Improve VectorDrawable's parsing performance

This new implementation does three things to speed up parsing:
- Use a faster float parsing algorithm. This algorithm doesn't attempt
  to handle all use cases (in particular, it does not try to parse
  NaN/Infinity) but it covers the cases that matter in this domain.
- The parsing of path data is now linear: the data is parsed exactly
  once, instead of 3 times in the previous implementation.
- The new float parsing implementation treats the input string as a
  stream and parses until the next invalid character. This allows us
  to not only avoid going through the data multiple times, but it
  removes a significant number of allocations since String.substring
  is now unnecessary.

A benchmark written to parse paris_30k.xml yields the following numbers:

  Execution time: 1.096s; Allocations: 5.356M

The previous implementation (including recent optimizations) yielded:

  Execution time: 1.312s; Allocations: 12.045M

The original implementation yielded:

  Execution time: 1.612s; Allocations: 16.210M

Test: FastFloatParserTest
Test: PathParserTest
Test: VectorTest
Test: ImageVectorTest

Change-Id: I3eebd54f376b6ae48c7f682726ed67e8fd755c54
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/FastFloatParser.kt b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/FastFloatParser.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffde87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/FastFloatParser.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+ * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * The code below is adapted from:
+ *
+ *
+ * The original C++ implementations are licensed under Apache 2.0
+ */
+internal class FloatResult(var value: Float = Float.NaN, var isValid: Boolean = false)
+internal class FastFloatParser {
+    companion object {
+        private const val FloatMinExponent = -10
+        private const val FloatMaxExponent = 10
+        private const val FloatSmallestExponent = -325
+        private const val FloatMaxExponentNumber = 1024
+        private val PowersOfTen = floatArrayOf(
+            1e0f, 1e1f, 1e2f, 1e3f, 1e4f, 1e5f, 1e6f, 1e7f, 1e8f, 1e9f, 1e10f
+        )
+        /**
+         * Parses the next float in the char sequence [s], starting at offset [start], until at most
+         * the end offset [end]. The results are written in [result]. When a result is valid, the
+         * `result.isValid` is set to `true` and `result.value` contains the parsed float value. If
+         * parsing is unsuccessful, `result.isValid` is false and `result.value` is set to
+         * [Float.NaN].
+         *
+         * This function returns the offset inside the char sequence right after parsing stopped,
+         * successfully or unsuccessfully.
+         */
+        fun nextFloat(s: String, start: Int, end: Int, result: FloatResult): Int {
+            result.value = Float.NaN
+            result.isValid = false
+            if (start == end) return start
+            var index = start
+            var c = s[index]
+            // Check for leading negative sign
+            val isNegative = c == '-'
+            if (isNegative) {
+                index++
+                if (index == end) return index
+                // Safe access, we just checked the bounds
+                c = s[index]
+                if (!c.isDigit && c != '.') return index
+            }
+            // TODO: Should we use an unsigned long here?
+            var significand = 0L
+            val significandStartIndex = index
+            // Parse the integer part
+            while (index != end && c.isDigit) {
+                significand = 10L * significand + (c.code - '0'.code).toLong()
+                c = charAt(s, ++index)
+            }
+            val significandEndIndex = index
+            var digitCount = index - significandStartIndex
+            var exponent = 0
+            var exponentStartIndex = index
+            var exponentEndIndex = index
+            // Parse the fraction
+            if (index != end && c == '.') {
+                index++
+                exponentStartIndex = index
+                while (end - index >= 4) {
+                    val digits = parseFourDigits(s, index)
+                    if (digits < 0) break
+                    significand = 10_000L * significand + digits.toLong()
+                    index += 4
+                }
+                c = charAt(s, index)
+                while (index != end && c.isDigit) {
+                    significand = 10L * significand + (c.code - '0'.code).toLong()
+                    c = charAt(s, ++index)
+                }
+                exponent = exponentStartIndex - index
+                exponentEndIndex = index
+                digitCount -= exponent
+            }
+            if (digitCount == 0) return index
+            // Parse the exponent part of the float, if present
+            var exponentNumber = 0
+            if ((c.code or 0x20) == 'e'.code) {
+                c = charAt(s, ++index)
+                val isExponentNegative = c == '-'
+                if (isExponentNegative || c == '+') {
+                    index++
+                }
+                c = s[index]
+                while (index != end && c.isDigit) {
+                    if (exponentNumber < FloatMaxExponentNumber) {
+                        exponentNumber = 10 * exponentNumber + (c.code - '0'.code)
+                    }
+                    c = charAt(s, ++index)
+                }
+                if (isExponentNegative) exponentNumber = -exponentNumber
+                exponent += exponentNumber
+            }
+            // TODO: check for f/F suffix?
+            var tooManyDigits = false
+            // If we have too many digits we need to retry differently and avoid overflows
+            if (digitCount > 19) {
+                var retryIndex = significandStartIndex
+                c = s[retryIndex]
+                // First check for the case where the number is 0.0000000xxxx (could be all zeroes)
+                while (index != end && (c == '0' || c == '.')) {
+                    if (c == '0') digitCount--
+                    c = charAt(s, ++retryIndex)
+                }
+                if (digitCount > 19) {
+                    tooManyDigits = true
+                    significand = 0
+                    retryIndex = significandStartIndex
+                    c = s[retryIndex]
+                    while (
+                        retryIndex != significandEndIndex &&
+                        significand.toULong() < 1000000000000000000UL
+                    ) {
+                        significand = 10L * significand + (c.code - '0'.code).toLong()
+                        c = charAt(s, ++retryIndex)
+                    }
+                    if (significand.toULong() >= 1000000000000000000UL) {
+                        exponent = significandEndIndex - retryIndex + exponentNumber
+                    } else {
+                        retryIndex = exponentStartIndex
+                        c = s[retryIndex]
+                        while (
+                            retryIndex != exponentEndIndex &&
+                            significand.toULong() < 1000000000000000000UL
+                        ) {
+                            significand = 10L * significand + (c.code - '0'.code).toLong()
+                            c = charAt(s, ++retryIndex)
+                        }
+                        exponent = exponentStartIndex - retryIndex + exponentNumber
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Fast path
+            if (exponent in FloatMinExponent..FloatMaxExponent &&
+                !tooManyDigits &&
+                significand.toULong() <= 1UL shl 24
+            ) {
+                var f = significand.toFloat()
+                if (exponent < 0) {
+                    f /= PowersOfTen[-exponent]
+                } else {
+                    f *= PowersOfTen[exponent]
+                }
+                result.isValid = true
+                result.value = if (isNegative) -f else f
+                return index
+            }
+            // Now we need to take the slow path, please refer to the original C++ code for a
+            // complete description of the algorithm
+            if (significand == 0L) {
+                result.isValid = true
+                result.value = if (isNegative) -0.0f else 0.0f
+                return index
+            }
+            if (exponent !in -126..127) {
+                try {
+                    result.value = s.substring(start, index).toFloat()
+                } finally {
+                    result.isValid = true
+                }
+                return index
+            }
+            val significandFactor = Mantissa64[exponent - FloatSmallestExponent].toLong()
+            var lz = significand.countLeadingZeroBits()
+            significand = significand shl lz
+            val upper = fullMultiplicationHighBits(significand, significandFactor)
+            val upperBit = (upper ushr 63).toInt()
+            var mantissa = upper ushr (upperBit + 9)
+            lz += 1 xor upperBit
+            if (upper and 0x1ff == 0x1ffL || upper and 0x1ff == 0L && mantissa and 3L == 1L) {
+                try {
+                    result.value = s.substring(start, index).toFloat()
+                } finally {
+                    result.isValid = true
+                }
+                return index
+            }
+            mantissa += 1
+            mantissa = mantissa ushr 1
+            if (mantissa >= 1L shl 53) {
+                mantissa = 1L shl 52
+                lz--
+            }
+            mantissa = mantissa and (1L shl 52).inv()
+            val adjustedExponent = (((152170L + 65536L) * exponent) shr 16) + 1024 + 63
+            val realExponent = adjustedExponent - lz
+            if (realExponent < 1 || realExponent > 2046) {
+                try {
+                    result.value = s.substring(start, index).toFloat()
+                } finally {
+                    result.isValid = true
+                }
+                return index
+            }
+            mantissa = mantissa or (realExponent shl 52)
+            mantissa = mantissa or if (isNegative) 1L shl 63 else 0L
+            result.isValid = true
+            result.value = Double.fromBits(mantissa).toFloat()
+            return index
+        }
+        private val Mantissa64 = ulongArrayOf(
+            0xa5ced43b7e3e9188UL, 0xcf42894a5dce35eaUL,
+            0x818995ce7aa0e1b2UL, 0xa1ebfb4219491a1fUL,
+            0xca66fa129f9b60a6UL, 0xfd00b897478238d0UL,
+            0x9e20735e8cb16382UL, 0xc5a890362fddbc62UL,
+            0xf712b443bbd52b7bUL, 0x9a6bb0aa55653b2dUL,
+            0xc1069cd4eabe89f8UL, 0xf148440a256e2c76UL,
+            0x96cd2a865764dbcaUL, 0xbc807527ed3e12bcUL,
+            0xeba09271e88d976bUL, 0x93445b8731587ea3UL,
+            0xb8157268fdae9e4cUL, 0xe61acf033d1a45dfUL,
+            0x8fd0c16206306babUL, 0xb3c4f1ba87bc8696UL,
+            0xe0b62e2929aba83cUL, 0x8c71dcd9ba0b4925UL,
+            0xaf8e5410288e1b6fUL, 0xdb71e91432b1a24aUL,
+            0x892731ac9faf056eUL, 0xab70fe17c79ac6caUL,
+            0xd64d3d9db981787dUL, 0x85f0468293f0eb4eUL,
+            0xa76c582338ed2621UL, 0xd1476e2c07286faaUL,
+            0x82cca4db847945caUL, 0xa37fce126597973cUL,
+            0xcc5fc196fefd7d0cUL, 0xff77b1fcbebcdc4fUL,
+            0x9faacf3df73609b1UL, 0xc795830d75038c1dUL,
+            0xf97ae3d0d2446f25UL, 0x9becce62836ac577UL,
+            0xc2e801fb244576d5UL, 0xf3a20279ed56d48aUL,
+            0x9845418c345644d6UL, 0xbe5691ef416bd60cUL,
+            0xedec366b11c6cb8fUL, 0x94b3a202eb1c3f39UL,
+            0xb9e08a83a5e34f07UL, 0xe858ad248f5c22c9UL,
+            0x91376c36d99995beUL, 0xb58547448ffffb2dUL,
+            0xe2e69915b3fff9f9UL, 0x8dd01fad907ffc3bUL,
+            0xb1442798f49ffb4aUL, 0xdd95317f31c7fa1dUL,
+            0x8a7d3eef7f1cfc52UL, 0xad1c8eab5ee43b66UL,
+            0xd863b256369d4a40UL, 0x873e4f75e2224e68UL,
+            0xa90de3535aaae202UL, 0xd3515c2831559a83UL,
+            0x8412d9991ed58091UL, 0xa5178fff668ae0b6UL,
+            0xce5d73ff402d98e3UL, 0x80fa687f881c7f8eUL,
+            0xa139029f6a239f72UL, 0xc987434744ac874eUL,
+            0xfbe9141915d7a922UL, 0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5UL,
+            0xc4ce17b399107c22UL, 0xf6019da07f549b2bUL,
+            0x99c102844f94e0fbUL, 0xc0314325637a1939UL,
+            0xf03d93eebc589f88UL, 0x96267c7535b763b5UL,
+            0xbbb01b9283253ca2UL, 0xea9c227723ee8bcbUL,
+            0x92a1958a7675175fUL, 0xb749faed14125d36UL,
+            0xe51c79a85916f484UL, 0x8f31cc0937ae58d2UL,
+            0xb2fe3f0b8599ef07UL, 0xdfbdcece67006ac9UL,
+            0x8bd6a141006042bdUL, 0xaecc49914078536dUL,
+            0xda7f5bf590966848UL, 0x888f99797a5e012dUL,
+            0xaab37fd7d8f58178UL, 0xd5605fcdcf32e1d6UL,
+            0x855c3be0a17fcd26UL, 0xa6b34ad8c9dfc06fUL,
+            0xd0601d8efc57b08bUL, 0x823c12795db6ce57UL,
+            0xa2cb1717b52481edUL, 0xcb7ddcdda26da268UL,
+            0xfe5d54150b090b02UL, 0x9efa548d26e5a6e1UL,
+            0xc6b8e9b0709f109aUL, 0xf867241c8cc6d4c0UL,
+            0x9b407691d7fc44f8UL, 0xc21094364dfb5636UL,
+            0xf294b943e17a2bc4UL, 0x979cf3ca6cec5b5aUL,
+            0xbd8430bd08277231UL, 0xece53cec4a314ebdUL,
+            0x940f4613ae5ed136UL, 0xb913179899f68584UL,
+            0xe757dd7ec07426e5UL, 0x9096ea6f3848984fUL,
+            0xb4bca50b065abe63UL, 0xe1ebce4dc7f16dfbUL,
+            0x8d3360f09cf6e4bdUL, 0xb080392cc4349decUL,
+            0xdca04777f541c567UL, 0x89e42caaf9491b60UL,
+            0xac5d37d5b79b6239UL, 0xd77485cb25823ac7UL,
+            0x86a8d39ef77164bcUL, 0xa8530886b54dbdebUL,
+            0xd267caa862a12d66UL, 0x8380dea93da4bc60UL,
+            0xa46116538d0deb78UL, 0xcd795be870516656UL,
+            0x806bd9714632dff6UL, 0xa086cfcd97bf97f3UL,
+            0xc8a883c0fdaf7df0UL, 0xfad2a4b13d1b5d6cUL,
+            0x9cc3a6eec6311a63UL, 0xc3f490aa77bd60fcUL,
+            0xf4f1b4d515acb93bUL, 0x991711052d8bf3c5UL,
+            0xbf5cd54678eef0b6UL, 0xef340a98172aace4UL,
+            0x9580869f0e7aac0eUL, 0xbae0a846d2195712UL,
+            0xe998d258869facd7UL, 0x91ff83775423cc06UL,
+            0xb67f6455292cbf08UL, 0xe41f3d6a7377eecaUL,
+            0x8e938662882af53eUL, 0xb23867fb2a35b28dUL,
+            0xdec681f9f4c31f31UL, 0x8b3c113c38f9f37eUL,
+            0xae0b158b4738705eUL, 0xd98ddaee19068c76UL,
+            0x87f8a8d4cfa417c9UL, 0xa9f6d30a038d1dbcUL,
+            0xd47487cc8470652bUL, 0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3bUL,
+            0xa5fb0a17c777cf09UL, 0xcf79cc9db955c2ccUL,
+            0x81ac1fe293d599bfUL, 0xa21727db38cb002fUL,
+            0xca9cf1d206fdc03bUL, 0xfd442e4688bd304aUL,
+            0x9e4a9cec15763e2eUL, 0xc5dd44271ad3cdbaUL,
+            0xf7549530e188c128UL, 0x9a94dd3e8cf578b9UL,
+            0xc13a148e3032d6e7UL, 0xf18899b1bc3f8ca1UL,
+            0x96f5600f15a7b7e5UL, 0xbcb2b812db11a5deUL,
+            0xebdf661791d60f56UL, 0x936b9fcebb25c995UL,
+            0xb84687c269ef3bfbUL, 0xe65829b3046b0afaUL,
+            0x8ff71a0fe2c2e6dcUL, 0xb3f4e093db73a093UL,
+            0xe0f218b8d25088b8UL, 0x8c974f7383725573UL,
+            0xafbd2350644eeacfUL, 0xdbac6c247d62a583UL,
+            0x894bc396ce5da772UL, 0xab9eb47c81f5114fUL,
+            0xd686619ba27255a2UL, 0x8613fd0145877585UL,
+            0xa798fc4196e952e7UL, 0xd17f3b51fca3a7a0UL,
+            0x82ef85133de648c4UL, 0xa3ab66580d5fdaf5UL,
+            0xcc963fee10b7d1b3UL, 0xffbbcfe994e5c61fUL,
+            0x9fd561f1fd0f9bd3UL, 0xc7caba6e7c5382c8UL,
+            0xf9bd690a1b68637bUL, 0x9c1661a651213e2dUL,
+            0xc31bfa0fe5698db8UL, 0xf3e2f893dec3f126UL,
+            0x986ddb5c6b3a76b7UL, 0xbe89523386091465UL,
+            0xee2ba6c0678b597fUL, 0x94db483840b717efUL,
+            0xba121a4650e4ddebUL, 0xe896a0d7e51e1566UL,
+            0x915e2486ef32cd60UL, 0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8UL,
+            0xe3231912d5bf60e6UL, 0x8df5efabc5979c8fUL,
+            0xb1736b96b6fd83b3UL, 0xddd0467c64bce4a0UL,
+            0x8aa22c0dbef60ee4UL, 0xad4ab7112eb3929dUL,
+            0xd89d64d57a607744UL, 0x87625f056c7c4a8bUL,
+            0xa93af6c6c79b5d2dUL, 0xd389b47879823479UL,
+            0x843610cb4bf160cbUL, 0xa54394fe1eedb8feUL,
+            0xce947a3da6a9273eUL, 0x811ccc668829b887UL,
+            0xa163ff802a3426a8UL, 0xc9bcff6034c13052UL,
+            0xfc2c3f3841f17c67UL, 0x9d9ba7832936edc0UL,
+            0xc5029163f384a931UL, 0xf64335bcf065d37dUL,
+            0x99ea0196163fa42eUL, 0xc06481fb9bcf8d39UL,
+            0xf07da27a82c37088UL, 0x964e858c91ba2655UL,
+            0xbbe226efb628afeaUL, 0xeadab0aba3b2dbe5UL,
+            0x92c8ae6b464fc96fUL, 0xb77ada0617e3bbcbUL,
+            0xe55990879ddcaabdUL, 0x8f57fa54c2a9eab6UL,
+            0xb32df8e9f3546564UL, 0xdff9772470297ebdUL,
+            0x8bfbea76c619ef36UL, 0xaefae51477a06b03UL,
+            0xdab99e59958885c4UL, 0x88b402f7fd75539bUL,
+            0xaae103b5fcd2a881UL, 0xd59944a37c0752a2UL,
+            0x857fcae62d8493a5UL, 0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88eUL,
+            0xd097ad07a71f26b2UL, 0x825ecc24c873782fUL,
+            0xa2f67f2dfa90563bUL, 0xcbb41ef979346bcaUL,
+            0xfea126b7d78186bcUL, 0x9f24b832e6b0f436UL,
+            0xc6ede63fa05d3143UL, 0xf8a95fcf88747d94UL,
+            0x9b69dbe1b548ce7cUL, 0xc24452da229b021bUL,
+            0xf2d56790ab41c2a2UL, 0x97c560ba6b0919a5UL,
+            0xbdb6b8e905cb600fUL, 0xed246723473e3813UL,
+            0x9436c0760c86e30bUL, 0xb94470938fa89bceUL,
+            0xe7958cb87392c2c2UL, 0x90bd77f3483bb9b9UL,
+            0xb4ecd5f01a4aa828UL, 0xe2280b6c20dd5232UL,
+            0x8d590723948a535fUL, 0xb0af48ec79ace837UL,
+            0xdcdb1b2798182244UL, 0x8a08f0f8bf0f156bUL,
+            0xac8b2d36eed2dac5UL, 0xd7adf884aa879177UL,
+            0x86ccbb52ea94baeaUL, 0xa87fea27a539e9a5UL,
+            0xd29fe4b18e88640eUL, 0x83a3eeeef9153e89UL,
+            0xa48ceaaab75a8e2bUL, 0xcdb02555653131b6UL,
+            0x808e17555f3ebf11UL, 0xa0b19d2ab70e6ed6UL,
+            0xc8de047564d20a8bUL, 0xfb158592be068d2eUL,
+            0x9ced737bb6c4183dUL, 0xc428d05aa4751e4cUL,
+            0xf53304714d9265dfUL, 0x993fe2c6d07b7fabUL,
+            0xbf8fdb78849a5f96UL, 0xef73d256a5c0f77cUL,
+            0x95a8637627989aadUL, 0xbb127c53b17ec159UL,
+            0xe9d71b689dde71afUL, 0x9226712162ab070dUL,
+            0xb6b00d69bb55c8d1UL, 0xe45c10c42a2b3b05UL,
+            0x8eb98a7a9a5b04e3UL, 0xb267ed1940f1c61cUL,
+            0xdf01e85f912e37a3UL, 0x8b61313bbabce2c6UL,
+            0xae397d8aa96c1b77UL, 0xd9c7dced53c72255UL,
+            0x881cea14545c7575UL, 0xaa242499697392d2UL,
+            0xd4ad2dbfc3d07787UL, 0x84ec3c97da624ab4UL,
+            0xa6274bbdd0fadd61UL, 0xcfb11ead453994baUL,
+            0x81ceb32c4b43fcf4UL, 0xa2425ff75e14fc31UL,
+            0xcad2f7f5359a3b3eUL, 0xfd87b5f28300ca0dUL,
+            0x9e74d1b791e07e48UL, 0xc612062576589ddaUL,
+            0xf79687aed3eec551UL, 0x9abe14cd44753b52UL,
+            0xc16d9a0095928a27UL, 0xf1c90080baf72cb1UL,
+            0x971da05074da7beeUL, 0xbce5086492111aeaUL,
+            0xec1e4a7db69561a5UL, 0x9392ee8e921d5d07UL,
+            0xb877aa3236a4b449UL, 0xe69594bec44de15bUL,
+            0x901d7cf73ab0acd9UL, 0xb424dc35095cd80fUL,
+            0xe12e13424bb40e13UL, 0x8cbccc096f5088cbUL,
+            0xafebff0bcb24aafeUL, 0xdbe6fecebdedd5beUL,
+            0x89705f4136b4a597UL, 0xabcc77118461cefcUL,
+            0xd6bf94d5e57a42bcUL, 0x8637bd05af6c69b5UL,
+            0xa7c5ac471b478423UL, 0xd1b71758e219652bUL,
+            0x83126e978d4fdf3bUL, 0xa3d70a3d70a3d70aUL,
+            0xccccccccccccccccUL, 0x8000000000000000UL,
+            0xa000000000000000UL, 0xc800000000000000UL,
+            0xfa00000000000000UL, 0x9c40000000000000UL,
+            0xc350000000000000UL, 0xf424000000000000UL,
+            0x9896800000000000UL, 0xbebc200000000000UL,
+            0xee6b280000000000UL, 0x9502f90000000000UL,
+            0xba43b74000000000UL, 0xe8d4a51000000000UL,
+            0x9184e72a00000000UL, 0xb5e620f480000000UL,
+            0xe35fa931a0000000UL, 0x8e1bc9bf04000000UL,
+            0xb1a2bc2ec5000000UL, 0xde0b6b3a76400000UL,
+            0x8ac7230489e80000UL, 0xad78ebc5ac620000UL,
+            0xd8d726b7177a8000UL, 0x878678326eac9000UL,
+            0xa968163f0a57b400UL, 0xd3c21bcecceda100UL,
+            0x84595161401484a0UL, 0xa56fa5b99019a5c8UL,
+            0xcecb8f27f4200f3aUL, 0x813f3978f8940984UL,
+            0xa18f07d736b90be5UL, 0xc9f2c9cd04674edeUL,
+            0xfc6f7c4045812296UL, 0x9dc5ada82b70b59dUL,
+            0xc5371912364ce305UL, 0xf684df56c3e01bc6UL,
+            0x9a130b963a6c115cUL, 0xc097ce7bc90715b3UL,
+            0xf0bdc21abb48db20UL, 0x96769950b50d88f4UL,
+            0xbc143fa4e250eb31UL, 0xeb194f8e1ae525fdUL,
+            0x92efd1b8d0cf37beUL, 0xb7abc627050305adUL,
+            0xe596b7b0c643c719UL, 0x8f7e32ce7bea5c6fUL,
+            0xb35dbf821ae4f38bUL, 0xe0352f62a19e306eUL,
+            0x8c213d9da502de45UL, 0xaf298d050e4395d6UL,
+            0xdaf3f04651d47b4cUL, 0x88d8762bf324cd0fUL,
+            0xab0e93b6efee0053UL, 0xd5d238a4abe98068UL,
+            0x85a36366eb71f041UL, 0xa70c3c40a64e6c51UL,
+            0xd0cf4b50cfe20765UL, 0x82818f1281ed449fUL,
+            0xa321f2d7226895c7UL, 0xcbea6f8ceb02bb39UL,
+            0xfee50b7025c36a08UL, 0x9f4f2726179a2245UL,
+            0xc722f0ef9d80aad6UL, 0xf8ebad2b84e0d58bUL,
+            0x9b934c3b330c8577UL, 0xc2781f49ffcfa6d5UL,
+            0xf316271c7fc3908aUL, 0x97edd871cfda3a56UL,
+            0xbde94e8e43d0c8ecUL, 0xed63a231d4c4fb27UL,
+            0x945e455f24fb1cf8UL, 0xb975d6b6ee39e436UL,
+            0xe7d34c64a9c85d44UL, 0x90e40fbeea1d3a4aUL,
+            0xb51d13aea4a488ddUL, 0xe264589a4dcdab14UL,
+            0x8d7eb76070a08aecUL, 0xb0de65388cc8ada8UL,
+            0xdd15fe86affad912UL, 0x8a2dbf142dfcc7abUL,
+            0xacb92ed9397bf996UL, 0xd7e77a8f87daf7fbUL,
+            0x86f0ac99b4e8dafdUL, 0xa8acd7c0222311bcUL,
+            0xd2d80db02aabd62bUL, 0x83c7088e1aab65dbUL,
+            0xa4b8cab1a1563f52UL, 0xcde6fd5e09abcf26UL,
+            0x80b05e5ac60b6178UL, 0xa0dc75f1778e39d6UL,
+            0xc913936dd571c84cUL, 0xfb5878494ace3a5fUL,
+            0x9d174b2dcec0e47bUL, 0xc45d1df942711d9aUL,
+            0xf5746577930d6500UL, 0x9968bf6abbe85f20UL,
+            0xbfc2ef456ae276e8UL, 0xefb3ab16c59b14a2UL,
+            0x95d04aee3b80ece5UL, 0xbb445da9ca61281fUL,
+            0xea1575143cf97226UL, 0x924d692ca61be758UL,
+            0xb6e0c377cfa2e12eUL, 0xe498f455c38b997aUL,
+            0x8edf98b59a373fecUL, 0xb2977ee300c50fe7UL,
+            0xdf3d5e9bc0f653e1UL, 0x8b865b215899f46cUL,
+            0xae67f1e9aec07187UL, 0xda01ee641a708de9UL,
+            0x884134fe908658b2UL, 0xaa51823e34a7eedeUL,
+            0xd4e5e2cdc1d1ea96UL, 0x850fadc09923329eUL,
+            0xa6539930bf6bff45UL, 0xcfe87f7cef46ff16UL,
+            0x81f14fae158c5f6eUL, 0xa26da3999aef7749UL,
+            0xcb090c8001ab551cUL, 0xfdcb4fa002162a63UL,
+            0x9e9f11c4014dda7eUL, 0xc646d63501a1511dUL,
+            0xf7d88bc24209a565UL, 0x9ae757596946075fUL,
+            0xc1a12d2fc3978937UL, 0xf209787bb47d6b84UL,
+            0x9745eb4d50ce6332UL, 0xbd176620a501fbffUL,
+            0xec5d3fa8ce427affUL, 0x93ba47c980e98cdfUL,
+            0xb8a8d9bbe123f017UL, 0xe6d3102ad96cec1dUL,
+            0x9043ea1ac7e41392UL, 0xb454e4a179dd1877UL,
+            0xe16a1dc9d8545e94UL, 0x8ce2529e2734bb1dUL,
+            0xb01ae745b101e9e4UL, 0xdc21a1171d42645dUL,
+            0x899504ae72497ebaUL, 0xabfa45da0edbde69UL,
+            0xd6f8d7509292d603UL, 0x865b86925b9bc5c2UL,
+            0xa7f26836f282b732UL, 0xd1ef0244af2364ffUL,
+            0x8335616aed761f1fUL, 0xa402b9c5a8d3a6e7UL,
+            0xcd036837130890a1UL, 0x802221226be55a64UL,
+            0xa02aa96b06deb0fdUL, 0xc83553c5c8965d3dUL,
+            0xfa42a8b73abbf48cUL, 0x9c69a97284b578d7UL,
+            0xc38413cf25e2d70dUL, 0xf46518c2ef5b8cd1UL,
+            0x98bf2f79d5993802UL, 0xbeeefb584aff8603UL,
+            0xeeaaba2e5dbf6784UL, 0x952ab45cfa97a0b2UL,
+            0xba756174393d88dfUL, 0xe912b9d1478ceb17UL,
+            0x91abb422ccb812eeUL, 0xb616a12b7fe617aaUL,
+            0xe39c49765fdf9d94UL, 0x8e41ade9fbebc27dUL,
+            0xb1d219647ae6b31cUL, 0xde469fbd99a05fe3UL,
+            0x8aec23d680043beeUL, 0xada72ccc20054ae9UL,
+            0xd910f7ff28069da4UL, 0x87aa9aff79042286UL,
+            0xa99541bf57452b28UL, 0xd3fa922f2d1675f2UL,
+            0x847c9b5d7c2e09b7UL, 0xa59bc234db398c25UL,
+            0xcf02b2c21207ef2eUL, 0x8161afb94b44f57dUL,
+            0xa1ba1ba79e1632dcUL, 0xca28a291859bbf93UL,
+            0xfcb2cb35e702af78UL, 0x9defbf01b061adabUL,
+            0xc56baec21c7a1916UL, 0xf6c69a72a3989f5bUL,
+            0x9a3c2087a63f6399UL, 0xc0cb28a98fcf3c7fUL,
+            0xf0fdf2d3f3c30b9fUL, 0x969eb7c47859e743UL,
+            0xbc4665b596706114UL, 0xeb57ff22fc0c7959UL,
+            0x9316ff75dd87cbd8UL, 0xb7dcbf5354e9beceUL,
+            0xe5d3ef282a242e81UL, 0x8fa475791a569d10UL,
+            0xb38d92d760ec4455UL, 0xe070f78d3927556aUL,
+            0x8c469ab843b89562UL, 0xaf58416654a6babbUL,
+            0xdb2e51bfe9d0696aUL, 0x88fcf317f22241e2UL,
+            0xab3c2fddeeaad25aUL, 0xd60b3bd56a5586f1UL,
+            0x85c7056562757456UL, 0xa738c6bebb12d16cUL,
+            0xd106f86e69d785c7UL, 0x82a45b450226b39cUL,
+            0xa34d721642b06084UL, 0xcc20ce9bd35c78a5UL,
+            0xff290242c83396ceUL, 0x9f79a169bd203e41UL,
+            0xc75809c42c684dd1UL, 0xf92e0c3537826145UL,
+            0x9bbcc7a142b17ccbUL, 0xc2abf989935ddbfeUL,
+            0xf356f7ebf83552feUL, 0x98165af37b2153deUL,
+            0xbe1bf1b059e9a8d6UL, 0xeda2ee1c7064130cUL,
+            0x9485d4d1c63e8be7UL, 0xb9a74a0637ce2ee1UL,
+            0xe8111c87c5c1ba99UL, 0x910ab1d4db9914a0UL,
+            0xb54d5e4a127f59c8UL, 0xe2a0b5dc971f303aUL,
+            0x8da471a9de737e24UL, 0xb10d8e1456105dadUL,
+            0xdd50f1996b947518UL, 0x8a5296ffe33cc92fUL,
+            0xace73cbfdc0bfb7bUL, 0xd8210befd30efa5aUL,
+            0x8714a775e3e95c78UL, 0xa8d9d1535ce3b396UL,
+            0xd31045a8341ca07cUL, 0x83ea2b892091e44dUL,
+            0xa4e4b66b68b65d60UL, 0xce1de40642e3f4b9UL,
+            0x80d2ae83e9ce78f3UL, 0xa1075a24e4421730UL,
+            0xc94930ae1d529cfcUL, 0xfb9b7cd9a4a7443cUL,
+            0x9d412e0806e88aa5UL, 0xc491798a08a2ad4eUL,
+            0xf5b5d7ec8acb58a2UL, 0x9991a6f3d6bf1765UL,
+            0xbff610b0cc6edd3fUL, 0xeff394dcff8a948eUL,
+            0x95f83d0a1fb69cd9UL, 0xbb764c4ca7a4440fUL,
+            0xea53df5fd18d5513UL, 0x92746b9be2f8552cUL,
+            0xb7118682dbb66a77UL, 0xe4d5e82392a40515UL,
+            0x8f05b1163ba6832dUL, 0xb2c71d5bca9023f8UL,
+            0xdf78e4b2bd342cf6UL, 0x8bab8eefb6409c1aUL,
+            0xae9672aba3d0c320UL, 0xda3c0f568cc4f3e8UL,
+            0x8865899617fb1871UL, 0xaa7eebfb9df9de8dUL,
+            0xd51ea6fa85785631UL, 0x8533285c936b35deUL,
+            0xa67ff273b8460356UL, 0xd01fef10a657842cUL,
+            0x8213f56a67f6b29bUL, 0xa298f2c501f45f42UL,
+            0xcb3f2f7642717713UL, 0xfe0efb53d30dd4d7UL,
+            0x9ec95d1463e8a506UL, 0xc67bb4597ce2ce48UL,
+            0xf81aa16fdc1b81daUL, 0x9b10a4e5e9913128UL,
+            0xc1d4ce1f63f57d72UL, 0xf24a01a73cf2dccfUL,
+            0x976e41088617ca01UL, 0xbd49d14aa79dbc82UL,
+            0xec9c459d51852ba2UL, 0x93e1ab8252f33b45UL,
+            0xb8da1662e7b00a17UL, 0xe7109bfba19c0c9dUL,
+            0x906a617d450187e2UL, 0xb484f9dc9641e9daUL,
+            0xe1a63853bbd26451UL, 0x8d07e33455637eb2UL,
+            0xb049dc016abc5e5fUL, 0xdc5c5301c56b75f7UL,
+            0x89b9b3e11b6329baUL, 0xac2820d9623bf429UL,
+            0xd732290fbacaf133UL, 0x867f59a9d4bed6c0UL,
+            0xa81f301449ee8c70UL, 0xd226fc195c6a2f8cUL,
+            0x83585d8fd9c25db7UL, 0xa42e74f3d032f525UL,
+            0xcd3a1230c43fb26fUL, 0x80444b5e7aa7cf85UL,
+            0xa0555e361951c366UL, 0xc86ab5c39fa63440UL,
+            0xfa856334878fc150UL, 0x9c935e00d4b9d8d2UL,
+            0xc3b8358109e84f07UL, 0xf4a642e14c6262c8UL,
+            0x98e7e9cccfbd7dbdUL, 0xbf21e44003acdd2cUL,
+            0xeeea5d5004981478UL, 0x95527a5202df0ccbUL,
+            0xbaa718e68396cffdUL, 0xe950df20247c83fdUL,
+            0x91d28b7416cdd27eUL, 0xb6472e511c81471dUL,
+            0xe3d8f9e563a198e5UL, 0x8e679c2f5e44ff8fUL
+        )
+    }
+private inline val Char.isDigit get() = (this - '0').toChar().code < 10
+private inline fun charAt(s: CharSequence, index: Int) = if (index < s.length) {
+    s[index]
+} else {
+    '\u0000'
+private inline fun fullMultiplicationHighBits(x: Long, y: Long): Long {
+    val xLo = x and 0xffffffffL
+    val xHi = x ushr 32
+    val yLo = y and 0xffffffffL
+    val yHi = y ushr 32
+    val xTimesYHi = xHi * yHi
+    val xTimesYMid = xLo * yHi
+    val yTimesXMid = xHi * yLo
+    val xTimesYLo = xLo * yLo
+    val carry =
+        yTimesXMid +
+        (xTimesYLo ushr 32) +
+        (xTimesYMid and 0xffffffffL)
+    return xTimesYHi + (carry ushr 32) + (xTimesYMid ushr 32)
+private inline fun parseFourDigits(str: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int {
+    val v = (str[offset].code.toLong()
+        or (str[offset + 1].code.toLong() shl 16)
+        or (str[offset + 2].code.toLong() shl 32)
+        or (str[offset + 3].code.toLong() shl 48))
+    val base = v - 0x0030003000300030L
+    val predicate = v + 0x0046004600460046L or base
+    return if (predicate and 0xff80_ff80_ff80_ff80UL.toLong() != 0L) {
+        -1
+    } else {
+        (base * 0x03e80064000a0001L ushr 48).toInt()
+    }
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/PathParser.kt b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/PathParser.kt
index 8c7ae89..66f1e24e 100644
--- a/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/PathParser.kt
+++ b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/PathParser.kt
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
 internal val EmptyArray = FloatArray(0)
 class PathParser {
     private data class PathPoint(var x: Float = 0.0f, var y: Float = 0.0f) {
         fun reset() {
             x = 0.0f
@@ -68,45 +67,85 @@
     private val segmentPoint = PathPoint()
     private val reflectiveCtrlPoint = PathPoint()
-    // We need to return the position of the next separator and whether the
-    // next float starts with a '-' or a '.'.
-    private var resultIndexAdvance = 0
-    private var results = FloatArray(64)
+    private val floatResult = FloatResult()
+    private var nodeData = FloatArray(64)
      * Parses the path string to create a collection of PathNode instances with their corresponding
      * arguments
-     * throws an IllegalArgumentException or NumberFormatException if the parameters are invalid
     fun parsePathString(pathData: String): PathParser {
         var start = 0
-        var end = 1
-        while (end < pathData.length) {
-            end = nextStart(pathData, end)
+        var end = pathData.length
-            // Trim leading and trailing spaces
-            var trimEnd = end
-            while (start < end && pathData[start] <= ' ') start++
-            while (trimEnd > start && pathData[trimEnd - 1] <= ' ') trimEnd--
+        // Holds the floats that describe the points for each command
+        var dataCount = 0
-            if (start != trimEnd) {
-                val count = getFloats(pathData, start, trimEnd)
-                addNodes(pathData[start], results, count)
+        // Trim leading and trailing tabs and spaces
+        while (start < end && pathData[start] <= ' ') start++
+        while (end > start && pathData[end - 1] <= ' ') end--
+        var index = start
+        while (index < end) {
+            var c: Char
+            var command = '\u0000'
+            // Look for the next command:
+            //     A character that's a lower or upper case letter, but not e or E as those can be
+            //      part of a float literal (e.g. 1.23e-3).
+            do {
+                c = pathData[index++]
+                val lowerChar = c.code or 0x20
+                if ((lowerChar - 'a'.code) * (lowerChar - 'z'.code) <= 0 && lowerChar != 'e'.code) {
+                    command = c
+                    break
+                }
+            } while (index < end)
+            // We found a command
+            if (command != '\u0000') {
+                // If the command is a close command (z or Z), we don't need to extract floats,
+                // and can proceed to the next command instead
+                if ((command.code or 0x20) != 'z'.code) {
+                    dataCount = 0
+                    do {
+                        // Skip any whitespace
+                        while (index < end && pathData[index] <= ' ') index++
+                        // Find the next float and add it to the data array if we got a valid result
+                        // An invalid result could be a malformed float, or simply that we reached
+                        // the end of the list of floats
+                        index = FastFloatParser.nextFloat(pathData, index, end, floatResult)
+                        if (floatResult.isValid) {
+                            nodeData[dataCount++] = floatResult.value
+                            resizeNodeData(dataCount)
+                        }
+                        // Skip any commas
+                        while (index < end && pathData[index] == ',') index++
+                    } while (index < end && floatResult.isValid)
+                }
+                addNodes(command, nodeData, dataCount)
-            start = end
-            end++
-        }
-        if (end - start == 1 && start < pathData.length) {
-            addNodes(pathData[start], EmptyArray, 0)
         return this
+    @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
+    private inline fun resizeNodeData(dataCount: Int) {
+        if (dataCount >= nodeData.size) {
+            val src = nodeData
+            nodeData = FloatArray(dataCount * 2)
+            src.copyInto(nodeData, 0, 0, src.size)
+        }
+    }
     fun addPathNodes(nodes: List<PathNode>): PathParser {
         return this
@@ -539,92 +578,5 @@
         cmd.addPathNodes(nodes, args, count)
-    private fun nextStart(s: String, end: Int): Int {
-        var index = end
-        while (index < s.length) {
-            val c = s[index]
-            // Note that 'e' or 'E' are not valid path commands, but could be
-            // used for floating point numbers' scientific notation.
-            // Therefore, when searching for next command, we should ignore 'e'
-            // and 'E'.
-            // Set the high bit to do a case insensitive char comparison
-            val lowerChar = c.code or 0x20
-            if ((lowerChar - 'a'.code) * (lowerChar - 'z'.code) <= 0 && lowerChar != 'e'.code) {
-                return index
-            }
-            index++
-        }
-        return index
-    }
-    private fun getFloats(s: String, start: Int, end: Int): Int {
-        // Set the high bit to check if the letter is 'z' or 'Z' in one go
-        if ((s[start].code or 0x20) == 'z'.code) {
-            return 0
-        }
-        var count = 0
-        var startPosition = start + 1
-        // The startPosition should always be the first character of the
-        // current number, and endPosition is the character after the current
-        // number.
-        while (startPosition < end) {
-            val endPosition = extract(s, startPosition, end)
-            if (startPosition < endPosition) {
-                results[count++] = s.substring(startPosition, endPosition).toFloat()
-                resizeResultsIfNeeded(count)
-            }
-            startPosition = endPosition + resultIndexAdvance
-        }
-        return count
-    }
-    @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
-    private inline fun resizeResultsIfNeeded(count: Int) {
-        if (count >= results.size) {
-            val previous = results
-            results = FloatArray(count * 2)
-            previous.copyInto(results, 0, 0, previous.size)
-        }
-    }
-    private fun extract(s: String, start: Int, end: Int): Int {
-        // Now looking for ' ', ',', '.' or '-' from the start.
-        var currentIndex = start
-        resultIndexAdvance = 1
-        while (currentIndex < end) {
-            when (s[currentIndex]) {
-                ' ', ',' -> return currentIndex
-                '-' ->
-                    // The negative sign following a 'e' or 'E' is not a separator.
-                    if (currentIndex != start &&
-                        // Set the high bit to check if the letter is 'e' or 'E' in one go
-                        (s[currentIndex - 1].code or 0x20) != 'e'.code
-                    ) {
-                        resultIndexAdvance = 0
-                        return currentIndex
-                    }
-                '.' ->
-                    if (currentIndex != start && s[currentIndex - 1] == '.') {
-                        // This is the second dot, and it is considered as a separator.
-                        resultIndexAdvance = 0
-                        return currentIndex
-                    }
-            }
-            currentIndex++
-        }
-        // When there is nothing found, then we put the end position to the end
-        // of the string.
-        return currentIndex
-    }
     private fun Double.toRadians(): Double = this / 180 * PI
diff --git a/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/FastFloatParser.kt b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/FastFloatParser.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83802a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/ui/ui-graphics/src/commonTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/FastFloatParser.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,3376 @@
+ * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import kotlin.math.abs
+import kotlin.test.Test
+class FastFloatParserTest {
+    @Test
+    fun parseFloats() {
+        val parser = PathParser()
+        FloatData.forEach { line ->
+            val (hex, number) = line.split(' ')
+            val bits = hex.toInt(16)
+            val nodes = parser.parsePathString("H$number").toNodes()
+            assert(nodes.isNotEmpty()) { line }
+            val x = (nodes[0] as PathNode.HorizontalTo).x
+            assert(abs(x.toBits() - bits) < 2) {
+                "Expected: 0x$bits\n" +
+                "Actual:   0x${x.toBits()}\n" +
+                "    in $line (toFloat() = ${number.toFloat()})"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// Data from
+// Under Apache 2.0 license
+private val FloatData = arrayOf(
+    "00000000 .0",
+    "00000000 0",
+    "00000000 0.0",
+    "00000000 0.0000",
+    "00000000 0e1",
+    "00000000 0e2",
+    "00000000 0e3",
+    "00000000 0e4395",
+    "00000000 0e47",
+    "00000000 0e4851",
+    "00000000 0e5",
+    "00000000 0e7",
+    "00000000 0e785",
+    "00000000 0e93",
+    "00000000 0e9999999999999999999999999999",
+    "00000000 1e-324",
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+    "43FB8000 503",
+    "43FC0000 504",
+    "43FC8000 505",
+    "43FD0000 506",
+    "43FD8000 507",
+    "43FE0000 508",
+    "43FE8000 509",
+    "43FF0000 510",
+    "43FF8000 511",
+    "44000000 512",
+    "44004000 513",
+    "44008000 514",
+    "4400C000 515",
+    "44010000 516",
+    "44014000 517",
+    "44018000 518",
+    "4401C000 519",
+    "44020000 520",
+    "44024000 521",
+    "44026A3D 521.66",
+    "44028000 522",
+    "4402C000 523",
+    "44030000 524",
+    "44034000 525",
+    "44038000 526",
+    "4403C000 527",
+    "44040000 528",
+    "44044000 529",
+    "44048000 530",
+    "4404C000 531",
+    "44050000 532",
+    "44054000 533",
+    "44058000 534",
+    "4405C000 535",
+    "44060000 536",
+    "44064000 537",
+    "44068000 538",
+    "4406C000 539",
+    "44070000 540",
+    "44074000 541",
+    "44078000 542",
+    "4407C000 543",
+    "44080000 544",
+    "44084000 545",
+    "44088000 546",
+    "4408C000 547",
+    "44090000 548",
+    "44094000 549",
+    "44098000 550",
+    "4409C000 551",
+    "440A0000 552",
+    "440A4000 553",
+    "440A8000 554",
+    "440AC000 555",
+    "440B0000 556",
+    "440B4000 557",
+    "440B8000 558",
+    "440BC000 559",
+    "440C0000 560",
+    "440C4000 561",
+    "440C8000 562",
+    "440CC000 563",
+    "440D0000 564",
+    "440D4000 565",
+    "440D8000 566",
+    "440DC000 567",
+    "440E0000 568",
+    "440E4000 569",
+    "440E8000 570",
+    "440EC000 571",
+    "440F0000 572",
+    "440F4000 573",
+    "440F8000 574",
+    "440FC000 575",
+    "44100000 576",
+    "44104000 577",
+    "44108000 578",
+    "4410C000 579",
+    "44110000 580",
+    "44114000 581",
+    "44118000 582",
+    "4411C000 583",
+    "44120000 584",
+    "44124000 585",
+    "44128000 586",
+    "4412C000 587",
+    "44130000 588",
+    "44134000 589",
+    "44138000 590",
+    "4413C000 591",
+    "44140000 592",
+    "44144000 593",
+    "44148000 594",
+    "4414C000 595",
+    "44150000 596",
+    "44154000 597",
+    "44158000 598",
+    "4415C000 599",
+    "44160000 600",
+    "44160000 6e2",
+    "44164000 601",
+    "44168000 602",
+    "4416C000 603",
+    "44170000 604",
+    "44174000 605",
+    "44178000 606",
+    "4417C000 607",
+    "44180000 608",
+    "44184000 609",
+    "44188000 610",
+    "4418C000 611",
+    "44190000 612",
+    "44194000 613",
+    "44198000 614",
+    "4419C000 615",
+    "441A0000 616",
+    "441A4000 617",
+    "441A8000 618",
+    "441AC000 619",
+    "441B0000 620",
+    "441B4000 621",
+    "441B8000 622",
+    "441BC000 623",
+    "441C0000 624",
+    "441C4000 625",
+    "441C8000 626",
+    "441CC000 627",
+    "441D0000 628",
+    "441D4000 629",
+    "441D8000 630",
+    "441DC000 631",
+    "441E0000 632",
+    "441E4000 633",
+    "441E8000 634",
+    "441EC000 635",
+    "441F0000 636",
+    "441F4000 637",
+    "441F8000 638",
+    "441FC000 639",
+    "44200000 640",
+    "44204000 641",
+    "44208000 642",
+    "4420C000 643",
+    "44210000 644",
+    "44214000 645",
+    "44218000 646",
+    "4421C000 647",
+    "44220000 648",
+    "44224000 649",
+    "44228000 650",
+    "4422C000 651",
+    "44230000 652",
+    "44238000 654",
+    "4423C000 655",
+    "44240000 656",
+    "44244000 657",
+    "44248000 658",
+    "44250000 660",
+    "44254000 661",
+    "44258000 662",
+    "4425C000 663",
+    "44260000 664",
+    "44264000 665",
+    "44268000 666",
+    "4426C000 667",
+    "44270000 668",
+    "44278000 670",
+    "4427C000 671",
+    "44280000 672",
+    "44284000 673",
+    "44288000 674",
+    "4428C000 675",
+    "44294000 677",
+    "44298000 678",
+    "442A0000 680",
+    "442A4000 681",
+    "442B0000 684",
+    "442B4000 685",
+    "442BC000 687",
+    "442C0000 688",
+    "442C4000 689",
+    "442C8000 690",
+    "442CC000 691",
+    "442D0000 692",
+    "442D8000 694",
+    "442DC000 695",
+    "442E0000 696",
+    "442E4000 697",
+    "442E8000 698",
+    "442F0000 700",
+    "442F0000 7e2",
+    "442F4000 701",
+    "442F8000 702",
+    "44300000 704",
+    "44304000 705",
+    "44308000 706",
+    "4430C000 707",
+    "44310000 708",
+    "44314000 709",
+    "44318000 710",
+    "44318000 71e1",
+    "4431C000 711",
+    "44320000 712",
+    "44324000 713",
+    "44328000 714",
+    "4432C000 715",
+    "44330000 716",
+    "44334000 717",
+    "44338000 718",
+    "4433C000 719",
+    "44340000 720",
+    "44344000 721",
+    "44348000 722",
+    "4434C000 723",
+    "44350000 724",
+    "44354000 725",
+    "44358000 726",
+    "4435C000 727",
+    "44360000 728",
+    "44368000 730",
+    "4436C000 731",
+    "44370000 732",
+    "44374000 733",
+    "44378000 734",
+    "4437C000 735",
+    "44380000 736",
+    "44384000 737",
+    "44388000 738",
+    "44390000 740",
+    "44394000 741",
+    "44398000 742",
+    "443A0000 744",
+    "443A4000 745",
+    "443A8000 746",
+    "443AC000 747",
+    "443B0000 748",
+    "443B4000 749",
+    "443B8000 750",
+    "443B8000 75e01",
+    "443BC000 751",
+    "443C0000 752",
+    "443C8000 754",
+    "443CC000 755",
+    "443D0000 756",
+    "443D4000 757",
+    "443D8000 758",
+    "443E0000 760",
+    "443E4000 761",
+    "443EC000 763",
+    "443F0000 764",
+    "443F4000 765",
+    "443F8000 766",
+    "443FC000 767",
+    "44400000 768",
+    "44408000 770",
+    "4440C000 771",
+    "44410000 772",
+    "44414000 773",
+    "44418000 774",
+    "4441C000 775",
+    "44424000 777",
+    "44428000 778",
+    "44430000 780",
+    "44434000 781",
+    "44438000 782",
+    "4443C000 783",
+    "44440000 784",
+    "44444000 785",
+    "44448000 786",
+    "4444C000 787",
+    "44450000 788",
+    "44458000 790",
+    "4445C000 791",
+    "4445C000 791e0",
+    "44464000 793",
+    "44468000 794",
+    "4446C000 795",
+    "44470000 796",
+    "44474000 797",
+    "44478000 798",
+    "44480000 800",
+    "44480000 8e2",
+    "44484000 801",
+    "44488000 802",
+    "4448C000 803",
+    "44490000 804",
+    "44498000 806",
+    "4449C000 807",
+    "444A0000 808",
+    "444A8000 810",
+    "444AC000 811",
+    "444B0000 812",
+    "444B4000 813",
+    "444B8000 814",
+    "444C4000 817",
+    "444C8000 818",
+    "444D0000 820",
+    "444D4000 821",
+    "444DC000 823",
+    "444E0000 824",
+    "444E4000 825",
+    "444E8000 826",
+    "444EC000 827",
+    "444F0000 828",
+    "444F8000 830",
+    "444FC000 831",
+    "44500000 832",
+    "44504000 833",
+    "44508000 834",
+    "4450C000 835",
+    "44510000 836",
+    "44514000 837",
+    "44518000 838",
+    "44520000 840",
+    "44524000 841",
+    "44528000 842",
+    "4452C000 843",
+    "44530000 844",
+    "44538000 846",
+    "4453C000 847",
+    "44540000 848",
+    "44544000 849",
+    "44548000 850",
+    "4454C000 851",
+    "44554000 853",
+    "44558000 854",
+    "4455C000 855",
+    "44564000 857",
+    "44568000 858",
+    "4456C000 859",
+    "44570000 860",
+    "44574000 861",
+    "44578000 862",
+    "4457C000 863",
+    "44580000 864",
+    "44584000 865",
+    "44588000 866",
+    "4458C000 867",
+    "44590000 868",
+    "44594000 869",
+    "44598000 870",
+    "4459C000 871",
+    "445A0000 872",
+    "445A4000 873",
+    "445A8000 874",
+    "445B0000 876",
+    "445B4000 877",
+    "445B8000 878",
+    "445BC000 879",
+    "445C0000 880",
+    "445C4000 881",
+    "445C8000 882",
+    "445CC000 883",
+    "445D0000 884",
+    "445D8000 886",
+    "445DC000 887",
+    "445E0000 888",
+    "445E4000 889",
+    "445E8000 890",
+    "445EC000 891",
+    "445F0000 892",
+    "445F4000 893",
+    "445F8000 894",
+    "44600000 896",
+    "44604000 897",
+    "44608000 898",
+    "4460C000 899",
+    "44610000 900",
+    "44614000 901",
+    "4461C000 903",
+    "44620000 904",
+    "44624000 905",
+    "44628000 906",
+    "4462C000 907",
+    "44630000 908",
+    "44638000 910",
+    "4463C000 911",
+    "44640000 912",
+    "44644000 913",
+    "44648000 914",
+    "44650000 916",
+    "44654000 917",
+    "4465C000 919",
+    "44660000 920",
+    "44664000 921",
+    "44668000 922",
+    "4466C000 923",
+    "44670000 924",
+    "44678000 926",
+    "4467C000 927",
+    "44684000 929",
+    "44688000 930",
+    "44688000 93e1",
+    "4468C000 931",
+    "44694000 933",
+    "44698000 934",
+    "4469C000 935",
+    "4469C000 935e00",
+    "446A0000 936",
+    "446A17B2 936.3702087402344",
+    "446A4000 937",
+    "446B0000 940",
+    "446B4000 941",
+    "446B8000 942",
+    "446BC000 943",
+    "446C0000 944",
+    "446C4000 945",
+    "446C8000 946",
+    "446CC000 947",
+    "446D0000 948",
+    "446D4000 949",
+    "446D8000 950",
+    "446DC000 951",
+    "446E0000 952",
+    "446E4000 953",
+    "446E8000 954",
+    "446EC000 955",
+    "446F0000 956",
+    "446F4000 957",
+    "44700000 960",
+    "44704000 961",
+    "4470C000 963",
+    "44710000 964",
+    "44718000 966",
+    "4471C000 967",
+    "44724000 969",
+    "44728000 970",
+    "4472C000 971",
+    "44730000 972",
+    "44734000 973",
+    "44738000 974",
+    "4473C000 975",
+    "4473C000 975e0",
+    "44740000 976",
+    "44744000 977",
+    "4474C000 979",
+    "44750000 980",
+    "44754000 981",
+    "4475C000 983",
+    "44760000 984",
+    "44768000 986",
+    "4476C000 987",
+    "44774000 989",
+    "44778000 990",
+    "44784000 993",
+    "44788000 994",
+    "4478C000 995",
+    "44790000 996",
+    "44794000 997",
+    "44798000 998",
+    "4479C000 999",
+    "447A0000 1000",
+    "447A0000 1e3",
+    "447AC000 1003",
+    "447B0000 1004",
+    "447B8000 1006",
+    "447BC000 1007",
+    "447C4000 1009",
+    "447C8000 1010",
+    "447D4000 1013",
+    "447D8000 1014",
+    "447E0000 1016",
+    "447E4000 1017",
+    "447EC000 1019",
+    "447F0000 1020",
+    "447F8000 1022",
+    "447FC000 1023",
+    "44800000 1024",
+    "44804000 1026",
+    "44806000 1027",
+    "4480A000 1029",
+    "4480C000 1030",
+    "44812000 1033",
+    "44814000 1034",
+    "44818000 1036",
+    "4481A000 1037",
+    "4481E000 1039",
+    "44820000 1040",
+    "44826000 1043",
+    "44828000 1044",
+    "4482C000 1046",
+    "4482E000 1047",
+    "44832000 1049",
+    "44834000 1050",
+    "4483A000 1053",
+    "4483C000 1054",
+    "44840000 1056",
+    "44842000 1057",
+    "44846000 1059",
+    "44848000 1060",
+    "4484BB85 1061.86",
+    "4484E000 1063",
+    "44850000 1064",
+    "44854000 1066",
+    "44856000 1067",
+    "4485A000 1069",
+    "4485C000 1070",
+    "44860000 1072",
+    "44862000 1073",
+    "44864000 1074",
+    "44866000 1075",
+    "44868000 1076",
+    "4486A000 1077",
+    "4486E000 1079",
+    "44874000 1082",
+    "4487C000 1086",
+    "44882000 1089",
+    "44886000 1091",
+    "44888000 1092",
+    "44890000 1096",
+    "44896000 1099",
+    "4489C000 1102",
+    "448A4000 1106",
+    "448AA000 1109",
+    "448AC000 1110",
+    "448AE000 1111",
+    "448B0000 1112",
+    "448B8000 1116",
+    "448BE000 1119",
+    "448C4000 1122",
+    "448CC000 1126",
+    "448D2000 1129",
+    "448D8000 1132",
+    "448E0000 1136",
+    "44914000 1162",
+    "44916000 1163",
+    "44926000 1171",
+    "4496E000 1207",
+    "44986000 1219",
+    "4499C000 1230",
+    "449FE000 1279",
+    "44A02000 1281",
+    "44AB5DA6 1370.9265747070312",
+    "44ADA000 1389",
+    "44B12000 1417",
+    "44B84000 1474",
+    "44B8C000 1478",
+    "44BCE000 1511",
+    "44BFE000 1535",
+    "44C2C000 1558",
+    "44C36000 1563",
+    "44C3C000 1566",
+    "44C64000 1586",
+    "44C8E000 1607",
+    "44CD2000 1641",
+    "44CFA000 1661",
+    "44CFC000 1662",
+    "44D08000 1668",
+    "44D16000 1675",
+    "44D6A000 1717",
+    "44D90000 1736",
+    "44DCA000 1765",
+    "44DE6000 1779",
+    "44E02000 1793",
+    "44E28000 1812",
+    "44E32000 1817",
+    "44E5E000 1839",
+    "44E6A000 1845",
+    "44E84000 1858",
+    "44E9E000 1871",
+    "44EAA000 1877",
+    "44EF8000 1916",
+    "44F12000 1929",
+    "44F26000 1939",
+    "44F28000 1940",
+    "44F3E000 1951",
+    "44F42000 1953",
+    "44F4C000 1958",
+    "44F8E000 1991",
+    "44F98000 1996",
+    "44F9A000 1997",
+    "44F9C000 1998",
+    "44F9E000 1999",
+    "44FA0000 2000",
+    "44FA2000 2001",
+    "44FA8000 2004",
+    "44FC4148 2018.04",
+    "44FC6000 2019",
+    "44FC8000 2020",
+    "44FC8148 2020.04",
+    "44FD0000 2024",
+    "44FE2000 2033",
+    "44FEA000 2037",
+    "44FFE000 2047",
+    "45015000 2069",
+    "4501E000 2078",
+    "45027000 2087",
+    "45032000 2098",
+    "45069000 2153",
+    "45072000 2162",
+    "45077000 2167",
+    "4508D000 2189",
+    "450AE000 2222",
+    "450C5000 2245",
+    "450D6000 2262",
+    "450E5000 2277",
+    "450E8000 2280",
+    "45100000 2304",
+    "45113000 2323",
+    "4512E000 2350",
+    "4513C000 2364",
+    "45158000 2392",
+    "4515E000 2398",
+    "45171000 2417",
+    "45179000 2425",
+    "4518E000 2446",
+    "451A9000 2473",
+    "451AA000 2474",
+    "451C4000 25e2",
+    "451C7000 2503",
+    "451DD48C 2525.2840576171875",
+    "451E1000 2529",
+    "451FB000 2555",
+    "45201000 2561",
+    "45206000 2566",
+    "4520C000 2572",
+    "4523D000 2621",
+    "45242000 2626",
+    "4525F000 2655",
+    "4528C000 27e2",
+    "452A6000 2726",
+    "452AE000 2734",
+    "452B5000 2741",
+    "452DD000 2781",
+    "452EA000 2794",
+    "452F0000 2800",
+    "452F2000 2802",
+    "452FA000 281e1",
+    "45304000 2820",
+    "45310000 2832",
+    "4531D000 2845",
+    "4531E000 2846",
+    "45322000 2850",
+    "4532E000 2862",
+    "45331000 2865",
+    "4533B000 2875",
+    "45340000 288e1",
+    "4534F000 2895",
+    "4535A000 2906",
+    "45378000 2936",
+    "4537B000 2939",
+    "45392000 2962",
+    "45397000 2967",
+    "4539E000 2974",
+    "453A1000 2977",
+    "453C6000 3014",
+    "453D8000 3032",
+    "453E6000 3046",
+    "453EF000 3055",
+    "453FA000 3066",
+    "453FB000 3067",
+    "45400000 3072",
+    "45401000 3073",
+    "45408000 3080",
+    "4541E000 3102",
+    "45427000 3111",
+    "45428000 3112",
+    "45435000 3125",
+    "45447000 3143",
+    "45487000 3207",
+    "454A4000 3236",
+    "454DD000 3293",
+    "45505000 3333",
+    "45512000 3346",
+    "45520000 3360",
+    "45548000 3400",
+    "4555F000 3423",
+    "45562000 3426",
+    "45582000 3458",
+    "45588000 3464",
+    "4559B000 3483",
+    "455BB000 3515",
+    "455CC000 3532",
+    "455CF000 3535",
+    "45613000 3603",
+    "45618000 3608",
+    "45675000 3701",
+    "4568F000 3727",
+    "456D0000 3792",
+    "45701000 3841",
+    "45723000 3875",
+    "45744000 3908",
+    "45759000 3929",
+    "4578A000 3978",
+    "45795000 3989",
+    "4579F000 3999",
+    "457A0000 4000",
+    "457A0000 4e3",
+    "457AE000 4014",
+    "457BD000 4029",
+    "457E1000 4065",
+    "457E2000 4066",
+    "457F0000 4080",
+    "457FF000 4095",
+    "45800000 4096",
+    "4580E000 4124",
+    "45814000 4136",
+    "4582B800 4183",
+    "4582C000 4184",
+    "4582E800 4189",
+    "4582F800 4191",
+    "45834000 4200",
+    "45838800 4209",
+    "45841000 4226",
+    "4584B800 4247",
+    "45864000 4296",
+    "45875000 4330",
+    "4587E800 4349",
+    "45890000 4384",
+    "45898000 4400",
+    "458A5800 4427",
+    "458AC000 4440",
+    "458AE000 4444",
+    "458B3800 4455",
+    "458D7000 4526",
+    "458ED800 4571",
+    "458FA800 4597",
+    "458FB000 4598",
+    "45902800 4613",
+    "45904800 4617",
+    "4590C000 4632",
+    "45915800 4651",
+    "4591A800 4661",
+    "4591C800 4665",
+    "45921000 4674",
+    "45925000 4682",
+    "4592E000 4700",
+    "45934800 4713",
+    "45939800 4723",
+    "4593A000 4724",
+    "45948800 4753",
+    "45954800 4777",
+    "45965800 4811",
+    "4596A000 4820",
+    "45973000 4838",
+    "45993000 4902",
+    "45999800 4915",
+    "4599E800 4925",
+    "4599F000 4926",
+    "459A0800 4929",
+    "459B6000 4972",
+    "459B8000 4976",
+    "459BF800 4991",
+    "459CB000 5014",
+    "459CE800 5021",
+    "459E9000 5074",
+    "459F0000 5088",
+    "459FC000 5112",
+    "459FD000 5114",
+    "45A10800 5153",
+    "45A18800 5169",
+    "45A1D000 5178",
+    "45A1E000 5180",
+    "45A29000 5202",
+    "45A38000 5232",
+    "45A3A000 5236",
+    "45A58000 5296",
+    "45A5A800 5301",
+    "45A5E000 5308",
+    "45A66000 5324",
+    "45A6B000 5334",
+    "45A77800 5359",
+    "45A83000 5382",
+    "45A8C000 54e2",
+    "45A93800 5415",
+    "45A97800 5423",
+    "45AA0800 5441",
+    "45AC4800 5513",
+    "45ACF800 5535",
+    "45AD9800 5555",
+    "45ADC000 5560",
+    "45AE7800 5583",
+    "45AE9000 5586",
+    "45AF0000 5600",
+    "45AF0800 5601",
+    "45AF2800 5605",
+    "45B02000 5636",
+    "45B06800 5645",
+    "45B1D800 5691",
+    "45B21000 5698",
+    "45B42000 5764",
+    "45B5B000 5814",
+    "45B5F800 5823",
+    "45B6F000 5854",
+    "45B7C000 5880",
+    "45B85800 5899",
+    "45B8E000 5916",
+    "45BA4000 5960",
+    "45BAD800 5979",
+    "45BB7000 5998",
+    "45BBC800 6009",
+    "45BC1800 6019",
+    "45BC9000 6034",
+    "45BCD000 6042",
+    "45BD2800 6053",
+    "45BE2000 6084",
+    "45BF5000 6122",
+    "45C03000 6150",
+    "45C11000 6178",
+    "45C17800 6191",
+    "45C20800 6209",
+    "45C25000 6218",
+    "45C2F800 6239",
+    "45C3B000 6262",
+    "45C41000 6274",
+    "45C51000 6306",
+    "45C53800 6311",
+    "45C574A4 6318.580322265625",
+    "45C5C800 6329",
+    "45C5E000 6332",
+    "45C6C000 6360",
+    "45C7E800 6397",
+    "45C7F000 6398",
+    "45C7F800 6399",
+    "45C82800 6405",
+    "45C84800 6409",
+    "45C89800 6419",
+    "45C8A000 642e1",
+    "45C9B800 6455",
+    "45C9F000 6462",
+    "45CA8800 6481",
+    "45CAF000 6494",
+    "45CB2000 6500",
+    "45CBC800 6521",
+    "45CC1000 653e1",
+    "45CC5000 6538",
+    "45CD2800 6565",
+    "45CEC800 6617",
+    "45D01000 6658",
+    "45D05000 6666",
+    "45D10000 6688",
+    "45D20000 6720",
+    "45D2B000 6742",
+    "45D40000 6784",
+    "45D45000 6794",
+    "45D48000 6800",
+    "45D58000 6832",
+    "45D6C000 6872",
+    "45D85800 6923",
+    "45D97000 6958",
+    "45DAA800 6997",
+    "45DAC000 7e3",
+    "45DAF800 7007",
+    "45DB8800 7025",
+    "45DC6000 7052",
+    "45DC6800 7053",
+    "45DD8000 7088",
+    "45DE2800 7109",
+    "45DE4000 7112",
+    "45DF2800 7141",
+    "45E04800 7177",
+    "45E09800 7187",
+    "45E18000 7216",
+    "45E39000 7282",
+    "45E3B000 7286",
+    "45E57800 7343",
+    "45E5C000 7352",
+    "45E68800 7377",
+    "45E70000 7392",
+    "45E74000 7400",
+    "45E74800 7401",
+    "45E7B800 7415",
+    "45E7C000 7416",
+    "45E7F000 7422",
+    "45E80800 7425",
+    "45E89800 7443",
+    "45E8A000 7444",
+    "45E9B000 7478",
+    "45EA6800 7501",
+    "45EA7800 7503",
+    "45EB7800 7535",
+    "45EBE000 7548",
+    "45EC8800 7569",
+    "45ECB800 7575",
+    "45EDA000 7604",
+    "45EE2800 7621",
+    "45EE5000 7626",
+    "45EEC800 7641",
+    "45EEF800 7647",
+    "45EF0000 7648",
+    "45F0E800 7709",
+    "45F0F800 7711",
+    "45F20000 7744",
+    "45F22800 7749",
+    "45F2C000 7768",
+    "45F30800 7777",
+    "45F35800 7787",
+    "45F39800 7795",
+    "45F41000 7810",
+    "45F45000 7818",
+    "45F5C000 7864",
+    "45F64000 7880",
+    "45F8B000 7958",
+    "45F8B800 7959",
+    "45F96000 7980",
+    "45FA0000 8000",
+    "45FA0800 8001",
+    "45FB3000 8038",
+    "45FBC800 8057",
+    "45FC6800 8077",
+    "45FCB800 8087",
+    "45FD4800 8105",
+    "45FD7800 8111",
+    "45FE0000 8128",
+    "45FEF000 8158",
+    "45FF0800 8161",
+    "46004800 8210",
+    "46005400 8213",
+    "4600F000 8252",
+    "4601B000 8300",
+    "46021800 8326",
+    "46025400 8341",
+    "46026800 8346",
+    "46027400 8349",
+    "4602C800 8370",
+    "4602E400 8377",
+    "4602F000 8380",
+    "46032400 8393",
+    "46032800 8394",
+    "46033000 8396",
+    "46035800 8406",
+    "46037000 8412",
+    "4603B800 8430",
+    "46043400 8461",
+    "4604B400 8493",
+    "4604B800 8494",
+    "46050400 8513",
+    "4605A000 8552",
+    "46060400 8577",
+    "46065C00 8599",
+    "46066C00 8603",
+    "46069000 8612",
+    "46069400 8613",
+    "4606A400 8617",
+    "4606F400 8637",
+    "46071000 8644",
+    "4607D000 8692",
+    "4607E000 8696",
+    "46082800 8714",
+    "4608E800 8762",
+    "46092C00 8779",
+    "4609F400 8829",
+    "460AE000 8888",
+    "460AFC00 8895",
+    "460B6000 8920",
+    "460B6400 8921",
+    "460C1400 8965",
+    "460C2C00 8971",
+    "460CA000 9000",
+    "460CA000 9e3",
+    "460CEC00 9019",
+    "460CFC00 9023",
+    "460D4C00 9043",
+    "460E2000 9096",
+    "460F9000 9188",
+    "46107800 9246",
+    "4610C400 9265",
+    "4610DC00 9271",
+    "4610E400 9273",
+    "46113000 9292",
+    "46119000 9316",
+    "4612C000 9392",
+    "4612D400 9397",
+    "46135800 9430",
+    "46137000 9436",
+    "46140000 9472",
+    "46141400 9477",
+    "46142000 9480",
+    "46143400 9485",
+    "46143800 9486",
+    "46144C00 9491",
+    "46145C00 9495",
+    "46147800 9502",
+    "46148800 9506",
+    "46155800 9558",
+    "46165C00 9623",
+    "46166000 9624",
+    "46171800 9670",
+    "46172000 9672",
+    "46181000 9732",
+    "46184400 9745",
+    "4618F400 9789",
+    "461A9000 9892",
+    "461AE800 9914",
+    "461B5800 9942",
+    "461BC000 9968",
+    "461BEC00 9979",
+    "461C1C00 9991",
+    "461C3C00 9999",
+    "461C4000 10000",
+    "461C4000 1e4",
+    "461E6400 10137",
+    "4620B000 10284",
+    "46258800 10594",
+    "462D9C00 11111",
+    "46333C00 11471",
+    "4634FC00 11583",
+    "463F2000 12232",
+    "46426800 12442",
+    "4647EC00 12795",
+    "464BF000 13052",
+    "46506000 13336",
+    "46592000 13896",
+    "465CB400 14125",
+    "46634400 14545",
+    "4663F000 14588",
+    "466E9C00 15271",
+    "46722974 15498.36376953125",
+    "46742400 15625",
+    "4677D800 15862",
+    "467D3800 16206",
+    "467FF800 16382",
+    "46802FE4 16407.9462890625",
+    "46816200 16561",
+    "4681C200 16609",
+    "4684D000 17e3",
+    "4688174C 17419.6494140625",
+    "468AA400 17746",
+    "46912800 18580",
+    "4693A600 18899",
+    "4694F800 19068",
+    "4695B200 19161",
+    "46984600 19491",
+    "469C3E00 19999",
+    "469CAC00 20054",
+    "469CE400 20082",
+    "469E2E00 20247",
+    "469E6E00 20279",
+    "46A23A00 20765",
+    "46A5AE00 21207",
+    "46A9BE00 21727",
+    "46AB9800 21964",
+    "46AD9C00 22222",
+    "46BA7600 23867",
+    "46BD2200 24209",
+    "46BF0800 24452",
+    "46C40000 25088",
+    "46C80000 256e2",
+    "46C9BE00 25823",
+    "46CA1400 25866",
+    "46CAD200 25961",
+    "46CC8E00 26183",
+    "46CEA600 26451",
+    "46D15A00 26797",
+    "46D1A800 26836",
+    "46D4EE00 27255",
+    "46D54600 27299",
+    "46DAAA00 27989",
+    "46DB4A00 28069",
+    "46DD1800 28300",
+    "46E53600 29339",
+    "46EBA600 30163",
+    "46EBDC00 30190",
+    "46EC162A 30219.0830078125",
+    "46F28A00 31045",
+    "46F68E00 31559",
+    "46F6C600 31587",
+    "46F78000 31680",
+    "47010C00 33036",
+    "4701C500 33221",
+    "47023500 33333",
+    "4703B900 33721",
+    "4703D100 33745",
+    "47074300 34627",
+    "4707FA00 34810",
+    "47091700 35095",
+    "470A6B00 35435",
+    "470D1100 36113",
+    "470D8000 36224",
+    "470E0E00 36366",
+    "470E7F00 36479",
+    "470FE500 36837",
+    "47109600 37014",
+    "4710E000 37088",
+    "4713A900 37801",
+    "4713A900 37801e0",
+    "47160D00 38413",
+    "471ABD00 39613",
+    "471AF900 39673",
+    "471C4000 40000",
+    "471C4000 4e4",
+    "471C8200 40066",
+    "471E4300 40515",
+    "471F8000 40832",
+    "47218200 41346",
+    "4722D600 41686",
+    "47233300 41779",
+    "47241000 42e3",
+    "47269500 42645",
+    "4726D700 42711",
+    "47278900 42889",
+    "47278E00 42894",
+    "47291700 43287",
+    "47291E00 43294",
+    "472B330C 43827.048828125",
+    "472CEF00 44271",
+    "472D9C00 44444",
+    "472ED100 44753",
+    "4732F500 45813",
+    "4735B600 46518",
+    "47370B00 46859",
+    "47382A00 47146",
+    "47395500 47445",
+    "47397F00 47487",
+    "4739CC00 47564",
+    "4739DB00 47579",
+    "473F9500 49045",
+    "47426500 49765",
+    "47435000 5e4",
+    "47448100 50305",
+    "4746B000 50864",
+    "47484300 51267",
+    "4748B900 51385",
+    "47491500 51477",
+    "47495300 51539",
+    "474A6F00 51823",
+    "474A8C00 51852",
+    "474B6000 52064",
+    "474BE000 52192",
+    "474BF200 52210",
+    "474C8B00 52363",
+    "474D0100 52481",
+    "47538600 54150",
+    "47547A00 54394",
+    "47559600 54678",
+    "4755F000 54768",
+    "47571B00 55067",
+    "47583300 55347",
+    "47584800 55368",
+    "4758A800 55464",
+    "47590300 55555",
+    "47595500 55637",
+    "47596500 55653",
+    "475AC800 56008",
+    "475B2900 56105",
+    "475B9C00 56220",
+    "475D8800 56712",
+    "475DD600 56790",
+    "475F9C00 57244",
+    "475FF000 57328",
+    "47606C00 57452",
+    "47615F00 57695",
+    "4762EB00 58091",
+    "47634200 58178",
+    "47634400 58180",
+    "47635800 582e2",
+    "47652400 58660",
+    "476A2800 59944",
+    "476A6000 6e4",
+    "476C4F00 60495",
+    "476D1400 60692",
+    "476E4800 61E3",
+    "476F6100 61281",
+    "476F8100 61313",
+    "47735400 62292",
+    "47749800 62616",
+    "47757400 62836",
+    "4775AE00 62894",
+    "4777C100 63425",
+    "4777D000 63440",
+    "47780D00 63501",
+    "47796D00 63853",
+    "477AB100 64177",
+    "477AE600 6423e1",
+    "477B1B00 64283",
+    "477B4F00 64335",
+    "477CC800 64712",
+    "477D4800 64840",
+    "477F6C00 65388",
+    "47800000 65536",
+    "47809280 65829",
+    "47810E00 66076",
+    "47820A00 66580",
+    "47822500 66634",
+    "47823500 66666",
+    "4782DF00 67006",
+    "4785F400 68584",
+    "47860E80 68637",
+    "4787DC80 69561",
+    "4787ED00 69594",
+    "4788BE80 70013",
+    "47894C80 70297",
+    "4789D280 70565",
+    "478A6500 70858",
+    "478A7000 7088e1",
+    "478B8400 71432",
+    "478C2700 71758",
+    "478D1F80 72255",
+    "478D3800 72304",
+    "478D9880 72497",
+    "478DA200 72516",
+    "478FC480 73609",
+    "478FF400 73704",
+    "47903400 73832",
+    "4790F980 74227",
+    "47928F00 75038",
+    "47938980 75539",
+    "4793F780 75759",
+    "47941080 75809",
+    "47949300 76070",
+    "4794E900 76242",
+    "47959680 76589",
+    "4796B600 77164",
+    "47975680 77485",
+    "4797CB80 77719",
+    "4797E880 77777",
+    "47980600 77836",
+    "47989680 78125",
+    "4798B500 78186",
+    "479A0080 78849",
+    "479A6F80 79071",
+    "479AF900 79346",
+    "479BA380 79687",
+    "479BB400 79720",
+    "479C4000 80000",
+    "479C4000 8e4",
+    "479C5580 80043",
+    "479D0400 80392",
+    "479D1E00 80444",
+    "479D8E00 80668",
+    "479F1F80 81471",
+    "479FD900 81842",
+    "47A1C100 82818",
+    "47A20A00 82964",
+    "47A25B00 83126",
+    "47A29A80 83253",
+    "47A2E200 83396",
+    "47A33000 83552",
+    "47A33080 83553",
+    "47A33E80 83581",
+    "47A34080 83585",
+    "47A53000 84576",
+    "47A56780 84687",
+    "47A5FD80 84987",
+    "47A605A0 85003.24609375",
+    "47A64680 85133",
+    "47A7C900 85906",
+    "47A7CE00 85916",
+    "47A85680 86189",
+    "47A8B400 86376",
+    "47A9C680 86925",
+    "47AA4E00 87196",
+    "47AA7580 87275",
+    "47AAB000 87392",
+    "47AB2480 87625",
+    "47AD5580 88747",
+    "47AD7680 88813",
+    "47AD9C00 88888",
+    "47ADBF00 88958",
+    "47ADE600 89036",
+    "47AEED00 89562",
+    "47AF3480 89705",
+    "47AF7680 89837",
+    "47AFC800 9e4",
+    "47AFF000 90080",
+    "47B0E180 90563",
+    "47B12D80 90715",
+    "47B15D80 90811",
+    "47B18000 90880",
+    "47B18900 90898",
+    "47B27800 91376",
+    "47B28D80 91419",
+    "47B2B780 91503",
+    "47B3E780 92111",
+    "47B4A380 92487",
+    "47B52500 92746",
+    "47B68280 93445",
+    "47B78200 93956",
+    "47B8ED00 94682",
+    "47B96900 94930",
+    "47BA2200 953e2",
+    "47BA2A80 95317",
+    "47BA4200 95364",
+    "47BA9380 95527",
+    "47BB5C00 95928",
+    "47BC0580 96267",
+    "47BC0800 96272",
+    "47BDAB80 97111",
+    "47BDE500 97226",
+    "47BE0200 97284",
+    "47BEDD80 97723",
+    "47BEDE00 97724",
+    "47BEEF00 97758",
+    "47BF6800 98e3",
+    "47BF8A00 98068",
+    "47BFBA80 98165",
+    "47BFBE00 98172",
+    "47C0DD00 98746",
+    "47C16580 99019",
+    "47C19180 99107",
+    "47C26A80 99541",
+    "47C2EA80 99797",
+    "47C34D80 99995",
+    "47C34F80 99999",
+    "47C35000 100000",
+    "47C35000 1e5",
+    "47C65E00 101564",
+    "47C8DE00 102844",
+    "47D2E280 107973",
+    "47D90380 111111",
+    "47DEA800 114000",
+    "47FA0300 128006",
+    "47FFA500 130890",
+    "4807C540 139029",
+    "480F2B80 146606",
+    "48102400 1476e2",
+    "4810F600 148440",
+    "48149A80 152170",
+    "48191B84 156782.0703125",
+    "4819D280 157514",
+    "481AE000 158592",
+    "481B0100 158724",
+    "4825DC00 169840",
+    "482C7B00 176620",
+    "482C9C00 176752",
+    "482DC6C0 177947",
+    "482E3800 178400",
+    "483B2080 191618",
+    "483EC680 195354",
+    "483F90C0 196163",
+    "48435000 200000",
+    "48435000 20e04",
+    "48435000 2e5",
+    "48451A40 201833",
+    "48464BC0 203055",
+    "484CDEC0 209787",
+    "4852D6C0 215899",
+    "48567FC0 219647",
+    "48568100 219652",
+    "48590380 222222",
+    "485919C0 222311",
+    "485CED40 226229",
+    "485D93C0 226895",
+    "485E62C0 227723",
+    "486003C0 229391",
+    "486805C0 237591",
+    "486CD0C0 242499",
+    "486ED800 244576",
+    "48701040 245825",
+    "4870F0C0 246723",
+    "487319C0 248935",
+    "48796E00 255416",
+    "487A5C40 256369",
+    "487C9A40 258665",
+    "487CCD40 258869",
+    "488131A0 264589",
+    "48850A60 272467",
+    "48885FC0 279294",
+    "4888B800 280000",
+    "488D6300 289560",
+    "488DB840 290242",
+    "488E8260 291859",
+    "4891A980 298316",
+    "48927B60 299995",
+    "48933120 301449",
+    "4895D6A0 306869",
+    "4896C580 308780",
+    "48997AA0 314325",
+    "489A6DE0 316271",
+    "489E61A0 324365",
+    "489F7480 326564",
+    "48A057B0 328381.484375",
+    "48A0AE80 329076",
+    "48A269A0 332621",
+    "48A2C2A0 333333",
+    "48A60400 340000",
+    "48A8C580 345644",
+    "48BEBC20 390625",
+    "48C036C0 393654",
+    "48C1D5A0 396973",
+    "48C2E060 399107",
+    "48C35000 400000",
+    "48C35000 4e5",
+    "48C3A380 400668",
+    "48C40980 401484",
+    "48C71160 407691",
+    "48C83200 410000",
+    "48D00460 426019",
+    "48D228C0 430406",
+    "48D38360 433179",
+    "48D48960 435275",
+    "48D635E0 438703",
+    "48D90380 444444",
+    "48D948E0 444999",
+    "48D96B60 445275",
+    "48DBD640 450226",
+    "48DDAD40 453994",
+    "48E0D200 460432",
+    "48E4A8A0 468293",
+    "48E82E40 475506",
+    "48E851E0 475791",
+    "48E983C0 478238",
+    "48E99AE0 478423",
+    "48EAEE40 481138",
+    "48EBC260 482835",
+    "48EC4000 483840",
+    "48ED3860 485827",
+    "48F022C0 491798",
+    "48F42400 50e4",
+    "48F42400 5e5",
+    "48F98480 511012",
+    "48FA53C0 512670",
+    "49037740 538484",
+    "490433D0 541501",
+    "49056290 546345",
+    "49063B70 549815",
+    "4907A230 555555",
+    "490BF660 573286",
+    "490C0000 573440",
+    "490CDE90 577001",
+    "490E2C20 582338",
+    "490E9E60 584166",
+    "490EDB30 585139",
+    "490F8490 587849",
+    "490FDAE0 589230",
+    "49103830 590723",
+    "49115190 595225",
+    "49117750 595829",
+    "49131000 602368",
+    "49146000 607744",
+    "49159960 612758",
+    "491653C0 615740",
+    "4916A280 617e3",
+    "49175E00 620000",
+    "49181480 622920",
+    "491A9CD0 633293",
+    "491AB520 633682",
+    "491AEC40 634564",
+    "491B21E0 635422",
+    "491F74B0 653131",
+    "49209B20 657842",
+    "4920D8C0 658828",
+    "4920DCC0 658892",
+    "49215420 660802",
+    "492191F0 661791",
+    "4922AE70 666343",
+    "4922C2A0 666666",
+    "492349D0 668829",
+    "4925BD00 678864",
+    "492606B0 680043",
+    "4927A1B0 686619",
+    "4927F750 687989",
+    "49298D70 694487",
+    "492A0290 696361",
+    "492A1C60 696774",
+    "492A2830 696963",
+    "492A4300 697392",
+    "492AE600 700000",
+    "492AE600 7e5",
+    "492C5C80 705992",
+    "492DB5B0 711515",
+    "49302EA0 721642",
+    "4932C820 732290",
+    "493380C0 735244",
+    "4935A440 744004",
+    "4936FAD0 749485",
+    "49389CE0 756174",
+    "493A2360 762422",
+    "493AA4A0 764490",
+    "493B55F0 767327",
+    "493B8740 768116",
+    "493B8E20 768226",
+    "493C8F30 772339",
+    "493D3580 775e3",
+    "493DE310 777777",
+    "493E6E00 78e4",
+    "493EFB64 782262.28125",
+    "493F7D10 784337",
+    "493FEE70 786151",
+    "494185B0 792667",
+    "4941BD30 793555",
+    "49423260 795430",
+    "49424B60 795830",
+    "49435000 800000",
+    "49435000 8e5",
+    "4944DD50 806357",
+    "49452670 807527",
+    "4947F330 818995",
+    "49483180 819992",
+    "494A5030 828675",
+    "494AB4B0 830283",
+    "494AC540 830548",
+    "494CAD10 838353",
+    "494DF5A0 843610",
+    "494EDCB0 847307",
+    "494F0490 847945",
+    "495110E0 856334",
+    "4951AA60 858790",
+    "49531EE0 864750",
+    "49535E40 865764",
+    "4953BA90 867241",
+    "49552280 873e03",
+    "49555360 873782",
+    "4956A490 879177",
+    "4957DA60 884134",
+    "4958C540 887892",
+    "4958D480 888136",
+    "49590380 888888",
+    "49595FA0 890362",
+    "49596790 890489",
+    "4959F3B0 892731",
+    "495A9010 895233",
+    "495B05C0 897116",
+    "495B2FD0 897789",
+    "495B9B00 899504",
+    "495BBA00 9e5",
+    "495DD720 908658",
+    "495DE0A0 908810",
+    "495E7330 911155",
+    "495F2100 913936",
+    "495FE390 917049",
+    "4961CFB0 924923",
+    "4962A260 928294",
+    "49641970 934295",
+    "496491B0 936219",
+    "49649330 936243",
+    "49662770 942711",
+    "496719E0 946590",
+    "49672880 946824",
+    "496753E0 947518",
+    "4967A220 948770",
+    "496981F0 956447",
+    "496A1A50 958885",
+    "496B43E0 963646e0",
+    "496C5E30 968163",
+    "496D16F0 971119",
+    "496F1920 979346",
+    "496FB1B0 981787",
+    "49708740 985204",
+    "4970B3B0 985915",
+    "4971AEF0 989935",
+    "49733480 996168",
+    "4973EB20 999090",
+    "497423F0 999999",
+    "49742400 1000000",
+    "49742400 1e6",
+    "497484E0 1001550",
+    "49784FE0 1017086",
+    "49800000 1048576",
+    "49824680 1067216",
+    "49834C80 1075600",
+    "49849078 1085967",
+    "4987A238 1111111",
+    "498A6AB8 1133911",
+    "498AA678 1135823",
+    "49909E68 1184717",
+    "49918F98 1192435",
+    "49920760 1196268",
+    "4996AD40 1234344",
+    "49999C58 1258379",
+    "499B6E60 1273292",
+    "49AA9EF0 1397726",
+    "49ACE2E0 1416284",
+    "49AFEB48 1441129",
+    "49B01F70 1442798",
+    "49B87262 1510988.3125",
+    "49B95070 1518094",
+    "49BEC880 1562896",
+    "49C04738 1575143",
+    "49C06B60 15763e2",
+    "49C9B478 1652367",
+    "49D05330 1706598",
+    "49D17398 1715827",
+    "49E21D50 1852330",
+    "49E5E080 1883152",
+    "49E622C0 1885272",
+    "49E97628 1912517",
+    "49EB0F78 1925615",
+    "49ECF008 1940993",
+    "49EE6B28 1953125",
+    "49F07B58 1970027",
+    "49F42400 2000000",
+    "49F42400 2e6",
+    "49F83168 2033197",
+    "49F9A7F0 2045182",
+    "4A00BFF0 2109436",
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+    "4A033A6C 2150043",
+    "4A04B4A0 2174248",
+    "4A060400 2195712",
+    "4A07A238 2222222",
+    "4A07BF90 22241e2",
+    "4A07DC94 2225957",
+    "4A086E50 2235284",
+    "4A0BBCA0 2289448",
+    "4A0C6D5C 2300759",
+    "4A0C8A60 2302616",
+    "4A0CE124 2308169",
+    "4A0DFAA8 2326186",
+    "4A0EBF40 2338768",
+    "4A0F78D0 2350644",
+    "4A11B7F8 2387454",
+    "4A122A1C 2394759",
+    "4A133D40 2412368",
+    "4A1801B4 2490477",
+    "4A1847A8 2494954",
+    "4A1CBA34 2567821",
+    "4A1DF0A0 2587688",
+    "4A1E41C8 2592882",
+    "4A1EB100 26e5",
+    "4A205244 2626705",
+    "4A21E044 2652177",
+    "4A26648C 2726179",
+    "4A2AC054 2797589",
+    "4A2CB0BC 2829359",
+    "4A2CD31C 2831559",
+    "4A31197C 2901599",
+    "4A348270 2957468",
+    "4A34BF94 2961381",
+    "4A35E3BC 2980079",
+    "4A360ACC 2982579",
+    "4A371B00 3e6",
+    "4A3A8664 3056025",
+    "4A3A9FBC 3057647",
+    "4A3DC308 3109058",
+    "4A3FD4D8 3142966",
+    "4A4542A0 3231912",
+    "4A455580 3233120",
+    "4A4588C0 3236400",
+    "4A4789C8 3269234",
+    "4A4A4C30 3314444",
+    "4A4B7354 3333333",
+    "4A4E0AB0 3375788",
+    "4A4FB144 3402833",
+    "4A559F80 3500000",
+    "4A57F910 35385e2",
+    "4A587710 3546564",
+    "4A59A12C 3565643",
+    "4A5B02BC 3588271",
+    "4A5CA22C 3614859",
+    "4A61D204 3699841",
+    "4A643160 3738712",
+    "4A64E50C 3750211",
+    "4A69C664 3830169",
+    "4A6AEC60 3848984",
+    "4A6BC828 3863050",
+    "4A6C4990 3871332",
+    "4A6D1F44 3885009",
+    "4A6D446C 3887387",
+    "4A6E0D58 3900245.875",
+    "4A6E7C80 3907360",
+    "4A6EE6D0 3914164",
+    "4A6FB810 3927556",
+    "4A71C760 3961304",
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+    "4A73BFD0 3993588",
+    "4A742400 4000000",
+    "4A742400 40e5",
+    "4A764350 4034772",
+    "4A76A054 4040725",
+    "4A76F100 4045888",
+    "4A77067C 4047263",
+    "4A78EF20 4078536",
+    "4A7977F0 4087292",
+    "4A7A4070 4100124",
+    "4A7D6CAC 4152107",
+    "4A7EA8E4 4172345",
+    "4A7F9270 4187292",
+    "4A7FA2A8 4188330",
+    "4A7FBBC0 4189936",
+    "4A809182 4212929",
+    "4A80C4C6 4219491",
+    "4A816500 4240000",
+    "4A81B3C2 4250081",
+    "4A83981E 4312079",
+    "4A83EE56 4323115",
+    "4A8475E6 4340467",
+    "4A852C38 4363804",
+    "4A8535E2 4365041",
+    "4A869D78 4411068",
+    "4A86F0C4 4421730",
+    "4A879868 4443188",
+    "4A87A238 4444444",
+    "4A87A5D4 4444906",
+    "4A8A8CC0 454e4",
+    "4A8AA648 4543268",
+    "4A8C4492 4596297",
+    "4A8C6180 46e5",
+    "4A8C7308 4602244",
+    "4A8CBC8A 4611653",
+    "4A8CE696 4617035",
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+    "4A909D22 4738705",
+    "4A93186E 4820023",
+    "4A95AD2C 4904598",
+    "4A95C034 4907034",
+    "4A96488A 4924485",
+    "4A967D0A 4931205",
+    "4A96D020 4941840",
+    "4A97A78C 4969414",
+    "4A9805CC 4981478",
+    "4A989680 5000000",
+    "4A989680 5e6",
+    "4A98A126 5001363",
+    "4A997A56 5029163",
+    "4A9C0BE2 5113329",
+    "4A9C4A28 51213e2",
+    "4A9D2884 5149762",
+    "4A9D3C3E 5152287",
+    "4A9E6AC2 5191009",
+    "4A9EC846 5202979",
+    "4A9F9B60 523e4",
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+    "4AA2AC4E 5330471",
+    "4AA3F010 5371912",
+    "4AA4342C 5380630",
+    "4AA47D50 5389992",
+    "4AA567C0 542e4",
+    "4AA5BE9A 5431117",
+    "4AA851B4 5515482",
+    "4AA98AC6 5555555",
+    "4AAA8446 5587491",
+    "4AAADEDE 5599087",
+    "4AAB717A 5617853",
+    "4AABA8FC 5624958",
+    "4AABAEB6 5625691",
+    "4AAC1C5C 5639726",
+    "4AAC5638 5647132",
+    "4AAC60CC 5648486",
+    "4AADA0CC 5689446",
+    "4AAEBEC2 5726049",
+    "4AAF5F22 5746577",
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+    "4AB2AC30 5854744",
+    "4AB365BC 5878494",
+    "4AB42BD6 5903851",
+    "4AB4AA00 592e4",
+    "4AB5D47A 5958205",
+    "4AB5F5C0 5962464",
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+    "4AB67498 59787e2",
+    "4AB67EC0 598e4",
+    "4AB6EA94 5993802",
+    "4AB72C96 6002251",
+    "4AB8778E 6044615",
+    "4AB8A82A 6050837",
+    "4AB8F47C 6060606",
+    "4ABAC962 6120625",
+    "4ABAF6A4 6126418",
+    "4ABE7654 6241066",
+    "4ABEED48 6256292",
+    "4AC0B474 6314554",
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+    "4AC7B6D8 6544236",
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+    "4AC8C9A6 6579411",
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+    "4AD4689E 6960207",
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+    "4AD7F70C 7076742",
+    "4AD93EB4 7118682",
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+    "4ADB2E88 7182148",
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+    "4AE3E6E2 7467889",
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+    "4AE93032 7641113",
+    "4AEA3A4E 7675175",
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+    "4AF42400 80e5",
+    "4AF42400 8e6",
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+    "4AFD5B0C 8301958",
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+    "4B01407C 8470652",
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+    "4B022BC6 8530886",
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+    "4B0250EA 8540394",
+    "4B031558 8590680",
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+    "4B07B00F 8892431",
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+    "4B094C1B 8997915",
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+    "4B10AECF 9481935",
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+    "4B11B8B0 955e4",
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+    "4B15A07C 9805948",
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+    "4B16DE4B 9887307",
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+    "4B170F0D 9899789",
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+    "4B175BA0 9919392",
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+    "4B176B01 9923329",
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+    "4B30A3FF 11576319",
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+    "4B47D6E3 13096675",
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+    "4BA5C352 21726885",
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+    "4C09C2FF 36113404",
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+    "4C1C6710 41000000",
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+    "7F800000 7e85",
+    "7F800000 1e86",
+    "7F800000 503e085",
+    "7F800000 112e86",
+    "7F800000 6e88",
+    "7F800000 5e89",
+    "7F800000 8358109e84",
+    "7F800000 90054602635948575728E72",
+    "7F800000 9271e88",
+    "7F800000 9153e89",
+    "7F800000 4e093",
+    "7F800000 3e95",
+    "7F800000 3608e92",
+    "7F800000 791e093",
+    "7F800000 8545e94",
+    "7F800000 80e98",
+    "7F800000 980e98",
+    "7F800000 83126e97",
+    "7F800000 7e105",
+    "7F800000 538e122",
+    "7F800000 7e127",
+    "7F800000 1e128",
+    "7F800000 7795e136",
+    "7F800000 7549530e188",
+    "7F800000 71e223",
+    "7F800000 4e250",
+    "7F800000 1e256",
+    "7F800000 1.01e256",
+    "7F800000 67902e276",
+    "7F800000 9748e282",
+    "7F800000 1e300",
+    "7F800000 19e306",
+    "7F800000 1.797693134862315700000000000000001e308",
+    "7F800000 1.7976931348623157e308",
+    "7F800000 1.7976931348623158e308",
+    "7F800000 0.1e310",
+    "7F800000 1.832312213213213232132132143451234453123412321321312e308",
+    "7F800000 1.8e308",
+    "7F800000 1.9e308",
+    "7F800000 1234456789012345678901234567890e9999999999999999999999999999",
+    "7F800000 12e1342",
+    "7F800000 12e13424",
+    "7F800000 148e3032",
+    "7F800000 18e88640",
+    "7F800000 1e1000",
+    "7F800000 1e1853",
+    "7F800000 1e414218",
+    "7F800000 2139879401095466344511101915470454744.9813888656856943E+272",
+    "7F800000 21e440",
+    "7F800000 21e44003",
+    "7F800000 246723473e3813",
+    "7F800000 24e4421730",
+    "7F800000 2529e2734",
+    "7F800000 26e077774",
+    "7F800000 28e2557",
+    "7F800000 2e08987",
+    "7F800000 2e0898765",
+    "7F800000 2e3000",
+    "7F800000 2e30000000000000000",
+    "7F800000 2e69915",
+    "7F800000 2e801",
+    "7F800000 322e62600000",
+    "7F800000 35e702",
+    "7F800000 39e436",
+    "7F800000 3e60868",
+    "7F800000 3e84959",
+    "7F800000 3e8495912",
+    "7F800000 412e0806",
+    "7F800000 4196e952",
+    "7F800000 43e40076",
+    "7F800000 442e4688",
+    "7F800000 44e864",
+    "7F800000 464e3945",
+    "7F800000 473e3813",
+    "7F800000 47859e743",
+    "7F800000 486e494",
+    "7F800000 49e807",
+    "7F800000 50e4395",
+    "7F800000 51e1566",
+    "7F800000 5400e987",
+    "7F800000 549e57273",
+    "7F800000 555e361951",
+    "7F800000 5e330",
+    "7F800000 5e5728",
+    "7F800000 5e620",
+    "7F800000 5e7873",
+    "7F800000 5e823",
+    "7F800000 5e82392",
+    "7F800000 626e974",
+    "7F800000 62e2929",
+    "7F800000 6472e511",
+    "7F800000 696e840",
+    "7F800000 6e188853",
+    "7F800000 6e356932",
+    "7F800000 6e3569326",
+    "7F800000 6e804",
+    "7F800000 6e984",
+    "7F800000 71758e219652",
+    "7F800000 718e68396",
+    "7F800000 71e914",
+    "7F800000 71e91432",
+    "7F800000 7230489e80000",
+    "7F800000 74e608",
+    "7F800000 75e2224",
+    "7F800000 7859e743",
+    "7F800000 7868e94050",
+    "7F800000 788035e61382",
+    "7F800000 79e1632",
+    "7F800000 7e05401",
+    "7F800000 7e12780",
+    "7F800000 7e2000",
+    "7F800000 7e334",
+    "7F800000 7e33455637",
+    "7F800000 7e41392",
+    "7F800000 7e670471",
+    "7F800000 7e67047175",
+    "7F800000 7e998",
+    "7F800000 808e1755",
+    "7F800000 808e17555",
+    "7F800000 83126e978",
+    "7F800000 83e872",
+    "7F800000 8955e946",
+    "7F800000 89e80000",
+    "7F800000 8e1456105",
+    "7F800000 8e43145",
+    "7F800000 8e431456",
+    "7F800000 8e5087",
+    "7F800000 8e5410",
+    "7F800000 8e5410288",
+    "7F800000 8e679",
+    "7F800000 8e88640",
+    "7F800000 8e905",
+    "7F800000 8e921",
+    "7F800000 8e938662",
+    "7F800000 8e938662882",
+    "7F800000 8e952",
+    "7F800000 915e2486",
+    "7F800000 945e455",
+    "7F800000 953e862",
+    "7F800000 953e8624",
+    "7F800000 963e6685",
+    "7F800000 963e66858",
+    "7F800000 964e858",
+    "7F800000 96e952",
+    "7F800000 9748e2826",
+    "7F800000 976e4108",
+    "7F800000 976e41088617",
+    "7F800000 9837e699095",
+    "7F800000 98e94712",
+    "7F800000 98e947129",
+    "7F800000 99e59958885",
+    "7F800000 99e619",
+    "7F800000 9e1632",
+    "7F800000 9e20735",
+    "7F800000 9e40000000",
+    "7F800000 9e563",
+    "7F800000 9e795",
+    "7F800000 9e904",