zynamics acquired by Google !

We’re pleased to announce that zynamics has been acquired by Google! If you’re an existing customer and do not receive our email announcement within the next 48 hours, please contact us at [email protected]. All press inquiries should be sent to [email protected].

61 Responses to “zynamics acquired by Google !”

  1. Dan says:

    Congratulations. What does this mean for BinNavi/BinDiff/VxClass? Will they continue to be sold to the public and updated?

  2. Hey, congratulations! =D

  3. Congratulations from Labor e.V.

  4. drsehmus says:


  5. Jos says:

    Native Client of course

  6. This is AWESOME! Congrats!

  7. anonymous says:

    Congratulations Halvar!

  8. […] the post on Zynamic’s blog: We’re pleased to announce that zynamics has been acquired by Google! If […]

  9. jon says:

    Wow! Congratulations! Hope it works out as well for you as the PREfix acquisition did for our team!


  10. says:


  11. Confucious says:


  12. Elias says:

    congratulations !

    lets hope with your technology you can make them reconsider accepting zip’ed and binary attachments on Gmail 😀

  13. jonas says:

    so, did google buy the products or the brains?

  14. Outstanding news!! I’m very happy and wish all the best.

  15. […] made a sly acquisition today, taking in analytics firm Zynamics. According to a brief blog post, the acquired security analytics software developer Zynamics is headed to one of the cloud’s […]

  16. Will says:

    …so does this mean you can come to Cansec now? 🙂

    p.s. congratulations!

  17. […] zynamics acquired by Google ! We’re pleased to announce that zynamics has been acquired by Google! If you’re an existing customer and do not […] […]

  18. najmi says:

    Awesome and congratulations.

  19. […] like Google has made an acquisition today: software analytics company Zynamics. Here’s the post on Zynamic’s blog: We?re pleased to announce that zynamics has been acquired by Google! If […]

  20. […] Zynamic官方博客发表文章称自己已经被Google收购。 […]

  21. HD Moore says:


  22. Marc Ruef says:


  23. cod says:


  24. Philippe Schaeffer says:

    Wow, what news! Congrats!
    Will you have to move or will you stay in the area?

  25. […] acquired by Google!” was the short blurb heralding the acquisition Tuesday on the official Zynamics blog.“If you’re an existing customer and do not receive our e-mail announcement within the […]

  26. […] deutschen Anbieter von Sicherheitssoftware Zynamics übernommen. Das geht aus einem knappen Weblog-Eintrag des CEO Thomas Dullien, in der Security-Szene auch bekannt als Halvar Flake, hervor. Weitere […]

  27. leony says:


  28. Martin says:


  29. […] has bought reverse-engineering and analysis tools firm Zynamics. Financial terms of the deal, announced on Tuesday, were […]

  30. […] acquired German security software vendor Zynamics. The official announcement was made in a brief weblog posting by the company's CEO, Thomas Dullien , who is also known as Halvar Flake in the security scene. No […]

  31. Sandy Wilbourn says:

    congratulations. big gain for Google imo

  32. […] has bought reverse-engineering and analysis tools firm Zynamics. Financial terms of the deal, announced on Tuesday, were […]

  33. […] un post en el blog de esta tarde de la empresa de la compañía señaló: “Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que […]

  34. Ram Prashantha says:

    Congratulation on your success, while I was in college(1997) I tried to do kinda similar technique people laughed at me 🙂 I glad to see you have solution and people company like good needs it.

  35. […] yesterday acquired German software company Zynamics, a company that specializes in reverse-engineering and analysis […]

  36. […] Abend des ersten März hat Zynamics die Übernahme durch Google in seinem Firmenblog euphorisch verlauten lassen: „Wir freuen uns bekanntgeben zu können, dass Zynamics von Google […]

  37. Congrats guys! Goes to show that striving for top quality and meeting serious analysis needs with kick-ass tools is something that is noticed. May you all continue to do work that is meaningful under the new arrangement.

  38. RayK says:

    Congratulations on your success. I have long admired your energy, commitment, attention to detail, skill, vision, and experience.

    And, most importantly, you remain a nice person.

    Enjoy and get some sleep!

  39. Congratulations!

  40. Sue Matson says:

    Congratulations, Thomas! You have done exceptionally well!

  41. iHack says:


  42. Cipro says:

    Congratulations, unique companies always acquired by Google 😉

  43. […] zynamics acquired by Google ! « blog.zynamics.com […]

  44. kishfellow says:

    congratulations, halvar and team 🙂

  45. Nikoli says:

    Congratulations! Google’s technology and potential developers – is power.

  46. Good luck! Google today – this is a serious reliance and support. I think the company will receive a new impetus to development.

  47. […] açıklandı.Beklenmedik ve istenmeyen bir tecrübe yaşayan Google, Alman Zynamics adlı şirketi bünyesine katarak güvenlik alanına yatırım yaptı. Zararlı yazılımlar üzerine analizler yapan ve güvenlik […]

  48. lazaruslair says:

    There does not seem to be any link to purchase PDF Dissector. Is this a result of the Google acquisition? Can we no longer buy it?

  49. good luck and congratulations !!!

  50. […] announced the deal on its corporate blog on Tuesday, saying little other than that the company had been acquired by Google. The company is […]

  51. […] since zynamics joined Google in 2011, we have been committed to keeping our most valuable tools available to the security […]

  52. […] Die Herstellerfirma Zynamics wurde 2011 von Google gekauft. […]

  53. […] malware into related families with billions of comparisons performed so far. Ever since zynamics joined Google in 2011, we have been committed to keeping our most valuable tools available to the security […]

  54. […] que Zynamics se unió a Google en el 2011, primero bajaron el precio de venta y ahora se puede descargar la nueva versión de BinDiff de […]

  55. […] announcement was made on the Zynamics blog by the company's founder and CEO Thomas Dullien, a renowned […]

  56. jeterjeter says:

    Reblogged this on dandgolkkj.

  57. […] malware into related families with billions of comparisons performed so far. Ever since zynamics joined Google in 2011, we have been committed to keeping our most valuable tools available to the security […]

  58. […] malware into related families with billions of comparisons performed so far. Ever since zynamics joined Google in 2011, we have been committed to keeping our most valuable tools available to the security […]