The Aviation Herald   
www.avherald.comIncidents and News in Aviation 

The Aviation Herald App for iPhone and iPad

Purchase The Aviation Herald App at the iTunes Store, price �11.99 or 12.99US$.


The App permits easy and comfortable access to The Aviation Herald's content via iPhone and iPad. List occurrences, search for occurrences, select the stories to read, view and zoom into photos, view and zoom into the map showing departure and destination, view additional details not available on the main AVH pages, view reader comments, all on the touch of your fingertips.


The Aviation Herald App Version 1.00 runs on iPhones and iPads with iOS 6 and later, on devices featuring less than 1024MB main memory (e.g. iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and earlier) large coverages like AF-447 or MH-370 may force the App to terminate due to memory issues caused by an internal problem of iOS, where Apple told The Aviation Herald the problem cannot be fixed.

Version History

Version 1.00 was released on Aug 1st 2014.

Screenshots for iPhone:

Screenshots for iPad: