Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +234 817 245 8901


Our programs are tailored to sensitize, educate, empower and advocate for the rights of women and children. We leverage the power of partnership across private and public sectors to bring our vision to reality. Please see below our program areas.


The Safe Hub Club promotes an inclusive approach that enables children to participate in their safeguarding. This platform also provides a space for caregivers and parents to join the fight against sexual violence against children. Children will be able to identify, name and take the appropriate actions when confronted by predators.


We break the barriers of ignorance by providing relevant information on the prevention and response to sexual violence. We use books and other media resources to continually educate, sensitize, and communicate to vulnerable groups.


We rely on advocacy to change policy and practise on sexual violence at the local, national or international level. You Are Not Alone: Is a live social media advocacy program focused on discussing trends on violence against women and children. We will continue to lend our voices to issues that lead to undermining women and children in our society soliciting support from this stakeholders on the way forward to improve the well beign of women and children.


We are working in collaboration with Avante a creative design Agency on the Avante4her Project. Together we are equipping women and girls with basic digital skills and know-how to harness the growing job opportunities in the creative design industry. These skills are not limited to graphic design, Animation, UI/UX, Digital Drawing, and much more. These skills can enable women and girls to start earning directly from the job market after a few months of training.


Tell Person!” is read in the Nigerian Pidgin language, the most used central language for communication across classes in Nigeria, and it means “Tell Someone!”. This campaign will engage the public with a focus on strengthening multistakeholder engagement and engaing the public, especially young males in a conversation about the dangers OCSAE poses to children, the legal implications, and the channels of reporting perpetrators. At the end of this process, our goal is to senstize the public and deter perpetrators.


We improve the welfare of vulnerable women and children by empowering and exposing them to viable opportunities that ameliorate their quality of life. The Purple Roses App aims at creating a safe space for women experiencing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). We are currently building a Purple Roses community on our facebook group.