Bug: 300202401

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  1. a2a7874 Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo am: 8576ecdaa9 by James Farrell · 4 weeks ago main master
  2. 8576ecd Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo by James Farrell · 4 weeks ago
  3. 35d839b Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo am: 323eaac862 by James Farrell · 5 weeks ago
  4. 323eaac Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo by James Farrell · 6 weeks ago
  5. bc5e663 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 0aefcc3f65 am: b49338186c am: 38303028aa by Andrew Walbran · 7 months ago android14-qpr3-release android-14.0.0_r50


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This provides something similar to what RwLock<Arc<T>> is or what Atomic<Arc<T>> would be if it existed, optimized for read-mostly write-seldom scenarios, with consistent performance characteristics.

Read the documentation before using.

Rust version policy

The 1. version will build on any edition 2018 capable compiler. This does not include:

  • Tests. Tests build and run on recent compilers, mostly because of dependencies.
  • Additional feature flags. Most feature flags are guaranteed to build since the version they are introduced. Experimental features are without any guarantees.


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