Privacy Policy

Last updated October 31, 2023.

Fancade is developed by Martin Magni AB. We know privacy and security is important to our users and this Privacy Policy will help you understand what information we collect, why we need it, and what we do with it. By using Fancade you agree to this policy and the Terms of Use.

Fancade Account

When you start using Fancade you will be assigned a unique identifier that is stored on your device. It just looks like a bunch of random numbers and letters, and is not visible to other Fancade users, but serves to link any in-app purchases you make to your device so that they persist between play sessions.

If you choose to, you may connect an email and password to the identifier, creating a Fancade account that lets you sign in and access your purchases from your other devices. The email you provide is not visible to other Fancade users and will not be used to send you spam! However we may use it to contact you, e.g. to send a password reset link if you forgot your password.

Creating a Fancade account enables you to publish games you've made! The game, and the nick name you choose to publish as, will be visible to other users, so don't include any information that you do not wish to be public.

Fancade uses Google Firebase to provide these services and you can find more information here.

Account Deletion

If you created a Fancade Account and want to delete that account, you can do so by starting the app, scrolling down to the "Profile" heading, and clicking the "Delete User" button. If you no longer have the app installed you can instead send an email to [email protected], from the same email you used to create the account, and say that you would like your Fancade account deleted. We will proceed to delete your account and any associated personal information within a few days.


In order to improve Fancade we may collect usage statistics, such as the number of users, how often they play, and whether anyone actually buys anything. Fancade uses Google Analytics for Firebase to collect this analytics data and you can find more information here.

Personalized Ads

You may choose to play Fancade games for free, with ads. Your device has an Advertising Identifier and the ad provider uses this identifier, and information they have collected about you, to select content that is more likely to actually be of interest to you. Ads are entirely optional and you can opt out by using the mobile app's in-app purchases instead. Fancade uses Google AdMob and Google AdSense to provide ads and you can find more information here.


A "cookie" is just a text file stored by your browser when you visit a web site. Fancade uses cookies, and related local storage technologies, to remember game progress and settings between play sessions. Similarly, Google uses cookies to remember information between visists when serving ads, as desribed here. Cookies can be cleared, or completely disabled, using your browser settings.

Crash Logs

We do our best to find and fix software bugs before publishing new versions of the app. But, realistically, some bugs will slip through and may cause the Fancade app to crash. If this happens the app may send a crash log to help us find and fix the bug! Fancade uses Google Crashlytics to collect crash logs and you can find more information here.

Children's Privacy

You must be 13 years of age or older to use Fancade. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. Moreover, if you are younger than 18, then your parent or legal guardian must read and accept this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use on your behalf.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and will notify you of any changes by publishing the new policy on this page. Any changes are effective immediately on publishing and you are advised to review this page periodically.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions!