Partners Global

New Podcast on Civil Society Resiliency in Changing Civic Spaces Listen here!
PartnersGlobal’s 2021-2022 Resiliency Report Read More

Our Mission

PartnersGlobal advances resilient civic space through authentic partnership and accompaniment, inclusive processes, and conflict sensitivity to bring about more peaceful, secure, and accountable societies.


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Working with our global partners, we apply our team’s expertise to challenges around the world to build the foundations for more democratic, peaceful, and prosperous societies.

Accountable Governance

Accountable governance is an ongoing process driven by inclusive leadership and participatory decision-making. We are committed to working across sectors and in collaboration with government, businesses and civil society to improve the rule of law, boost citizen participation in policy making, protect human rights, and increase government transparency.

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Civil Society Strengthening

“Civil society” refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations that represent the interests of citizens. Civil society has the power to channel community priorities to affect the decisions of policy-makers within  democratic institutions. A cornerstone of our history and mission is to work closely with civil society, to help leaders and organizations – individually and collectively – to achieve their goals.

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Security Sector Reform

Many countries are struggling to balance security sector governance with violence prevention programming and the protection of citizen rights. We are committed to supporting governments, security sector institutions and communities to jointly advance reforms that prioritize a holistic approach to citizen security and human rights. We believe in investing in trusting relationships between communities and the security sector actors entrusted to keep them safe.

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Peace & Conflict

Building peace is a long-term, multifaceted commitment to working at all levels of society so that human potential can flourish. We work to engage new constituencies for peace and peacebuilding; and, together with our local partners, we help to peacefully resolve conflict. Our global team provides insight into conflict dynamics and facilitates training, dialogue, and mediation processes to transform complex conflict dynamics.

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The PartnersGlobal team is made up of hundreds of trainers and facilitators from around the world ready to deliver our signature approaches, able to operate in local languages and always adapting to the local context. These signature approaches have developed over the years in response to the most pressing issues of our time

Facilitating Accountability, Integrity, and Resilience Program

The PartnersGlobal Facilitating Accountability, Integrity, Transparency, and Resiliency (FAIR) Program treats corruption as a symptom of the organization’s malfunctioning and treats people as capable, motivated human beings, knowledgeable about their organizations. Basing our approach on the Islands of Integrity™ methodology, we tailor our intervention to every unique context we encounter.

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Narratives for Peace

To effectively promote social change and bring different groups of people together, we have to start by engaging narratives. Narratives are cognitive frameworks, often unconscious, that we filter new information and stories through. What comes out on the other side are the worldviews and shortcuts we use to understand what’s happening around us.

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Pathways to Sustainable Mediation

Pathways to Sustainable Mediation is a coaching and peer-learning based program to support sophisticated Mediation Promoters. We help mediators develop the skills necessary to create the political buy-in, policies, systems and infrastructure needed to sustain mediation programs that can provide conflict resolution services within institutions and communities for the long term.

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Positive Peace in Action

Positive peace is not just the absence of violence, but the presence of the systems, structures and norms that support peace. Unfortunately, there are few resources to educate and inform citizens on how to actively work for positive peace in practice. To address this gap, we teamed up with Rotary International and the Institute for Economics and Peace to develop a Positive Peace in Action Curriculum and Implementation Guide for grassroots peacebuilders and their allies.

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Our Resiliency+ Framework helps civil society organizations identify external threats and internal vulnerabilities impeding them from implementing effective and resilient operations, especially during change and crisis. Using this analysis, the Resiliency+ Framework provides a menu of strategies, tactics, tools and peer-to-peer assistance to help organizations strengthen seven key resiliency factors.

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Consensus Facilitation

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