IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20080618

/irc-logs / freenode / #whatwg / 2008-06-18 / end


  1. # Session Start: Wed Jun 18 00:00:00 2008
  2. # Session Ident: #whatwg
  3. # [00:00] * Joins: smedero ([email protected])
  4. # [00:00] <Lachy> if it's Apache, then .htaccess: AddType image/whatever-it-is .icns
  5. # [00:04] <Hixie> that it works in safari4 when using the save as app feature is a bug in safari4 according to the spec :-)
  6. # [00:04] * Quits: dbaron ([email protected]) ("reboot")
  7. # [00:04] <Hixie> (spec doesn't allow sniffing of types for <link> at the moment)
  8. # [00:08] <othermaciej> Is it common for favicons to be sent with the wrong MIME type?
  9. # [00:08] <Lachy> hey, with Web Applications like that, adding support for the new <menu> features in HTML5 would be cool, since the app could add its own menus to the system's menu bar.
  10. # [00:08] <othermaciej> (though I guess we could at least avoid poisoning the new thing)
  11. # [00:08] <Hixie> othermaciej: i expect so
  12. # [00:09] * Joins: eseidel (n=eseidel@nat/google/x-db9d87b2d0d76838)
  13. # [00:09] <Hixie> othermaciej: i expect to change the spec at some point and allow sniffing, frankly
  14. # [00:10] <othermaciej> yes, a way to add to app menus would be cool , though I don't think HTML5 <menu> is sufficient for that as currently spec'd
  15. # [00:10] * Joins: jgraham_ ([email protected])
  16. # [00:10] <othermaciej> we're looking at what kinds of things developers want to add
  17. # [00:10] <othermaciej> back in a few, getting coffee
  18. # [00:10] * Quits: othermaciej ([email protected])
  19. # [00:10] <Lachy> othermaciej, I don't think the default apache inlcudes the correct MIME type for .ico files, so probably quite a lot are sent as text/plain.
  20. # [00:10] <Hixie> you'd need a new type on the menu element
  21. # [00:11] * Joins: dbaron ([email protected])
  22. # [00:12] <Lachy> I thought that's what the type="toolbar" was for
  23. # [00:12] <Lachy> have I remembered incorrectly?
  24. # [00:12] <Hixie> that's inline
  25. # [00:13] <Lachy> oh, ok.
  26. # [00:13] <Lachy> well, do we want to add a new type for it then?
  27. # [00:14] * Quits: jgraham_ ([email protected]) (Client Quit)
  28. # [00:15] <Hixie> what would it do when the page isn't installed?
  29. # [00:15] <Lachy> dunno.
  30. # [00:15] <Lachy> probably nothing. It could be reserved for when it is installed as a web app.
  31. # [00:16] <Hixie> that would be bad
  32. # [00:16] <Lachy> or fallback to type=toolbar
  33. # [00:16] <Hixie> that would make people use it as toolbar and then installing pages would break their rendering
  34. # [00:16] <gsnedders> Hixie: (and by overnight, I mean anytime by 20080618T154500+01)
  35. # [00:16] <Lachy> hmm, then I don't know. This is obviously not a well thought out idea.
  36. # [00:17] <gsnedders> (which is a bit longer than overnight)
  37. # [00:17] <Hixie> gsnedders: am having mail problems right now but it's next on my list :-)
  38. # [00:17] <Philip`> Out of 99 favicons, I see 53 image/x-icon, 20 text/html, 15 text/plain, 4 image/, 4 image/gif, 3 image/png
  39. # [00:17] <Hixie> Lachy: it's something i spent a lot of time thinking about when speccing <menu> :-)
  40. # [00:17] <Hixie> Philip`: send mail asking for me to make sniffing allowed :-)
  41. # [00:17] * gsnedders sniffles
  42. # [00:17] <Philip`> (That's counting 404 pages, which is probably exaggerated by there being a few months between getting the list of icons and checking the content-types)
  43. # [00:18] <Lachy> right, so this probably was discsussed back then, and that's probably why I thought toolbar worked like that!
  44. # [00:18] * Quits: weinig|coffee ([email protected])
  45. # [00:18] <Hixie> Lachy: :-)
  46. # [00:18] <Philip`> (Oh, not that many - 81 were 200, 13 were 404)
  47. # [00:19] * Joins: othermaciej ([email protected])
  48. # [00:19] <gsnedders> othermaciej: Speaking of Saf4, does it support @rel='feed'?
  49. # [00:20] * Joins: weinig (n=weinig@nat/apple/x-b1a7ce8d27eed393)
  50. # [00:20] <Lachy> Maybe when it's not installed as a webapp, the browser could add some UI to indicate that there's a menu available and allow the user to switch into webapp mode for that site, which would then replace the menu bar.
  51. # [00:21] <Lachy> though I have no idea what kind of UI would be appropriate for that.
  52. # [00:21] <smedero> What other site-specific browsers are there? Prism (web-runner). Fluid. Safari 4. (there's also several kiosk-mode like browser plugins, hacks, and modified versions.)
  53. # [00:22] <othermaciej> gsnedders: for feed autodiscovery? I assume so
  54. # [00:22] <othermaciej> though probably not w/ the HTML5 algorithm for such
  55. # [00:22] <gsnedders> othermaciej: @rel='feed' _is_ the HTML 5 way
  56. # [00:24] <gsnedders> othermaciej: it seems not
  57. # [00:24] <Lachy> I think Firefox 3 supports rel=feed.
  58. # [00:25] <gsnedders> Lachy: Yeah, it does
  59. # [00:33] <smedero> confusing webpge... but I guess Hana ( is another WebKit based site-specific browser tool
  60. # [00:33] <smedero> There's also an my.opera blog entry on how to do something similar to Prism with Opera:
  61. # [00:33] * Joins: webben ([email protected])
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  67. # [00:36] <roc> that blog entry is a bit confused
  68. # [00:36] <smedero> agreed.
  69. # [00:36] * Quits: starjive ([email protected])
  70. # [00:37] <Lachy> indeed. Although we can make Opera behave in a similar way, the steps for setting it up is way too complicated.
  71. # [00:37] <smedero> Just finished reading through it... it only grazes the point of Prism.
  72. # [00:37] <smedero> but still, was just curious as to what other implementations were out in the wild....
  73. # [00:38] * smedero goes back to his cave
  74. # [00:41] * Quits: roc ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  76. # [00:44] <othermaciej> gsnedders: what's the pre-HTML5 way?
  77. # [00:44] <gsnedders> othermaciej: link[@alt='alternate'][@rel='application/atom+xml'], link[@alt='alternate'][@rel='application/rss+xml']
  78. # [00:45] <Hixie> (that's also supported in html5, iirc)
  79. # [00:45] <gsnedders> (yes, it is)
  80. # [00:45] <gsnedders> (but link[@alt='feed'] is preferred IIRC)
  81. # [00:45] <othermaciej> gsnedders: ok, I'll make sure we put rel="feed" on the roadmap
  82. # [00:46] <gsnedders> othermaciej: thx
  83. # [00:47] <Hixie> gsnedders: fixed the spec
  84. # [00:47] <gsnedders> Hixie: I'll fix the implementation when I get back from school, having gone to bed and got back up before hand
  85. # [00:48] <Hixie> hehe
  86. # [00:48] <Hixie> it's a very simply fix
  87. # [00:48] * gsnedders makes the naïve mistake of looking
  88. # [00:50] <Hixie> probably a one line fix in your code
  89. # [00:50] <gsnedders> yeah
  90. # [00:50] <gsnedders> No, the comment that quotes the spec text too :)
  91. # [00:50] <Hixie> heh
  92. # [00:51] * Joins: aaronlev__ ([email protected])
  93. # [00:51] * aaronlev__ is now known as aaronlev
  94. # [00:52] <gsnedders> Hixie: That still looks badly wrong
  95. # [00:52] <Hixie> oh?
  96. # [00:52] <Hixie> does it fix jgraham__'s example, at least?
  97. # [00:52] <gsnedders>
  98. # [00:52] <gsnedders> Hixie: yeah, it does
  99. # [00:53] <gsnedders> That's the TOC of the HTML5 spec according to the outline algorithm
  100. # [00:53] <gsnedders> Which is obviously rather broken
  101. # [00:53] <Hixie> yeah
  102. # [00:54] <Hixie> looks like it's breaking on <body><h1><h2><h3><h3>
  103. # [00:54] <Hixie> treating it as <body><h1><h2><h3><h1> or something
  104. # [00:54] <Hixie> i can't see why that would happen, i expect you have a bug :-)
  105. # [00:54] <gsnedders> Hixie: I've looked over it endlessly :)
  106. # [00:55] <Hixie> is the source online?
  107. # [00:55] <gsnedders> It'd be easier to check if there were more impls of the spec (as jgraham__'s moves away from it)
  108. # [00:55] <gsnedders> — that's the latest copy
  109. # [00:58] <Hixie> uh
  110. # [00:58] <Hixie> line 136
  111. # [00:58] <Hixie> shouldbn't the > be < ?
  112. # [00:58] <gsnedders> No, my impl. is just odd :)
  113. # [00:58] <gsnedders> See line 31
  114. # [00:59] <gsnedders> I need to make that more logical, though
  115. # [00:59] * jgraham__ notes that his outline algorithm only diverges from the spec in the exact way specified in the email he sent
  116. # [01:00] <Hixie> i changed the spec in a way different than what you suggested
  117. # [01:01] <Hixie> gsnedders: i'd need to step through your code with a debugger to really figure out what's going on
  118. # [01:01] <jgraham__> I seem to recall thinking for a bit about the changes that were needed to make it work as expected, so if it turns out it works in all cases using a much simpler algorithm, it means that I'm even stupider than I previously thought :)
  119. # [01:01] <Hixie> gsnedders: i recommend finding the smallest source markup you can and then walking through the code with it
  120. # [01:01] <Hixie> gsnedders: and seeing why it backs out so far
  121. # [01:01] <jgraham__> s/as expected/as I expected/
  122. # [01:02] * gsnedders tries hacking jgraham__'s impl to match the spec
  123. # [01:02] <gsnedders> Yeah, it must be an impl bug
  124. # [01:02] <Hixie> jgraham__: i just checked in the change in reply to your e-mail, if you want to compare
  125. # [01:03] <gsnedders> Heh. Slight understatement of the difference in complexity :)
  126. # [01:06] <jgraham__> Hmm I should go to sleep at the moment. gsnedders: I'll be interested to see what happens if you implement the new spec in my code
  127. # [01:06] * Philip` wonders why Yahoo Slurp seemingly follows links in <a src="...">, as well as <a href> and <embed src> and <object data> and none of the other elements/attributes he's tested
  128. # [01:07] * Philip` also wonders why Googlebot seemingly follows <a href> and <embed src> and nothing else, since he expects it to be far more aggressive than that
  129. # [01:07] * Joins: othermaciej_ ([email protected])
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  131. # [01:08] <Hixie> Philip`: did you test <script src> ? yahoo seems to follow that
  132. # [01:09] <Philip`> Hixie: Yes
  133. # [01:09] <Philip`> I might just need to be more patient and give the crawlers more time
  134. # [01:09] * Joins: jgraham_ ([email protected])
  135. # [01:09] <Philip`> or maybe they get suspicious that my test page is linking to 404s and stop following all the other links
  136. # [01:09] * Quits: aaronlev_ ([email protected]) (Connection timed out)
  137. # [01:10] <Hixie> heh
  138. # [01:10] * Quits: smedero ([email protected])
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  156. # [02:43] <Hixie> i wonder how i can determine if my apache is using mpm_prefork_module or mpm_worker_module
  157. # [02:45] <Philip`> Hixie: Look at http://whatever/server-info if you have mod_info
  158. # [02:46] <Hixie> it appears i don't
  159. # [02:46] <Hixie> i have something called "Apache Server Status"
  160. # [02:47] <Philip`> (I guess it also needs to be configured somehow, and appropriate permissions set, and everything, which is probably not entirely trivial)
  161. # [02:47] <Hixie> i think i must be using prefork
  162. # [02:48] <Philip`> You could count the number of processes, since mpm_worker_module only has one
  163. # [02:48] <Philip`> Oh, no it doesn't
  164. # [02:48] * Philip` shouldn't trust the first web page he reads
  165. # [02:48] <Hixie> no, it can have many
  166. # [03:01] * Quits: KevinMarks ([email protected]) ("The computer fell asleep")
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  173. # [03:34] * Joins: mcarter ([email protected])
  174. # [03:34] <mcarter> hello
  175. # [03:34] <mcarter> Hixie, i sent in that feedback
  176. # [03:35] <Hixie> sweet
  177. # [03:35] <Hixie> thanks!
  178. # [03:35] <Hixie> i'll probably do the tcp stuff right after the url stuff i'm doing now
  179. # [03:35] <Hixie> (which is turning into a giant pile of annoyance)
  180. # [03:36] <mcarter> which url stuff is that? (link?)
  181. # [03:36] <Hixie> search for "URLs" in the spec
  182. # [03:41] <Hixie> does anyone do TLS upgrade on normal HTTP today?
  183. # [03:41] * Quits: othermaciej ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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  185. # [03:43] <Hixie> other than that i generally agree with what you're proposing
  186. # [03:43] <othermaciej> mcarter: I like your proposal
  187. # [03:44] <othermaciej> mcarter: my only further comment is that maybe it should be called something other than TCPConnection now
  188. # [03:44] <othermaciej> since it is so far from a generic TCP connection
  189. # [03:44] <mcarter> yeah, thats a good point
  190. # [03:44] <othermaciej> maybe the protocol should get a real name (instead of being called "TCPConnection"), and then if that is Foo, the API can be FooConnection
  191. # [03:45] <Hixie> yeah the name needs to change
  192. # [03:45] <othermaciej> (clearly Foo cannot be "TCP" because that is already taken as a protocol name)
  193. # [03:45] <othermaciej> you could also imagine a name that is about the interestingly different functionality
  194. # [03:45] <othermaciej> DuplexConnection, TwoWayChannel, something like that
  195. # [03:46] <Hixie> yup
  196. # [03:46] <othermaciej> I am kind of excited
  197. # [03:46] <Hixie> i want the server to return the Host value (or maybe the URL value, even)
  198. # [03:46] <Hixie> in the initial handshake response
  199. # [03:47] <Hixie> so that naive implementations on the server side aren't trivially usable cross-site
  200. # [03:47] <othermaciej> this is the first thing I have seen that seems like a viable two-way messaging solution in the browser
  201. # [03:47] <Hixie> thought maybe Access-Control is enough?
  202. # [03:47] <Hixie> Access-Control seems really heavyweight for this
  203. # [03:47] <othermaciej> yeah, you could use Access-Control for cross-site
  204. # [03:48] <othermaciej> it only takes one header for an A-C response to allow access, doesn't it?
  205. # [03:48] <Hixie> yeah but ac has lots of other overhead, potentially
  206. # [03:49] <Hixie> ac is really for HTTP, not for this protocol
  207. # [03:49] <othermaciej> what does AC have that would add overhead and not be beneficial for this protocol?
  208. # [03:50] <Hixie> i dunno, i don't know what AC has, it's in such flux :-)
  209. # [03:50] <Hixie> but e.g. the method and header whitelisting
  210. # [03:50] <othermaciej> I don't know what it has either, but I am trying to learn
  211. # [03:50] <mcarter> well, i figured it was better to point at something in flux rather than invent a new solution to the same problem
  212. # [03:50] <othermaciej> method whitelisting wouldn't be needed since the method is GET
  213. # [03:51] <Hixie> the fact that it's a two-step preflight/flight mechanism rather than just an upgrade
  214. # [03:51] <othermaciej> header whitelisting shouldn't be needed unless it is important for this API to allow custom headers
  215. # [03:52] <othermaciej> oh, I guess the method is OPTIONS, not GET, in mcarter's protocol
  216. # [03:52] <mcarter> othermaciej, the method i proposed was OPTIONS
  217. # [03:52] <mcarter> right
  218. # [03:53] <mcarter> it doesn't make sense to return any resource so GET didn't really make sense. OPTIONS seems like the right fit. But you're still right -- we don't need method whitelisting
  219. # [03:53] <othermaciej> perhaps AC should take this into consideration as a potential use case, unless we think this case can be handled with a simpler mechanism that can't be applied to AC's other use cases
  220. # [03:53] <Hixie> basically it seems to me like using Access-Control here is like using XLink for svg's <style xlink:href=""> mechanism
  221. # [03:54] <Lachy>
  222. # [03:54] <Hixie> a theoretical fit that's not really reusing the actual semantics, just the syntax
  223. # [03:54] <mcarter> I'm a bit lost. What are the semantics vs. syntax of AC?
  224. # [03:54] <othermaciej> don't we actually want cross-site access-control semantics?
  225. # [03:55] <othermaciej> i.e. deny cross-site by default, give server full info, let either server or client deny, limit to certain sites, etc
  226. # [03:55] <othermaciej> is there a reason that's not good for TCPConnection?
  227. # [03:56] <othermaciej> and if so, what would be the simpler model that would work?
  228. # [03:56] <othermaciej> (these are not just rhetorical questions, I don't actually know the answer to the last two there)
  229. # [03:57] <mcarter> I think we actually want cross-site access-control semantics
  230. # [03:58] <mcarter> and I think AC is a fine fit for TCPConnection
  231. # [03:58] <mcarter> but on the other hand, I don't understand the objection
  232. # [03:58] <Hixie> Lachy: interesting
  233. # [03:59] <Hixie> mcarter: the semantics are all the algorithms in the AC spec, like the cache, doing the preflight, etc
  234. # [03:59] <Hixie> othermaciej: we want cross-site access-control semantics just like SVG wanted linking semantics
  235. # [03:59] <othermaciej> Lachy: I don't understand the distinction he is making between "peer objects" and "wrappers"
  236. # [03:59] <Hixie> othermaciej: but AC is not just "cross-site access-control semantics", it's also "how to respond to an HTTP redirect", etc
  237. # [03:59] <othermaciej> WebKit's JavaScript DOM bindings are wrappers around the core DOM that call through
  238. # [04:00] <Hixie> othermaciej: the simpler model would be just to ask the server to include a "header" in its response consisting of the reconstructed URL, and having the client abort of that header is absent or not exactly the expected value
  239. # [04:00] <othermaciej> Hixie: what reconstructed URL?
  240. # [04:01] <othermaciej> the target URL or the referer?
  241. # [04:01] <othermaciej> it can't necessarily reconstruct the referer since that is often blocked
  242. # [04:01] <Hixie> target
  243. # [04:01] <Hixie> but i'm on crack
  244. # [04:01] <othermaciej> reconstructing the target URL doesn't provide cross-site access control
  245. # [04:01] <Hixie> and should be talking about the referer
  246. # [04:02] <othermaciej> or better yet, Access-Control-Origin
  247. # [04:02] <othermaciej> and it could return an Access-Control header
  248. # [04:02] <Hixie> yeah
  249. # [04:02] <Hixie> i don't understand how we would use Access-Control (other than its syntax)
  250. # [04:02] <Hixie> e.g. the correct response to an HTTP redirect here should be to bail
  251. # [04:02] <Hixie> not to follow the redirect and apply Access-Control semantics
  252. # [04:02] <mcarter> we may want to specify a way of dealing with redirects with TCPConnection
  253. # [04:03] <othermaciej> yeah, I think you may want to specify that this API doesn't follow redirects
  254. # [04:03] <othermaciej> (then Access-Control rules for how to follow a redirect don't apply)
  255. # [04:04] <mcarter> if we're using URIs then it seems reasonable for the server to send back a 301 and expect the client to follow it
  256. # [04:04] <Hixie> yeah but then it's not really access-control
  257. # [04:04] <Hixie> i mean, look at the spec:
  258. # [04:04] <Hixie> we don't need 90% of that
  259. # [04:04] <othermaciej> I just realized, I don't remember whether the correct spelling is "referer" or "referrer" any more
  260. # [04:04] <othermaciej> damn you, interweb
  261. # [04:04] <Hixie> reusing the syntax isn't gaining us anything except confusion imho
  262. # [04:04] <othermaciej> well we could make a different syntax but you'd basically want it to do what Access-Control-Origin and Access-Control do
  263. # [04:04] <othermaciej> IMO
  264. # [04:04] <mcarter> hmm, that spec blacklists the Upgrade header
  265. # [04:05] <othermaciej> even if spelled differnetly
  266. # [04:05] <othermaciej> mcarter: the client of access control (for instance the XHR caller) can't set it
  267. # [04:05] <othermaciej> that doesn't mean an implementation of a protocol using A-C can't send it
  268. # [04:05] <Hixie> also we have to assume that the server isn't checking, e.g. Host, and thus that the client will have to do all the security, imho
  269. # [04:05] <Hixie> which means doing this even for same-site requests
  270. # [04:05] <mcarter> othermaciej, i see
  271. # [04:06] <othermaciej> Hixie: why would you need it for same-site requests? DNS rebinding (that applies to data available w/o credentials but still somehow restricted but not checking the Host header)?
  272. # [04:07] <Hixie> shared hosting providers
  273. # [04:08] <othermaciej> I guess we could try to make the server prove it checked Host (by echoing it back or something)
  274. # [04:08] <Hixie> that's the idea, right
  275. # [04:08] <othermaciej> what's the threat model with shared hosting providers?
  276. # [04:09] <Hixie> so then people will either explicitly opt in by just echoing it, or always echo back the expected value without checking it
  277. # [04:09] <othermaciej> let's say and share a physical server, different virtual servers
  278. # [04:09] <Hixie> opens a DuplexConection to, which is actually run by
  279. # [04:09] <othermaciej> who has the TCPConnection resource up?
  280. # [04:09] <othermaciej> that would be subject to Access-Control, would it not?
  281. # [04:10] <othermaciej> since it is a different port
  282. # [04:10] <Hixie> yeah i guess so
  283. # [04:10] <Lachy> othermaciej, I'm not entirely sure either. But AFAICT, it seems to be that the peer objects are real JS objects somehow linked with the internal C++ objects, whereas the wrappers are just exposing JS APIs on C++ objects.
  284. # [04:10] <Hixie> i suppose we could use Access-Control, i'm just really weary of poisining Access-Control the way XLink was poisoned
  285. # [04:11] <Hixie> mcarter: thanks again for the feedback, it's great stuff
  286. # [04:11] <othermaciej> Hixie: I'm not 100% sure it will work, then again, I am also not 100% sure what is even in access-control at this point
  287. # [04:11] <Hixie> yeah
  288. # [04:11] <othermaciej> but studying access-control is on my near-term agenda
  289. # [04:11] <othermaciej> I will keep this in mind as a potential use case
  290. # [04:11] <mcarter> Hixie, yeah, glad to be a part of this discussion. sorry it took so long.
  291. # [04:11] <Hixie> mcarter: np
  292. # [04:12] <Hixie> right i'm gonna go get food
  293. # [04:12] <Hixie> and work on URLs more later
  294. # [04:12] <Hixie> this URLs work is really boring me to death
  295. # [04:12] <Hixie> as you can tell by the lack of significant progress on my chart :-)
  296. # [04:12] <Hixie> bbl
  297. # [04:12] <othermaciej> later!
  298. # [04:13] <othermaciej> mcarter: I agree, your proposal looks very good
  299. # [04:14] <othermaciej> Lachy: I know a lot about how WebKit's DOM bindings work, and if what we do is *not* wrapping, then I don't know what is
  300. # [04:14] <mcarter> I'm getting ready to release Orbited 0.5 which has a preliminary implementation of TCPConnection
  301. # [04:15] <mcarter> maybe I should start calling it DuplexConnection now
  302. # [04:15] <Lachy> there was a footnote at the end of the article that basically pointed out the peer model was a simplified version of what webkit and firefox really do.
  303. # [04:15] <mcarter> so there's no confusion
  304. # [04:16] <othermaciej> I think the difference is more of how hard the wrappers try to look like real JS objects and not leak implementation details, than of fundamental architecture difference
  305. # [04:17] <Lachy> yeah, maybe.
  306. # [04:18] <Lachy> I'm interested to see how sproutcore implemented their peer model. I wonder if they actually create a new object for every element in the DOM, as the diagram seems to suggest.
  307. # [04:18] <Lachy> that would seem quite inefficient though.
  308. # [04:18] <othermaciej> I'd expect is is more likely that their view abstraction is like the "widget" abstraction in many other JS libraries
  309. # [04:19] <othermaciej> that it may be a composite of multiple elements
  310. # [04:21] <Lachy> othermaciej, there are articles suggesting that sproutcore was created by Apple for MobileMe, but I can't see anywhere on that says they're affiliated with Apple at all. Do you know if it was, or if was created by others and Apple is just using it?
  311. # [04:22] <othermaciej> Lachy: the main SproutCore guy works for Apple on MobileMe, and MobileMe uses it
  312. # [04:22] <othermaciej> I don't know offhand if he created it before working for Apple or after
  313. # [04:22] <othermaciej> or who else uses it
  314. # [04:22] <Lachy> ah, ok.
  315. # [04:22] <othermaciej> or any other details
  316. # [04:23] <Lachy> it seems to be a fiarly recent creation, since it looks like was only launched in May
  317. # [04:25] <othermaciej> I gotta head out
  318. # [04:25] <othermaciej> later
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  325. # [06:07] <takkaria> anyone around familiar with the html5lib tests?
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  327. # [06:10] <takkaria> just there are some tests which seem to ensure that CRs turn into LFs and I can't see anywhere where that's actually specced
  328. # [06:44] <Hixie> is there a version of that is more official?
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  341. # [08:40] <hsivonen> takkaria:
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  343. # [08:44] <Hixie> mcarter: yt?
  344. # [08:44] <Hixie> mcarter: in the proxy case, what does the handshake look like for proxy <-> server?
  345. # [08:46] <mcarter> hey
  346. # [08:49] <mcarter> well, the proxy will forward all the bytes through exactly, AFTER the HTTP Connect request
  347. # [08:49] <mcarter> so the handshake ends up looking identical from the end-server's view
  348. # [08:52] <mcarter> actually, that explanation wasn't clear, and i think there is an oversight in my proposal
  349. # [08:52] <Hixie> the proxy doesn't say CONNECT to the server?
  350. # [08:52] <mcarter> no
  351. # [08:53] <Hixie> is this documented anywhere? i couldn't find any RFCs about it.
  352. # [08:53] <mcarter> 1) client says HTTP CONNECt...\r\n\r\n to the proxy
  353. # [08:53] <mcarter> 2) proxy sends back HTTP/1.x 200 OK...\r\n\r\n to the client
  354. # [08:53] <mcarter> 3) proxy tunnels all bytes in both directions
  355. # [08:53] <mcarter> yeah, refer to at the bottom of page 4
  356. # [08:54] <Hixie> that's just a draft
  357. # [08:54] <Hixie> there's gotta be a real spec for this surely
  358. # [08:55] <mcarter> hmm, maybe. I'm pretty certain that actual implementations work as specified by that draft, at least the simple example they have on page 4
  359. # [08:58] <Hixie> no part of that draft seem to mention actually connecting to the final server :-)
  360. # [09:01] <mcarter> yeah, they never specifically say "and then the proxy connects to the server"
  361. # [09:01] <mcarter> but they do imply it in a number of places
  362. # [09:02] <Hixie> yeah
  363. # [09:02] <Hixie> this seems seriously underspecified
  364. # [09:02] <Hixie> i'm starting to understand why proxies suck so much
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  367. # [09:04] <mcarter> yeah, no kidding
  368. # [09:05] <mcarter> another thing to remember is that you can have proxy chains
  369. # [09:06] <mcarter> so the client might send an HTTP CONNECT addr:port\r\n\r\n to proxy A, and then proxy A will send HTTP CONNECT addr:port\r\n\r\n to proxy B, and proxy B would actually open the connection to the remote server and send any following data
  370. # [09:06] <mcarter> it doesn't actually affect the client implementation or the server implementation
  371. # [09:06] <mcarter> i'm just pointing out that proxy servers can also be proxy clients
  372. # [09:07] <Hixie> yeah
  373. # [09:07] <Hixie> that i found info for iirc
  374. # [09:12] <mcarter> Also, i didn't make it clear in the proposal, but we will always need to do an explicit HTTP CONNECT to the proxy (instead of just sending it an OPTIONS and letting it do the proxy) is that the Connection: upgrade header is only good for a single hop. It will be stripped out before it gets to the final destination
  375. # [09:12] <mcarter> s/but/but the reason that/
  376. # [09:12] <Hixie> yeah
  377. # [09:15] <takkaria> hsivonen: thanks
  378. # [09:16] <mcarter> Hixie, Does it look like the name of this thing is going to be DuplexConnection?
  379. # [09:16] <hsivonen> takkaria: fwiw, I've found that CRLF causes a lot of grief. I handle it in the Driver and the Tokenizer has a hiccup back to the Driver on every LF following CR
  380. # [09:17] <hsivonen> this is necessary to make CRLF do the right thing when CR and LF come from different document.writes
  381. # [09:18] <hsivonen> (Driver and Tokenizer as described in my email to public-html yesterday)
  382. # [09:18] * takkaria nods
  383. # [09:18] <takkaria> I've been looking at the code for and html5lib, they've both been quite helpful
  384. # [09:19] * Joins: aaronlev ([email protected])
  385. # [09:19] <hsivonen> I changed this on Monday. my previous design sucked
  386. # [09:20] <Hixie> mcarter: no idea on the name
  387. # [09:20] <Hixie> mcarter: i don't know that Duplex is the best work for it
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  389. # [09:22] <mcarter> I think TCPConnection would be the easiest to "sell" to developers and by that measure its probably the best aside from SocketConnection or TCPSocket. But as othermaciej said, this is not really a tcp connection
  390. # [09:23] <Hixie> SocketConnection might be ok
  391. # [09:26] <mcarter> think about it at any rate. I vote for SocketConnection over DuplexConnection
  392. # [09:26] <mcarter> I'm about to start a series of articles introducing Orbited and its approximate implementation of the specification, but i should probably hold off until we nail the name down
  393. # [09:27] <mcarter> There is a surprising amount of interest in having some kind of socket connection in the browser though
  394. # [09:28] <Hixie> not surprising to me :-)
  395. # [09:28] <Hixie> what surprises me actually is how many people claim lack of interest
  396. # [09:29] <mcarter> yeah, thats a good point
  397. # [09:29] <mcarter> if this sort of thing catches on it could completely change the way web applications are written. I mean, no more ruby on rails / php / java servelets
  398. # [09:29] <Hixie> yup
  399. # [09:30] <Hixie> i'm already faking it on my own apps
  400. # [09:30] <Hixie> i have a tcp socket server, and then two cgi scripts
  401. # [09:30] <mcarter> are you doing polling or long polling or something?
  402. # [09:30] <Hixie> one just listens to the tcp server, and passes everything through as <script> blocks
  403. # [09:30] <Hixie> the other accepts POSTs and connects to the tcp server, pushes that message, and disconnects
  404. # [09:31] <mcarter> heh, thats what orbited does
  405. # [09:31] <Hixie> but once we can connect directly those tw ocgis can go away and be replaced with a single connection
  406. # [09:31] <Hixie> how about OrbitedConnection? ;-)
  407. # [09:31] <mcarter> haha
  408. # [09:31] <mcarter> That would scare a number of people away i think
  409. # [09:31] <Hixie> hah
  410. # [09:32] <mcarter> I'm trying to get all these Comet people to come around to the idea of using something mroe like a socket
  411. # [09:32] <mcarter> they've all gone and built these crazy scheme's around the notion that comet is some special thing
  412. # [09:32] <mcarter> but really, they just want a SocketConnection
  413. # [09:32] <Hixie> yeah i don't understand the comet people
  414. # [09:32] <Hixie> they're worse than the ajax people!
  415. # [09:32] <Hixie> and those are already worse than the dhtml and rest people
  416. # [09:33] <hsivonen> Hixie: how strict are you about the couple of lines of Perl req?
  417. # [09:33] <mcarter> I actually have an 8-9 part back and forth with the Bayeux/cometd guys on explaining from the ground up how we really just want a socket
  418. # [09:33] <Hixie> hsivonen: i don't believe i said "a couple"
  419. # [09:33] <hsivonen> ok
  420. # [09:33] <Hixie> hsivonen: i just don't want to write an HTTP server with thousands of lines
  421. # [09:33] <mcarter> Hixie, the exact quote was "a few" ;-)
  422. # [09:34] <Hixie> btw this new protocol does rather do away with the broadcast connection and local peer to peer ideas
  423. # [09:34] <Hixie> but i guess that's ok
  424. # [09:34] <hsivonen> I wonder if we could get someone champion an Apache module or something that deals with complexity from Day 1
  425. # [09:34] <mcarter> i was thinking about that
  426. # [09:34] <mcarter> peer connections would be brilliant
  427. # [09:34] <mcarter> and flash 10 has them, doesn't it?
  428. # [09:34] <mcarter> I'm not convinced you should rip them out of the specification just yet
  429. # [09:36] <Hixie> hsivonen: "day 1" would be about 3 years ago, if we want stuff actually deployed and usable :-)
  430. # [09:36] <Hixie> hsivonen: servers take even longer to upgrade than clients
  431. # [09:37] <Hixie> mcarter: well, what's the use case?
  432. # [09:37] <mcarter> distributed file sharing for one
  433. # [09:37] <Hixie> in a web app?
  434. # [09:37] <mcarter> sure
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  436. # [09:38] <mcarter> if you can broadcast on your lan to detect other clients, and then establish peer connections, you can do ANYTHING
  437. # [09:38] <mcarter> make games that don't need servers
  438. # [09:38] <mcarter> your whole app could just be a .html file
  439. # [09:38] <Hixie> does anyone really hang out on the same lan these days?
  440. # [09:39] <mcarter> good point. they do in college/university, and not so much later
  441. # [09:39] <mcarter> on the other hand, LAN parties are still prevelant for gaming
  442. # [09:40] * Quits: qwert666 ([email protected]) ("Leaving")
  443. # [09:41] <Hixie> krijnh: i apologise for #webapps
  444. # [09:41] <krijnh> Hixie: np ;)
  445. # [09:42] <Hixie> krijnh: there's something about the w3c that makes people act weird
  446. # [09:42] <krijnh> I did expect your apology though
  447. # [09:42] <Hixie> heh
  448. # [09:42] <mcarter> How about distributed caching? If you could implement a way for the server to just send you a HASH of a resource and then have the browser check the LAN for someone else with that resource, you could save TONS of bandwidth
  449. # [09:43] <mcarter> I'm not sure if javascript is the right place for that sort of feature, probably it should be built into the browser directly, if at all. On the other hand, it would be great to open experimentation up to EVERYONE and not just browser developers
  450. # [09:48] <Hixie> yeah
  451. # [09:48] <Hixie> but that's not really enough of a use case to justify browsers implementing that feature
  452. # [09:49] <Hixie> since they could just implement the caching
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  455. # [09:58] <Hixie> mcarter: so this doesn't address the framing problem, btw
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  457. # [10:00] <krijnh> Yay, Dmitry Turin is back :)
  458. # [10:00] <Hixie> i guess we can just strip U+0000 characters and use that as a frame terminator
  459. # [10:00] <mcarter> Hixie, well, I'm still against having framing in the protocol, or at least I'm against it being non-optional. But I'd much rather have the connection with framing than no connection
  460. # [10:00] <Hixie> and have the first byte of each frame be an indicator of the kind of data
  461. # [10:00] <Hixie> we need framing for two reasons
  462. # [10:01] <Hixie> one is future compatibility, when we add raw binary data to the web platform, so you can transmit raw binary data as well as UTF-8 data
  463. # [10:01] <Hixie> the other is specifically server->client, so that the client knows when to fire the events
  464. # [10:01] <Hixie> we don't want to have everyone reimplement packet fragment reassembly manually in js
  465. # [10:02] <mcarter> i was thinking about this
  466. # [10:02] <mcarter> i think it would be better off to make a seperate api/protocol for text and binary
  467. # [10:02] <Hixie> really?
  468. # [10:02] <mcarter> or at the very least, have it specified in the initial handshake
  469. # [10:02] <Hixie> seems like you'd want both in the same connection
  470. # [10:03] <Hixie> e.g. to transmit text and pictures in a chat
  471. # [10:03] <mcarter> really i think it should always be binary and you should just have access to a utf-8 decoder
  472. # [10:04] <Hixie> you have more faith in web authors than i do
  473. # [10:04] <mcarter> we have a BinaryTCPConection in orbited and we implemented a utf-8 decoder and it all works out pretty well
  474. # [10:04] <mcarter> you may have a point
  475. # [10:04] <Hixie> you're not exactly representative
  476. # [10:05] <Hixie> and i mean that as a compliment, btw :-)
  477. # [10:05] <mcarter> heh, thanks =D
  478. # [10:05] <mcarter> We could also change the api slightly to allow the option to read the data either way
  479. # [10:05] <mcarter> like, onread doesn't return an event with data, but specifies that you should call read() to actually get the data
  480. # [10:06] <Hixie> we need to know if the packet is binary or text when sending, so we know it anyway, so we might as well pass that along
  481. # [10:06] <Hixie> also, we need to know it so that we know how to find the end of the frame
  482. # [10:06] <Hixie> e.g. UTF-8 will never include a raw 0x00 or 0xFF byte, so we can use those for framing
  483. # [10:07] <Hixie> but binary will include both, so we either want to use a size indicator, or a way to escape the frame terminator
  484. # [10:07] <mcarter> i am partial to the size indicator
  485. # [10:08] <Hixie> yeah escaping frame terminators is bad from a perf point of view
  486. # [10:08] <mcarter> the reason to use the delimiters i guess is to make it easier to implement the server, right?
  487. # [10:08] <Hixie> yes
  488. # [10:08] <Hixie> amongst other reasons
  489. # [10:09] <Hixie> size indicators, on the other hand, put an upper limit on the amount of data you can send per frame
  490. # [10:09] <Hixie> and are inefficient for smallmessages
  491. # [10:09] <mcarter> True
  492. # [10:10] <mcarter> I really don't like the idea of having to escape those characters for binary transfer though
  493. # [10:10] <Hixie> on the plus side, size indicators tend to make it less likely to have buffer overruns
  494. # [10:10] <mcarter> you know, the STOMP protocol uses both methods
  495. # [10:10] <Hixie> since you're less likely to guess a size
  496. # [10:10] <Hixie> using both gets you the worst of both world and not the best of either :-)
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  498. # [10:11] <mcarter> they say that if there is no frame size specified (header based) then look for 0x00, and otherwise use the specified frame size
  499. # [10:11] <Hixie> aah
  500. # [10:11] <Hixie> that makes sense
  501. # [10:11] <Hixie> what i was thinking earlier is that each frame would start with a type byte
  502. # [10:11] <Hixie> 0x00 = UTF-8, terminated by 0x00
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  504. # [10:11] <Hixie> 0x01 = binary, followed by 32 bit integer N, followed by N bytes of data
  505. # [10:12] <mcarter> yeah, that could work pretty well
  506. # [10:13] <mcarter> are we allowing alternating frame types then?
  507. # [10:13] <mcarter> right, you just said that
  508. # [10:13] <mcarter> sending pictures and text on the same connection
  509. # [10:14] <Hixie> or we could represent the integer N using 7 bits per byte, with the 8th bit being set if there is another byte
  510. # [10:14] <Hixie> that lets us have arbitarily sized frames
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  513. # [10:14] <Hixie> without high overhead for small frames
  514. # [10:14] <mcarter> sort of utf-8-esque
  515. # [10:14] <Hixie> yeah
  516. # [10:15] <mcarter> yeah, that would work
  517. # [10:15] <Hixie> so 127 byte frames are 0x01 0x7F data
  518. # [10:15] <Hixie> and a 128 byte frame would start 0x01 0x80 0x01 data
  519. # [10:15] <mcarter> and 256 byte frames are 0x01 0xFF 0x01 data
  520. # [10:15] <Hixie> right
  521. # [10:16] <Hixie> actually that would be 255
  522. # [10:16] <Hixie> 256 would be 0x01 0xFF 0x02 data
  523. # [10:16] <mcarter> yeah, right.
  524. # [10:16] <mcarter> we start at 0
  525. # [10:16] <mcarter> though, 0 should mean 1 byte, right?
  526. # [10:16] <Hixie> er no, 0x01 0x80 0x02
  527. # [10:16] <Hixie> or something
  528. # [10:16] <Hixie> hm
  529. # [10:16] <Hixie> i suppose we could just add one to the length, yes
  530. # [10:17] <Hixie> although
  531. # [10:17] <Hixie> i could see uses for sending zero byte packets
  532. # [10:17] <Hixie> so maybe not
  533. # [10:17] <Hixie> (e.g. sending a file that's zero bytes wouldn't need special casing this way: 0x00 FILENAME.DAT 0x00 0x01 0x00
  534. # [10:19] <mcarter> that makes sense
  535. # [10:20] <mcarter> even if there weren't cases for it, the confusion of being off by one is probably not worth extending our range by 1
  536. # [10:21] <mcarter> whats the api like for send then? sendText and sendBytes ? or send(data) and then the browser detects the type of data
  537. # [10:21] <Hixie> sendText(s) for now
  538. # [10:22] <Hixie> sendBlob(blob) later when we have blob objects
  539. # [10:22] <Hixie> those are still being specified
  540. # [10:22] <Hixie> but they'll affect everything, xhr, file upload, SocketConnection, the works
  541. # [10:22] <Hixie> Database
  542. # [10:23] <mcarter> yeah. For now we'll limp along in Orbited with OrbitedBinarySocketConnection with a sendBytes function
  543. # [10:23] <Hixie> :-)
  544. # [10:24] <mcarter> are there any plans for exposing to javascript some of the built-in decoders for images or text?
  545. # [10:24] <mcarter> or encryption
  546. # [10:24] <mcarter> I was saying the other day that we're having a hell of a time implementing TLS in the browser for xmpp over our faux Binary connection
  547. # [10:24] <Hixie> no idea, the blob stuff is still very very new
  548. # [10:25] <Hixie> and i'm not really involved
  549. # [10:25] <Hixie> though i might end up having to spec it myself! :-)
  550. # [10:25] <mcarter> oh hey, i still want to setup some kind of social meeting for whatwg/html5 at some point
  551. # [10:25] <mcarter> I just moved to mountain view this week
  552. # [10:26] <mcarter> I'll send an email out and put a wiki up I guess
  553. # [10:26] <mcarter> is there already a wiki somewhere that whatwg uses?
  554. # [10:27] <Hixie> nice!
  555. # [10:27] <Hixie>
  556. # [10:28] <mcarter> cool, I'll put it up there
  557. # [10:28] <Hixie> i should sleep
  558. # [10:28] <Hixie> thanks for the help
  559. # [10:28] <Hixie> i'll definitely work on this after the url stuff
  560. # [10:29] <Hixie> though that is proving quite tedious
  561. # [10:29] <Hixie> so might take a while
  562. # [10:29] <Hixie> nn
  563. # [10:29] <zcorpan> should HTMLVideoElement.EMPTY be defined?
  564. # [10:30] <mcarter> ok, well good luck with that URL stuff. goodnight
  565. # [10:30] <doublec> zcorpan, isn't it defined in HTMLMediaElement?
  566. # [10:30] <zcorpan> doublec: yes but i haven't wrapped my head around how inheritance works
  567. # [10:31] * Joins: jgraham_ ([email protected])
  568. # [10:31] <zcorpan> should there just be HTMLMediaElement.EMPTY, HTMLMediaElement.prototype.EMPTY and HTMLVideoElement.prototype.EMPTY and not HTMLVideoElement.EMPTY?
  569. # [10:34] <doublec> yes
  570. # [10:34] <doublec> afaik
  571. # [10:36] <zcorpan> k
  572. # [10:36] <zcorpan> seems to agree with Node.ELEMENT_NODE
  573. # [10:37] * Joins: qwert666 ([email protected])
  574. # [10:37] <Dashiiiva> Constants should be on the interface object and the interface prototype object, but not on objects implementing the interface
  575. # [10:37] * Quits: sverrej ([email protected]) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  576. # [10:38] * Hixie briefly pops back online to record that "WebSocket" would probably be a good new name for the TCPConnection object
  577. # [10:38] <zcorpan> Dashiiiva: why not on objects implementing the interface?
  578. # [10:39] <Dashiiiva> Because they have the interface prototype object as their prototype, so they inherit it there
  579. # [10:40] <takkaria> hsivonen: ping; when I've written new tests for the tokeniser, where's the best place to put them so others can make use of them?
  580. # [10:40] <zcorpan> Dashiiiva: but the end result is that the constant is present on the object?
  581. # [10:40] <takkaria> hsivonen: (I ask because you seem to know about such things)
  582. # [10:40] <Dashiiiva> somevideo.EMPTY works, yes
  583. # [10:40] <hsivonen> takkaria: the html5lib svn repo
  584. # [10:41] <hsivonen> under testdata/tokenizer/
  585. # [10:41] <hsivonen> preferably in the same format
  586. # [10:41] <zcorpan> Dashiiiva: ok
  587. # [10:41] <Dashiiiva> zcorpan: I suppose we don't use the same definition of present :)
  588. # [10:41] <takkaria> hsivonen: who can I poke to get commit access?
  589. # [10:42] <zcorpan> Dashiva: black-box testing says it's present :)
  590. # [10:42] <hsivonen> takkaria: annevk or jgraham_
  591. # [10:42] <takkaria> hsivonen: thanks!
  592. # [10:42] <Dashiiiva> zcorpan: I would consider present to mean it has an own property, but you seem to mean own or inherited. So yeah.
  593. # [10:43] <zcorpan> Dashiiiva: ah
  594. # [10:43] * zcorpan doesn't know about an own property
  595. # [10:44] <Dashiiiva> heycam: Those italic capital I (for example interfaces) look really like slashes in b4d :)
  596. # [10:44] <zcorpan> Dashiva: is the own property exposed to authors somehow?
  597. # [10:46] <Dashiiiva> zcorpan: You can use hasOwnProperty to detect whether a property is inherited or not
  598. # [10:50] <zcorpan>!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cscript%3E%0Aw(Node.ELEMENT_NODE.hasOwnProperty())%0Atry%20{%20w(Node.prototype.ELEMENT_NODE.hasOwnProperty())%20}%20catch(e)%20{%20w(e)%20}%0Aw(Element.prototype.ELEMENT_NODE.hasOwnProperty())%0Aw(document.documentElement.ELEMENT_NODE.hasOwnProperty())%0A%3C%2Fscript%3E
  599. # [10:50] <zcorpan> firefox: false, exception, false, false
  600. # [10:50] <zcorpan> opera, safari: false, false, false, false
  601. # [10:50] <zcorpan> are they all wrong? :)
  602. # [10:51] <Dashiiiva> element.hasOwnProperty(propname)
  603. # [10:51] <zcorpan> ah
  604. # [10:52] <zcorpan>!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cscript%3E%0Aw(Node.hasOwnProperty(%27ELEMENT_NODE%27))%0Aw(Node.prototype.hasOwnProperty(%27ELEMENT_NODE%27))%0Aw(Element.prototype.hasOwnProperty(%27ELEMENT_NODE%27))%0Aw(document.documentElement.hasOwnProperty(%27ELEMENT_NODE%27))%0A%3C%2Fscript%3E
  605. # [10:53] <zcorpan> firefox: true false true false
  606. # [10:53] <zcorpan> opera, safari: true true false false
  607. # [10:53] <Dashiiiva> Huh... what's firefox doing...
  608. # [10:54] <zcorpan> is true true true false expected?
  609. # [10:54] <Dashiiiva> Ye
  610. # [10:54] <Dashiiiva> Node is an interface object, Node.prototype is the corresponding interface prototype object.
  611. # [10:57] <zcorpan> is this defined somewhere?
  612. # [10:57] <zcorpan> hasOwnProperty i mean
  613. # [10:57] <zcorpan> es4?
  614. # [10:58] <Dashiiiva> es3
  615. # [10:59] * Joins: philipj ([email protected])
  616. # [10:59] <Dashiiiva> Element.ELEMENT_NODE should be undefined (neither own nor inherited) going by the current B4D.
  617. # [11:00] <Dashiiiva> I suppose that makes sense
  618. # [11:00] <philipj> how about Element.prototype.ELEMENT_NODE?
  619. # [11:00] <Dashiiiva> That's inherited from Node.prototype.ELEMENT_NODE
  620. # [11:00] <philipj> then all is well, it would seem
  621. # [11:01] <Dashiiiva> Yeah, I just assumed (for no reason) the interface objects would inherit each other like the prototype objects do
  622. # [11:02] <annevk> sigh
  623. # [11:02] <annevk> part of my bike broke so I couldn't use it :/
  624. # [11:03] <annevk> well, howcome's bike
  625. # [11:03] <philipj> what puzzles me a little is what part of what spec says that Node.ELEMENT_NODE is defined, is it the constness?
  626. # [11:04] <jgraham__> takkaria: What's your email (pref. gmail) address? I can add you as a html5lib project member#
  627. # [11:05] <annevk> philipj, DOM Core does, though not that Node is exposed on the global object...
  628. # [11:05] <Dashiiiva>!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cscript%3E%0Afunction%20wel(el)%20{%0Avar%20elname%20%3D%20el.toString()%3B%0Aw(%20elname%20%2B%20%27%3A%20%27%20%2B%20el.hasOwnProperty(%27ELEMENT_NODE%27)%20%2B%20%27%20-%20%27%20%2B%20el[%27ELEMENT_NODE%27])%3B%0Ael%20%3D%20el.prototype%3B%0Aw(%20elname%20%2B%20%27%20prototype%3A%20%27%20%2B%20el.hasOwnProperty(%27ELEMENT_NODE%27)%20%2B%20%27%20-%20%27%20%2B%20el[
  629. # [11:05] <Dashiiiva> %27ELEMENT_NODE%27])%3B%0A}%0Avar%20els%20%3D%20[%20Node%2C%20Element%2C%20document.documentElement%20]%0Afor%20(%20var%20i%20%3D%200%2C%20el%3B%20el%20%3D%20els[i]%3B%20%2B%2Bi%20)%20{%20wel(el)%3B%20}%0A%3C%2Fscript%3E
  630. # [11:05] <Dashiiiva> ow
  631. # [11:06] <philipj> () should really be escaped
  632. # [11:06] <takkaria> jgraham__: [email protected]
  633. # [11:06] <Dashiiiva> Needs an automatic tinyurl permalink as well :)
  634. # [11:07] <annevk> Dmitry is back!
  635. # [11:07] <annevk> so much more awesome than RB
  636. # [11:07] <jgraham__> takkaria: OK, done
  637. # [11:07] <takkaria> jgraham__: thanks!
  638. # [11:07] <takkaria> though the current tests seem pretty exhaustive, I'm not sure I've much to add
  639. # [11:10] <krijnh> annevk: indeed :)
  640. # [11:11] * Joins: sverrej ([email protected])
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  642. # [11:12] <hsivonen>
  643. # [11:13] <takkaria> look like good reasons to drop accesskeys and tabindexes :)
  644. # [11:13] <annevk> seems UA issues
  645. # [11:13] <annevk> most solved on mobile phones, too
  646. # [11:20] * Joins: aaronlev_ ([email protected])
  647. # [11:23] <Dashiiiva> zcorpan: I suppose you could file a bug on firefox that they define the Node constants on Element instead.
  648. # [11:23] <zcorpan> Dashiiiva: i could, but i rather write more tests :)
  649. # [11:24] * Quits: Lachy ([email protected]) ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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  651. # [11:25] * Joins: Lachy ([email protected])
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  653. # [11:25] <Dashiiiva> zcorpan: Because I was bored:
  654. # [11:27] * Joins: billyjack ([email protected])
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  658. # [11:31] * Joins: webben (n=benh@nat/yahoo/x-f8bb6da7fa720710)
  659. # [11:33] <annevk> regarding #webapps IRC logging:[email protected]
  660. # [11:34] <krijnh> 404
  661. # [11:34] <annevk> bah, /mid/ zuigt
  662. # [11:34] <annevk>
  663. # [11:35] * Quits: MikeSmith ([email protected]) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  664. # [11:35] <krijnh> Yay, the first time my name is mentioned inside an e-mail on
  665. # [11:36] <krijnh> I should rename 'HTML5 IRC logs'
  666. # [11:37] <annevk> Web Platform IRC logs
  667. # [11:37] <annevk> though searching for html5 irc is convenient sometimes :)
  668. # [11:38] * billyjack is now known as MikeSmith
  669. # [11:38] <krijnh> 'irc logs' is shorter :)
  670. # [11:38] <krijnh> Third position in Google, thanks for all the linklove everybody!
  671. # [11:39] <annevk> we rely on you not selling that part of your domain for a million dollars :D
  672. # [11:39] <krijnh> Heh
  673. # [11:39] <krijnh> I should put up some ads there
  674. # [11:39] * Joins: Lachy ([email protected])
  675. # [11:39] * Quits: aaronlev ([email protected]) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  676. # [11:39] <annevk> :evil:
  677. # [11:40] <krijnh> Didn't you have ads on your site as well?
  678. # [11:40] <krijnh> <!doctype html> <-- why two spaces?
  679. # [11:40] <annevk> I did, yeah
  680. # [11:41] <annevk> but I'm not running a community service
  681. # [11:41] <krijnh> Ow, I am?
  682. # [11:41] <krijnh> It's a Web 2.0 application, damnit
  683. # [11:46] * Joins: roc ([email protected])
  684. # [11:54] <krijnh> There, a new title, and some shiny subtitles
  685. # [11:55] <annevk> hehe, I like the switching subtitle
  686. # [11:58] <hsivonen> hmm. I see that #xhtml is no longer logged
  687. # [11:58] <hsivonen> not kick ass enough?
  688. # [11:58] <krijnh> annevk: There are 11 :)
  689. # [11:59] <krijnh> hsivonen: MikeSmith asked me to not show them anymore
  690. # [11:59] <krijnh> The logs are still up, but I'm not in that channel anymore
  691. # [12:00] <hsivonen> krijnh: interesting
  692. # [12:01] <krijnh> MikeSmith probably knows the interesting parts :)
  693. # [12:02] <MikeSmith> no interesting parts
  694. # [12:03] <MikeSmith> just a complaint to me about why "we" were logging the #xhtml2 channel
  695. # [12:04] <MikeSmith> noticing that XHTML2 WG doesn't actually seem to be using that channel for much of anything anymore
  696. # [12:04] <annevk> because "we" are spying, duh
  697. # [12:04] <MikeSmith> heh
  698. # [12:04] <Lachy> it was so that we could keep an eye on them to see what they were up to.
  699. # [12:04] <Lachy> I'm still in the channel, but I haven't paid much attention to it for ages.
  700. # [12:05] <MikeSmith> well, figured a good way to get that out of my complaint queue was to ping krijnh and ask if we could take it off the the "interesting" channels page
  701. # [12:06] <krijnh> You should also tell it did cost you some money
  702. # [12:06] <krijnh> Before people think I'm too easy
  703. # [12:08] * Joins: aaronlev ([email protected])
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  705. # [12:11] <MikeSmith> krijnh: btw, I know I probably asked you this before, but how do you pronounce your name?
  706. # [12:11] <Lachy> MikeSmith, who complianed?
  707. # [12:11] <MikeSmith> Lachy: does it matter?
  708. # [12:11] <krijnh> MikeSmith: a combination of 'crane' and 'whine'
  709. # [12:12] <Lachy> no, just curious
  710. # [12:12] <hsivonen> aargh. I have an IO bug in code that I haven't changed recently
  711. # [12:12] <MikeSmith> krijnh: thanks
  712. # [12:12] <hsivonen> very weird
  713. # [12:12] <krijnh> (MikeSmith: my first name at least)
  714. # [12:12] <MikeSmith> krijnh: I won't ask about your last name for now. First name enough of a challenge for me :)
  715. # [12:12] <krijnh> Heh
  716. # [12:13] <MikeSmith> one great thing about Japanese names is pronunciation is always unambiguous
  717. # [12:13] <krijnh> There goes my international fame, thank you mom and dad
  718. # [12:13] <MikeSmith> heh
  719. # [12:13] <hsivonen> oops. the IO bug was in code I wrote this week
  720. # [12:13] <hsivonen> whew
  721. # [12:14] <krijnh> Why is height="" and width="" not allowed on <input> btw?
  722. # [12:14] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: now you still got a bug to fix
  723. # [12:14] <krijnh> Makes sense for <input type="image">
  724. # [12:14] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: already fixed
  725. # [12:15] <krijnh> <input type="image" src="transparent.png" height="10" width="10" style="background:transparent url( no-repeat 10px 10px"> would be a use case
  726. # [12:15] <krijnh> (For html4all people reading this, yes, I would include alt="Foo")
  727. # [12:16] <MikeSmith> krijnh: I tink the idea is that you should use CSS for that
  728. # [12:16] <MikeSmith> hmm
  729. # [12:16] <MikeSmith> or maybe not
  730. # [12:17] <krijnh> I don't know :)
  731. # [12:17] <MikeSmith> hey man
  732. # [12:17] <krijnh> Perhaps I should post it to the list, so Hixie can dismiss my proposal, without even bothering to look at it!
  733. # [12:17] <krijnh> That would be fun
  734. # [12:17] <MikeSmith> read the spec
  735. # [12:17] <MikeSmith>
  736. # [12:18] * Quits: aaronlev ([email protected]) ("ChatZilla [Firefox 3.0/2008052906]")
  737. # [12:18] <krijnh> What about it?
  738. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> Element-specific attributes:
  739. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> alt
  740. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> src
  741. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> usemap
  742. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> ismap
  743. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> width
  744. # [12:18] <krijnh> Yeah, for <img>
  745. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> height
  746. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> oh shit
  747. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> sorry
  748. # [12:18] <krijnh> :)
  749. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> confused
  750. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> tired
  751. # [12:18] <MikeSmith> hungry
  752. # [12:19] <MikeSmith> pissed
  753. # [12:19] <MikeSmith> clearly time for me to take a beer break
  754. # [12:20] <Dashiiiva> only in Japan
  755. # [12:22] <MikeSmith> one may also enjoy to occasional breakfast beer
  756. # [12:22] <MikeSmith> "one" meaning "me"
  757. # [12:23] <MikeSmith> anybody know where stands Adam Barth's "HTML 5 should expose a native JSON parser for web content." proposal?
  758. # [12:23] <MikeSmith> did it get some bites?
  759. # [12:24] * MikeSmith re-reads the thread
  760. # [12:25] <MikeSmith> "A motivated browser maker need not wait for ECMA's formal approval."
  761. # [12:25] <MikeSmith> indeed
  762. # [12:26] <MikeSmith> do json2.js or ES3.1 have any traction?
  763. # [12:27] <MikeSmith> or are they just things that Doug Crockford is personally promoting?
  764. # [12:27] <MikeSmith> ah
  765. # [12:27] <MikeSmith> remembering now
  766. # [12:27] <MikeSmith> or re-reading now
  767. # [12:28] <Dashiiiva> I don't know about json2.js, but json in general has traction
  768. # [12:29] <MikeSmith> Dashiiiva: yeah, realize that
  769. # [12:29] <annevk> krijnh, does height/width work on image in browsers? I guess it probably does. Anyways, that's a WF2 feature which hasn't been looked at for quite a while
  770. # [12:30] <krijnh> On <input type="image"> you mean?
  771. # [12:30] <krijnh> Yeah, it does
  772. # [12:30] <krijnh> And it's silly they are reported as errors
  773. # [12:30] * Quits: qwert666 ([email protected]) ("Leaving")
  774. # [12:31] <krijnh> But I'm sure hsivonen already mentioned this, or will
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  776. # [12:36] <hsivonen> krijnh: I think width/height on input type=image has escape my radar
  777. # [12:36] <hsivonen> +d
  778. # [12:37] <krijnh> I added some messages to your logs yesterday, I think
  779. # [12:37] <krijnh> Do you agree they should be conforming?
  780. # [12:38] * hsivonen doesn't read the logs that actively
  781. # [12:38] <hsivonen> krijnh: yeah, I think they should be conforming
  782. # [12:40] * Joins: svl ([email protected])
  783. # [12:41] <hsivonen> hmm. It seems that in Java can violate some basic assumptions about InputStreams
  784. # [12:41] <hsivonen> that's *not* good
  785. # [12:43] <hsivonen> or I still have a serious IO bug lurking somewhere
  786. # [12:43] <hsivonen> a bug that shows up with but not with files or network
  787. # [12:49] * Quits: jruderman ([email protected])
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  789. # [12:56] <heycam> Dashiiiva, i'll change it
  790. # [12:56] <heycam> (Dashiiiva gains an 'i' every day, it seems!)
  791. # [13:03] <hsivonen> whee! misbehaves
  792. # [13:04] * Quits: philipj ([email protected]) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  793. # [13:05] <hsivonen> looks like loses data if the data doesn't contain any line breaks
  794. # [13:05] <hsivonen> writing a final \n before pressing ^D fixes
  795. # [13:05] * Quits: roc ([email protected]) (Remote closed the connection)
  796. # [13:07] <Dashiiiva> heycam: Only when my connection dies and I get a nick collision ;)
  797. # [13:17] * Quits: webben (n=benh@nat/yahoo/x-f8bb6da7fa720710)
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  804. # [14:02] * Quits: svl ([email protected]) ("And back he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.")
  805. # [14:19] <heycam> hsivonen, typing input to from the command line?
  806. # [14:19] * heycam just wonders if it's a line-buffering issue
  807. # [14:21] <hsivonen> heycam: typing to in Eclipse's console
  808. # [14:21] <hsivonen> If I type
  809. # [14:21] <heycam> not sure about eclipse's console, but at the command line the terminal is line-buffered by default
  810. # [14:22] <hsivonen> <!DOCTYPE html>foo^D
  811. # [14:22] <hsivonen> I get an empty stream
  812. # [14:22] <hsivonen> but if I put a line break between foo and ^D, it works
  813. # [14:23] <hsivonen> it seems silly if ^D doesn't flush the last line
  814. # [14:23] * Parts: kig ([email protected]) ("Konversation terminated!")
  815. # [14:23] <heycam> yes but that seems as if the console isn't passing the data to
  816. # [14:23] <heycam> i'd be pretty surprised if it was a bug in InputStream
  817. # [14:23] <hsivonen> yeah
  818. # [14:24] <heycam> if i run something from the command line (e.g. just "cat") and i press ^D before a newline, then it does nothing
  819. # [14:24] <heycam> but if i press ^D^D, then it ends the stream (and sends that line, without the \n on the end)
  820. # [14:25] <heycam> but that behaviour is really just up to the terminal
  821. # [14:30] <heycam>
  822. # [14:31] <heycam> i guess it's just eclipse console idiosyncrasies
  823. # [14:33] <annevk> hsivonen, is vtab handled specially somewhere?
  824. # [14:33] <annevk> hsivonen, like, in the input stream?
  825. # [14:33] * annevk thought all that changed was that it was no longer a space character
  826. # [14:34] <hsivonen> annevk: just making sure when deleting non-obvious code
  827. # [14:34] <hsivonen> annevk: vtab is now the only non-space character that doesn't get the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER treatment below 0x20
  828. # [14:37] <annevk> hmm, I wonder if that's in line with browsers
  829. # [14:38] <hsivonen> I've now got the tokenizer synced with the spec
  830. # [14:38] <hsivonen> onto the tree builder
  831. # [14:38] * Quits: deane ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  832. # [14:38] <zcorpan> hsivonen: btw, does the vtab checkin only affect the parser? or also non-schema checkers/html5 datatype library?
  833. # [14:39] <hsivonen> zcorpan: the parser has replaced vtab and ff with a space, so the higher layers operate on the XML 1.0 notion of white space
  834. # [14:39] <hsivonen> zcorpan: so, no
  835. # [14:39] <zcorpan> hsivonen: ok
  836. # [14:40] <annevk> interesting
  837. # [14:40] <annevk> that also doesn't sound like browsers
  838. # [14:40] <hsivonen> annevk: it's configurable in the browser
  839. # [14:40] <hsivonen> annevk: I mean, I'm not going to hack every off-the-shelf XML library to grok HTML5 space characters
  840. # [14:41] <hsivonen> so the RELAX NG engine sees XML 1.0 whitespace
  841. # [14:41] <hsivonen> doh. s/ browser/ parser/
  842. # [14:41] <annevk> it can't cope with characters not allowed in XML?
  843. # [14:41] * Philip` thinks the "just stick an HTML5 parser on the front of your XML toolchain" model seems to be showing a few cracks
  844. # [14:41] <hsivonen> annevk: I'm not sure
  845. # [14:42] <hsivonen> annevk: but whitespace is sensitive to XPath and RELAX NG intra-element white space
  846. # [14:42] <hsivonen> Philip`: how so? the parser papers over the differences
  847. # [14:44] <Philip`> hsivonen: If the parser is replacing vtab and ff with a space, that sounds like undesirable information loss
  848. # [14:45] <hsivonen> Philip`: I see three ways to deal with this, and my parser supports all three
  849. # [14:46] <hsivonen> Philip`: now that vtab is no longer a space char, it turns into a REPLACEMENT CHARACTER in te ALTER_INFOSET mode
  850. # [14:48] <hsivonen> (I'm not gonna support mapping to XML 1.1 or XML 1.0 5th ed.)
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  861. # [15:44] <annevk> hsivonen, bugzilla sucks?
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  863. # [15:51] <zcorpan> annevk: bugzilla disrupts Hixie from working on URL stuff
  864. # [15:53] * Quits: KevinMarks ([email protected]) ("The computer fell asleep")
  865. # [15:55] <annevk> it does?
  866. # [15:55] <annevk> maybe someone should file a bug on URL stuff then
  867. # [15:56] <zcorpan>
  868. # [15:56] <hsivonen> annevk: bugzilla password renewal email sucks
  869. # [15:57] <annevk> ah, missed that
  870. # [15:57] <annevk> i was thinking about filing a bug on <keygen> the other day
  871. # [15:57] <annevk> so that I don't forget
  872. # [15:57] <hsivonen> oops. my mail filters suck
  873. # [15:59] * hsivonen is a bit nervous that that the new block elements are defined to have interaction with implicit </p>
  874. # [15:59] <hsivonen> without a parse error
  875. # [16:00] <hsivonen> so authors can now shoot themselves in the foot with omitted </p> during the transition to HTML5
  876. # [16:01] <zcorpan> hsivonen: issue warnings?
  877. # [16:02] <Lachy> hsivonen, why is it a problem?
  878. # [16:02] <annevk> it breakz teh Webz
  879. # [16:03] <hsivonen> zcorpan: Yeah.
  880. # [16:03] <hsivonen> zcorpan: in fact, I have a request on file to provide warnigns on implied tags
  881. # [16:05] <annevk> Result: Valid HTML5
  882. # [16:05] <annevk> Note: implied tags found (learn more, show me)
  883. # [16:05] <Lachy> I fail to see how generating an implied end tag for p when encounting a new element like section will cause back compat problems.
  884. # [16:06] <Lachy> although it will create slightly different DOMs in new browsers compared with current browsers
  885. # [16:06] <hsivonen> Lachy: different DOMs are scary
  886. # [16:06] <annevk> might be a mess with styling
  887. # [16:08] <Lachy> so JS libraries could be used to fix up the DOMs. Just find all section, aside, article, etc., check if any have a P element has a parent and move it.
  888. # [16:08] <Lachy> or just ensure you always use </p> before such an element.
  889. # [16:09] <annevk> <p> ... <section> ... <h1> ends up with <h1> as sibling of <p>
  890. # [16:09] <annevk> the real solution is probably adding support for these elements quickly
  891. # [16:09] <hsivonen> Lachy: well that's my point. if you want to ensure it, a validator doesn't tell you
  892. # [16:09] <Lachy> oh well.
  893. # [16:09] * Quits: aaronlev_ ([email protected]) ("ChatZilla [Firefox 3.0/2008052906]")
  894. # [16:10] <annevk> because you do want the implied <p>
  895. # [16:10] <annevk> euh, implied </p>
  896. # [16:10] <annevk> having it for <div> and not for <section> would be weird
  897. # [16:10] <hsivonen> oh, I agree that not having it would be weird in the long run
  898. # [16:12] * jmb^_ is now known as jmb
  899. # [16:15] <hsivonen> fun! the algorithms for li, dd and dt have changed
  900. # [16:21] * Joins: aaronlev ([email protected])
  901. # [16:26] <hsivonen> aargh. AAA step #8 has changed. is it merely editorial?
  902. # [16:27] <Philip`> Changed since when?
  903. # [16:27] <Philip`> I believe there was one non-editorial change since I last looked at it
  904. # [16:27] <hsivonen> Philip`: since March 13th
  905. # [16:29] <hsivonen> since May 13th, too
  906. # [16:32] <Philip`>
  907. # [16:34] <Lachy> hey, does anyone have any suggestions for example use cases of data-* attributes, that could be used in an article?
  908. # [16:35] <Lachy> The use cases in this article are already covered by the WF2 attributes with the same name - so that didn't help me much.
  909. # [16:35] <hsivonen> Philip`: it seems to me that the first para of step 8 has changed since the W3C diff
  910. # [16:36] <hsivonen> oops.
  911. # [16:37] * Joins: billmason ([email protected])
  912. # [16:38] <hsivonen> I'm looking at the diff the wrong way round
  913. # [16:39] * Quits: virtuelv ([email protected]) ("Ex-Chat")
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  918. # [16:59] <annevk> I'm not sure if the not filing bugs in Bugzilla practice works btw. Seems that Hixie files bugs himself to keep himself from doing URL work! Madness
  919. # [16:59] * Joins: aroben (n=aroben@unaffiliated/aroben)
  920. # [17:03] <hsivonen> heh
  921. # [17:05] * Quits: Lachy ([email protected]) ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  922. # [17:10] <gsnedders> jgraham__: Yeah, your impl. is correct per the latest version of the spec
  923. # [17:16] <hsivonen>
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  929. # [17:40] <Philip`> jgraham__: misspells my name
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  938. # [18:13] <Lachy> Philip`, where does it get it wrong?
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  940. # [18:14] <gsnedders> Lachy: — that doesn't credit the photo of me
  941. # [18:14] <Philip`> Lachy: As of twenty seconds ago when I reloaded the page, it doesn't get it wrong anywhere, so that's okay now :-)
  942. # [18:15] <gsnedders> annevk: well, in the case of one of the commits yesterday, I bullied Hixie into it :P
  943. # [18:15] <Lachy> oh, yeah, there are still a few pics I need to add credits for.
  944. # [18:15] <Lachy> I just did the ones I stole from wikipedia and flickr, since they were in my list
  945. # [18:15] <gsnedders> Lachy: The one of me is from Flickr too :P
  946. # [18:15] <gsnedders>
  947. # [18:16] <Lachy> yeah, but I didn't steal it. I asked for it.
  948. # [18:16] <gsnedders> Ah.
  949. # [18:16] <gsnedders> And taken by your co-presenter
  950. # [18:16] <Lachy> I will have to do it later, after I put my keyboard back together and turn on my PC where the file is located.
  951. # [18:17] <gsnedders> Hixie: The bug is I was taking "Let new candidate section be the section that contains candidate section in the outline of current outlinee." to mean that it was a section that was directly within the outline, and not looking deeper
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  971. # [19:29] <hsivonen> w00t. I have the SVG/MathML stuff running locally
  972. # [19:29] <hsivonen> now I need test cases
  973. # [19:40] * gavin_ is now known as gavin
  974. # [19:46] * zcorpan_ reads
  975. # [19:54] <zcorpan_> "SM: if FF claims to accept XML and XHTML, why serve text/html"
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  979. # [20:01] <zcorpan_> "TH: without a DOCTYPE many tools beome impossible to write, such as accessibility checkers"
  980. # [20:01] <hober> the mind boggles.
  981. # [20:01] <zcorpan_> oh sorry, that was clarified: "<Tina> Without a DOCTYPE many tools becomes impossible to write such that they can deliver trustworthy results. Accessibility checkers is one such example."
  982. # [20:03] * Quits: ROBOd ([email protected]) ("")
  983. # [20:06] <zcorpan_> "SM: issue with HTML-compatible and HTML4 - HTML4-compatible would explicitly exclude HTML5 for better or worse" -- i guess it'd be easier for them to be html5-compatible
  984. # [20:07] <zcorpan_> xmlns and <br/> being two examples (where the latter has incompatible parsing requirements in html4)
  985. # [20:10] * Joins: roc ([email protected])
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  987. # [20:10] <zcorpan_> seems their biggest issues are doctypes and content negotiation
  988. # [20:10] <zcorpan_> or at least that's what they're discussing
  989. # [20:11] <zcorpan_> i don't see what there's to discuss. use <!doctype html> and text/html. done.
  990. # [20:14] * Joins: dbaron ([email protected])
  991. # [20:14] <mpt> A few days ago I came across a Web site of a Gnome developer that worked in the KDE browser (Konqueror) but not in the Gnome browser (Epiphany)
  992. # [20:15] <mpt> They had UA sniffing to serve XHTML-as-XML to Gecko, and their XML wasn't well-formed...
  993. # [20:15] <zcorpan_> not uncommon
  994. # [20:16] <hsivonen> interenting time warp there with DTDs
  995. # [20:16] <hsivonen> the XML community at large has generally moved on
  996. # [20:19] <zcorpan_> yeah reading this reminds me of discusions i was having in 2004 when i was learning this
  997. # [20:19] <zcorpan_> discussions
  998. # [20:22] <zcorpan_> seems they'll update appendix c
  999. # [20:24] * mpt wonders if one drinks dehydrated water at a Virtual FtF
  1000. # [20:24] * Quits: tantek ([email protected])
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  1002. # [20:27] <zcorpan_> "SP: if need compatability GLs to serve as HTML need lang, but in XHTML lang means nothing and is just there for convenience"
  1003. # [20:27] <zcorpan_> hmm i thought lang had the same meaning in xhtml as in html
  1004. # [20:28] * Joins: ROBOd ([email protected])
  1005. # [20:29] <zcorpan_> "SP: CSS has knowledge of language text is in due to selector - language comes from parent element of current element; if current element is in latin, do this - only way to do in CSS anyway
  1006. # [20:29] <zcorpan_> ... no selector that says if parent of current element has @blah ..."
  1007. # [20:29] <zcorpan_> #foo[blah], [blah] #foo
  1008. # [20:35] * Joins: dbaron_ ([email protected])
  1009. # [20:37] <zcorpan_> "SM: added thing about style HTML element
  1010. # [20:37] <zcorpan_> ... in HTML style on body becomes style for entire viewport; in XML does not"
  1011. # [20:37] <zcorpan_> not anymore :)
  1012. # [20:38] <roc> huh?
  1013. # [20:38] <roc> overflow and background on body get propagated to the viewport but nothing else does
  1014. # [20:38] <zcorpan_> i meant the "in XML does not" part
  1015. # [20:39] <zcorpan_> at least in firefox 3 and opera 9.5
  1016. # [20:39] <zcorpan_> doesn't seem to be fixed in webkit yet
  1017. # [20:39] <zcorpan_>
  1018. # [20:40] <roc> oh, for XHTML documents
  1019. # [20:40] <zcorpan_> yeah
  1020. # [20:41] <zcorpan_> any webkit guys here?
  1021. # [20:43] <roc> we actually have a small regression in Firefox 3 that if you have multiple <body> elements, we propagate from the wrong one. Will be fixed in 3.1.
  1022. # [20:43] <zcorpan_> ok. we have some glitches in opera too, but at least we should do the same for both html and xhtml
  1023. # [20:48] * Joins: jgraham_ ([email protected])
  1024. # [20:49] <Hixie> multiple body elements?
  1025. # [20:49] <Hixie> like through DOM manipulation?
  1026. # [20:49] <Hixie> or XML?
  1027. # [20:50] <zcorpan_> Hixie: either of those, i think
  1028. # [20:50] <roc> either
  1029. # [20:50] <Hixie> k
  1030. # [20:50] <Hixie> not a high priority bug then :-)
  1031. # [20:50] <roc> right
  1032. # [20:51] * Quits: dbaron ([email protected]) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  1033. # [20:54] <Dashiva> That's a lot of X's removed in 1782
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  1037. # [21:01] <Hixie> moved not removed
  1038. # [21:02] <Dashiva> What about the big one, like 40 in a row?
  1039. # [21:02] <Hixie> it was moved lower
  1040. # [21:03] <Hixie> that big line is my bookmark
  1041. # [21:03] <Hixie> indicates how far i've gotten in annotating the url changes
  1042. # [21:03] <Dashiva> ah
  1043. # [21:03] * Joins: webben (n=benh@nat/yahoo/x-74ac003a4a23b203)
  1044. # [21:03] <zcorpan_> "<ShaneM> I think stepping directly to XForms for xhtml 1.2 would be too far."
  1045. # [21:04] <zcorpan_> "SM: anything put into XHTML 1.2 should work in browsers today"
  1046. # [21:04] <zcorpan_> cool, perhaps they could add <canvas> or something
  1047. # [21:05] <takkaria> that line isn't equivalent to "things that work in browsers today should be put into XHTML 1.2" :)
  1048. # [21:06] <zcorpan_> indeed
  1049. # [21:06] <Hixie> which browsers? do they include IE?
  1050. # [21:06] <Hixie> because they'd have to remove the xml part of they did
  1051. # [21:06] * Hixie ducks
  1052. # [21:06] * takkaria grins
  1053. # [21:07] <Hixie> i wonder which will be done first, xhtml 1.2, or xhtml 5
  1054. # [21:07] <Hixie> though i guess that depends on whether you consider the vague implications that xhtml1.1 consists of to be "done"
  1055. # [21:08] <Dashiva> So, does 1.2 replace 2? Or is it like es3.1 and es4?
  1056. # [21:08] <Hixie> es4 is supposed to be a superset of es3.1
  1057. # [21:08] <Hixie> so it's clearly not like that
  1058. # [21:08] <Hixie> it's more like es3.1 and vbscript
  1059. # [21:08] <zcorpan_> Hixie: they'll allow it to be served as text/html if it's "HTML4-compatible", if i understand the notes correctly (or perhaps that wasn't about 1.2)
  1060. # [21:09] <Hixie> zcorpan_: i sure hope they define parsing then!
  1061. # [21:09] <Hixie> anyway i really must go before i insult someone
  1062. # [21:09] <Hixie> bbiab
  1063. # [21:09] <Lachy> damn! I was waiting for the insults :-)
  1064. # [21:09] <zcorpan_> Dashiiiva: "SP: wrap all those up into a language called XHTML 1.2 so people can refer to markup language that uses these things
  1065. # [21:09] <zcorpan_> ... another reason, makes step to XHTML2 that much smaller
  1066. # [21:09] <zcorpan_> ... community needs to be led step-by-step to XHTML2 rather than just being presented with it - get used to concepts"
  1067. # [21:10] <Dashiva> Maybe I should get a different nick for my work IRC client after all...
  1068. # [21:10] <zcorpan_> Hixie: parsing of html4 is defined in sgml
  1069. # [21:11] <zcorpan_> s/ii//
  1070. # [21:11] <hsivonen> I don't see the point in aiming for what already exists if the spec doesn't specify the existing features in such detail that a new browser could be implemented to spec
  1071. # [21:12] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: the point, aiui, is to lead the community step-by-step to xhtml2
  1072. # [21:13] <zcorpan_> but obviously minutes are generally bad and i wasn't there so i could be misunderstanding the motivation
  1073. # [21:13] * Quits: billmason ([email protected]) (".")
  1074. # [21:14] <Lachy> interestingly, there doesn't appear to be any email about it on their mailing list.
  1075. # [21:18] <Dashiva> And this happens just after they ask for #xhtml2 not to be logged? ;)
  1076. # [21:19] <zcorpan_> too bad they have their own logs public then!
  1077. # [21:20] * virtuelv is following discussion on wheel events
  1078. # [21:21] <Dashiva> discussion... on wheels!
  1079. # [21:21] * Dashiva apologizes for the wiki injoke
  1080. # [21:21] <zcorpan_> "Gregory: That is part of the problem
  1081. # [21:21] <zcorpan_> ... there is a difference in how HTML5 and XHTML treat role" --
  1082. # [21:21] <virtuelv> Dashiva: related to cobol on cogs?
  1083. # [21:21] <zcorpan_> hmm... what's the difference?
  1084. # [21:21] * Quits: KevinMarks ([email protected]) ("The computer fell asleep")
  1085. # [21:21] <Dashiva> No, related to Willy on Wheels
  1086. # [21:22] <virtuelv> I just wish they'd get it over and specify it as an angle and a delta value
  1087. # [21:22] <virtuelv> because I'm dead sure that someone is going to put a trackball in there some day instead of the wheel
  1088. # [21:22] <zcorpan_> fwiw, for log readers, the equivalent html5+aria would be <span class="checkbox" id="chbox1" role="checkbox" aria-checked="true" tabindex="0">
  1089. # [21:23] <zcorpan_> i.e. no difference from xhtml+aria
  1090. # [21:25] <zcorpan_> "Roland: We have a mess as it is
  1091. # [21:25] <zcorpan_> ... we can't create a clean version for the future if we don't use the mechanisms that exist"
  1092. # [21:27] <zcorpan_> reminds me of how hsivonen said it; the w3c will look stupid for having designed a mechanism that can't be used (paraphrasing from memory)
  1093. # [21:29] <Dashiva> "We have to stand up for the rights of the author"
  1094. # [21:29] <Dashiva> So forcing inconsistencies and all kinds of trouble is standing up for the authors
  1095. # [21:29] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: that wasn't me. that was Hixie
  1096. # [21:30] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: oh, ok, sorry
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  1100. # [21:50] <zcorpan_> this dmitry thing gets me wondering
  1101. # [21:50] <zcorpan_> if an alternative place is set up for proposals
  1102. # [21:50] <zcorpan_> how are people to know if they should post there or to the list?
  1103. # [21:51] * zcorpan_ is reading www-archive
  1104. # [21:52] * Quits: roc ([email protected])
  1105. # [21:54] <Hixie> zcorpan_: if they rely on sgml, then they'll never exit cr unless they cheat
  1106. # [21:54] <Hixie> zcorpan_: and sgml doesn't define error handling
  1107. # [21:55] <Hixie> zcorpan_: rb and d post to that thing, and everyone else to the list? :-)
  1108. # [21:55] <hsivonen> does XHTML Basic 1.1 inputmode have a second interoperable implementation yet? or any public implementation at all?
  1109. # [21:55] * Quits: webben (n=benh@nat/yahoo/x-4e1fd7987750a77b) (Success)
  1110. # [21:56] <Philip`> SGML defines what is an error, so a document with SGML errors is not HTML4 and so it's not HTML4-compatible XHTML and so it's not XHTML and it's out of scope to define what all non-XHTML bytestreams in the world mean
  1111. # [21:56] <zcorpan_> Hixie: i guess they won't require UAs to support sgml or html4
  1112. # [21:58] * hsivonen wonders if *independent* interoperable implementations on anything SGML-based are feasible
  1113. # [21:58] <Hixie> Philip`: quite
  1114. # [21:58] <hsivonen> at least one of the impls would have to be without James Clark's code to be independent
  1115. # [21:58] <Hixie> anyway
  1116. # [21:58] <Hixie> back in the world of actual real spec development...
  1117. # [22:07] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: i wonder if it's good or not to briefly explain what the concequences are of parse errors when it's not what one might expect
  1118. # [22:08] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: do you mean in the tree builder?
  1119. # [22:08] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: e.g. <div/> or <form><form>
  1120. # [22:08] <hsivonen> Yeah, it would be good
  1121. # [22:10] <zcorpan_> like, say, "Ignoring the slash." and "Ignoring the form start tag."
  1122. # [22:11] <hsivonen> yeah. fixing now
  1123. # [22:11] <zcorpan_> cool
  1124. # [22:14] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: checked in but deployment will have to wait, because I regressed xmlns talisman and NCName checking when implementing SVG and MathML
  1125. # [22:16] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: what's the easiest way to see all the messages that can emit? check out the code?
  1126. # [22:17] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: yeah, checking out the code is the only way
  1127. # [22:17] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: ok
  1128. # [22:17] * Joins: tantek ([email protected])
  1129. # [22:18] <hsivonen> the plan is to migrate the parser to proper string bundles for messages once the messages stabilize or are really needed in a non-English language
  1130. # [22:19] * Joins: KevinMarks ([email protected])
  1131. # [22:21] * Quits: ROBOd ([email protected]) ("")
  1132. # [22:21] <mcarter> it seems that a number of people don't know how to reply back to the list when they respond to a point I've made
  1133. # [22:23] <hsivonen> annevk, jgraham_: we should extend the tree builder test format to express namespaced names
  1134. # [22:24] <hsivonen> the format extension should be able to distinguis xlink:href as the local name an href in the xlink namespace
  1135. # [22:24] * zcorpan_ goes to grab some food while is working
  1136. # [22:24] <hsivonen> so hard-wired prefixes with the colon may not be the greatest thing
  1137. # [22:25] <Hixie> someone let me know if they see jwalden around
  1138. # [22:26] * Joins: smedero_ ([email protected])
  1139. # [22:26] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: sdf can do that, but might not be optimal for the purpose. though i can change sdf if you have suggestions :)
  1140. # [22:28] <hsivonen> my first instinct says we should just kludge an extension to the current format with prefixes that are sufficiently different from qnames
  1141. # [22:29] <hsivonen> like {xlink}href instead xlink:href
  1142. # [22:29] <hsivonen> or something
  1143. # [22:30] * Quits: smedero ([email protected]) (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  1144. # [22:31] <hsivonen> or xlink=href to use a character that doesn't normally occur in attribute names
  1145. # [22:31] <Hixie> mcarter: ok, unless someone raises a clear objection, i'm going to assume we'll use the term Web Socket
  1146. # [22:31] <Hixie> with the interface WebSocket
  1147. # [22:32] <mcarter> interface and implementation have the same name?
  1148. # [22:32] <Hixie> and the protocol Upgrade value WebSocket/1 or some such
  1149. # [22:32] <Hixie> right, you'd call new WebSocket(ur);
  1150. # [22:32] <Hixie> er
  1151. # [22:32] <Hixie> var socket = new WebSocket(url);
  1152. # [22:33] <mcarter> sounds great
  1153. # [22:33] <Hixie> not sure if the url should be an http: URL or a wsp: URL (
  1154. # [22:33] <Hixie> (or just ws: maybe)
  1155. # [22:33] <Hixie> since it's not really an HTTP connection you're opening
  1156. # [22:33] <mcarter> I went with http in the proposal just because I didn't want to rock too many boats
  1157. # [22:33] <Hixie> sure
  1158. # [22:34] <hsivonen> hmm. I guess '>' would be the safest delimiter but it is unpleasing aesthetically
  1159. # [22:34] <Hixie> luckily, i have my own boat, and am absolutely fine with rocking others! :-D
  1160. # [22:35] <Hixie> also so far i'm going to have invented a language, a set of dom interfaces, and a namespace (for xbl)
  1161. # [22:35] <Hixie> i might as well add tcp port, uri scheme, and mime types to the list
  1162. # [22:35] * hsivonen sees that SHAVIAN LETTER IAN has made into the spec
  1163. # [22:35] <Hixie> it has?
  1164. # [22:35] <mcarter> sound logic as I've ever heard
  1165. # [22:35] <Hixie> hah
  1166. # [22:35] <hsivonen> Hixie: the SDF spec
  1167. # [22:36] <hsivonen> (I thought I was looking at HTML5 for a moment due to the style sheet)
  1168. # [22:36] <Hixie> dare i ask what SDF is?
  1169. # [22:36] <hsivonen>
  1170. # [22:36] <mcarter> Hixie, I think the framing discussion the other night was on the right track, btw
  1171. # [22:36] <Hixie> hsivonen: oh, cool
  1172. # [22:36] <Hixie> mcarter: yeah, me too
  1173. # [22:36] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: space could work
  1174. # [22:36] <Hixie> mcarter: i think this whole thing has legs now, and can fly, to mix metaphors a little.
  1175. # [22:36] <mcarter> yeah, it may sail too
  1176. # [22:37] <Hixie> :-)
  1177. # [22:37] <Hixie> makes sense if we're rocking boats that it would sail, i guess
  1178. # [22:37] <Hixie> hey, shavian letter ian really is in this spec, that's funny
  1179. # [22:38] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: yeah, space would work
  1180. # [22:38] <mcarter> Hixie, for this article I'm writing, at some point do you mind if I ask you for a quote about the new WebSocket standard?
  1181. # [22:38] <zcorpan_> i wanted an astral character, and that was the first i found :)
  1182. # [22:39] <zcorpan_> i found it in Hixie's signature ;)
  1183. # [22:39] <Hixie> mcarter: sure, though it'll be a pretty lame quote in all likelihood, and must be unrelated to google in any way :-)
  1184. # [22:39] <mcarter> Hixie, sounds perfect
  1185. # [22:39] <mcarter> I just want to provide the feeling that I didn't make this WebSocket up all by myself
  1186. # [22:40] * Quits: smedero_ ([email protected]) (Remote closed the connection)
  1187. # [22:40] <Hixie> hehe
  1188. # [22:41] <Hixie> usually people have the opposite problem :-P
  1189. # [22:41] * Joins: smedero ([email protected])
  1190. # [22:43] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: i'll figure out if is compatible with windows or not, i guess :)
  1191. # [22:43] <zcorpan_> wonder if i have JDK 5
  1192. # [22:45] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: cool
  1193. # [22:45] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: expects to be able to create symlinks
  1194. # [22:45] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: the potentially Windows-incompatible spots in should have comments to that effect
  1195. # [22:46] <jcranmer> zcorpan_: that's an ancient version!
  1196. # [22:46] <jcranmer> you should be using JDK 6, if not milestone builds of Java 7!
  1197. # [22:46] <hsivonen> jcranmer: doesn't require later than that
  1198. # [22:46] <hsivonen> later than 5 that is
  1199. # [22:46] * jcranmer takes that to mean that it actually uses Java 5's features
  1200. # [22:46] <hsivonen> yes
  1201. # [22:47] <hsivonen> generics and StringBuilder mainly
  1202. # [22:47] * Joins: eseidel (n=eseidel@nat/google/x-d2f76cc3e87f6c73)
  1203. # [22:47] <jcranmer> no enums? not that it's really important
  1204. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1205. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1206. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1207. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1208. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1209. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1210. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1211. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1212. # [22:48] <hsivonen> jcranmer: yeah, enums too for perf-insensitive enums
  1213. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1214. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1215. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1216. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1217. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1218. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1219. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1220. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1221. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1222. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1223. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1224. # [22:48] <zcorpan_>
  1225. # [22:48] * Quits: zcorpan_ ([email protected]) (Excess Flood)
  1226. # [22:49] <Hixie> heh
  1227. # [22:49] <Hixie> mispaste i assume :-)
  1228. # [22:49] <jcranmer> most likely
  1229. # [22:49] * Joins: zcorpan_ ([email protected])
  1230. # [22:49] <zcorpan_> oops
  1231. # [22:49] <zcorpan_> sorry
  1232. # [22:49] <Hixie> no worries
  1233. # [22:49] <zcorpan_> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './onvdl/saxon/dist/saxon-whattf.jar'
  1234. # [22:49] <zcorpan_> right after fsrc = open(src, 'rb')
  1235. # [22:50] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: chances are that Saxon failed to build earlier
  1236. # [22:50] <Hixie> though if someone was gonna try to spam the channel, schema URIs do seem like a good choice!
  1237. # [22:50] <zcorpan_> Hixie: :)
  1238. # [22:52] <zcorpan_> hsivonen: because i didn't have JDK?
  1239. # [22:54] <hsivonen> zcorpan_: did it print messages looking like javac output?
  1240. # [22:54] <hsivonen> if you have javac and jar in PATH, it should print all kinds of cruft when javac runs
  1241. # [22:54] <zcorpan_> 'javac' -nowarn -classpath './dependencies/commons-codec-1.3/commons-codec-1.3.j....
  1242. # [22:55] <zcorpan_> saxon/classes' @temp-javac-list
  1243. # [22:55] <hsivonen> that's the echo of the javac invocation
  1244. # [22:55] <zcorpan_> sh: javac: command not found
  1245. # [22:55] <hsivonen> well that's the problem then
  1246. # [22:56] <hsivonen> has command line options for specifying path to javac if it isn't autodiscovered
  1247. # [22:56] <hsivonen> see --help
  1248. # [22:57] * Quits: eseidel (n=eseidel@nat/google/x-d2f76cc3e87f6c73)
  1249. # [22:58] <zcorpan_> ok
  1250. # [22:59] * Quits: virtuelv ([email protected]) ("Ex-Chat")
  1251. # [22:59] * Quits: tantek ([email protected])
  1252. # [23:00] <hsivonen> bed time on my timezone
  1253. # [23:00] <hsivonen> nn
  1254. # [23:00] <zcorpan_> nn
  1255. # [23:06] * zcorpan_ builds again, this time *with* JDK...
  1256. # [23:07] * Joins: roc ([email protected])
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  1258. # [23:13] <zcorpan_> well it still didn't work but for other reasons
  1259. # [23:16] <jgraham__> gsnedders: You have modified my to match the current spec?
  1260. # [23:17] <gsnedders> jgraham__: Yeah, it was mainly just ripping out your algorithm. It's really not much. I deleted my own local copy anyway.
  1261. # [23:17] <jgraham__> So I have to be bothered to do it myself?
  1262. # [23:18] <jgraham__> i.e. you can't just put the file somewhere?
  1263. # [23:19] * Quits: KevinMarks ([email protected]) ("The computer fell asleep")
  1264. # [23:20] <gsnedders> jgraham__: I deleted it, as I said
  1265. # [23:24] <Hixie> gsnedders: so the outline algorithm is all set now right?
  1266. # [23:24] <gsnedders> Hixie: Yeah. I think it could be clearer in how it is written, but it works
  1267. # [23:25] <Hixie> yeah well, hopefully diagrams and examples and intro text will help with that in due course
  1268. # [23:25] <Hixie> getting the algorithm right is the first step :-)
  1269. # [23:25] <Hixie> and it's much better than it was, right?
  1270. # [23:25] <gsnedders> Yeah, sure.
  1271. # [23:25] <gsnedders> Helping you avoiding to doing URLs has its uses :)
  1272. # [23:27] <Hixie> :-)
  1273. # [23:28] <Hixie> i really want to do done with this url crap and go on to WebSocket!
  1274. # [23:28] <Hixie> bbiab
  1275. # [23:36] <Lachy> woah, I haven't had a chance to look at the URL at all till just now. Hixie, assuming I'm looking at the right section (3.2.9) it doesn't look like you've done much at all with it.
  1276. # [23:40] <jcranmer> Hixie: if it makes you feel better I get to break through encrusted layers of hacks...
  1277. # [23:40] * Joins: tantek ([email protected])
  1278. # [23:41] <zcorpan_> Lachy: it's mostly annotating the source with XXXURL comments, i think, so Hixie knows what needs doing
  1279. # [23:44] * Quits: White_Leviathan ([email protected]) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  1280. # [23:45] <Lachy> ah, ok.
  1281. # [23:45] * Joins: eseidel (n=eseidel@nat/google/x-5c2c701080c40a44)
  1282. # [23:46] <Lachy> oh, geez. Now I see why it's such a boring job.
  1283. # [23:49] <Philip`> Many people spend their whole lives in boring jobs, so it's unreasonable to complain after only a few days of it :-p
  1284. # [23:49] <krijnh> shepazu: Pong
  1285. # [23:50] <shepazu> hey, krijnh, did you see this thread?
  1286. # [23:51] <krijnh> I have now
  1287. # [23:51] <shepazu> :)
  1288. # [23:51] <krijnh> There is no [off] thing (yet)
  1289. # [23:52] <shepazu> is it possible you could add an "[off]"?
  1290. # [23:52] <krijnh> And yes, my connections sometimes drops :)
  1291. # [23:52] <krijnh> Yeah, I think it is
  1292. # [23:52] <shepazu> hey, I'm not complaining... but it would be nice if everything were perfect :)
  1293. # [23:52] <krijnh> Everything will never be perfect, just accept that ;)
  1294. # [23:52] <shepazu> [off] never!
  1295. # [23:53] <krijnh> Which makes it perfect immediately
  1296. # [23:53] <krijnh> Anyway, I have no idea how I can not log [off] messages
  1297. # [23:53] <shepazu> just close my eyes and believe, eh?
  1298. # [23:53] * Joins: joaoeso1 ([email protected])
  1299. # [23:54] <krijnh> But I could hide them in the views
  1300. # [23:54] <Philip`> Make the script read from `grep -v '> \[off\]' log.txt` instead of from log.txt?
  1301. # [23:54] <shepazu> you mean more than CSS, right? :)
  1302. # [23:54] <krijnh> They would still be in the logs
  1303. # [23:54] <krijnh> PHP parses the logfiles, and wraps them in some HTML
  1304. # [23:54] <krijnh> I could ignore the [off] lines
  1305. # [23:54] <Philip`> Does anyone other than you have access to those raw logs?
  1306. # [23:55] <zcorpan_> shepazu: the easy way to solve the connection drop problem is to have multiple independent loggers
  1307. # [23:55] <krijnh> Not that I know of
  1308. # [23:55] <shepazu> zcorpan_: yup
  1309. # [23:55] <zcorpan_> shepazu: what's the point in making [off] lines not go in the logs?
  1310. # [23:55] <Philip`> zcorpan_: That doesn't help if there's a netsplit and all the loggers are stuck on the opposite side to the discussion
  1311. # [23:55] <hober> zcorpan_: feedback from #webapps
  1312. # [23:56] <shepazu> zcorpan_: some people don't like being logged...
  1313. # [23:56] <hober> zcorpan_: doug wants the feature, though I don't know who would use it
  1314. # [23:56] <krijnh> Is it okay if [off] lines are presented as "[off]" ?
  1315. # [23:56] <krijnh> It could be weird if in the middle of a discussion some lines are missing
  1316. # [23:56] <hober> Personally, I think there should be some indication on the site if lines were redacted
  1317. # [23:56] <krijnh> I agree
  1318. # [23:56] * Quits: roc ([email protected]) (Remote closed the connection)
  1319. # [23:56] <shepazu> yeah, I agree
  1320. # [23:57] <krijnh> Oki
  1321. # [23:57] <shepazu> cool, thanks!
  1322. # [23:57] <hober> In fact, I'd like it to have the nick of the relevant party.
  1323. # [23:57] <hober> So you can tell *that* so-and-so said something, but not *what*
  1324. # [23:57] <krijnh> Indeed
  1325. # [23:57] <shepazu> hober: you're getting into the bounds of crossing the privacy line
  1326. # [23:57] <krijnh> Do you guys need some sort of consensus on that? :)
  1327. # [23:57] <hober> I dunno. It's a public WG
  1328. # [23:57] * Joins: roc ([email protected])
  1329. # [23:58] <hober> I think wanting your IRC to not be logged is somewhat antisocial
  1330. # [23:58] <krijnh> So not web 2.0
  1331. # [23:58] <hober> and I'd like such antisocial behavior exposed if we're going to cater to it with some kind of feature
  1332. # [23:58] <Philip`> You could always have an additional secret channel, like we have with #whatwg-cabal
  1333. # [23:58] <zcorpan_> if someone doesn't want something to be logged, don't say it in a logged channel
  1334. # [23:58] <shepazu> hober: while other think that people logging their every comment is antisocial :)
  1335. # [23:58] <zcorpan_> i honestly don't see the problem
  1336. # [23:58] <hober> zcorpan_: right
  1337. # [23:58] <krijnh> Philip`: I'm logging that as well, under a different nick ;)
  1338. # [23:59] <shepazu> zcorpan_: if you don't see the problem, then you aren't the person who wants this feature :)
  1339. # Session Close: Thu Jun 19 00:00:00 2008

The end :)