DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 17th, 23:59 CET :exclamation:

Challenge has officially started! :rocket:

Navigate to this thread for tips on a smooth start.

Exciting news❗

We’re launching the first-ever Baserow Challenge! The challenge is to create a new Baserow app that increases productivity while using the Baserow API. This is a great opportunity to showcase your development skills, creativity, and have fun while building with Baserow. Build it, and you could win a Sony PlayStation 5! :exploding_head:

:exclamation: If you haven’t yet, register now: Baserow Developer Challenge (REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED).

Getting started

Check this thread where we shared the app ideas and problem statements related to productivity. This way, you can decide what to build if you’re not sure about any ideas. Moreover, we shared a live coding session on how to use the Baserow API as a backend for an application. It will help you get started smoothly!

Challenge details

You will have 17 days to create a new application using Baserow as a backend:

  • The challenge starts at 09:00 am CET on Thursday, February 22nd, 2024.
  • Submit your work by 11:59 pm CET on Sunday, March 10th, 2024.
  • Develop anything you want—a project, app, tool, extension, integration, or plugin—as long as it’s created around the Baserow API (Baserow is used as the backend), and makes some type of workflow more productive.

Additional rules

The winner will write a blog post detailing the process of creating the app. This post will be published on the Baserow blog, with full credit to the winner.


There are three categories for which prizes will be awarded:

:trophy: 1st place: Sony PlayStation 5 and a Baserow swag box
:2nd_place_medal: 2nd place: $100 gift card
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd place: $100 gift card


To submit your project, please fill out this form by 11:59 pm CET on Sunday, March 10th, 2024. All submission materials must be in English.

What to submit:

  • App built with Baserow (URL to your app and documentation)
  • Link to a repository
  • Text description explaining the features and functionality of your app
  • Screenshot demonstrating the app’s capabilities
  • 2-3 minute demo video (optional)


  • You must use Baserow as a backend.
  • You must publish the source code of your application.
  • You should create a working software application (it does not have to be fully completed, but it should be an app that can be launched).
  • Your project should be created during the event or include significant updates if you have previously built it.
  • You can use any programming language or framework (except for visual ones, ex. low-code tools like Bubble).
  • Bonus points if you include a simple video demonstrating the app and how it works.

Getting started

Check this thread where we shared the app ideas and problem statements related to productivity. This way, you can decide what to build if you’re not sure about any ideas. Moreover, we shared a live coding session on how to use the Baserow API as a backend for an application. It will help you get started smoothly!

Community help

If you have any questions about the Baserow API or need assistance when building your application, you can seek help here in the Baserow community forum. Navigate to the category #DeveloperChallenge and ask for help by making a new post there.

Additional info

  • Any intellectual property developed during the challenge will belong to the person/team that developed it.
  • By participating in the challenge, you agree that your submission may be published and used for promotional activities by Baserow.

We’re excited to see what you build! :computer:


Thanks for creating this challenge! Excited to see what everyone creates :slight_smile:

And, I have something cool cooking up for this challenge

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Are we allowed to use tkinter, as a front end to the BaseRow backend?

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It seems if tkinter is not a low-code or drag and drop tool for the frontend, then you can use it

Hey @Asakor, of course, you can use it :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, @cameronpak. We can’t wait to see your app :heart_eyes:

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Hey @cameronpak, the app looks great, and I really like the clean UI. :heart_eyes:

At first, I wasn’t sure if this app was related to our productivity theme, but meditation does increase productivity in some ways, so I think it counts. Don’t forget to submit your app via this form by the 10th of March. :pray:

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Precisely, gotta slow down to speed up!

And, thank you. I’ll submit the app soon once I wrap up a few things :slight_smile:

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Got to know about this challenge and I am excited to participate in this. Will be exploring the api and docs while ideating what to build in next couple of days.


Can I get more info on setting up user tables and JWT authentications?

Hi @arjun ,

There is an article on the blog that explains the difference between database tokens and JWT tokens in Baserow.

To generate a JWT token, you can use the api endpoint token_auth where you generate a token based on a baserow user.


Submitted! woot woot!

Glad to say that finally got a very novel idea to apply baserow based on something I made couple of months ago. May have to reuse front visually but everything at the back would be very 'baserow’y and with a new approach.
The problem is that previous one was 20 days non-stop work. I am weekend free and would be pushing to do this before deadline and if it does, then would also demonstrate how easily baserow simplifies things. Will update my progress.

Wow, I’m so curious to see what you’re building. :eyes:

is it possible to extend this developer challenge 1 day more ?

+1 :cold_sweat:
Maybe two days at least, please :pray:

Hey @debadev @AlexP we decided to extend it for one more week, so you can finalize your projects without rushing. :slightly_smiling_face:


Are plugins also acceptable? I want to make a plugin :smiley: