December 20, 1999

An Internet Pioneer Ponders the Next Revolution


The Internet has many fathers, but few deserve the label more than Robert W. Taylor.

In 1966, as a director of the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency Information Processing Techniques Office, Mr. Taylor came up with the idea for the Internet's precursor, the ARPAnet. After authorizing money for research to develop a nationwide computer network, Mr. Taylor wrote a white paper in 1968, a year before the network was created, with another ARPA research director, J. C. R. Licklider. The paper, "The Computer as a Communications Device," was one of the first clear statements about the potential of a computer network.

Peter DaSilva for The New York Times
Robert W. Taylor, the real "father" of the Internet.
Even before coming to ARPA, Mr. Taylor saw the computer's potential as an interactive device. As a research manager at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, he arranged financing for Douglas C. Engelbart, a young researcher who used the money at what was then called the Stanford Research Institute, now SRI International, to invent the computer mouse.

At ARPA, Mr. Taylor's office continued financing Mr. Engelbart's Augment research group, which pioneered many of the most important ideas in today's computer industry. It was Mr. Taylor who financed Mr. Engelbart's legendary demonstration of advanced computer technologies -- including the mouse, windows, hypertext, networking and teleconferencing -- at the 1968 Joint Fall Computer Conference in San Francisco.

The demonstration left many of the nation's best computer scientists, then living in a world of punch cards and paper tape, in awe.

Mr. Taylor's contributions did not end there. After leaving ARPA and spending a year at the University of Utah, he was hired to direct the newly formed computer systems laboratory at Xerox's brand-new Palo Alto Research Center.

From that laboratory and several others at PARC came the personal computer, computer networking, desktop publishing, laser printers, the graphical user interface and modern word processing.

Mr. Taylor, who never profited personally from the commercial Internet boom, is now retired at 67 and lives in Woodside, Calif. In a recent interview, he reviewed these pivotal events in the computer industry and looked to what the future might hold.

Following are excerpts from that conversation:

Q. What led to your ideas about computer networking?

A. I discovered computers in the 1950's, and the whole business of punching holes in cards turned me off. I really wasn't interested in computers from the beginning as an arithmetic engine. What struck me about them really came home when I read J. C. R. Licklider's 1960 "Man-Computer Symbiosis" paper. I said, "Yeah! Now we're talking!"

Q. How did you come across that article?

A. It appeared in an I.E.E.E. Transactions journal that I subscribed to. I was working as a systems engineer at the Martin Company at the time. That's when the power of interactive computing dawned on me. I had other reasons to pay attention to Licklider. I did my thesis on psycho-acoustics and Licklider was world famous in that field, before he started to play around with computers.

Q. How did you meet Licklider?

A. NASA had approached me to become a program manager in 1961 to look after research areas including flight displays and manned flight-control systems. I told them they needed an area called simulation technology because we were going to have to make huge investments in simulation, and they liked that idea.

In late 1962, Licklider moved to ARPA and started this computer research program. I was at NASA and he was at the Pentagon. I had been supporting Doug Engelbart's work.

Q. This led to the mouse?

A. Yes. You know, it's quite funny -- several years ago NASA began looking for spinoffs that their research had led to in the civilian economy and they never realized that the mouse was developed under a NASA contract. But Licklider, shortly after he took over at ARPA, organized an informal committee of people in the government who were supporting computer research. He invited me to come over and join the committee.

I walked into his office and right away he started talking to me about my thesis. It blew me completely away. How would he know anything about my thesis? I was a no-name nobody graduate student. He wowed me from Day 1.

Q. What did you set out to do at ARPA?

A. I began to think that if I was going to do this for a while, I wanted to find some particular program to measure my performance by. I wanted to put a nail on the wall or whatever the proper metaphor is. I wanted to make a difference. We had in my office three terminals to three different programs that ARPA was supporting. One was to the Systems Development Corporation in Santa Monica. There was another terminal to the Genie Project at U.C. Berkeley.

The third terminal was to the C.T.S.S. project that later became the Multics project at M.I.T. We hadn't had these terminals very long. But I had already seen a very interesting thing. As these three time-sharing projects came alive and they collected users around their respective campuses, the only users they had were local users because there was no network to speak of. All communications were local except to ARPA.

Q. What did you discover?

A. The thing that really struck me about this evolution was how these three systems caused communities to get built. People who didn't know one another previously would now find themselves using the same system. Because the systems allowed you to share files, you could find that so-and-so was interested in such-and-such and he had some data about it. You could contact him by e-mail and, lo and behold, you would have a whole new relationship.

Q. Were these first communities built around mailing lists?

A. Well, you had a directory, so you knew how to send them e-mail, but you might only know 2 or 3 people, and you would meet 20 or 30 through the computer.

It wasn't a static medium. It was a dynamic medium. And that gave it a lot of power.

Q. It was all about community?

A. There was one other trigger that turned me to the ARPAnet. For each of these three terminals, I had three different sets of user commands. So if I was talking online with someone at S.D.C. and I wanted to talk to someone I knew at Berkeley or M.I.T. about this, I had to get up from the S.D.C. terminal, go over and log into the other terminal and get in touch with them.

I said, oh, man, it's obvious what to do: If you have these three terminals, there ought to be one terminal that goes anywhere you want to go where you have interactive computing. That idea is the ARPAnet.

Q. When did you get the idea?

A. I decided to do that in late 1965. In February of 1966, I was officially the head of the Information Processing Techniques Office. So I went to see Charlie Herzfeld, who was the head of ARPA, and laid the idea on him. The first funding came that month. He liked the idea immediately, and he took a million dollars out of the ballistic missile defense budget and put it into my budget right then and there.

Q. Was the idea an immediate success?

A. I had to go around and talk to our contractors to see if I could get their cooperation -- and some of them were enthusiastic, and some of them saw it as an infringement on their computing facilities. They said, "I don't want to share my [computing] cycles with some guy across the country. I don't have enough cycles as it is. Now you're going to build something that allows people to come in and use my machine?" That took a while to bring people together.

Q. Did you see right away that this would have an impact broader than just a small group of military-funded researchers?

A. Oh, yeah, sure. It was obvious to some of us that interactive computing was here to stay. And by the late 60's, the personal computer was obvious as well. By the time I went to Xerox in 1970, I tried to get the guys to build the Alto [one of the first experimental personal computers] and they built it two years later, but that's a whole other story.


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  • Q. Was there one shared vision?

    A. The model that some people were pushing in those days for how this was going to spread was that there were going to be gigantic computer utilities. This was the power utility model. I never bought that. By the late 60's, Moore's Law was pretty obvious. It was just a matter of time before you could afford to put a computer on everyone's desk. That was what I came to Xerox to do.

    Q. How did you arrive at Xerox?

    A. I left ARPA in late 1969 after I knew that the ARPAnet was up and running, and I went to Utah for what turned out to be only a year. When I was in Utah, I got a call from George Pake, a physicist who was setting up Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center. I had the impression that he just wanted to pick my brain. There was no discussion of a job. He told me that Xerox was going to have a research lab here in Palo Alto and part of it was going to be devoted to computer research. The research group was going to develop technologies that would be used at S.D.S., a computer company that Xerox had recently purchased. I said, "Oh, that's too bad." He said, "What do you mean?" "Well, you won't be able to get anyone who's any good to come work here because there's absolutely no respect for S.D.S. among the best computer folks." They were floored. They said, "What do you think we ought to do?" I replied, "You ought to computerize the office; everything that happens in the office can be put on the computer."

    Q. If the personal computer has been the foundation for the Internet, where will the next major burst of innovation come from?

    A. Broadband networks. If you take real-time video and audio and you couple them, and you imagine some kind of a chair that's connected to this system that you sit in and fly around wherever you want to go . . . .

    Q. How will we use these new technologies?

    A. You'll also be able to wear -- maybe not in my lifetime but certainly reasonably soon -- an unobtrusive device that will record in full color and sound everything that you see or point your head at, or, depending on how many of them you have, everything that's around you. And share it. Every waking and sleeping moment in your life will be recorded. And you will be able to store and retrieve it and do what you will with it.

    Q. How will that change the world?

    A. I don't know, but it will. There are obviously implications for privacy that will have to be worked through. I'm actually more concerned about nearer-term issues. I want the Internet to become a right, not a privilege. I think we need a driver's license to allow you to use the Internet, much like you drive on the road today. If you misbehave on the road, you get your license taken away.

    Q. Do you have a sense of what the future will look like from a computer network point of view?

    A. I can't help much about the future, I'm afraid. I was a bad predictor of the future 30 years ago. I was sure that from the early 1970's, all the pieces were there at Xerox and at ARPA to put the Internet in the state by the early '80's that it is in today. It was all there. It was physically there.

    But it didn't happen for years.

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