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eBPF Traffic Monitoring

Introduction {:#introduction}

The eBPF network traffic tool uses a combination of kernel and user space implementation to monitor network usage on the device since the last device boot. It provides additional functionality such as socket tagging, separating foreground/background traffic and per-UID firewall to block apps from network access depending on phone state. The statistics gathered from the tool are stored in a kernel data structure called eBPF maps and the result is used by services like NetworkStatsService to provide persistent traffic statistics since the last boot.

Examples and source {:#examples-and-source}

The userspace changes are mainly in the system/netd and framework/base projects. Development is being done in AOSP, so AOSP code will always be up to date. The source is mainly located at system/netd/server/TrafficController*{: .external}, system/netd/bpfloader{: .external} and system/netd/libbpf/{: .external}. Some necessary framework changes are in framework/base/ and system/core as well.

Implementation {:#implementation}

Starting with Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }}, Android devices running on kernel 4.9 or above and originally shipped with the P release MUST use eBPF-based network traffic monitoring accounting instead of xt_qtaguid. The new infrastructure is more flexible and more maintainable and does not require any out-of-tree kernel code.

The major design differences between legacy and eBPF traffic monitoring are illustrated in Figure 1.

Legacy and eBPF traffic monitoring design differences

Figure 1. Legacy (left) and eBPF (right) traffic monitoring design differences

The new trafficController design is based on per-cgroup eBPF filter as well as xt_bpf netfilter module inside the kernel. These eBPF filters are applied on the packet tx/rx when they pass through the filter. The cgroup eBPF filter is located at the transport layer and is responsible for counting the traffic against the right UID depending on the socket UID as well as userspace setting. The xt_bpf netfilter is hooked at thebw_raw_PREROUTING and bw_mangle_POSTROUTING chain and is responsible for counting traffic against the correct interface.

At boot time, the userspace process trafficController creates the eBPF maps used for data collection and pins all maps as a virtual file at sys/fs/bpf. Then the privileged process bpfloader loads the precompiled eBPF program into the kernel and attaches it to the correct cgroup. There is a single root cgroup for all traffic so all the process should be included in that cgroup by default.

At run time, the trafficController can tag/untag a socket by writing to the traffic_cookie_tag_map and traffic_uid_counterSet_map. The NetworkStatsService can read the traffic stats data from traffic_tag_stats_map, traffic_uid_stats_map and traffic_iface_stats_map. Besides the traffic stats collection function, the trafficController and cgroup eBPF filter are also responsible for blocking traffic from certain UIDs depending on the phone settings. The UID-based networking traffic blocking feature is a replacement of the xt_owner module inside the kernel and the detail mode can be configured by writing totraffic_powersave_uid_map, traffic_standby_uid_map and traffic_dozable_uid_map.

The new implementation follows the legacy xt_qtaguid module implementation so TrafficController and NetworkStatsService will run with either the legacy or new implementation. If the app uses public APIs, it should not experience any difference whether xt_qtaguid or eBPF tools are used in the background.

If the device kernel is based on the Android common kernel 4.9 (SHA 39c856663dcc81739e52b02b77d6af259eb838f6 or above), then no modifications to HALs, drivers, or kernel code are required to implement the new eBPF tool.

Requirements {:#requirements}

  1. The kernel config MUST have these following configs turned on:

    2. CONFIG_BPF=y

    The VTS kernel config test{: .external} is helpful when verifying the correct config is turned on.

  2. The device MEM_LOCK rlimit MUST be set to 8 MB or more.

Legacy xt_qtaguid deprecation process {:#legacy-xt_qtaguid-deprecation-process}

The new eBPF tool is replacing thext_qtaguid module and the xt_owner module it is based on. We will start to remove the xt_qtaguid module from the Android kernel and disable its unnecessary configs.

In the Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release, the xt_qtaguid module is turned on in all devices, but all the public APIs that directly read the xt_qtaguid module proc file are moved into the NetworkManagement Service. Depending on the device kernel version and first API level, the NetworkManagement Service knows whether eBPF tools is turned on and chooses the right module to get for each app network usage stat. Apps with SDK level 28 and higher are blocked from accessing xt_qtaguid proc files by sepolicy.

In the next Android release after {{ androidPVersionNumber }}, app access to those xt_qtaguid proc files will be completely blocked we will start to remove the xt_qtaguid module from the new Android common kernels. After it is removed, we will update the Android base config for that kernel version to explicitly turn the xt_qtaguid module off. The xt_qtaguid module will be completely deprecated when the minimum kernel version requirement for an Android release is 4.9 or above.

In the Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release, only devices that launch with the Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release are required to have the new eBPF feature. For devices that shipped with a kernel that can support eBPF tools, we recommend updating it to the new eBPF feature when upgrading to the Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release. There is no CTS test to enforce that update.

Validation {:#validation}

You should regularly take patches from Android common kernels and Android AOSP master. Ensure your implementation passes the applicable VTS and CTS tests, the netd_unit_test, and the libbpf_test.

Testing {:#testing}

There are kernel net_tests{: .external} to ensure you have the required features turned on and required kernel patches backported. The tests are integrated as part of Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release VTS tests. There are some unit tests in system/netd/ (netd_unit_test{: .external} and libbpf_test{: .external}). There are some tests in netd_integration_test to validate the overall behavior of the new tool.

CTS and CTS verifier {:#cts-and-cts-verifier}

Because both traffic monitoring modules are supported in the Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release, there is no CTS test to force implementing the new module on all devices. But for devices with kernel version higher then 4.9 that originally ship with the Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} release (i.e. the first API level >= 28), there are CTS tests on GSI to validate the new module is correctly configured. Old CTS tests such as TrafficStatsTest, NetworkUsageStatsTest and CtsNativeNetTestCases can be used to verify the behavior to be consistent with old UID module.

Manual testing {:#manual-testing}

There are some unit tests in system/netd/ (netd_unit_test{: .external}, netd_integration_test{: .external} and libbpf_test{: .external}). There is dumpsys support for manually checking the status. The command dumpsys netd shows the basic status of the trafficController module and whether eBPF is correctly turned on. If eBPF is turned on, the command dumpsys netd trafficcontroller shows the detailed content of each eBPF map, including tagged socket information, stats per tag, UID and iface, and owner UID match.

Test locations {:#test-locations}

CTS tests are located at:

VTS tests are located at{: .external}.

Unit tests are located at: