How To Get Chrome On Phone To Surface?

by David Valdez

Chrome is the internet browser that’s become synonymous with speed and security online. It’s also associated with desktop PCs, not smartphones or tablets. But there are ways to get Chrome on your phone instead of the default browser that came with it. With so many mobile operating systems available, you may wonder why anyone would choose Android over iOS or vice versa. The answer is simple: personal preference. While some features are exclusive to one operating system or another, most users can choose which OS they like best and still use their preferred services like Gmail, Google Maps, and other essential apps. While you might have your favorite mobile OS right now, switching between them is easy if you know what you’re doing. In this article, we’ll show you how to switch from Android to iOS or vice versa using Chrome as an example since it’s such a popular browser.

How To Get Chrome On Phone To Surface?

  1. Install Chrome on your phone.

Open the Google Play Store app and search for “Chrome” to download and install Chrome on your phone. After you open it, you’ll see a screen that tells you how to change your default browser. On your phone, tap the settings icon in the top right corner of Chrome, then select Settings. In Settings, tap “Choose default browser” and then select “Always use this app.” Now when you open Chrome, it will be using the same browser as your default one on your computer.

  1. Use Chrome as a guest on another computer

To switch from Android to iOS or vice versa using Chrome as an example, all you have to do is switch between your computer and smartphone over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth and have them connected at the same time (not both connected at once). On your computer, open Chrome (or any other browser) and log into any website that requires a login or password (like Gmail). Once signed in, click on the “Share” button in the top right corner of Gmail (a small box with an arrow pointing up), then select “Hosted email account” from the list of options that will appear. Choose which device you want to share with – iPhone or iPad – then enter its email address in the space provided by Google before clicking “Next” to finish setting up access for it.

  1. Download apps directly from the Chrome Store

Once you’ve set up Chrome on your phone, you can download any app from the Chrome Store. The process is similar to downloading an app from the App Store or Play Store. Open Chrome on your computer and click “Go to store” in the top right corner, then enter the URL of the app you want to download and click “install” (after installation, open it to complete installation).

  1. Change default apps on Android

On Android, you can change the default apps for certain functions like messaging. To do this, open the Settings app on your phone, then tap “Apps” and select “Default Apps.” Choose which apps you want to use as your default, then tap “Done” when finished.

  1. Switch between devices with a keyboard shortcut

You can easily switch between devices by pressing a keyboard shortcut on your computer or phone. On your computer (Windows or Mac), open Chrome and sign into any website that requires a login or password (like Gmail). Once signed in, press Ctrl+Shift+N to bring up a new window that displays all of the open tabs in Chrome – select one tab you want to switch between devices with and click “Copy link” to copy its URL from the address bar before pasting it into another browser (like Safari) where you want to switch between devices with it.

  1. Transfer files between devices using Dropbox

To transfer files from one device to another without using an online service like Dropbox, download both Chrome for Android and Chrome for iOS on two different phones. On each phone, go to chrome://flags in the address bar at the bottom of the browser window and enable “Enable full-screen mode” under “Enable experimental features.” On both phones, go to chrome://extensions/ in the address bar at the bottom of the browser window and enable “Upload file” under “Developer Tools.”

Why You Might Want To Switch From Android To Ios?

  1. In-App Purchasing

On Android, you can install apps from the Google Play Store and use them as long as you want, but once you’ve used up all of your free storage space on the device, you can’t download any more apps until you delete some of them. On iOS, however, installing an app doesn’t require any extra storage space on your phone – it will just be downloaded to the app store on your device. In addition to this, iOS allows for in-app purchases that let you purchase items within a game or app without having to leave the game or app itself.

  1. A better camera and video quality

iOS has a better camera and video quality compared to Android – in fact, it’s even better than many high-end smartphones available today. This is because of improvements made by Apple in its A7 chip that help improve image processing and video recording capabilities. One example is the ability of iOS devices to take photos quickly using burst mode (iPhone 6S) or continuous mode (iPhone 6S Plus). In addition to this, unlike Android devices where photos are taken at the same time by all cameras (front/back), iPhone devices allow for each camera to take photos at different times (front/back). The iPhone 6S Plus also features optical image stabilization that helps minimize blurry images when taking photos under low light conditions.

  1. Better battery life

Apple claims that its new iPhones have up to two hours longer battery life compared to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which is due to the A8 chip and a new power management system. The iPhone 6S has a battery that’s 2% smaller than the iPhone 6, but it still has a larger capacity at 1,715 mAh.

  1. Better security

One of the biggest complaints about Android devices is their lack of security – you can easily download apps from third-party sources that contain malware and viruses that can easily infect your phone or tablet. On iOS, however, Apple locks down all its apps with an App Store that only allows approved developers to distribute their apps on the App Store – this means that no third-party app can be downloaded and installed on your device unless it passes through Apple’s approval process.

  1. Better integration with other Apple devices

Apple devices are more integrated with each other than Android devices are, which makes them easier to use as a whole rather than just one particular device alone (e.g., you don’t need to use an iPad for emailing when you have an iPhone). For example, if you want to send someone an audio message from your Mac or iOS device, you don’t need to download an app for doing so – it will just work like any other audio message from another iOS device (e.g., if you have two iPhones in your possession). This also applies to sending photos between iOS devices via iCloud Photo Library.

  1. Better performance

The A8 chip in the iPhone 6S is faster than the A7 chip in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which improves performance and speed when using apps, browsing the web, playing games, and more. In addition to this, iOS devices also have a better ability to handle multitasking with two apps running at once (e.g., you can easily open two different apps on your Mac or iOS device at the same time).


Whatever reason you have for switching from an Android device to an iPhone or vice versa, you can use Chrome to temporarily change your preferred browser. This means you can use your normal login credentials and all of your bookmarks and settings will be the same when you switch back to Android or iOS. If you’re considering switching from Android to iOS or vice versa, make sure you understand the pros and cons of each operating system before you make your decision.

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