Startups are key in the world's transition toward sustainable development. 


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We empower startups to make
measurable impact at scale.


Google's Startups for Sustainable Development program supports a global ecosystem of impact-focused startups. The program builds community and supports startups with advisors, funding, and platform technology. The UN’s 17 SDGs are used as the framework for measuring impact. The program is not time-bound, so as to support startups in their mission for long-term impact at scale. 


Expert guidance can unblock, accelerate, and inspire. Startups are matched within our network of experts for advice, mentorship, and support across a range of domains and subject matters. 


Startups need to be funded for scale. We connect them to the funding ecosystem, including venture capital and other investment partners, to secure the funding that supports their impact goals.


Sustainable development can only scale with access to scalable technology platforms. From open datasets to cutting edge AI, we bring to startups the best of research to take them to the next level.



"Thanks to SFSD, we are now a Google Build partner allowing us to provide product carbon tracking to all of Google Cloud's retail customers."

Ajay Varadharajan, Founder and CEO

GreenSwapp harmonizes product data & tracks CO2 per product or recipe accurately, at scale

GreenSwapp is revolutionizing grocery shopping by empowering consumers to make sustainable choices. Their AI-powered technology reveals the carbon footprint of food products, making it easy to compare options and choose eco-friendly alternatives.

Read more about Google Cloud's support in GreenSwapp's growth, providing access to AI tools and a dedicated mentor.

SDG 13: Climate Action

Read more


AI Success Stories : where Innovation meets impact

Explore the cutting edge of sustainability, dive into real-world examples of how AI is being used to drive positive change and solve the world's most pressing problems.

Read more AI support stories →  


Founder Spotlights : the visionaries shaping our future

Hear directly from the changemakers. Gain insights from entrepreneurs who are building businesses that not only succeed but also make a meaningful difference.

Read more Startups success stories →  


Supporting the global startups who are
making an impact every day.


The challenges ahead as represented by the SDGs are ambitious and require speed and scale. With Google’s help, startups in the Startups for Sustainable Development program are addressing major obstacles to make a global impact in climate, agriculture, health, education, and more. 


The Startups for Sustainable Development program is currently accepting impact startup applications.

Apply to join the program →  


In addition to the Startups for Sustainable Development program's support of impact startups, Google supports startups of all kinds through Google for Startups.

Learn more about Google for Startups →