russian pressure to mitigate Chinese 
Red militancy, they were also capriciously capable of discovering 
Russians, with snow on their boots, behind every national 
uprising anywhere in the world at the time). 

Mao expected no aid from Russian sources; an attitude of 
careful neutrality was the most the Russians would give, and this 
was already a contribution to the Chinese war effort. Self-reliance, 
and people’s war, would win. 

Marshall departed at the end of 1946, clearly chagrined with the 
Chiang regime, which ‘had been using negotiations largely for its 
own purposes ... waging war on a constantly increasing scale. 



His successor, Leighton Stuart, was as incapable as his pre- 
decessors of a logical policy in a hopelessly illogical position. By 
1948 4*5 billion dollars would have been sunk into Chiang Kai- 
shek. By the end of 1946, demonstrations and riots against the 
Chiang regime were widespread in all Kuomintang-controlled 
cities. In the regions under Communist rule, by contrast, there 
was relative security and economic stability. The black market 

had been virtually stamped out, and production increased through 
land reform. 

In early 1947, the riots and uprisings against Chiang began to 
turn into anti-American demonstrations. This was due to the 
obvious spectacle of American fuiancial domination, American 
living standards for the very few magnates, and also the attitude 
of the GIs in China, who treated the Chinese people in a way only 
too reminiscent of previous colonial powers. The August 1946 
agreement for sale of United States government surplus property 
— weapons, tanks, barbed wire, and so on — from various islands 
of the Pacific was called openly a fraud and a swindle in the 
non-Communist newspapers. A commercial treaty and a ‘com- 
prehensive treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation*, as 
well as an aviation agreement, reaffirmed special privileges for 
United States business in China and angered the Chinese, whose 
national pride was enhanced by the war. The exhibitionism of 
GIs who used to openly race rickshaw coolies like horses was 
followed on the streets by sullen-faced thousands. The rape in 
the open day of a Chinese girl student in a public park by four 
GIs was the spark that led to a widespread demonstration by 
millions of students and intellectuals. 

A protest was to be handed to the United Nations on October 

21, 1948, by independent liberals, alleging that the huge sums 

given by the United States only enriched corrupt bureaucrats 

and helped to make civil war; and that ‘unequal and oppressive* 

treaties had turned China into a United States colony. Thus, for 

Chiang s sake America forfeited the friendship of most of the 

Chinese people — all except a few hundred carpet-bagging officials 

round Chiang Kai-shek. Again, Mao*s prediction seemed to liave 
come true. 



And yet, by the end of 1946, it looked as if the Communists 
were in full retreat; only Mao would say jocularly, ‘We have 
won.’ Not spectacular victories in the field, but the complete 
attrition of Chiang s forces and their annihilation was the aim of 
the self-defence war. This meant to concentrate an absolutely 
superior force ... concentrate the whole or the bulk of our 
artillery, select one (not two) of the weak posts in the enemy’s 
position, attack it fiercely ... and be sure to win’. He added, 
Acting counter to this ... we shall lose.’ Summarizing three 
months of war in October 1946, he pronounced it ‘completely 
successful . Of 190 brigades of the Kuomintang 25 had been 
wiped out and more than half of the 190 were now on garrison 
duty, keeping the cities they had conquered. The price had been 
the abandonment of a ‘few dozen’ medium and small towns. ‘In 
any case we shall be able to recover them.’ This was the practice 
of fluidity essential in mobile warfare, and memorized by Red 
Army men, who sang; 

Keep metij lose land. Land can be taken again. 

Keep land, lose men. Land and men both lost. 

I have traded seventeen empty cities for sixty thousand of 
Chiang s troops, General Liu Po-cheng, the one-eyed dragon of 
the Long March (the same who had drunk chicken’s blood with 
tribal chieftains in Szechuan to ensure a peaceful passage), said 
to Anna Louise Strong. 

It was because of its policies of land reform and stabilization of 
livelihood that the Communist Party would finally win, said 
Mao. The peasants stood with the Party wherever land reform 
had been applied correcdy. Although to wipe out 10,000 of the 
enemy, the casualties in the Red Army were 2,000 to 3,000, this 
price had to be paid. But as a result ‘70 per cent of the peasants 
in North China were Communist-oriented’ by 1947.* In May 
1946 the land reform policies had been modified because of 
peasant demands; confiscation of the land of big landlords was 

* Samuel B. Griffith II, The Chinese People’s Liberation Antiy (Weidcnfeld & 
Nicolson, London, 1967). 


begun with distribution to poor peasants, but cautiously. This 
had produced an upsurge of enthusiasm in newly liberated 
countryside areas, and recruiting for the PLA was easy. 

With meticulous care, in minute detail, Mao wrote battle plan 
directives. This was the supreme contest, and he worked at it 
with all his heart and mind. Some of liis military commanders 
appear to have recommended a reversal to guerilla warfare in 
the face of Chiang's ‘successes’. Mao said the guerilla stage was 
past. Apart from the fundamental political and economic con- 
tradictions which Chiang cannot resolve and which are the basic 
cause rendering our victory certain and Chiang’s defeat inevitable, 
a sharp contradiction has arisen in the military sphere between 
Chiang’s over-extended battle lines and his shortage of troops ... 
that is bound to be the direct cause of our victory.’ 

Soon, Mao predicted, the People’s Liberation Army would 
seize the strategic initiative, when ‘a tremendous change will 
surely have taken place in the relative military strength of the 
Kuomintang and the Communist Party’. However, the war might 
still take a long time; every item in the situation -planning, 
financing, production, supplies, unified leadership and decentral- 
ized management must be efficient, streamlined for a protracted 
conflict. Sparing men, sparing material, was essential, morale was 
most important. The troops with the highest efficiency were those 
who had ‘intensified military training, production and land 
reform at the same time, so that they had become ‘a fighting 
force, a work force and a production force’, wrote Mao, harking 
back to the threc-in-one combination he had promoted so 
vigorously in the past. 

And now he would effbet his boldest stroke, the deliberate 
abandonment of Yenan, the Red capital itself 

In November 1946 Mao predicted that Chiang would do two 

things; reconvene a bogus National Assembly packed with his 

own hand-picked delegates, and try to capture Yenan. Chiang 

by then had ‘taken’ 160 cities from the Communists. ‘Chiang 

has taken the road to ruin as soon as he makes these two moves,’ 
said Mao Tsetung. 

In early 1947 Cliiang’s forces and mobility were much reduced 



by attrition, garrisoning, and surrenders to the Communists, 
which began in 1946. 

He thus had to abandon all-out offensives on all fronts — and 
there had been seven major fronts - for a concentrated offensive on 
one or two. His targets were now the province of Shantung and 
North Shensi; in a pincer movement seeking to squeeze the 
Communist forces in between. How deceptive the military 
situation was is made obvious by a three-column article by a 
Russian colonel which appeared in August 1947. The article 
deplored the loss of Ycnan and explained that the Communists 
could not possibly win. 

On November 15, Chiang reconvened a National Assembly of 
2,000 hand-picked delegates, who listened while Chiang spoke. 
At the end Chiang would say; ‘Well, there is nothing to add; just 
pass these resolutions. The Communist delegation to the January 
194^ Political Consultative Conference did not attend; ChouEn-lai 
denounced the ‘one-party National Assembly*. ‘The door of 
negotiation has been slammed.’ Chou then left for Yenan on 
November 19. 

In February 1947 Mao issued a triumphant call, Greet the New 
High Tide in the Chinese Revolution^ four weeks before abandon- 
ing Yenan to Cliiang Kai-shek. He noted the anti-Cliiang, anti- 
American demonstrations: ‘the policies of the United States and 
Chiang have forced all strata of Chinese people to unite*. The 
Sino-United States treaty of commerce had produced malignant 
inflation ; the national bourgeoisie was going bankrupt. 

Meanwhile in a typical manoeuvre to which we have already 
become blase, Chiang again asked formally for ‘peace talks’, but 
cancelled these abruptly; all personnel of the liaison offices of the 
CCP were asked to leave.* Chiang then launched 230,000 troops 
under Hu Tsung-nan against Yenan, and 450,000 against Shan- 
tung province. 

Yenan was evacuated March 16-18, 1947, a few days before 
Hu Tsung-nan ‘captured* it. Anna Louise Strong describes the 
exodus. The caves were emptied in rigorous order; the hospital 

* All through the war there had also been a Kuomiiitang liaison office, and 
representative, in Yenan. He was recalled in February 1946 by Chiang. 

THE CONQUEST Of POWHK: I946-1949 521 

patients, oil stretchers, and equipment were carried away first. 
Women with babies, children, students, filed out; Mao, Chou 
En-lai came out last. Even the small children of Yenan knew that 
cities do not matter , that it was only ‘pots and pans’, and that 
the job was to annihilate Cliiang brigades, following Mao 
Tsetung’s Thought’, wrote Miss Strong. 

I spoke to Mao about the loss of Yenan. “If you ask whether it 
is better to lose the city or to keep it,” he said, “of course it is 
better to keep it. But if we lose it we are still all right. A people’s 
war is not decided by taking or losing a city, but by solving the 
agrarian problem,” ’ 

EIuTsung-nan entered Yenan, and then celebrated his wedding. 
(He had sworn not to marry before he had captured Yenan.) 
Chiang got all the headlines in the newspapers round the world; 
but after a year of fighting he had not opened a single continuous 
railway line across North China. He predicted the war would be 
over in three months. 

Mao did not leave the North Shensi base area. He remained, 
together with Chou En-lai, Jen Pi-shih and Wang Tung-hsing, 
moving within the base itself, among the people. From obscure 
unknown villages he directed operations, sent couriers, received 
reports. His wife Chiang Ching accompanied him. When they 
remained long enough, they cultivated vegetables, hoed, and 
Chiang Ching had some spare clothes made by local peasant 
girls. Mao went under the name of Li Tc-sheng, while Chou 
En-lai adopted the alias of Hu Pi-cheng.* A small number of 
bodyguards and troops went with them; they travelled fast and 
light. Mao had actually turned himself into a decoy for the 
Kuomintang s 230,000 men, who now combed the area. They 
were sometimes not more than a dozen miles away from the 
enemy, yet never once did Mao feel insecure. 

The fact that Mao was among them, thumbing his nose at the 
adversary, present, elusive, unreachable, was known to all the 
inhabitants by April; it became a gorgeous joke, a real Chinese 
peasant joke, sublimely funny. ‘He is leading Hu Tsung-nan by 

* Anna Louise Strong, Letter, no. 69 {December 30, 1969). See In His Mind a 
MiUion^Dold Warriors, Ta Kung Pao (English edition, Octobcr-Dccembcr 1971). 



the nose, as a peasant boy leads a water buffalo/ Mao had been 
leading Chiang by the nose for a long time now; and Chiang was 
also doing precisely what Mao wanted him to do. 

Mao took personal command of what he called the Northwest 
theatre of operations, the annihilation of Hu Tsung-nan*s 230,000 
crack troops in the territory of the base. He led Hu a long and 
tiring race, making the enemy forces split, eating them up one by 
one, obliging them to rush about in pursuit, keeping them march- 
ing around in circles— unless we reduce the enemy to extreme 
fatigue and complete starvation we cannot win final victory’. 
Footsore and tired, falling into ambushes, facing a hostile popula- 
tion, the troops of Hu Tsung-nan were decoyed by small forces, 
lured into gullies, trapped and cut off ‘Hu came in like a fist, we 
forced him to open like a hand, now we cut the fingers one by 

To facilitate carrying out the work of the Central Com- 
mittee, or so it was announced, a ‘working party* of the Central 
Committee, with Liu Shao-chi as secretary, proceeded to North 
Shensi to ‘carry out tasks entrusted to it by the Central Com- 
mittee*, while Mao, Chou, Jen Pi-shih and Wang Tung-hsing 
stayed in the base. This division of the Central Committee does 
not appear suspect; it was a safety measure in case anything 
untoward happened. The working committee went to Hopei 
province, where there was a strong base area; the location may 
have been selected for the campaign to take the main cities of 
Hopei province, Peking and Tientsin, which would happen two 
years later. Chu Teh was with the working committee, which 
established itself in Hsipaipo village. Land reform had already 
been carried out in a rudimentary way. Liu Shao-chi was to take 
it in hand; the results would add another episode to the slow- 
growing story of the differences between him and Mao Tsetung. 

Mao, on the run, pursued and always a little ahead, still 
managed to control the overall plans for the campaigns. His 
zigzag course through the base, now well documented, looks 
like a treasure hunt; and yet all the time he was in touch, received 

* Author personaUy consulted documents and maps at the Yenan museum, 
August 1971. 


reports, held meetings, wrote directives. Battles were fought on 
April 14, 1947, at Sheep and Horse river (Yang Ma Ho) and on 
May 4 at Pan Lung, where 6,000 Kuomintang troops were cut to 
pieces in a surprise attack. Pan Lung was a Kuomintang depot 
site, 12,000 catties (18,000 pounds) of flour, many uniforms, and 
ammunition were seized by the Communists. To show how safe 
the base was, a mass meeting was held at Chen Wu Tung, a 
county fair and market town, to celebrate the Pan Lung victory. 

In July 1947 the Central Committee held an enlarged meeting 
within the North Shensi base at Hsiao Ho, with Mao presiding. 
Most of the political commissars of the various Red armies were 
there; at this meeting Mao announced the time was ripe to pass 
from the strategic defensive to the strategic offensive. 

During this whole year of making Hu run after him, Mao was 
happy, confident, joyous. He chatted with the peasants in his 
usual way. He also spent his spare time learning *a foreign 
language’. Unfortunately we are not told which one. ‘He would 
bring out a small stool,’ would sit beneath some tree, and ‘either 
study ... or correct the writing in the guards’ diaries’. He had 
apparently persisted in teaching himself this foreign language 
ever since leaving Yenan, as a relaxation, ‘and he never dropped 

As a result of Mao’s relaxed, amused conduct of this campaign, 
the guards round him made a plan ‘to read five novels on the 
march, and to keep a diary’. Mao sat often with Chou at the 
mouth of whatever cave they were temporarily living in, listened 
to the battery radio, and explained its workings to the assembled 
peasants, who looked for ‘the talking man inside’. 

Mao made the soldiers help the villagers, cut brushwood, collect 
water, dig wells, help with the harvesting. ‘The people are our 
wall of bronze,’ he said. In September 1947, he issued a statement 
on the strategic offensive decided in July and already being 
carried out. The fighting had been so far on interior lines. The 
price paid had been 300,000 casualties and enemy occupation of 
large tracts of territory, but now 1,120,000 KMT troops had 
been wiped out and large tracts of territory were being recovered. 
Now the offensive was ‘to fight our way to exterior lines’ with 


the main forces and to carry the war to the Kuomintang areas 

New bases would be set up in the Kuomintang areas; the enemy 
forced to spread out even more; wiping them out in mobile war- 
fare would continue. Another million men were being drafted by 
Chiang Kai-shek, but this would be of no avail. ‘Since its only 
methods of recruiting are press-ganging and liiring, to reach a 
million will certainly be difficult and many will desert.’ Besides 
the continuing basic strategy of concentrating superior forces to 
attack smaller, dispersed, tired out and isolated enemy units, the 
capture of medium and small cities would be on the programme. 
It would no longer be necessary to relinquish these deliberately. 

!^e sure to fight no battle unprepared; fight no battle you are 
not sure of winning.’^ 

Replenishment in weapons and even in men would come chiefly 
from Kuomintang areas; the old liberated areas were not to fuel 
the recruiting now. Land reform, once again, was the key to 
success in the establishment of new bases. Thus by the process of 
continuous social revolution as the basis of military campaigns, 
Mao was absolutely sure of winning. ‘W^hen he yielded Ycnan, 
he knew he would finally take all China,’ said Anna Louise 

It was three weeks after Mao had issued his Strategy for the 
Second Year of the War of Liberation* that General Wedemeyer, 
who despite the newspaper headlines knew the situation as a well- 
trained, able military man, wound up a three-month investiga- 
tion he had conducted (directed by President Truman) to appraise 
the political, economic, psychological, and military situation. 
With the restraint of the professional soldier faced with inept 
bungling, he wrote that ‘the oppressive police measures, corrupt 
practices and maladministration of the National Government 
officials, the deterioration of the economy, the incompetence of 
the military, the loss of support from the population’ were 
evident. The economy was actually disintegrating, said Wede- 
meyer, the financial situation beyond control, commodity prices 
increasing more swiftly than new currency could be printed. The 

* September i, 1947. Selected IVorks, vol. IV. 


military situation was particularly unpromising ‘in spite of 
superiority in weapons and men'. 

The subsequent fiction elaborated in the United States that 
somehow China had been ‘lost’ through a vast Communist 
conspiracy -including Americans who had tried to tell the truth 
— is shown for what it is by American reports such as the above. 
Can any people have been more consistently deluded and lied to 
as the American people have for two decades? 

The land reform campaigns, ignored in favour of description of 
military campaigns, yet take up more pages in Mao’s writings, 

and their strategy is as illuminating of the technique of revolution 
as the war strategy. 

The modified land reform law passed in May 1946 altered the 
rent reduction only’ programme practised in Ycnan till then. 
But Mao had urged great care: ‘It is impermissible to encroach on 
the land of the middle peasants ... Appropriate consideration in 
accordance with the will of the masses should be given to the 
ordinary rich peasants and middle and small landlords ... We 
must unite with more than 90 per cent of the masses who support 
the reform.’ Likewise in the cities the petty bourgeoisie, the 
progressive and middle-class elements, were to be protected. 
There would be no change in the three-thirds system of administra- 
tion practised in Yenan, however, ‘on condition that the policy 
of land to the tillers be carried out resolutely and unhesitatingly’. 

Mao drew up methods of investigation similar to those he had 
carried on before the Long March; they were to be taught to the 
cadres in the Red armies who administered land reform. He 
advised the cadres to have ‘numbers in their heads’, such as 
percentage figures for each class, quantity of land held by each; 
to distinguish carefully between rich and middle peasants, and 
so on, in order to draw for each locality quantitative limits and 
make the correct decisions’. Reprints of his Analysis of Classes in 
Chinese Society were circulated. Land reform would affect a 
population of 145 million people, and there should be no gross 
mistakes. Recruitment must leave an adequate labour force for 
production; army expansion was ‘not to interfere with labour 



requirements’. Co-operatives must be encouraged. The particular 
characteristics of each locality must be taken into account. *He 
seems throughout to have known more about China, each of its 
particularities, its infinite variety and details and the significance 
and importance of each, than any other man ahve.’* 

In September and October 1947, several conferences on the 
subject of land reform as well as other matters were held at Yang 
Chia Kou in the county of Michih in North Shensi -a historic 
place with a long and glorious history of peasant revolt. Mao made 
another long and thorough summing up of the war, bringing it 
up to date. Chiang was doomed. Victory was certain for the 
Communists, and ‘it is momentous because it is occurring in the 
East, where one thousand million people — half of mankind — 
suffer under imperialist oppression’. Mao reviewed his military 
strategy and tactics which had led to victory; and if he sounds a 
little pleased with himself, he certainly had a right to be. But he 
then went on again to land reform, and obviously he was anxious 
that it should not fail. He also appears to have been worried by a 
slackening of discipline in the armies; this was natural, since by 
now they were swollen with deserters from the Kuomintang 
and new, unseasoned recruits. The three main rules for discipline 
and eight points for attention (the three-eight) were again 
reissued to tighten control, and a rectification campaign in the 
army was planned. In that October Mao issued Alanifesto of the 
Chinese People^s Liberation Army, an open declaration to fight to 
the end. He dwelt on the economic structure of the new China 
to come, ‘developing production, promoting economic pros- 
perity, giving consideration to both public and private interests’. 
He stressed the necessity of keeping a united ffontf of all the 
revolutionary classes against Chiang. ‘The dawn is ahead, we 
must exert ourselves.’ 

But on the matter of land reform he did not have, it appears, a 
unified Central Committee. The American William Hinton 

* Interview with Rewi Alley and Dr George Hatem, 1969. 
f The victory of 1949 is described as a united front of all the revolutionary 
classes against the compradore capitalist reactionaries and their United States 


wrote that ‘not only had [Mao and his supporters] to lead the 
people correctly but struggle with leaders at all levels including 
the top, who were for coexistence without struggle, for bargain- 
ing away basic strength, afraid of land reform ... of its con- 
sequences nationally and internationally.’ So closely, however, 
did the Party keep the intra-Party struggle secret that William 
Hinton, himself physically involved in the land reform, was not 
aware of any two-line struggle until twenty years later.* Hinton 
seems to think that the division of the Central Committee at the 
time of the abandonment of Yenan, with a working committee 
under Liu going to North Shensi and Mao staying in the base 
with Chou En-lai, Jen Pi-shih, and Wang Tung-hsing, was due 
to divergent opinions on the conduct of the war. But it may also 
have been, as noted, for safety’s sake. 

In September 1947 a national land conference was held by Liu 
Shao-chi at Hsipaipo village, and a land law passed in October 
1947 wliich was far more deft’ than the land law of May 1946. 
This land law made no provision for middle peasants; hence it 
led to excesses. It would be December 1947 before Mao became 
aware of these abnormalities, and started insisting again on 
discrimination and careful performance. Middle peasants should 
not be alienated, he said. But already reports of the ‘terror’ in 
some areas, due to this ultra-left kind of land reform, had cir- 
culated (Jack Beldenf was to report on them) in the White areas; 
and this produced a tide of reversal against the Communists. In 
January 1948, in Some Important Problems of the Party^s Present 
Policy, Mao spoke of those erroneous tendencies in land reform 
and mass movements. He was then still at Yang Chia Kou in 
North Shensi. The speech was a directive aimed at a high level of 
leadership, no less than the Central Committee -and therefore 
plainly meant for the working committee under Liu. 

Mao spoke out against two divergent trends, but may have been 
aiming at the same people, for as we have seen, the ultra-left is 
objectively the right, and the two can coexist in the same person. 

* William Hinton, Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village 
(Monthly Review Press, New York, 1967). 

t Jack Bcldcn, China Shakes the (Monthly Review Press, London, 1970). 



He spoke against ‘some people’ in the Party who ‘feared United 
States imperialism, feared wiping out the compradore-feudal 
system, feared a long-drawn-out war’, but then went on to 
condemn the ultra-left tendency to terrorism in land reform, 
alienating the intermediate classes. ‘The interests of the poor 
peasant leagues must be our first concern ... Their forward role 
consists in forging unity with the middle peasants ... The slogan 

The poor peasants and farm labourers conquer the country and 
should rule the country is wrong; it is not the poor peasants 
and farm labourers alone who conquer the country ... it is the 
workers, peasants — including the new rich peasants — small 
independent craftsmen and traders, middle and small capitalists, 
teachers, students, professors and ordinary intellectuals, en- 
lightened gentry, oppressed minority nationalities and overseas 
Chinese, all united together under the leadership of the working 
class, who conquer the country and should rule the country.’ This 
united front of all these against Chiang was endangered by 
adventurist left policies, of killing, and brutality. Mao pointed out 
that the wiping out of the feudal system meant wiping out ‘the 
landlords as a class, not as individuals ... In accordance with the 
land law wc must give them [the landlords] means of produc- 
tion and means of livelihood, but not more than [to the ordinary] 

Now we know, however allusively these remarks read, that 
at the time they hit a target. Liu Shao-chi was the *right’ tendency 
in international outlook and responsible for the ultra-left in land 
reform. Mao sent his loyal and able friend Jen Pi-shih to Hopei to 
find out what was happening; Jen came back with a detailed 
account. On February 3, 1948, Mao sent a telegram direct to 
Liu Shao-chi giving directives on land reform; on February ii 
he issued a severe criticism of the ‘left’ line — Correct the Left Errors 
in Land Reform Propaganda.^ It was addressed to Communist news 
agencies and newsmen for printing reports containing ‘left’ 
errors. ‘Raslmess has been encouraged.’ To do everything ‘as the 
masses want it done’ was not the mass line, but spontaneisni, an 
accommodation to ‘wrong views existing among the niasscs’. As 

* Selected Works, vol. II. 


a result punishment against minor cadres who had committed 
slight errors was much too severe, while the real incumbents, the 
leaders, were responsible but untouched. The slogan 'Let no poor 
peasant remain poor and leave no landlord in possession of his 
property’ was excessive and recked of absolute cqualitarianism. 
This had caused terrorism, even execution of middle peasants. All 
this must be changed speedily. 

Hinton mentions the parallel between the ‘style of work’ of 
the work teams organized by Liu Shao-chi at that time to 
conduct land reform investigations, and that of the work teams 
Liu sent in 1963 to conduct a socialist education movement in the 
communes. The work teams Liu sent to the universities in the 
first weeks of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1965 
also conducted an absolute terror. ‘Style makes the man’; as we 
find Mao s style again and again in the Chinese Revolution, so do 
we find the hallmark and stamp of Liu in his work during the 
Revolution. This relationship between person and output in a 
cause can help solve many so-called baffling problems of under- 
standing the Chinese Revolution; now that we must discard 
forever Party monolithism, now that we know the struggle 
between two lines is always going on in the Party, we can all the 
more appreciate Mao’s stamina and tenacity, his endurance, and 
the fact that he was not, could not be, in a position to dictate. 
Wc are not surprised, then, when right in the middle of the 
military campaigns of the civil war wc find mwthcr rectification 
movement taking place, both in the Communist Party and in the 
People s Liberation Army, in the winter of 1947-1948. 

Mao deplored that there had been erroneous propaganda which 
advocates taking account of class origin alone’ and was deleterious 
to the forward movement of the social revolution, in con- 
sequence endangering the outcome of the civil war. Many cadres 
of peasant or of petty bourgeois origin were ‘meritorious’. On 
February 15, Mao again wrote to the Central Committee: ‘Do 
not be impetuous ... The total scope of attack [for land reform] 
should not exceed 8 per cent of the households ... killing without 
discrimination is forbidden; the fewer killings the better.’ This 
Js repeated, with manifest anxiety, in several different ways. 



Once again an ‘open door’ rectification is started, calling on the 
peasants in the peasant associations for criticism, supervision and 
the sifting of cadres. W^ith the inflation in Party membership, a 
good many opportunists, ‘riffraff’, again had come into the 
Party. The 1,211,128 of 1945 were 2,200,000 in January 1947, 
^>759)457 by the end of 1947* 1948 at mid-year the 3 milhon 

mark would be reached. Due to the Rectification movement, 
by the end of 1948 only 65,000 more cadres had been added to 
the Party. But some of the Kuomintang agents planted in the 

Party at that time would be found out only at the Great Pro- 
letarian Cultural Revolution.* 

In April, in a speech to the cadres of the Shensi-Suiyuan base, 
Mao praised them for correcting ‘left’ deviations, and indirectly 
indicated that Liu had also corrected his mistakes. By then Mao 

Tsetung had left the North Shensi base and had crossed the Yellow 

It was on March 23, 1948, that together with ChouEn-lai and 
Jen Pi-shih, and his wife Chiang Ching, Mao left for Hopei, 
where Liu Shao-chi, Chu Teh, and the working committee were 
established. W^hen he reached Hopei three or four weeks later, 
he had accomplished all he had set himself to do. He had destroyed 
the armies of Hu Tsung-nan; yet at no time during this year of 
wandering about the base did Mao have more than 20,000 men. 
He had also concluded the first phase of the strategic offensive in 
the civil war, and now would come the great forward push, the 
magnificent design which would scatter Chiang’s strength like dust. 
He had been able to correct a dangerous ultra-left trend and set on 
foot a vast Rectification movement in the Party and in the Army. 

In April 1948 Yenan was retaken by the People’s Liberation 
Army, and Hu Tsung-nan and his 230,000 men consigned ‘to the 
dustbin of history’. 

All over the great land the armies marched, swept forward, locked 
in vast encounters in a war to the finish. On June 30, 1947, one 

* Han Suyin, ‘Interview with a Brigade Leader’, Eastern Horizon, vol. X, no. 4. 

The author collected numerous stories of KMT agents being found out during 
the GPCR. 


field army of the PLA forced the Yellow river, crossed the Limghai 
railway in August, thrust into the massive Tapieh mountain 
massif, a turning point for switching south, into Middle China. 
Three more Red armies made forward drives, cutting off large 
portions of Kuomintang forces in vast pincer movements and 
shredding their supply and communication routes. Then came the 
sweep downward from Manchuria, with 340,000 men, conducted 
by Lin Piao and Nieh Jung-chen. 

In Manchuria agrarian reform had been carried out. Mass 
organizations and a people*s government of the liberated areas of 
Manchuria, which rallied many local personalities, including the 
brother of Chang Hsuch-liang, had been set up. Since March 
I 947 j date of the capture of Yenan, Chiang Kai-shek’s 248 
regular brigades had been in swift disintegration; 227 were either 
at the fronts or in garrisons in cities — Chiang had no reserves left. 
His best troops were still locked up in Manchurian cities. 

Already, at the end of 1946, half the population and 300,000 
square miles of the Manchurian territory was in Communist 
hands. Defections of Kuomintang troops in Manchuria began 
later than in other areas because they were crack regiments 
rigorously contained in strongholds, from wliich they made 
occasional small sorties but otherwise stayed immobile. The PLA 
made feints, jabbing at the cities; ‘victories’ by the Kuomintang 
were announced when the Communists withdrew. In December 
i 947 » Chiang’s troops were confined to a narrow corridor 
along cities connected by rail. When the big offensive to take the 
cities started at last, they were helpless. 

On January 5, 1948, the Manchurian PLA armies began 
chewing up the remaining tenuous links around Mukden, 
depriving the garrison of all supplies. Mukden was sealed off. The 
Americans dropped food and supplies by air. Chiang fired the 
commander in Mukden and replaced him with General Wei Li- 
huang. The latter, no strategist, began increasing the Mukden 
garrison by pulling out troops from other Manchurian cities and 
airlifting them— courtesy of the United States — into beleaguered 
Mukden! This was not a very bright thing to do, for the 
Manchurian Red armies immediately shifted to attack the depleted 

53 ^ the morning deluge 

cities. The PLA hacked off piecemeal bits of the reinforcements 
then hastily sent, like chopping off fingers of an extended hand, 
as Mao had described, ‘leaving only a useless stump*. 

General W^ei Li-huang and General Tu Yu-ming, stalwarts of 
Chiang s, went over to Mao s side. Mao Tsetung now planned 
simultaneously two campaigns, one for taking Peking and 
Tientsin, and one for controlling the vast plains of the Huai Hai. 
On October ii the latter was set to begin, a major and decisive 
military action to open up the Yangtze valley north of Nanking, 
Chiang*s capital city, and to take it. 

Mukden fell in October, and without a pause the armies swept 
downwards in point-by-point execution, almost to the day, of 
Mao s plans. The armies of other Red commanders were now 
irresistible, winning in the west, in the centre, in the east. In the 
Manchurian campaign Chiang lost 300,000 soldiers. ‘To me, the 
loss of the troops ... spelled the beginning of the end,* wrote 
United States General David Barr,* Chiang*s chief American 
adviser. They were lost not from battle casualties but from 
defection,’ wrote United States ambassador Leighton Stuart. 

The Peking-Tientsin campaign, guided by a special directive 
from Mao, would end in early 1949. The Peking commander, 
Fu Tso-yi, yielded gracefully, and another 200,000 Kuomintang 
troops were wiped out’ — went home or joined the Red armies. f 
Mao Tsetung entered Peking on March 25, 1949, greeted with 
fantastic enthusiasm by the population. 

In the Huai Hai campaign, Mao cabled to the commander, 
Chen Yi: ‘You are to complete the Huai Hai campaign in tv,'o 
months, November and December.’ Nearly half a million 
Kuomintang troops were ‘wiped off the map’ in this campaign. 
The Americans knew the troops in this area were inferior to 
those in Manchuria. ‘There is no reason to believe in their will 
or ability to resist an offensive,’ wrote the long-suffering General 
Barr. ‘And when they are gone, Nanking has no defences worthy 

* Quoted in Samuel B. Griffitli II, The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, 
op. cit. 

t Fu Tso-yi was to become a minister in tlie government of Mao Tsetung in 
1950, and spent peaceful days in Peking, even through the Cultural Revolution. 


of the name,* Only massive United States aid, which meant 
Americanization of the war, would save the situation. But by 
then President Truman had seen the writing on the wall. ‘The 
world’s worst leadership, and many other morale-destroying 
factors, led to a complete loss of the will to fight,’ was General 
Barr’s disconsolate verdict. 

‘Rest and consolidate your forces next January,’ Mao cabled to 
Chen Yi. ‘From March to July [1949] you will be fighting ... to 
drive the enemy to points along the Yangtze river, where he will 
dig in ... By autumn your main force will probably be figlning to 
cross the Yangtze. It was as if he knew to the day what was 
going to happen. And now victory was near much more 
swiftly than expected, almost too swift. 

By June 1948, 800,000 Kuomintang soldiers had defected, and 
from July 1948 to June 1949, 700,000 more would cross over. 
From July 1949 to the end of the year, one million soldiers would 
come over to the Red armies. What could be done with them? 
Success itself now brought its own contradictions. Would not the 
over-swollen Red armies decay with this stuffing of KMT soldiers, 
by no means politically trained? 

Once again Mao turned to old and proved ways of doing things 
which implied trust in people. The democratic movement in the 
Army, institutedjanuary 30, 1948) was to reinforce and restore the 
soldiers’ committees at company level, Mao had created them on 
the way to Chingkangshan in 1927, and they had been abolished 
in 1932 at Juichin.*' The ablest old soldiers were turned into 
instructors for new recruits. ‘The masses of the soldiers should 
have the right to expose the errors and misdeeds of bad elements 
among the cadres,’ To prevent a ‘return to warlordisin* among 
commanders, and ‘high-handedness’ among political leaders, the 
soldiers would form these committees, elect representatives to 
assist, but not by-pass, the company leadership in managing 
their own food distribution and budgeting, to prevent corrup- 
tion. A movement called ‘three check-ups and three improve- 
ments was instituted; it was a system by which the individual 

* At Yenan soldiers’ clubs had been restored, but they seem to have lapsed 
after 1945. ^ 



recruit s class origin, performance of duty and will to fight were 

checked, and his improvement in fighting was noted. This was a 

way of preventing laxity and weakening from the dilution of 
KMT recruits. 

But another and far more difficult problem now loomed; 
no less than the issue of leadership itself 

It is still not clear what in fact determined what seems to have 
been a crisis, due to a profound divergence of opinion on the 
further conduct of the war, at that moment. But it was certain 
that a most important meeting took place in Hopei in the spring 
of 1948. Even the recapture of Yenan, the exhilarating triumphs 
on the military plane, the total annihilation of so many Kuomin- 
tang armies, do not seem to have impressed ‘some people*. Mao’s 
criticism of the ultra-left deviation and launching of the Rectifica- 
tion movement brought into focus the whole issue of rectification. 
Mao asserted that the 1941-1944 Rectification campaign had 
achieved a firmer grasp of our basic orientation, which is to 
unite the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice 
of the Chinese Revolution.* Another campaign was urgently 
needed before the Party took over power, in order to guarantee a 
continuation of success, for ‘many landlords, rich peasants ... have 
seized the opportunity to sneak into our Party ... In the rural 
areas they control a number of Party, government and people’s 

In September 1948 an enlarged plenum was held in Hopei, to 
reaffirm ‘the unity of the Party*. Seven members of the Politburo, 
fourteen members and alternate members of the Central Com- 
mittee, and ten ‘principal leading comrades’ attended. It was then 
estimated that there might be five more years of fighting, surely a 
very conservative view. ‘In the coming three years we plan to 
admit into our forces 1,700,000 captured soldiers — estimated at 
60 per cent of the total we shall capture — and to mobilize 2 million 
peasants to join ... Because our Party and our Army were long in 
a position in which we were cut apart by the enemy . . . we allowed 
very considerable autonomy to the leading organs of Party and 
Army in different areas ... This gave rise to certain phenomena ... 
which were harmful.’ 



The obvious tightening up of central control is here spelled out; 
and one does not know whether it was the land reform problem 
alone or linked to the problem of pushing on with the war which 
led up to it. ‘The present situation demands that our Party should 
do the utmost to overcome these phenomena ... so as to bring 
about the transition in the form of the war . . . For this purpose we 
must do everything possible to repair and to operate modern 
means of communications ... to strengthen the administration of 
cities and industry, and to shift the centre of gravity of our 
Party work step by step from the rural areas to the cities.' 

A directive called On Strengthening the Party Committee was 
penned by Mao on September 20 for the Central Committee. 
‘The Party committee system is an important Party institution for 
collective leadership and preventing any individual from mono- 
polizing the conduct of affairs.’ This formula of collective leader- 
ship, introduced by Mao himself then, was discussed by Mao in 
his interviews with Edgar Snow in i960 and 1965. Mao affirmed 
that he had done this for the purpose of strengthening Party 
unity and democratic centralism. This collective leadership 
decision might enable Mao to carry out liis admittedly brilliant 
and successful policies; but on the other hand it would, perhaps, 
lead to an increase, covert if not open, of Liu’s influence within 
the Party, now that the centre of gravity would shift to the cities. 

We also know that in mid-1948, or slightly earlier, Stalin had 
through Liu Shao-chi definitely advised the Chinese Communist 
Party not to proceed onward in their military campaigns, but to 
leave South China to Cliiang Kai-shek; not to cross the Yangtze 
river, but to revert to guerilla warfare. 

However, the decision to cross the Yangtze river was confirmed 
in that autumn, and precisely at that meeting; the military 
operations destined to take Nanking, the Huai Hai campaigns, 
were drafted shortly after by Mao Tsetung. 

Tn 1948 the cities controlled by Cliiang Kai-shek experienced an 
increasing tempo of starvation, misery, anger, and despair. 
Inflation was colossal. The United States dollar was worth 
1 ,800,000 Chinese dollars in April ; a pound of rice cost ten million 



dollars, tea thousand times what it had cost three years previously. 
In June 1948, very reluctantly, Chiang was forced to accept Li 
Tsung-jen, a militarist from Kwangsi province and often his 
opponent, as vice-president. Li was the choice of the more 
‘liberaf elements in the Kuomintang. 

Li Tsung-jen knew the situation was desperate; so did every 
foreign embassy, whose reports always started with the words; 
‘The military, political and economic situation is deteriorating ...’ 
In August, Chiang banned all demonstrations and proclaimed 
‘economic reform’ to be performed by his son Chiang Ching-kuo. 
The Chinese dollar was pegged at four to the United States 
dollar; within three weeks it was at 12 million to the United 
States dollar. 

Li Tsung-jen then tried to contact the Communists for peace 
negotiations, to save what could be saved; in this he obtained 
American backing. Cliiang left the initiative to Li and to the 
Americans, thus keeping his own ‘face’. 

But after the overwhelming victories in December 1948 and the 
loss of Manchuria, Chiang himself had to say something. In a 
speech so devoid of reality as to provoke general mirth, he 
announced that the situation was getting better every day; but he 
wanted to be ‘generous’ to his adversaries if they ‘sued’ for peace. 
Mao, in a reply to this ‘New Year message’, reviewed the 
successes of the People’s Liberation Army, declared it now had 
numerical superiority, the four to one ratio at the war’s begin- 
ning having vanished. He heaped scorn on Chiang’s homeric 
absurdity and quoted the American White Paper itself, stating 
that the advantage was now his. He affirmed that the people of 
China were on the side of the CCP. And it was not a boast. 

‘In 1949, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will advance 
south of the Yangtze river ... In 1949 the Political Consultative 
Conference with no reactionaries participating ... will be con- 
vened ... The People’s Republic of China will be proclaimed, and 
the central government of the Republic will be established. 

According to certain documents* there was, within the revolu- 
tionary camp, an ‘opposition faction’ to Mao’s decision to carry 

* Current Background, no. 884. 


the Revolution through to the end, organized by the ‘United 
States-Chiang reactionaries’. It is quite true that American am- 
bassador Leighton Stuart was desperately seeking to promote — 
at tliis late hour! — a ‘coalition’ government. Liu Shao-chi, ‘an 
agent of the United States-Chiang reactionaries hidden within the 
Party ...jumped forward without waiting further’ -in the 
picturesque, literal translation style of the Chinese broadcasts. 
What we do know is that, possibly because the Russians con- 
tinued to be so abysmally misinformed about Chinese conditions, 
it was not only United States imperialism and Chiang, but also 
Stalin, who concurred to try once again for ‘peace’, and advised 
Mao to abstain from pushing on to final victory. There was no 
danger of world war now, said Stalin, but America could be 
bled white’ in China if the war was prolonged. Mao must not 
seek a quick conclusion which might bring in the Americans with 
massive help. But Mao had never thought, as we have seen, that 
the United States would plunge into war with the USSR. He 
did not think the United States would go all out for Chiang. His 
withering denunciation of Chiang as a ‘war criminal’, and of the 
United States as intending to turn China into a colony, was a 
retort to those who tried to threaten, pressure, cajole or otherwise 
move him. The anti-United States tide in Cliina was at its height 
in 1948, and Mao’s words found ‘multitudes of people ... coming 
over to the revolutionary camp’. Mao denounced the Sino-United 
States air transport agreement of December 20, 1946, the Sino- 
United States bilateral agreement ofjuly 1948, as a straightforward 
colonial type of treaty. He announced that, come to power, the 
CCP would refuse to recognize any of the unequal treaties or 
agreements made with Chiang Kai-shek.* 

On January 14, 1949, Mao published eight points as pre- 
conditions for ‘peace negotiations’, although he knew the latter 
would never take place. On the 21st Chiang went into retirement, 
leaving Li Tsung-jen to face the Communists. The negotiations, 
again conducted by Chou En-lai, lasted till March 1949; 
during that time the People’s Liberation Armies rested and 

* This also would cover the treaty between the USSR and Chiang signed in 
August 1945. 



consolidated, on Mao’s advice; this respite was exacdy what they 

On February 8, 1949, Mao ordered the army units to keep busy, 
by mrning them into a working force for production’. The 
soldiers recuperated; hoeing and planting kept them fit, and 
among the people their will to fight was kept strong. 

Originally, Mao had fixed early April as the date for crossing 
the Yangtze; he had then advanced it to March; due to the 
peace’ talks, he now put it back to April and wrote: ‘Training and 
consolidation must continue; the study of policy must be stressed 
... Preparations must be made to take over and administer large 
cities ... From now on the formula followed in the past twenty 
years First the rural areas, then the cities” — will be reversed and 
changed to the formula First the cities, then the rural areas.” ’ 

The Party had over 3 million members by mid-1948; it would 
have 4*5 million at the end of i949* Mao again became concerned 
with the loss of quality in the membership and the infiltration of 
undesirables. The Army once again had to do political work, to 
reinforce Party cadres if the latter proved defective. ‘We are 
preparing to send 53,000 cadres south with the Army ... but this 
is a very small number. The occupation of eight or nine provinces 
and scores of big cities will require a huge number of working 
cadres, and to solve this problem the Army must rely chiefly on 

And again: ‘The Army is a school. Our field armies ... are 
equivalent to several thousand universities and secondary schools. 

We have to rely chiefly on the Army to supply our working cadres. You 
must understand this point clearly.^ The problem of cadres was a 
very diflicult one. Already at the second plenum of September 
1948 it had been decided to enroll cadres from the big cities, 
where ‘there are many workers and intellectuals who can take 
part ... and who have ... a higher cultural level than the workers 
and peasants in the old liberated areas. We should make use of 
large numbers of working personnel from the Kuomintang’s 
economic, financial, cultural and educational institutions, ex- 
cluding the reactionary elements.’ Now the victories had become 
landslides, and the evacuation of American personnel from the 



large cities had begun. Chiang had only a million-odd men left 
in regular combat troops. Tsingtao was evacuated by the 
Americans in November 1948. ‘The march of events in China is 
faster than people expected. The Chinese people should quickly 
prepare all the necessary conditions for the establishment of a 
peaceful, democratic, and independent New China.* 

The Red armies crossed the Yangtze river on April 21 ; 300,000 
men, using small boats, floats, rafts and junks, went across in one 
night. On April 25 Mao proclaimed the eight-point covenant, 
which formed a basis for the military takeover of all the regions of 
China pending the formation of a government. The covenant 
was written in his capacity as chairman of the Revolutionary 
Military Council, and thus in the name of the Army. The cove- 
nant promised to protect the lives and property of people 
irrespective of class, belief or occupation if they maintained order 
and co-operated ; to protect all industrial, commercial, agricultural 
enterprises of the national capitalists, and gave other guarantees, 
which were scrupulously kept. It promised protection for KMT 
officials, save those war criminals to be impeached, such as Chiang 
Kai-shek. As a result of this measure almost three million officials 
of the Kuomintang administration were rehabilitated; they were 
to be paid salaries and kept alive, and many of them worked for 
years under the Communists. Land reform was not to be started 
until the PLA had arrived and had made thorough investigations. 
He then envisaged a period of ‘some years . . . maybe three or 
four’ before land reform could be completed. 

Nanking, Chiang’s capital, fell on April 27, 1949. The KMT 
flag was pulled down and the Red flag hoisted. The citizens 
swarmed to acclaim the People’s Liberation Army. 

The speeches made by Mao in March 1949 and again in June 
1949 are fundamental to the understanding of the policies of the 
People s Republic of China today. They are both first ‘state of the 
nation declarations, fundamental for the transition from the New 
Democratic period to socialism. New divergences are already 
foreshadowed; Mao speaks of ‘muddle-headed* comrades who 
would like to rely on the bourgeoisie in the cities; who would 
prefer to consolidate the New Democratic period rather than go 



forward to the socialist stage. Once again, curiously enough, the 

proponent of the go slow’ theory is Liu Shao-chi, and this fact 

was well recognized even in 1949; Liu’s speeches gave every 

evidence that he would remain at the New Democratic stage’ 

and did not think it was time to carry out the transition into 

In that March or April, Liu went to Tientsin to hold talks with 
industrial businessmen there. He promised them all help in 
running their industries, brushed off the demands of the workers 
present, and is quoted as saying, ‘Exploitation has its merits too.’* 
It is not possible to verify this report, but it was currently known 
and widely reported in China even before the Cultural Revolution 
that Liu felt that production must come first, and he spoke for 
years of consolidating new democracy. He would defend 
himself by saying that the new democratic period was supposed 
to last some years; that it was Mao, not he, who had changed his 
time-view, but victory had come so swiftly, and the country was 
ripe to bursting for revolutionary change. Mao considered that the 
country must push on to the socialist stage, for otherwise none of 
the problems could be solved. It is interesting that had there been 
American help and financial aid, as at one time was thought, 
there might possibly have been a longer new democratic stage. 
But the necessity for pushing on was very obvious to Mao; for 
he who lingered at the crossroads would find the problems 
mounting. And so in his speeches Mao clearly states the necessity 
for going forward into the next stage. 

In industry, Mao pointed out that China’s modern industry was 
only 10 per cent of the total value of output of the national 
economy and had been concentrated in the hands of ‘the 
imperialists and their lackeys, the Chinese bureaucratic capitalists’. 
This was now to be confiscated; the state-owned sector would be- 
come dominant, and it would be ‘socialist, not capitalist in 
character’. The private capitalist industry would be allowed for a 
while, when beneficial, ‘but the existence and expansion of 
capitalism in China will not be unrestricted and uncurbed’. It 
would only exist within the framework of the economic policy 

* Interview by the autlior in Tientsin, 1969. 


and planning of the People’s Republic, a planning directed 
towards socialism. ‘It is entirely wrong to think ... we can 
discard the slogan “Regulation of capital” ... this is a right 
opportunist view.’ 

The people’s democratic dictatorship to be established meant a 
long-term policy of co-operation with non-Party democrats. For 
it was in a united front with non-Communist parties, seven in 
all, that the first National People’s Congress would be held. 

Concerning agriculture, Mao proclaimed the socialization of 
agriculture, step by step, but with the final aim unchanged. ‘With- 
out socialization of agriculture, there can be no complete, 
consolidated socialism.’ 

Now he warned: ‘With victory certain moods may grow ... 
arrogance, the airs of a self-styled hero, inertia and unwillingness 
to make progress, love of pleasure and distaste for continued hard 
living ... There may be some, not conquered by enemies with 
guns ... but who cannot withstand sugar-coated bullets.’ Thus he 
warned against the corruption of the cities; and within two years 
there was to be another Rectification movement. 

But, he ended, ‘We can learn what we did not know. We are 

not only good at destroying the old world, we are also good at 
building the new.’ 

Shanghai was captured on May 27, 1949, a month after the fall of 
Nanking. Wuhan was captured on May 16. Chiang fled to 
Chungking, then to Chengtu, then to Canton, then to Hainan, 
and then, on December 9, to Taiwan, 

On June 15 Mao addressed the new preparatory committee for 
the Political Consultative Conference, heir to the one which had 
met so briefly in January 1946. Representatives of all parties, 
including the ‘revolutionary Kuomintang’, attended. Madame 
Soong Ching-ling and Madame Ho Hsiang-ning, widow of Dr 
Sun Yatsen and widow of Dr Liao Chung-kai, both attended. The 
former became vice-chairman of the People’s Republic of China a 
few months later, a post she has held until today. Li Tsung-jen, 
Chiang s unfortunate vice-president, went in December 1948 to 
the United States for medical treatment and remained till 1965, 



when he returned to live in Peking, with his wife, and was 
received with honour and consideration by Mao Tsetung. He 
died in 1968, of old age, in Peking. 

At the Political Consultative Conference, twenty-three 
organizations and groups and various parties were represented. It 
met in Peking on September 9, 1949. Peking was to be once more 
the capital of China, the new China. September 9 was, almost to 
the day, twenty-two years since the Autumn Harvest Uprising, 
when Mao Tsetung had started on the way of armed struggle, 
started the building of an army and of Red power in the country- 
side, started the strategy of the countryside surrounding the cities. 

On October i. in Peking, standing on Tien An Men -the Gate 
of Heavenly Peace — facing south where a large portrait of Dr Sun 
Yatsen was displayed, flanked by the Politburo, the members 
of the Central Committee, and many an ex-Kuomintang 
personality, Mao Tsetung spoke to the delirious and acclaiming 
millions milling round the great purple walls and gates of the 
Ming palaces of Peking. 

‘The Chinese people have stood up ... nobody will insult us 

In Mao that day, looking at the enormous crowds, hearing the 
ocean sound of their acclamations; that night when the fireworks 
threw their dazzling meteors of light above the city, there was no 
trace of pride, no sensation of arrogance; only a deep humility, a 
sense of a great work scarcely begun; all which had gone before 
was ‘but the first step ... in a 25,000-li Long March'./ Ah jhe 
years of struggle, the millions of dead, the sacrifices ... all but a 
beginning. In front lay the future, to be built. What happened in 
China would transform China, but it would also transform the 
world. ‘Even if this step [winning country-wide victory] is 
worthy of pride, it is comparatively tiny ... After several decades 
the victory will seem only a brief prologue to a long drama ... the 
road ... will be longer, the work greater and more arduous.’^ 

And indeed, as they met that evening to sip tea and watch the 
fireworks, already the past was receding, receding; the future was 
rushing to meet Mao Tsetung and the Chinese people. Already 
loomed new problems, new contradictions. The United States 



had withdrawn from China; there had been no massive onslaught 
by America, but it was a defeat for the almighty power, a 
psychological one, and it would rankle; perhaps they would be 
back ... There was, up in Moscow, the Grand Old Man of that 
other, that first Revolution, Stalin, with his ambiguous mind. 
Mao had already decided to go to see Stalin, face him with the 
conscience of a new world emergent, a revolution akin to the 
October Revolution, which had fought every inch of the way 
to its triumph ... ‘The Chinese people have stood up ... nobody 
will insult us again.’ 

Around Mao Tsetung were his companions, those who had 
fought with him, and those who fought him. He knew they were 
not all of one mind ; he knew some of them might go against 
him, again and yet again. As long as their opinions and their 
views were not harmful to the Revolution he would go on with 
them. But when they would be a danger to the unswerving aim 
of Revolution to which he had dedicated his life, then he woiid be 

iThcre were the people, standing, walking; millions of them, and 
so much to be done. True they were poor, they were backward; 
the country was ravaged, a spoiled ragged blanket of a country, a 
country full of beggars and starving people. But he had faith and 
trust in the people. They were the makers of history; they would 
rebuild, they would create prosperity, happiness. And he would 
be on their side, always. They were the anonymous millions who 
had suffered and died, all along the measureless road they had 
come. Never would he lord it over them. 'Serve the people/ / 

Perhaps then he thought again of the story he had told the 
Party and the Army, in Yenan, in April 1945 at the close of the 
Seventh Congress, when he had answered the question Shall tve 
dare to win? in the affirmative. He told many stories in his colourful 
lectures, in his speeches, in private conversations. He loved 
listening to stories, too. 

An old man lived in North China long long ago ... His house 
faced south and beyond his doorway stood two great peaks ... 
obstructing the way. He called his sons, and hoe in hand they 
began to dig up these mountains.’ His neighbour had laughed at 



the foolish old man and his tedious labour, but the foolish old 

man went on, replying that when he died his sons and grandsons 

and their sons and grandsons would continue the work, and one 

day the mountains would be cleared. ‘God was moved, ^ said Mao 

Tsetung, and sent down two angels who carried the mountains 

And this was the lesson. W^e must persevere and work un- 
ceasingly and we too will touch God’s heart. Our God is none 
other than the masses of the Chinese people. If they stand up and dig 

together with uSj why caidt these two mountains [imperialism and 
feudalism] be cleared away?" 

And indeed the two mountains had now been cleared away, 
God s heart had been touched. But the work had only just begun. 
There were more mountains to clear — ignorance, poverty, the 
habit of tyranny ... 

And the masses would continue to be the god of Mao Tsetung. 
In 1949 he was fifty-four years old, and his career was only 
beginning; his greatest campaigns were yet to come. 

* Tlie Foolish Old Alan Who Removed the Adountains (June ii, i945)» Selected 
Works, vol. III. 

Mao Tsetung and Stalin 

Political power grows from the barrel of a gun. The triumph of 
the Chinese Communist Party in 1949, the protracted thirty-year 
conflict, had confirmed this saying; but the victory was not only a 
military victory, it was also a political one. 

Without the people of China, and their solid support, in great 
majority; without land reform and social measures which 
assured success because they assured security in a time of chaos, the 
civil war might have been prolonged for many more years. 
Now that the battle was won, tlie time of building had come. 

The Party had prepared for this seizure of power and this 
total victory since the Seventh Congress of 1945; whatever its 
restricted surroundings and its poverty of means, it already had 
remarkable methods of administration, including a foreign 
policy. In Ycnan Mao Tsetung was already thinking in terms of all 
China. His interviews bear this out. His talks with personnel of the 
Dixie mission show him completely aware that the Communist 
Party was the obvious replacement for Chiang Kai-shek, either 
through a coalition or without it. He had already enunciated the 
principles upon which today's foreign policies are based.* The 
application may vary, but the fundamental precepts have 
remained the same throughout the years. 

Thus the formulas of peaceful coexistence governing relations 
between states are expounded by Mao to Guenther Stein in 1944. 
They arc repeated at the Seventh Congress in April 1945; again 
repeated in 1949 at the second plenum of the Seventh Congress. 
Even in Yenan a foreign affairs department was already existent, 
drawn from the members of the liaison offices functioning under 

* See On Coalition Gooernnwnt- The Policy of the Chinese Comnnmist Parly the 
problem of foreign policy (April 24. 1945), Selected Works, vol. III. 


Chou En-lai in Chungking, in Sian, and later in Nanking. 
Every base also had its personnel in charge of ‘external affairs’, 
even if visitors from outside were few and far between. The 
presence of the Dixie mission had stimulated the need for 
interpreters, liaison men, all diplomats tn potcntia. The delega- 
tions sent to the United Nations by the Communists, in those 
early years, to put the case of the People’s Republic of China 
before this body were neither without experience nor without 
a solid foundation of policy. 

It is otiose perhaps to repeat the obvious, that contact between 
1943 and 1949 was perhaps more frequent with American than 
with Russian personnel; and this would be true even in Manchuria, 
where the Russian military and diplomatic personnel adhered to 
the friendship and alliance pact with Chiang Kai-shek and avoided 
the Communists. Yet there was contact, and especially in 1948, 
with the Manchurian people’s government, an administration 
similar to that established in many other Red bases, but which was 
to singularize itself in its far closer contact with the USSR, for 
obvious geographical and later political reasons. Until the very 
last days of Chiang’s regime, the Russians were scrupulous in 
fulfilling the pact; and negotiations were carried out with Chiang 
Kai-shek concerning Russian claims based on the Yalta agreement 
well into the spring of 1949. The Russian ambassador was the 
only diplomat who accompanied Chiang to Chengtu and to 
Kuangchow; he did not, however, make the trip to Taiwan island, 
Chiang’s last refuge. 

The reticence of the USSR as regards the CCP has had many 
and various interpretations. According to the same Guenther 
Stein, who travelled both to Moscow and to Yenan in I 943 » 
Russian officials had told him that Communism was ‘impossible’ 
in China. ‘Can you conceive of a Communist growth without a 
powerful heavy industry? There cannot be Communism or even 
socialism in a country where the industrial element and the 
proletariat do not form a sizeable portion of the population; at 
the most it will be a petty bourgeois regime with some progressive 
tendencies.’* The dearth of knowledge, both military and 

* Guenther Stein, The Challenge oj Red China, op. cit. 



political, concerning real Communist strength has been analysed 
by Harrison Salisbury, the able editor of the New York Times 
and renowned expert on the USSR. According to Mr Salisbury, 
the great purges in the USSR had decimated the experts on China; 
not once, but three times, did Stalin ‘liquidate’ those who really 
knew anything about the Chinese Revolution. The dissolution of 
the Comintern in 1943 had cut the last links, and certainly not 
promoted renewed interest in Chinese affairs. In Stalin’s mind 
China had a low priority for many years. 

But Stalin’s preference for Chiang Kai-shek is not so easily 
explained, unless we suppose that Stalin was already a great- 
power chauvinist and preferred Chiang, who would not be in a 
position to claim back either Outer Mongolia or other interests 
wrested from China- with United States consent -at Yalta. This, 
however, supposes that Stalin already feared a strong China under 
a strong and powerful national leader as well as a Communist 
figure; and there is no indication that Stalin ever thought it 
possible for Mao either to win the war or to unite the country 
and embark on the prodigious development which the last 
twenty years have seen. We remain with enigmas which cannot 
be explained by logic, but only by the fact that Stalin, as he grew 
older, reverted more and more to a fixity in his opinions which 
influenced the whole course of Russian policies. ‘The Chinese 
have a habit of exaggerating their strength, they keep on piling 
figures of non-existent armies’; ‘You can never believe what they 
say.’ These and other remarks by Russian diplomats and officials 
betrayed the already quite palpable chauvinism and racial 
arrogance which was to grow so fast in the USSR in the following 
years. The cavalier way in which, at Yalta, Stalin asked for his 
share of booty in China cannot have any other interpretation than 
this chauvinism which today the People’s Republic of China 
denounces with such vigour in the present Soviet hierarchy. 

Because of this defect in Russian intelligence work concerning 
Mao and the Chinese Communist Party — obviously they did not 
bother to read United States intelligence sources, which until 1945 
accurately described the strength of the Reds — Stalin sincerely 
thought Mao would lose. As late as March 1949, when the 



United States Army men stationed in China already had with- 
drawn most of their personnel, Stalin continued to direct that talks 
with Cliiang, as the ‘legal government of China, should continue. 
These talks affected Russian investments and companies in 
Sinkiang province; and the most charitable thing that can be said 
is that there is no difference between the extraction of concessions 
in China practised at that moment by the United States govern- 
ment-allied big business and the Russian officials in charge of these 
economic talks. Even when Peking and Tientsin had been 
captured by the Red armies and Mao had entered the old capital 
(March 25, 1949) amid the most obvious enthusiasm and relief, the 
talks went on. Sinkiang, the western province of Cliina, had been 
the object of czarist cupidity in the later nineteenth century; and 
the negotiations with Chiang, under the legal instrument of the 
friendship and alliance treaty, cannot be regarded as anything but 
an attempt to continue to extort as much as possible from the now 
beleaguered Chiang Kai-shek. 

It was in April, when the People’s Liberation Army crossed the 
Yangtze river, and when Nanking was to fall, that the press in the 
Soviet Union switched to calling the Kuoinintang regime 
‘reactionary’. Prauda announced its fall in the autumn. 

According to Vladimir Dejider,* Stalin told him that he had 
advised the Chinese Communists they had no prospects of 
victory and shouldjoin Chiang, dissolve their armies and go back 
to guerilla warfare. He did not elucidate the reasons he gave for 
this advice; we can only think it was fear of massive American 
involvement. Mao had disregarded this advice and pitted liis 
acumen in foreign policy against Stalin’s, and had been proved 
right. Stalin was to say to Kardelj, the Hungarian Communist 
Party representative, that the Chinese had been right not to listen 
to his counsels. ‘They are beating Chiang’s army... we were 
wrong.’ This was a very handsome admission to make; but Stalin 
may not have forgiven the man who had proved him wrong. 

The advent of the People’s Republic of China, an unexpected 
one, immediately threw into disarray the balance of power in the 

* Vladimir Dejider, Tito Speaks (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1953). 

P- 331 . 



Far East which Stalin had conceived at Yalta. Everything had to 
be rethought. It was obvious to him, even if his meek hirelings 
did not dare to tell him, that the PRC was not only viable, but a 
government with the greatest popular backing that had ever 
existed in China. Any foreign policy move by the nascent power 
would therefore be momentous; Asia was already changed by the 
Chinese Revolution on October i, 1949. What China would do 
would involve continuously, and in a different manner from the 
past, both the United States and the USSR, because both now 
claimed their frontiers and interests in Asia. 

It is possible, though not proven, that at the momentous 
meeting in Hopei in the autumn of 1948 the alliance with the 
Soviet Union was decided upon by the assembled Central Com- 
mittee of the CCP. Even had there not been American inter- 
vention on the side of Chiang Kai-shek, friendship with the 
Soviet Union would have been a necessary and strongly affirmed 
decision, both because of ideological afhnity and of geographical 
proximity. The very speed with which victory had come — 
before the United States had time even to pull out completely, 
before it could get public opinion prepared for the ‘loss’ of 
China, before it could adjust to the fact that this would mean 
reassessing all its policies in Asia — had created a vacuum, a gap 
wliich only time and patience could fill. The new Chinese 
government showed remarkable understanding and skill on these 
main issues; and that is why Mao’s speech of July i, 1949, had 
left the door open for the United States, so that it might study the 
new situation and make the adjustments which reason and good 
sense seemed to require. But this in no way invalidated the firm 
determination to seek friendship and an alliance with the USSR, if 
only because it was absolutely necessary to point out that any 
treaties made with Chiang, by Moscow, were now completely 

Mao Tsetung seems to have again rightly estimated that it 
would take the United States some years, maybe ten or twenty, 
to make a change of policy; and therefore the choice of the 
USSR as the source of aid for the reconstruction of China was the 
only one left to him. 



Throughout the civil war, Mao had stressed the theme of self- 
reliance; Anna Louise Strong had indicated that the Communists 
had received nothing from the Russians * Reading back to what 
she wrote in 1948, one is under the impression that she, as well as 
Edgar Snow at about the same time, was trying to convey to 
American public opinion that the Chinese would have preferred 
to establish relations with both sides at once. But it was not their 
fault if they had to turn to the USSR alone. Mao stressed that 
all aid , that is, from any quarter, would be welcome, but only 
if it did not rob the new China of its ^independence of action\ It 
was very obvious that the United States, in its full imperialist 
expansion then, would not fulfil these conditions; it would mean 
abrogating all those profitable treaties signed with Chiang and 
starting on a new basis. The change in Mao’s view towards the 
United States from 1944 to 1949 is very clear; it was a change 
due to the transformation of the United States itself, from the 
image of a great democracy at the close of World War II to one 
of a predatory imperialism four years later. During those years 
Mao Tsetung became a very careful student of the American 

scene; he asked for books on the United States and studied them 
with his usual intensity. 

In 1944, on August 23, Mao had questioned John Stewart 
Service as to the nature of America’s policies in the world. ‘Is 
the American government really interested in democracy— in its 
world future? ... Does it want to have the government of 
China really representative of the people of China? ... America 
has intervened in every country where her troops and sup- 
plies have gone. This intervention may not have been intended, 

and may not have been direct. But it has been nonetheless 

Mao Tsetung expounded to Service, and also to other Ameri- 
cans, that Soviet participation in China’s postwar reconstruction 
would depend on circumstances in the Soviet Union; evidently 
their priorities would be national. ‘We do not expect Russian 
help,’ he said. ‘Russia will not oppose American interests in China 

* Anna Louise Strong, The Chinese Conquer Chttm^ op. cit., interview with 
Anna Louise Strong, 1962. 



if they are constructive and democratic. Russia only wants a 
friendly and democratic China.' Thus the limits of American and 
Russian influence in China were clearly set; in return for help, 
Mao offered Chinese friendship. ‘China must industrialize ... 
We will be interested in the most rapid development of the 
country ... Between the people of China and the people of the 
United States there are strong ties of sympathy, understanding 
and mutual interest. Both are essentially democratic and in- 
dividualistic. Both are by nature peace-loving ... America needs 
an export market for her heavy industry and specialized manu- 
factures ... America is not only the most suitable country to 
assist ... she is also the only country fully able to participate.’* 

It was American policy which had changed abruptly, leaving 
the Communists puzzled and angry at American ‘perfidy’. But 
even then Mao did not change his own foreign policy, though he 
condemned American imperialism — a distinction which is very 
clear today, even if at the time it was not clear to the United 
States State Department. One cannot reasonably expect the 
Chinese Communists to thank the Americans for arming their 
enemy, Chiang Kai-shek. 

It is in this context that the famous June 30, 1949, speech of 
Mao, represented in the American Cold War literature of those 
emotional days as ‘belligerent’ and ‘hostile’, must be reappraised 
as the reasonable pronouncement of a great statesman. *j* 

The first point Mao Tsetung made was that China would not 
change its goal of socialism. It would not curry favour with the 
United States by altering the aim of its Revolution. The date 
chosen, July i, 1949, was to mark the 28th anniversary of the 
CCP and to reaffirm this dedication. 

Externally, too, China reaffirmed struggle against imperialism; 
for there could be no other road for the peoples of the world. ‘In 
the light of the experience accumulated, all Chinese without 
exception must lean either to one side, the side of imperialism, 

*John Stewart Service, The Amerasia Papers: Some Problems in the History of 
U.S.-China Relations, op. cit., pp. 167-176. 

t On the People*s Democratic Dictatorship (June 30, 1949), Selected H'orks, 
voi. rv. 



or to the side of socialism. Sitting on the fence will not do, nor is 
there a third road/ 

The phrase used, dean to one side’, was construed in the 
United States to mean submission to Moscow, whereas it was an 
affirmation that China must go socialist. Communist conviction 
did not, for Mao, mean blind obedience, but this distinction was 
not at all clear, either to the Americans or even to the Russians. 
Yet how often had Mao repeated: ‘We are Chinese first ... We 
did not make the Revolution to hand the country over to Russia blind obedience.’ His leadership of the Revolution had 
proved it; but in spite of the very obvious independence of the 
CCP, the United States foreign policy makers chose to accuse the 
PRC for years of being a satellite of the USSR and not representa- 
tive of the Cliinese people. 

The phrase was also an answer and a rebuff, both to those in the 
Party who wanted to remain in the period of ‘new democracy’, 
and to those independent parties who wanted a Western demo- 
cratic parliamentary form of government. The CCP, through the 
Political Consultative Conference, had organized the govern- 
ment on a coalition basis;* and proponents for a ‘tliird road’, both 
inside the Party and also outside it, were prominent and vocal. 
It was therefore for the internal goal of socialism that Mao used 
this phrase, as well as for the definite purpose of an alliance with 
the USSR. ‘We are against no one, except the domestic and 
foreign reactionaries who hinder us from doing business.’ But the 
United States had shown itself an imperialist, aggressive power, 
bent on military interference in Asia, and this would probably 
continue. There could be no trafficking with imperialism, no 
subservience to it; hence China was on the side of all those who 
would struggle against imperialism in order to obtain their own 
national independence. Even more explicit, on June 15 Mao had 
said: ‘We proclaim to the whole world that what we oppose is 

* The Political Consultative Conference was a democratic coalition. Of the 
142 delegates of political parties who attended, 16 were from the Communist 
Party. The Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang Party, headed by 
Madame Sun Yatsen, had also 16, and so had the China Democratic League. 
There were ii other smaller parties represented, with delegates numbering 
between 8 and 12 each. 



exclusively the imperialist system and its plots against the Chinese 
people. We are willing to discuss with any foreign government 
the establishment of diplomatic relations on the basis of the 
principles of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect for 
territorial integrity and sovereignty, provided it is willing to 
sever relations with the Chinese reactionaries.’ 

Within the next six months, twenty-six nations would recog- 
nize the People’s Republic of China. 

Having thus stated very clearly the position of the new China, 
Mao turned briskly to the only country which could help China 
at the time — the USSR. For China was in ruins; it was ‘a blanket 
full of holes’, and it needed help urgently. To obtain this, without 
sacrificing independence, without giving too many concessions, 
was Mao’s difficult task; and to this he would consecrate the 
winter of 1949. 

The immediate effect of Mao Tsetung’s victory had been to 

strengthen Stalin enormously. Suddenly the USSR had, on its 

eastern flank, a potential ally and ideological partner. And in that 

autumn of 1949, the Russians showed they had the atom bomb by 

detonating one. All over Asia, in 1947, 1948 and 1949, were 

armed revolts against the reoccupation of Asian territories by 

colonial powers — in Indonesia, in Malaya, in Indo-China and the 

Philippines. Great Britain had been compelled to leave India. 

Whatever gains there had been in Europe — in Greece and in 

Italy— by the United States were offset by what was happening 
in Asia. 

There was one area in international relations where both the 
USSR and the PRC would fuid at the time common ground for 
an alliance, and that was the tlireat of a Japan once again rearmed 
by the United States. 

In 1947 Japan was reduced almost to beggary; there were 
unemployed people everywhere; the Japanese Communist Party 
was becoming quite an influence ... but in a year all had changed. 
The United States injected an enormous amount of money into 
Japan; the Zaihatsu [big Japanese business monopolies] sprang into 
life again; witliin a year the factories were working full time. The 



United States even subsidized the fisheries. But everything was 
American-controlled; for years there were American advisers in 
every government department. All the militarists and fascists of 
the war came out of jail.’ This graphic description by Prince 
Saionji to the author* gives some idea of the speed with which 
Japan suddenly became, in American pohcy, its main base in 
Asia, spearhead of a possible attack against the USSR and China. 
The denunciation of Japanese resurgent militarism in the Soviet 
newspapers indicated the great disquiet of Moscow on this 

The USSR’s weakness was undeniable, especially when con- 
trasted with the might of the United States in those years. This 
had dictated the overwhelmingly prudent policies followed by 
Stalin. The more, however, the USSR gave in, the more the 
United States pressed on. Stalin had not obtained a base in Turkey, 
promised by the Allies at Yalta; Winston Churchill made himself 
the spokesman of a grand alliance of the West against the USSR, 
advocating a partnersliip between Germany and France. This was 
tenaciously refused by de Gaulle, who thought that it would 
mean subjugation of France in a German-ruled Europe.f The 
Truman doctrine, already foreshadowed by the aggressive 
United States stance after Roosevelt’s death, was officially con- 
firmed in a message on March I2, 1947, a formal American 
declaration of the Cold War. It proclaimed that America would 
henceforth support any nation resisting Communism, and com- 
mitted America therefore to intervention in any national libera- 
tion movement, since in all these local Communists were 
implicated. Just as Japan was rearmed. West Germany was 

The threat against the USSR was therefore very real ; the fear of 
nuclear attack deep and persistent. Stalin’s extraordinary pru- 
dence and cautionary advice were dictated by fears for Russian 
security; and Mao’s pursual of civil war until its complete triumph 
and vindication was in Russian eyes a risky gamble. But now that 

* Author’s interview with Prince Kinkazu Saionji, Peking, 1964. 
j* His rejection of Britain’s entr}' into the European Common Market was 
based on a similar fear. 



Mao Tsetung had won, the rearmament of Japan was a threat to 
be faced in common by the two countries, not by the USSR 
alone. It put Stalin in a far better position to counter encirclement 
of the USSR planned by the West. 

However, if Japanese militarism was a foundation for a com- 
mon accord, other problems between the two states were not. 
There was, for Stalin, the strategic and ideological weakness, the 
breach in the strong fortress of the socialist camp, opened by 
Titoism. The Yugoslav Communists had often been quoted as 
examples of true Communism; they were considered, until 
1948, the strongest supporters of the USSR. But the contradictions 
between socialist states and within socialism, which Mao Tsetung 
would study and expound so clearly in 1957, were not admitted; 
hence Tito s refusal to submit national issues to internationalism^ 
led to economic and military blockade of Yugoslavia by the 
USSR, and the utter condemnation of Tito by all Communist 
parties in the world, including the Chinese. Had this blockade 
and the damnation of Yugoslavia not occurred, one wonders 
whether Tito would have begun the swift slide into capitalism 
(for Yugoslavia is not really a consolidated socialist state). But 
today there is no point in such arguments considering what is 
happening in the USSR itself However, in 1948, and from 
Moscow, this ideological break was a grave danger and a gap in 
the ring of strategic buffer territory which the USSR drew round 
itself, and thus doubly threatening. And now Stalin asked himself 
whether Mao Tsetung, who had exhibited such independence, 
would also turn out to be a Tito? In the West, many hoped so, 
loudly and repeatedly. 

There had been, in 1945, the proclamation of Mao Tsetung 
Thought, Was this heresy or not? It claimed to be the concrete 
application of Marxism-Leninism to Chinese conditions; but 
curiously enough, there were others in the CCP who claimed 
more for Mao than Mao ever claimed for himself 

Now there arc always two ways to sabotage a major argument, 
enterprise or thesis; one is to attack it openly, the other is to 
exaggerate its scope so that it is destroyed by inflation. The 
second way, as we have already seen, was used in a good many 


hand, it is true the Russian armies held the Manchurian cities for 
Chiang Kai-shek and prolonged their stay at his request. Had they 
not done so, the cities would have been garrisoned by Americans, 
and this would have made it far more difEcult for the Chinese 

Communists. It would also ultimately have represented a very 
great danger to the USSR itself 

It is therefore from another viewpoint that we must understand 
the Manchurian problem. There Stalin was fighting a defensive 
action ; he needed the railway and the ports, as he told Chiang 
Kai-shek, to defend the Siberian provinces; with the Truman 
doctrine proclaimed, and the rearming of Japan, he would be 
very reluctant to forgo this advantage. 

Besides this presence of the USSR, there is also what would 
later be known as the Kao Kang affair, a process of internal 
influence, which in the next few years would develop into some- 
thing amounting to a serious danger to both ideological and 
national unity in China. 

Kao Kang appears a complex character. A native of north 
Shensi, he was closely associated with Liu Chih-tan at the North 
Shensi base, and active in guerilla operations. He became a 
member of the Central Committee at the Seventh Congress in 
I 945 » ^iid was then sent to Manchuria along with Peng Chen and 
other important cadres, some 30,000 of them, and 120,000 
Communist troops, to begin the infiltration of the countryside 
and the countryside surrounding the cities’ strategy which was 
so successful. Kao Kang became prominent in Manchuria after 
the departure of the PLA in the great campaigns of North China, 
as secretary of the Northeast bureau, and in August 1949 chairman 
of the local Northeast people’s government. This local govern- 
ment was in line with all such local governments founded in 
Communist-held territories. In July 1949, under the leadership of 
Kao Kang, a delegation of ‘the Manchurian people’s democratic 
authorities’ went to Moscow to conclude a one-year trade agree- 
ment with the USSR, before the People’s Republic of China was 
formally established and offer the Political Consultative Con- 
ference had held its first preparatory session in Peking. 

How much suspicious dealing must we see in this? Very much, 



according to some students of Chinese Ihstory, and because of the 
fate which befell Kao Kang in 1954, when he was accused of 
having tried to turn the three eastern provinces of Manchuria 
into an ‘independent kingdom’. But to interpret this trade mission 
as a deliberate attempt by the Russians to utilize Kao Kang in 
order to detach Manchuria from the PRC is possibly presuming 
too much. Though we cannot deny that a strong Russian in- 
fluence within the CCP would come to look increasingly un- 
desirable in the years to come, we cannot classify this initial step 
for a trade agreement as the beginning of a separatist stance. We 
do not know whether it had Mao Tsetung’s approval or not; in 
any case, it was only a partial treaty. Kao Kang, however, did 
come back to make reports adulatory about the USSR and to 
proclaim that ‘we must imitate the Soviet Union every 

In any tale of suspense, the characters who later turn out villains 
appear at intervals, one of a crowd, innocuous, even innocent; 
their evil is unveiled only in a startling turnabout at the end. So, 
sometimes, is it in revolutionary history. Heroes acclaimed 
yesterday are found wanting, and lapse into obscurity. We must 
mention again Peng Teh-huai at this moment, both because of his 
later downfall — when in 1959 he appears to have been trans- 
mitting information about Chinese Central Committee decisions 
to Khrushchev and also indulging in other inappropriate be- 
haviour— and also for his role in the Korean war and his attempts 
subsequently to transform the People’s Liberation Army into 
something closely resembling the Russian model. In early 1949 
Peng was military governor in Manchuria, since the territory was 
now divided into military regions, each under a senior comman- 
der, while liberation proceeded. It was then that he appears to 
have struck up a friendship with Kao Kang, and to have plotted 
with him, either then or later, for some larger role in a conspiracy 
designed to oust Mao, Chou, and others and to replace them. 
Whatever the amount of truth in this, there can be no under- 
standing of what happened during and after the Korean war 
unless one keeps in view the overt Russian influence in Man- 
churia, which was to continue till 1954. 


The third problem directly concerning Chinese territory in 

which Russian expansionism had been felt was Sinkiang; and 

Sinkiang continues to be the object of manoeuvres on the part 
of the USSR today. 

Sinkiang was consolidated against czarist encroachments by 
the Chinese in 1880; in 1760 it was already a recognized part of 
Chinese domains. The Uighurs, the majority population, had 
arrived only seven centuries after the Han Chinese had established 
the silk road and their influence on the area (a.d. ioo). During the 
czarist annexation of Kazakh territories, tribes fleeing the 
Russian massacres had also entered Sinkiang; one of them, a 
Turkoman offshoot, the Kazakhs, had requested the Chinese 
emperors for protection in the eighteenth century. During the 
1930S Sinkiang was held by a warlord ^as were all provinces of 
China), Sheng Shih-tsai, whose policies hovered between alliance 
with Chiang Kai-shek and alliance with Moscow. Soviet strategy 
within the inner lands bordering its Siberian acquisitions is very 
poorly documented, but by 1935 Japanese intrigues in Sinkiang 
sought to detach the province and promote autonomous rebel- 
lions.* Sheng Sliih-tsai found the Japanese invasion of China had 
weakened Chiang s regime so considerably that there was no 
counterbalance to Moscow’s penetration. As a consequence of 
the united front, Sheng then entered into correspondence with 
the Communists at Yenan. A line of communication between 
Moscow and Yenan was established then, but as we have seen, 
Soviet aid went chiefly to Chiang, and there is no record of 
military aid from Soviet Russia to Yenan at any time during 
I 937 -I 945 't What is more significant is that Chinese Communist 
Party members entered into the provincial administration of 
Sinkiang, invited to do so by Sheng Shih-tsai. 

In tliis connection, Mao Tsetung’s own brother, Mao Tse-min, 

* Rebellions of national minorities, due to Han Chinese feudal exploitation and 
their own feudality, were not solved until the present regime would devise 
autonomous regimes coupled with substantial rises in standards of living, 
communications linkage and industrial development. 

t A small gift of money is, however, mentioned by Allen Wliiting and Sheng 
Shih-tsai in their book Sinkiang: Pawn or Pirol (Michigan State University, I 95 '^)* 
which also contains controversial material on the period 1933-1945. 


was sent to Sinkiang to restructure the chaotic finances of the 
province and also to establish programmes for development. 

Mao Tse-min, under the name of Chou Ping, worked in 
Sinkiang from 1939 to 1942, promoting not only finances but also 
schools. Sheng appears also at one time to have wanted to join the 
CCP, but he never did. 

From the early 1930s on, the Russian economic hold on 
Sinkiang increased swiftly. Oil concessions, Joint ventures (of 
stock companies) and economic loans forwarded this extension of 
Soviet influence. But after 1940, when the war with Germany 
put the USSR in a difficult position, Chiang Kai-shek’s govern- 
ment had reasserted itself; and there appears to have been a short 
Russian eclipse, with transfer of authority of many concessions, 
and their titles, to the Nanking government. This was not of 
long duration; by 1945, with the treaty of friendship and alliance 
concluded with Chiang Kai-shek, another wave of Russian 
ascendancy was to begin in the province. Four years of talks and 
negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek would be concerned largely 
with the resumption of prospection, with rights for geological 
surveys, and other concessions in the area. It was in the midst of 
this that Mao Tse-min was to perish, for Sheng Shih-tsai switched 
his allegiance to Chiang Kai-shek. Sheng’s own story* is that the 
Communists murdered his brother, who was Russian-educated; 
hence he imprisoned and later executed Mao Tse-min and other 
Communists. Another version, quite as unverifiable and as 
likely to be true, is that his Moscow-trained brother was mur- 
dered by Sheng himself, who then threw the blame on Com- 
munists and killed them, thus also working out a rapprochement 
with Chiang Kai-shek. With Mao Tse-min also died Chen 
Tan-chiu, a founder member of the CCP. 

In 1948 the problem of Sinkiang was still a complex one in the 
relations with the new ascendant power, the CCP. In his book 
Battle for Asia, Edgar Snow asked the question; ‘Is not Russia 
preparing to annex this territory [Sinkiang] as a buffer state?’ In 
1948, a national front army of ‘East Turkestan’ was promoting a 

* Sec Allen Whiting and Sheng Shih-tsai, Sinkiang, Pawn or Piuot, op. cit. 
The author visited Mao Tse-min’s grave in Urumchi, Sinkiang, in 1971. 



national liberation movement, seeking to make Sinkiang inde- 
pendent — and this movement was sponsored by the USSR. 
In 1949 the Russians reprinted the constitution of the Chinese 
Soviet Republic of Juichin, drawn up in November 1931.* In 
this constitution it was explicitly stated that the national minorities 
had the right to secede. Although Lenin had defined limits to the 
rights of secession, pointing out that this right was subject to the 
overall socialist aim in The National Question, a Mongolian 
People's Revolutionary Party had similarly been brought into 
being in Inner Mongolia. These movements were clearly designed 
to attach vast areas of recognized Chinese territory to the USSR. 

In 1949 and 1950 the liberation of Sinkiang by the PLA began, 
ending in 1951. 

This survey gives a brief notion of some of the substantial 
problems which were to be discussed in the momentous meeting 
between Mao and Stalin in December 1949. 

But besides these substantial problems bound up with national 
rights, sovereignty issues, national interests, and also frontiers, 
there was a major ideological question. The recognition of the 
Chinese Revolution as a revolution of the same type as the 
October Revolution in Russia; the recognition of the Chinese 
Communist Party as a legitimate, truly Communist party. 

Mao Tsetung's conversations with Stalin, we must assume, 
ranged not only on Mongolia, Manchuria and Sinkiang; they 
would also be on a high theoretical level; for Mao was the leader 
of a Communist Party now in power, and there was a difference 
between this status and that of an ordinary chief of state of any 
capitalist country. But what place did the Chinese Revolution 
hold in the view of Communist theoreticians in the USSR? Was 
Stalin ready to accept a dialogue as between equals, comrades in 
arms? How would state relations be distinguished from Party 
relations when the assumption of ideological authority in Moscow 
had led to subservience on the part of other Communist govern- 
ments in power in Eastern Europe? Would Mao accept the leader- 
ship of the Soviet Union in all matters, including state affairs, in the 
name of ideological solidarity of proletarian internationalism? 

* See chapter ii. 



This question led back, fmally, to the very difficult definition of 
the relations between Communist parties who were also national, 
state governments. This question Stalin had not really tackled; for 
in Eastern Europe, the satellite role of Communist parties even 
when they had formed national governments was accepted; 
Tito alone had stood against this continued obedience to Moscow. 

That Mao Tsetung was indeed intent on establishing the 
Communist Party of China as genuine, and himself as the genuine 
leader of such a party, can be gleaned from a series of articles and 
broadcasts which appeared during December and January 1949- 
1950, that is, during Mao’s visit to Moscow. Although their 
author, Chen Po-ta, is now surmised to be in disgrace,* and 
although some parts of the articles seem overdrawn, one cannot 
escape the conclusion that they were an attempt, which may have 
been approved by Mao Tsetung, to prove that his line was 
ideologically correct. 

The articles are extremely diffuse and verbose; but the aim is to 
prove that Mao Tsetung was not acting against Stalin’s views or 
directives at any time. The Cliinese Revolution was not only of 
national but also of international world order, as had been the 
October Revolution in 1917; the People’s Republic of China was 
not only an anti-feudal and anti-bureaucratic regime; it was on a 
par with the other people’s democracies established in Eastern 
European countries. ‘The Chinese people have always considered 
the Chinese Revolution as the continuation of the great October 
Revolution in new historical conditions.’ It was a successor come 
of age; not a subordinate but an equal, even if a respectful and 
younger one. 

But there had not been for the last twenty years any ideological 
discussion, for Stalin, on terms of equality; the Russian Party was 
already corrupt with a notion of infallibility ; it had had its way too 
long, and no one had ever dared challenge it without being 
utterly condemned and cast out. The prestige of the Soviet 
Union as a state was bound up with tliis ideological authority; 
would Stalin, therefore, admit a junior partner but a potential 

* Probably due to ‘ultra-leftism’ during the GPCU. 


Mao’s article on Stalin’s sixtieth birthday in 1939, in which he 
wrote, ‘We must learn from him [Stalin] in two respects, his 
theory and his work,’ was recalled and reprinted by Chen Po-ta 
in his articles; this forced the Russian press to give it coverage, 
which It had not done earlier. Panegyrics on Stalin, his leadership 
and his greatness, were not spared. The 1927 to 1930 period was 
lightly glanced over, and the attack was firmly centred on the 
period after 1930, that is, on the period when the twenty-eight 
returned students had been sent back to run Communist Party 
affain in China. Mao was too well aware that all reports about 
him from the time Wang Ming took over the Politburo had been 
resoundingly bad. It was necessary to set the record straight. These 
comrades, the articles said, had actually distorted the advice and 
the ideas of the great Stalin. They had not understood him. There 
was no reference to the Second United Front, when again Mao 
had rejected the Wang Ming (Moscow) definition of the united 
front, but the years of the Rectification movement, which were 
the time of the great ideological struggle against the Wang Ming 
line, were emphatically dwelt upon to prove that Mao’s thinking 
was actually in accordance with Stalin’s and what Stalin would 
have done given the same circumstances. Implying that Stalin 
had been consistently misinformed, the articles showed that it was 
Mao who had recommended Stalin’s The Foundatious of Leninism 
and other works as compulsory reading matter for the CCP, 
whereas this had not been done by the returned students. These 
works of Stalin s had dealt *sevcre blows’ to dogmatism and 
empiricism; Stalins contribution to the universal application of 
Marxism-Leninism had been supported and spread by Mao 
Tsetung, who had been able to ‘apply Stalin’s methods to the 
study of Stalin’; that is, ‘the method creative Marxism\ Stalin 
himself was quoted on the subject: ‘This group does not derive its 
direction and instructions from historical analogies and parallels, 
but from a study of surrounding conditions ... It does not base 
its activities on quotations ... but on practical experience.’ Mao 
was proved a follower of Stalin all along, and no Tito. 

On the controversial subject of Mao Tsetung Thought, the 
articles stated that this was Bolshevism linked with the practice 


and the special features of the Chinese Revolution, for ‘the 
experiences of the Chinese people’s struggle should be noticed’, 
sifted and analysed to ‘raise what can be adopted to the level of 
revolutionary science and the modern struggle of the working 
class’. Tills was validity through practice, adding to knowledge of 
revolutionary science. ‘Our Party unfortunately contains certain 
leaders who sincerely believe that it is possible to direct the 
Revolution in China ... by telegraph ... They do not understand 
that the main task of leadership consists of finding out, mastering 
and skilfully combining the national peculiarities with the general 
principles of the Comintern ... from this comes the attempt to 
stereotype the leadership for all countries.’ Who had said this? 
Stalin himself Thus had he spoken in 1927. And thus had Mao 
done. He had fought against stereotypes. ‘All who opposed 
comrade Mao Tsetung were opposed to Stalin’ was withering 
comment upon the Russian-trained ‘leaders’ within the CCP, 
who had ‘obstructed the dissemination inside the Chinese Party* 
of Stalin’s works. 

But there is also an assertion in these articles which is puzzling: 
they say that Mao had no opportunity to read Stalin until after the 
Rectification campaign of 1942 had been launched. This is not 
altogether correct, since Mao seems to have quoted Stalin at least 
in On New Democracy* and that was 1940. The bombastic assertion 
that Mao therefore had been able to reach the same conclusions as 
Stalin through ‘independent thinking’, although quite true, was 
perhaps an unnecessary sting. 

The drift, of these and other publications, was to assert the 
validity and genuineness of the CCP, and it was therefore both as 
the leader of the nation, the State, and of the Communist Party 
that Mao went to Moscow to take up the many problems and 
questions that we have described. 

Mao Tsetung arrived in Moscow on December 18, 1949, and 
the best newsmen in the world strained to catch any wisps of 
rumour which would uncover information about the matters 
discussed. But the substance of the problems which Mao Tsetung 
was determined to broach in his talks with Stalin is conveyed in 

* Selected Works, vol. II. 



his own words. With his usual forthrightness he said: ‘I have 

come for several weeks . . . The length of my sojourn . . . depends 

on the period in which it will be possible to settle questions of 

interest to the Chinese People’s Republic. Among them first of all 

are such questions as the existing treaty of friendship and alliance 

between China and the USSR, the question of Soviet credits to 

the People’s Republic of China, the question of trade and a trade 

agreement between our countries, and others.’* By then Mao 

Tsetung had been two weeks in Moscow, and he made no 

secret of the fact that he would prolong his stay until he had 

obtained an answer to these questions’. Such candid diplomacy 

and such equable, frank statements had seldom been heard from 

the mouth of a Communist in Moscow. They are not the words 

of a submissive chief of a minor party, come with reverence to 

the all-knowing shrine, but those of an equal head of state and 

head of a large Communist Party come to discuss, as an equal, 

with profound courtesy but with firmness, matters of great 

The meetings between the two must have been quite extra- 
ordinary. That Mao Tsetung had made full preparation, had 
carefully studied Stalin, we may be quite sure. Probably he had 
upon him this great stillness, when he concentrated, absorbed — 
almost as if soaking through the pores of his skin— people, what 
they said, and what they were. Was Stalin aware that he had an 
equal, someone of his stature, before him? I think he was. Bio- 
graphers of Stalin have usually been hostile; they have emphasized 
his cunning, his suspicion; but is it not possible to think that 
greatness calls forth a response in others, and that even if his mind 
had been prejudiced against Mao, there would be in Stalin a 
recognition and respect for the rich originality, the compelling 
honesty of Mao’s mind? At least one hopes so. Stalin was capable 
or admitting he was wrong; he despised the small servile men 
found him, though he used them. It is not out of character to 
think that Mao, having listened to Stalin, seen him drink, quietly 
studied the set-up around him, ‘circled round’ the mind of Stalin, 
began to speak, and then went on. And he spoke of great ideas 

* Tdss interview, January 2, 1950. 



and of high aims, not of small objectives. He reminded Stalin of 
principles that, perhaps, with time and power had become 
obscured for the overpraised master of the Kremlin. It was on this 
ideological basis that he would make Stalin surrender what he 
had taken at Yalta. For if in terms of power Stalin was stronger, 
he cannot, on the other hand, have felt very easy when faced with 
one who could remind him so cogently of past promises, of 
Lenin’s noble declarations; of what the USSR should mean to the 
world of the exploited, who were rising, who had stood up now. 
Mao carried on what later he would call ‘struggles’ with Stalin 
(meaning ideological debates on a very high and acute level) for 
nine weeks. There were also banquets, and opera shows, and visits 
to factories and addresses and speeches; it is not known whether 
all the men of the Kremlin whom Mao met were impressed by 
him, except for Bulganin and Molotov, who openly voiced their 

Stalin did not want to sign the agreements and the treaty, hence 
the negotiations went on; on February 7 Chou En-lai flew into 
Moscow, and finally the agreements were agreed and the treaty 
signed, to be ratified later in the year. Mao is reported to have 
said that Stalin still thought of him, Mao, as ‘another Tito’, and 
that it was only after the Korean war that Stalin was convinced he 
was not a Tito. Whether this is true or not we do not know; but 
it does lend weight to the suggestion that the talk between the two 
men also centred on ideology, and was possibly inconclusive. The 
acceptance of Mao Tsetung as a great theoretician and practitioner 
of Marxism-Leninism came only in 1951 and 1952. 

Six agreements and a joint communique were the result of 
these weeks of negotiation ; they were ratified in the autumn of 
1950* They comprised: 

(i) A treaty of friendship, alliance and mutual assistance for 
thirty years (instruments of ratification exchanged on Septem- 
ber 30, 1950). By this treaty Soviet military support to the 
PRC was assured against attack by Japan or any other state co- 
operating directly or indirectly in any act of aggression with 
Japan. This also protected the Soviet Union from attack in the 
same quarter. 



(2) An agreement regarding the joint administration and future 

transfer of the Chinese Eastern Railway in Manchuria and the 

ports of Lushun and Dairen (to be returned to China by 1952). 

Actually, because of the Korean war, they were not returned until 

1955 - 

(3) A Soviet grant of credits of 300 million dollars over a five- 

year period from January i, 1950. The Russians also transferred 

gratuitously the property acquired from Japanese ownership in 

Manchuria, and also military compounds in Peking. This took 
place in September 1950 also. 

(4) Most important was the abrogation of the treaty of friend- 
ship and alliance with Cliiang Kai-shek of August 14. 1945; but 
the independence of Outer Mongolia was reaffirmed, and accep- 
ted by the PRC, whereas Inner Mongolia remained part of China. 

(5) As for Sinkiang, joint stock companies for non-ferrous and 
rare metals, for petroleum, were to operate for thirty years. The 
national army of Turkestan’, Russian-sponsored, ceased to exist. 
Saifudin, a prominent Uighur and a Communist, became head 
of the New Sinkiang Democratic League, and is still in his post 
today as chairman of the revolutionary committee for the 
Sinkiang-Uighur autonomous region. 

(6) There were also the establishment of a Sino-Soviet civil 

aviation joint-stock company, agreements for working conditions 

for Soviet experts, trade and exchange agreements, in March and 
April of 1950. 

Materially, the harvest Mao reaped seemed meagre, especially 
as regards credits; but psychologically it was large, for it was 
tantamount to a renunciation of the Russian sphere of influence 
in a wide belt of Chinese territory which had been under pressure 
for over a hundred years. It was a halt to the relentless drive of 
Russian expansionism, and a reversal of Yalta. 

This cannot have been easy for Stalin to accept. Although the 
rouble was revalued two weeks later, which cut down the aid of 
300 million dollars by 20 per cent, and although it appears that 
attempts to turn Manchuria and Sinkiang into spheres of Russian 
influence would only be halted temporarily, yet the treaty which 
Mao came back with was a great victory. It enabled the Chinese 



Communist Party to carry on the work of reconstruction: it 
gave it a voice among the socialist countries. Mao Tsetung recog- 
nized the socialist camp as headed by the USSR. ‘The friendship 
between China and the USSR', he said, was ‘eternal and in- 
destructible’. Although this may sound, today, naive and op- 
timistic, history may yet prove that in the long run Mao Tsetung 
was right. 

The treaty was hailed as China’s first equal treaty, and the 
Soviet Union’s unselfish, fraternal help was much praised. The 
weeks in Russia were to be for Mao Tsetung a period of valuable 
study. Perhaps he did realize then what he had already begun to 
think about — that it was possible to have contradictions between 
socialist states as well as the antagonistic contradictions between 
imperialism and socialism. But he could not have been aware then 
(it was too early) that joint-stock companies established in Eastern 
European countries were primarily to fuel Russian reconstruction. 
However, he was made acutely aware of Stalin’s very real fear of 
schism in the socialist camp. ‘Agents’ of imperialism were 
everywhere, and during the time that Mao was in Moscow, great 
purges went on in Eastern European countries — in Bulgaria and 
in Hungary, where the Hungarian Communist Party leaders were 
executed in that very December. 

Though in September 1949 the Russians had exploded their 
first atom bomb, the fear of war, tiredness with war, was very 
evident in the USSR. Mao Tsetung would be very conscious of 
this too. Did he reassure Stalin with the argument that im- 
perialism must first conquer all the ‘intermediate zone’, the other 
countries in Asia, must embark first on military domination in 
Japan, and in Southeast Asia, before it would attack the Soviet 
Union? And was Korea discussed then, as is averred by certain 
American historians? Is it true that the Korean war was planned 
in Moscow that winter? 

For it was only four months after Mao’s return from Moscow to 
China that the Korean war broke out, in June 1950. 


The Korean War 

The Korean war may appear to some Americans today an incon- 
gruous chapter of unresolved perplexities. It appeared and 
continues to appear, to the Chinese, a continuation of the policy 
which dictated American interference in China, and was to 
dictate American involvement in Vietnam; that is, imperialism. 

It to them a logical follow-up of the Truman doctrine 

as Mao had explained it in his interview of 1946 with Anna 
Louise Strong. Just as Hurley had represented the beginning of 
policy in China, Dulles was to represent its full maturity in 
Korea and later in Vietnam; this would continue, military in- 
volvement in Asia would continue, with the obsessive desire to 
stop in its tracks any national liberation movement, in the name 

of anti-Communism. To this America was to dedicate her 
manpower and resources for two decades. 

The simplest and most complete explanation of the Korean war 
— which made normalization of relations between China and the 
United States impossible— is found in the words of Premier 
Chou £n-lai on August 30, i960, to Edgar Snow; 

After the liberation of China the United States government 
declared that it would not interfere in the internal affairs of China, 
and that Taiwan was China s internal affair. Dean Acheson said 
so in the White Paper, and it was also admitted by Truman later. 

As a matter of fact Taiwan was restored to the then government 
of China, Chiang s government, after the Japanese surrender... 

After war broke out in Korea in June 1950, Truman changed 
the policy and adopted a policy of aggression towards China. 
While sending troops to Korea the United States at the same 
time dispatched the Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan straits and 
exercised military control over Taiwan. Beginning from that 
time the United States started new aggression against China ... 




‘Shortly afterwards United States troops in Korea showed the 
intention of crossing the 38th parallel and pressing on towards the 
Yalu river [China’s frontier], and because of this the Chinese 
government could not but warn the United States government 
that we would not stand idly by if the United States troops 
crossed the 38th parallel and pressed on towards the Yalu river. 
This warning was conveyed to the United States through the 
Indian ambassador.* The United States government disregarded 
this warning and United States troops did indeed cross the 38th 
parallel and pressed on towards the Yalu river. 

‘The Chinese people could only take the action of volunteering 
support to Korea in its war of resistance. But this action was not 
taken until four months after the United States stationed its 
forces in the Taiwan straits and exercised military control over 
Taiwan, and not until United States troops had crossed the 38th 
parallel and approached the Yalu river.’ 

In these succinct paragraphs we have the Chinese view of the 
Korean war, and of China’s involvement in it, a most unwilling 
involvement, as the Chinese made no bones about proclaiming. 
The last thing the new government wanted was war. 

Korea, once a dependency of the Chinese empire,*}* had been 
wrested from it byJapan in the nineteenth century, and colonized, 
as had been Taiwan. The Korean people never stopped their 
insurgency against Japan, and during the Sino-Japancse war it was 
from Manchurian bases, from Manchurian territory in which 
there are numerous Korean national minority villages, that Kim 
II Sung, now president of the People’s Democratic Republic of 
Korea (North Korea) and secretary-general of its Labour Party, 
waged a national liberation war against Japan. 

In accordance with agreements made at Cairo and Potsdam 
between the Soviet Union and America, Korea was to become 
independent, but would be occupied ‘temporarily by both 
United States and USSR forces when the latter entered the war 

* K. M. Pannikar. 

No claim was made and no claim will ever be made by the PRC to Korea. 
Mao Tsetung never included it in any of his speeches (contrary to some reports) 
as part of Chinese territory. 



against Japan. The temporary line of demarcation would be the 
3 8th parallel, and Korea was to be reunited as one country through 
free elections held after the war. 

But just as United States-avowed policies and agreements 
entered into were suddenly cancelled, or ignored while the 
United States (and Great Britain, for it was Winston Churchill 
who struck the first note of a worldwide Communist conspiracy* 
in his speech at Fulton, Missouri, in 1946) went on to discard 
unilaterally its commitments, Korea was not to be reunited, since 
obviously, had it been so, the national liberation movement 
under Communist aegis would have triumphed. The prudent, 
albeit comminatory, policies of the Soviet Union were once 
more exampled in Korea, where Stalin gave way repeatedly. 

The thesis that Stalin and Mao planned the Korean war at their 
meeting is not only hardly credible; it is downright incredible. 

It presupposes that either or both together were eager for a 
military showdown. All evidence is to the contrary. 

The rearming of Japan, a top priority undertaking by the 
Pentagon and its supreme commander on the spot. General 
MacArthur, also involved Korea south of the 38 th parallel, under 
American military occupation. In fact the preparation of South 
Korea as a bastion of America’s military policies in Asia was 
already in evidence in 1948-1949, despite political statements to 
the contrary. 

American troops and advisers were training and equipping a 
large South Korean army, while the United States was resisting 
the reunification of the country. Two kinds of governments had 
come into being on the two sides of the ‘temporary* demarcation, 
the 38th parallel. In North Korea, Premier Kim II Sung was 
entirely in charge; from the very beginning, although there were 
Russian military advisers with the army and North Korea 
benefited from aid for reconstruction. Koreans were in control 
of the economy, the administration, and the army. The situation 
was quite different in the southern part of Korea. MacArthur 
had immediately assumed supreme control and treated South 
Korea as part of his Japanese imperium. ‘All powers of govern- 
ment will be exercised under my authority ... Persons will obey 



my orders during the military control, English will be the official 
language/ The people’s committees which had sprung up in the 
wake of the anti-Japanese war were disbanded and their leaders 
werejailed; Japanese police and administrators were retained and 
ordered to round up Communists and ‘troublemakers’ * But the 
popular outcry against this outright colonial occupation was so 
intense that MacArthur had to revise, reluctantly, some of his 
measures. Pro-Japanese Koreans, well-known collaborators with 
the previous colonizer, were used instead of Japanese, but with 
the same results. 

Once again, it was fairly clear that free elections, wliich had 
been pledged by the United States, would have given the Com- 
munists a possible 70 to 80 per cent of the votes. In December 

1945 the problem of unification was discussed between the 
United States and the USSR in Moscow, and a joint commission 
was then established, Tass meanwhile explaining that the United 
States aim was to secure ‘a permanent division of Korea’. This 
was a very bitter blow to the Korean people. The USSR, how- 
ever, in line with its policies of prudence, compromised and 
accepted that reunification should be postponed. The parallel 
with Vietnam, where once again free elections, if held in 1956, 
would have given the Communists a majority and hence were 
prevented by United States intervention, is plain. 

Thus the 38th parallel became frozen into a ‘frontier’. From 

1946 onward, the MacArthur administration set about establish- 
ing its own regime. Peasant associations, trade unions, youth 
leagues, even parties who though right-wing supported re- 
unification were disbanded. A ‘government’ was first created 
with an American, General Arnold, as chief of government and 
an ‘interim’ legislative assembly, half of whose 140 members 
were nominated by General Arnold.j* By spring of 1948 Syngman 
Rhec had been found the best and most rabidly suitable chief of 
the administration to be placed in the seat of government; his 

* Wilfred G. Burchett, Again Korea (International Publishers, New York, 

f State Department White Paper on Korea ; see also I. F. Stone, TIte Hidden 
History of the Korean War (Monthly Review Press, New York and London, 2nd 
edition 1969). 



accession to high ofEce was marked by copious use of the Japanese- 
trained police and wholesale arrests of all liberals. ‘We figure 
that if they did a good job for the Japanese they would do a good 

job for us*, was one of the choice comments made by an American 
official of those days. 

The United Nations commission on Korea reported in August 
1949 that 89,710 people had been arrested in the eight months 
prior to April 30, 1949, by the Rhee government. Chief among 
the crimes listed was demanding reunification of the country. 
Yet despite police efficiency, clubbings, assassinations, jailings, 
and the barring of all opposition parties, in ‘elections’ held on 
Alay 30, 1950, Rhee’s candidates got only 20 per cent of the 

In spite of this obvious retention of South Korea as an American 
base, MacArthur had implicitly excluded South Korea from the 
American defence perimeter in his speeches. ‘Now the Pacific 
has become an Anglo-Saxon lake,’ he said in his usual grandiose 
manner, ‘and our line of defence runs through the chain of islands 
fringing the coasts of Asia. It starts from the Pliilippines and 
continues through the Ryukyu archipelago, which includes its 
broad main bastion Okinawa; then it bends back through Japan 
and the Aleutian chain to Alaska.’ 

Secretary of State Dean Acheson had gone further, as Premier 
Chou En-lai pointed out. Speaking on January 12, 1950, before the 
National Press Club in Washington, Acheson had outlined the 
defence perimeter of the United States in the Pacific, excluding 
South Korea and Taiwan. 

From the Chinese point of view, Acheson’s speech was of 
considerable significance. The very timing precludes the hypo- 
thesis that Mao Tsetung, who was then in Moscow, would plot 
with Stalin for action in Korea. What the PRC was interested in 
was Taiwan; and Mao would not be foolish enough to entertain 
any proposition (supposing there had been one, which is very 
unlikely) for starting a war in Korea, which would jeopardize the 
liberation of Taiwan. Acheson’s pronouncement in fact gave some 
hope that witliin a foreseeable future the United States might, 
grudgingly no doubt, recognize that its best interests lay in 



normal relations with China even under a Communist govern- 
ment. In fact there were indications that some officials of the 
State Department were encouraging a careful reappraisal of 
policy towards China. 

The hypothesis therefore that Mao and Stalin plotted the 
Korean war in Moscow is untenable; the one that Stalin plotted 
the war is hardly likely. 

The establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 
(NATO) in Europe, with a rearmed West Germany, was a direct 
threat to the Russians, and the possibility of war on two fronts, 
even if China were involved, and because of the mutual assistance 
treaty with China just signed in Moscow, would not be one Stalin 
would contemplate with great equanimity. There was nothing 
to gain, and much to lose, in such a gamble, and Stalin was not a 
gambler. Even if he was maliciously planning to involve China in 
war with the United States (as some cynics aver), one cannot see 
him taking such a big risk. The Sino-Soviet treaty of alliance 
specifically mentioned the resumption of aggression on the part 
ofjapan or any other state that might collaborate in any way with 
Japan in acts of aggression : there was no way for Stalin to know 
that Japan would not be involved by the Americans in a war in 
Korea, if it went on long enough. 

We are left with only one more hypothesis: that North Korea, 
on its own, invaded South Korea. In The Hidden History of the 
Korean War by I. F. Stone, the point is very clearly made that it 
was South Korea which started provocations, and that these 
provocations were encouraged by John Foster Dulles. ‘Peace 
with Russia seemed to be what Dulles feared,’ writes Stone. 
Early in March 1950, when it was suggested that Stalin and 
Truman should meet, Dulles denounced this as ‘deceptive cold 
war strategy’. 

The most suspicious event was Dulles’s trip to Korea in that 
dramatic June of 1950; prior to it, from evidence accumulated in 
the press, he had ‘seemed to feel that something more than the 
Cold War was needed’. He spent three days in South Korea with 
Syngman Rhee, returned to Tokyo on June 21 for a long meeting 
with MacArthur, after which, according to Associated Press 



dispatches, he ‘predicted ... positive action by the United States 
to preserve peace in the Far East*. The positive action that did 
occur was the outbreak of civil war in Korea on June 25 and the 
commitment of the American government — the United Nations 
Security Council assent being obtained with the People’s Republic 
of China not seated and the USSR delegation not present— to 
armed forces by sea and ground and air, which was a large-scale 
intervention in the Pacific area, on June 27. 

Actually the record of the Rhee administration is even more 
suspicious. The South Korean regime started to agitate for re- 
unification by armed force early in 1949, almost eighteen months 
before the war occurred. On October 7, Rliee stated categorically 
to newsmen that his government troops were able to occupy 
Pyongyang easily, as they were ‘militarily prepared’. From then 
on Rhee gave many interviews to emphasize the aim of his 
regime to ‘regain lost territory ... defend the national borders of 
Korea ... unify South and North by our own strength’. This 
provocative and bellicose attitude was reinforced by an agree- 
ment for joint defence and mutual assistance between the United 
States and Syngman Rhee, signed on January 26, 1950. 

It could be argued, therefore, with far more credibility, that in 
spite of what President Truman, Dean Acheson, and General 
MacArthur were saying, the ground was being prepared for 
military action to be taken from South Korea. Provocations across 
the cease-fire line took place almost weekly, and South Korean 
military personnel made statements about their combat readiness. 
In the six months from January to June much new equipment was 
received from the United States.* 

The North Korean government under Kim II Sung was very 
worried; it multiplied appeals for peaceful reunification. Its own 
forces were equipped by the USSR and had Russian advisers; 
but these withdrew in June, when the war began. The North 
Korean government sent delegates to Rhee to plead for re- 
unification, and on June 16 proposed that the National Assembly 
of South Korea Join with the North Korean People’s Assembly to 

* American ships, according to Stone {Hidden History, op. cit.), were ready to 
evacuate families one week before June 25. 



work out a programme for peaceful reunification. But on June 
17 Dulles had arrived. He went straight to the 38th parallel, and 
was photographed there peering at maps.* ‘No adversary can 
resist you,’ Dulles told the troops he reviewed in a pep speech. 
‘The time is not far off when you will be able to display your 

In the early hours of June 25, while Dulles was still in Tokyo 
with MacArthur, Rhee’s troops launched an attack, so runs the 
North Korean account, across the 38th parallel. John Gunther 
corroborates this account; he was then in Tokyo, and he was told 
by one of the ranking officers of General MacArthur ’s staff that 
‘the South Koreans have attacked North Korea’.*}* 

The case, therefore, for supposing that it was Syngman Rhee, 
with the encouragement of Dulles and MacArthur, who started 
military provocation across the 38th parallel is much stronger 
than the nebulous hypotheses of plots in Moscow. 

But the South Korean army, however magnificently trained 
and equipped by the United States, could not keep up the offensive 
it had begun. Within days it was in headlong flight as the North 
Koreans counter-attacked and swept onward. For the North 
Koreans were also prepared, and if one wishes to be very sus- 
picious, one might say that the North Korean troops should not 
have swept onward. But the demand for reunification was too 
strong; the people of South Korea rose to help the North Korean 
troops everywhere. Within six weeks it did look as if reunification 
would take place, but it would be achieved by Kim II Sung’s 

Meanwhile intervention, under the United Nations flag, had 
occurred, with the Security Council members stampeded (except 
for the courageous Yugoslavs) into voting sanctions. The North 
Korean armies swept far south in the peninsula, but massive 
American troop landings by MacArthur at Inchon reversed the 
tide and the North Korean army fell back north of the 38th 

* Burchett (Again Korea, op. cit.) states that they were maps of actual 
operational plans for attack. 

t See Wilfred G. Burchett, Again Korea, op. cit. Also ulk with John Gunther 
by author, 1954. 




parallel. Seoul, which had fallen to thjem, was evacuated and 
retaken by United States forces. 

The decisions which would involve in the end the People’s 
Republic of China, and make the sending of Chinese volunteers 
irrevocable, would be the crossing of the 38th parallel by the 
American and allied forces and the decision to mass for an offen- 
sive at the Yalu river, against China proper. 

The Yalu river, which divides Korean from Chinese territory, 
is a source of hydro-electric power to both countries; because 
the hydro-electric stations were Japanese-installed, the Chinese 
supply of electricity for the factories of Manchuria came from the 
Korean side of the Yalu river. This was well known to the 
American military and State Department. They knew that any 
attack within a certain perimeter of the Yalu could be construed 
as an offensive against China, not to speak of the clear intention 
exhibited by MacArthur to cross the Yalu river into Manchuria. 

It is not certain that the United Nations, on the day they handed 
over forces to a ‘unified command’ under MacArthur, fully 
realized to what lengths the General would go. MacArthur had a 
blank cheque to do what he wanted, subject only to approval by 
the President of the United States; and Truman was as en- 
veloped in anti-Communist hysteria as anyone else. It would 
only be after some months that responsibility of office and native 
prudence would emerge in him. Meanwhile, on July 7, an un- 
limited draft on American manpower to prosecute the Korean 
war was authorized; this not only encouraged MacArthur’s 
plans but it seriously raised the emotional climate in the United 
States and created a condition in which only the testimony of 
all-out anti-Communism could be heard. But it must be said for 
Truman that even in those crisis days he wanted to localize the 
conflict; and thought that he could play it safely, as he had been 
assured by his advisers, so that neither the PRC nor the USSR 
would intervene. The temptation of a military victory, to recoup 
the galling disgrace of the fiasco in China, was also a powerful 
incentive in the assumptions that were made and the measures 
that were taken by the President at that moment. 

The story of the Korean war is a story of hysterical headlines, 



deceitful and misleading communiques from the supreme head- 
quarters of General MacArthur in Tokyo, a story like that of 
Vietnam, which publication of the Pentagon papers fmally 

Whenever an armistice or cease-fire seemed possible, Mac- 
Arthur would seek an extension of the conflict; and in this he 
showed excellent political acumen and a good knowledge of the 
way to stir the more unreasoning of his fellow countrymen. Had 
he not been checked in time, the Korean war could have devel- 
oped into a full scale conflict involving both China and the 


For example, after November 5, 1950, there were moves in the 
United Nations for a cease-fire; Americans allies were already 
worried over the bellicose statements of MacArthur. Also a 
delegation from the People’s Republic of China was due to arrive 
at the United Nations to present suggestions for a cease-fire 
on November 24. But on that very November 24, the day the 
representatives of the People’s Republic of China arrived in New 
York to participate in the Security Council debate, MacArthur 
launched a 100,000-man offensive towards the Yalu river, thus 
putting an end to all possibilities of negotiation. MacArthur had 
by then not only crossed the 38th parallel and driven northward, 
but had also made it very clear, by an ultimatum to Kim U Sung 
couched in the most peremptory terms, that he was treating the 
North Koreans as if they had waged war against the United 
States, and he was to exact unconditional surrender from them. 
Had the Chinese not sent volunteers to North Korea, the Soviet 
Union would almost certainly have been involved, not only 
because of the treaty binding her to come to China’s help, but 
also because her own security would then be threatened, her 
frontiers being contiguous to Manchuria and to North Korea. 

Chinese involvement in the Korean war was due to a direct 
threat to Cliina. The action taken was carefully delimited as a 
response to American aggression. 

The start of hostilities in Korea was not expected by the 
Chinese. One of Mao Tsetung’s first actions on his return from 
Moscow was the drastic reduction of the armed forces. Not only 

58 o 


was the budget heavily weighted with expenditures for four 
million PLA men, but there were also four million ex-Kuomin- 
tang troops to feed, lodge and employ, and three million ex- 
Kuomintang employees, all of whom had to be fed and paid. 
The inflation had scarcely been curbed; the country had no 
exports, industries were in ruin; nothing worked. All this was a 
heavy burden on the administration, and demobilization was the 
first measure taken. Hainan island, Sinkiang and Tibet remained 
to be liberated — Tibet by September 1950. 

Except for forces on the east coast poised for the liberation of 
Taiwan, there were no forces in expectancy of an attack in the 
east or in Manchuria. Movements of units to the north in May 
and June, mentioned by some commentators as ‘preparatory’ to 
the Korean war, were nothing of the sort. They were, as some 
Americans themselves aver, the return of army units who had 
operated from Manchuria down to South China, and now to be 
demobilized. They would return to their original provinces for 
assignment to state farms and PLA agricultural development 
areas, in Inner Mongolia, in Manchuria, and in Sinkiang. Almost 
two million men were thus to be shifted in the next two 

In June 1950, major economic problems occupied the many and 
various sessions of the Political Consultative Conference. Mao 
Tsetung’s speeches only a few days before the outbreak of the 
Korean war are blithely oblivious of any war. They speak of 
hope, of reconstruction; they reaffirm the liberation of Taiwan 
but are otherwise mainly concerned with economics, with ‘big 
reductions in Army and government expenditure by the State’, 
with the necessity, urged by him so many times, of turning soldiers 
into ‘productive workers’. The first oudine of the first five-year 
plan was to be drafted; there were to be great irrigation projects 
and afforestation. The resolution on army demobilization, and 
the movement of soldiers to their original provinces or recruit- 
ment areas for conversion to production, all took place in June. 
The resolution was passed on June 24, and on June 25 the Korean 
war broke out. 

The problem of Taiwan still remained, and units still remained 



poised on the coast of Fukien to liberate Taiwan. There is no 
reason to suppose it could not be taken in an amphibious opera- 
tion comparable to the one which had secured Hainan island. 
But no precipitate move was made. Some fanciful writers have 
stated that the troops training to seize Taiwan all came down with 
schistosomiasis while learning to swim in the rivers of South 
China, hence the operation was postponed. In any case, the 
Korean war put a stop to the operation in June, and for a very 
good reason. For on June 27, along with the decision to employ 
United States ground, air and naval forces in Korea, also came the 
naval deployment of the Seventh Fleet to the straits of Taiwan, 
although Taiwan had nothing to do with Korea and was Chinese 
territory, and China was not involved in the Korean civil war. 
Yet the decision by the Americans to use the Seventh Fleet on 
the shores of South China was taken on the very day it was 
decided to send United States and UN forces to Korea, and it 
was taken ‘to prevent any attack on Formosa [sic]\ 

Taiwan (Formosa) was thus linked arbitrarily to the Korean 
conflict by the United States, and therefore, since Taiwan was 
Chinese territory, it immediately involved the People^s Republic 
in a military confrontation with the United States. This was 
great military provocation, but the Chinese kept cool, though 
protesting vigorously. They saw it as a continuation of the 
military interference which had occurred in China during the 
civil war with Chiang Kai-shek. It was also the opposite of all 
that had been authoritatively affirmed as United States policy by 
the United States President and Dean Acheson that January. 
Could self-contradictoriness go further? 

And thus Taiwan as well as South Korea was placed within the 
United States defence perimeter in Asia and turned into an 
American base against China. 

The protection of Chiang Kai-shek, as a puppet regime, to 
become the ‘sole representative’ of the ‘Republic of China’ was 
confirmed, and this grotesque farce would last two decades. 

Yet, as Chou En-lai pointed out in i960, it was four months 
before China would be provoked into sending volunteers to 
Korea, and then only after the United States military announced 



their intention of crossing the frontier and proceeded to a massive 
build-up of forces to carry out this plan. 

The vigorous verbal reactions to the Seventh Fleet patrols 
throughout the summer left no one in doubt. Both Mao Tsetung 
and Chou En-lai proclaimed in public meetings their determina- 
tion to liberate Taiwan, for this was part of China and China’s 
domestic affair. But the theme of Taiwan’s liberation was now 
linked to the theme of a wider struggle, against imperialism in 
Asia, and particularly its armed intervention in Korea. No surprise 
therefore if Chairman Mao’s Imperialism and All Reactionaries Are 
Paper Tigers interview of 1946 was reprinted in July. When heads 
became cooler in the United States, the injustice done to the 
People’s Republic of China would become increasingly evident, 
even in conservative circles. 

Mr McGeorge Bundy, in a Rand report in i960 commissioned 
by the United States Air Force, was to conclude that Cliina had 
neither planned the Korean war nor intervened under Russian 
pressure, but had assumed from the statements and actions of 
General MacArthur that the United States intended to invade the 
territory of China. General MacArthur himself was to reaffirm, 
in that same year, that such had been his intention, and that it 
remained his ‘unfulfilled ambition’. 

Allen Whiting, in China Crosses the Yalu,'*^ points out: ‘There is 
no agreement nor any direct evidence on the degree to which 
Communist China participated in the planning, even if the North 
Korean attack was planned and directed by the Soviet Union. Mr 
Whiting appears convinced that the USSR got the North 
Korean government to investigate the Korean war, but a search 
through his facts does not validate what remains an assumption. 

The proponents of the ‘Russian-instigated’ theory are also 
divided on the reasons for this alleged Russian plan : some say the 
Russians were ‘testing American strength everywhere, in Iran in 
1946, in Berlin in 1948’. This is distortion, to say the least; for 
Iran was a withdrawal on the part of Stalin, and only by a 
blockade of some sectors of Berlin did he try to evict the forces of 

* Allen Whiting, China Crosses the Yalu (Collier-Macmillan, New York, i960). 



his erstwhile allies from the city, an attempt which failed. Berlin 
was to remain an unsettled problem for many years; it docs not 
stand up to scrutiny as an attempt to test American strength by a 
military show of force. The consistent denial of the agreements 
made with the USSR by the United States would then also come 
within the range of aggressive and provocative action, and of this 
there were plenty of instances in the Cold War. Another line of 
reasoning is to say that Russia egged on North Korea to attack 
precisely in order to get the Chinese involved, so that there would 
be no possibility that the PRC would normalize relations with the 
United States. This is based on alleged remarks made by Khrush- 
chev, expatiating on the great difficulties Mao had in his talks 
with Stalin. It supposes that Stalin foresaw massive United States 
action in crossing the 38th parallel, foresaw that Mac Arthur 
would deliberately — as he did — try to attack China, foresaw that 
the Seventh Fleet would be sent to the Taiwan straits, in spite of 
the statements made by Truman, Acheson and MacArthur in 
January, all three having excluded both South Korea and Taiwan 
from the United States frontiers in Asia. All this makes Stalin 
almost a seer. 

From the beginning, the Chinese view of the Korean war was 
that it would be a protracted war. Throughout the summer they 
dropped cautious but multiple hints about the necessity for political 
mobilization and arousal and for making long-term plans. Utmost 
solidarity was shown and pledged very early to the Korean people 
in their struggles for liberation. ‘The American imperialists ... 
will strengthen their aggressive forces,' the Chinese warned in 
July. By July 26 the invading troops were clearly going to be 
reinforced, and they warned that Korea would be made *a 
foothold of aggression for the United States', obviously for war on 
the Chinese mainland later. Chou En-lai warned that the People's 
Republic would not tolerate invasion, nor ‘supinely tolerate 
seeing their neighbours savagely invaded by imperialism'. He 
reiterated that Taiwan would surely be liberated. 

Troop movements then did take place, northward, in July and 
in August; they were to assure protection of the frontier. The 
papers printed maps of Korea, and the Yalu river was described. 


Besides the denunciation of American aggressiveness by Mao 
Tsetung on June 28, and the launching of the slogan ‘We shall 
surely liberate Taiwan’, it is said that many thoughtful articles on 
protracted war were penned by him at the time. He seems to have 
also written that American imperialist strategy was ‘to invade 
Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines’ as well as Korea, as this 
phrase was abundantly quoted. Protracted war, people’s war, 
would be a long-term struggle in Asia, and the editorials and 
radio broadcasts thus conveyed a larger picture of the Asian 
struggle for liberation. For indeed Asia was witnessing a massive 
return of colonial domination, with the British back in Malaysia, 
the French fighting in Indo-China, and the Dutch in Indonesia! 
In the Philippines, too, there was an uprising of the Huks and a 
national liberation movement, American policy was now to back 
the colonial powers; thus Dulles was to pledge massive American 
aid to the French in their colonial war against Vietnamese people. 
French military sources today state that their war in Indo-China 

would have ended two years sooner had not the United States 
insisted on its continuation. 

There can be no more uncomfortable experience for a United 
States State Department official today than to read the statements 
of Dulles, Robertson, UN representative Warren Austin, 
Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, and other hawks of 
the Korean war period, calling for all-out preventive war, for war 
to compel co-operation for peace, and so on. 

At the end ofjuly, MacArthur flew from Tokyo to Taiwan for 
forty-eight hours with Chiang Kai-shek. The meeting was 
pleasant for both, and a joint communique was issued. Chiang 
followed up with a call for an anti-Communist grand alliance in 
Asia. In August tension rose sharply. The USSR delegate at the 
UN Security Council, Yakov Malik, who had been absent for 
seven months from the UN, retiwjed as president and put forward 
a conciliatory proposal — that PRC delegates as well as representa- 
tives of ‘the Korean people* should attend the UN session to 
discuss the Korean question, and also a cease-fire and withdrawal 
of all foreign troops. 

This was countered by a belligerent speech by Warren Austin 



on August 10, stating that the goal of the UN was ‘a unified 
Korea’. A week later he was calling for ‘total victory’ over 
North Korea and unification under UN auspices. 

Once again the Russian policy of overall prudence expressed 
itself; the initial hard verbal stance had a soft core which showed 
very quickly. Malik did not insist on the legitimate seating rights 
of the PRC in the UN, did not bring up the subject of expelling 
the Chiang ‘representative’, tacitly admitted a permanent division 
of Korea by speaking of ‘two governmental camps, North and 
South’. This greatly disappointed the North Koreans. The 
Chinese were far more principled. They continued to call 
Syngman Rhee’s government a ‘puppet regime’. Because of this 
soft stance, Russian responsibility for the continuation of the 
Korean war, even if involuntary, exists. 

The ‘style’ of Yakov Malik at the United Nations would be 
repeated many times; at first it was not understood as an overall 
policy. But it is much clearer now. Even as early as 1950 there 
was already, on the part of the USSR, an attempt to impose 
solutions in local conflicts, solutions worked out by the USSR and 
in the perspective of her own strategic security or interests; 
solutions which would not be discussed with and would not 
respect the wishes or rights of the nations involved in the conflict, 
but would serve as bargaining counters with the United States. 
This ‘superpower’ stance was already present in Malik’s speeches 
in that August and September. It disappointed the Chinese as well 
as the North Koreans very much, although not a word was said 
and Malik’s speech was lauded in the Chinese press. 

But such a speech, such flexibility, was a signal: it did probably 
encourage, even if indirectly, the more bellicose among the 
United States military and State Department officials, who now 
realized that the USSR would certainly not interfere should the 
38th parallel be crossed by the United States-UN forces and 
North Korea invaded. And so it was. 

By mid-August, and while fighting was going on in South 
Korea, Chou En-lai was holding talks with India and other 
nations, searching for a negotiated settlement of the war. But the 
basis of the negotiated settlement suggested was very clearly 

19 * 

the morning deluge 

different from the Russian one. On August ii, a comfort mission 
was sent to North Korea, and expressions of solidarity increased. 
But still nothing was said of military intervention ; a campaign 
throughout the nation to inform the people of what was happening 
emphasized resistance and defence, and especially the inalienable 
right of the PRC to liberate Taiwan. But already, in hope of an 
imminent American invasion of China, many of the 800,000 or 
more Chiaiig adherents, secret police and Blueshirts* left in China 
were starting sabotage actions, and the PLA was busy from 
August to October against armed gangs which tried to spread 
terror in some provinces. Mobilization of the people was, how- 
ever, primarily for construction and not for military activity. 

In September the North Korean divisions were pushed back 

towards the 38th parallel and MacArthur made clear his intention 
to cross it. 

This seems to have been foreseen in late August by ChouEn-lai, 
who had cabled to the United Nations; ‘Korea is Chilians neigh- 
bour. The Chinese people cannot but be concerned about solution 
of the Korean question ... It must and can be settled peacefully.* 
Now the worry became very pronounced, and on September 
25 the Chinese issued a warning which was of great importance. 
General Nieh Jung-chen, at that time acting chief of staff, in a 
quiet and unexcited manner told Indian Ambassador Pannikar 
(who had been active in seeking a cease-fire in Korea) that 
the PRC would not sit back with folded hands and let the 
Americans come to the Chinese border. ‘We know what we are 
in for. The American bombers, they can destroy our industries, 
but at all costs American aggression has to be stopped.* We may 
take it that he was repeating the words of Chairman Mao Tsetung. 

On October i MacArthur called upon General Kim II Sung to 
surrender unconditionally. In Peking, Mao Tsetung called on ‘the 
people of China and the world* to be on the alert to ‘defeat any 
provocation by United States imperialism*. The Chinese waited; 
their response would be tailored to American military steps taken 
towards their own borders. Chou En-lai denounced imperialist 

* A fascist secret organization once controUed by Tai Li, hatchet man of 
Chiang Kai-shek and head of the KMT secret police. 


aggression and warned the United States to stop advancing. 
Throughout September more hints had appeared in various 
Chinese publications that the Koreans should envisage a protracted 
war with full political mobilization of the population, for this 
would achieve the political objective of reunification by politically 
directed means. So far, however, the North Korean forces had 
fought a regular war because they had been equipped for it by the 
Russians, They were thus somewhat handicapped by their very 
training in this respect, although their leader Kim II Sung had 
successfully led a guerilla war against Japan previously and 
guerillas would spring to action soon. But now with the massive 
involvement of American forces in the war — there would be up 
to 440,000 men — this kind of regular warfare was a handicap to 
the small nation of 1 1 million people in the North. 

Chou En-lai had reiterated in September: ‘The Cliinese people 
are determined to liberate Taiwan ... The Korean people can 
surely overcome their many difficulties and obtain final victory on 
the principle of persistent, long-term resistance ... The Chinese 
people absolutely will not tolerate foreign aggression [on their 
own territory], nor will they supinely tolerate seeing their 
neighbours being savagely invaded by imperialists,’ On October 
2 Chou En-lai informed Pannikar that ‘should the United States 
troops invade North Korean territory’, China would be forced to 
enter the war. The same warning was repeated through embassies 
in Moscow, Stockholm and other capitals. President Truman 
thought it was a bluff, and decided that Pannikar was too pro- 
Chinese and not an impartial observer. The directive sent by 
Truman to Mac Arthur on September 27 had assured the General 
that he could conduct operations north of the 38th parallel 
provided ‘there has been no entry into North Korea by major 
Soviet or Chinese Communist forces, no announcement of 
intended entry, nor a threat to counter our operations militarily 
in North Korea*. Precisely such a warning had been issued twice by 
China’s premier and chief of staff, and twice discounted. 

The United Nations had now been pressured into a resolution 
calling for a unified, independent and democratic government in 
the sovereign state of Korea, thus justifying MacArthur’s invasion 


of North Korea. The danger of a mighty base complex consisting 
o^apan, Korea and Taiwan in a triangle of forces threatening 
China, was now very clear to the Chinese. On October 15 
MacArthur assured Truman at a meeting in the Pacific (the Wake 
island meeting) that the Chinese would intervene. On October 
19 United States forces entered Pyongyang, capital of North 
Korea. Before October 19 the frontier territory bordering the 
Yalu had been declared by Truman out of bounds to United 
States and UN troops, but not to South Korean troops. This 
was Truman s first attempt to avoid direct confrontation. 
But five days later, on October 24, MacArthur took it upon 
himself to lift this restriction and ordered all UN forces to advance 
to the Yalu river. Repeatedly he declared that there were no 
Chinese units. Actually, the first Chinese people’s volunteers had 
crossed on October 16, had been seen by the Americans on the 
i8th, but they were not discovered’ till October 31.* Some 
writers on the Korean war think that this timing was deliberate 
on MacArthur s part, so as to precipitate a confrontation and 
by-pass an order to withdraw; for between October 16 and 
October 29 MacArthur was mounting a massive offensive to 
cross the Yalu. The tide now turned. Between October 29 and 
31 the Chinese volunteers, and North Korean troops were to 
inflict devastating losses on South Korean troops, repeatedly 
punching in weak spots and forcing the UN and United States 
forces to withdraw. 

By that November, as the tide began to roll back, the demand at 
the UN for negotiations and for a cease-fire grew stronger. 

A marked lull in the fighting then occurred, the Chinese 
volunteers disengaging and withdrawing in order to give an 
opportunity for a truce and cessation of military action. This 
was not propitious for MacArthur ’s plans. His headquarters ‘did 
its best to picture this continued swift withdrawal as infused with 
aggressive intent’, writes I. F. Stone, f United States forces began 

* They were, however, a small number, sent to protect the hydro-electric 

1 1. F. Stone, The Hidden History of the Korean War, op. cit. 



to exhibit reliance on massive air strikes; heavy bombers carried 
out raids within Manchuria and on the frontier. In London and in 
Paris questions were raised as to the role of MacArthur and his 

MacArthur then mounted another offensive towards the Yalu. 
This was a most publicized offensive; he postponed it (with 
fanfare) from November 15 to November 24, the day PRC 
delegates General Wu Hsiu-chuan and Chiao Kuan-hua arrived 
at the United Nations. Thus any hope of constructive talks leading 
to a cease-fire were obliterated. 

But contradictions now began to show up in Truman’s 
entourage; some civilians denounced MacArthur; the Wisconsin 
Mikado, they said, had assured the President that the Chinese 
would not come in. By this November offensive MacArthur was 
going against the Wake island decisions. 

On November 26 the offensive was smashed; the North 
Koreans and Chinese people’s volunteers counter-attacked along 
the entire front. MacArthur now called for Chiang’s troops to be 
thrown into the war, but the United Nations refused their 
consent. Through December, MacArthur, as he retreated farther 
and farther, and often without combat, kept calling for more 
troops and for permission to destroy ‘sanctuaries’ in Manchuria. 
He was trying, and did succeed, to create another panic. Dispatches 
from his Tokyo headquarters mentioned vast hordes of Com- 
munist Cliinese pouring forth in a torrent. He demanded an 
extension of the war to China, otherwise he would evacuate 
Korea. There is no doubt that some units, especially the South 
Korean troops, now that they encountered a reinforced opposition, 
fought poorly. The tactics of North Korean and Chinese units of 
biting great chunks out of the line, of chopping up units and 
annihilating them, produced a terror out of proportion to the 
losses. There were more casualties from the headlong retreat, the 
savage selfishness of units who fought each other for the trucks to 
leave in (often only the G.I.s would thus benefit), and the guerilla 
action than from actual encounters. It was a morale-stricken 
army which in December was re-formed in another line north of 



On December 14 the General Assembly of the United Nations 

passed a resolution sponsored by thirteen nations for a cease-fire. 

The Chinese delegation had now been able to put forth its 

proposals. The speech, called ‘truculent’, was actually eminently 

reasonable. It supported the North Korean demand for withdrawal 

of all foreign troops, demanded American withdrawal from 

Taiwan, and made its claim to its rightful seat in the United 

On January i an offensive by the North Koreans was reported. 
It breached the new line at Seoul, which collapsed; a further 
retreat took place. According to I. F. Stone* there was no offen- 
sive and the retreat was a planned one. ^Their only thought was 
to get away, to put miles between them and the fearful army 
that was at their heels, wrote United States General Matthew B. 
Ridgway, of his own troops. Meanwhile the Chinese UN 
speech, reiterating that China wanted peace and not war, had 
impressed a good many delegates. Chinese action to lessen 
tension had been taken prior to it, with the release of a hundred 
United States and South Korean prisoners and the offer to 
release a thousand more. MacArthur continued to justify his 
retreat with news of hordes pouring again. Actually there had 
been a withdrawal of the Chinese volunteers and North Koreans, 
for another lull to take place, and another peace effort. Truman, 
however, was pressured by a clamour of senators demanding 
that the atom bomb be used on China as the only way to ‘end 
the war’. But the British prime minister, Clement Attlee, flew 
to the United States to speak to the President, w'hich seems to 
have been somewhat effective. In January 1951 a cease-fire 
committee went into action. This did not please MacArthur or 
the hawks. If peace broke out, could the UN condemn the 
Chinese as aggressors? A resolution in that vein brought up 
in November was now pressed through; during the second half 
of January the United States utilized its Marshall foreign aid 
programme, threats, even declared it would withdraw from the 
UN unless the latter condemned Peking. On January 30, 1951* 
China was branded an aggressor by the Political and Security 

* Hidden History, op. cit. 



Committee of the UN and the General Assembly ratified this the 
next day.'*' 

Thus the retreat — more or less deliberate, for there were no 
Chinese hordes, none crossed the 38th parallel, and pretty soon 
cynical newsmen would be asking how many hordes there were 
to a platoon of volunteers — provoked a stampede and hysteria 
which reaped the political goal desired. The United States-UN 
armies now reoccupied Seoul. However, Truman had set 
limits to MacArthur’s paranoia; he would not be allowed to 
bomb Manchurian bases, nor to utilize Chiang Kai-shek’s forces. 

On March 13, aware there were now serious indications of a 
cease-fire, Mac Arthur again ordered some forces to cross the 38 th 
parallel, then issued his own ‘political statement’ for a truce, in an 
effort to bring back to himself the power of decision-making in 
Korea. Truman once again gave in, and in April the bulk of the 
forces once more crossed the parallel. Misjudging Truman, 
MacArthur then went on systematically to defy him, com- 
municating over the President’s head with Republican leader 
Joseph W. Martin, endorsing the use of Chiang Kai-shek’s 
forces for the Korean war. This was too much. On April ii 
MacArthur was dismissed by President Truman. It was then 
obvious that the United States would not attack the PRC, though 
it would still seek a local military victory in Korea, for a defeat 
was too humiliating for such a great power. 

The Korean war would continue for two more years, though it 
was really fought to a stalemate around the 38th parallel by the 
summer of 1951. 

During the first four months that the Chinese volunteers were 
in Korea, up to January 1951, they appear to have been armed 
with Chinese weapons, cast-off Japanese weapons and American 
weapons. The strategy and tactics were of mobile warfare, 
following Mao Tsetung’s teachings. Guerilla harassment was also 

* See Samuel B. Griffith II, The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, op. cit., 
P- 354- 

■f These American weapons were captured by the Communists during the 
civil war with Chiang Kai-shek. 


the morning deluge 

successful, pinning down, according to American sources, nearly 

30 per cent of United States troops in Korea; and these guerillas 

were the Korean people, both North and South. By mid- 

January more than twenty incidents caused by guerillas occurred 

every day, and this political mobilization of the population was 
very important. 

But by April 1951 a change was occurring, with important 
repercussions later, within the People’s Liberation Army in China 
itself. This was a switchover which occurred over that spring and 
summer from mobile to positional warfare, with trenches dug, 
positions held, tunnel warfare against aeroplane bombing, and 
World War I human wave type of assault. This change is supposed 
to be due to the type of warfare the Americans were waging; but 
was no doubt also impeUed by the type of weapons and equipment, 
requiring skilled and regular technical army personnel, which 
now came in massively from the USSR. The Chinese now also 
acquired an air force, to fight the vastly superior United States 
air force. Here, therefore, weapons seem to have compelled, for 
use to maximum effect, a change of tactics, and this is puzzling. 

It could not have been done unless Peng Teh-huai, who was in 

command of the volunteers from October 1950, had deliberately 
opted for this change. 

All reports praise the high morale, courage, and combat 
efSciency of the volunteers; but in the next two years many were 
to die and be replaced by less well-trained volunteers, so that the 
tendency to train highly efficient and skilled personnel in small 
groups increased. In April 1951 Peng was to launch a large 
offensive, a week after MacArthur had been dismissed. This was 
the beginning of the change from one kind of warfare to another, 
the beginning of utilization of Soviet weaponry; it is rumoured 
that Mao Tsetung was against the offensive launched, and the 
decision was Peng’s alone. 

By now, because of the ferocity of the American bombing, there 
was also a large refugee problem; of the ii million in North 
Korea, almost 2 million had been pushed by obliteration bombings 
to flee southward. 

Yet by all accounts, the Chinese were aware of negotiations by 



France and Great Britain during February and March, pressing 
the United States for a formal declaration of war aims, and of 
Truman’s increasing irritation with MacArthur. On March 12 an 
article had appeared in the New York Times. UN Dropping 
Idea of Unifying Korea by Military Force, Diplomats say U.S. 
taking positional task will end round 38?/; line were the headlines. 
However, the commanders in the field insisted on a military 
victory, and the Truman administration too could not afford to 
withdraw on a defeat; such was the great military prestige of the 
Chinese volunteers whose advent had turned the tide that all over 
Asia there were most favourable comments on their heroism. 
Did all this go to Peng Teh-huai’s head, or is there reason to 
suspect that deliberately the Russians encouraged a prolongation of 
the war? Peng had now most friendly relations with Russian 
personnel, and the routing of supplies to Korea through Man- 
churia was to increase greatly in volume after summer 1951. 

A week after MacArthur’s dismissal came Peng Teh-huai’s 
famous offensives, with the proclaimed aim of ‘pushing the 
imperialists to the sea . The fighting that followed was entirely 
difierent from the Mao style. The battles sec-sawed, but the 
result was a prolonged stalemate. Heavy casualties were inflicted 
on both sides. 

Peng Teh-huai, already a ‘professional’ soldier, impatient with 
political precepts, and who had earlier proved his insubordination, 
was to evolve into an opponent of Mao’s military principles. He 
would emerge from the Korean war as a ‘hero’, and later as 
minister of defence would start ‘professionalizing’ the People’s 
Liberation Army, following the Soviet model and becoming 
reliant on Soviet weaponry to a very high degree. Thus, in a few 
short years, the quality of the People’s Liberation Army would be 
changed. Political instruction would be at a minimum, input and 
technical modernization emphasized. This would lead, later, to a 
bitter ideological struggle in the Red Army leadership, and 
ultimately to the downfall of Peng Teh-huai.* 

Because Mao Tsetung s tit for tat’ line of struggle, which was 

* It must be noted that differences in Army policy were not the only cause of 
Peng Tch-huai’s downfall. 



most economical of men and material and also left far more 
room for diplomatic manoeuvre, was not heeded, China became 
over-dependent upon the USSR for the next two years, through 
the flow of military supplies for the Korean war. This at first 
might not have appeared a burden, until suddenly, when Sino- 
Soviet relations deteriorated, the truth was out. A large part of 
overall Soviet loans to China for reconstruction were used up in 
the Korean war. In 1962 Khrushchev demanded immediate 
repayment for these supplies, and this caused much hardship in 
China. However, everything was repaid. 'The Korean people 
carried by far the heaviest burden and sustained by far the greatest 
losses. The Chinese people too made great sacrifices and incurred 
vast military expenses . . . even the war material supplied to 
China in the war to resist United States aggression and aid Korea 
has not been given gratis.’* 

It is possible then to suspect that the lengthening of the Korean 
war was due, on the part of the Russians, to a desire to see China 
tied up in debt and dependent upon them. If so, the operation 
was quite successful. Not only did it increase dependence in a 
material way, it also was to leave many ideological problems, 
involving such men as Peng Teh-huai and Kao Kang, which 
would not be easily solved. 

America’s disengagement from Asia, wliich might have 
happened — although with Dulles and the Truman doctrine, this is 
very doubtful — would have meant more concentration against 
Eastern Europe and consequent pressure on the USSR at its more 
vulnerable flank. This was dreaded by Moscow. Some cynics have 
even felt that the withdrawal of the Soviet delegation from the 
UN on the ground that it would not stay while the Chiang 
delegation was seated (it returned after seven months despite 
the same delegation’s presence) was a deliberate move not to 
block by its veto the UN resolution which made the Korean 
war possible. But this may be assuming too much.'}' 

* Letter of the CCP Central Committee to the CPSU Central Committee, 
February 29, 1964. 

•f Edgar Snow, The Other Side of the River: Red China Today (Gollancz, 
London, 1963); also interview with Edgar Snow by author. 



Durmg 1951 and 1952 the Soviet newspaper Pravda mightily 
strove to call the Chinese people’s volunteers the PLA, writing 
that Mao had planned and timed the military campaigns. The 
Korean war also won for the CCP and for Chairman Mao 
ideological recognition in the USSR, where Mao’s works were 
now extolled. Mao himself would say, much later, that the 
Chinese action in Korea had convinced Stalin that there was no 
Tito in China and that China stood solidly in defence of the 
socialist camp. 

In 1963, when the Sino-Soviet ideological dispute was acute, 
the Comment on the Open Letter of the Central Committee of the 
CPSU—Tioo Different Lines on the Question of War and Peace 
probably penned by Mao Tsetung himself, had this to say; ‘The 
leaders of the CPSU ... accuse us of hoping for a “head-on clash” 
between the Soviet Union and the United States ... Our answer 
is no, friends, the Chinese Communist Party is firmly opposed to a 
head-on clash ... and not in words only. In deeds too it has 
worked hard to avert direct armed conflict between them. 
Examples of this are the Korean war against United States 
aggression, in which we fought side by side with Korean com- 
rades. We ourselves preferred to shoulder the heavy sacrifice 
necessary ... and stood in the first line of defence of the socialist 
camp so that the Soviet Union might stay in the second line,’ 

The inference is that if China had not intervened, but allowed 
and even lured the enemy deep into Manchuria, and onward, the 
Soviet Union would have been compelled to come into the war 
and clash with the United States. 

The Korean war also had the result of turning America’s 
hatred upon China; Russia had been the enemy number one 
until then ; from then onward America became obsessed with ‘Red 
China*, who now occupied first place as ‘the enemy’. American 
policy for the next twenty years would be coloured by the 
Korean episode. 

On the other hand, the United States could have stopped the 
war in June 1951, had it not been that the build-up of men and 
weapons was too high, and the desire for a military victory too 

* November 19, 1963. 



urgent. On June 23, two days before the first anniversary of the 
Korean war, Malik proposed cease-fire talks as preliminary to a 
peaceful settlement in Korea. The Malik offer was already a 
victory for Truman, since Truman had made precisely such an 
offer shortly before, (i) The fighting must stop. (2) Concrete steps 
must be taken to ensure it would not return. (3) There must be an 
end to ‘aggression’. 

The North Korean and the Chinese political conditions, 
formulated in November 1950, were thus by-passed by the USSR. 
The Chinese had asked for withdrawal of all foreign troops 
from Korea, return of Taiwan to China and an end to United 
States interference in China s domestic affairs, seating of the 
PRC in the UN as the legitimate government of China. Malik’s 
proposal allowed the United States to go on recognizing Chiang 
Kai-shek as the legitimate government of China’, a policy 
affirmed by Dean Rusk on May 18 — ‘The Peking regime does 
not represent the people of China.’ It allowed the Seventh 
Fleet to go on patrolling the South China coast, and Taiwan to 
remain within the perimeter of United States defence. It also 
legitimized indirectly the 38th parallel and allowed United 
States forces to remain in South Korea, where they still are today. 

Meanwhile Chiang Kai-shek and Syngman Rhee had both 
secured for themselves cover within the perimeter of United 
States defence; the United States security treaty with Japan was 
drafted and signed. 

But by 1952, with mounting casualties in an endless war — 
‘What are we here for anyway?’ asked the United States soldiers — 
a growing weariness among the American people manifested 
itself. The statement made by some rejoicing big businesses that 
‘Korea has been a blessing. There had to be a Korea either here 
or some place in the world’ no longer sounded acceptable. In 
May 1951 the forthright General Omar Bradley had testified, 
‘Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the 
world’, and called the Korean war ‘the wrong war, at the wrong 
place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy’. 

In March 1953 Josef Stalin died. Again, some historians 
maintain that he had kept the war going, since an armistice was 



made four months after his demise. But it was the United States 
military who kept the war going because they needed a military 
victory and it was American public opinion which slowly ground 
the Korean war to a halt. The deadly and inconclusive fighting 
came to an end at Panmunjon at lo a.m. on July 27, 1953. It had 
cost the United States over 300,000 casualties. 

At Panmunjon today the demilitarized zone, 2*5 miles wide on 
either side of the 38th parallel, still exists. The talks are still going 
on, twenty-one years later. 

On October 26, 1971, twenty-one years almost to the day when 
Chinese volunteers came to North Korea, the People’s Republic 
of China was at last given its legitimate seating in the United 
Nations General Assembly and Security Council, and Chiang’s 
representatives were at last expelled. 

That tills ‘conversion of contradiction’ could occur ii^ithout a war 
was largely due to Mao Tsetung, to his consummate patience, 
vision and effort. And to his often repeated belief that the forces 
of history were bound to bring the two peoples together again 
in friendship. It was due to his clearly stated principle of peaceful 
coexistence, stated in 1944 and in 1949, and carried out the 
years through. 

During these twenty years, another war, the Vietnam war, 
would be fought by the United States with direct American 
involvement on the Asian mainland. It would spread to Laos and 
to Cambodia. Once again, China had had nothing to do with 
this war, and did not provoke it, but the bogey of a ‘Red China’ 
seeking to engulf all her neighbours had been used to justify the 
costly and absurd military presence of American armies to the 
American people, and the appalling sufferings inflicted upon the 
peoples of Indo-China. Yet now the lie has proved itself a lie. 

During those two decades, the people of China, under the 
leadership of Mao Tsetung, have carried on the construction of 
New China. They have rebuilt their country; have also begun 
to change themselves. They have learnt new ways of thought and 
behaviour, and made ‘heaven and earth change places’. They have 
won by hard work the respect and admiration of the world’s 
peoples; they have carried out another cultural revolution, and 



fulfillca the dream of many, that socialism would not be a 
tyranny, but a true liberation. The Chinese people have indeed 
removed the mountains of ignorance, exploitation and misery 
from their own shoulders. 

The story of how this was done is one which will be unfolded 
in a second volume. This first volume was essential, in order to 
understand the drinking of the man who is also the Revolution in- 
carnate, and without whom perhaps it would not have happened as 
it did. The name of Mao Tsetung, in these twenty years, has become 
a household word, a word known throughout the world. ‘There 
IS no conflict of basic interest between the peoples of China and 
the United States and friendship will eventually prevail,’ Chou 
En-lai had said to Edgar Snow in i960. In this he was quoting 
Mao Tsetung. And this sentence would apply, not only to the 
American people, but also to all the other peoples of the world. 

Note on Sources 

A bibliography for this book not only would include the usual 
representative material published about China, but would also 
reflect numerous personal interviews and talks, and the visits I 
have made to China over sixteen years, as well as listing docu- 
ments consulted in museums and shown to me elsewhere. It would 
amount to sixty pages, if not more, of documentation. I repeat 
again how grateful I am to all the scholars and researchers in 
Chinese history, economics, and related fields, including many 
whose work is not yet published. I am also indebted to the late 
Anna Louise Strong, that magnificent and courageous American 
writer, for so many conversations which have helped to fill in 
the background, to Dr Ma Haiteh (George Hatem) and Mr 
Rewi Alley, and to many, many Chinese friends, as well as to 
Madame Helene Marchisio, the French economist. Professor 
Charles Bettelhcim, the eminent French pliilosopher and writer, 
and to numerous other people throughout the world whose many 
years of contact with China and study of Chinese problems have 
greatly helped me in evaluating the sometimes contradictory 
sources at my disposal. 

But the main sources still remain the many interviews 
with Chinese workers, peasants, soldiers. Long Marchers, and 
others throughout the vast land of China who participated in these 
events, and whose eye-witness and participant knowledge often 
contradicted some of the material enshrined in certain documents. 

I feel that some of this published material has acquired sacredness 
by repetition, but that the development of the Chinese Revolution 
has contradicted some of the assumptions made. Hence it is hoped 
that the new material and views incorporated in this book will 
also acquire relevance and usefulness. 



A-B corps. See anti-Bolshevik corps 
Acheson, Dean, 570, 574, 576, 581 
Advice to Boys and Girls on Marriage Prob- 
lems (Mao), 98 
Against Idealism (Mao), 124 
agrarian revolution, 211, 215, 228, 252, 
260, 270, 327, 521, 541 
Algeria, 434 

All-China Federation of Labour, 115, 116, 
120, 138, 146, 155, 160, 175, 180. 186, 188, 
189, 320,334, 485 

AU-China National Salvation League, 370 
All-China Peasant Association, 188 
All-China Soviet Congress, 267, 279, 282 
All-China Student Federation, 63, 92 
All-China United People’s Government of 
National Defence, 366 
Alley, Rewi, 403. 526n 
All-Hunan Federation of Labour, 121 
Amerasia (magazine), 481 
An Tzu-wen, 487 

Analysis of Classes in Chinese Society (Mao), 
*52, 153, 165, 525 
Anhwei province, red base in, 409 
annihilation campaigns against Central 
Base, 269, 271, 275, 286, 287, 288-289. 
290, 291, 292, 300, 320, 360, 373 
Anshunchang, 330 

anti-Bolshevik (A-B) corps, 269, 270, 283 
y^n, 36, 123, 187; miners’ strikes, 93, 
121, 122; first Communist Party cell, 118; 
mmers m Red Army, 195, 199, 230, 245, 

250, 398 
Apa. 339 . 346 

A^endix: Resolution on Certain Questions in 
the History of Our Party (Mao), 281, 286n, 

^t^ The (Sun Tze), 64, 96. 328, 430 
^ahi Shimbum (newspaper), 389, 41 1 

AKociation for Student Self-Government, 

Association of Social Organizations, 114 

Atlantic Charter, 483 

atom bomb. 495, 569, 590; Mao on. 496. 

Attlee, Clement, 590 

Auguste Comte Institute (French Insti- 
tute), 830 

Austin, Warren, 584 

Autumn Harvest Uprising, 123, 195, 209, 
257. 542: Ten Articles of, 199 
Awakening (journal), 90 
Awakening Society, 104 
Axis powers, 3370, 366, 372. See also 
Germany; Japan 

Barr, David, 532 

Barrett, David, 40111, 470lf, 491, 496; last 
interview with Mao, 473-474 
bases, rural, 190, 218, 267; first, at Ching- 
kangshan, 140, 201-240; in 1930, 262; 
behind Japanese lines, 383, 390, 399, 409. 
See also names of bases 
Battle for Asia (Snow), 561 
Beldcn, Jack, 470, 527 
Berlin, Chinese students in, 108 
Bethune, Dr Norman, 4iin, 415, 417 
Bethune International Peace Hospital, 411 
Bitter Sufferings of the Peasants, The (Mao), 

Blucher, Vassili (Galen), 256 
Blueshirts, 586 

Bolshevism, 280, 283, 285, 299. See also 
anti-Bolshevik (A-B) corps; twenty-eight 

Border Area. See Chingkangshan 
Border Committee (Chingkangshan), 238 
Borodin, Fanny, 158 

Borodin, Mikhail, 131, 135-136, 157, 158, 
163, 174, 185; and Chiang, 144, 150, 167, 
176, 188; return to Russia, 190 
Boxer (Righteous Fists) Uprising, 33-34 
Bradley, Omar, 598 

Braun, Otto (alias Li Teh; Hua Fu; Otto 
Stem; M. Fred), 292, 302, 306, 307, 386; 
and the Long March, 311-313, 318, 319, 
322, 335 , 348 

British Concession, Hankow, 175 
Bukharin, Nikolai, 1690 
Bulganin, Nikolai, 567 




Bulgaria, 569 
Bundy, McGeorge, 582 

Cairo conference, 483, 571 
Cambodia, 597 
Canton. See Kuangchow 
Carlson, Evans, 4690, 470 
CC (Central Committee). See Chinese 
Communist Party 

Central Base, 250-310; conferences, 251, 
279; ‘soviet republic’, 261, 278-280, 281, 
303; stages of existence, 276-281; evacua- 
tion of, 308-309, 320. See also annihilation 
campaigns; Comintern; left lines; Kuticn 

Central China Base Area, 409 
Central Intelligence Agency, 480, 508 
Central Alilitary Communique (Chou En- 
lai), 262 

Chahar province, 380 

Chai Tso-chun, 425 

Chaling county, 213, 214 

Chang Chia Wan. See Anyuan 

Chang Ching-chiang, 149 

Chang Ching-fu (Chang the Corpulent), 


Chang Ching-yao, 92, 97, 99-100, 103, 
106, 108 

Chang Fa-kuei, 21 1 
Chang Hsin Tien, 82 

Chang Hsuch-liang (the Young Marshal), 
360, 361-362, 370, 398; and Chiang, 370- 


Chang Kan, 59 

Chang Kuo-tao, 8i, I95j ipS, 211, 2590, 
467; at CCP Congresses, 112-115, 126, 
130, 138, 242; and a united front, 126, 
159, 162, 163; on the peasantry, 142, 155; 
and Mao, 179, 279, 283, 33 ^- 335 * 337 » 

349. 357-358, 363. 376. 378. 381. 386; 

evacuates Oyuwan base, 290; and the 
Long March, 320-321, 333 - 33 * 5 , 346-350; 
defection to Chiang, 357-358, 389; and 
Liu Shao-chi, 485, 486, 489 
Chang Tso-lin, 361 

Chang Wen-tien, 274, 300, 306, 323, 357. 

Changsha (city), 37 , 49 - 52 , 147-U8; 

marches and attacks on, 36, 166, 187-188, 
267-268; Horse Day massacre, 187. i88 
Changsha Normal College. See Hunan 
First Normal College 
Changting. See Tingchow 

Changwangtao, 502 
Chao, Miss, 98 

Chao Heng-ti, 120-121, 124, I26n, 147 

Chefoo, 502 

Chekiang province, 301 

Chen, Eugene, 88, 126, 297 

Chen, Jack, 88n 

Chen, Jerome, 288, 400 

Chen, Percy, 88n, 126, 188, 190 

Chen Chang-fong, 264, 304, 305, 416 

Chen Chi-tang, 304 

Chen Chih-fang, 3490 

Chen Chiung-ming, 143 

ChenKung-po, 80-81, 112, 113, 485 

Chen Po-ta, 563-564 

Chen Shao-yu. See Wang Ming 

Chen Tan-chiu, 561 

Chen Tu-hsiu, 81, 103, 130, 135, 136-137, 

153. 157. 174. 175. 180, 181-185. 190; 

and formation of CCP, iii-ii 5 J 2nd a 
united front, 126, 154, 162; and the 
peasantry, 141, 142, 165, 177 , 186-189; 
and Chiang, 150, 160; deposition of, 


Chen Wu-tung, 523 

Chen-Yi, 104, 107, 212, 239, 271, 283, 390- 

Chen Yuan, 317 
Chengchow, 122 
Chengtu, 541, 54*5 
Chi Ping, 317 
Chia Hsing, 114 

Chiang Ching (Lan Ping, wife of Mao), 
31, 117, 420, 421, 456, 521, 530 
Chiang Ching-kuo, 163, 504, 536 
Chiang Hsien-yun, 120, 122 
Chiang Kai-shek: and Borodin, 13 L U 5 . 
163, 174; massacres under, 140, 181-182 
(seeaho White Terror); and the peasantry, 
141-143: power struggle with Wang 
Ching-wei (q.v.), 143 . 158-160, 174; and 
the Northern Expedition, 144. 166, 180; 
rise to power, I 49 “i 5 <^i and foreign 
powers. 157. 176. 181, 182; struggles with 
warlords, 261, 266; revolts against, 287, 
297, 299, 371; and Japan, 288-290, 335 , 
376, 377 , 3791 and the Long March, 326, 
328, 329, 335: and a united front, 362- 

364, 386. 388. 437-438; and the USSR, 

365, 375 , 381, 477 , 494 , 546 , 547 , 558 . 
560, 561, 568; kidnapped, 371 - 373 : and 
New Fourth Army, 390, 409. 4 n; and 
the United States. 444 . 464. 468-469. 


472-481, 491-492, 497. 501-512, 513. 
515-517. 536; talks with Mao, 495, 498- 
499, 500; Manchurian campaign, 532, 
533: flight to Taiwan, 541, 546. See 
also annihilation campaigns; civil war; 
counter-revolution; Kuomintang 
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame. See Soong 

Chiao Kuan-hua, 589 
Chicherin, Grigori, 126 
Chin Pang-hsien (Po Ku), 274, 276, 280, 
299, 30J, 306, 462n, 467; and the Long 
March, 312, 318, 322, 323. 325 
China Crosses the Yalu (Whiting), 582 
China Weekly Reuiew, 156 
China's Destiny (Chiang Kai-shek), 482 
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 101, 
104, 107, 108, 109, III; Party cells, 117, 
ii8, 120, 140; Peasant Department, 138, 
164, 170; Labour Department, 173; Agri- 
culture Department, 186; intellectuals in. 

192, 444, 447, 458-459; Propaganda 
Department, 244; intra-Party struggle, 
251, 274, 356, 367, 368, 379, 382, 387, 
443, 468, 527. See also civil war; land 
reform; united front, etc. 

Chinese Communist Party Congresses: 
First (1921), 112-116; Second (1922), 120, 
129; Third (1923), 126, 129-130; Fourth 
(>925), 137; Fifth (1927), 177, 183; Sixth 
(1928), 238, 242-243, 25s, 262, 280-281, 
465; Seventh (1945), 243, 308, 462n, 465, 
490, 543, 545; Ninth (1969), 421 

Chinese Eastern Railway, 127, 256, 377, 
478. 557, 568 

Chinese Reuolulion and the Chinese Com- 

munist Party, The (Mao), 304. 440 
Chinese Youth, I53n 
Ching Hong Pang, 144 
Chingkangshan, 140, 147, 201 

ingkangshan base, 201-240; transit 
from Autumn Harvest Uprising, 2 
202: and the peasantry, 210, 217, 219, ; 
present-day, 214; intra-Party strug 

^33-234, 236-237, 263; Congre 
Of the Border Area (Maoping), 226-: 

234, 235, : 

rectification in, 236 

Cho Kc-chi, 346. 347 

OU En-lai, 15, 104, 107, 120, 180-1 
183, 192, 280. 362; at Whang! 

Academy. X32-133. 135. I43. 150. i 

• f 53 n; and Nanchang uprising, ] 


198, 209, 21 1, 212; and Li Li-san, 242, 244, 
255, 261, 262, 266, 268-269; at Central 
Base, 302, 306, 307; and Long March, 

3U. 318, 319, 322, 338, 339. 353. 359: 
and a united front, 370, 378, 380, 391; 
at Sian, 373-374; and Rectification move- 
ment, 460; and Dixie mission, 469-470, 
480-481; and Hurley, 473-474, 484-485, 
503; and Chungking negotiations, 495,, 
497. 499: and Marshall, 506, 508, 51 1; 
and civil war, 521-523, 527, 530, 537; 
alias Hu Pi-cheng, 521; and USSR, 559, 
567; and Korean war, 570, 574, 581, 587, 


Chou Fu-hai, 1 12 

Chou Ping (alias of Mao Tsc-min), 561 
Chou Shui-ping, 165 
Chou Yang, 393, 394 
Chounan Girls Middle School, 67 
Chow Tsc-tung {The May fourth Afove- 
ment), 87 

Chronicles loiih Imperial Commentaries, 56 
Chu Chiu-pai, 130, 192, 208, 217, 218, 227, 

235. 237. 242, 243. 307 

Chungking, 388, 391. 546; CCP-KMT 
negotiations (i945). 497-502 
Chungshan incident, 158 
Churchill, Winston, 478, 554. 572 
Chu Teh, 104, 107, 210-212, 223, 224, 262- 
269, 290, 412, 484. 501, 509. 522, 530; at 

Chingkangshan and after, 229, 233, 238; 
journey to Juichin, 242, 245; and Central 
Base, 251, 252, 253. 257. 279-280, 292- 
293, 298, 302, 306, 307; and Long March, 
311, 318, 319, 333. 336, 338, 340, 341. 

347. 348; and united front, 380, 383, 384, 

385. 390 

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency 
civil w'ar (Revolutionary Self-Defence 
War), 411. 464. 482, 493. 50l. 508, 511, 
513-544: Mao’s campaign in the North- 
west, 522; victory proclamation, 541 
Class Basis of Chao Heng-ti, and the Tasks 
Before Us, The (Mao), 153 
Clear Water Pool House, 106, 109 
Cold War, 469, 479. 554. 575. 583 
Combat Liberalism (Mao), 386 
Cominform, 556 

Comintern (Third Communist Inter- 
national), 90, 105-106, 1 12, 114-115, 168, 
191, 279, 337n. 556: on the peasant 
question, 155, 177-178: and Li Li-san, 
254-256, 268; united front policy, 366; 


Comintern (continued) 

Far East bureau, 43 in; dissolution, 459- 

Comment on the Open Letter of the Central 
Committee of the CPSU (Mao), 595 
Communist, The, 441 
Communist International, 317 
Communist Manifesto, 100 
Communist Monthly, no 

Communist Party of China. See Chinese 
Communist Party 
Communist Party of Japan, 553 

Communist Party of the Soviet Union 

(CPSU), 595 

Communist University for Eastern Toilers, 

Confederacy of National Minorities, 347 
Congress of the Border Area (Maoping), 
226, 227, 237 

Congress of the Peoples of the Orient, i I5n 
Cool Mountains, 330 

co-operatives, 118. 295, 400, 401, 402, 526 
Correct the Left Errors in Land Reform Propa- 
£anda (Mao), 528 

Council of People’s Commissars, 300 

CPSU. See Communist Party of the Soviet 

Cultural Bookstore (Changsha), 109, no, 
118, 485 

cultural revolution, 86, 92, 95, 440, 442. 
See also Great Proletarian Cultural Revo- 
lution; May 4, 1919, movement 

Dairen, 478, 557, 568 
Davies, John Paton, 405, 4670, 470, 491 
de Gaulle, Charles, 554 
Dejidcr, Vladimir, 548 
Deluge and the Beasts, The (Tsai Yuan-pei), 


Democratic League, 485, 508, 552 
Dewey, John, 84, 96 
Dimitrov, Georgi, 426 
Dixie mission, 401, 469-476, 491, 540, 548 
Donald, W. H., 374 
Doriot, Jacques, I73n 
Dream of the Red Chamber, 430 
Dulles, John Foster, 570, 574, 575. 584, 594 

‘East is Red, The’ (song), 455 
education. See mass education movement; 
Rectification movement; Red Army; 
Self-Education College 
Eighteenth Army Corps, 380, 383 

Eighth Route Army (formerly Red Army), 
380, 383, 384-385, 390, 395, 412, 426,463, 
465; leadership of, 388 
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 28 
Elder Brother secret society (Kelao), 38 
Energy of the Mind (Mao), 66 
European Common Market, 13, 544n 

Fang Chih-min, 177 

Federation of Labour. See All-Cluna 
Federation of Labour 
Feng Yu-hsiang, 143, 183, 296, 373, 499 
First Normal (Teachers) College. See 
Hunan First Normal (Teachers) College 
First Peasants and Workers Army, 198 

First Provincial Middle School (Chang- 
sha), 56 

First United Front. See United Front, First 
Five Wells, 207 

Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Moun- 
tains, The (Mao), 544n 
Foreign Municipal Council (Shanghai). 

Foreign Power, Warlordism, and Revolution 
(Mao), 124 

Forman, Harrison, 399, 470 
Formosa. See Taiwan 
Foundations of Leninism. The (Stalin), 564 
Fourteen Points (Woodrow Wilson’s), 87 
France, Chinese students in, 73, 75, 82, 91, 

97, 107; Socialist Study Group, 120; and 
Algeria, 434 

Fred, M. See Braun, Otto 
French Concession (Shanghai), 116, 275 
French Institute (Auguste Comte Insti- 
tute), 83 
Fu, Dr Nelson, 215, 3540 
Fu Liang-tso, 64 
Fu Tso-yi, 532 

Fukien province, 214, 219, 230, 241, 247, 


Futien incident, 271, 283 

Galen (Vassili Bluchcr), i68n, 256 
Gauss, Clarence E., 470, 472, 474 
Germany, 108, 117, 300, 554. 582-583. See 
also Axis powers 

GPCR. See Great Proletarian Cultural 

Great Heroes of the World, 47, 48 
Great Hunan Famine (1906), 117 
Great Leap Forward, 98 


Great Marshes, 339, 343 
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 28, 
57, 70, 71, 98. 119, 122, 308, 324, 341, 
357, 368n, 38on, 382n, 383. 393, 394 , 42i, 
450. 452. 529, 530 

Great Utiion of the Amasses of the People, The 
(Mao), 94, 115 
Great Well hamlet, 205 
Greet the New High Tide in the Chinese 
Reuolution (Mao), 520 
guerilla warfare, 64, 65, 147, 217, 227-228, 
251. 253 . 383, 390. 406. 410. 498 
Guide, The, 141, 164, 177 
Gunther, John, 577 

Haifeng, 142, 143, 151, 152, 211 
Haile Selassie, 17 
Hainan Island, 409, 580, 581 
Hakkas, 206, 214, 234 
Han Chinese, 347, 560 
Han Wu-ti, 47 
Han Yu, 54 
Hangchow, 120 
Hankow, 175 
Harbin, 478 
Harriman, Avcrcll, 557 
Hatcm, Dr George (Ma Haiteh), 349n, 
354 . 526n 
Hengshan, 139 
Hengyang, 118, 198 
Hibiscus Land. See Shaoshan 
Hidden History of the Korean War, The 
(Stone), 573 

Hinton, WiUiam, 526, 527 
History of Socialism (Kirkup), 100 
History of the Chinese Reuolution (Ho Kan- 
chi), 385 

Hitler, Adolf, 300, 389, 444 
Ho Hsiang-ning, Madame, 132, 193, 370, 


Ho Kan-chi, 385 

Ho Lung, 210, 291, 303, 307, 313. 316, 347 , 


Ho Meng-hsiung, 272, 275 
Ho Shu-heng, 70, 108, in, 112, 116, 130 
Ho Ting-yin, 222 

Ho Tzu-chen (wife of Mao), 305, 308, 420 
Ho Ying-chen, 286, 372 
Hongkong, 145, 157 

Hopei, 112, 380, 407, 412, 522; meeting, 
534 - 535 , 549 

Horse Day massacre, 187, 189 
Hou Chang, 318 


How to be a Good Communist (Liu Shao- 
chi), 382n, 484 
Hsia Hsi, 190 
Hsia Shui Wan, 203, 205 
Hsia Tou-ying, 200 
Hsia Yen, 393 

Hsiang Chiang Middle School, 124. See 
also Self-Education College 
Hsiang Chiang Pin Lun {Hsiang River 
Review), 73. 93, 94, 95, 97 
Hsiang Ching-yu, 73, 92, 107 
Hsiang Chung-fa, 244, 274 
Hsiang Hsiang, 43, 44 
Hsiang river, 23, 314 
Hsiang River Daily News, 54 
Hsiang River Review. See Hsiang Chiang Pin 

Hsiang Ying, 242, 279, 283, 290, 409, 413 

Hsiangtan, 23, 42 

Hsiao Ho, 523 

Hsiao Kc, 303, 348, 384 

Hsiao Yu, 69 

Hsin Chung-hui, 1320. See also Tung 
Mcng Hui 

Hsin Min Hsueii Hui, 70. See also New 
People’s Study Society 
Hsing Chu Shan, 205 
Hsingkuo, 248, 249, 271, 295, 303; land 
law, 251, 254, 278 
Hsipaipo village, 476, 522 
Hsiu Yeh Primary School, 91, 106 
Hsu Chien, 156 
Hsu Chung-chih, 158 
Hsu Hai-tung, 291, 345. 35^, 406 
Hsu Hsiang-chien, 338, 384 
Hsu Kc-hsiang, 187 
Hsu Kuang-ping, Madame, 394n 
Hsu Te-li, 58, 59, 72, 75. 108, 210, 324; 
commissioner of education, 403-404 
Hsun Wu, 247 
Hu Chiao-inu, 392 
Hu Han-min, 134, 136, 144 
Hu Pi-cheng (521, alias of Chou En-lai). 

See Chou En-lai 
Hu Shih, 81, 84-85, 96 
Hu Tsung-nan, 342, 374, 395, 495, 520, 
521-522, 530 
Hua Fu. See Braun, Otto 
Huai Hai, 532, 535 
Huang Ching-yung, 150 
Huang Hsing, 36, 50 
Huang Kung-lueh, 31 1 
Huang Ping, 317 



Huang Yang Chieh, 234; poem, 240 
Hui Ning, 349 

Huks (Hukbalahap guerillas), 584 
humiliation days, national, 85, 89 
Hunan, 23, 36, 49-50. 63, 92, 99. 116, 117, 
120, 121; peasantry, 123, 139, 142, 147, 
166, 169-170, 194; South Hunan expedi- 
tion, 233; West Hunan-Hupei Border 
Area, 348 

Hunan Famine, Great (1906), 117 
Hunan First Normal (Teachers) College, 


Hunan Provincial Committee, 198, 209, 
223, 233 

Hunan Provincial Library, 56 

Hunan Special Party Committee, 222, 224 

Hundred Flowers, 458 

Hundred Regiments offensive, 398, 412, 


Hungarian Communist Party, 548, $69 
Hungary, 96, 569 

Hupei, 1 12, 166, 194; massacre, 187; Ho 
Lung’s base, 291 

Hurley, Patrick J., 471-477, 479-481, 491- 
495. 496, 501-503. 516, 571 

Imperialism and All Reactionaries Are Paper 
Tigers (Mao), 582 
Imprecor, 375 

Inchon, Korea, MacArtImr landings, 577 
India, 48n 

Indochina, 328, 584, 596 

Indonesia, 584 

Indusco scheme, 403 

Inner Mongolia, 557, 562, 568 

International Settlement (Shanghai), 145. 

157, 181 

Intervention at the Yenan Forum (Mao), 453 
Iran, 582 
Irkutsk, il5n 

Ironsides (Nationalist Fourth) Army, 192, 
210, 224 

Isaacs, Harold R., 149 
Italy. See Axis powers 

Japan, 62, 85, 87, 108, 112, 117, I49. 360, 
372-373, 434; treaty of Shimonoseki, 
42; Twenty-one Demands, 59, 63, 85; 
Lansing-Ishii agreement, 70; invasion of 

Manchuria, 275, 280, 287-289: Mukden 
incident, 288; Tangku truce, 289; CCP 
war against, 290, 383-385, 387-389, 397- 
398, 410-415, 444. 453, 466, 468, 477, 

478, 482, 483; and Chiang, 375, 379, 380, 
381, 383, 389, 468, 476; invasion of North 
China, 379; USSR war against, 493, 557; 
post-war threat, 554, 558, 572. See also 
Axis powers 

Japanese Communist Party, 553 
Jehol, 407 

Jen Pi-shih, 97. 212, 269, 303, 348, 349, 521, 
522, 527. 528, 530 
Joffe, Adolph, 127 
Johnson, Chalmers, 410 
Juichin, 247, 248, 249-250 
Juichin base. See Central Base 
Juichin Red Academy, 311 
JUSMAG (Joint United States Miliury 
Advisory Group), 505 

Kai Feng, 319 
Kanchow, 252 

Kang Ke-ching (wife of Chu Teh), 271 
Kang Pei-chen, 8 1 
Kang Yu-wei, 47, 50 
Kangu (Kang Jih Ta Hsueh, Resist Japan 
University), 357, 404. 425. 440. 447. 4<5l 
Kangting, 347 

Kansu province, 342, 344, 349 
Kao Kang, 558-559, 594 
Karakhan, Lev, 126 
Karaklian Manifesto, 105, 377 
Kazakhs, 560 
Ke Ho river, 339 

Kelao (Elder Brother secret society), 38 

Keng Piao, :99n, 318 

Key to Solving the Present Situation, A 

(Wang Ming), 387 
Khrushchev, Nikita, 28, 559, 583. 594 
Ki Peng-fei, 354n 
Kian, 269, 270, 278 

Kiangsi province, 166, 237, 246, 249, 260, 


Kiangsi-Fukien Border Area. See Central 

Kiangsu- Anhwei liberated area, 5^3 
Kim II Sung, 572, 576, 579. 586 
Kiukiang, 175, 192 
KMT. See Kuomintang 
Korea. 574. 575. 576, 593- See also North 
Korea; South Korea 

Korean war, 567, 569. 570-598; 38th 
parallel, 526, 575. 577. 586, 597 
Kuangchang, 302 

Kuangchow (Canton), 50. 62, 105, 112, 
123, 130, 140, 149, 182, 224, 288, 388 


Kiiangchow-Hankow Railway, Ii8 
Kuangchow-Hongkong Workers Strike 
Committee, 150 
Kucheng, 203, 205 
Kuchi-Yi tribe, 329 
Kun, Bela, 297 
Kunming, 328 
Kuo Liang, 190 

Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), 114, 115, 
131, 141, 143, 144. 152-153. 159. 173, 

181, 192-193. 365. 384, 385. 386, 530; 

massacres by, 123, 181, 182, 186-187, 
409, 414 {see also White Terror); Con- 
gresses of, 128, 133, 152, 183, 442; 
Propaganda Department, 133, 151; 

Peasant Department, 135, 140; Nationalist 
armies, 144, l6l, 164, 166, 181-182, 188, 
288, 296, 322, 502; Central Revolutionary 
Committee, 211, 5520; army revolts, 288, 

297. 321, 532, 533: failure of, 422; 
National Military Council, 474, 482; 
alienation of populace, 476, 503, civil war 
(q.v.), 509, 511-512, 515, 522, 539. See 
also anti-Bolshevist corps; Chiang Kai- 
shek; Japan; united front 
Kuticn conference and resolutions, 257-260 
Kwangsi province, 315, 371, 409 
Kwangtung province, 142, 194, 409 
Kweichow province, 316, 328, 348 
Kweitung, 234 
Kweiyang, 328 

Labour World, no 
Lake Tungting, 77, 188 
Lan Ping. See Chiang Ching 
Lanchow, 349 

land reform, 178, 217, 228, 271, 284, 295, 
518, 522, 523, 524-526, 539; Chingliang- 
shan land law, 237, 251; Hsingkuo land 
law, 237, 251, 254, 278; 'rich peasant’ 
policy, 254, 260; ultra-left land policy, 
260; Ycnan land law, 401 
Lansing-Ishii agreement, 88 
Laos, 597 

Latzekou (Waxy Mouth Pass), 342 
League for the Reconstruction of Hunan 
Province, 108 

League of Military Youth, 144, 150, I53n 
League of Nations, 87 
‘left’ lines: first, 191-240; second, 122, 241- 
272, 273-310; third, 225, 273-310, 325, 

Left Writers League, 393, 457 


Lenin, V. I., 78, 92, 105, no, 115, 127, 140, 
184, 377, 437. 562; on die united front, 
126; on the peasantry, 141; Li Li-san on, 
261, 268 
Leningrad, 1150 
Lewis, John, 382n 
Li Chih-lung, 158, 159 
Li Chih-seng, 1730 
Li Fu-chun, 107, 152, 177 
Li Han-chun, 112, 114, 116 
Li Hsien-nicn, 349n 
Le Jen Middle School, 201 
Li Li-san, 71, 107, 122, 138, 155, 160, 175, 
180, 186, 195, 210, 237, 375; early years, 
120, 241-244; relationship with Mao, 
241-244; and second ‘left’ line, 243-272; 
on the peasantry, 244-245; and the 
Comintern, 254, 261, 268; as Chinese 
‘Lenin’, 261, 268; General Front Com- 
mittee, 262, 265; challenged and deposed, 
272; return, 495 
Li Ping, 316, 317 
Li Ta, 112, 113, 116 

Li Ta-chao, 77-79. 81, 85, 86, 91, 100, 105, 
no; on the peasantry, 95; in KMT, 132, 
133; murdered by KMT, 182 
Li Tc-sheng (Mao Tsetung), 521 
Li Teh. See Braun, Otto 
Li Ting-ming, 452 
Li Tsung-jen, 371. 536, 537 
Li Wen-ling, 248, 254, 270 
Liang Chi-chao, 46, 50 
Liang Shan-po, 74 
Lianghekou, 336 
Liao Chen-cliih, I32n 
Liao Chung-kai, 126, 127, 132, 135, 158, 
193, 541; assassinated, 144. See also Ho 
Siang-ning, Madame 
Liaoning province, 407 
Lienhua, 214 
Liling, 195, 200 

Lin Piao, 104, 107, I23n, 212, 232, 247, 
272, 311; and Red Army Code, 228; and 
Long March, 318, 319, 328; at Kangta, 

Lin Yu-nan, 272, 275 
Lin Yu-ying, 348 
Linghsicn, 214, 225 
Lintimg Hot Springs, 371 
literary revolution. See May 4, 1919, move- 

Liu Chih-tan, 33<5, 356-357. 360-361, 374. 



Liu Jen-chung, 112 
Liu Lan-tao, 487 

Liu Po-cheng (‘One-Eyed Dragon*), 104, 
307, 384, 518; and Long March, 311, 315, 
316, 319. 332, 338, 341, 348 
Liu Shan mountain, 38 
Liu Shao-chi, 27-28, 108, 116, 119, 160, 
175, 186, 195, 377, 382n, 389, 440, 462, 
495 . 508. 522, 527-530, 535 . 537 . 540 , 556; 
and Anyuan strike, 121-123; ‘abjuration 
case’, 189, 488-489; alias Tchao Kang- 
ming, 242; at Tsunyi, 319, 325; rise to 
power, 484-485, 486-489 
Liu Shih, 202 
Liu Ying, Madame, 41 
Liupan, 344 
Liuyang, 36, 200, 201 
Lizouski, delegate to First Congress of 
CCP, 112 

Lo Hsiao range, 206 
Lo Ming, 292, 293 
Lochuan meeting, 381 
Long March, 57, 274, 282, 285, 292, 310, 
311-350, 353-355. 429; first stage, 313: 
after Tsunyi, 327; end of, 345-346 
Loushan pass, 318, 327 
Lu Hsun, Son, 85, 394, 457 
Lu Hsun Art Academy, 420 
Lufeng, 142, 151, 152, 211 
Lukuo-chiao bridge (Marco Polo bridge), 


Lung Shih, 213 
Lunghai railway, 531 
Lungyuankou, 232 
Lushan, 389 

Lushan (Port Arthur), 478, 557, 568 
Lutetia Hotel, Paris, 90 
Luting, bridge at, 330 

Ma Haitch (Dr George Hatem), 349n, 

Ma Hung-kwei, 345 

Ma-lin. See Sneevlict 

MacArthur, Douglas, 494, 572, 573 , 575 - 

579 , 584, 585, 586-591, 593 . 594 
Malaysia, 584 
Malik, Yakov, 584, 596 
Malinovsky, Rodion, 504 
Manchouli, 478 
Manchukuo, 289, 361, 377 , 557 
Manchuria, 35, 62; and Russia, 127, 493, 
504-505, 557-558, 568; Japanese invasion 
of, 275, 280, 287, 361; and Chiang, 371, 

501; CCP action in, 407, 498, 531; and 
Korean war, 578, 579, 591, 596 
Manchurian Party Committee, 486 
Manifesto of the Chinese People's Liberation 
Army (Mao), 524 
Mao An-ching (son), 107 
Mao An-ying (son), 107 
Mao Chu-hsiung (nephew), 308, 41 1 
Mao Jen-shen (father), 23, 25-26, 37-38, 

40, 42, 143 

Mao Tse-chien (adopted sister), 32, 123; 
executed, 194 

Mao Tse-min (brother), 32, 75, 134; at 
Anyuan, 118-119; work with CCP, 138, 
151, 278, 281, 293, 308; alias Chou Ping, 
560; executed, 561 

Mao Tse-tan (brother), 32, 75, 124; at 
Anyuan, 195; as liaison, 224; in land 
reform, 282, 293; executed, 308 
Mao Tsetung, childhood, 22-43; relation- 
ship with father, 25-26, 47; and health, 
27, 68-69; poetry, 30, 147-148, 240, 249, 
325, 327. 332, 345-346. 465. 499; and 

reading, 31, 56-57; relationship with 
mother, 40-41; marriages, 40, loi, 305, 
421; and women’s rights, 40, 67, 72, 98; 
youth and school years, 44 - 76 ; as a 
teacher, 57, 65-66, I52n, 207-208, 420, 
421, 443, 454; pseudonym ‘Twenty-eight 
Strokes’, 70; first trip to Peking, 76-82; 
becomes a Marxist, 81, 91, 100, 106; sty 
as a revolutionary, 93; as a journalist, 
loo; birth of the CCP, 103, 108, iii; 
in the KMT, 134, 151. 163; and the 

peasantry, 164-165, 166-167, 173 . j* 76 ; 
and Horse Day massacre, 189; creation of 
a new kind of revolutionary war, 195, 
222, 227-228; captured, 199; dismissed 
from Party positions, 215-216, 284; as a 
Leninist, 217; personality, 218, 219; 
organizational principles, 221; ‘tempering 
in ideological struggle’, 230-232; illnesses, 
256, 292, 303, 304-305; description, 263, 
416-418; on socio-economic investiga- 
tions, 263-264; economic work, 295; was 
he imprisoned?, 303; on the Long March, 
352-355; Tsunyi conference, 320-325; 
attitude towards ideological opponents, 
358, 360; and Chiang Kai-shek, 372 - 374 , 
495, 496-497; political acumen, 499-500^ 
‘Chairman’, 439 ; ‘personality cult’, 462^ 
and the United States, 470, 473-476, 480^ 
507, 549; atom bomb a ‘paper tiger’, 510^ 



511; strategy for civil war, 513: alias Li 
Te-shcng, 521; meetings with Stalin, 
563, 566, 567: and Korean war, 572, 574 - 
See tj/jo Thought of Mao Tsetung 
Maoerhkai, 336 

Maoping, 220; conferences, 226, 227, 228, 
229, 237. 257 

Marco Polo Bridge (Lukuo-chiao bridge^ 
379 n 

Maring (Ma-lin). See Sneevliet 
Marshall, George, 503, 505, 50i5, 'O8, su. 


Martin, Joseph W., 591 
Marx-Lcnin Institute (Ycnan), 487 
Miirxiitn ivid China (Mao), 124 
Marxist study groups, 81, 100. See u/<o pre- 
Coininunist groups 
Afass I'diiCiilion (journal), 90 
mass education movement, 109-110, 124, 
403, 404, 451 

Matthews, Francis P., 584 

May 4, 1919, movement, ''>3, 72, S4-99, 

1 17, 442, 455; origins, 86; popularity of 
Marxism during, 105 
May 30, 1925, incident, 145, 485 
McCarthy, Joseph U., 469 
Mcng Ching-shu, 280, 391 
.\fclhods of Dealitiif with the CY, 7 ' (CHiiang 
Kai-shek), 395 

Methods of Restridinfi the Activities 0} the 
Alien Party (Chiang Kai-shek), 395 
Miaos, 315 
Mif, Pavel, 274, 276 
Migot, Andre, 37311 
Miles, Milton, 480 
Military Aifairs Council, 373 
Military Commission, 291, 302, 322, 365 
Military Council, 380. See also Revolu- 
tionary Military Council 
Min Kuojih Pao (ncsvspaper), 187 
Mill Li Pao (newspaper), 50, 134 
Miyun reservoir, 28 
Molotov, V. M., 567 

Mongolia, 62, 407, 557. See also Inner 

Mongolia; Outer Mongolia 

Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, 

Moscow, 90, 108. 191, 238, 483 
Moukung, 332 

Mountbatten, Louis, first Earl Mount- 
batten of Burma, 496 
Mukden, 532; ‘incident’, 288 

Nam An, 30 

Nanchang, 174, 17b, 267, 287; uprising. 
192, 198, 209-212 

Nanking, 180-182, 372, 380, 3S8, 499 . 539 
Nanniwan valley, production at, 400 
National Assembly (KMT), 13211, 492, 506 
National Humiliation Day, 89 
National Military Council, 473, 474, 482 
national minorities, 328, 347, 35 j, 5600 
National People’s Congress, 541 
National Press Club, Washington, 574 
Xational Question, The (Lenin), 562 
National Salvation League, All-C.hina, 370 
Nationalist Party. See Kuomintang 
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- 
tion), 575 

Needham, Joseph, 422 
.Wir (journal), 124 
•New Army’ (Republican Army), 52 
.Veu’ ('hina (journal), 90 
New Culture (journal), 90 
New Democracy (Mao), 565 
New Fourth Army. See Red Army units 
New Hunan (journal), 97 
New Learning (journal), 90 
AVit/ Life (journal), 85 
New People’s Study Society (Hsin Min 
Msueh Hui), 70-72, 75 . 82, 86, 92, 100, 
104, 108, 109, 1 19 

New Sinkiaiig Democratic League, $ 6 $ 
New Tide Society. 86 
.Veil' Voice (journal), 90 
New IVoman (journal), 90 
New York Times, 593 

Youth (journal), 68, 77, 8*. 84 . 86, 

Nieli Jung-clicn, 210, 212, 318, 319. 349 . 

384, 407. 531. 586 

Nine Dragons ridge, 207 

Ninghsia province, 375 

Ningkang, 203, 213, 214, 215, 225, 238 

Ningtu, 247, 249. 284, 288 

Nixon, Richard M., 28 

Nomoff, S. B., 429 

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 

(NATO), 575 , 

North Korea (People’s Democratic Repub- 
lic of Korea), 57 i, 572 , 575 . 57 ^; People’s 
Assembly, 57 ^^ 

North Shensi base, 345 “ 347 . 355-356, 521- 
523, 526. 527- See also Ycnan 
Northern Expedition, 144. M 9 . D*. * 52 , 
157, 160, 161, 162, i66, 17 *. * 73 . *80 




Now Chiaiig Kai-shek Is Provoking Civil 
War (Mao), 494. 

October Revolution of 1917, 78, 95, 105, 

127, 563, 564 

October 10 agreement (Chungking nego- 
tiations, 1945), 500 

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 480, 
506, 507 

On Coalition Government (Mao), 481, 482 
On Contradiction (Mao), 422, 426, 440,449 
On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party 
(Mao), 258 

Om Financial and Eeonomic Problems of the 
Border Region (Mao), 401 
On New Democracy (Mao), 439, 440, 441 
On Practice (Mao), 422, 426-428 
On Protracted War (Mao), 390, 41 1, 425, 
433 n 

On Radicalism (Mao), 97 
On Strengthening the Party Committee 
(Mao), 535 

On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism 
(Mao), 362n 

On the Correct Handling of Contradictions 
Among the People (Mao), 431 
On the Party (Liu Shao-chi), 487 
On the Relation Between Knowledge and 
Practice, Between Knotving and Doing. See 
On Practice 

Opium War, first, 19, 5on, 87, I56n 
Oppose Book H’orship (Mao), 263, 264, 449 
Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing (Mao), 

450. 451 

Orange Grove Island, 147 
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services 
Outer Mongolia, 127, 381, 478, 547, 557, 

Oyuwan base, 290, 326, 340, 356 

Pahsi, 342 

Pai Chung-hsi, 371 

Pai Lou (White Dew) Conference, 238 
Paloczi-Horvath, George, 354n 
Pan Lung, 523 

Pang the Millstone Maker, 38 
Panmunjon, Korea, 597 
Pannikar, K. N., 586 
Pao An, 356, 372. 375 
Pao Hui-seng, 1 12, 1 14 
Paopi, gunboat, 158 

Paris Peace Conference (1919), 88, 89, 90 

Payne, Robert, 354 
Pearl Harbour, 415, 444, 468 
Pearl river, 409 

Peasant Department: KMT, 135, 140; 
CCP, 138 

Peasant Institute, 123, 151, i53n, 155, 163, 
164, 307, 355 
Peasant Monthly, I53n 
peasant movement, 142, 146, 169-170, 178, 
186-187, 189. See also agrarian revolu- 
tions; Autumn Harvest Uprising; land 

Peasants and Workers Army, 198-200. See 
also Red Army 

Peasants and Workers Congress of Hunan, 

Peking, 36, 105, 380, 532; Mao’s first trip, 
77-82; Papaoshan cemetery, 308; PLA 
enters (1949), 532; People’s Republic of 
China proclaimed, 541 
Peking-Hankow railway, 82, 122 
Peking University, 77, 79, 97, 100, 334, 

Peng Chen, 443, 558 

Peng Pai, 142, 131, 152, 177, 194. 21 1 

Peng Tch-huai, 238, 249, 251, 267, 291, 

3 1 1. 319, 348. 380, 3S3, 385. 390. 398, 412; 
in Manchuria, 559; in Korea, 592-593 
People’s Councils, 217, 230 
People’s Democratic Republic of Korea. 
Sec North Korea 

People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 498, 599 . 
515. 519, 529. 531. 532, 536, 537 . 539 . 
559 . 562, 593, 595. See also Red Army 
People’s Political Consultative Conference. 

See Political Consultative Conference 
People’s Republic of China (PRC), 129, 
364. 378, 548, 549. 563; proclaimed. 541; 
at United Nations (1950). 54 ^, 579 . 590 . 
597; and United States, 547 - 597 '. ^nd 
USSR, 567: and Korea, 571*1. 578 
Philippines, 384 

Pinghsiang, 36, 93, 120, 187, 195, 196, 199. 
250. 398 

Pinghsinkuan, 385, 407 
PLA. See People’s Liberation Army 
Po-Ai Girls School, 113, 114 
Po I-po, 487 

Po Ku. See Chin Pang-hsicn 
Policies, Measures and Perspectives for Resist- 
ing the Japanese Invasion (Mao), 379 
Political Consultative Conference, 492, 
499 , 500; of January 1946, 505, 506, 507, 



508. 520; of June 1949, 536, 541, 5+2, 
552; ofjune 1950, 534 
Political Weekly, 151 
Port Arthur (Lushun), 478, 557, 568 
Potsdam declaration, 493, 571 
Powell, J. B., 182 
Pravda, 548, 595 

PRC. See People’s Republic of China 
pre-Coinmunist groups: in China, 104, 
105; in other countries, 107 
Problems of Slratei^y in China's Rei'olnlionary 
War (Mao), 379, 390 

Problems of Strategy in Gnerilla Renolit- 
tionary War (Mao), 43611 
Problems o/Strategy in Gurrt7/.J War Against 
Japan (Mao), 390, 433n 
Problems of War and Slraii’gy (Mao), 390, 
43 3 n 

Production Drive, 399, 400, 404, 413, 444. 
452, 467 

Puyi, cx-cinpcror, 289, 361 
Pyongyang, 576, $SH 

Question of Independence and Initiative 
Within the United Proni, The (Mao), 3920 

Radek, Karl, 1 30 

Random Notes on Red China (Snow), 477 
rectification, 258, 526, 541; at Chingkang- 
shan, 238; 1947-1948, 529-530. Sec also 
Rectification movement 
Rectification movement (1941-1944). 323, 
426, 444-445, 446-464: reasons, 444. 446- 
449; ‘three-style’, 450; principles and 
methods, 452-453; art and literature, 453- 
457; intellectuals, 458-462; effects, 461, 
466-467. 534. 565 

Rectify the Party's Style of Work (Mao), 


Red Army, 192, 204, 245, 252, 253, 268, 
292; education in, 204, 205, 214, 231-232, 
293; code of, 228-229; dcmociacy in, 
235, 259; children in, 314; renamed 
Eighth Route Army (q.v.), 383; renamed 
People’s Liberation Army (q.v.), 509. See 
also Revolutionary Council. Groups: First 
F^easants and Workers Army, 198; First 
Army Corps, 265, 267, 313, 314; First 
Front Army, 313; Fourth Red Army, 224, 
229, 233, 256, 257, 262, 267 {see also 
Ironsides); New Fourth Army, 239, 390, 
404, 405, 463, 499; massacre of, 398, 409, 

411, 413 

Rod Army Day, 209 
Red Flag (journal), 263 
Red Guards, 70, 214, 215, 229, 239, 251, 
255, 266, 286, 38on, 383 
Red River, 327 
Reform Onr Study (Mao), 4.^9 
Report from Red Ch na (Forman), 399 
Report on an Investigation of the Peasant 
Movement in Hunan (Mao), 169, 149 
Republic of Korea Sec South Korea 
Resist Japan armies, 494 
Resist Japan Univei' ity. See Kangta 
‘returned students’, 48, 121, 132, 263, 272, 
273, 274, 427, 564. See also twenty-eight 

Revolt Against the Tang, 3 i 

Revolution of 1911, 36, 38, 50, 51-52, 54. 

55; Mao’s enlistment, 51-54 
Revolutionary Military Council, 307, 311. 
317, 323. 326, 335. 365. 374. 539 

Revolutionary Self-Defence War. See civil 

Rhcc, Syngman, 574, 576, 577, 585, 596 
Ridgway, Matthew B., 590 
Righteous Fists (Boxer) Uprising, 33-34 
River of Golden Sands (upper reaches of 
Yangtze), 328 

Role of the Chinese Communist Party in the 
Nationalist War, The (Mao), 392n 
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 464, 468, 471, 472, 


Roy, M. N., i69n, 18311, 185-186 
Rue, John, 271 
I^usk, Dean, 596 
Russell, Bertrand, 96 97 
Russia, 127. See also Union of Soviet 
Socialist Republics 

Russian Revolution see October Revolu- 
tion of 1917 

Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905), 35. 47 

Saionji, Prince, 554 
Salisbury, Harrison, 547 
Sallantin, Xavier, 430n, 432n 
Sanwan, 202, 205, 410 
Save the Han Yeping Company (Liu Shao- 
chi), 122 

Second Preface in Village Investigations 
(Mao), 448 

Second United Front. See United Front, 

secret societies, 36, 144, 1.19, 150, 157, 173. 
181; Kclao, 38 



‘sectarians’. See twenty-eight Bolsheviks 
Seekt, Hans von, 300 
Self-Education College, 123-124 
Seoul, Korea, 578, 590, 591 
Service, John Stewart, 470, 480, 550 
Shaniecn, 145 

Shanghai, 23, 90, 103, 149, 180; pre- 
Communist Party group, 103, 106; 

founding of CCP, iii; French Conces- 
sion, 1 16, 275; International Settlement, 
157, 181; Foreign Municipal Council, 
157; KMT massacre, 181-182; 
attacked by Japanese, 380, 388, 541 
Shanghai University, 275-276 
Shanghang, 295 
Shansi, 361 

Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Base Area, 

Shansi-Suiyuan base, 407 
Shantung, 62, 112, 407, 520 
Shao Piao-ping, 81 

Shao Shan report, 272. See also Chou En-lai 
Shaoshan, 23, 29, 140 
Shaoshan Chung, 23, 24 
Sheep and Horse River (Yang Ma Ho), 523 
Shen-Kan-Ning (Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia) 
Border Region, 357, 374. 381. 395, 397, 
402; renamed Special Region, 378, 379. 
See also Yenan 
Shen Tse-min, 274 
Sheng Shih-tsai, 560, 561 
Shensi, 370. See also North Shensi base 
Shensi-Kansu Independent Border Region, 

Shensi-Kansu-Ninghsia Border Region. 
See Shen-Kan-Ning 
Shensi-Suiyuan base, 530 
Shih Ping, 317 
Shimonoseki, treaty of, 42 
Shuikoushan, 245 
Shun, emperor, 29 

Sian, 362, 370. 373, 391. 397; ‘incident’, 37i 
Siao Emi, 44, 48, 55 
Siao Yu, 40, 44, 69 
Sikang province, 347 

Sinkiang, 127, 349, 547. 557, 560-561, 568, 


Sinkiang-Uighur region, 568 
Sino-Soviet treaty of alliance, 575 
Sino-U.S. agreements, 520, 537 
Situation and Our Policy After the Victory 
in the War of Resistance Against Japan, The 
(Mao), 494 

Situation and Tasks in the Anti-Japanese War 
After the Fall of Shanghai and Taiynan, The 
(Mao), 387 

Smash Chiang Kai-shek's Offensive by a War 
of Self-Defence (Mao), 513 
Smedlcy, Agnes, 211, 219, 230, 266, 341, 
3670, 372 

Snecvliet, alias Marin (Ma-lin), 105, 112, 

Snow, Edgar, 27, 28, 50n, 113, 13711, 155, 
191. 194. 203, 218, 292, 304. 313, 339. 
341, 346, 367n, 369. 373. 4I7. 418, 421. 
422, 42711, 440, 477, 535, 550, 561, 570, 


Snow Mountain, 331 
Social Benefit Bookstore (Hupei), 109 
Socialist Study Group, 120 
Socialist Youth Corps, 103, 108, 120 
Society for tlie Propagation of Sun Yat- 
senisin, 143, 158 

Society for Work and Study in France, 72 
Some Important Problems of the Party's 
Present Policy (Mao), 527 
Some Questions Concerning Methods of 
Leadership (Mao), 461 
Soong Ching-ling (Madame Sun Yatsen), 

127-128, 129. 193, 211, 370, 541. 55211 

Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang Kai- 
shek). 186, 193, 374 
Soong, T. V., 186 

South Korea (Republic of Korea), 572, 
574. 575-576 
Soutli Lake, 1 14 

Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet 
Socialist Republics 
soviets. See bases 

Special Region. Sec Shen-Kan-Ning 
Stalin, Josef, 162, 191, 227, 254, 285, 298, 

495. 535. 537, 583, 596; and a united 
front, 337n, 366; and the peasantry, 167, 

173; telegrams from, 198, 210, 372: 
purges, 256, 358; and Chiang, 377, 477. 

501; and Mao, 543, 543-569, 563, 567; at 
Yalta, 547, 549; and the Korean war, 572, 


State and Revolution, The (Lenin), 78, no 

Steele, A. T., 507 

Stein, Guenther, 462, 464, 545 

Stem, Otto. See Braun, Otto 

Stihvell, Joseph W. (‘Vinegar Joe’), 464, 

469. 472, 492 
Stone, I. F., 575, 590 
Stone Cloud Mountain, 304, 306 



Strategy for the Second Year of the War of 
Liberation (Mao), 524 
Strife (journal), 90 

Struggle in the Chingkang Alountains (Mao), 

Stuart, Leighton, 503, 517. 532. 537 
Student Society for National Sah ation, 87 
Student Union (Peking), 100 
students abroad, 72, 73. See also ‘returned 

Strong, Anna Louise, 175, 180, 188, 244, 
359 . 4 t 8 , 441. 509. 521. 524. 550. 576; 
in Russia, 190 
Su Yu, 303 
Suichuan, 214, 301 
Sun Chuan-fang, 165, 180 
Sun Fo, 1 84 

Sum Tzc, 64, 96, 328, 430 
Sun Wen. See Sun Yatsen 
Sun Yatsen, 19, 35, 36, 38, 41, 50, 55, 59. 
60-62, 88, 96, 100, 104, 105, 1 14, 162, 
171, 184; and a united front, 126-127, 
128-129, 131. 135. H 3 '. death, 144. See 
also Society for the Propagation of Sun 
Yatsenism; Three People’s Principles; 
Tung Meng Hui 

Sun Yatsen, Madame. See Soong Ching-hng 
Sun Yatsen University (University for the 
Far East), 276 
Sungpang region, 338, 339 
Swatovv, 212, 224 

Szechuan, 38, 104, 291, 326, 328, 332, 388 
Szechuan-Sikang base, 347 

7 tj Kung Pao, 79, loS, 375, 502 
M tze pao, 50 

T.ii Chi-tao, 144, 151, 152 
Tai Li, 357, 480, 5860 
Taihang mountains, 407 
Taiping peasants uprising (1850-1864), 24, 
36, 65, 147, 329, 331 

T aiwan (Formosa), 468, 541, 570, 574, 580, 
581, 586, 588, 596 
laiyuan, 383, 384 
Talung, 225 

Tang Ping-shan, 81, 133, 16811. 194, 499 
Tan Yen-kai, 62, 109 
Tanaka Memorial. See Twenty-one 

Tang Sheng-chih, 52n, 166, 174, 190, 199 
Tang Tsou, 503 
Fangku, 289 

Tapich mountain massif, 531 

Tapoti, 247-248, 249, 276 
Tasks of tife CCP in the Period of Resistance 
to Japan, The (Mao), 375 
Tass, 573 

Tatu river, 329, 330 
Tayu, 247 

Tchao Kang-ming. 5 ee Liu Shao-chi 
Tcliasi, 327 

Teaching of .Mao Tsetung. See Thought of 
.Mao Tsetung 
Teang Fa, 319 
Teheran conference, 4S3 
Teng Chung-hsia, 98, 100, 152 
Feng En-ming, 112 
Teng Ying-chao, 317 
Third Communist International. See 
C Omintern 

Thought of Mao Tsetung, 14. U. i 39 . 

396, 463. 466, 489. 52r, 565 

'I'hrce Kingdoms, 31, 40, 44 
Three People’s Principles (Sun Yatsen), 
128, 178, 365, 378, 382, 442 
Tibet, 62, 331, 344 . 347 . 5«o 
Tide Society, 92 

Tien An Men (('.ate of Heavenly I^cacc), 

Tien Han, 393 

Tientsin, 289, 372, 3S0. 502, 522, 532 
Tingchow (Changting), 24S-249, 250, 266, 


Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz), 555, 563 
Traherne, Thomas, quoted, 20 
Training of the Communist Party Member 
(Liu Shao-chi), 484 
Trans-Siberian Railway, 127 
Travels in the West, 3 1 
Triumph of Bolshevism, The (Li Ta-chao), 


Trotsky, Leon, 126, 162, 256, 261 
Truman, Harry S., 479, 492, 502, 511, 524, 
575 . 578, 581, 583, 587. 590, 591, 593 . 594 . 

Truman doctrine, 506, 554, 570, 596 
Tsai Chang, 67, 71, 73, 92, 107, 120, 164 
Tsai Ho-sen, 59, 67, 71, 73, 75 . 92 . 103, 
107, 109, 120, 164, 177, 242, 244, 255 
Tsai Ting-kai, 288, 297, 299, 363 
Tsai Yuan-pei, 97 
Tseng Shan, 240, 25c 
Tsinan, 108 
Tsingtao, 501, 539 

Tsunyi, 313. 325. 327. 336; conference, 
319, 320-326, 467 


Tu Yu-ming, 532 
Tuan Chi-jui, 62, 87 
Tuan Hsi-peng, 81 

Tung Meng Hui (Hsin Chung-hui), 36, 
48, 50, 105, I32n. See also Sun Yatscn 
Tung Pi-wu, 103, 106, 107, III, 112, 187 
Tungku, 248, 271 

Tungshan Higher Primary School, 44, 48 

Tungshan Middle School, 49, 51 

Tungtao county, 316 

Tungtze, 318, 327 

Turkestan, 562, 568 

Turkey, 554 

twenty-eight Bolsheviks, 263, 269, 272, 
284, 285, 299, 300, 319, 323, 43 in, 486, 


‘Twenty-eight Strokes’ (Mao), 70, 81 
Twenty-one Demands (Japan), 57, 62, 63, 
Sjn, 85 

Tiw Lines, The (Wang Ming), 274, 439 
Tze Hsi, Manchu Empress Dowager, 59 
Tzeping, 205 
Tzuhsi county, 165 

Uighurs, 560, 523 

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 96, 
105. 378, 444; Far Eastern forces, 256; and 
Chiang, 366, 381, 494, 547, 548, 558, 
568; in World War II, 493, 558; treaty 
with PRC, 567-569 

United Front, First, 126-148; CCP policy, 
129; CCP-KMT agreement (1923), 131- 
133: problems, 133, 153, 162, 366 
United Front, Second, 353-395; early 
attempts, 297-298; CCP policy, 362-364, 
368-369, 375-376, 386-388, 389-390, 437; 
relations with KMT, 364-366, 374, 378- 

383, 389-390, 394-395 
united front in civil war, 528, 541 
United Nations, 483, 517; and PRC, 547, 
597; and Korean war. 574, 575, 576. 577, 
578, 579, 580, 581, 584-591 
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation 
Administration (UNRRA), 507 
United States, 28, 83, 87, 88, 41 1, 502; and 
Chiang, 300, 444, 464, 466-467, 468-480, 

also Dixie mission; Office of Strategic 

United Students Association of Hunan, 
92, 93 

University for the Far East (Sun Yatscn 
University), 276 

UNRRA (United Nations Relief and 
Rehabilitation Administration), 507 
Upward (journal), 72 

Urgent Tasks Following the Establishment of 
Kuomintang~Coint?iunist Co-operation 
(Mao), 387 

USSR. See Union of Soviet Socialist 

Versailles Peace Treaty, 90 

Victory of the Common People (Li Ta-ebao), 


Vietnam, 437, 570, 573. 584, 597 
Vladivostok, 478 

Wake island, 588, 589 
Wales, Nym, 1 12 
Wallace, Henry, 468, 469, 471, 472 
Wang (Hakka), 239 
Wang Chen, 303, 348 
Wang Chia-hsiang, 307 
Wang Chia-lich, 317 
Wang Ching-wei, 134, 136, 161, 189-190, 
485: after Sun Yatsen’s death, 143, 144; 
and Chiang, 158, 159, 174, 181-1S2, 186, 
288, 412 

Wang Chun-mci, 112, 116 
Wangjo-fei, 497, 499 
Wang Ming (Chen Shao-yu), 263, 363, 
366-367, 376, 427, 428, 462, 564; and Li 
Li-san, 266, 269, 272, 422; and third ‘left’ 
line, 273-310; intra-Party struggle, 274, 
368-369, 439; early years, 275-276; in 
Moscow, 276, 296, 298, 302, 334. 378; 
and Tsunyi conference, 319; return to 
China, 386, 387. 393. 394. 395- See also 
twenty-eight Bolsheviks 
Wang Ping-nan, 362 
Wang Tso, 207, 234 
Wang Tung-hsing, 522, 527 

491-492, 497, 501-512, 515-518, 596; Wang Yang-ming, 32 

anti-Communism in, 479, 578; naval base, IVarm Tide (journal), 90 

501; Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group Washington Conference of 1922, 156 

(JUSMAG), 505; anti-U.S. feeling, 517, IVater Margin, 31, 40, 44, 74, 201, 430 

5371 Sino-U.S. agreements, 520, 537; and Waxy Mouth Pass (Latzekou), 342 

PRC, 546, 551; post-war changes in, Wayaopao, 359, 362, 366 

549-5501 and Korean war, 549-550. See Wedemeycr, Albert C., 480, 501, 502, 524 



Wei Li-huang, 532 

Wen Chi-mei (mother of Mao), 29, 32. 
40, 74 - 75 . 82 
Wen Chia Shih, 201-202 
Wen 1 -to, 51 1 

West Munan-Hupci border area, 34S 
Western Hills group, 146, 152 
Whangpoo Military Academy, 132, 135, 
143, 144, 145, 150. i53n, 159, 160, 210 
White, Theodore, 470, 472 
White Dew (Pai Lou) Conference, 238, 

White Terror, 107, 140, 189, 200, 212, 221, 
268, 297 

Whiting, Allen, 56on, 583 
IVhy Is It That Red PolitUid Power Civi 
I-xist in China? (Mao), 220 
Wilson, Woodrow, 87, 88 
Win the Masses in Their Millions Jor the 
Anti-Japanese United Frotit (Mao). 376 
IVotnen's Dell (journal), 90 
women’s liberation, 40, 67, 72, 7}, 98, 399 . 

Women's Revolutionary Army, I'hc (Mao), 

72. 98 

Work and Study Society, 75, 92: 

Women’s, 72, 73 

Workers’ and Peasants’ Government, 383 
Workers Strike Committee, 159 
World War 1 , 62, 85, 87 
Wu river, 318, 326, 328 
Wu Hsiu-chuan, 589 
Wu P’ci-fu, 122, I26n, 129 
Wucliichen, 345, 346 

Wuhan, 23. 51, loo, 107; KMT in, 174, 
181, 186, 194; CCP in, 175, 182, 392; 
massacre, 188-189; Li Li-san and, 267- 
268; Chiang in, 290, 388; fall of, 391, 41 1 ; 
capture of, 541 
Wuhsi, 165 
Wuping, 247 
Wutai. 407, 41 1 
Wuyi mountains, 247 

Yalta conference, 477. 478, 479, 483, 547 . 
554 . 557 , 567 

Yalu river, 571, 578, 588 
Yang, 226, 333 

Yang Chang-chi, 67, 77, 81-82, 100 
Yang Chia Kou, 526, 527 
Yang Han-shen, 393 
Yang Hsicn-chen, 431 
Yang Hu-cheng, 360, }6i-}62, 371, 374 
Yang Kai-hui (wife of Mao), 4in, 81. 100, 
106, 109, 123, 138; executed, 268 
Yang Ma Ho (Sheep and Horse River), 523 
Yang Ming-chai, 105 
Yangtze river, 27, 326, 328, 391, 409, 532, 
533 , 535 . 539 

Yeh Chion-ying, 311, 318, 319, 340, 370 
Yell Ting, 210, 212 
Yehping, 278 
Yellow Emperor, 50 

Yellow river (Huang IJo), 339, 355 , 363, 

3S3. 3 ^ 4 , 531 

Yen Hsi-shan, 360, 383 
Yenan, 374, 396; profile of, 397 - 415 ; 
blockade by KMT, 397; women at, 399, 
402; co-operatives, 402, 403; blockade by 
Japanese, 413; forum of artists, 454 - 457 ; 
C:CP Seventh Congress, 465-490; Marx- 
Lenin Institute, 487; evacuation of, 520, 
521; recapture of, 534; foreign affairs 
department, 546. See also Shen-Kan- 

Yenan Women’s University, 391 
Yi tribes, 328-329. 333 
Yochow, 188 

Young China Study Society, 81 

Youth Corps, 146 

Yu Shu-tc, 133 

Yuan (Hakka), 239 

Yuan Li-chin ('Big Beard'), 66 

Yuan Shih-kai, 55, 60-61, 62, 108, 126 

Yuan Teh-sheng, 232 

Yuan Wen-tsai, 207, 226, 234 

Yuchpei, 123, 142 

Yugoslav Communist Party, 555 

Yugoslavia, 555, 577 

Yunghsin, 214, 232, 233 

Yuiman, 104, 326 

Yutou, 249, 295, 304. 306, 309, 313 


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Statute Miles 




.Demarcation Line 
'k July 22.1954 

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