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Label: TensorFlow

Graph neural networks in TensorFlow

Visual Blocks for ML: Accelerating machine learning prototyping with interactive tools

Advances in TF-Ranking

Accelerating Neural Networks on Mobile and Web with Sparse Inference

Introducing Model Search: An Open Source Platform for Finding Optimal ML Models

3D Scene Understanding with TensorFlow 3D

Mitigating Unfair Bias in ML Models with the MinDiff Framework

Developing Real-Time, Automatic Sign Language Detection for Video Conferencing

Massively Scaling Reinforcement Learning with SEED RL

Announcing TensorFlow Quantum: An Open Source Library for Quantum Machine Learning

Toward Human-Centered Design for ML Frameworks

Ultra-High Resolution Image Analysis with Mesh-TensorFlow

Setting Fairness Goals with the TensorFlow Constrained Optimization Library

Fairness Indicators: Scalable Infrastructure for Fair ML Systems

A New Workflow for Collaborative Machine Learning Research in Biodiversity

Introducing TensorNetwork, an Open Source Library for Efficient Tensor Calculations

RNN-Based Handwriting Recognition in Gboard

TF-Ranking: A Scalable TensorFlow Library for Learning-to-Rank

Open Sourcing BERT: State-of-the-Art Pre-training for Natural Language Processing

Introducing AdaNet: Fast and Flexible AutoML with Learning Guarantees