Automate your design process with Premium Generative AI | The Best AI Design Tool, fine-tuned for the Fashion Industry

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We are building advanced design technology to keep our planet livable.

We are building advanced design technology to keep our planet livable.


What we do, is an AI tool which uses Generative AI & Machine Learning to make design easier, faster and smarter than ever for the Fashion industry.  This powerful Design Tool is saving fashion brands resources, waste, and accelerating product development. Start using our AI Clothing Generator today and join us in our mission to create a sustainable future for fashion with AI Technology.

Our benefits

Put technology to work for you!

Reduce Operating Costs

Be 80% Faster to the Market

Generate data-driven customer-centric designs

Minimize unsold inventory

Save up to 93% CO2

Unlock New Revenue Streams


What makes different?


Our Design Tool is made by designers, for designers. We've integrated the latest technologies, including but not limited to neural networks, 3D, and augmented reality; into our design software. This means in one only platform you can analyse your data, your competitors' data, and google trends; then through Generative AI, create your design, variations of that design, mood boards, color palettes, prints; automatically convert it into 3D images, so you can edit it; and finally share it across your value chain for production, distribute it through your multichannel marketing channels, or project it with augmented reality AR & VR.


Unleash your creativity with yoona’s AI design generator & stay ahead in the competitive fashion landscape.


Unlimited design possibilities for any items and categories.

The user can upload any kind of data including their drawings, inspirations, photos and text performance data from companies. Besides, they can also create folders for projects and connect through our software to their social media channels.

Integrated 3D Technology.

By using 3D technology, sample adoption rates grow to 55% (3d clo report, 2020). 2D-3D is proceeded in one click and can be generated until you like the result. 3D designs give you an idea of how garments or accessories look in reality.

Integrated Augmented Reality.

AR projects the garment on an avatar in reality and offers a similar experience to viewing the fashion design as it would on a real person.

Easy and intuitive interface.

You can create unlimited projects, collections, choose between colour categories, download the designs and share them with your colleagues. No special knowledge required.


Our virtual showroom

The virtual showroom app works for smartphones and tablets. Currently, it’s available in the app store here:


Press mentions


«Künstliche Intelligenz: Übernimmt KI auch bald die Modewelt?»

Wir alle reden momentan von künstlicher Intelligenz. Wir haben uns deswegen mal angeschaut, wie KI die Modewelt beeinflusst…

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«Anna Franziska Michel, CEO und Gründerin von YOONA Technology»

Die Modebranche befindet sich im Wandel – nicht zuletzt durch die Corona-Pandemie. Warum das auch eine Chance sein kann …

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«Diese Gründerin will mit KI die Modebranche nachhaltiger machen»

Rund 400.000 Tonnen Textilabfall produziert Deutschland jährlich. Gründerin Anna Franziska Michel will das mit digitalisiertem Design ändern …

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Yoona AI sustainability analysis

In our sustainability analysis, you'll discover comprehensive insights into how yoona AI Tool empowers Fashion companies to make significant sustainability strides. Leveraging our AI Clothing Generator Design Tool, fuelled by Generative AI, machine learning, and data analysis - we provide the solutions needed to increase profitability whilst cutting off pollution. Explore the benefits of our AI Design Generator - tailored specifically for fashion, and learn how yoona’s AI tool for fashion design can revolutionise your sustainability efforts.

 Our partners




Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus
CEO @ Gerry Weber International AG

“With every conversation inside and outside of the industry, new and different inspirations come for me. But in recent months, it has certainly been Anna Franziska Michel with her AI-based technology Anna Franziska is an absolute inspiration for me, a role model in the tech industry. She is a mother and founder and is fast in thinking and implementation. This is technology that combines sustainability and speed, past and future”.

Sky Asay
Director Design Operations @ Adidas

“ offers a solution that conceptually connects well into our rapid creation strategy. With the technology we aim to become faster in the design process as we attempt to work on close to market calendars, closely informed by our customer’s needs. Utilizing AI to automate the design process is an innovative way to assist our designers to speed up their process, make better decisions, and to create new consumer relevant products faster. Anna Franziska Michel clearly understood the needs of our brand and we are excited about the idea and product as it reflects our enablers of rapid creation”.


“ reflects what we aim to achieve with our strategy, allowing us to become even more customer-centric, forward thinking and innovative. Utilizing AI to automate the design process will help us to innovate our processes, to create new consumer relevant products faster, easier and more sustainable.”



"Implementing new technologies like could be a way to increase productivity and efficiency. With technology supporting the design process, we may be able to invest more time in our attention to detail again."

Liebeskind Berlin

“Berlin means progress and digitalization. As startup capital we are part of a big modern movement. represents exactly this pioneering work for us. By using artifical intelligence, the design process could be optimized and designers could be given more room for creativity”.


Ernstings Family

"With her innovative thinking, Anna Franziska Michel is strongly advancing the idea of artificial intelligence in design and creating a link between creative fashion design and computer science with her interdisciplinary research. We believe it will not only increase efficiency in design, but also create more time for creativity for designers."

 Awards, recognitions & programs

Convince yourself

Automate your design process to three clicks to become more efficient and reduce unsold merchandise.


Who we are

We are the Yoona AI team – Our fashion and tech experts, boasting a combined 30 years of experience, are pioneers in developing AI-driven solutions. As creators of an innovative & powerful AI Design Generator Tool we're committed to digitalisation and sustainability. Our cutting-edge technology, including Generative AI, our leading partnerships & fashion expertise - positions us as the best AI Design Tool fine-tuned for the fashion industry. We're dedicated to propelling the industry forward with an AI Tool for Fashion Design that empowers brands to drive innovation, success and sustainability.


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