Project Files

Any data displayed on this site is only for archive purposes and starting with March 2019 is not being updated any more.

Level: 0 [1] 2 3 || Path: suite

PathFilesPatch authors (push count, top 10)Reviewers (push count, top 10)Bug Components (push count, top 10)
app/15seabld (198), Serge Gautherie (20), Ian Neal (14), Robert Kaiser (13), Philip Chee (12), Edmund Wong (11), Mark Banner (9), Frank-Rainer Grahl (8), Joshua Cranmer (8), Mike Hommey (6)Standard8 (30), Callek (29), Neil (20), KaiRo (14), stefanh (12), jcranmer (9), IanN (8), Ratty (7), bustage-fix (4), Mnyromyr (3)[MailNews Core] Build Config (37), Build Config (37), General (12), OS Integration (11), [Core] Build Config (8), [MailNews Core] Backend (7), [Thunderbird] Build Config (7), Startup & Profiles (5), [Thunderbird] General (5), Passwords & Permissions (4)
app-config.mkJustin Wood (2), Neil Rashbrook (2), Joshua Cranmer (1), Robert Kaiser (1)KaiRo (2), mcsmurf (2), Standard8 (2), Callek (1), ted (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (2), OS Integration (2), Download & File Handling (1)
app.mozbuildMike Hommey (4), Edmund Wong (2), Gregory Szorc (2), Joshua Cranmer (2), Geoff Lankow (1), Ian Neal (1), Neil Rashbrook (1), Philip Chee (1)jcranmer (5), Callek (3), Standard8 (2), aleth (1), Fallen (1), [email protected] (1), [email protected] (1), Neil (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (4), [Core] Build Config (3), Build Config (2), [Calendar] General (1), Location Bar (1)
branding/278Edmund Wong (5), Philip Chee (4), [email protected] (3), Ian Neal (2), Mark Banner (2), Robert Kaiser (2), rsx11m (2), Serge Gautherie (2), Brian O'Keefe (1), Brian O'Keefe (1)Neil (9), IanN (4), jcranmer (3), Callek (2), Fallen (2), florian (2), KaiRo (2), Mnyromyr (2), Standard8 (2), build-system-peer-po (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (5), Build Config (4), General (3), Installer (3), UI Design (3), OS Integration (2), Themes (2), [Thunderbird] Build Config (2), [Core] Build Config (1), [] Licensing (1)
browser/149Philip Chee (203), Neil Rashbrook (174), Serge Gautherie (74), Robert Kaiser (65), Ian Neal (55), Jens Hatlak (46), Frank-Rainer Grahl (43), Edmund Wong (41), Frank Wein (34), rsx11m (26)Neil (330), IanN (218), Ratty (85), Callek (39), KaiRo (26), Mnyromyr (26), stefanh (17), Standard8 (15), mcsmurf (13), frg (8)UI Design (174), General (170), Tabbed Browser (113), Preferences (62), Page Info (41), Bookmarks & History (36), Location Bar (33), Passwords & Permissions (19), Security (19), [MailNews Core] Build Config (18)
build/5Neil Rashbrook (10), Joshua Cranmer (9), Ian Neal (6), Edmund Wong (4), Frank Wein (4), Robert Kaiser (3), Serge Gautherie (3), Frank-Rainer Grahl (2), Justin Wood (2), Mike Hommey (2)Standard8 (15), jcranmer (10), IanN (6), KaiRo (6), Neil (5), Callek (4), mcsmurf (3), Ratty (2), bustage-fix (1), Fallen (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (20), OS Integration (9), Build Config (8), [Thunderbird] Build Config (2), [MailNews Core] Import (1), Bookmarks (1), Bookmarks & History (1), General (1), Search (1), Startup & Profiles (1)
build.mkRobert Kaiser (7), Mark Banner (4), Neil Rashbrook (4), Serge Gautherie (3), Ben Bucksch (1), Edmund Wong (1), Frank Wein (1), Gregory Szorc (1), Ian Neal (1), Jens Hatlak (1)Callek (8), Standard8 (7), KaiRo (5), Neil (3), ted (2), feedback (1), gozer (1), jcranmer (1), mbanner (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (13), Build Config (7), [Core] Build Config (2), [MailNews Core] Simple MAPI (1), Release Engineering (1), UI Design (1)
common/581Neil Rashbrook (258), Philip Chee (188), Jens Hatlak (133), Serge Gautherie (123), Marco Bonardo (107), Ian Neal (96), Robert Kaiser (89), Misak Khachatryan (82), Edmund Wong (67), Frank-Rainer Grahl (47)Neil (542), IanN (375), Ratty (104), mak (82), dietrich (60), Mnyromyr (52), Callek (40), sdwilsh (36), gavin (35), KaiRo (34)General (232), UI Design (219), [Toolkit] Places (149), Session Restore (141), Bookmarks & History (136), Preferences (136), Passwords & Permissions (69), Download & File Handling (60), [Firefox] Location Bar (42), Sync UI (40)
components/2Mark Banner (2), Neil Rashbrook (1)Callek (1), Callekr (1), feedback (1), KaiRo (1)[MailNews Core] Simple MAPI (1), Build Config (1)
config/46Edmund Wong (113), Mark Banner (25), Justin Wood (19), Mark Banner (14), Robert Kaiser (13), Patrick Cloke (10), Ian Neal (9), Frank Wein (7), Frank-Rainer Grahl (5), Serge Gautherie (3)Callek (34), bustage (23), bustagefix (15), ewong (9), IanN (9), post-land-review (7), KaiRo (6), bustage-fix (5), backout (4), frg (3)Build Config (96), Release Engineering (32), [MailNews Core] Build Config (7), [Core] Build Config (2), General (1), [Thunderbird] Build Config (1)
configure.inJoshua Cranmer (4), Philip Chee (4), Neil Rashbrook (3), Ian Neal (2), aleth (1), [email protected] (1), Edmund Wong (1), Frank-Rainer Grahl (1), Jorg K (1), Makoto Kato (1)jcranmer (7), Standard8 (6), Fallen (2), glandium (2), Neil (2), aleth (1), IanN (1), mbanner (1), Ratty (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (9), [Core] Build Config (2), Build Config (2), Themes (2), [Calendar] Build Config (1), [Calendar] Internal Components (1), [MailNews Core] LDAP Integration (1), [Thunderbird] Build Config (1)
confvars.shMark Banner (11), Philip Chee (10), Robert Kaiser (10), Edmund Wong (7), Frank-Rainer Grahl (7), Neil Rashbrook (6), Serge Gautherie (6), Frank Wein (3), Ian Neal (3), Jens Hatlak (3)Callek (20), Standard8 (13), IanN (9), KaiRo (4), Neil (4), jcranmer (3), Ratty (3), gozer (2), mcsmurf (2), aleth (1)Build Config (25), [MailNews Core] Build Config (22), Installer (6), UI Design (2), [Core] General (1), [MailNews Core] Backend (1), [MailNews Core] Simple MAPI (1), Help Viewer (1), Search (1), Startup & Profiles (1)
debugQA/21Ian Neal (17), Serge Gautherie (16), Frank-Rainer Grahl (8), Edmund Wong (4), Neil Rashbrook (4), [email protected] (4), Tobias Fischer (4), Joshua Cranmer (3), Mark Banner (3), Philip Chee (3)Neil (31), IanN (10), Ratty (7), Callek (5), Mnyromyr (3), Standard8 (3), jcranmer (2), philor (2), build-system-peer-po (1), bustage-fix (1)General (14), UI Design (13), Composer (9), [MailNews Core] Build Config (8), Build Config (6), [Core] XPCOM (3), Themes (3), [Thunderbird] Build Config (3), [MailNews Core] Composition (2), [Core] Editor (1)
extradependlibs.mkJoshua Cranmer (1), Justin Wood (1), Mike Hommey (1)Standard8 (2), glandium (1), KaiRo (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (2), Startup & Profiles (1)
feeds/14Philip Chee (25), Neil Rashbrook (14), Joshua Cranmer (10), Edmund Wong (6), Frank Wein (4), Justin Wood (4), Robert Kaiser (4), Mark Banner (3), Ehsan Akhgari (2), Gregory Szorc (2)IanN (26), Neil (22), Standard8 (12), Callek (8), bustage (2), ehsan (2), jcranmer (2), KaiRo (2), Ratty (2), aleth (1)Feed Discovery and Preview (26), General (15), [MailNews Core] Build Config (13), Build Config (7), [MailNews Core] Backend (4), OS Integration (3), Bookmarks & History (2), Security (2), [Thunderbird] General (2), [Core] General (1)
installer/20Serge Gautherie (173), Philip Chee (57), Frank-Rainer Grahl (54), Robert Kaiser (44), Frank Wein (43), Mark Banner (31), Edmund Wong (30), Robert Strong (22), Justin Wood (16), Richard Marti (15)Callek (180), KaiRo (71), IanN (46), Neil (45), Ratty (43), mcsmurf (36), Standard8 (31), clokep (21), bustage-fix (19), jcranmer (16)Build Config (218), Installer (105), [MailNews Core] Build Config (82), General (25), [Thunderbird] Installer (14), [Thunderbird] Build Config (12), [Core] Build Config (11), UI Design (9), [Thunderbird] General (9), [MailNews Core] Backend (7)
locales/400Robert Kaiser (114), rsx11m (94), Jens Hatlak (92), Neil Rashbrook (79), aceman (78), Edmund Wong (77), Philip Chee (67), Ian Neal (55), [email protected] (45), Mark Banner (34)IanN (335), Neil (233), Standard8 (68), mkmelin (59), Ratty (54), Mnyromyr (51), bwinton (46), stefanh (46), KaiRo (43), Callek (32)Help (131), Preferences (108), UI Design (98), Build Config (81), General (51), [MailNews Core] Account Manager (40), MailNews: Message Display (27), [MailNews Core] Build Config (25), MailNews: General (22), [MailNews Core] Backend (21)
mailnews/114Philip Chee (102), Ian Neal (89), Jens Hatlak (65), Neil Rashbrook (60), Edmund Wong (38), aceman (36), Serge Gautherie (25), rsx11m (23), Mark Banner (19), Karsten Düsterloh (16)Neil (175), IanN (160), Mnyromyr (107), Ratty (40), mkmelin (37), Standard8 (31), mconley (22), bienvenu (15), bwinton (13), aceman (11)MailNews: General (109), MailNews: Message Display (95), General (53), MailNews: Composition (51), MailNews: Address Book & Contacts (41), UI Design (28), Preferences (25), [MailNews Core] Backend (21), [MailNews Core] Address Book (20), [Thunderbird] Message Compose Window (17)
Makefile.inRobert Kaiser (4), Mark Banner (2), Serge Gautherie (2), aleth (1), Brian O'Keefe (1), Brian O'Keefe (1), Caio Tiago Oliveira (1), Frank Wein (1), Gregory Szorc (1), Jorge Villalobos (1)Callek (3), jcranmer (3), Standard8 (3), KaiRo (2), Neil (2), clokep (1), ewong (1), Fallen (1), florian (1), gozer (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (5), Build Config (3), [Thunderbird] Build Config (2), [Core] Build Config (1), Bookmarks (1), General (1), MailNews: Backend (1), OS Integration (1), Security (1)
makefiles.shRobert Kaiser (3), Mark Banner (2), Neil Rashbrook (2), Caio Tiago Oliveira (1), Edmund Wong (1), Gregory Szorc (1), Jorge Villalobos (1)Standard8 (4), Callek (2), KaiRo (2), Neil (2), feedback (1), gozer (1), sid0 (1), ted (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (3), Build Config (2), General (2), [MailNews Core] Simple MAPI (1), Bookmarks (1), MailNews: Backend (1)
modules/14Philip Chee (17), Neil Rashbrook (8), Frank-Rainer Grahl (6), Serge Gautherie (6), Frank Wein (4), Ian Neal (4), Jens Hatlak (3), Joshua Cranmer (3), Edmund Wong (2), Robert Kaiser (2)Neil (27), IanN (11), mcsmurf (6), Ratty (6), Callek (4), Standard8 (4), InvisibleSmiley (3), aleth (1), frg (1), jcranmer (1)General (14), Bookmarks & History (11), OS Integration (10), Passwords & Permissions (7), [MailNews Core] Build Config (6), Testing Infrastructure (3), [MailNews Core] Backend (2), Download & File Handling (2), Page Info (2), UI Design (2)
moz.buildGregory Szorc (1), Ian Neal (1), Ms2ger (1), Nicolas Vigier (1), Philip Chee (1)Callek (1), clokep (1), gps (1), IanN (1), jcranmer (1), Standard8 (1)[MailNews Core] Build Config (4), Build Config (1)
moz.configureFrank-Rainer Grahl (4), Kevin K. (1), Philip Chee (1)Ratty (3), glandium (1), IanN (1)Build Config (2), [Core] Build Config (1), [Thunderbird] Build Config (1)
profile/27Neil Rashbrook (12), Edmund Wong (11), Philip Chee (10), Ian Neal (9), Joshua Cranmer (9), Frank Wein (5), Frank-Rainer Grahl (5), Mark Banner (4), Sebastian Hengst (4), Serge Gautherie (4)Neil (24), Standard8 (18), IanN (12), Ratty (9), Callek (7), jcranmer (6), KaiRo (6), Mnyromyr (3), bienvenu (2), bustage (2)[MailNews Core] Build Config (18), General (16), Startup & Profiles (11), Build Config (10), Preferences (8), [MailNews Core] Backend (6), [MailNews Core] Composition (3), [MailNews Core] Profile Migration (3), Bookmarks & History (3), UI Design (3)
security/12rsx11m (7), Neil Rashbrook (5), Mark Banner (3), Frank-Rainer Grahl (2), Philip Chee (2), Gregory Szorc (1), Jens Hatlak (1), Karsten Düsterloh (1), Manuel Reimer (1), Robert Kaiser (1)IanN (14), Neil (5), Ratty (3), Callek (2), build-system-peer-po (1), jcranmer (1), kaie (1), KaiRo (1), Standard8 (1)Preferences (13), Security (5), General (3), [MailNews Core] Build Config (2)
shell/16Neil Rashbrook (13), Frank Wein (11), Joshua Cranmer (10), Philip Chee (7), Serge Gautherie (7), Edmund Wong (4), Ian Neal (4), Ehsan Akhgari (3), Frank-Rainer Grahl (3), Gregory Szorc (3)Neil (17), Standard8 (15), IanN (11), KaiRo (7), Callek (5), mcsmurf (5), bustage-fix (4), jcranmer (4), Ratty (3), gozer (2)OS Integration (21), [MailNews Core] Build Config (19), Build Config (10), [MailNews Core] Backend (7), General (6), Installer (6), [Thunderbird] General (3), [Core] Build Config (1), [Core] General (1), [Core] JavaScript Engine (1)
smile/22Serge Gautherie (14), Joshua Cranmer (6), Philip Chee (6), Neil Rashbrook (5), Frank Wein (3), Edmund Wong (2), Frank-Rainer Grahl (2), Gregory Szorc (2), Ian Neal (2), Mark Banner (2)Neil (21), Standard8 (6), Callek (4), IanN (4), jcranmer (3), KaiRo (2), Ratty (2), aleth (1), bustage (1), bustage-fix (1)General (23), [MailNews Core] Build Config (10), Testing Infrastructure (3), Build Config (2), [Core] General (1), [MailNews Core] Backend (1), Bookmarks & History (1), Security (1), Tabbed Browser (1), [Thunderbird] General (1)
test/1Ian Neal (2), Mark Banner (2), Frank Wein (1), Joshua Cranmer (1)Neil (2), Standard8 (2), Fallen (1), KaiRo (1), mschroeder (1)[Calendar] Build Config (1), [MailNews Core] Build Config (1), Bookmarks & History (1), Build Config (1), [Testing] XPCShell Harness (1)
themes/913[email protected] (88), Neil Rashbrook (77), Philip Chee (76), Jens Hatlak (40), Robert Kaiser (29), Ian Neal (21), Frank-Rainer Grahl (20), rsx11m (14), Edmund Wong (13), aceman (9)Neil (143), IanN (78), Mnyromyr (63), stefanh (44), Ratty (37), bwinton (10), Standard8 (10), Callek (9), KaiRo (9), mconley (6)Themes (227), UI Design (48), General (22), MailNews: Message Display (13), MailNews: General (12), [MailNews Core] Build Config (10), Bookmarks & History (9), Preferences (8), [MailNews Core] Account Manager (6), Passwords & Permissions (6)

super-review: Neil (612), bienvenu (61), Mnyromyr (28), Standard8 (21), jag (11), gavin (9), dmose (6), roc (3), dbaron (2), IanN (2), mconnor (2), mossop (2), mscott (2), bsmedberg (1), bz (1), bzbarsky (1), mbanner (1), neil@parkwaycc (1), rkent (1), rstrong (1), sicking (1)

ui-review: bwinton (56), Neil (50), clarkbw (29), paenglab (22), stefanh (12), josiah (7), Ratty (7), beltzner (5), andreasn (2), mconnor (2), nisses (2), thomasd (2), IanN (1), JosiahOne (1), KaiRo (1), limi (1), Philip (1), richard.marti (1), squib (1), Standard8 (1), Tobin (1)

approval: KaiRo (5), Standard8 (3), Callek (1), dmose (1), InvisibleSmiley (1)

Setting cookie for path: /
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/mozilla.php-class:2468! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:552! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:577! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:597! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:611! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:648! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:648! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/project.php-class:648! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
ldb: queries: 120 sel: 120 up: 0 ins: 0 del: 0 spc: 0
User Warning: DB: DEPRECATED: Getting a row count for a SELECT may not work with PDO, please consider replacing this call in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/cbsm_domains/sm-dev/mozilla.php-class:2468! in /home/kaiser_robert/git-kairo/include/cbsm/util/database_mysql.php-class line 1481
ldb: queries: 1 sel: 1 up: 0 ins: 0 del: 0 spc: 0
HTML? | CSS? | comm: 21 dom: 21 sess: 4397132332 user: 0 mem: 1.16 MB
times: init: 0.005s module: 4.503s out: 0.031s total: 4.539s (cache enabled)
design: 0.003s ext.tmpl: 0.001s htmlify: 0.000s tmpl: 0.004s color: 0.003s
db: queries: 77 sel: 73 up: 1 ins: 1 del: 0 spc: 1