Update M3 text field public api

Per API council feedback:
 - TextFieldDefaults has been split. TextFieldDefault is only for
   filled text fields, and OutlinedTextFieldDefaults is for outlined.
 - Functions to construct TextFieldColors are no longer experimental
 - Container color can now be customized based on state. Cursor color
   remains unchanged because it does not appear in disabled or unfocused

Bug: b/276748004
Test: updated
Relnote: "Text field defaults are now split into `TextFieldDefaults`
  for filled text fields and `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults` for outlined
  text fields."
Relnote: "`TextFieldDefaults.colors` and
  `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors` now support customizing container
  color by state and are no longer experimental."
Change-Id: Ie7752aabd640bb58b71f1f6cced45627ef0de82b
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/api/1.1.0-beta02.txt b/compose/material3/material3/api/1.1.0-beta02.txt
index 7e2de6f..a0df8a5 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/api/1.1.0-beta02.txt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/api/1.1.0-beta02.txt
@@ -518,6 +518,22 @@
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void NavigationRailItem(boolean selected, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> onClick, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> icon, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional boolean alwaysShowLabel, optional androidx.compose.material3.NavigationRailItemColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource);
+  @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getMinHeight();
+    method public float getMinWidth();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float MinHeight;
+    property public final float MinWidth;
+    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
+    field public static final androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
+  }
   public final class OutlinedTextFieldKt {
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super java.lang.String,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
@@ -768,21 +784,30 @@
   @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class TextFieldDefaults {
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
-    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithLabel(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithoutLabel(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getFocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method public float getMinHeight();
     method public float getMinWidth();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
-    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getUnfocusedIndicatorThickness();
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    property @Deprecated public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float FocusedIndicatorThickness;
     property public final float MinHeight;
     property public final float MinWidth;
-    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @Deprecated public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float UnfocusedIndicatorThickness;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/api/current.txt b/compose/material3/material3/api/current.txt
index 7e2de6f..a0df8a5 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/api/current.txt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/api/current.txt
@@ -518,6 +518,22 @@
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void NavigationRailItem(boolean selected, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> onClick, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> icon, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional boolean alwaysShowLabel, optional androidx.compose.material3.NavigationRailItemColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource);
+  @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getMinHeight();
+    method public float getMinWidth();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float MinHeight;
+    property public final float MinWidth;
+    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
+    field public static final androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
+  }
   public final class OutlinedTextFieldKt {
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super java.lang.String,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
@@ -768,21 +784,30 @@
   @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class TextFieldDefaults {
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
-    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithLabel(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithoutLabel(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getFocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method public float getMinHeight();
     method public float getMinWidth();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
-    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getUnfocusedIndicatorThickness();
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    property @Deprecated public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float FocusedIndicatorThickness;
     property public final float MinHeight;
     property public final float MinWidth;
-    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @Deprecated public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float UnfocusedIndicatorThickness;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_1.1.0-beta02.txt b/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_1.1.0-beta02.txt
index 0b261b3..1803f32 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_1.1.0-beta02.txt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_1.1.0-beta02.txt
@@ -507,9 +507,11 @@
   @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api public final class ExposedDropdownMenuDefaults {
     method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TrailingIcon(boolean expanded);
     method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues getItemContentPadding();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor);
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor);
     property public final androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues ItemContentPadding;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.ExposedDropdownMenuDefaults INSTANCE;
@@ -759,6 +761,24 @@
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void NavigationRailItem(boolean selected, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> onClick, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> icon, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional boolean alwaysShowLabel, optional androidx.compose.material3.NavigationRailItemColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource);
+  @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void ContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional float focusedBorderThickness, optional float unfocusedBorderThickness);
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void DecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getMinHeight();
+    method public float getMinWidth();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float MinHeight;
+    property public final float MinWidth;
+    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
+    field public static final androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
+  }
   public final class OutlinedTextFieldKt {
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super java.lang.String,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
@@ -1126,32 +1146,43 @@
   @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class TextFieldDefaults {
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void FilledContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedBorderContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional float focusedBorderThickness, optional float unfocusedBorderThickness);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void ContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape);
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void DecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void FilledContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedBorderContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional float focusedBorderThickness, optional float unfocusedBorderThickness);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> container);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> container);
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
-    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithLabel(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithoutLabel(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getFocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method public float getMinHeight();
     method public float getMinWidth();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
-    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getUnfocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api public androidx.compose.ui.Modifier indicatorLine(androidx.compose.ui.Modifier, boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional float focusedIndicatorLineThickness, optional float unfocusedIndicatorLineThickness);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    property @Deprecated public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float FocusedIndicatorThickness;
     property public final float MinHeight;
     property public final float MinWidth;
-    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @Deprecated public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float UnfocusedIndicatorThickness;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt b/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
index 0b261b3..1803f32 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
@@ -507,9 +507,11 @@
   @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api public final class ExposedDropdownMenuDefaults {
     method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TrailingIcon(boolean expanded);
     method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues getItemContentPadding();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor);
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor);
     property public final androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues ItemContentPadding;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.ExposedDropdownMenuDefaults INSTANCE;
@@ -759,6 +761,24 @@
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void NavigationRailItem(boolean selected, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> onClick, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> icon, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional boolean alwaysShowLabel, optional androidx.compose.material3.NavigationRailItemColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource);
+  @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void ContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional float focusedBorderThickness, optional float unfocusedBorderThickness);
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void DecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getMinHeight();
+    method public float getMinWidth();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float MinHeight;
+    property public final float MinWidth;
+    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
+    field public static final androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
+  }
   public final class OutlinedTextFieldKt {
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super java.lang.String,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
@@ -1126,32 +1146,43 @@
   @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class TextFieldDefaults {
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void FilledContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedBorderContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional float focusedBorderThickness, optional float unfocusedBorderThickness);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void ContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape);
+    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void DecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void FilledContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedBorderContainerBox(boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional float focusedBorderThickness, optional float unfocusedBorderThickness);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> container);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> container);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public void TextFieldDecorationBox(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> innerTextField, boolean enabled, boolean singleLine, androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, optional boolean isError, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<? extends kotlin.Unit> container);
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
-    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithLabel(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithoutLabel(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getFocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method public float getMinHeight();
     method public float getMinWidth();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
-    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getUnfocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api public androidx.compose.ui.Modifier indicatorLine(androidx.compose.ui.Modifier, boolean enabled, boolean isError, androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.InteractionSource interactionSource, androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors, optional float focusedIndicatorLineThickness, optional float unfocusedIndicatorLineThickness);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors outlinedTextFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    method @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
     method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors textFieldColors(optional long textColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long containerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long placeholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    property @Deprecated public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float FocusedIndicatorThickness;
     property public final float MinHeight;
     property public final float MinWidth;
-    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @Deprecated public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float UnfocusedIndicatorThickness;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_1.1.0-beta02.txt b/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_1.1.0-beta02.txt
index 7e2de6f..a0df8a5 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_1.1.0-beta02.txt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_1.1.0-beta02.txt
@@ -518,6 +518,22 @@
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void NavigationRailItem(boolean selected, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> onClick, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> icon, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional boolean alwaysShowLabel, optional androidx.compose.material3.NavigationRailItemColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource);
+  @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getMinHeight();
+    method public float getMinWidth();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float MinHeight;
+    property public final float MinWidth;
+    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
+    field public static final androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
+  }
   public final class OutlinedTextFieldKt {
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super java.lang.String,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
@@ -768,21 +784,30 @@
   @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class TextFieldDefaults {
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
-    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithLabel(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithoutLabel(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getFocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method public float getMinHeight();
     method public float getMinWidth();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
-    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getUnfocusedIndicatorThickness();
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    property @Deprecated public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float FocusedIndicatorThickness;
     property public final float MinHeight;
     property public final float MinWidth;
-    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @Deprecated public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float UnfocusedIndicatorThickness;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_current.txt b/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_current.txt
index 7e2de6f..a0df8a5 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_current.txt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/api/restricted_current.txt
@@ -518,6 +518,22 @@
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void NavigationRailItem(boolean selected, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> onClick, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit> icon, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional boolean alwaysShowLabel, optional androidx.compose.material3.NavigationRailItemColors colors, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource);
+  @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedBorderColor, optional long unfocusedBorderColor, optional long disabledBorderColor, optional long errorBorderColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getMinHeight();
+    method public float getMinWidth();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float MinHeight;
+    property public final float MinWidth;
+    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
+    field public static final androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
+  }
   public final class OutlinedTextFieldKt {
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(String value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super java.lang.String,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
     method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public static void OutlinedTextField(androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue value, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<? super androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue,kotlin.Unit> onValueChange, optional androidx.compose.ui.Modifier modifier, optional boolean enabled, optional boolean readOnly, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle textStyle, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? label, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? placeholder, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? leadingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? trailingIcon, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? prefix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? suffix, optional kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<kotlin.Unit>? supportingText, optional boolean isError, optional androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation visualTransformation, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardOptions keyboardOptions, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.KeyboardActions keyboardActions, optional boolean singleLine, optional int maxLines, optional int minLines, optional androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource interactionSource, optional androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape, optional androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors);
@@ -768,21 +784,30 @@
   @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class TextFieldDefaults {
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
-    method public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldColors colors(optional long focusedTextColor, optional long unfocusedTextColor, optional long disabledTextColor, optional long errorTextColor, optional long focusedContainerColor, optional long unfocusedContainerColor, optional long disabledContainerColor, optional long errorContainerColor, optional long cursorColor, optional long errorCursorColor, optional androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors selectionColors, optional long focusedIndicatorColor, optional long unfocusedIndicatorColor, optional long disabledIndicatorColor, optional long errorIndicatorColor, optional long focusedLeadingIconColor, optional long unfocusedLeadingIconColor, optional long disabledLeadingIconColor, optional long errorLeadingIconColor, optional long focusedTrailingIconColor, optional long unfocusedTrailingIconColor, optional long disabledTrailingIconColor, optional long errorTrailingIconColor, optional long focusedLabelColor, optional long unfocusedLabelColor, optional long disabledLabelColor, optional long errorLabelColor, optional long focusedPlaceholderColor, optional long unfocusedPlaceholderColor, optional long disabledPlaceholderColor, optional long errorPlaceholderColor, optional long focusedSupportingTextColor, optional long unfocusedSupportingTextColor, optional long disabledSupportingTextColor, optional long errorSupportingTextColor, optional long focusedPrefixColor, optional long unfocusedPrefixColor, optional long disabledPrefixColor, optional long errorPrefixColor, optional long focusedSuffixColor, optional long unfocusedSuffixColor, optional long disabledSuffixColor, optional long errorSuffixColor);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithLabel(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues contentPaddingWithoutLabel(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getFilledShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getFocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getFocusedIndicatorThickness();
     method public float getMinHeight();
     method public float getMinWidth();
-    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
-    method public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
-    method public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
-    property public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    method @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getOutlinedShape();
+    method @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape getShape();
+    method @Deprecated public float getUnfocusedBorderThickness();
+    method public float getUnfocusedIndicatorThickness();
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues outlinedTextFieldPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float end, optional float top, optional float bottom);
+    method @Deprecated public androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(optional float start, optional float top, optional float end, optional float bottom);
+    property @Deprecated public final float FocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float FocusedIndicatorThickness;
     property public final float MinHeight;
     property public final float MinWidth;
-    property public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
-    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @Deprecated public final float UnfocusedBorderThickness;
+    property public final float UnfocusedIndicatorThickness;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape filledShape;
+    property @Deprecated @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape outlinedShape;
+    property @androidx.compose.runtime.Composable public final androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape shape;
     field public static final androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults INSTANCE;
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/material3/samples/TextFieldSamples.kt b/compose/material3/material3/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/material3/samples/TextFieldSamples.kt
index 3231869..6d46dcc 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/material3/samples/TextFieldSamples.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/material3/samples/TextFieldSamples.kt
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 import androidx.compose.material3.Icon
 import androidx.compose.material3.IconButton
 import androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextField
+import androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults
 import androidx.compose.material3.Text
 import androidx.compose.material3.TextField
 import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults
@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@
             enabled = enabled,
             singleLine = singleLine
         ) {
-            TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldDecorationBox(
+            TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                 value = value,
                 visualTransformation = passwordTransformation,
                 innerTextField = it,
@@ -405,7 +406,7 @@
                 interactionSource = interactionSource,
                 supportingText = { Text("Supporting text") },
                 // keep horizontal paddings but change the vertical
-                contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(
+                contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(
                     top = 8.dp, bottom = 8.dp
@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@
         val enabled = true
         val singleLine = true
-        val colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+        val colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
             unfocusedBorderColor = Color.LightGray,
             focusedBorderColor = Color.DarkGray
@@ -443,7 +444,7 @@
             enabled = enabled,
             singleLine = singleLine
         ) {
-            TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+            OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                 value = value,
                 visualTransformation = VisualTransformation.None,
                 innerTextField = it,
@@ -454,14 +455,14 @@
                 interactionSource = interactionSource,
                 supportingText = { Text("Supporting text") },
                 // keep horizontal paddings but change the vertical
-                contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(
+                contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(
                     top = 8.dp, bottom = 8.dp
                 // update border colors
                 colors = colors,
                 // update border thickness and shape
                 container = {
-                    TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
+                    OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(
                         enabled = enabled,
                         isError = false,
                         colors = colors,
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldScreenshotTest.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
index 5f53ed9..2e24706 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
                 onValueChange = {},
                 modifier = Modifier.testTag(TextFieldTag).requiredWidth(280.dp),
                 colors =
-                    TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(unfocusedTextColor = Color.Magenta),
+                    OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(unfocusedTextColor = Color.Magenta),
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
                 value = TextFieldValue(text = text, selection = TextRange(0, text.length)),
                 onValueChange = {},
                 modifier = Modifier.requiredWidth(280.dp).testTag(TextFieldTag),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+                colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     // We can only test the background color because popups, which includes the
                     // selection handles, do not appear in screenshots
                     selectionColors = TextSelectionColors(
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldTest.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldTest.kt
index 095eb82..1376847 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldTest.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextFieldTest.kt
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
                         value = "",
                         onValueChange = {},
-                        colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+                        colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                             unfocusedTextColor = Color.White,
                             unfocusedBorderColor = Color.White
@@ -1347,8 +1347,8 @@
                 value = "",
                 onValueChange = {},
                 modifier = Modifier.testTag(TextFieldTag),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
-                    containerColor = Color.Red,
+                colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
+                    unfocusedContainerColor = Color.Red,
                     unfocusedBorderColor = Color.Red
                 shape = RectangleShape
@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@
                     contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                 modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
                     focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@
                         contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                     modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                    colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                         unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
                         focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@
                         contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                     modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                    colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                         unfocusedLabelColor = expectedLabelColor,
                         focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@
                         contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                     modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                    colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                         unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
                         focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDecorationBoxTest.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDecorationBoxTest.kt
index 6f898c9..89dbd0d 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDecorationBoxTest.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDecorationBoxTest.kt
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.height
 import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.size
 import androidx.compose.foundation.text.BasicTextField
-import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox
-import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldDecorationBox
 import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults.indicatorLine
 import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
 import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideTopPadding_multiLine() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(top = 10.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(top = 10.dp),
             singleLine = false,
             expectedHeight = 10.dp + InnerTextFieldHeight + TextFieldPadding,
             expectedPosition = 10.dp
@@ -83,7 +81,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideTopPadding_singleLine() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(top = 10.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(top = 10.dp),
             singleLine = true,
             expectedHeight = 10.dp + InnerTextFieldHeight + TextFieldPadding,
             expectedPosition = (10.dp + TextFieldPadding) / 2
@@ -93,7 +91,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideBottomPadding_multiLine() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(bottom = 10.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(bottom = 10.dp),
             singleLine = false,
             expectedHeight = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldHeight + 10.dp,
             expectedPosition = TextFieldPadding
@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideBottomPadding_singleLine() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(bottom = 10.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(bottom = 10.dp),
             singleLine = true,
             expectedHeight = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldHeight + 10.dp,
             expectedPosition = (10.dp + TextFieldPadding) / 2
@@ -113,7 +111,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideStartPadding() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(start = 10.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(start = 10.dp),
             rtl = false,
             expectedWidth = 10.dp + InnerTextFieldWidth + TextFieldPadding,
             expectedPosition = 10.dp
@@ -123,7 +121,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideStartPadding_rtl() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(start = 10.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(start = 10.dp),
             rtl = true,
             expectedWidth = 10.dp + InnerTextFieldWidth + TextFieldPadding,
             expectedPosition = TextFieldPadding
@@ -133,7 +131,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideEndPadding() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(end = 20.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(end = 20.dp),
             rtl = false,
             expectedWidth = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldWidth + 20.dp,
             expectedPosition = TextFieldPadding
@@ -143,7 +141,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_overrideEndPadding_rtl() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(end = 20.dp),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(end = 20.dp),
             rtl = true,
             expectedWidth = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldWidth + 20.dp,
             expectedPosition = 20.dp
@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideTopPadding_singleLine_withoutLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(top = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(top = 40.dp),
             singleLine = true,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedHeight = 40.dp + InnerTextFieldHeight + TextFieldPadding,
@@ -164,7 +162,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideTopPadding_singleLine_withLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(top = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(top = 40.dp),
             singleLine = true,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedHeight = 40.dp + LabelHeight + InnerTextFieldHeight +
@@ -176,7 +174,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideBottomPadding_singleLine_withoutLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(bottom = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(bottom = 40.dp),
             singleLine = true,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedHeight = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldHeight + 40.dp,
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideBottomPadding_singleLine_withLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(bottom = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(bottom = 40.dp),
             singleLine = true,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedHeight = TextFieldWithLabelVerticalPadding + LabelHeight +
@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideTopPadding_multiLine_withoutLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(top = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(top = 40.dp),
             singleLine = false,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedHeight = 40.dp + InnerTextFieldHeight + TextFieldPadding,
@@ -210,7 +208,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideTopPadding_multiLine_withLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(top = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(top = 40.dp),
             singleLine = false,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedHeight = 40.dp + LabelHeight + InnerTextFieldHeight +
@@ -222,7 +220,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideBottomPadding_multiLine_withoutLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(bottom = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(bottom = 40.dp),
             singleLine = false,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedHeight = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldHeight + 40.dp,
@@ -233,7 +231,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideBottomPadding_multiLine_withLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(bottom = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(bottom = 40.dp),
             singleLine = false,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedHeight = TextFieldWithLabelVerticalPadding + LabelHeight +
@@ -245,7 +243,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideStartPadding_withLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(start = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(start = 40.dp),
             rtl = false,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedWidth = 40.dp + InnerTextFieldWidth + TextFieldPadding,
@@ -256,7 +254,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideStartPadding_withLabel_rtl() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(start = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(start = 40.dp),
             rtl = true,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedWidth = 40.dp + InnerTextFieldWidth + TextFieldPadding,
@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideStartPadding_withoutLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(start = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(start = 40.dp),
             rtl = false,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedWidth = 40.dp + InnerTextFieldWidth + TextFieldPadding,
@@ -278,7 +276,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideStartPadding_withoutLabel_rtl() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(start = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(start = 40.dp),
             rtl = true,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedWidth = 40.dp + InnerTextFieldWidth + TextFieldPadding,
@@ -289,7 +287,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideEndPadding_withLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(end = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(end = 40.dp),
             rtl = false,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedWidth = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldWidth + 40.dp,
@@ -300,7 +298,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideEndPadding_withLabel_rtl() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding(end = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(end = 40.dp),
             rtl = true,
             hasLabel = true,
             expectedWidth = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldWidth + 40.dp,
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideEndPadding_withoutLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(end = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(end = 40.dp),
             rtl = false,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedWidth = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldWidth + 40.dp,
@@ -322,7 +320,7 @@
     fun textFieldBox_overrideEndPadding_withoutLabel_rtl() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(end = 40.dp),
+            padding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(end = 40.dp),
             rtl = true,
             hasLabel = false,
             expectedWidth = TextFieldPadding + InnerTextFieldWidth + 40.dp,
@@ -342,7 +340,7 @@
             CompositionLocalProvider(LocalDensity provides Density) {
                 val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
                 val singleLine = true
-                val colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+                val colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     unfocusedBorderColor = Color.Red
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
                     singleLine = singleLine,
                     interactionSource = interactionSource
                 ) {
-                    OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+                    OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                         value = value,
                         innerTextField = it,
                         enabled = true,
@@ -363,7 +361,7 @@
                         interactionSource = interactionSource,
                         singleLine = singleLine,
                         container = {
-                            TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
+                            OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(
                                 enabled = true,
                                 isError = false,
                                 colors = colors,
@@ -403,7 +401,7 @@
             CompositionLocalProvider(LocalDensity provides Density) {
                 val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
                 val singleLine = true
-                val colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                val colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     unfocusedIndicatorColor = Color.Red
@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@
                     singleLine = singleLine,
                     interactionSource = interactionSource
                 ) {
-                    TextFieldDecorationBox(
+                    TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                         value = value,
                         innerTextField = it,
                         enabled = true,
@@ -466,7 +464,7 @@
                     singleLine = singleLine,
                     interactionSource = interactionSource
                 ) {
-                    TextFieldDecorationBox(
+                    TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                         value = value,
                         innerTextField = it,
                         enabled = true,
@@ -492,7 +490,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_innerTextLocation_withMultilineLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(),
             singleLine = false,
             expectedSize = LabelHeight / 2 + InnerTextFieldHeight + TextFieldPadding,
             expectedPosition = LabelHeight / 2,
@@ -508,7 +506,7 @@
     fun outlinedTextFieldBox_singleLine_innerTextLocation_withMultilineLabel() {
-            padding = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding(),
+            padding = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(),
             singleLine = true,
             expectedSize = LabelHeight / 2 + InnerTextFieldHeight + TextFieldPadding,
             expectedPosition = LabelHeight / 2,
@@ -631,7 +629,7 @@
                             ) { it() }
                         if (isOutlined) {
-                            OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+                            OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                                 value = value,
                                 innerTextField = innerTextField,
                                 enabled = true,
@@ -642,7 +640,7 @@
                                 label = label
                         } else {
-                            TextFieldDecorationBox(
+                            TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                                 value = value,
                                 innerTextField = innerTextField,
                                 enabled = true,
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
index d719729..7d39a04 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
                 value = TextFieldValue(text = text, selection = TextRange(text.length)),
                 onValueChange = {},
                 modifier = Modifier.requiredWidth(280.dp).testTag(TextFieldTag),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(unfocusedTextColor = Color.Green)
+                colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(unfocusedTextColor = Color.Green)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
                 value = TextFieldValue(text = text, selection = TextRange(0, text.length)),
                 onValueChange = {},
                 modifier = Modifier.requiredWidth(280.dp).testTag(TextFieldTag),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     // We can only test the background color because popups, which includes the
                     // selection handles, do not appear in screenshots
                     selectionColors = TextSelectionColors(
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldTest.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldTest.kt
index 3942e4a..c0f9b3f 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldTest.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldTest.kt
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@
                 onValueChange = {},
                 visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation('\u0020'),
                 shape = RectangleShape,
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(containerColor = Color.White)
+                colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(unfocusedContainerColor = Color.White)
@@ -1277,8 +1277,9 @@
                     trailingIcon = {
                         Icon(Icons.Default.Favorite, null, tint = Color.Transparent)
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
-                        containerColor = Color.Blue,
+                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
+                        focusedContainerColor = Color.Blue,
+                        unfocusedContainerColor = Color.Blue,
                         focusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent,
                         unfocusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent,
                         focusedTextColor = Color.Transparent,
@@ -1344,7 +1345,7 @@
                     Text("label", color = Color.Red, modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Red))
                 textStyle = TextStyle(color = Color.Blue),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(containerColor = Color.White)
+                colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(unfocusedContainerColor = Color.White)
         rule.onNode(SemanticsMatcher.keyIsDefined(SemanticsProperties.Text), true)
@@ -1385,8 +1386,8 @@
                 textStyle = TextStyle(color = Color.White),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
-                    containerColor = Color.White,
+                colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
+                    unfocusedContainerColor = Color.White,
                     unfocusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent
@@ -1511,7 +1512,7 @@
                     contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                 modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor, focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
@@ -1553,7 +1554,7 @@
                         contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                     modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
                         unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
                         focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
@@ -1596,7 +1597,7 @@
                         contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                     modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
                         unfocusedLabelColor = expectedLabelColor,
                         focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
@@ -1642,7 +1643,7 @@
                         contentColor = LocalContentColor.current
                     modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
-                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+                    colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
                         unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
                         focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/ExposedDropdownMenu.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/ExposedDropdownMenu.kt
index b28b903..9fe9b8c 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/ExposedDropdownMenu.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/ExposedDropdownMenu.kt
@@ -317,7 +317,9 @@
      * @param disabledTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when disabled
      * @param errorTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when in error
      * state
-     * @param containerColor the container color for this text field
+     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color for this text field when disabled
      * @param errorContainerColor the container color for this text field when in error state
      * @param cursorColor the cursor color for this text field
      * @param errorCursorColor the cursor color for this text field when in error state
@@ -359,6 +361,275 @@
         disabledTextColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledInputTextColor.toColor()
             .copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledInputTextOpacity),
         errorTextColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldErrorInputTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedContainerColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldContainerColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedContainerColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldContainerColor.toColor(),
+        disabledContainerColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldContainerColor.toColor(),
+        errorContainerColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldContainerColor.toColor(),
+        cursorColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldCaretColor.toColor(),
+        errorCursorColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorFocusCaretColor.toColor(),
+        selectionColors: TextSelectionColors = LocalTextSelectionColors.current,
+        focusedIndicatorColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldFocusActiveIndicatorColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedIndicatorColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldActiveIndicatorColor.toColor(),
+        disabledIndicatorColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledActiveIndicatorColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledActiveIndicatorOpacity),
+        errorIndicatorColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorActiveIndicatorColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldFocusLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledLeadingIconColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledLeadingIconOpacity),
+        errorLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldFocusTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledTrailingIconColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledTrailingIconOpacity),
+        errorTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLabelColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldFocusLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLabelColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLabelColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        errorLabelColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldErrorLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
+        errorPlaceholderColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPrefixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPrefixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPrefixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextColor
+            .toColor().copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
+        errorPrefixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedSuffixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedSuffixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledSuffixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextColor
+            .toColor().copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
+        errorSuffixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+    ): TextFieldColors =
+        TextFieldDefaults.colors(
+            focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
+            unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
+            disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
+            errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
+            focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
+            unfocusedContainerColor = unfocusedContainerColor,
+            disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
+            errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
+            cursorColor = cursorColor,
+            errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
+            selectionColors = selectionColors,
+            focusedIndicatorColor = focusedIndicatorColor,
+            unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedIndicatorColor,
+            disabledIndicatorColor = disabledIndicatorColor,
+            errorIndicatorColor = errorIndicatorColor,
+            focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
+            unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
+            disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
+            errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
+            focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
+            unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
+            disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
+            errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
+            focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
+            unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
+            disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
+            errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
+            focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
+            unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
+            disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
+            errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
+            focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
+            unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
+            disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
+            errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
+            focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
+            unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
+            disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
+            errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
+        )
+    /**
+     * Creates a [TextFieldColors] that represents the default input text, container, and content
+     * colors (including label, placeholder, icons, etc.) used in an [OutlinedTextField] within an
+     * [ExposedDropdownMenuBox].
+     *
+     * @param focusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when not
+     * focused
+     * @param disabledTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when in error
+     * state
+     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorContainerColor the container color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param cursorColor the cursor color for this text field
+     * @param errorCursorColor the cursor color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param selectionColors the colors used when the input text of this text field is selected
+     * @param focusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledBorderColor the border color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorBorderColor the border color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledLabelColor the label color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorLabelColor the label color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when in error state
+     */
+    @Composable
+    fun outlinedTextFieldColors(
+        focusedTextColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldFocusInputTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTextColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldInputTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTextColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledInputTextColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledInputTextOpacity),
+        errorTextColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldErrorInputTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        unfocusedContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        disabledContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        errorContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        cursorColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldCaretColor.toColor(),
+        errorCursorColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorFocusCaretColor.toColor(),
+        selectionColors: TextSelectionColors = LocalTextSelectionColors.current,
+        focusedBorderColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldFocusOutlineColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedBorderColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldOutlineColor.toColor(),
+        disabledBorderColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledOutlineColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledOutlineOpacity),
+        errorBorderColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorOutlineColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldFocusLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledLeadingIconColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledLeadingIconOpacity),
+        errorLeadingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldFocusTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledTrailingIconColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldDisabledTrailingIconOpacity),
+        errorTrailingIconColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldErrorTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLabelColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldFocusLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLabelColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLabelColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledLabelTextColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledLabelTextOpacity),
+        errorLabelColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldErrorLabelTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextColor.toColor()
+                .copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
+        errorPlaceholderColor: Color =
+            OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextColor
+            .toColor().copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
+        errorPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        focusedSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextColor
+            .toColor().copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
+        errorSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
+    ): TextFieldColors =
+        OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
+            focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
+            unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
+            disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
+            errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
+            focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
+            unfocusedContainerColor = unfocusedContainerColor,
+            disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
+            errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
+            cursorColor = cursorColor,
+            errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
+            selectionColors = selectionColors,
+            focusedBorderColor = focusedBorderColor,
+            unfocusedBorderColor = unfocusedBorderColor,
+            disabledBorderColor = disabledBorderColor,
+            errorBorderColor = errorBorderColor,
+            focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
+            unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
+            disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
+            errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
+            focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
+            unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
+            disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
+            errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
+            focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
+            unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
+            disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
+            errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
+            focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
+            unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
+            disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
+            errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
+            focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
+            unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
+            disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
+            errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
+            focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
+            unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
+            disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
+            errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
+        )
+    /**
+     * Padding for [DropdownMenuItem]s within [ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope.ExposedDropdownMenu] to
+     * align them properly with [TextField] components.
+     */
+    val ItemContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
+        horizontal = ExposedDropdownMenuItemHorizontalPadding,
+        vertical = 0.dp
+    )
+    @Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
+    @Composable
+    fun textFieldColors(
+        focusedTextColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldFocusInputTextColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTextColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldInputTextColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTextColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledInputTextColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledInputTextOpacity),
+        errorTextColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldErrorInputTextColor.toColor(),
         containerColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldContainerColor.toColor(),
         errorContainerColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldContainerColor.toColor(),
         cursorColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.TextFieldCaretColor.toColor(),
@@ -414,12 +685,14 @@
             .toColor().copy(alpha = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
         errorSuffixColor: Color = FilledAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
     ): TextFieldColors =
-        TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+        textFieldColors(
             focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
             unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
             disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
             errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
-            containerColor = containerColor,
+            focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+            unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+            disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
             errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
             cursorColor = cursorColor,
             errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
@@ -454,51 +727,7 @@
             errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
-    /**
-     * Creates a [TextFieldColors] that represents the default input text, container, and content
-     * colors (including label, placeholder, icons, etc.) used in an [OutlinedTextField] within an
-     * [ExposedDropdownMenuBox].
-     *
-     * @param focusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when not
-     * focused
-     * @param disabledTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when in error
-     * state
-     * @param containerColor the container color for this text field
-     * @param errorContainerColor the container color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param cursorColor the cursor color for this text field
-     * @param errorCursorColor the cursor color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param selectionColors the colors used when the input text of this text field is selected
-     * @param focusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledBorderColor the border color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorBorderColor the border color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledLabelColor the label color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorLabelColor the label color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when in error state
-     */
+    @Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
     fun outlinedTextFieldColors(
         focusedTextColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldFocusInputTextColor.toColor(),
@@ -561,12 +790,14 @@
             .toColor().copy(alpha = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldDisabledSupportingTextOpacity),
         errorSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedAutocompleteTokens.FieldSupportingTextColor.toColor(),
     ): TextFieldColors =
-        TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+        outlinedTextFieldColors(
             focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
             unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
             disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
             errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
-            containerColor = containerColor,
+            focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+            unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+            disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
             errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
             cursorColor = cursorColor,
             errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
@@ -601,15 +832,6 @@
             errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
-    /**
-     * Padding for [DropdownMenuItem]s within [ExposedDropdownMenuBoxScope.ExposedDropdownMenu] to
-     * align them properly with [TextField] components.
-     */
-    val ItemContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
-        horizontal = ExposedDropdownMenuItemHorizontalPadding,
-        vertical = 0.dp
-    )
     @Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
     fun textFieldColors(
@@ -660,7 +882,9 @@
         unfocusedTextColor = textColor,
         disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
         errorTextColor = textColor,
-        containerColor = containerColor,
+        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
         errorContainerColor = containerColor,
         cursorColor = cursorColor,
         errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
@@ -746,7 +970,9 @@
         unfocusedTextColor = textColor,
         disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
         errorTextColor = textColor,
-        containerColor = containerColor,
+        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
         errorContainerColor = containerColor,
         cursorColor = cursorColor,
         errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/SearchBar.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/SearchBar.kt
index 22914d0..67b3345 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/SearchBar.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/SearchBar.kt
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
         keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(onSearch = { onSearch(query) }),
         interactionSource = interactionSource,
         decorationBox = @Composable { innerTextField ->
-            TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldDecorationBox(
+            TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                 value = query,
                 innerTextField = innerTextField,
                 enabled = enabled,
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
                 } },
                 shape = SearchBarDefaults.inputFieldShape,
                 colors = colors,
-                contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(),
+                contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(),
                 container = {},
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
         disabledPlaceholderColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputColor.toColor()
             .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
     ): TextFieldColors =
-        TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
+        TextFieldDefaults.colors(
             focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
             unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
             disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextField.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextField.kt
index 0f76f4d..4feea7b 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextField.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/OutlinedTextField.kt
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
  * [Interaction]s and customize the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
  * @param shape defines the shape of this text field's border
  * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text field
- * in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors].
+ * in different states. See [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors].
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
     // If color is not provided via the text style, use content color as a default
     val textColor = textStyle.color.takeOrElse {
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
-                    minWidth = TextFieldDefaults.MinWidth,
-                    minHeight = TextFieldDefaults.MinHeight
+                    minWidth = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.MinWidth,
+                    minHeight = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.MinHeight
             onValueChange = onValueChange,
             enabled = enabled,
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
             maxLines = maxLines,
             minLines = minLines,
             decorationBox = @Composable { innerTextField ->
-                TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+                OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                     value = value,
                     visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
                     innerTextField = innerTextField,
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
                     interactionSource = interactionSource,
                     colors = colors,
                     container = {
-                        TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
+                        OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
  * [Interaction]s and customize the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
  * @param shape defines the shape of this text field's border
  * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text field
- * in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors].
+ * in different states. See [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors].
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
     // If color is not provided via the text style, use content color as a default
     val textColor = textStyle.color.takeOrElse {
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@
-                    minWidth = TextFieldDefaults.MinWidth,
-                    minHeight = TextFieldDefaults.MinHeight
+                    minWidth = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.MinWidth,
+                    minHeight = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.MinHeight
             onValueChange = onValueChange,
             enabled = enabled,
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
             maxLines = maxLines,
             minLines = minLines,
             decorationBox = @Composable { innerTextField ->
-                TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+                OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                     value = value.text,
                     visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
                     innerTextField = innerTextField,
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
                     interactionSource = interactionSource,
                     colors = colors,
                     container = {
-                        TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
+                        OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(
@@ -410,8 +410,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
         value = value,
@@ -463,8 +463,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
         value = value,
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextField.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextField.kt
index 7010bcf..d13a240 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextField.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextField.kt
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
  * [Interaction]s and customize the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
  * @param shape defines the shape of this text field's container
  * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text field
- * in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors].
+ * in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.colors].
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.filledShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
     // If color is not provided via the text style, use content color as a default
     val textColor = textStyle.color.takeOrElse {
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
             minLines = minLines,
             decorationBox = @Composable { innerTextField ->
                 // places leading icon, text field with label and placeholder, trailing icon
-                TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldDecorationBox(
+                TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                     value = value,
                     visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
                     innerTextField = innerTextField,
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
  * [Interaction]s and customize the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
  * @param shape defines the shape of this text field's container
  * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text field
- * in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors].
+ * in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.colors].
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.filledShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
     // If color is not provided via the text style, use content color as a default
     val textColor = textStyle.color.takeOrElse {
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
             minLines = minLines,
             decorationBox = @Composable { innerTextField ->
                 // places leading icon, text field with label and placeholder, trailing icon
-                TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldDecorationBox(
+                TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                     value = value.text,
                     visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
                     innerTextField = innerTextField,
@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.filledShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
         value = value,
@@ -460,8 +460,8 @@
     maxLines: Int = if (singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
     minLines: Int = 1,
     interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
-    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.filledShape,
-    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors()
+    shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    colors: TextFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.colors()
 ) {
         value = value,
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDefaults.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDefaults.kt
index c5fb709..db2f2e7 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDefaults.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TextFieldDefaults.kt
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 import androidx.compose.foundation.text.BasicTextField
 import androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.LocalTextSelectionColors
 import androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection.TextSelectionColors
-import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox
 import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.FilledTextFieldTokens
 import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.OutlinedTextFieldTokens
 import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
@@ -50,44 +49,40 @@
 import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
- * Contains the default values used by [TextField] and [OutlinedTextField].
+ * Contains the default values used by [TextField]. For defaults used in [OutlinedTextField], see
+ * [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults].
 object TextFieldDefaults {
-    /** Default shape for an outlined text field. */
-    val outlinedShape: Shape @Composable get() = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape()
-    /** Default shape for a filled text field. */
-    val filledShape: Shape @Composable get() = FilledTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape()
+    /** Default shape for a [TextField]. */
+    val shape: Shape @Composable get() = FilledTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape()
-     * The default min width applied for a [TextField] and [OutlinedTextField].
+     * The default min width applied to a [TextField].
      * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.heightIn directly on a text field.
     val MinHeight = 56.dp
-     * The default min width applied for a [TextField] and [OutlinedTextField].
+     * The default min width applied to a [TextField].
      * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.widthIn directly on a text field.
     val MinWidth = 280.dp
-     * The default thickness of the border in [OutlinedTextField] or indicator line in [TextField]
-     * in unfocused state.
+     * The default thickness of the indicator line in [TextField] in unfocused state.
-    val UnfocusedBorderThickness = 1.dp
+    val UnfocusedIndicatorThickness = 1.dp
-     * The default thickness of the border in [OutlinedTextField] or indicator line in [TextField]
-     * in focused state.
+     * The default thickness of the indicator line in [TextField] in focused state.
-    val FocusedBorderThickness = 2.dp
+    val FocusedIndicatorThickness = 2.dp
      * Composable that draws a default container for the content of [TextField], with an indicator
      * line at the bottom. You can use it to draw a container for your custom text field based on
-     * [TextFieldDecorationBox]. [TextField] applies it automatically.
+     * [TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox]. [TextField] applies it automatically.
      * @param enabled whether the text field is enabled
      * @param isError whether the text field's current value is in error
@@ -98,23 +93,23 @@
-    fun FilledContainerBox(
+    fun ContainerBox(
         enabled: Boolean,
         isError: Boolean,
         interactionSource: InteractionSource,
         colors: TextFieldColors,
-        shape: Shape = filledShape,
+        shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
     ) {
-                .background(colors.containerColor(isError).value, shape)
+                .background(colors.containerColor(enabled, isError, interactionSource).value, shape)
                 .indicatorLine(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors))
      * A modifier to draw a default bottom indicator line in [TextField]. You can use this modifier
-     * if you build your custom text field using [TextFieldDecorationBox] whilst the [TextField]
-     * applies it automatically.
+     * if you build your custom text field using [TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox] whilst the
+     * [TextField] applies it automatically.
      * @param enabled whether the text field is enabled
      * @param isError whether the text field's current value is in error
@@ -132,8 +127,8 @@
         isError: Boolean,
         interactionSource: InteractionSource,
         colors: TextFieldColors,
-        focusedIndicatorLineThickness: Dp = FocusedBorderThickness,
-        unfocusedIndicatorLineThickness: Dp = UnfocusedBorderThickness
+        focusedIndicatorLineThickness: Dp = FocusedIndicatorThickness,
+        unfocusedIndicatorLineThickness: Dp = UnfocusedIndicatorThickness
     ) = composed(inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
         name = "indicatorLine"
         properties["enabled"] = enabled
@@ -155,46 +150,6 @@
-     * Composable that draws a default container for [OutlinedTextField] with a border stroke. You
-     * can use it to draw a border stroke in your custom text field based on
-     * [OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox]. The [OutlinedTextField] applies it automatically.
-     *
-     * @param enabled whether the text field is enabled
-     * @param isError whether the text field's current value is in error
-     * @param interactionSource the [InteractionSource] of this text field. Helps to determine if
-     * the text field is in focus or not
-     * @param colors [TextFieldColors] used to resolve colors of the text field
-     * @param focusedBorderThickness thickness of the [OutlinedTextField]'s border when it is in
-     * focused state
-     * @param unfocusedBorderThickness thickness of the [OutlinedTextField]'s border when it is not
-     * in focused state
-     */
-    @ExperimentalMaterial3Api
-    @Composable
-    fun OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
-        enabled: Boolean,
-        isError: Boolean,
-        interactionSource: InteractionSource,
-        colors: TextFieldColors,
-        shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape(),
-        focusedBorderThickness: Dp = FocusedBorderThickness,
-        unfocusedBorderThickness: Dp = UnfocusedBorderThickness
-    ) {
-        val borderStroke = animateBorderStrokeAsState(
-            enabled,
-            isError,
-            interactionSource,
-            colors,
-            focusedBorderThickness,
-            unfocusedBorderThickness
-        )
-        Box(
-            Modifier
-                .border(borderStroke.value, shape)
-                .background(colors.containerColor(isError).value, shape))
-    }
-    /**
      * Default content padding applied to [TextField] when there is a label.
      * Note that when the label is present, the "top" padding is a distance between the top edge of
@@ -203,7 +158,7 @@
      * See [PaddingValues] for more details.
-    fun textFieldWithLabelPadding(
+    fun contentPaddingWithLabel(
         start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
         end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
         top: Dp = TextFieldWithLabelVerticalPadding,
@@ -214,18 +169,7 @@
      * Default content padding applied to [TextField] when the label is null.
      * See [PaddingValues] for more details.
-    fun textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(
-        start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
-        top: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
-        end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
-        bottom: Dp = TextFieldPadding
-    ): PaddingValues = PaddingValues(start, top, end, bottom)
-    /**
-     * Default content padding applied to [OutlinedTextField].
-     * See [PaddingValues] for more details.
-     */
-    fun outlinedTextFieldPadding(
+    fun contentPaddingWithoutLabel(
         start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
         top: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
         end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
@@ -255,7 +199,9 @@
      * @param disabledTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when disabled
      * @param errorTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when in error
      * state
-     * @param containerColor the container color for this text field
+     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color for this text field when disabled
      * @param errorContainerColor the container color for this text field when in error state
      * @param cursorColor the cursor color for this text field
      * @param errorCursorColor the cursor color for this text field when in error state
@@ -297,6 +243,429 @@
      * @param disabledSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when disabled
      * @param errorSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when in error state
+    @Composable
+    fun colors(
+        focusedTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.FocusInputColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorInputColor.toColor(),
+        focusedContainerColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ContainerColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedContainerColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ContainerColor.toColor(),
+        disabledContainerColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ContainerColor.toColor(),
+        errorContainerColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ContainerColor.toColor(),
+        cursorColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.CaretColor.toColor(),
+        errorCursorColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorFocusCaretColor.toColor(),
+        selectionColors: TextSelectionColors = LocalTextSelectionColors.current,
+        focusedIndicatorColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.FocusActiveIndicatorColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedIndicatorColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ActiveIndicatorColor.toColor(),
+        disabledIndicatorColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledActiveIndicatorColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledActiveIndicatorOpacity),
+        errorIndicatorColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorActiveIndicatorColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLeadingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.FocusLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLeadingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.LeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLeadingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledLeadingIconColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledLeadingIconOpacity),
+        errorLeadingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedTrailingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.FocusTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTrailingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.TrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTrailingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledTrailingIconColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledTrailingIconOpacity),
+        errorTrailingIconColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLabelColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.FocusLabelColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLabelColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.LabelColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLabelColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledLabelColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledLabelOpacity),
+        errorLabelColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorLabelColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPlaceholderColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPlaceholderColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPlaceholderColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPlaceholderColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPlaceholderColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorPlaceholderColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPlaceholderColor.toColor(),
+        focusedSupportingTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.FocusSupportingColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedSupportingTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.SupportingColor.toColor(),
+        disabledSupportingTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledSupportingColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledSupportingOpacity),
+        errorSupportingTextColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.ErrorSupportingColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPrefixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPrefixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPrefixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorPrefixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor(),
+        focusedSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
+        disabledSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
+    ): TextFieldColors =
+        TextFieldColors(
+            focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
+            unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
+            disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
+            errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
+            focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
+            unfocusedContainerColor = unfocusedContainerColor,
+            disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
+            errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
+            cursorColor = cursorColor,
+            errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
+            textSelectionColors = selectionColors,
+            focusedIndicatorColor = focusedIndicatorColor,
+            unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedIndicatorColor,
+            disabledIndicatorColor = disabledIndicatorColor,
+            errorIndicatorColor = errorIndicatorColor,
+            focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
+            unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
+            disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
+            errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
+            focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
+            unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
+            disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
+            errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
+            focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
+            unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
+            disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
+            errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
+            focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
+            unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
+            disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
+            errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
+            focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,
+            unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,
+            disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,
+            errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,
+            focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
+            unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
+            disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
+            errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
+            focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
+            unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
+            disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
+            errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
+        )
+    /**
+     * A decoration box which helps creating custom text fields based on
+     * <a href="https://material.io/components/text-fields#filled-text-field" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design filled text field</a>.
+     *
+     * If your text field requires customising elements that aren't exposed by [TextField],
+     * consider using this decoration box to achieve the desired design.
+     *
+     * For example, if you need to create a dense text field, use [contentPadding] parameter to
+     * decrease the paddings around the input field. If you need to customise the bottom indicator,
+     * apply [indicatorLine] modifier to achieve that.
+     *
+     * See example of using [DecorationBox] to build your own custom text field
+     * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.CustomTextFieldBasedOnDecorationBox
+     *
+     * @param value the input [String] shown by the text field
+     * @param innerTextField input text field that this decoration box wraps. You will pass here a
+     * framework-controlled composable parameter "innerTextField" from the decorationBox lambda of
+     * the [BasicTextField]
+     * @param enabled controls the enabled state of the text field. When `false`, this component
+     * will not respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to
+     * accessibility services. You must also pass the same value to the [BasicTextField] for it to
+     * adjust the behavior accordingly.
+     * @param singleLine indicates if this is a single line or multi line text field. You must pass
+     * the same value as to [BasicTextField].
+     * @param visualTransformation transforms the visual representation of the input [value]. You
+     * must pass the same value as to [BasicTextField].
+     * @param interactionSource the read-only [InteractionSource] representing the stream of
+     * [Interaction]s for this text field. You must first create and pass in your own `remember`ed
+     * [MutableInteractionSource] instance to the [BasicTextField] for it to dispatch events. And
+     * then pass the same instance to this decoration box to observe [Interaction]s and customize
+     * the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
+     * @param isError indicates if the text field's current value is in error state. If set to
+     * true, the label, bottom indicator and trailing icon by default will be displayed in error
+     * color.
+     * @param label the optional label to be displayed inside the text field container. The default
+     * text style for internal [Text] is [Typography.bodySmall] when the text field is in focus and
+     * [Typography.bodyLarge] when the text field is not in focus.
+     * @param placeholder the optional placeholder to be displayed when the text field is in focus
+     * and the input text is empty. The default text style for internal [Text] is
+     * [Typography.bodyLarge].
+     * @param leadingIcon the optional leading icon to be displayed at the beginning of the text
+     * field container
+     * @param trailingIcon the optional trailing icon to be displayed at the end of the text field
+     * container
+     * @param prefix the optional prefix to be displayed before the input text in the text field
+     * @param suffix the optional suffix to be displayed after the input text in the text field
+     * @param supportingText the optional supporting text to be displayed below the text field
+     * @param shape defines the shape of this text field's container
+     * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text
+     * field in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.colors].
+     * @param contentPadding the spacing values to apply internally between the internals of text
+     * field and the decoration box container. You can use it to implement dense text fields or
+     * simply to control horizontal padding. See [TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel] and
+     * [TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel].
+     * Note that if there's a label in the text field, the [top][PaddingValues.calculateTopPadding]
+     * padding represents the distance from the top edge of the container to the top of the label.
+     * Otherwise if label is null, it represents the distance from the top edge of the container to
+     * the top of the input field. All other paddings represent the distance from the corresponding
+     * edge of the container to the corresponding edge of the closest element.
+     * @param container the container to be drawn behind the text field. By default, this includes
+     * the bottom indicator line. Default colors for the container come from the [colors].
+     */
+    @Composable
+    @ExperimentalMaterial3Api
+    fun DecorationBox(
+        value: String,
+        innerTextField: @Composable () -> Unit,
+        enabled: Boolean,
+        singleLine: Boolean,
+        visualTransformation: VisualTransformation,
+        interactionSource: InteractionSource,
+        isError: Boolean = false,
+        label: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        placeholder: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        prefix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        suffix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        supportingText: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+        colors: TextFieldColors = colors(),
+        contentPadding: PaddingValues =
+            if (label == null) {
+                contentPaddingWithoutLabel()
+            } else {
+                contentPaddingWithLabel()
+            },
+        container: @Composable () -> Unit = {
+            ContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors, shape)
+        }
+    ) {
+        CommonDecorationBox(
+            type = TextFieldType.Filled,
+            value = value,
+            innerTextField = innerTextField,
+            visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
+            placeholder = placeholder,
+            label = label,
+            leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
+            trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
+            prefix = prefix,
+            suffix = suffix,
+            supportingText = supportingText,
+            singleLine = singleLine,
+            enabled = enabled,
+            isError = isError,
+            interactionSource = interactionSource,
+            colors = colors,
+            contentPadding = contentPadding,
+            container = container
+        )
+    }
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape",
+            "androidx.compose.material.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    val outlinedShape: Shape @Composable get() = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.shape
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `TextFieldDefaults.shape`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.shape"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    val filledShape: Shape @Composable get() = shape
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Split into `TextFieldDefaults.UnfocusedIndicatorThickness` and " +
+            "`OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.UnfocusedBorderThickness`. Please update as appropriate.",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.UnfocusedIndicatorThickness"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
+    )
+    val UnfocusedBorderThickness = UnfocusedIndicatorThickness
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Split into `TextFieldDefaults.FocusedIndicatorThickness` and " +
+            "`OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.FocusedBorderThickness`. Please update as appropriate.",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.FocusedIndicatorThickness"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
+    )
+    val FocusedBorderThickness = FocusedIndicatorThickness
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `TextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(\n" +
+            "        enabled = enabled,\n" +
+            "        isError = isError,\n" +
+            "        interactionSource = interactionSource,\n" +
+            "        colors = colors,\n" +
+            "        shape = shape,\n" +
+            "    )"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    @ExperimentalMaterial3Api
+    @Composable
+    fun FilledContainerBox(
+        enabled: Boolean,
+        isError: Boolean,
+        interactionSource: InteractionSource,
+        colors: TextFieldColors,
+        shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+    ) = ContainerBox(
+        enabled = enabled,
+        isError = isError,
+        interactionSource = interactionSource,
+        colors = colors,
+        shape = shape,
+    )
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(\n" +
+            "        enabled = enabled,\n" +
+            "        isError = isError,\n" +
+            "        interactionSource = interactionSource,\n" +
+            "        colors = colors,\n" +
+            "        shape = shape,\n" +
+            "        focusedBorderThickness = focusedBorderThickness,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedBorderThickness = unfocusedBorderThickness,\n" +
+            "    )",
+            "androidx.compose.material.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    @ExperimentalMaterial3Api
+    @Composable
+    fun OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
+        enabled: Boolean,
+        isError: Boolean,
+        interactionSource: InteractionSource,
+        colors: TextFieldColors,
+        shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape(),
+        focusedBorderThickness: Dp = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.FocusedBorderThickness,
+        unfocusedBorderThickness: Dp = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.UnfocusedBorderThickness
+    ) = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(
+        enabled = enabled,
+        isError = isError,
+        interactionSource = interactionSource,
+        colors = colors,
+        shape = shape,
+        focusedBorderThickness = focusedBorderThickness,
+        unfocusedBorderThickness = unfocusedBorderThickness,
+    )
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithLabel(\n" +
+            "        start = start,\n" +
+            "        top = top,\n" +
+            "        end = end,\n" +
+            "        bottom = bottom,\n" +
+            "    )"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    fun textFieldWithLabelPadding(
+        start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        top: Dp = TextFieldWithLabelVerticalPadding,
+        bottom: Dp = TextFieldWithLabelVerticalPadding
+    ): PaddingValues = contentPaddingWithLabel(
+        start = start,
+        top = top,
+        end = end,
+        bottom = bottom,
+    )
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.contentPaddingWithoutLabel(\n" +
+            "        start = start,\n" +
+            "        top = top,\n" +
+            "        end = end,\n" +
+            "        bottom = bottom,\n" +
+            "    )"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    fun textFieldWithoutLabelPadding(
+        start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        top: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        bottom: Dp = TextFieldPadding
+    ): PaddingValues = contentPaddingWithoutLabel(
+        start = start,
+        top = top,
+        end = end,
+        bottom = bottom,
+    )
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(\n" +
+            "        start = start,\n" +
+            "        top = top,\n" +
+            "        end = end,\n" +
+            "        bottom = bottom,\n" +
+            "    )",
+            "androidx.compose.material.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
+    fun outlinedTextFieldPadding(
+        start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        top: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        bottom: Dp = TextFieldPadding
+    ): PaddingValues = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(
+        start = start,
+        top = top,
+        end = end,
+        bottom = bottom,
+    )
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `TextFieldDefaults.colors` with additional parameters to control" +
+            "container color based on state.",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.colors(\n" +
+            "        focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,\n" +
+            "        errorTextColor = errorTextColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,\n" +
+            "        errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,\n" +
+            "        cursorColor = cursorColor,\n" +
+            "        errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,\n" +
+            "        selectionColors = selectionColors,\n" +
+            "        focusedIndicatorColor = focusedIndicatorColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedIndicatorColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledIndicatorColor = disabledIndicatorColor,\n" +
+            "        errorIndicatorColor = errorIndicatorColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "        errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "    )"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
+    )
     fun textFieldColors(
@@ -350,102 +719,103 @@
         disabledSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor()
             .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
         errorSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
-    ): TextFieldColors =
-        TextFieldColors(
-            focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
-            unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
-            disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
-            errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
-            containerColor = containerColor,
-            errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
-            cursorColor = cursorColor,
-            errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
-            textSelectionColors = selectionColors,
-            focusedIndicatorColor = focusedIndicatorColor,
-            unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedIndicatorColor,
-            disabledIndicatorColor = disabledIndicatorColor,
-            errorIndicatorColor = errorIndicatorColor,
-            focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
-            unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
-            disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
-            errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
-            focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
-            unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
-            disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
-            errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
-            focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
-            unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
-            disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
-            errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
-            focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
-            unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
-            disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
-            errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
-            focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,
-            unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,
-            disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,
-            errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,
-            focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
-            unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
-            disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
-            errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
-            focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
-            unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
-            disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
-            errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
-        )
+    ): TextFieldColors = colors(
+        focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
+        unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
+        disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
+        errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
+        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
+        errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
+        cursorColor = cursorColor,
+        errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
+        selectionColors = selectionColors,
+        focusedIndicatorColor = focusedIndicatorColor,
+        unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedIndicatorColor,
+        disabledIndicatorColor = disabledIndicatorColor,
+        errorIndicatorColor = errorIndicatorColor,
+        focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
+        unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
+        disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
+        errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
+        focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
+        unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
+        disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
+        errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
+        focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
+        unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
+        disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
+        errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
+        focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
+        unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
+        disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
+        errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
+        focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,
+        unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,
+        disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,
+        errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,
+        focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
+        unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
+        disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
+        errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
+        focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
+        unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
+        disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
+        errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
+    )
-    /**
-     * Creates a [TextFieldColors] that represents the default input text, container, and content
-     * colors (including label, placeholder, icons, etc.) used in an [OutlinedTextField].
-     *
-     * @param focusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when not
-     * focused
-     * @param disabledTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when in error
-     * state
-     * @param containerColor the container color for this text field
-     * @param errorContainerColor the container color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param cursorColor the cursor color for this text field
-     * @param errorCursorColor the cursor color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param selectionColors the colors used when the input text of this text field is selected
-     * @param focusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledBorderColor the border color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorBorderColor the border color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledLabelColor the label color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorLabelColor the label color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when not
-     * focused
-     * @param disabledSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when
-     * disabled
-     * @param errorSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when in error
-     * state
-     * @param focusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when in error state
-     * @param focusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when focused
-     * @param unfocusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when not focused
-     * @param disabledSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when disabled
-     * @param errorSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when in error state
-     */
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors` with additional parameters to" +
+            "control container color based on state.",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(\n" +
+            "        focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,\n" +
+            "        errorTextColor = errorTextColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,\n" +
+            "        errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,\n" +
+            "        cursorColor = cursorColor,\n" +
+            "        errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,\n" +
+            "        selectionColors = selectionColors,\n" +
+            "        focusedBorderColor = focusedBorderColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedBorderColor = unfocusedBorderColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledBorderColor = disabledBorderColor,\n" +
+            "        errorBorderColor = errorBorderColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,\n" +
+            "        focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "        unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "        disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "        errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,\n" +
+            "    )",
+            "androidx.compose.material.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
+    )
     fun outlinedTextFieldColors(
@@ -499,113 +869,76 @@
         disabledSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor()
             .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
         errorSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
-    ): TextFieldColors =
-        TextFieldColors(
-            focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
-            unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
-            disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
-            errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
-            containerColor = containerColor,
-            errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
-            cursorColor = cursorColor,
-            errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
-            textSelectionColors = selectionColors,
-            focusedIndicatorColor = focusedBorderColor,
-            unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedBorderColor,
-            disabledIndicatorColor = disabledBorderColor,
-            errorIndicatorColor = errorBorderColor,
-            focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
-            unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
-            disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
-            errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
-            focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
-            unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
-            disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
-            errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
-            focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
-            unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
-            disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
-            errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
-            focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
-            unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
-            disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
-            errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
-            focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,
-            unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,
-            disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,
-            errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,
-            focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
-            unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
-            disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
-            errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
-            focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
-            unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
-            disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
-            errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
-        )
+    ): TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
+        focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
+        unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
+        disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
+        errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
+        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
+        errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
+        cursorColor = cursorColor,
+        errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
+        selectionColors = selectionColors,
+        focusedBorderColor = focusedBorderColor,
+        unfocusedBorderColor = unfocusedBorderColor,
+        disabledBorderColor = disabledBorderColor,
+        errorBorderColor = errorBorderColor,
+        focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
+        unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
+        disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
+        errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
+        focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
+        unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
+        disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
+        errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
+        focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
+        unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
+        disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
+        errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
+        focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
+        unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
+        disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
+        errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
+        focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,
+        unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,
+        disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,
+        errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,
+        focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
+        unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
+        disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
+        errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
+        focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
+        unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
+        disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
+        errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
+    )
-    /**
-     * A decoration box which helps creating custom text fields based on
-     * <a href="https://material.io/components/text-fields#filled-text-field" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design filled text field</a>.
-     *
-     * If your text field requires customising elements that aren't exposed by [TextField],
-     * consider using this decoration box to achieve the desired design.
-     *
-     * For example, if you need to create a dense text field, use [contentPadding] parameter to
-     * decrease the paddings around the input field. If you need to customise the bottom indicator,
-     * apply [indicatorLine] modifier to achieve that.
-     *
-     * See example of using [TextFieldDecorationBox] to build your own custom text field
-     * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.CustomTextFieldBasedOnDecorationBox
-     *
-     * @param value the input [String] shown by the text field
-     * @param innerTextField input text field that this decoration box wraps. You will pass here a
-     * framework-controlled composable parameter "innerTextField" from the decorationBox lambda of
-     * the [BasicTextField]
-     * @param enabled controls the enabled state of the text field. When `false`, this component
-     * will not respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to
-     * accessibility services. You must also pass the same value to the [BasicTextField] for it to
-     * adjust the behavior accordingly.
-     * @param singleLine indicates if this is a single line or multi line text field. You must pass
-     * the same value as to [BasicTextField].
-     * @param visualTransformation transforms the visual representation of the input [value]. You
-     * must pass the same value as to [BasicTextField].
-     * @param interactionSource the read-only [InteractionSource] representing the stream of
-     * [Interaction]s for this text field. You must first create and pass in your own `remember`ed
-     * [MutableInteractionSource] instance to the [BasicTextField] for it to dispatch events. And
-     * then pass the same instance to this decoration box to observe [Interaction]s and customize
-     * the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
-     * @param isError indicates if the text field's current value is in error state. If set to
-     * true, the label, bottom indicator and trailing icon by default will be displayed in error
-     * color.
-     * @param label the optional label to be displayed inside the text field container. The default
-     * text style for internal [Text] is [Typography.bodySmall] when the text field is in focus and
-     * [Typography.bodyLarge] when the text field is not in focus.
-     * @param placeholder the optional placeholder to be displayed when the text field is in focus
-     * and the input text is empty. The default text style for internal [Text] is
-     * [Typography.bodyLarge].
-     * @param leadingIcon the optional leading icon to be displayed at the beginning of the text
-     * field container
-     * @param trailingIcon the optional trailing icon to be displayed at the end of the text field
-     * container
-     * @param prefix the optional prefix to be displayed before the input text in the text field
-     * @param suffix the optional suffix to be displayed after the input text in the text field
-     * @param supportingText the optional supporting text to be displayed below the text field
-     * @param shape defines the shape of this text field's container
-     * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text
-     * field in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors].
-     * @param contentPadding the spacing values to apply internally between the internals of text
-     * field and the decoration box container. You can use it to implement dense text fields or
-     * simply to control horizontal padding. See [TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithLabelPadding] and
-     * [TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding].
-     * Note that if there's a label in the text field, the [top][PaddingValues.calculateTopPadding]
-     * padding represents the distance from the top edge of the container to the top of the label.
-     * Otherwise if label is null, it represents the distance from the top edge of the container to
-     * the top of the input field. All other paddings represent the distance from the corresponding
-     * edge of the container to the corresponding edge of the closest element.
-     * @param container the container to be drawn behind the text field. By default, this includes
-     * the bottom indicator line. Default colors for the container come from the [colors].
-     */
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(\n" +
+            "        value = value,\n" +
+            "        innerTextField = innerTextField,\n" +
+            "        enabled = enabled,\n" +
+            "        singleLine = singleLine,\n" +
+            "        visualTransformation = visualTransformation,\n" +
+            "        interactionSource = interactionSource,\n" +
+            "        isError = isError,\n" +
+            "        label = label,\n" +
+            "        placeholder = placeholder,\n" +
+            "        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,\n" +
+            "        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,\n" +
+            "        prefix = prefix,\n" +
+            "        suffix = suffix,\n" +
+            "        supportingText = supportingText,\n" +
+            "        shape = shape,\n" +
+            "        colors = colors,\n" +
+            "        contentPadding = contentPadding,\n" +
+            "        container = container,\n" +
+            "    )"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
     fun TextFieldDecorationBox(
@@ -623,97 +956,62 @@
         prefix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         suffix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         supportingText: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
-        shape: Shape = filledShape,
-        colors: TextFieldColors = textFieldColors(),
+        shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+        colors: TextFieldColors = colors(),
         contentPadding: PaddingValues =
             if (label == null) {
-                textFieldWithoutLabelPadding()
+                contentPaddingWithoutLabel()
             } else {
-                textFieldWithLabelPadding()
+                contentPaddingWithLabel()
         container: @Composable () -> Unit = {
-            FilledContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors, shape)
+            ContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors, shape)
-    ) {
-        CommonDecorationBox(
-            type = TextFieldType.Filled,
-            value = value,
-            innerTextField = innerTextField,
-            visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
-            placeholder = placeholder,
-            label = label,
-            leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
-            trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
-            prefix = prefix,
-            suffix = suffix,
-            supportingText = supportingText,
-            singleLine = singleLine,
-            enabled = enabled,
-            isError = isError,
-            interactionSource = interactionSource,
-            colors = colors,
-            contentPadding = contentPadding,
-            container = container
-        )
-    }
+    ) = DecorationBox(
+        value = value,
+        innerTextField = innerTextField,
+        enabled = enabled,
+        singleLine = singleLine,
+        visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
+        interactionSource = interactionSource,
+        isError = isError,
+        label = label,
+        placeholder = placeholder,
+        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
+        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
+        prefix = prefix,
+        suffix = suffix,
+        supportingText = supportingText,
+        shape = shape,
+        colors = colors,
+        contentPadding = contentPadding,
+        container = container,
+    )
-    /**
-     * A decoration box which helps creating custom text fields based on
-     * <a href="https://material.io/components/text-fields#outlined-text-field" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design outlined text field</a>.
-     *
-     * If your text field requires customising elements that aren't exposed by [OutlinedTextField],
-     * consider using this decoration box to achieve the desired design.
-     *
-     * For example, if you need to create a dense outlined text field, use [contentPadding]
-     * parameter to decrease the paddings around the input field. If you need to change the
-     * thickness of the border, use [container] parameter to achieve that.
-     *
-     * Example of custom text field based on [OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox]:
-     * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.CustomOutlinedTextFieldBasedOnDecorationBox
-     *
-     * @param value the input [String] shown by the text field
-     * @param innerTextField input text field that this decoration box wraps. You will pass here a
-     * framework-controlled composable parameter "innerTextField" from the decorationBox lambda of
-     * the [BasicTextField]
-     * @param enabled controls the enabled state of the text field. When `false`, this component
-     * will not respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to
-     * accessibility services. You must also pass the same value to the [BasicTextField] for it to
-     * adjust the behavior accordingly.
-     * @param singleLine indicates if this is a single line or multi line text field. You must pass
-     * the same value as to [BasicTextField].
-     * @param visualTransformation transforms the visual representation of the input [value]. You
-     * must pass the same value as to [BasicTextField].
-     * @param interactionSource the read-only [InteractionSource] representing the stream of
-     * [Interaction]s for this text field. You must first create and pass in your own `remember`ed
-     * [MutableInteractionSource] instance to the [BasicTextField] for it to dispatch events. And
-     * then pass the same instance to this decoration box to observe [Interaction]s and customize
-     * the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
-     * @param isError indicates if the text field's current value is in error state. If set to
-     * true, the label, bottom indicator and trailing icon by default will be displayed in error
-     * color.
-     * @param label the optional label to be displayed inside the text field container. The default
-     * text style for internal [Text] is [Typography.bodySmall] when the text field is in focus and
-     * [Typography.bodyLarge] when the text field is not in focus.
-     * @param placeholder the optional placeholder to be displayed when the text field is in focus
-     * and the input text is empty. The default text style for internal [Text] is
-     * [Typography.bodyLarge].
-     * @param leadingIcon the optional leading icon to be displayed at the beginning of the text
-     * field container
-     * @param trailingIcon the optional trailing icon to be displayed at the end of the text field
-     * container
-     * @param prefix the optional prefix to be displayed before the input text in the text field
-     * @param suffix the optional suffix to be displayed after the input text in the text field
-     * @param supportingText the optional supporting text to be displayed below the text field
-     * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text
-     * field in different states. See [TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors].
-     * @param contentPadding the spacing values to apply internally between the internals of text
-     * field and the decoration box container. You can use it to implement dense text fields or
-     * simply to control horizontal padding. See [TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldPadding].
-     * @param container the container to be drawn behind the text field. By default, this is
-     * transparent and only includes a border. The cutout in the border to fit the [label] will be
-     * automatically added by the framework. Note that by default the color of the border comes from
-     * the [colors].
-     */
+    @Deprecated(
+        message = "Renamed to `OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox`",
+        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(\n" +
+            "        value = value,\n" +
+            "        innerTextField = innerTextField,\n" +
+            "        enabled = enabled,\n" +
+            "        singleLine = singleLine,\n" +
+            "        visualTransformation = visualTransformation,\n" +
+            "        interactionSource = interactionSource,\n" +
+            "        isError = isError,\n" +
+            "        label = label,\n" +
+            "        placeholder = placeholder,\n" +
+            "        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,\n" +
+            "        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,\n" +
+            "        prefix = prefix,\n" +
+            "        suffix = suffix,\n" +
+            "        supportingText = supportingText,\n" +
+            "        colors = colors,\n" +
+            "        contentPadding = contentPadding,\n" +
+            "        container = container,\n" +
+            "    )",
+            "androidx.compose.material.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults"),
+        level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+    )
     fun OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
@@ -731,33 +1029,30 @@
         prefix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         suffix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         supportingText: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
-        colors: TextFieldColors = outlinedTextFieldColors(),
-        contentPadding: PaddingValues = outlinedTextFieldPadding(),
+        colors: TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(),
+        contentPadding: PaddingValues = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(),
         container: @Composable () -> Unit = {
-            OutlinedBorderContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors)
+            OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors)
-    ) {
-        CommonDecorationBox(
-            type = TextFieldType.Outlined,
-            value = value,
-            visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
-            innerTextField = innerTextField,
-            placeholder = placeholder,
-            label = label,
-            leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
-            trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
-            prefix = prefix,
-            suffix = suffix,
-            supportingText = supportingText,
-            singleLine = singleLine,
-            enabled = enabled,
-            isError = isError,
-            interactionSource = interactionSource,
-            colors = colors,
-            contentPadding = contentPadding,
-            container = container
-        )
-    }
+    ) = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
+        value = value,
+        innerTextField = innerTextField,
+        enabled = enabled,
+        singleLine = singleLine,
+        visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
+        interactionSource = interactionSource,
+        isError = isError,
+        label = label,
+        placeholder = placeholder,
+        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
+        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
+        prefix = prefix,
+        suffix = suffix,
+        supportingText = supportingText,
+        colors = colors,
+        contentPadding = contentPadding,
+        container = container,
+    )
     @Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
@@ -808,12 +1103,14 @@
         disabledSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor()
             .copy(alpha = FilledTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
         errorSuffixColor: Color = FilledTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
-    ): TextFieldColors = textFieldColors(
+    ): TextFieldColors = colors(
         focusedTextColor = textColor,
         unfocusedTextColor = textColor,
         disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
         errorTextColor = textColor,
-        containerColor = containerColor,
+        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
         errorContainerColor = containerColor,
         cursorColor = cursorColor,
         errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
@@ -901,12 +1198,14 @@
         disabledSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor()
             .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
         errorSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
-    ): TextFieldColors = outlinedTextFieldColors(
+    ): TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
         focusedTextColor = textColor,
         unfocusedTextColor = textColor,
         disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
         errorTextColor = textColor,
-        containerColor = containerColor,
+        focusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        unfocusedContainerColor = containerColor,
+        disabledContainerColor = containerColor,
         errorContainerColor = containerColor,
         cursorColor = cursorColor,
         errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
@@ -961,19 +1260,19 @@
         leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         supportingText: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
-        shape: Shape = filledShape,
-        colors: TextFieldColors = textFieldColors(),
+        shape: Shape = TextFieldDefaults.shape,
+        colors: TextFieldColors = colors(),
         contentPadding: PaddingValues =
             if (label == null) {
-                textFieldWithoutLabelPadding()
+                contentPaddingWithoutLabel()
             } else {
-                textFieldWithLabelPadding()
+                contentPaddingWithLabel()
         container: @Composable () -> Unit = {
-            FilledContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors, shape)
+            ContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors, shape)
     ) {
-        TextFieldDecorationBox(
+        DecorationBox(
             value = value,
             innerTextField = innerTextField,
             enabled = enabled,
@@ -1011,13 +1310,13 @@
         leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
         supportingText: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
-        colors: TextFieldColors = outlinedTextFieldColors(),
-        contentPadding: PaddingValues = outlinedTextFieldPadding(),
+        colors: TextFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(),
+        contentPadding: PaddingValues = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding(),
         container: @Composable () -> Unit = {
-            OutlinedBorderContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors)
+            OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(enabled, isError, interactionSource, colors)
     ) {
-        OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+        OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
             value = value,
             innerTextField = innerTextField,
             enabled = enabled,
@@ -1040,12 +1339,357 @@
+ * Contains the default values used by [OutlinedTextField]. For defaults used in [TextField], see
+ * [TextFieldDefaults].
+ */
+object OutlinedTextFieldDefaults {
+    /** Default shape for an [OutlinedTextField]. */
+    val shape: Shape @Composable get() = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape()
+    /**
+     * The default min width applied to an [OutlinedTextField].
+     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.heightIn directly on a text field.
+     */
+    val MinHeight = 56.dp
+    /**
+     * The default min width applied to an [OutlinedTextField].
+     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.widthIn directly on a text field.
+     */
+    val MinWidth = 280.dp
+    /**
+     * The default thickness of the border in [OutlinedTextField] in unfocused state.
+     */
+    val UnfocusedBorderThickness = 1.dp
+    /**
+     * The default thickness of the border in [OutlinedTextField] in focused state.
+     */
+    val FocusedBorderThickness = 2.dp
+    /**
+     * Composable that draws a default container for [OutlinedTextField] with a border stroke. You
+     * can use it to draw a border stroke in your custom text field based on
+     * [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox]. The [OutlinedTextField] applies it automatically.
+     *
+     * @param enabled whether the text field is enabled
+     * @param isError whether the text field's current value is in error
+     * @param interactionSource the [InteractionSource] of this text field. Helps to determine if
+     * the text field is in focus or not
+     * @param colors [TextFieldColors] used to resolve colors of the text field
+     * @param shape shape of the container
+     * @param focusedBorderThickness thickness of the [OutlinedTextField]'s border when it is in
+     * focused state
+     * @param unfocusedBorderThickness thickness of the [OutlinedTextField]'s border when it is not
+     * in focused state
+     */
+    @ExperimentalMaterial3Api
+    @Composable
+    fun ContainerBox(
+        enabled: Boolean,
+        isError: Boolean,
+        interactionSource: InteractionSource,
+        colors: TextFieldColors,
+        shape: Shape = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ContainerShape.toShape(),
+        focusedBorderThickness: Dp = FocusedBorderThickness,
+        unfocusedBorderThickness: Dp = UnfocusedBorderThickness
+    ) {
+        val borderStroke = animateBorderStrokeAsState(
+            enabled,
+            isError,
+            interactionSource,
+            colors,
+            focusedBorderThickness,
+            unfocusedBorderThickness
+        )
+        Box(
+            Modifier
+                .border(borderStroke.value, shape)
+                .background(
+                    colors.containerColor(enabled, isError, interactionSource).value, shape))
+    }
+    /**
+     * Default content padding applied to [OutlinedTextField].
+     * See [PaddingValues] for more details.
+     */
+    fun contentPadding(
+        start: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        top: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        end: Dp = TextFieldPadding,
+        bottom: Dp = TextFieldPadding
+    ): PaddingValues = PaddingValues(start, top, end, bottom)
+    /**
+     * Creates a [TextFieldColors] that represents the default input text, container, and content
+     * colors (including label, placeholder, icons, etc.) used in an [OutlinedTextField].
+     *
+     * @param focusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when not
+     * focused
+     * @param disabledTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorTextColor the color used for the input text of this text field when in error
+     * state
+     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedContainerColor the container color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorContainerColor the container color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param cursorColor the cursor color for this text field
+     * @param errorCursorColor the cursor color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param selectionColors the colors used when the input text of this text field is selected
+     * @param focusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedBorderColor the border color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledBorderColor the border color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorBorderColor the border color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorLeadingIconColor the leading icon color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorTrailingIconColor the trailing icon color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedLabelColor the label color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledLabelColor the label color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorLabelColor the label color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorPlaceholderColor the placeholder color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when not
+     * focused
+     * @param disabledSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when
+     * disabled
+     * @param errorSupportingTextColor the supporting text color for this text field when in error
+     * state
+     * @param focusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorPrefixColor the prefix color for this text field when in error state
+     * @param focusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when focused
+     * @param unfocusedSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when not focused
+     * @param disabledSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when disabled
+     * @param errorSuffixColor the suffix color for this text field when in error state
+     */
+    @Composable
+    fun colors(
+        focusedTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.FocusInputColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorInputColor.toColor(),
+        focusedContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        unfocusedContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        disabledContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        errorContainerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
+        cursorColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.CaretColor.toColor(),
+        errorCursorColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorFocusCaretColor.toColor(),
+        selectionColors: TextSelectionColors = LocalTextSelectionColors.current,
+        focusedBorderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.FocusOutlineColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedBorderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.OutlineColor.toColor(),
+        disabledBorderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledOutlineColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledOutlineOpacity),
+        errorBorderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorOutlineColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLeadingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.FocusLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLeadingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.LeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLeadingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledLeadingIconColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledLeadingIconOpacity),
+        errorLeadingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorLeadingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedTrailingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.FocusTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedTrailingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.TrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        disabledTrailingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledTrailingIconColor
+            .toColor().copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledTrailingIconOpacity),
+        errorTrailingIconColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorTrailingIconColor.toColor(),
+        focusedLabelColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.FocusLabelColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedLabelColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.LabelColor.toColor(),
+        disabledLabelColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledLabelColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledLabelOpacity),
+        errorLabelColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorLabelColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPlaceholderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPlaceholderColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPlaceholderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPlaceholderColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPlaceholderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorPlaceholderColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPlaceholderColor.toColor(),
+        focusedSupportingTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.FocusSupportingColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedSupportingTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.SupportingColor.toColor(),
+        disabledSupportingTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledSupportingColor
+            .toColor().copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledSupportingOpacity),
+        errorSupportingTextColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.ErrorSupportingColor.toColor(),
+        focusedPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor(),
+        disabledPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorPrefixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputPrefixColor.toColor(),
+        focusedSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
+        unfocusedSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
+        disabledSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor()
+            .copy(alpha = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.DisabledInputOpacity),
+        errorSuffixColor: Color = OutlinedTextFieldTokens.InputSuffixColor.toColor(),
+    ): TextFieldColors =
+        TextFieldColors(
+            focusedTextColor = focusedTextColor,
+            unfocusedTextColor = unfocusedTextColor,
+            disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor,
+            errorTextColor = errorTextColor,
+            focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
+            unfocusedContainerColor = unfocusedContainerColor,
+            disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
+            errorContainerColor = errorContainerColor,
+            cursorColor = cursorColor,
+            errorCursorColor = errorCursorColor,
+            textSelectionColors = selectionColors,
+            focusedIndicatorColor = focusedBorderColor,
+            unfocusedIndicatorColor = unfocusedBorderColor,
+            disabledIndicatorColor = disabledBorderColor,
+            errorIndicatorColor = errorBorderColor,
+            focusedLeadingIconColor = focusedLeadingIconColor,
+            unfocusedLeadingIconColor = unfocusedLeadingIconColor,
+            disabledLeadingIconColor = disabledLeadingIconColor,
+            errorLeadingIconColor = errorLeadingIconColor,
+            focusedTrailingIconColor = focusedTrailingIconColor,
+            unfocusedTrailingIconColor = unfocusedTrailingIconColor,
+            disabledTrailingIconColor = disabledTrailingIconColor,
+            errorTrailingIconColor = errorTrailingIconColor,
+            focusedLabelColor = focusedLabelColor,
+            unfocusedLabelColor = unfocusedLabelColor,
+            disabledLabelColor = disabledLabelColor,
+            errorLabelColor = errorLabelColor,
+            focusedPlaceholderColor = focusedPlaceholderColor,
+            unfocusedPlaceholderColor = unfocusedPlaceholderColor,
+            disabledPlaceholderColor = disabledPlaceholderColor,
+            errorPlaceholderColor = errorPlaceholderColor,
+            focusedSupportingTextColor = focusedSupportingTextColor,
+            unfocusedSupportingTextColor = unfocusedSupportingTextColor,
+            disabledSupportingTextColor = disabledSupportingTextColor,
+            errorSupportingTextColor = errorSupportingTextColor,
+            focusedPrefixColor = focusedPrefixColor,
+            unfocusedPrefixColor = unfocusedPrefixColor,
+            disabledPrefixColor = disabledPrefixColor,
+            errorPrefixColor = errorPrefixColor,
+            focusedSuffixColor = focusedSuffixColor,
+            unfocusedSuffixColor = unfocusedSuffixColor,
+            disabledSuffixColor = disabledSuffixColor,
+            errorSuffixColor = errorSuffixColor,
+        )
+    /**
+     * A decoration box which helps creating custom text fields based on
+     * <a href="https://material.io/components/text-fields#outlined-text-field" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design outlined text field</a>.
+     *
+     * If your text field requires customising elements that aren't exposed by [OutlinedTextField],
+     * consider using this decoration box to achieve the desired design.
+     *
+     * For example, if you need to create a dense outlined text field, use [contentPadding]
+     * parameter to decrease the paddings around the input field. If you need to change the
+     * thickness of the border, use [container] parameter to achieve that.
+     *
+     * Example of custom text field based on [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox]:
+     * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.CustomOutlinedTextFieldBasedOnDecorationBox
+     *
+     * @param value the input [String] shown by the text field
+     * @param innerTextField input text field that this decoration box wraps. You will pass here a
+     * framework-controlled composable parameter "innerTextField" from the decorationBox lambda of
+     * the [BasicTextField]
+     * @param enabled controls the enabled state of the text field. When `false`, this component
+     * will not respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to
+     * accessibility services. You must also pass the same value to the [BasicTextField] for it to
+     * adjust the behavior accordingly.
+     * @param singleLine indicates if this is a single line or multi line text field. You must pass
+     * the same value as to [BasicTextField].
+     * @param visualTransformation transforms the visual representation of the input [value]. You
+     * must pass the same value as to [BasicTextField].
+     * @param interactionSource the read-only [InteractionSource] representing the stream of
+     * [Interaction]s for this text field. You must first create and pass in your own `remember`ed
+     * [MutableInteractionSource] instance to the [BasicTextField] for it to dispatch events. And
+     * then pass the same instance to this decoration box to observe [Interaction]s and customize
+     * the appearance / behavior of this text field in different states.
+     * @param isError indicates if the text field's current value is in error state. If set to
+     * true, the label, bottom indicator and trailing icon by default will be displayed in error
+     * color.
+     * @param label the optional label to be displayed inside the text field container. The default
+     * text style for internal [Text] is [Typography.bodySmall] when the text field is in focus and
+     * [Typography.bodyLarge] when the text field is not in focus.
+     * @param placeholder the optional placeholder to be displayed when the text field is in focus
+     * and the input text is empty. The default text style for internal [Text] is
+     * [Typography.bodyLarge].
+     * @param leadingIcon the optional leading icon to be displayed at the beginning of the text
+     * field container
+     * @param trailingIcon the optional trailing icon to be displayed at the end of the text field
+     * container
+     * @param prefix the optional prefix to be displayed before the input text in the text field
+     * @param suffix the optional suffix to be displayed after the input text in the text field
+     * @param supportingText the optional supporting text to be displayed below the text field
+     * @param colors [TextFieldColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this text
+     * field in different states. See [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors].
+     * @param contentPadding the spacing values to apply internally between the internals of text
+     * field and the decoration box container. You can use it to implement dense text fields or
+     * simply to control horizontal padding. See [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.contentPadding].
+     * @param container the container to be drawn behind the text field. By default, this is
+     * transparent and only includes a border. The cutout in the border to fit the [label] will be
+     * automatically added by the framework. Note that by default the color of the border comes from
+     * the [colors].
+     */
+    @Composable
+    @ExperimentalMaterial3Api
+    fun DecorationBox(
+        value: String,
+        innerTextField: @Composable () -> Unit,
+        enabled: Boolean,
+        singleLine: Boolean,
+        visualTransformation: VisualTransformation,
+        interactionSource: InteractionSource,
+        isError: Boolean = false,
+        label: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        placeholder: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        prefix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        suffix: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        supportingText: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
+        colors: TextFieldColors = colors(),
+        contentPadding: PaddingValues = contentPadding(),
+        container: @Composable () -> Unit = {
+            ContainerBox(
+                enabled,
+                isError,
+                interactionSource,
+                colors
+            )
+        }
+    ) {
+        CommonDecorationBox(
+            type = TextFieldType.Outlined,
+            value = value,
+            visualTransformation = visualTransformation,
+            innerTextField = innerTextField,
+            placeholder = placeholder,
+            label = label,
+            leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
+            trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
+            prefix = prefix,
+            suffix = suffix,
+            supportingText = supportingText,
+            singleLine = singleLine,
+            enabled = enabled,
+            isError = isError,
+            interactionSource = interactionSource,
+            colors = colors,
+            contentPadding = contentPadding,
+            container = container
+        )
+    }
  * Represents the colors of the input text, container, and content (including label, placeholder,
  * leading and trailing icons) used in a text field in different states.
- * See [TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors] for the default colors used in [TextField].
- * See [TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors] for the default colors used in
- * [OutlinedTextField].
+ * See [TextFieldDefaults.colors] for the default colors used in [TextField].
+ * See [OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors] for the default colors used in [OutlinedTextField].
 class TextFieldColors internal constructor(
@@ -1053,15 +1697,17 @@
     private val unfocusedTextColor: Color,
     private val disabledTextColor: Color,
     private val errorTextColor: Color,
-    private val containerColor: Color,
+    private val focusedContainerColor: Color,
+    private val unfocusedContainerColor: Color,
+    private val disabledContainerColor: Color,
     private val errorContainerColor: Color,
     private val cursorColor: Color,
     private val errorCursorColor: Color,
     private val textSelectionColors: TextSelectionColors,
     private val focusedIndicatorColor: Color,
     private val unfocusedIndicatorColor: Color,
-    private val errorIndicatorColor: Color,
     private val disabledIndicatorColor: Color,
+    private val errorIndicatorColor: Color,
     private val focusedLeadingIconColor: Color,
     private val unfocusedLeadingIconColor: Color,
     private val disabledLeadingIconColor: Color,
@@ -1175,11 +1821,26 @@
      * Represents the container color for this text field.
+     * @param enabled whether the text field is enabled
      * @param isError whether the text field's current value is in error
+     * @param interactionSource the [InteractionSource] of this text field. Helps to determine if
+     * the text field is in focus or not
-    internal fun containerColor(isError: Boolean): State<Color> {
-        return rememberUpdatedState(if (isError) errorContainerColor else containerColor)
+    internal fun containerColor(
+        enabled: Boolean,
+        isError: Boolean,
+        interactionSource: InteractionSource
+    ): State<Color> {
+        val focused by interactionSource.collectIsFocusedAsState()
+        val targetValue = when {
+            !enabled -> disabledContainerColor
+            isError -> errorContainerColor
+            focused -> focusedContainerColor
+            else -> unfocusedContainerColor
+        }
+        return animateColorAsState(targetValue, tween(durationMillis = AnimationDuration))
@@ -1349,15 +2010,17 @@
         if (unfocusedTextColor != other.unfocusedTextColor) return false
         if (disabledTextColor != other.disabledTextColor) return false
         if (errorTextColor != other.errorTextColor) return false
-        if (containerColor != other.containerColor) return false
+        if (focusedContainerColor != other.focusedContainerColor) return false
+        if (unfocusedContainerColor != other.unfocusedContainerColor) return false
+        if (disabledContainerColor != other.disabledContainerColor) return false
         if (errorContainerColor != other.errorContainerColor) return false
         if (cursorColor != other.cursorColor) return false
         if (errorCursorColor != other.errorCursorColor) return false
         if (textSelectionColors != other.textSelectionColors) return false
         if (focusedIndicatorColor != other.focusedIndicatorColor) return false
         if (unfocusedIndicatorColor != other.unfocusedIndicatorColor) return false
-        if (errorIndicatorColor != other.errorIndicatorColor) return false
         if (disabledIndicatorColor != other.disabledIndicatorColor) return false
+        if (errorIndicatorColor != other.errorIndicatorColor) return false
         if (focusedLeadingIconColor != other.focusedLeadingIconColor) return false
         if (unfocusedLeadingIconColor != other.unfocusedLeadingIconColor) return false
         if (disabledLeadingIconColor != other.disabledLeadingIconColor) return false
@@ -1395,15 +2058,17 @@
         result = 31 * result + unfocusedTextColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + disabledTextColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + errorTextColor.hashCode()
-        result = 31 * result + containerColor.hashCode()
+        result = 31 * result + focusedContainerColor.hashCode()
+        result = 31 * result + unfocusedContainerColor.hashCode()
+        result = 31 * result + disabledContainerColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + errorContainerColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + cursorColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + errorCursorColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + textSelectionColors.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + focusedIndicatorColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + unfocusedIndicatorColor.hashCode()
-        result = 31 * result + errorIndicatorColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + disabledIndicatorColor.hashCode()
+        result = 31 * result + errorIndicatorColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + focusedLeadingIconColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + unfocusedLeadingIconColor.hashCode()
         result = 31 * result + disabledLeadingIconColor.hashCode()
diff --git a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TimePicker.kt b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TimePicker.kt
index 15e989e..04a642d 100644
--- a/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TimePicker.kt
+++ b/compose/material3/material3/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/TimePicker.kt
@@ -1395,8 +1395,9 @@
 ) {
     val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
     val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
-    val textFieldColors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
-        containerColor = colors.timeSelectorContainerColor(true),
+    val textFieldColors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
+        focusedContainerColor = colors.timeSelectorContainerColor(true),
+        unfocusedContainerColor = colors.timeSelectorContainerColor(true),
         focusedTextColor = colors.timeSelectorContentColor(true),
     val selected = selection == state.selection
@@ -1444,7 +1445,7 @@
                     1.00f to Color.Transparent
             ) {
-                TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedTextFieldDecorationBox(
+                OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.DecorationBox(
                     value = value.text,
                     visualTransformation = VisualTransformation.None,
                     innerTextField = it,
@@ -1454,7 +1455,7 @@
                     interactionSource = interactionSource,
                     contentPadding = PaddingValues(0.dp),
                     container = {
-                        TextFieldDefaults.OutlinedBorderContainerBox(
+                        OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.ContainerBox(
                             enabled = true,
                             isError = false,
                             interactionSource = interactionSource,
diff --git a/tv/integration-tests/playground/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/playground/TextField.kt b/tv/integration-tests/playground/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/playground/TextField.kt
index 4a55634..d359b88 100644
--- a/tv/integration-tests/playground/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/playground/TextField.kt
+++ b/tv/integration-tests/playground/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/playground/TextField.kt
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 import androidx.compose.material3.Button
 import androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api
 import androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextField
+import androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults
 import androidx.compose.material3.Text
-import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults
 import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
 import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
 import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
         placeholder = {
-        colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+        colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
             focusedBorderColor = Color.Cyan,
             focusedLabelColor = Color.Cyan,
             cursorColor = Color.White
diff --git a/tv/integration-tests/presentation/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/presentation/ShowsGrid.kt b/tv/integration-tests/presentation/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/presentation/ShowsGrid.kt
index 4dfbf0b..c9f982d 100644
--- a/tv/integration-tests/presentation/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/presentation/ShowsGrid.kt
+++ b/tv/integration-tests/presentation/src/main/java/androidx/tv/integration/presentation/ShowsGrid.kt
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.padding
 import androidx.compose.material3.ExperimentalMaterial3Api
 import androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextField
-import androidx.compose.material3.TextFieldDefaults
+import androidx.compose.material3.OutlinedTextFieldDefaults
 import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
 import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
 import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
                 modifier = modifier
-                colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors(
+                colors = OutlinedTextFieldDefaults.colors(
                     focusedTextColor = Color.White,
                     unfocusedTextColor = Color.White,
                     focusedBorderColor = Color.White,