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What we’re about

ProductCamp is a great opportunity to learn from, teach to, and network with professionals involved in the Brand/Product Management, Marketing, and Development processes in London! At ProductCamp, everyone participates: by presenting, leading discussions, helping with logistics, securing sponsorships, or volunteering.

Everyone interested in improving their ability to conceive, build, manage, and market brands or products is welcome. Everyone brings different experiences and leveraging that collective knowledge is what makes ProductCamp special--and something you can't get from any other gathering.


ProductCamp London is:

  • Grassroots organization - Your participation will make or break the event! 
  • Highly engaged & creative exchange increasing each individual’s skills & knowledge. 
  • Building and strengthening professional relationships while having a whole lot of fun.


ProductCamp London isn’t:

  • A pre-determined set of speakers and topics. 
  • Polite attention & passivity in sessions nor does sole responsibility rest with presenters for successful sessions. 
  • Networking only at formal icebreakers and scheduled breaks.